Livingston Reporting - page 41

Recognizing and Removing Poison Ivy

It’s poison ivy season – but many people don’t know how to recognize this pesky plant, let alone remove it. Rashes can result from touching poison ivy (a.k.a. Toxicodendron Radicans) with bare skin. Those clearing out overgrown areas or weeding with bare hands or minimal protection should be careful.

Being able to identify poison ivy is crucial and is often confused with other plants. To spot poison ivy, look for compound leaflets that are two- to four inches long with pointed tips and a dull or glossy finish. The middle leaf is usually bigger than the others on the left and right. The leaves can appear irregularly toothed, lobed, or smooth. Stems have alternate leaves with young oily or shiny foliage with a reddish color.

Poison ivy should not be touched or pulled. Instead, spray all foliage with a specially formulated herbicide. Do not spray the weed killer on other plants, as it will also damage or kill them. To protect plants, you wish to survive, cover them with plastic bags while you spray the poison ivy. After the leaves wither and die, they can still cause rashes, so handle with layered gloves.

For poison ivy growing in trees or twisted throughout landscape shrubs, cut the vine as close to the ground as possible and treat the stump with herbicide. The root system will die, causing the rest of the vine to shrivel up as well. This method can be used any time during the year.

Check your neighbor’s landscape for poison ivy vines, which can spread seeds to your yard. If spotted, be vigilant and remove it immediately before it gets out of hand.

If you have come into contact with poison ivy and develop a rash, apply an over-the-counter Cortisone cream, poison ivy ointment, calamine lotion, etc. Try ingesting oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) to ease your sleep and minimize swelling.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later.

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Pool Maintenance Tips

After basking in the sun and cooling off in your refreshing pool, maintenance of said pool can sometimes be an afterthought. Neglecting to maintain your pool properly can result in thousands of dollars worth of damages and eventually cause your pool to be uninhabitable. To avoid ultimate disaster and continued enjoyment of your pool, check out our tips to keep your pool under control.

Remove Dirt and Debris
This might seem obvious but keeping the surface of your pool free from dirt and other organic material can help prevent infection. Pool vacuums are designed to swiftly remove debris, algae, and other harmful compounds. It is recommended to vacuum your pool at least once a week. Simultaneously, brush your pool’s walls, steps, and floors, along with skimming the water’s surface. 

Water Your Pool
That’s right; you need to maintain your pool’s water level by adding water appropriately. If your pool has lower or higher levels than it should, the chemical water balance can easily get thrown off. Moreover, pool filters and water skimmers have a hard time keeping the water clean if the water level is not adequate.

Keep the Chlorine in Check
The magic number for keeping your pool properly sanitized is to add three parts per million (ppm) of chlorine to the water. If you smell chlorine or have itchy eyes, use an at-home test to ensure your levels aren’t too high. Chlorine is the most reliable solution for cleaning pools, as it won’t corrode plumbing or discolor pools like salt water. 

Clean the Filter
Depending on how often you use your pool, cleaning your filter is absolutely necessary for pristine water. Signs it is time to clean your filter include unusual odor, clogged drain, or an inefficient hose cleaner. Cartridge filters will need to be cleaned every four- to six months. Diatomaceous earth filters should be completely disassembled and cleaned every three- to six months. Sand filters should be replaced every three- to five years.

Create a Schedule
We’ve established that pools need to be maintained regularly, but it’s still easy to forget. Ensure you remember when it’s time to clean your pool by setting notifications on your phone or writing reminders in your calendar. The cleaning intensity depends on each pool, but once you figure out exactly what your pool needs, try to be as consistent as possible. 

Pound Pool Plastering services residential and commercial pools in applying a wide variety of pool plaster finishes and complete renovations. We offer Diamond Brite, Sunstone, Hydrazzo, and Marcite – and a great selection of tile choices and coping stones. Owner Dale Pound personally oversees each pool project to ensure the highest quality is delivered. Call or email us for a free estimate. 

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Determining the Best Whole House Generator

Generators are all the rage. Whether you want to disconnect from the power grid or keep your essential appliances operating during an outage, whole house generators are the way to go. Before you need one, it’s best to buy the right generator for you, to ensure you are prepared when the time comes. 

Whole house generators are great for when power is unavailable through the electrical grid. When purchasing a generator, take note of your household power requirements. Large-draw appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, sump pumps, water heaters, and space heaters will pull the most electricity. To calculate how much power you need, locate the wattage rating label on your appliance and use an online wattage calculator to determine how much electricity it draws. You can also check with your utility company to determine how much power you consume regularly. 

There are several aspects of whole-house generators to familiarize yourself with before purchasing. Below, we’ve outlined the differences and benefits they can bring to your household.

These generators draw in air to cool the engine. With forced-air cooling, a fan is used to blow air over the engine. Air cooling is also accomplished passively by surrounding air absorbing the heat and drifting away from the generator. Air-cooled units are typically not the best for the long run since the cooling process is insufficient.  Generators using air-cooling are prone to overheating and shut down automatically for safety purposes. 

Using coolant pumped through the engine block, these generators absorb heat from the engine. The coolant then passes through a radiator that lowers the temperature of the coolant and repeats the cycle. Liquid-cooled generators can operate more efficiently in high temperatures or climates that regularly reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Their low chance of overheating makes these generators a viable option. 

Natural Gas
Since whole house generators are permanent, they can connect to your house’s natural gas line from a utility line. Natural gas usually comes from a utility line (or a large, whole-house custom tank that has to be refilled) which can be a downfall for those who want to stay off the grid. 

A more affordable fuel, propane burns much cleaner than natural gas as it doesn’t exude as much contamination. However, propane’s downfall is that the tanks need to be refilled. 

Sound Intensity
Whole-house generators will probably be permanently installed next to your house, so the noise level is an important factor. Those that run on the softer side are at about 65 decibels, while the higher models run at roughly 69 decibels. Traditional vacuums read at about 75 decibels. Mind the placement of your generator next to office or bedroom windows. 

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs.

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Deciphering the Difference Between Critical and Mundane Tasks in Radiology

Successful people who thrive in their careers are typically engaged in their workload and manage responsibilities well, with a keen focus uninterrupted by distractions. Generally, it isn’t too difficult to decipher actual “work” from mundane tasks that are counterproductive or irrelevant, yet many people are guilty of partaking in the latter more often than not. 

Diagnostic radiologists are typically responsible for interpreting images and providing reports outlining the findings. Whether certain clinical questions, managerial roles, or imaging protocols are involved, the overall group functions more efficiently when everyone is equally engaged. 

Once in a while, radiologists might feel like they are partaking in mundane activities; for example, if a reporting template doesn’t match their personal style or search pattern. Another scenario might include defending one’s reporting language against a hypercritical QA reviewer. 

Based on what the radiologist believes their work should encompass, one radiologist’s critical tasks are another’s. 

To bridge the gap between critical and mundane tasks, one must note the subtle perverse incentives that might be happening in the workplace. Government, regulatory, and academic fields all succumb to these inadequacies when someone is rewarded for bad behavior or punished for good.

Common issues in radiology include no reward for productivity or no survey of who is contributing to the overall team effort. Radiologists who produce more RVUs might be extra stressed, which increases malpractice liability, both of which are perverse disincentives. To regain equilibrium, the radiologist can reduce their efforts or take more breaks, for example.

When certain team members become more aware of their performance impediments, better tools, more personnel, etc., are appointed. Once leadership is alerted, staff surveys are performed, which could lead to new hardware, software, coworkers, and more. 

Without any sign of stress in the system, those who rank higher on the totem pole are unable to specifically outline any issues or provide support. However, with help from other team members through surveys and the like, leadership can improve the situation based on feedback. 

Constructive evaluation and prevention is key in reducing perverse incentives and increasing overall morale. 

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.

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Human Eyes Revived After Death by Scientists

A study published in Nature outlines how scientists at the University of Utah and Scripps Research restored life in human eyes after death. A team of researchers tracked activity in both mouse and human retinal cells soon after their passing. After only a few hours and a couple of tissue adjustments, scientists were able to revive the cells’ ability to communicate. 

B-waves, which are specific electrical signals, are typically seen in living retinas and indicate active communication between cells. Scientists were able to reignite the deceased eye cells with light stimulation. 

This novel discovery is the first of its kind, leading scientists to speculate further about death when pertaining to the central nervous system.

Biomedical scientist, Fatima Abbas from the University of Utah, said, “We were able to wake up photoreceptor cells in the human macula, which is the part of the retina responsible for our central vision and our ability to see fine detail and color. In eyes obtained up to five hours after an organ donor’s death, these cells responded to bright light, colored lights, and even very dim flashes of light.” 

Visual scientist, Frans Vinberg from the University of Utah, said, “We were able to make the retinal cells talk to each other, the way they do in the living eye to mediate human vision. Past studies have restored very limited electrical activity in organ donor eyes, but this has never been achieved in the macula, and never to the extent we have now demonstrated.”

Retinal cells prodded by the researchers reacted to light for just about five hours after passing; however, the b-wave signals immediately ceased due to a lack of oxygen. 

The study authors wrote, “Since the retina is part of the CNS, our restoration of the b-wave in this study raises the question of whether brain death, as it is currently defined, is truly irreversible.”

Vinberg said, “The scientific community can now study human vision in ways that just aren’t possible with laboratory animals. We hope this will motivate organ donor societies, organ donors, and eye banks by helping them understand the exciting new possibilities this type of research offers.” 

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 to learn more.

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Identifying, Treating Skier’s Thumb

An Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) injury is better known as skier’s thumb. It is identified as an injury, tear, or other damage done to the soft tissue connecting the bones of the thumb that provide stability to the thumb joint. Many skiers experience this injury while partaking in the sport. 

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), “A partial or complete rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb, skier’s thumb, is an often-encountered problem. It concerns 86% of all injuries to the base of the thumb. The estimated incidence in the US is approximately 200,000 patients per year. The incidence in the Netherlands is not known. In the last four years, we have diagnosed approximately 85 patients in our own hospital.” 

When the ligament on the inside portion of the thumb joint is torn from the bone, the pinch strength of the thumb is affected. It often takes place with a dislocation or pulling outward of the thumb. 

To diagnose skier’s thumb, specialists analyze the patient history and perform a thorough exam. Patients often report a thumb injury where it was pulled backward or to the side. Swelling is also present, combined with the thumb ligament showing instability. X-rays are typically performed to further gain insight, and an MRI to confirm diagnosis. 

Cast immobilization is generally the treatment for skier’s thumb, with minimal surgical options available. If the injury is treated early on, the ligament might have the potential to be repaired and brought back to the bone. An internal brace allows for a swift recovery. However, if a strong ligament is absent, a tendon can be taken from the wrist to reconstruct the ligament. 

Generally, the recommended immobilization period varies between four and six weeks, usually followed by physical therapy. After roughly three months, the thumb should be completely functional again. 

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Call us at 248-596-0412 for further questions. 

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Consumers Energy Aims to Expand Solar Capacity

Landowners and communities looking to partner on creating solar power plants are encouraged to contact Consumers Energy, as the company plans to add 8,000 megawatts of solar energy to the power grid. According to their Clean Energy Plan, they plan to pull more than 60 percent of their electric capacity from renewable resources and be carbon neutral in 2040. 

Dennis Dobbs, Consumers Energy Vice President of Enterprise Project Management and Environmental Services, said, “We need to support Michigan, especially in rural and agricultural areas, and we want to work with landowners and local leaders interested in sitting solar power plants to deliver environmental and economic benefits for their communities. Harnessing the sun is Michigan’s moonshot – and we won’t achieve this historic goal without help.” 

Consumers’ timing is just right, as wind and solar energy accounted for 20 percent of electricity generation throughout the United States for the first time in history. Solar energy is also experiencing a boom worldwide, as wind and solar were the fastest-growing sources of energy for the 17th year in a row. Between 2015 and 2021, wind and solar energy doubled electricity production to 10 percent.

Dobbs said, “Our goal is to meet Michigan’s property owners and communities where they are to start a conversation about mutually beneficial solar solutions.” 

Consumers Energy is looking for roughly 500 to 900 acres to install solar panels and suggested three locations that would work well for what they need: publicly owned property, brownfield sites, or fields.

While the Clean Energy Plan focuses on improving the environment, it will undoubtedly create more jobs and provide an economic boost as well. According to experts, the plan has the ability to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 63 million tons. 

Are you interested in installing solar panels to power your home or business? Contact the professionals at State Electric Company today. 

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs.

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Tornado Myths and Safety

Tornadoes can wreak havoc on property and life. Depending on your location, it’s essential to stay abreast of the weather and analyze whether a natural disaster is coming your way. Preparing for tornadoes is imperative to prevent loss of life.

Despite their imminent danger, tornadoes come with many myths associated with them – read on to learn more.

FICTION: You can outdrive a tornado
FACT: Tornadoes can travel more than 60 mph, and their 200 mph winds can lift cars with ease. 

FICTION: The best place for shelter is in your basement’s southwest corner
Tornadoes don’t know directions. Find a walled room without windows on the lowest level.

FICTION: Opening windows will depressurize the area
Depressurizing doesn’t work like that. Instead, move to the lowest floor and focus on protecting yourself from flying debris. 

FICTION: Freeway overpasses are the safest place to be while driving if near a tornado
Bridges and overpasses can collapse, create a wind tunnel, and let more debris hit your car. So, in fact, they increase your risk of danger. 

FICTION: Tornadoes cannot go through water, mountains, or big cities
The 1974 “Super Outbreak” of tornadoes near Cincinnati had wind speeds varying between 260 and 318 mph. Also, tall buildings do not affect a tornado’s path. 

FICTION: The tornado itself is the most dangerous aspect of the natural disaster
On the contrary. Wind speeds and secondary storms cause an incredible amount of flying debris. 

FICTION: Tornadoes only take place during the season
 Though most tornadoes form in the spring, many instances show that off-season tornadoes are just as destructive.

FICTION: People can see and hear tornadoes before they occur
Rain or clouds can obstruct your view, giving you less time to react. Check weather updates from the NOAA and know the difference between tornado watches and warnings. 

FICTION: Tornadoes never hit the same place twice
These natural disasters don’t have a schedule or comprehension of history. Three separate tornadoes hit the same place in Arkansas in one day. Also, Cordell, Kansas, was hit by a tornado on May 20th for three years in a row. 

FICTION: If a tornado isn’t headed in your direction, you are safe
Tornadoes can switch directions at any time, causing major unpredictability.

If you find yourself in a situation where tornadoes are near, protect your family and pets by doing the following: 

  • Analyze your home and look for areas that can be susceptible to damage
  • Maintain a clean landscape to avoid unnecessary flying objects
  • Fill your emergency kit with things such as: 
    • Battery-operated radio
    • Extra batteries
    • Medication
    • Important documents
  • Have a safety plan detailing instructions for where and how your family will seek shelter
  • Ensure your home insurance policy covers tornado damage
  • Monitor local weather updates

If you are stockpiling supplies, look no further for the best products at low prices; Wolf Survival Gear has it all. Check out our website today to learn more.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later.

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Milford Drinking Water Endangered by Underground Contamination

A treatment system is swiftly being constructed in the Village of Milford to counteract underground contamination seeping into the drinking water system from a former automotive supplier (Kelsey-Hayes) plant. The toxic plume is threatening the community of roughly 6,500 people by exposing them to vinyl chloride. 

According to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, an unsafe level of the dangerous chemical was detected in a monitoring well in May, located only 150 feet from Milford’s drinking water intake system. 

Though the toxin has not officially been detected in the public water supply, it “Represents an imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health, safety, welfare, or the environment,” according to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). 

Milford Village Manager Christian Wuerth said, “It’s not a good thing. When you get something like this and it hits close, it’s obviously a concern. I live here, my family’s here, I’ve got friends here. The concern is for everyone in the community and making sure we’ve got clean drinking water.” 

In 1989, the village found a chemical called cis-1,2- dichloroethane, a toxic organic compound, in water found below a vacant downtown parcel once owned by Kelsey-Hayes, according to Kevin Wojciechowski, project manager of EGLE’s remediation and redevelopment sector. 

Kelsey-Hayes closed its doors and demolished its manufacturing plant in 2001. In 2015, ZF Active Safety US acquired the business after taking over TRW Automotive. According to Wojciechowski, ZF is now responsible for the cleanup of the Milford property.

Tony Sapienza, a ZF spokesman, said, “ZF is fully committed to continuing our longstanding working relationship with EGLE and the Village of Milford to ensure that these ongoing activities at the site address impacts from the former industrial operations and that they meet the timelines specified in the administrative order.” 

Wojciechowski said, “This is something that EGLE and the village and others have been dealing with, unfortunately, for a long time. The vinyl chloride is something new that’s come about, but we’ve had a long issue out here of dealing with these issues in the village.”

Don’t let contaminated, toxic water affect you or your family. Contact Reynolds Water today to schedule a consultation and ensure your drinking and shower water is pure and pristine.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at 800-572-9575.

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World’s First Double Hand Transplant is Performed

The National Health Service, the publicly funded healthcare system throughout England, recently performed the world’s first double hand transplant to treat scleroderma. 

Steven Gallagher suffered from scleroderma, a severe condition that affects the skin and internal organs. For Gallagher, the disease forced his hands to close into a fist position after 13 years of initially presenting itself as a rash. 

Gallagher underwent a 12-hour surgery. Afterward, he said, “After the operation, I woke up and it was quite surreal because before it I had my hands and then when I woke up from the operation, I still had hands so in my head I never really lost any hands. These hands are amazing, everything has happened so quickly. From the moment I woke up from the operation I could move them. It has given me a new lease of life. I’m still finding things hard just now, but things are getting better every week with the physio and the occupational therapists, everything is just slowly getting better. The pain is the big thing. The pain before the operation was horrendous, I was on so much pain relief it was unbelievable, but now I’ve no pain at all.” 

At first, the double hand transplant was dismissed by Gallagher. Once the pain became intolerable, he decided to go ahead with the surgery despite the risks. 

“My hands started to close; it got to the point where it was basically two firsts, my hands were unusable, I couldn’t do a thing apart from lift things with two hands. I could not grab anything; it was a struggle to get dressed and things like that.” 

Professor Simon Kay of Leeds teaching hospitals’ NHS trust said the surgery was “A huge team effort” with over 30 healthcare employees. 


Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Call us at 248-596-0412 for further questions.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: