Livingston Reporting - page 38

Identifying Poison Oak

More people spend time outside when the weather is warm and nice, but with that comes the risk of running into a poisonous plant. Do you know how to identify poison oak or what to do if you or someone comes in contact with it?

Poison oak can vary by season and location. Generally, this toxic plant is found in the southeast and west coast of the United States and can cause allergic reactions year-round. 

Atlantic poison oak is found throughout the east coast and in several non-coastal states such as Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, New Jersey, and Florida. Meanwhile, pacific poison oak exhibits yellow or green flowers with clusters of green-yellow or white berries. It can grow on shrubs and vines along the pacific northwest and California. 

Poison oak is often confused with poison ivy. Can you tell the difference?

Poison Oak

Leaves are rounded and irregular in shape

Can have up to nine leaflets

Dull or shiny green in color

Leaves are hairy on both sides

Does not climb, typically grows as a shrub

Poison Ivy

Leaves are jagged and uniform in shape

Only has three leaflets

Bright green in color with a red center

Has fuzzy-bottomed leaves

Usually grows as a vine

Both poison oak and poison ivy can grow in sunny or shady forests and woodlands.

Poison oak can cause a skin rash in nearly 85 percent of the population. Limit exposure to poison oak by wearing long sleeves, pants, boots, and pants while traversing woodlands or previously unexplored areas. If you might have been exposed to poison oak, wash your contaminated clothing separately in hot water with detergent. 

Wash the exposed skin with soapy water and apply an antihistamine ointment to soothe itching and inflation. Using an ice pack for a short duration may help symptoms, along with a dose of over-the-counter Benadryl. See your doctor or call 911 if symptoms seem severe or you have trouble breathing, fever, and/or if the rash spreads to the face or eyes.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Kohler Generators

Power outages are common during severe weather and can affect many aspects of your home or business. An absence of electricity can affect your lighting, water, heating/cooling, and so much more. Without essential utilities, you could face a dire situation. 

Relying on the electrical grid can be tricky, especially if you live in an area that frequently loses power. So what’s the answer? A Kohler home backup generator. 

These permanently installed generators are located outside your house (similar to an air conditioning unit) and switch on automatically when you lose power. There are no extension cords or gasoline refueling required. Whole-home generators connect to your building’s liquid propane or natural gas. 

Some examples of appliances that can lose power include: 

Your food is typically the first casualty in a power outage. Try to keep the door closed as long as possible and avoid opening it unnecessarily. 

Think smartphone, television, computer, tablet, etc. Though most of your electronics might be battery-powered, but with no way to charge them, you can wave bye-bye to them for a while. 

Heat/Air conditioning
Power outages don’t care whether it’s freezing or sweltering outside. Avoid frozen/broken pipes or melted food in the pantry by keeping your HVAC working properly.

It’s hard for us to imagine living without lighting. Do you have candles, flashlights, and kerosene lamps throughout your house? 

Running water is used for a multitude of activities: cleaning, flushing, drinking, showering, and more. If your house is on a sump pump, your water is at risk of running bone dry during an outage. 

Kohler offers several different models of generators for homes and businesses. If a whole-home generator isn’t for you, they also provide portable generators, which run on gasoline or liquid propane and can supply power for small plug-in appliances. 

Generator costs vary depending on your power and installation needs. The best time to install a generator is now; before you need it later. 

Are you looking to install an automatic backup generator? Contact State Electric Company today!   

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Cataract Surgery with Irregular Corneas

Irregular corneas can throw a wrench into one of the most common, successful, and safest procedures throughout the United States: cataract surgery. Happy patients are ever present thanks to advances in lens design and preoperative refractive calculations. But there are challenges with patients who present irregular corneas, which can lead to cataract surgery complications. 

Irregular corneas are considered either obstructed, which means a scar in the visual axis is occluding the patient’s view, or distorted, which means the shape of the cornea is irregular. 

Surgeons must figure out what sort of asymmetry is present in the patient’s eye before they can perform a successful surgery. By mapping the cornea, surgeons can closely examine the surface to reduce adverse outcomes. 

Irregular astigmatism can result from damage to the cornea due to an infectious or inflammatory process that affects the shape. Ocular surface disease is the most common form of corneal irregularity, including tear film instability and dry eye disease. Dry eyes can dramatically affect refractive outcomes in patients. Other typical origins of irregular corneas include keratoconus, anterior basement membrane dystrophy, and Salzmann’s nodular degeneration. In patients with these conditions, the surgeon will need to see improvement on a topography prior to lens selection and surgery. 

In specific cases for patients with regular astigmatism, the solution can be simple: pick out a toric lens. Unfortunately, this is not an option for many corneal disease patients. Scleral lenses are an option for patients who have irregular astigmatism. These come in both hard and soft forms, and a newer option such as the Prose device, which boasts more specific patient customization.

Before the patient can have cataract surgery, treatments for corneal issues should be addressed and fully healed. If any of the underlying issues (dry eye, for example) return, a more intense regimen is administered to ensure the disease turns around more quickly. 

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Safe Summer Activities for Hands & Wrists

Warmer weather means more time outside with family, friends, and pets. Outdoor activities generally include lots of hand and wrist movement, which can equate to joint pain. Pool time, backyard barbecues, or cornhole tournaments can be challenging for people who suffer from hand and wrist issues. Thankfully, there are ways around these hurdles. 

Carole Dodge, a certified hand therapist at Michigan Medicine at the University of Michigan said, “Activity promotes activity. You get more lethargic when you don’t move and engaging with others is fun.” 

Read on to discover some fun ways to ensure your hands and wrists are feeling good this summer. 

Water Resistance
Pools are great for water resistance, which helps with achy joints. Dodge says, “The pool is great for swimming, walking back-and-forth, or any kind of upper- or lower-body exercise. Try playing ring toss or diving for pennies. If you have a pool noodle, you can squeeze it for hand-strengthening exercises. It’s a great way to focus on the fun and not the exercise so much.” 

Backyard Games
Ping-pong and cornhole are popular backyard games and can be fun for all ages. According to Dodge, “If you have hand pain, look for firmer bean bags. Some can be squishy, but the ones that are more filled are easier to grip. Utilizing the bigger joints and muscles will be less painful,” when it comes to using your whole arm versus only wrists or hands. Look for paddles or rackets that have a larger or wider handle for a more ergonomic grip. 

Board Game, Anyone?
Checkers, jigsaw puzzles, Scrabble, and the like are all great outdoor patio games. They’re a good distraction away from computer, smartphone, and tablet screens. Since the pieces for these games are small and light, people who suffer from hand or wrist joint pain should be able to play with ease. 

Flower Therapy
Gardening can be challenging for those who suffer from hand and wrist pain, but it’s one of the most easily modifiable. Raised beds put much less stress on the body, as kneeling on the ground is unnecessary. Avoid twisting your body or stretching in awkward positions if you choose to sit. Make sure you take ample breaks and utilize joint-friendly tools such as gloves with rubberized palms or wet the soil to ensure pulling weeds is easier. Use a hose nozzle that does not require squeezing and lightweight hoses that can move around easily.    

Do you suffer from hand and/or wrist pain? If so, call us today to schedule a free consultation.

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Call us at 248-596-0412 for further questions. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Remodel Versus Renovation

The competitive real estate market is forcing homeowners to rethink a lot about their homes. Home improvements can seem daunting, especially if you work remotely, and the significant material delays and sky-high real estate prices don’t help. You’re not alone if you’ve decided to invest in your current home. A 2022 United States Houzz & Home Study showed that 55 percent of homeowners plan on renovating some part of their home this year. 

While people typically see the words “renovation” and “remodel” as synonymous, there’s actually a big difference between the two in the contractor, architectural, and designer world. 

These projects are considered cosmetic improvements that do not require altering the space’s intended purpose. For example, renovation in a bathroom might include painting or replacing cabinets, upgrading countertops, installing new light fixtures, faucets, and more. These small changes will undoubtedly have a serious impact on your space, and even increase equity in your home. 

These ventures are set out to drastically alter the overall function of a space, such as adding a bathroom to a bedroom or removing a wall between rooms. Major structural changes in a remodel will generally cost more than a renovation due to specialized, professional contractors, permits, and designers. Remodels are beneficial for customized houses, as well. 

Whether you are deciding on a remodel or a renovation, it’s imperative to consider your home’s end goals. If you’re looking to update that old 70s bathroom, go for a renovation. If you are interested in adding an entire room, a remodel is right for you. 

If a remodel will take your budget over the limit, consider renovating in the short-term, and focus on remodeling in the long-term. Consider re-doing floors, adding new fixtures, or updating countertops. 

Are you ready to remodel or renovate your home? Whichever you decide, ensure you entrust these large jobs to professionals. Contact the experts at JFC Remodeling today to achieve the dream home you’ve always desired. 

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call or email us to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

AM Ventures Closes $100M Deal Toward 3D Printing

AM Ventures, based in Munich, secured a $100 million fund specifically for backing industrial and commercial 3D printing applications. 

Spanning three continents between 18 countries, the firm’s portfolio lists Headmade Materials, LightForce Orthodontics, Scrona, and Conflux Technology as a few investments. There are asset managers, family offices, enterprises, small businesses, and existing portfolio startup founders. The fund can use $9.5 million in the ultra-high resolution 3D printing company to aid in semiconductor and display manufacturing.  

Arno Held, co-founder and managing partner at AM Ventures said, “The additive manufacturing industry has shown steady and strong growth over the last decade and startups have played a crucial role during this time. We are convinced that startups will continue to be key in providing the innovation required to finally bring the digital world to the real world, and that they will help produce industrial goods in a sustainable manner and thus strengthen supply chains and tackle climate change.” 

Johann Oberhofer, co-founder and managing partner at AM Ventures said, “The fact that portfolio company founders are now investing in our fund is great validation of our exceptional effort. We are proud of the high-level commitment and trust from prime investors that support us on our mission to leading sustainable additive revolutions.” 

AM Ventures is looking to invest in four categories: hardware, software, materials, and applications. Printing parts and creating a manufacturing business is much more efficient than conventional aspects. 3D printed electric motors, for example, can run further on the same exact battery charge as a conventional electrical motor. Applications for 3D printing are also one of the biggest weapons to fight against climate change. 

Additive Drives is a German startup that developed a specific 3D printed stator for an electric motor. Since the stator is printed, it weighs much less than a conventional motor. With the same battery charge, the 3D printed motor can extend the vehicle range by a large amount. 

Spectroplast is a company that 3D prints silicone for healthcare applications, specifically for surgeries. While other corporations have failed to make industrial silicones, the Zurich Spectroplast business has somehow successfully done the unthinkable. 

3D printed products span the gamut and can be used in nearly any application. The horizon is endless!

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical supply company. At J&P, we source contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of heavy industrial electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bus duct, transformers, circuit breakers, fuses, and switchboards. Call us at 877-844-5514 for assistance.  

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Experts Spot Recession Signs in Michigan

Soaring prices for items such as gas, airline tickets, food, and more are signaling alarms to economic experts. According to a June report by the University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, buyer sentiment decreased by 14.4 percent in June, and roughly 79 percent of consumers anticipate bad times for business conditions in 2023. 

University of Michigan economist Joanne Hsu said, “As higher prices become harder to avoid, consumers may feel they have no choice but to adjust their spending patterns.” Some economists project a 50 percent chance that the United States economy will slide into a recession before 2024. 

For Michigan, the automotive industry is a telltale sign of a potential recession, as huge layoffs generally begin there. When people are out of work, they swiftly cease taking out vehicle loans. 

Strong consumer demand has outpaced supply, as semiconductor shortages have put auto production behind for nearly two years. This unusual trend is leaving automakers with empty lots. Car sales in April and May of 2022 were ultra-low due to lack of supply, not demand. 

According to some consumers, a recession is already happening due to the United States jobless rate being 3.6 percent in June for the fourth month in a row. For Michigan specifically, the jobless rate was 4.3 percent in May. 

Technically, a recession is labeled as an economy that shows negative growth for two consecutive quarters. It is possible that the United States economy could slip into this trend, but the stark recession in 2020 lasted only two months at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Great Recession took place between December 2007 and June 2009. The jobless rate stayed around nine percent and higher for most of 2009 and 2010. 

Gabriel Ehrlich, director of the University of Michigan’s Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, says he doesn’t see a recession as inevitable. He warned that a recession could be sparked by the Federal Reserve’s effort to fight inflation along with the war in Ukraine. 

“All bets are off if supply chains have major problems. That’s the number one wild card.”


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today!  

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Swimmer’s Ear 101

Warmer weather means more fun outdoors, especially in pools, lakes, or oceans. Swimmer’s ear is a common side-effect of being in the water and is diagnosed by an infection in the outer ear canal, which runs from the eardrum to the outside of your head. When water is stagnant in your ear, it creates an environment that promotes excess bacterial growth. 

Swimmer’s ear can be treated with ear drops. Swift treatment will help prevent complications and more serious infections. While symptoms are initially mild, they can worsen if the condition is not addressed. To avoid swimmer’s ear, the easiest prevention is to avoid getting water in your ears.

Cotton swabs or Q-tips can force earwax deeper into the ear canal, so do not use these to get water out of your ear. Instead, use irrigation-based ear drops after swimming. These drops are specially formulated with alcohol and vinegar to sterilize and restore the ear canal’s normal pH and can be purchased over the counter.

Getting water in the ear canal is a risk for swimmers in any waterway. Still, it’s riskier when the water is not chlorinated, as there’s a higher chance of bacteria in rivers or lakes. Lake water can sometimes contain dangerous bacteria causing infectious diseases such as meningitis and hepatitis.

Swimmer’s ear can damage the insides of an ear, though temporary and mild. Most people with the condition swiftly recover with adequate treatment, though long-term effects from chronic infection can lead to hearing loss.

See a doctor immediately if you have severe ear pain, cannot hear well, or have a clogged sensation in your ear. The most common treatment is an antimicrobial application where the ear canal is cleaned of pus, earwax, oils, or dead skin cells.

Pound Pool Plastering services residential and commercial pools in applying a wide variety of pool plaster finishes and complete renovations. We offer Diamond Brite, Sunstone, Hydrazzo, and Marcite – and a great selection of tile choices and coping stones. Owner Dale Pound personally oversees each pool project to ensure the highest quality is delivered. Call or e-mail us for a free estimate. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Watering Commercial Lawns Sustainably

When it comes to commercial lawn care, sustainable watering is a delicate balance. Keeping the grass bright, lush, fresh, and green is nice, but so is managing our carbon footprint. Read on to learn some tips for keeping your business landscape looking sharp.

Watering Schedule
Do you know the best time to water your property’s grass? Around 10 a.m., cooler temperatures are lifting, and calmer winds are flowing throughout the grass blades, enabling water to soak into the soil and be more absorbed by the grassroots before the sun evaporates. Keeping your lawn on this regulated daytime schedule also helps prevent the spread of disease, as fungal growth flourishes in a wet yard at night. 

Lengthy but Sparingly
Frequent, shallow watering only touches the surface of the plant root system, which causes moisture to evaporate out of the soil before the roots ever receive nutrients in the water. Instead, water your lawn with lengthy waterings that penetrate the root system and encourage the grass to grow stronger. Do this sparingly, as too much water can cause other issues. Lawns should receive one inch of water per week, spread out between two sessions.  

Smart Irrigation System
Past irrigation systems deliver less control than modern systems, which deliver flexibility and convenience such as WiFi connectivity, schedules, and weather condition adjustments. Smart irrigation systems are beneficial for monitoring local weather and automatically adjusting to prevent drought, flooding, and other issues. 

The appearance of your landscape can impact your business’ reputation. It is possible to keep an aesthetically appealing space while monitoring your environmental impact. Sustainability is growing in popularity; don’t be left in the dust.

If you are looking for a commercial maintenance company, contact the experts at T&T Property today.

T&T Property Maintenance has been visualizing, creating, and maintaining commercial properties since 1997. We offer a vast number of services for our clients, including lawn and landscape maintenance, irrigation set up and repair, fertilization, weed and pest control, snow plowing and salting, and tree trimming and stump grinding. We are licensed with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, so you can rest assured we will do the job right – every time. We work with commercial businesses of any size and offer our services in seasonal or yearly packages, and a la carte. For over 20 years, we believe a satisfied customer is the only kind of customer. Call or e-mail us to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Boast your Brand on a Budget

With inflation affecting everything from paper to postage, marketing your business can be pricey. Don’t let this daunting fact dent your brand’s identity. Read on for some tips for marketing on a budget.

Connect with your target audience by guiding them with deals, giveaways, and unique opportunities. Prioritize engaging with your customers to stay relevant and enticing. 

Learn what is working well to drive sales by analyzing your media patterns. If you don’t have one, start an account on a social media platform or television advertisements to determine what works. Traditional and digital marketing, when combined, can reach a higher audience, build trust, and support purchases.

Value is imperative for not only you, but your customers as well. Ensure you offer coupons to help stretch spending and to connect on an empathetic level. 

Maintain your vision and voice by staying relevant to your audience. Redirect your budget to focus on readily available or cost-efficient media from a reliable partner. Consider new formats, tactics, and offers by thinking outside the box. 

Feel comfortable sharing challenges and setbacks with a partner who can elevate your customer experience and work toward the most cost-efficient, practical solutions. Pay attention to data, insight, audience engagement, and note your Return on Investment (ROI) to track spending.

Dollar for dollar, direct mail is more effective long-term and can be an efficient way to engage potential customers. A renewed interest in mail among consumers has spiked since 2020.

Are you looking to improve your marketing and promotional strategies? Contact Econo Print and let our experts boost your brand on a budget you can afford. We have a variety of products to suit your needs. Contact us today to learn more. 

At Econo Print, we strive to deliver the highest-quality printed products possible. We produce top-rated goods in a timely fashion at a competitive price. Listening to our clients and helping them achieve their business goals is our top priority. We are proud of the strong roots we’ve built in the community and pride ourselves on using cutting-edge technology. Our products, commitment to service, and level of expertise exceed our clients’ expectations. Contact us today to learn how we can help launch your business to the next level.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: