Livingston Reporting - page 48

Contract Bonds

The construction season is fast approaching, so those bidding on new jobs will need to make sure they have the appropriate contract bonds lined up to qualify for review. The process can be confusing, and unfortunately, some requests for proposal (RFP) contain vague language regarding the bond specifics. Those vying for government construction work and maintenance, often privatized jobs, will need a contract bond (or surety bond.)

Surety bonds are contracts between three parties: the principal, surety, and oblige. They provide a financial guarantee that one party will fulfill their legal, contractual obligations to another. A surety bond is more like a line of credit than insurance. Usually, construction contracts are completed to the satisfaction of all, where work expectations are met, and wages are paid out – the surety doesn’t need to get involved. If a disagreement occurs and the principal and the client (generally the oblige) can’t settle on a compromise, they can file a claim with the surety for financial compensation. The surety will investigate the claim, and if found legitimate, the surety will pay the claim in an amount up to the bond penalty.

A contract bond refers to several surety bond types. Below are the three most common contract bonds:

Bid Bonds: A bid bond is a prequalification indicating that the contractor is bondable for the performance and payment bond should they be read low or chosen by an Owner/GC/CM to enter into the contract and provide a Performance and Payment Bond.

Performance Bonds: Performance Bonds offer assurance that the bonded contractor will perform according to all contract documents.

Payment Bonds: Payment bonds assure that the bonded contractor pays for all materials and labor associated with the documents related to the contract.

Need help obtaining a contract bond? CBS will help you determine the RFP bond requirements in order to submit a bid and consequently win the contract. Contact us today for assistance.


At Construction Bonding Specialists, we work with new and experienced contractors to find the most satisfactory bond solutions. As a distinct surety-bond-only agency with decades of bonding experience, we work to discover surety solutions for all types of cases ranging from ordinary to challenging. Call us at 248-349-6227 or visit us at today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Novel ‘Cure’ For Cancer Treatment

A new report published in Nature titled “Decade-long leukemia remissions with persistence of CD4+ CAR T cells” highlights a novel treatment called CAR T, which is being hailed as a “cure” for cancer by Dr. Carl June, the principal investigator for the trial at the University of Pennsylvania.

June said, “Now we can finally say the word ‘cure’ with CAR T cells.” In 2010, when the trial began, the idea for this sort of therapy “was way out there,” he added.

June and his colleagues reported that the CAR T therapy wiped out cancer in two out of the three initial early-trial patients, all of who had chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Though the cancer disappeared, the CAR T cells stayed circulating through patients’ bloodstreams, almost guarding the body against future attacks.

In CAR T therapy, T cells (white blood cells that fight viruses) are removed from a patient’s blood and re-introduced after being genetically engineered to fight cancer. Patients’ T cells are taught to recognize and destroy B cells, a key player in cancer formation throughout the body. Without B cells – or cancer – patients require regularly-scheduled infusions of immunoglobulin infusions, which replenish antibodies.

Many people with blood cancer have benefitted from CAR T therapy, which has proved especially effective against acute leukemia. Roughly a third of patients who underwent the CAR T therapy have gone into remission, but many patients later relapse.

Dr. John F. DiPersio, chief of the division of oncology at Washington University in St. Louis, said, “The question is not only why some patients relapse or are resistant to therapy but why are some patients cured?”

He continued, “Oncologists don’t use words like ‘cure’ lightly or easily or, frankly, very often,” he said. “I guarantee that it’s not being used lightly. The patients we treated had far advanced disease,” he noted, adding, “the biggest disappointment is that it doesn’t work all the time.”

Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 or visit our website:

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Freedom Convoy That Protests Against Pandemic Restrictions

The number of COVID-19 cases is regularly decreasing, but some government officials are still trying to use the pandemic as a means of control. Recently, the Freedom Convoy took a stand against new vaccine requirements for the truckers who transport goods into Canada.

These truckers created blockades as a way to show their disdain for the requirement that truckers either quarantine 14 days when they go into Canada from the United States or be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The requirement covers all truckers, regardless of if they’re from the U.S. or Canada.

There were more than 4,000 truckers who took place in the protest. The horns honking and blockades caused Ottawa businesses to close temporarily. The demonstrations also shut down the Ambassador Bridge and other border crossings crucial for trade.

Supply Chain Disruptions Impact Pricing

Commerce traffic flow through the Ambassador Bridge accounts for around $360 million worth of trade between these countries each day. Without this, transactions become critical for both Canada and the U.S. The disruption in the supply chain is impacting prices on a variety of goods in the U.S.

There’s some concern about similar protests happening in major U.S. cities, but those haven’t occurred yet. One reason for this is likely that states are starting to relax the mandates related to the pandemic.

In the electrical services industry, supply chain disruptions have caused an increase in pricing partly due to the cost of the wiring and other components. Therefore, taking steps to control the costs to consumers has to be a priority for service providers.

 At J&P Electrical, we can save your business 50-75% off the cost of buying new, as our specialty is salvaging and reconditioning heavy industrial electrical equipment. You can rest assured that our refurbished products are completely rebuilt, inspected, and tested, often mistaken for new surplus.


J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical supply company. At J&P, we source contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of heavy industrial electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bus duct, transformers, circuit breakers, fuses, and switchboards. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at

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Problematic Carpenter Ants

During home inspections, one of several things we look out for is the existence of wood-boring insects. While many of these pests are beneficial in converting deadwood into the soil, having them in your home can be dangerous as they compromise a house’s structural integrity. The prevalence of wood-boring insects is heavily dependent on the region’s climate. In Michigan, carpenter ants thrive due to the relatively colder environment. While carpenter ants don’t consume wood, they chew and chop it up using their mandibles, preying on moist, damaged wood, to construct their colonies in the portions they’ve tunneled out.

If you notice piles of “frass,” which looks like sawdust, this is the excavated wood shavings that carpenter ants have tunneled out near the nest entrance. Also, the presence of large black ants, especially those that are winged and fly, consider this a red flag and that you potentially have a carpenter ant infestation. The nest may not necessarily be inside your house, however. Instead, carpenter ants may have a nest outside but enter your home searching for food and water. Carpenter ants usually emerge at night, feeding on sugary and fatty foods.

How To Check for Carpenter Ants:

  • May through July, use a flashlight at night to look for foraging workers.
  • After dusk, pay close attention to the attic, basement, and garage. You may be able to follow the worker ants to their nests.
  • Always check for carpenter ants in areas with damp wood, possibly due to leaks, poor ventilation, defective flashing, and condensation.

Over time, the outdoor parent colony will fill capacity and send their winged, reproductive ants to find new colonies, this time – they may be in your home. To get rid of carpenter ants, you need to locate and eliminate the parent and satellite nests. It’s imperative to reach all the ants in the colony, as a few stragglers will create a new settlement.

A carpenter ant colony will not go away on its own. If you notice any of the above-mentioned warning signs of a pest invasion, it is imperative to seek professional insect control services. At Northern Pest, our professional extermination services will not only prevent future infestations by sealing up cracks and open voids, but we go the extensive length to make sure that no ants are left behind (as just a few can rehome a new colony.) We are also licensed, bonded, and insured to make the necessary repairs caused by wildlife damage, bringing back the integrity of your home or office to pre-pest condition.  


Northern Pest is a local, family-owned, and operated insect and wild animal control company spanning six counties in Michigan’s central upper peninsula. We’ll help you find the least invasive and most cost-effective plan to handle any irritating pest problem affecting your home or business. We are licensed and insured to provide pest control services, building maintenance, and repair work caused by wildlife damage. As a comprehensive animal and insect control company, Northern Pest is honored to give our customers peace of mind by providing solutions for troublesome wildlife. Contact us today at or call 906-553-4841 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Three Fundamental Survival Tips

Disasters rarely come with prior warning to give people ample time to prepare for their impact. Being prepared for all kinds of disasters is essential to staying alive and well in their occurrence. With an increasing number of natural disasters, the pandemic, and the threat of war, more people are considering how to ready themselves for when the SHTF. While covering everything you would need to prepare would take books worth of explanation, here are some essential tips and concepts to help you get started.

So, what are the absolute basics of survival? They fundamentally revolve around staying fed, hydrated and warm.

Essential Gear

Whether a disaster would lead you to bunker up at home without electricity and gas or out in the wilderness somewhere, having the right gear is a necessity. Multi-purpose tools are handy equipment that can aid in various situations. Other essential survival gear includes a water filter or survival straw, flint for starting fires, camping gear, and lightweight cooking gear.

Get Familiar With DIY

Simply having the gear is not enough to get you through survival situations. It also helps to know how to use it for a wide range of needs. Getting familiar with outdoor DIY can increase your chances of survival by a large proportion. It might be helpful to read and learn more about creating make-shift shelters, building fires, and making effective animal traps.

Staying Warm

Whether at home or outdoors, staying warm is paramount to survival. Having a camping stove that can heat your house or campsite while also enabling you to cook would significantly contribute to your probability of survival in a dire situation. You might also consider insulating your home better or learning how to use blankets and other thick cloth items as insulation. As long as you have a way to heat water, hot water bottles can provide sufficient heating for one person, so it helps to have a few of them around.

Looking for long-term, freeze-dried food and other survival items? Check out our gear and supplies at Wolf Survival Gear.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

How Professional Landscaping Helps Businesses

With just a couple of weeks of winter left, it’s time to execute your long-awaited landscaping plans. Green grass is on the horizon, but why should you hire a landscaping company to manage your business’ appearance? Read on for the answer.

One of the greatest American traditions is maintaining a gorgeous, lush lawn with plenty of flowers and accent bushes or trees throughout. Companies typically utilize professional landscapers to create a fresh, open, welcoming environment for prospective customers.

The cost of maintaining your own landscape far outweighs the investment in a professional company. From purchasing a commercial lawnmower, weed whacker, trimmer, edger, gas, oil, etc., the costs are high. Add labor to those essential expenditures, and you’re looking to spend thousands of dollars on lawn equipment and then must find someone to run the machines, not to mention liability insurance.

Once you find someone to work full-time on your lawn, without any training or prior experience, they can surely inadvertently ruin what might already be a good thing. Without education and knowledge, laypeople cannot accurately maintain your commercial property.

Hedges, floral aspects, grass maintenance, etc., are all immensely vital to achieving a pristine commercial lawn. It’s imperative to keep all of these aspects in mind, know how to maintain and care for them properly, and perform maintenance as necessary, without over- or under-doing it.

In contrast, hiring a professional landscaping company takes little- to no time, saves you money in the long run, and avoids your headache of finding a full-time employee who may-or-may-not know how to actually maintain your environment.

Lawn care professionals will:

  • Cut your lawn
  • Provide expert advice
  • Show up regularly
  • Trim hedges
  • Edge sidewalks, pathways, walkways, etc.
  • Minimize liability for business owners
  • And much more!

Are you looking to hire a commercial property maintenance company? Look no further – T&T Property Maintenance, INC. has the professionals you can depend on!

T&T Property Maintenance has been visualizing, creating, and maintaining commercial properties since 1997. We offer a vast number of services for our clients, including lawn and landscape maintenance, irrigation set up and repair, fertilization, weed and pest control, snow plowing and salting, and tree trimming and stump grinding. We are licensed with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, so you can rest assured we will do the job right – every time. We work with commercial businesses of any size and offer our services in seasonal or yearly packages, and a la carte. For over 20 years, we believe a satisfied customer is the only kind of customer. Check out our website, call, or e-mail us today to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Most Important Factors Currently Driving the EV Market

Electric vehicle (EV) awareness and sales have been steadily growing over the past decade. According to the latest forecast published by AutoPacific, a respected future-oriented automotive marketing research and product-consulting firm for vehicles in the U.S. market, fully electric light vehicle sales are currently estimated at their highest yet. With sales of 700,000 units forecasted for 2022, the report suggests a continuing upward trend for the next six years. But what are the factors currently driving this demand?

U.S. drivers, like others globally, certainly want the most value for their buck. Traditional economic aspects such as gas prices play a significant role; however, the recent pandemic caused consumers to change their driving habits radically. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the transportation industry in the U.S. is responsible for 55% of nitrogen-oxide emissions. Reducing greenhouse gases emitted from cars and trucks improves air quality. EV’s main components, a motor, reducer, battery, on-board charger, and electric power control unit, distinguish them from internal combustion engines, thereby eliminating the need for the engine and transmission, which exhausts fossil fuel to generate power.

Advancements in charging technology are a significant contributing factor to the increasing popularity of electric vehicles. EV solutions companies such as Enel X are committed to preserving the environment while continuously adapting to the changing needs of consumers in a digitalized world. EV chargers are breaking ground and opening energy to new uses, focusing on decarbonization, digitalization, and renewable energy.

AutoPacific’s forecast predicts total EV sales to rise to more than 900,000 in 2023, after that accelerating over the following four years, hitting 2.5 million in 2027. There is no denying that the advantages of driving and maintaining an EV vehicle, such as better driving experience and renewable electricity tariffs, will, in the long run, have a positive effect on U.S. consumers. “Green vehicles” are the natural choice for the future of driving. The stakes are growing, and EVs are pushing into the mainstream, providing consumers with faster, more connected, and user-friendly products designed to satisfy commercial fleets and at-home charging.

Looking to buy an EV charger for your home or business? State Electric Company has EV charging stations in stock and ready to ship for immediate use. Call and speak to a rep today (866) 976-8890 for more information.

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs.

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Don’t Be Indifferent About Your Vehicle’s Differential

Most vehicle owners understand the importance of regular oil changes and tire rotations. However, other maintenance gets put on the back burner because of cost or time constraints. Oftentimes, people ignore service recommendations until they require repair. The saying “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” does not apply to vehicle maintenance. Without regular vehicle upkeep, parts or whole systems such as the differential can stop working without warning or become costly to fix.

 What Is Your Vehicle’s Differential?

The differential is part of the drivetrain and helps to evenly distribute vehicle power to each wheel. When a car turns, the pair of wheels rotate at different speeds. The outer wheel travels faster than the inner wheel, so as you round a corner, the differential ensures that both wheels have equal torque (the twisting force that causes wheels to rotate around an axle.) Having even torque in both wheels provides better traction while turning, keeping your car in control.  

 What Is Differential Fluid?

Differential fluid or gear fluid lubricates the gear housing compartment, which holds the bearings, clutch pads, and gears. The differential fluid prevents overheating of the friction from metal-on-metal contact. Old, grimy fluid or low differential fluid can cause rattling noises and lead to the rear wheels locking up, which can cause an accident. It can also damage the differential and associated parts, resulting in costly repairs.

Now that you better understand how hard differentials work to keep your vehicle operating safely, don’t be indifferent about it. Mechanics recommend changing your differential fluid every 30,000 to 50,000 miles. Doing so can save you from excessive repair and replacement costs. Check your vehicle’s mileage and service records to determine if it’s time for differential fluid service. If your vehicle is a four-wheel drive, your mechanic may need to service both differentials.

Drive into Team CAMC today for a differential fluid change or any other vehicle maintenance needs.

Team CAMC is your Complete Auto Maintenance Center. For over 30 years, we have followed a single guiding principle: we never push or sell services a vehicle doesn’t need. Our team of trained technicians welcomes you like family and discusses all types of oil and fluid changes offered. Critical points are reviewed through a 13-point inspection to ensure your vehicle is ready for the next adventure on the road ahead. Contact us today to schedule the professional service you deserve from a team you trust.

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How Safe is LASIK Eye Surgery?

Over ten million Americans have had LASIK eye surgery since its FDA approval in 1999. With 96% of patients achieving their ideal vision through LASIK, it’s no surprise that the procedure has started gaining even more traction. Unfortunately, our increased screen time puts extra strain on the muscles that allow our eyes to focus, a side effect of the digital age.

There’s always a slight risk of complications, including LASIK, as with all surgeries. However, the incident rate is less than 1%. The FDA’s maximum complication rate for approval is 5% which positions LASIK as one of the safest elective surgeries available.

Working with a board-certified surgeon for LASIK procedures is the key to a successful surgery. They’ll be able to answer questions you may have about the procedure, possible side effects, and if any pre-existing conditions could interfere.

Once the surgery is complete, you’ll be given a custom aftercare routine to follow to achieve maximum benefits and promote a quick recovery. LASIK’s common temporary side effects include dry eyes, double vision, glares, and halos from solid light.

These side effects will resolve in 3 to 12 months, with the severity lessening along the way. Their impact is similar to the glare on regular glasses when driving under street lights.

LASIK’s long-term complications make up less than 1% of patients who weren’t satisfied with the outcome. In these cases, patients typically reported an over or under correction of their vision, requiring an additional visit to correct. More corneal tissue will be removed for under corrections, or enhancements can be used to fix overcorrections.

To learn more about LASIK Eye Surgery, call Rohr Eye & Laser Center today. Board-certified Dr. Jeffrey Rohr has over twenty years experience in laser vision correction and cataract surgery.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

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Safely Using Linear Accelerators in Cancer Treatment

Linear accelerators are now widely used in treating a variety of cancers. A linear accelerator delivers directed X-rays or electrons to a tumor, destroying cancer cells while ensuring that surrounding tissue is protected. However, this type of radiation still poses risks, so how do manufacturers and operators ensure the safety of patients and operators?

All companies that manufacture linear accelerators have a strict quality control process. Systems are built to confirm that the machine will not deliver a higher dose than that prescribed by the radiation oncologist. Additionally, safety measures are designed into the linear accelerator that ensures it is impossible to turn the machine on without all the treatment conditions being met.

When a linear accelerator is installed, strict requirements must be met for the area it is situated in. For the operational staff’s safety, it is installed in a room lined with lead and concrete, and the controls for turning it on/off are situated outside of this room. Since the machine only emits radiation when turned on, this almost entirely eliminates the risk of accidental exposure.

At the start of each day and before any patient is treated, the radiation therapist makes sure that the linear accelerator is working correctly and performs checks for uniformity of the radiation intensity across the beam. In addition, a medical physicist conducts more detailed monthly and annual checks.

Another essential part of maintaining safety is keeping good records of patient exposure to the linear accelerator. All medical facilities using linear accelerators to treat cancer will ensure their staff are adequately trained and kept updated on the latest guidance on their use and safe limits for patient exposure. Reference:

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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