Livingston Reporting - page 43

EV Charging Connectors Explained

Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers are standardized based on the market and technology limitations, and are constantly changing based on innovation. Major markets such as North America, Japan, the European Union, and China have set charging infrastructure, but power availability makes them limited. 

Every EV sold in North America is compatible with J1772 connectors. All EVs – except Tesla – use the J1772 for Level 1 (120 V) and Level 2 (240 V) charging. Tesla owners have an adapter cable to use J1772. 

Europe does not typically have 120 V power, so Level 1 charging is not used. Instead, the IEC 62196 Type 2 connector is utilized for Level 2 AC charging. Tesla uses a proprietary connector for its European EVs, but a few models use the IEC 62196 Type 2 connector. 

EV charging connectors are as follows: 

AC Charging Connectors

  • North America: SAE J1772 Type 1
  • Europe: IEC 62196 Type 2 (Mennekes)
  • China: GB/T

DC Charging Connectors

  • North America & Europe: variations of the Combined Charging System (CCS) 
  • Japan: CHAdeMO 
  • China: GB/T

DC Fast Charge Connectors

  • North America: CCS Type 1
  • Europe: CCS Type 2 
  • Japan: CHAdeMo
  • Teslas: Supercharger; or uses a charging converter for Level 1, Level 2, and DC Fast Charge

Wireless charging is under development; they would be installed in parking lots or underneath roads. 

Are you interested in installing an EV charger in your home or business? Contact the experts at State Electric Company to receive a quote today. 

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs.

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How to Minimize Anxiety Before a Lasik Procedure

Fear and anxiety commonly surround Lasik procedures, and most of the time, it’s purely based on the unknown. One of the most beneficial tactics to combat nervousness about surgery is to inform yourself thoroughly about the procedures.  

Lasik is a quick and painless procedure that generally takes around 15 minutes, and the laser usually touches the eye’s surface for only a few seconds. Most patients are worried about sneezing or coughing, causing injury or bad results. 

Fortunately, complications from Lasik surgery are extremely rare. Also, there are procedures in place that help prevent sudden movements during the process. An intricate laser system monitors even the slightest eye movement and adjusts the laser accordingly, with pinpoint accuracy.

Lasik has a growing track record, as it’s been used successfully for more than two decades. Lasik has the highest success rate of any elective procedure, with a 96 percent satisfaction rate reported in 2016. 

Specialists are trained to support patients through the entire process from start to finish. Laser eye surgeons will supply the patient with information on what to do the day before, the day of, and after the procedure. By being wholly informed and knowing what to expect, patients will undoubtedly feel more at ease about the procedure. 

Deep breathing exercises are always recommended for patients who experience anxiety or stress. It’s imperative to practice the technique a few days prior to surgery. Slow and steady breathing is key. 

Friends or family members can also accompany the patient to provide emotional support and help them through post-surgery. These guests can provide comfort for the patient to keep the mind occupied or remain calm before the procedure. 

Anesthetic drops will numb the eyes, and the physician can provide low doses of anti-anxiety medication if necessary. Overall, Lasik is a painless procedure; most clients report more than slight pressure if anything at all. 

Life without contacts or glasses is possible. Lasik surgery is easier than you think. Contact the experts at Rohr Eye & Laser Center today to learn more. 

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Factors Causing Radiologist Shortages

A radiologist shortage is facing the global market due to factors such as increasing demand for imaging studies as well as Covid-19-related reasons. Additionally, an aging population, higher Medicare enrollment, and fewer radiology trainees make the situation even more dire. 

Harprit S. Bedi, MD, vice chairman of radiology education at Boston University School of Medicine, said, “The older population requires more imaging.” 

The World Health Organization predicts that the percentage of the world’s population over 60 years old will increase to 22 percent by 2050, almost double what it was in 2015. The United States Medicare population has greatly overshadowed the number of radiologists entering the field in recent years. 

Aditya Khurana, MD, an incoming radiology resident at the Mayo Clinic, said, “The significant increase in Medicare beneficiaries and relative stagnation in DR providers serving the Medicare population could strain the supply and demand balance in the delivery of imaging services.” 

The global Covid-19 pandemic has hugely impacted both trainees and long-serving radiologists, forcing some into early retirement. Around two out of every five physicians are expected to reach retirement age in the next decade, which will worsen the situation even more. 

The United States House of Representatives introduced the Resident Physician Shortage Act of 2021 to address physician shortfalls and fortify the number of Medicare-supported residency positions available. The bill could add more than 2,000 positions yearly between 2023 and 2029, totaling 14,000 new jobs.

Anna Rozenshtein, MD, president of the Association of the Program Directors in Radiology, said, “From a training perspective, the way to address a shortage of radiologists would be to increase the number of radiology resident positions. We must fight to expand the pipeline. This legislation, if enacted, would be a big step forward, with a couple of caveats: radiology residencies would need to be prioritized, particularly in the areas of the country experiencing the greatest shortage of radiologists.”

Maria Helena S. Mendonça, MD, assistant professor at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sāo Paulo in Brazil, said, “Before 2020, we didn’t know if clinicians would be open to remote work or if radiologists would be as productive from home. But Covid-19 exposed what was possible. I believe more trainees will be interested in the wonderful career that is radiology if we demonstrate how rewarding the specialty is. We can motivate ourselves to teach radiology residents and set an example of leadership while continuing to learn from our colleagues, enjoy a life dedicated to study and science, and show compassion and outstanding care to our patients.” 


RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.

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Pool Chemical Safety

Pool chemicals are essential to the overall functionality of the pool. While crystal-clear, clean swimming pools can be the center of summer fun. Many people focus on wearing sunscreen and keeping everyone safe while swimming, but generally, the chemicals present in pools are an afterthought.

We all know that pool chemicals are meant to disinfect the water, eliminating germs and bacteria. When used properly, chemicals such as chlorine and bromine keep people safe from potential health issues.

Storing, handling, and measuring the pool compounds is vital to maintaining the overall water ecosystem. These chemicals can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. Maintaining basic safety rules when using pool chemicals and equipment is imperative.

Chlorine works in tandem with the pH level (acidity) in pool water to create a safe environment for swimming. However, dirt, organic materials such as skin cells or fecal matter, leaves, sunlight, etc., can quickly lower chlorine levels.

If the pool water has a high pH level, it is more difficult for chlorine to reduce bacteria. The human body has a pH ranging from 7.2 to 7.8; if the pool water is outside this range, swimmers will have irritated skin, red, bloodshot eyes, ear pain, labored breathing, congestion, and/or cough.

According to the CDC, a balanced pool should not smell like chlorine. When a pool smells like a strong chemical, it is usually due to a chemical reaction of sweat, urine, dirt, skin cells, or fecal matter with chlorinated water. To prevent chloramines, ensure swimmers do not have diarrhea, take bathroom breaks, shower before and after getting in the pool, wear a swim cap, and do not urinate in the water.

Below are some tips for safely handling pool chemicals:

  • Add chemicals carefully and handle with care
  • Store chemicals in an extremely dry area away from other chemicals
  • Do not mix chemicals from different years
  • Only use approved pool chemicals
  • Never mix your own chemicals

Pound Pool Plastering services residential and commercial pools in applying a wide variety of pool plaster finishes and complete renovations. We offer Diamond Brite, Sunstone, Hydrazzo, and Marcite – and a great selection of tile choices and coping stones. Owner Dale Pound personally oversees each pool project to ensure the highest quality is delivered. Call or email us for a free estimate.

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Michigan has Big EV Charging Plans!

From Michigan’s upper peninsula to the Motor City, this great state has set a path to continue the journey of expanding the EV charging market. From new startups and increasing services, read on to learn more!

The first utility-led Electric Vehicle (EV) effort has been approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) for the Upper Peninsula (UP). This authorization will let the Upper Peninsula Power Company (UPPC) and its customers access funding to help offset costs associated with EV fast chargers.

UPPC is based in Marquette and serves roughly 52,000 customers in 10 counties throughout the central and western UP. The installation cost will be split by the power company, state, and individual customers. UPPCO can recover costs with the MPSC at a later date through filings.  

As more tourists become EV owners, the UP needs to adapt, according to Tom Nemacheck, Executive Director of the UP Travel and Recreation Association. He said, “We can’t afford to give them a reason not to come.”

Nemacheck continued to say that having a network of Level 3 fast chargers would complement the ongoing installation of Level 2 chargers. “There are hotels that are more and more putting them [EV chargers] in. They’re not the commercial ones that you might pull up to like a gas station, but people can plug them in at the hotel,” he said. 

In roughly 10 to 20 minutes, fast chargers can partially recharge an EV battery, which lets drivers go on longer trips without having to stop for lengthy periods to recharge. 

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Plug Zen, a new startup in Detroit, has featured its new electric vehicle charging platform, which is due to showcase at the Detroit Auto Show in September. Presented in the New York and LA Auto Shows, Plug Zen is one of the few black-owned businesses in the EV industry. Founded by Kwabena “Q” Johnson, who worked at Ford for ten years in the alternative fuel division, has moved into the EV arena before launching Plug Zen in 2020. 

Johnson said, “I saw the vision early on.” Companies like Tesla, BP, and Shell are tough competitors in the sizzling EV market, but Plug Zen is looking to be among the thousands of EV charging stations across the United States. 

Similar to a parking garage, Plug Zen is set up like an EV gas station, which is ideal for multi-family housing and workplaces. Plug Zen can charge up to 10 EVs at once, with a unique approach of the ability to sort of daisy chain the charging. 

“Most people, they’ll be topping off at home or work so they’ll never run out of juice. Anywhere where a vehicle will likely sit for two hours or more will be an ideal place for our EV chargers,” Johnson said.

Despite being in the automotive capital, Johnson said he had to seek funding and investors outside of Michigan. Plug Zen received its $250,000 seed capital from Brown Venture Group, LLC, a venture capital firm based in Minneapolis. 

Looking to buy an EV charger for residential or commercial use? State Electric Co. is an authorized reseller for Enel X JuiceBox EV Chargers. We have them in stock and ready to ship! Need installation or have questions, give us a call or contact us today.


State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Bees/Stinging-Insect Guide

As the weather warms up, more and more insects will start to become active. Of the various subspecies that you might see around your home, bees and stinging insects can be the most troubling to spot as they probe high up within the eaves and soffits. General activity, along with pestering you and your guests enjoying the outdoors, is a sign that you should consider getting your home treated to prevent nest-building and reduce exposure. However, there is more than one type of stinging insect, thus various kinds of treatments should take place. At Creature Control, we first determine what you are dealing with before approaching a solution. This article helps explain the basic differences among bees and other stinging insects.   

Carpenter Bees are large, black, and usually cluster in small groups in and around wooden soffits, decks, and pillars. They can be glossy in some areas of their body and are often larger than bumblebees, with which they’re often confused. They are completely harmless to people but can be scary due to their large size and comparatively loud buzzing noise. However, they can cause damage to the wood they chew through. Bumblebees are harmless pollinators and are most often seen solitary. We hardly ever get calls about bumblebees, as most people aren’t bothered by their presence.

A honeybee (small, fuzzy, and not usually aggressive) is an important pollinator and a big player in local ecosystems. They rarely sting, and if they do, a single sting will quickly kill that individual bee. Honeybees are rarely called in, but for a couple of situations, you may feel compelled to call a pest control company.  

One alarming instance are swarms: a cloud or large cluster of honeybees all in one place. A swarm of honeybees usually occurs because a queen is leading a large group to find a new nest. Swarms are generally harmless but can be frightening to see. Normally, they will move on before a pest control tech can get there, so it’s nearly always best to wait the situation out, as it will resolve itself before long. Another distressing issue honeybees may present is the placement of their hive, whether in a tree, wall or otherwise; a colony of honeybees can be frightening and damaging if inside a home. The honeycomb has to be removed after the hive is treated, which can be time-consuming and expensive but must be done in case it attracts other animals or rots and destroys the wood it’s built around. Calls for this situation are also rare: Creature Control cares greatly about our local honeybee population and works closely with beekeepers whenever possible to save the colony before the comb is removed.

Moving beyond bees, the common Paper Wasp is often seen by Michiganders this time of year.  They’re black and yellow with a thinner body and head than any bee and can (and do!) sting repeatedly if bothered. Their nests are small by comparison to those of hornets (see below) but can dot the eaves of a home in greater numbers than their stinging cousins. Wasps can be incredibly annoying if you have outdoor guests or a picnic, but they will often stick to themselves unless attracted or provoked.

Yellowjackets are slightly smaller than normal wasps (although they often have a proportionally thicker abdomen) and have a bright golden-yellow color, from which they get their name. Yellowjackets have large colonies and defend their nests aggressively. They make their homes in a couple of places, either in the ground (often confused with the near-harmless cicada-killers or mud-daubers) or in the walls of homes. This latter problem is usually diagnosed by a “crackling” in the drywall and some patches of your interior walls becoming spongy to the touch. If you have either of those problems, contact Creature Control right away. If yellowjackets have built a nest behind your wall they will break through soon enough!  

Michigan has a couple of hornet species, distinct from the average wasp by their elongated thorax and aggressive-looking silhouette. They’re often seen by themselves (though there can be several in the area) and can be aggressive if bothered. They are a scary-looking insect and come in black, yellow, and rust-colored variations.

Separate even from regular hornets is the Bald-Faced Hornet. They’re large, almost all back with a pale-white face, and they’re the most aggressive insect on this list. Their nests are made from a papery-gray material, and the nest can grow from golf-ball size to basketball-sized almost overnight.  Hundreds of these hornets can live inside and will aggressively pursue anyone who disturbs their home.

Whatever the pest situation you face, whether it’s with bees or some other stinging insect, Creature Control can be there to advise and help. Our technicians are trained to handle all of the above species and many less-common ones, so give our office a call or contact us anytime!

Edible Mushrooms for Survival

Wild mushrooms are popping up everywhere around this time of year. While some are edible, most are toxic and can make you sick. In emergency situations, mushrooms can mean life or death for survival. 

The best way to enjoy wild mushrooms is to handle and cook them thoroughly because certain mushrooms raw can cause gastric distress. Also, some people have allergies or intolerances to specific types of mushrooms. For these reasons, wild mushrooms should initially be consumed with caution. 

Toxic mushrooms range from “deadly poisonous” to “occasional gastric distress” in terms of how they affect humans. Several mushroom species are extremely deadly since symptoms do not develop until six to 36 hours following ingestion. The only remedy for those situations is a stomach pump. 

Some mushrooms can also cause allergic-type of reactions, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, kidney failure, or cause hallucinations. 

To avoid mushroom poisoning, follow the steps below: 

  • Never eat any mushroom unless you are absolutely sure it is safe.
  • Do not eat raw mushrooms; always cook thoroughly.
  • When consuming a new mushroom variety, start small and wait several hours for a potential reaction.
  • Some mushrooms react with alcohol so avoid drinking while eating mushrooms.
  • Save a tiny portion of each mushroom you consume to ensure medical staff can identify it and treat you accordingly in case you get sick.
  • Never eat inedible mushrooms,

Once you have thoroughly verified that the mushroom is safe for consumption, start collecting. You can dry them for later or enjoy them after cooking. Mushrooms are nutritious and delicious. Enjoy!


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website for more information. 

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EverTears Innovative Dry Eye Treatment Expands

An effective treatment for dry eyes has emerged from a collaboration between an industry leader in dry eye treatment and an innovative medical device startup. Mann Eye Institute and ThermaMEDx partnered to evaluate EverTears, a novel combination of a self-heating eye compress with a pre-moistened cleansing pad.

Carl Sweat, a co-founder of ThermaMEDx, said that EverTears is designed to provide a convenient, affordable, over-the-counter dry eye solution that is similar to standard, in-office treatments. With precise heat and eyelid cleaning, the novel patented technology provides relief for dry eyes and restores the eyes’ natural tear film. 

Dr. Dana Ondrias, Mann Eye Institute CEO and Executive Director, said, “Just as our founder, Dr. Mike Man, was one of the first doctors in America to perform refractive surgery in 1981, our dedicated staff embraces innovative solutions that advance patient care. Our doctors and staff began administering EverTears treatment for dry eye patients last year and we’ve been pleased with both patient feedback and improvement in their underlying MGD.” 

Ben Nobles, co-founder of ThermaMEDx, said, “Texas is the epicenter of dry eye disease in America and innovative organizations like Mann Eye Institute are at the forefront of bringing the latest technologies to their patients. We are committed to support the implementation of EverTears as the best treatment for dry eyes related to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD).”

Have concerns regarding the health and vision of your eyes? Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Rohr today!


Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

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Commercial Landscaping Services Defined

Most commercial properties have a goal of drawing customers to its storefront. A well-groomed landscape plays an important role in making the business appear attractive and tidy. Moreover, a clean, welcoming outdoor area improves the company’s overall image. 

Both potential customers and employees can be positively impacted by an attractive landscape, which allows you to retain staff and increase profit. Plants and landscape such as grass or trees will need to be maintained to ensure appearances are kept up. 

But who is going to take care of your property? Most business owners do not have time to personally trim the bushes, mow the lawn, or plant vegetation. The best way to keep your property well-maintained is simple: hire a professional landscaping service. 

Those who work in commercial landscaping have an in-depth understanding about property maintenance and can make it unforgettable. Stand out from the gray mass of other landscapes by ensuring your property is beautiful, well-groomed, and colorful. 

Services typically included in commercial landscaping services include: 

Mowing Grass
While it might seem simple, mowing can be a challenge without the proper tools. Moreover, specialists know techniques that can make your lawn standout above the rest. 

Soil Fertilization
Special soil fertilization compounds assist the growth process and help to deter plant diseases. Soil has to be fertilized at specific intervals using the correct chemicals, which can be challenging without the proper knowledge. Specialists are trained to know all of the unique techniques, and can execute professionally for your lawn.  

Weed Control
Weeds can swiftly infiltrate your lawn, and without proper maintenance, they will surely take over your landscape. While store bought weed killers are a decent option, they don’t tackle every weed and need to be applied in a specific manner. Lawn care specialists know how to destroy, reseed or sow the area, and bring your lawn back to its glory. 

Plants grow more quickly when they are aerated, and the soil is circulated with air. Unique holes are made by specialists and do not damage the surface of your lawn; rather, they help it grow. 

Pest Control
Insects can easily destroy vegetation and carry diseases that will negatively impact them. Oftentimes, once the owner is aware of a problem, it’s too late. Lawn care specialists are trained to identify pests and prevent their reproduction by using an insecticidal cocktail tailored to your landscape. If these substances are used incorrectly, they can adversely affect beneficial insects (bees, butterflies, and other pollinators) or the plants themselves. It’s imperative to always hire a professional to treat your lawn for pests. 

Reducing Plant Diseases
Plants can inevitably become sick from a number of causes including improper fertilization, fungi growth, and more. Landscape specialists can easily identify and correct these issues before your vegetation deteriorates. 

At T&T Property Maintenance, we specialize in providing excellent commercial landscaping for companies of all sizes. Contact us today to learn how we can beautify your lawn. 

T&T Property Maintenance has been visualizing, creating, and maintaining commercial properties since 1997. We offer a vast number of services for our clients, including lawn and landscape maintenance, irrigation set up and repair, fertilization, weed and pest control, snow plowing and salting, and tree trimming and stump grinding. We are licensed with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, so you can rest assured we will do the job right – every time. We work with commercial businesses of any size and offer our services in seasonal or yearly packages, and a la carte. For over 20 years, we believe a satisfied customer is the only kind of customer. Check out our website, call, or e-mail us today to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Novel Technology Can Remediate Forever Chemicals in Water

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances called PFAS are virtually indestructible and infiltrate the bodies of more than 200 million Americans in all 50 states. These cancer-causing carcinogens are present in drinking water across the country.

These man-made chemicals are tough and durable and have been widely used for their ability to repel oil and water in firefighting foams, cosmetics, non-stick cookware (Teflon), anti-static spray, and more. You can’t see, taste, or smell PFAS, so it’s impossible to know whether your water is contaminated unless you test for it. 

Since PFAS do not break down over time in the environment, they can easily contaminate soil and drinking water. Over time, these chemicals make their way into the food chain, with 99.9 percent of people worldwide having PFAS in their bloodstream.

PFAS have been around for more than 60 years, and remediation has yet to be discovered…until now.  Battelle, a scientific nonprofit, has developed a new technology that can finally eliminate PFAS. Using water oxidation, supercritical chemical bonds can be broken down in just seconds.

Amy Dindal, PFAS program manager for Battelle said, “The [PFAS] threat is real. ‘Supercritical water’ means that you increase the temperature and increase the pressure and you get it into a special state, where the oxidation will occur more naturally. So in this special state, it breaks the [carbon–fluorine] bond.”

Battelle claims it has successfully utilized the process to destroy PFAS in drinking water and has started partnering with the waste management company Heritage Crystal-Clean for further testing.

Brian Recatto, CEO of Heritage Crystal-Clean, said, “I absolutely think it’s an answer that nobody has had before. We’re hoping to have a scalable version of the plant within six- to eight months.”

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at or call 800-572-9575.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: