Gamerz Edge is now fully live and open for business. The first game to be supported will be Forza3, played exclusively on XBOX. Initial support for Forza 3 will include power to weight and torque to weight ratio calculation tables. They are intended to help players select an optimized combination of engine upgrade components for a given target value. Performance tables can now be purchased for twenty selected cars. Customers can request additional performance tables using the VOTE page.
Who actually looks forward to spring cleaning? Spring Cleaning represents the time of year when all the creepy crud that has been living under your bed is revealed and sucked up into the vacuum. As the spring cleaning begins we tend to see that when let go the house will eventually turn into one large dust bunny. This is the time of year when we vow that we will never let the dirt overcome us again. We tend to be extreme when spring cleaning. Maybe it is due to the fact that we are finally free of the layers of the winter season. We believe that this abundant cleaning once a year will cleanse our souls and prepare us for the coming months of open windows and guests that join us for summer fun. Each room has different needs for a deep clean. Some rooms can forgo a spring cleaning with regular maintenance throughout the year.
Let’s start in the bathroom. This is one area that should never need a major spring cleaning. Regular washing of the tub and tile will keep mold and soap scum at bay. Use a solution of vinegar and water and you will keep your tiles and tub surrounds sparkling year round. Mirrors can easily be wiped down with window cleaner once a week. The only area that you might tend to have a pack rat tendency is the medicine closet. During your spring cleaning, if you haven’t kept up on this throughout the year, pitch unused medicine, bath soaps and things that will not be used that have accumulated.
Kitchens are a spring cleaning nightmare. The kitchen has been spots where crud creeps up and overtakes without much notice on our part. Start in the refrigerator where you will want to purge unused sauces and dressing. You might want to have a sink full of hot water and soap ready because the shelves will be sticky and in need of a good wipe down. You will want to move the refrigerator so that you can clean behind it and underneath it. Use extra care when removing the front panel to dust away the allergens caught underneath the fridge in the coils. The same care needs to be done with the stove. You will want to use a stove cleaner in order to remove buildup inside of the stove. Spring cleaning is the time that cupboards and pantries should be wiped down and food that has expired should be thrown out.
Bedrooms are where the most dust and allergens collect. Furniture is often not moves in these areas and will need to be in spring cleaning. You will want to make sure to flip mattresses and purge items out of your drawers and closets. In the kids rooms you will want to pitch broken or toys that are no longer played with away. The same hold true as you are getting out the summer clothing items if the item will not fit for winter wear next year donate it now. There is no reason to hold onto it for a year only to donate it the following year.
The entire house often could use a spring cleaning. Make sure not to neglect window cleaning and regular household vacuuming. You will want to wipe down and touch up walls. Have a professional carpet cleaner out to remove soiled carpet. Do a thorough dusting of ceiling fans, window sills, moldings and picture frames. Spring cleaning doesn’t only refer to the inside of your home either. Make sure you are doing window cleaning on the outside of windows before you put your freshly cleaned screens back in place. Freshen up patio furniture and siding with a good power washing. A good purge and clean is also recommended for the shed and garage areas. It is a good chance to reevaluate the safety of chemicals in these areas and to throw anything out that is not in complete working order.
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. Make sure to keep up on maintenance in your home throughout the year. When it does come time to do that once over massive cleaning make it a weekend job not a month long process. Breaking down the individual rooms and processing little jobs throughout the months can also help make this process less tedious. Who says you have to wait to clean the windows or wash the cupboards until spring?
Yes you can still have your carpets cleaned in the winter. Popular belief would have us believing that all carpets need to be professional cleaned once a year during spring cleaning. There are so many reasons that this thought has changed in recent years. Winter remains the top times that carpet professionals would like to have consumers have them out to clean the carpets.
Carpets take the most abuse in the summer months. With all the bbq and outdoor parties comes traffic for your carpet. People are not taking their shoes off each and every time they enter to refill their lemonade and if they did bare feet could be even worse. How many times have you seen someone with flip flops on all day with clean feet? Never! Feet that have been housed in flip flops all day tend to be filthy. Imagine twenty pairs of those feet tracking dirt in your house all summer. Of course your carpet will have dirt that has been ground in after an entire season of this.
What you really want to avoid is waiting too long to clean your carpet. Spots from summer will become more and more prevalent as the months turn into fall. The fibers from your carpet will begin breaking down from the oils and dirt and the last thing you want to do is wait until spring to have your carpets cleaned.
One of the great things about getting your carpets cleaned in the winter months is that you can pretty much pick your appointment time. During the spring, when everyone has the itch to clean, you can wait up to two weeks before an appointment time is available. When spring hits the demand is so high that even working at top capacity most carpet professionals will have to turn away business. That favorite carpet cleaner you have will most likely be booked into the coming months. You definitely don’t want to have freshly cleaned carpet in the summer. The humidity is so high that the carpet will have an incredibly difficult time thoroughly drying which can cause mold issues later on down the road.
Carpets stay cleaner when you have professionals out in the winter. The dust and allergens are not as prevalent in the winter months. This is good for people with severe allergens because all of the allergens that were blown in and have saturated the carpet all through the spring and summer will be washed away. This will leave you with an environment that is enclosed to the outside allergens. The carpet, having been professionally cleaned, will be allergen free for the entire winter. This will allow for a greater quality of life throughout the winter months for those who have sensitivity to allergens.
In the winter months the carpet tends to dry quicker after being professionally cleaned. Without humidity the moisture that is in the carpet will evaporate at a faster pace. High powered fans, along with the homes heating elements will ensure thoroughly dried carpets. For you this means less worry about mildew, mold, or carpet delimitation from the carpets staying wet for too long.
Since carpet cleaning professionals are usually less busy in the winter months consumers will likely be able to get the best deal when scheduling their carpet cleaning for the winter months. Not only will you get all the benefits above from cleaning your carpets in the winter you can also save money doing it. How much better can getting your carpet in the winter get?
Cleaning tile is one of life’s most tedious, time consuming jobs. With all that being said it can get easier. If you are cleaning backsplashes in the kitchen, tile in the tub, or the tiled entry ways a few easy tricks of the trade could make the job much easier. The first thing you need to be aware of as a master cleaner is that tile inevitably gets dirty indifferent ways. Determine the root cause of the dirt and scum. It will be easier to pick the tool that will be the most effective if you know what battle you are fighting.
In the kitchen you will often find tile cleaning to be less of a hassle if you spend time throughout the time in the kitchen cleaning up food splatters as they happen. Waiting until the food has become an art form in your kitchen will present many grout and tile cleaning issues. For most kitchens cleaning with a simple mixture of vinegar and water, equal parts, will be sufficient. Spray on the cleaning solution and let it set and the stains should be easy to wipe off. For more stubborn stains a paste of baking soda and water can be applied. It is easier to get the tile and grout clean scrubbing in small circles rather than spreading the dirt around moving the debris about within the area using an up and down motion. Rinse the areas that you are cleaning with a straight water mixture and sop up the extra moisture with a clean sponge.
In the bathroom soap scum is a little bit harder to remove from between the grout and to get off the tiles. You can start by using household cleaners for soap scum removal. Most likely if the scum is visible you will need to use something a little bit stronger but we will discuss this in a minute. Household cleaners are available for purchase at most stores. Most over the counter cleaners that clean tile and grout will also help eliminate the buildup of mold and mildew in bathrooms. Another trick is to use a steam cleaner before actually using cleaning products. The steam will help to loosen some of the caked on grime allowing the products to get a better handle on the stains.
If you find that your cleaners are not getting the tiles and grout within your home as clean as you would like them to be go ahead and try a commercial grade cleaner. Commercial cleaners contain ingredients that are harsh to breathe in. You will want to make sure that you are using gloves and an air filtration masking when using these chemicals. If you would like to use a more natural solution that is equally strong try hydrogen peroxide or chlorine bleach. Make sure you dilute these chemicals thoroughly before starting the cleaning process. You will also want to make sure you are reading all labels to ensure that you don’t ruin your tile or grout sealants.
The final process in cleaning tile and grout to make it look fresh and new is to apply a few coats of sealer. Sealer enables your grout to have a defense against stains. Once your tile and grout is clean keep up on routine cleanings. This will avoid having to spend hours removing stains that have set in. Also, it is important to maintain the grout by continuing to apply a sealer once a year. Add grout sealing to your list during spring cleaning so that you can avoid staining.
Deciding to renovate your home is a huge decision for most home owners. What renovations are going to give us the most bang for our buck? Is there any sort of order we should do renovations in? We worry that we are choosing universally accepted tiles and fixtures. We wonder if we should start with the ceilings, floors or walls. Renovating is different for all home owners and for all contractors there is a different set of guidelines. When renovating make sure that your contractor helps guide you through renovations and does not order you through steps. If you want you lay the tile before you choose wall color just to get a feel for the room then don’t let anything the contractor tells you detour you. If it makes sense to you then the renovations are being done correctly. Here is a guideline to follow when starting to plan for your homes renovations.
Outline your project
So many projects have been derailed because of poor outlining. When deciding to jump into renovations make sure you have a simple plan of attack. Sketch out what you hope the finished project will look like. Create a list of items that are must have, things you are willing to compromise on and absolute no’s. Get all of your ducks in a row with local and state permits. Decide what you want to hire out and what you would like to tackle on your own. Lastly, but most importantly make sure your funding is adequate for your project.
Outside in
When beginning any remodel project take a look at the outside projects first. Inspect the foundation of your project. If required make repairs to the home structurally before continuing with any renovations. It is also wise to make any changes in the roof lines before starting inside renovations. You will want to ensure that inside walls and joists are strong enough to withstand the prevailing projects. Windows are a big part of most remodeling jobs. Windows with blinds between the glass have become a popular renovation feature. Make sure you install all windows and repair and install siding before jumping to the interior.
You will want to demolish anything you are not saving when beginning the interior projects. This way you will not have to do demolition in the kitchen after you have finished the bedroom. Any and all demolition should take place prior to beginning the renovation process. In order to start the process you will want to rent rubbish containers to keep the mess of demolishing your home to a minimum. Be as careful as possible when removing any surfaces that you are unsure if they are covered by lead paint. During this phase of renovation it is best to not occupy your home. Demolish as much as possible if you will not be living in the house.
This is the point in your renovation project where you will want to be ready with the structural elements of your renovation. Whether you are knocking in walls or building them up it is a good time to begin those projects. If you are adding windows, such as the windows with blinds between the glass you will want to enlarge existing window frames. This will ensure that any new walls being built or taken down will still provide symmetry for your renovations. During the construct stage you will also want to add support beams to existing structures especially if you plan on adding weight to your structure.
Don’t forget about any new electrical, ducts and plumbing that needs to be run for your renovation project. With the walls exposed it will be much easier to put the guts of the systems into place. You also need to have the inspectors out while the walls are down. This will make any necessary repairs easier to fix.
Insulate and drywall
Now that you have all the guts in your walls it is time to add insulation and drywall. Insulation will progress rather quickly while the process of drywall may take up to a week. In order to achieve perfection and seamless wall surfaces it will take time.
Floors and finishing touches
After all the major construction is done and the walls are up it is time to install flooring. You will want to install flooring before the finishing touches on paint and moldings are put in. It is easy during flooring to bump into walls. You would not want brand new moldings and paint jobs to be destroyed by these preventable blemishes. Trust me it is easier and less expensive to cover the new flooring with drop clothes rather than redoing paint and molding.
Extensive renovations on your home take time and money. When beginning any major home improvement project plan ahead. You will need an extra stash of emergency money for the unexpected repairs that pop up along the way. No one plans for their pipes to leak but you never know what you will come across when you are in the annihilation phase. The best advice I could offer any one starting on a home renovation is to be patient and trust your gut.
Are you bored with your between the glass window treatments? Even with the plethora of between the glass treatments available curtains visually add something unique to the interior design of any room. Adding curtains to your room is one of the least expensive ways to add drama. Sure you can paint or add some wall paper for dimension but curtains are affordable and easy to switch out. If you aren’t pleased with your wall paper you are looking at weeks of peeling it off.
Adding personality to your rooms by adding curtains takes little to know interior design experience. Curtains are one of those items that can be added to any window even if the windows already have blinds between the glass. There are only a few decisions to make when installing curtains to your room; color, length, purpose, hardware and personal flair.
When deciding what type of curtains to add to your rooms make sure to measure the windows and furniture in the room before becoming too set on one type. For instance if you have a large bed frame with large nightstands but small windows you will want to place more emphasis on making the windows grand. When you measure for a small window that is in a room with large items you will want to look for hardware that can extend past the existing window frame. This will make the window appear larger and won’t allow the furniture to be the main focal point of the room any longer. With extra large windows if you want to down play them you will want to use simple window treatments to deemphasize their size.
Color, Print and Pattern
Colors are often used to describe our mood and the same exists with the mood of a room. Curtains can be one area where you use color to create an ambience. Neutral is always a good choice for walls because you can change the accessories to create the mood. If you choose a patterned wall paper or bold color to create a statement then let the walls stand as the room’s statement. Downplay the color, print and pattern of the curtains so that the room does not become overly busy. Whatever you choose when using curtains to decorate a room make sure it fits your style and taste. You are the one who has to love what you see when you enter the room.
This is really important when placing emphasis in your interior design. Don’t think that just because you have short windows that are set higher off the ground you must use curtains that are short. If you want to add drama and flair you will want to emphasize the window. Use the windows natural light by using sheer curtains that go to the floor. Floor length curtains will always add a touch of class and flair. Short curtains tend to be great for kitchens and baths. These areas in your home can use curtains in a fun playful nature. Feel free to choose half curtains or only a valance where you aren’t concerned with privacy such as in the kitchen. If you have windows with the blinds between the glass privacy won’t be an issue anyhow. Windows that have the blinds encased within look wonderful with valances or even sheer curtains. It is all personal preference.
Will the curtains you are installing serve a light control purpose? If so you will need to purchase room darkening curtains. This comes into play for bedrooms mostly. If you work nights and sleep days make sure you take this into account when planning for curtains in the bedroom.
There are so many rods and hooks out there to jazz up your curtains. If you have a more neutral personal style then add the decorative touches in the rods and tiebacks. This is an inexpensive way to change the look of your curtains without going too extreme.
Personal Flair
When doing any kind of designing in your home this is the category to put ninety-five percent of your energy into. You will want to enjoy the space and the way it feels to you. Make sure when doing window treatments that they compliment who you are and what you want to say about yourself through your home. This is truly the most important piece in the puzzle of interior design.
Most parents’ top priority for their children is safety. When we are new parents we often have safety experts in that will scour the inside of our homes looking for hidden dangers. How often though do we take safety on the outside of our home into account? So many times we forget about the outside because our main focus is where they will be when we bring them home. The outside gets forgotten because by the time they are toddling around outside we think a few bumps and bruises are natural. So we tend to overlook the larger dangers. The ones that will cause more than a few scrapes. Let’s examine some of the dangers that you should be concerned with when you child is outside.
Parents with pools should make sure the minute they find out they are expecting that they purchase an aluminum fence that will lock. This will prevent a child from entering the pool area without an adult. This is more common than you would expect. Children drown each year trying to fish a favorite toy out of the water.
Water is such a hazard. Many parents don’t think about this but even a backyard pond could become deadly to a wobbling toddler. I know we all think we can supervise one hundred percent of the time but it is more difficult than you think. This is especially true when you have more than one child. Drain the pond or fill it in. I know they are a beautiful part of landscaping but it isn’t worth your child’s life.
Always make sure your child has a helmet on when riding a bike, rollerblading, skateboarding, on a scooter or sledding. You will want to ensure that the helmet fits your child and is in good working order. Head injuries are serious and outside fun should not be the cause of a lifetime of issues.
Make sure your children keep plenty of fluids in them when playing outside. Kids can become dehydrated very easily even in the winter months.
Make sure to inspect all equipment and get rid of anything that is cracked, splintered or otherwise damaged. It is wiser to replace any piece on your play area rather than try to repair it. Prolonging the life of a cracked swing with some tape or glue is a disaster waiting to happen.
If your community allows for it fence in your yard. An aluminum fence will keep your children in and critters out. Fencing is a great tool in keeping your child safe. It avoids them running out into the road to chase after a ball or venturing into neighboring yards that might not be equipped for small children.
Make sure that all poisonous shrubs and plants have been removed from your yard. Little red berries look awfully tempting to little kids but can be extremely lethal if digested. When spraying plant killer for things like poison ivy and poison oak make sure that you keep your children inside. The application of pesticides and plant killers can be deadly to children with any type of respiratory issues.
Above all use caution when allowing your child to become independent. Children are naturally curious and will tend to find mischief without even looking. It is our job to protect them in every way possible until caution is learned. Be watchful and you should be able to steer them away from the dangers that will leave more than a few scrapes and cuts.
The thought of drowning scares me to death. The thought of my child drowning because the right safety precautions were not taken scares me even more. The laws of pool ownership have become more stringent in previous years. Even after you have installed aluminum pool fencing to comply with your states legislation there are things you should keep in mind. To ensure complete safety for all of your guest make sure that you are aware of all the hazards that a backyard pool brings with it.
It is a must that your aluminum pool fence has a lock that is out of reach for small children. It is your responsibility to ensure that little guests are not in the pool if unsupervised. A drowning can take place in as little as a minute so be sure that children are not alone by the water and that entry is only available to adults. Aluminum fencing is also wonderful to have around your pool because it keeps small critters out as well as guest that are not water safe yet.
Make sure that you keep life saving devices available in your pool area. Keep life rings in the pool area to help in case someone finds themselves needing assistance. Life jacket should also be in the area for any guest that might not be able to swim well.
It is also wise that a copy of lifesaving techniques be posted along with emergency numbers. Often when a tragedy is happening we tend to forget all rational thought. It is best to keep these items in sight for easy use if an emergency happens within your pool area.
Pools should be equipped with lighting. It is important that your pool have lighting especially when swimming is taking place in the later hours of the day. When the sun is setting it is often difficult to see into the bottom of the pool to check for anything that might be lying on the pool floor.
Children should always be accompanied by an adult swimmer. Make sure that people don’t leave children unattended even for a split second to run into the house for anything. In those seconds anything can happen. Make sure an adult is present that is sober. When a parent is impaired it is often difficult to think coherently. It would be utterly devastating if you were not able to save a child because you had too much to drink.
Keep all drinks in the pool area in aluminum or plastic containers. Glass bottles can lead to massive injuries. This is such a little precaution to take in order to keep a child from getting cut if the bottle happens to break. Also, if glass shatters and falls into the pool water you will have an incredibly difficult time making sure that you have removed it all from the pool.
When you leave the pool for the night make sure that you have a pool cover on. This along with the safety latch should detour any child from getting into the pool. When you cover the pool you take away the excitement that comes from seeing the water. They also sell pool alarms that you can use along with the pool cover to monitor entrance into the water. If someone happens to find their way in an alarm will sound and you can immediately respond.
We would all like to think a simple aluminum fence around the pool will keep our children safe. However, we have all seen in recent years where a precaution was not taken and a child has needlessly drowned. You don’t want that memory to haunt your backyard fun. Make sure you make all the necessary measure in keeping your backyard a fun zone.
What exactly is pool fencing you ask? Pool fencing is used to keep children and animals out of an area that is occupied by an in ground body of water. Swimming pool fences are most commonly known to be used to keep children out of harm’s way. Swimming pool fencing provides a barrier between the child and the water where they could accidentally fall in and drown. There are several types of pool fencing materials to consider when deciding to enclose your pool area.
Mesh Pool Safety Fence – Removable
This type of fencing is convenient in smaller pool areas. The mesh fencing is installed using polls that are spaced evenly apart around your pools edge. The nice thing about the mesh fencing is that it is removable. If you are having a social event and would like the area to be open you can easily remove the fencing from the pool and store it. Another advantage is that mesh fencing is less expensive than most types of residential fencing materials. The major disadvantage to not having a permanent fence around your pool is the hassle that is involved in removing it. Another disadvantage is the fact that the fencing material is usually installed right at the pools edge. This makes it feel closed in for those swimming if the fence is left up.
Aluminum Swimming Pool Fencing – Permanent
Aluminum swimming pool fencing is incredibly durable. It is relatively maintenance free and can be customized to fit any backyard décor. Aluminum fencing material is beautiful. There is not a distinguishable front or back to this type of fencing. Whether you are in the pool enjoying the water or outside of the pool area doing lawn work you will benefit from the beauty this fencing material gives. The frame is secured by metal posts that are permanently set in the ground around your pool. This provides the luxury of being able to enjoy the pool area without removing the fencing. It is also a practically maintenance free material. Every year give it a quick power washing and the fence will be restored and looking as fresh as it did when it was first installed. The disadvantage to aluminum swimming pool fencing is that if you are limited in space the fencing will take over the backyard. You would really have to fall in love with the custom fencing in this case.
Glass Fencing – Permanent
Glass fencing is becoming a modern option in swimming pool fencing. There are obvious disadvantages such as cleaning, height restrictions and over all durability. If you absolutely fall in love with the modern look of glass fencing and it meets the requirements in your state then by all means install this type of fencing. Just be aware that maintaining this fencing will not be easy.
Wood Fencing – Permanent
Wood fencing is a practical alternative in pool fencing. It is affordable and can be customized for a totally private pool area or one in which light can filter through. The thing you need to look out for in wood fencing is that it is easy to climb over. Make sure the pool fencing is the correct height for your states requirements. The one major downfall in wood fencing is maintenance. You will be required to power wash your wood fencing more frequently than you would to maintain aluminum or mesh swimming pool fence. The benefit might be found in the lower price of the wooden fence. You will have to decide what is most important to you saving money or saving time.
The type of swimming pool fencing you decide upon will be affected by many things. The budget of your project is a huge decision making factor. You will also want to take into consideration your state laws regarding swimming pool fencing. The advantages and disadvantages of each type of swimming pool fencing need to be considered before you can make an educated decision on what is right for your pool area.
Nothing is better than giving a child something personal that will light up their face with a smile. We are in a season, with the economy, that every family is looking to save money where they can. This makes giving a gift that is extra special an absolute must. What makes a gift amazing to the receiver? Think about something you received lately that is amazing. My favorite items are those that are bought and personalized with me in mind. The next time you need to purchase a gift for a child try a personalized toy or a personalized item that makes their independence blossom. Sometimes it is hard to think of just the right item. Hopefully you will see something that sparks your interest in the suggestions I have for you.
I love gifts that are given to my children that are personalized and create independence. I love the idea of a stool with their name painted or engraved on it. I also love the idea of having a picture of a hobby such as soccer on the stool. This gives the child a sense of pride in this item because it was made especially for them. Stools are also great because they allow littler children the freedom of reaching things they often cannot. Isn’t it great when a child can reach the toilet without help or able to get a shirt out of the closet without pulling it down. This gift is perfect for children that are trying to establish an independent spirit.
Another fun gift idea is a personalized clothes rack. These are perfect for dress up items that children would normally store in a spot unseen. When toys are unseen they often go without being played with. Dresses up clothes add funky style to a child’s room so why wouldn’t you want to display them. The perfect way to do this is to compliment your child’s style with a personalized clothes rack. Add their name and the colors of their room. The clothes rack will become an instant hit and will help mom organize dress up clothes to make them accessible for the little ones.
Toy caddies are also becoming popular items to personalize. Little kids love to carry everything they own with them where ever they go. This toy allows for this to happen in an organized fashion. My son has a toy caddy and whenever he is going to grandma’s he loads it up with the toys he wants to play with while he is there. This also allows for all the toys to have a place to live when he is done playing with them wherever he is. Instead of having to find every toy he has brought with him scattered throughout grandma’s house they are all conveniently living in their toy caddy and ready to go home.
There are so many wonderful ideas when it comes to personalizing kids toys. If you can think of it, I imagine, it exists. From chairs, bean bags and backpacks there is something that every child will adore. The fact that you have taken the time to have a personalized kid’s toy made for them will make it their favorite for years to come. Get creative when thinking about those special little people in your life and give a personalized kids toy today.