Livingston Reporting - page 351

Due Diligence: An Important Business Process

People often wonder how businesses go through the process of being bought out. It is such a long and tedious process for the business owner. More goes into a business take over then what employees even know about. The business owner will have to work with the seller through many of the processes of the sale in order to complete the takeover. One such task that takes time is due diligence. This is the process of taking a detailed look into the business you are looking to purchase.
There are a number of things required in putting together a due diligence report on a company. You must review the fiscal performance, inventory and property, staff, operations, clientele, marketing, vendors and competitors. The aspects of the company need to be thoroughly reviewed to decide if this company if going to be a fit for you to purchase. The due diligence process is one that can take several weeks and should not be rushed. If the seller is over eager and rushing this process it is a sign to be weary.
Every business type is different and will therefore need to be looked at differently. The uniqueness will determine the type of due diligence that you have to complete. For instance, if you are buying a retail business verse a company that offers services or perhaps an all cash business verse a large manufacturing company. They all require a different process to ensure that each unique aspect of the company has been thoroughly reviewed.
In reviewing the fiscal performance of a company you will want to review past and current financial records. It is important to see what bills are coming in to determine what money is going out on a regular basis. It is also important to get a record of all incoming funds. It is necessary to determine areas that are running fiscally sound and those in need of improvement. You also need to have a very good idea of all account receivable. If you see that a firm is lax in their collections you will want to know this in order to develop a plan of attack when you take over. It is necessary to review anywhere from 1-3 years with the information to get a current look at the financial systems of the company.
Due diligencealso looks into the company’s current and historical inventory and assets. An example of this would be a restaurant. Ovens, refrigerators, tables and linens are all part of the assets owned by the company. Take into consideration also all of the food products and staples that the firm has. These are all things that due diligence takes into consideration.
You will want to discuss the staffing also. You need to determine which personal is full time, part time, what benefits are offered and employee plans. It is a discreet process that should be handled very carefully. Many times employers do not want employees to get wise of the company be sold. My husband’s company has been discreetly purchased over three times. Literally he was not aware until the purchase was complete and the deal was done.
Due diligence also looks into the operations of a firm. If you are a gas station you need to buy gas. A liquor store buys liquor. These are the things that go into the operations of a company. Some company’s use sophisticated systems in the daily operations of a company while others are operated in a more informal manner. You need to determine what you are getting into and due diligence when you determine the way a company operates. It is also important to determine what vendors are currently being used and what costs are associated with them.
Clientele and marketing are important in learning about before taking over a firm. You may have a preconceived notion of what type of clients and marketing are used when in reality something totally different exists in this climate. Due diligence determines who the clientele are and what type of marketing programs work for them.
Due diligence also takes a detailed look at the competition within industries. You will need to determine if competing in a highly competitive industry is what you are up for when taking over a firm. It is important that you recognize who your main competitors are to determine if they are really a threat and you are a little fish in a big sea or if the opposite is true.
Once you complete a thorough review of a company you are interested in sit down and analyze the due diligence report. The money spent on this process is equivalent of a home inspection before final purchase. At the due diligence point it is a contingent offer after the final review is when you decide to continue on with the sale, to ditch the sales, or whether you need to lower your offer based on the information found.

Age in Place Remodeling: Keeping the Independence Alive

I have the best grandmother in law. She is highly independent, full of spunk and insistent that she will forever live on her own. In order to understand my concerns you must understand she is in her eighties, has been in several severe car accidents and has recently had her hips replaced. She has a rod holding her back in place and has a limited range of motion in her neck. The scariest part of her accidents was one car crash that landed her in a halo. It is very disturbing to see a loved one in head gear that limits their mobility that much. Through this entire time Gram has stated that she will continue to live in her own house without aide from a daily helper.
After her hip replacement she was in a rehab facility that was very close to where we all live. We thought for sure we had her hook line and sinker into moving closer to us in one of these assisted living facilities. Boy was that the wrong thing to hope for. Gram is very independent and wants to continue living in that manner. It might be scary for us but this is her life and she has lived long enough and through enough that she is allowed to make these decisions on her own.
In order to help her age in place we brought in a general contractor that specializes in aging in place remodeling. One of the major areas of concern for us was the fact that she still insisted on doing her own laundry which is in the basement of her home. In order for us to feel safe for her to continue with this practice we needed to install a chair lift. This was a very easy fix after all. The chair lift was a bit pricey but the installer was able to complete the whole project in a weekend and she is now able to go up and down the stairs without us having to worry. She sits in the lift buckles in and away she goes.
There were a few issues that we had concerns about within the house. For instance there are times when her knees are very weak. For this we had installed a seat within her shower and grab bars around the tub and toilet. This alleviates the issue of her needing extra support. We were also concerned with the door handles. She often has a hard time gripping them so we had the handyman come in and install levers. These are much easier for her to use.
There are many different products available for purchase to help seniors age in place. If you have someone in your life that is not interested in going to one of those and I will quote Gram, “places where old people live.” mind you now she is in her eighties, hire a contractor who specializes in age in place remodeling. They help make their home safe and help them keep the independence they so desire.

Adding On To A House Made Easy

There are many things to consider when adding on to a house. It is a very stressful process if attempted without a plan and a contractor. With any addition there are steps to follow and budgets to be kept to keep adding on to your home a smooth event. No one wants to end up like they do in “The Money Pit” where Tom Hanks and Shelley Long are hopelessly wrapped up in home improvement renovations that their life together falls apart. Any project needs a good start to lead to a stellar finish. The following eight steps will help guide you in the right direction.
1 Dream Big
Think about what you want adding on to your home to accomplish? Are you looking for more dining space, a new outdoor entertaining are such as a porch or deck or are you adding on to your home because of a new addition to your family? Rank the goals that you are looking to achieve and once you see the things that are a priority to you it might become clear that adding on a deck or adding on a porch for outdoor entertaining is more important that junior sharing his room with a new sibling. It is nice to figure this out before the renovations begin.
2 Follow Local Rules
It is important that in adding on to a house that you pull the proper permits for any and all projects that you are doing. The last thing you need is to start and have an outside wall torn off your home and local inspectors that put a halt to your project for improper permits.
3 Be Open To Change
What I mean by be open to change is thinking outside of what is already around you. Just because a sink or tub is in a certain position now does not mean it has to stay there. Often you can make big changes to the layout of a room with just tinkering where the stationary items are placed. Doors and window placement can also be changed which adds a dramatic difference to many home additions.
4 Expand Efficiently
This is a very simple concept. Sometimes we have space that is usable staring at us and we don’t even realize it. We had a closet in our dining room that really was not suitable for use except for storage. We stored the items that were in there in the attic and revamped the space so that we could sufficiently add a hutch without using any of the important dining space.
5 Add Angles To Add Interest
If you are living in a square the outside can be spruced up by adding dimension with angles. Your home does not need to be kept square. If you are looking at adding on a deck add dimension to your home by adding levels and more complex angles and lines.
6 Consistency Is Key
It is important to use materials that are as close as originally used on an addition. If you cannot find siding that matches exactly or find something that compliments the new addition. You don’t want it to look like an add-on. Any addition to your home should enhance your home and blend to the point that it is not obvious anything has been done.
7 Landscape That Makes Sense
Make sure you take into account the outside when adding on to a house. It definitely does not make sense to create a space in which you have to destroy half your yard to put it in place. For instance it does not make sense to add on extra windows if you have established trees blocking the light the windows were supposed to expose.
8 Keep Things In Proportion
This is a big one. Adding on to your home is about making more space however don’t build a 2300 square foot addition to a one car garage without thought of also expanding that. Things need to stay relative to one another in your homes addition.
There is a lot to think about when going into any home improvement project but even more so when adding on to a house. Plan the best you can, be as prepared as possible but hold on because there will be some rough roads along the way of any home renovation. That is my only guarantee.

Handy Information for Bathroom Remodeling

When you purchase a home you go into it knowing there are things that you will need to change. That happens so that you can make it your own and make it your home. When thinking about remodeling your home there are several things to think about as you venture into these projects. You need to figure out a budget, how far you want to immerse yourself in renovation and the style that you are looking to achieve with your home renovation project.
Bathroom remodeling is growing fast as suppliers are offering spa like fixtures and home owners are looking to create a quiet retreat from the busy world in their very own homes. There are so many levels of remodeling when it comes to bathrooms. First you must decide if you are going to enlarge a bathroom gutting it and basically starting from scratch or are you happy with a coat of paint, new fixtures and some new lights. Of course a lot of this will depend on your budget and willingness to immerse in a complete remodel.
I would suggest creating a list of your wants and needs. Determine how much you are willing to budget for the bathroom remodeling project and exactly what you are looking to have on the outcome of the project.
Start with determining what types of faucets and fixtures you have verses what you would like. Look around the current room and ask yourself some questions. Do you like the current layout? Are the tub, sink and toilet all going to stay or are you interested in replacing them? What about the vanity? Is there enough space for towels or are you interested in adding a linen closet? Do you want the closet inside the current space or do you want to add a space on the outside of the actual bathroom? Other things that you need to ask your self is are you okay with tub surrounds or are you more interested in specialized tiling? All of these things will help determine if your project is capable of being done within your budget or if you need to wait or scale back expectations.
Also look into lighting. So many different options are currently available. Do you like the look of florescent lights or do you want a more natural light. Is there a window in your bathroom to provide natural light and you are looking to enhance the natural light of the room? Recessed lights are also very popular and can be done to also provide heating elements in spaces like stand up showers.
It is fun to determine paint. Paint will help create an environment in your bathroom. If you are looking for a sea/ocean feel verse a spa feel verse a fun kids space. Paint can change the mood without a lot of expense. If your budget is small think about trying to paint to see if that is enough change to create a certain feel for your bathroom setting. This might be a simple solution to a major bathroom renovation until you can afford the more luxurious renovations.
Budget is the number one factor in any remodel but especially in a bathroom remodel. Every dime spent adds up quickly. Often during a renovation we don’t take in to account the minor expenses like caulk or new electrical fixtures. Make sure expenses don’t sneak up on you with thorough planning before you contemplate an all out, full scale bathroom renovation.

The Convenience of Blinds Between the Glass

The housing market is crazy right now. There are thousands of houses available and many first time home buyers scooping them up. It is the perfect time to purchase. When you start looking into a new home purchase you find yourself checking out a few basic qualities to determine if the house is right for you. We often check for bigger ticket items like the roof and the heating system. New windows are always a bonus especially if they are windows with blinds between the glass. How many times though to you walk into your dream home and see windows that are desirable? Not many.
That is not a problem anymore. With recent energy saving tax credits replacement windows are not such a drawback when considering the purchase of a new home. It is easier and less expensive than ever to purchase quality replacement windows. Many companies, such as Pella, offer windows with blinds between the glass which in my opinion save you money in the long run. Plus it saves extra money in the long run for you aren’t constantly replacing mini-blinds that break or curtain that become outdated.
Not only do companies now offer blinds between to glass they offer different options for home owners to choose from. Roller shades and decorative panels have also become popular lately. Decorative panels are a great option in bathrooms where you want light to flow through but are in need of privacy. Roller shades are convenient in bedrooms where maximum light control is optimal.
The great feature about all between the glass options is their ease of use, ease of cleaning and elegant look. Plus it doesn’t hurt that the kids and pets can’t get their stick little fingers and sharp teeth on them so it save the hassle of replacing window treatments. That is a huge bonus because window treatment shopping is expensive and a lot of laborious work to get them installed correctly.
The blinds between the glass are very simple to use. The cords are all encased and it is a simple pull and twist motion to have them open and tilt. Cleaning them is also a breeze. It is very infrequent in need but when it does need to be done it is very simple. All that is involved is unlatching the glass panel allowing it to swing freely and vacuum the blind, shade or decorative panel with the upholstery attachment on the vacuum cleaner. Not to mention the overall elegant look they give to your home. It allows certain open feel to a room that heavy curtains or blinds on the outside don’t.
When looking into a new home purchase and weighing the pros and cons of different homes don’t let having to purchase replacement windows be the deciding factor. With the options available and the credits that are available having windows, especially windows with blinds between the glass, installed is more affordable than ever.

Home Restoration After Fire and Smoke

We have had some crazy Michigan weather this year. The weather has gone from beyond cold with a ton of snow to rain and wind overnight. As many of you know with strange weather comes many natural disasters. One such disaster recently struck too close for comfort.
Our friends have a fireplace that they use quiet frequently. So when it recently was bitter cold they decided that it was a good idea to use the fireplace. That seems pretty harmless right? The thing is after the fire ashes were left. Our neighbor cleaned out the fireplace and put the ashes in a metal bucket which he then placed on the wood deck. Because the weather had been pretty windy and dry the wood was in ripe condition to use the heat from the metal bucket to create a smoldering fire. This fire smoldered for hours finally catching the floor joist on fire. By the time they had returned from work hours later the home was engulfed in smoke and the smoldering fire had caused major damage to their floor in the living room area which is off of the porch.
Added on top of the damage that was already created by the fire was the damage done in order to eliminate the smoldering hot fire under the house. Once the firefighters added the water the house literally disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Their first instinct was to run in and immediately start putting their lives back in order. Of course this is not necessarily the first action homeowners should take when they find themselves in a situation involving fire and smoke damage. Here are some tips to consider before rushing in to clean your home after a fire.
Tip #1 – Contact your insurance company. Your agent will be able to recommend a professional fire and smoke damage restorer. Often they will help with hints to prevent further damage.
Tip #2 – Once you have determined it is safe to enter into your home through and determine, with the professional fire restorer, go through the house and determine what items can and cannot be refurbished.
Tip #3 – Get the air circulating throughout your home. Open all windows, doors and have fans running at all times. If you are in the heat of summer it will be best to have the air conditioner running along with a dehumidifier. If fire and smoke damage happen to your home in the winter, run the furnace which will remove the moisture. Keep fans going and make sure to change the filters everyday to prevent soot build up.
Tip #4 – Dry everything thoroughly. Especially carpets, furniture and bedding. This will help prevent mold and mildew.
Tip #5 – Place cling wrap under the legs on all furniture involved in the fire. It is also important when dealing with items not directly involved in the fire that are still clean to cover them with plastic to prevent damage.
Tip #6 – Hire a professional to come in and deodorize the house. It is also important that heavy drapery be sent out to be cleaned. Soot is oily and stinky. You really cannot get certain bigger items fresh on your own.
Tip #7 – Take your time in repairing your home. A thorough job is always better that one done in haste.

Wanted Handyman Services for Minor Home Repairs

I often wonder how women who are widowed or single do it. I think my wife would be lost if she had to keep up with all of the maintenance that needs to be done or checked on throughout the year. That is why I am so thankful I recently ran into a gentleman that does handyman repairs. What a great concept for a profession. Whether you live a lifestyle that leaves you running ninety percent of the times without time for household chores or you are a single person who needs help there are now people who specialize in handyman services.
There are many chores that I just do not want to do, chores that would be easier to hire someone else to do, someone that offershandyman services. Inside I cringe when I think about wasting an entire weekend repairing drywall. Sanding, filling, sanding again and then the waiting for it to dry before you can touch up the paint and surrounding wall. Who really wants to do these mundane household tasks? I am so happy that I can hire a professional to come out that specializes in home maintenance. Handyman offer professional services that normal household need not only major home renovations but the simple projects too.
Interior handyman services can include but are not limited to painting, trim carpentry, installing and replacing things like light switches and fixtures, repair windows or even installing new ones and even something like assembling a book shelf or any other type of boxed furniture. You name it handymen often specialize in it. Handyman services are available for all of your honey do list items.
On the exterior handyman offer services such as painting, repairing driveways, assembling swing sets, caulking windows and some even offer to hang those pesky holiday lights better yet taking them down. Who really wants to take those things down after the holiday buzz wears off?
Handyman services also specialize in room repairs also. Bathroom fans often need to be replaced which takes electrical knowledge as well as basic installation know how. Another thing that often happens in bathrooms is that tiles need to be repaired or replaced. These are projects that cannot be left undone as water will seep in and ruin the drywall if not caught and dealt with immediately.
Kitchen handyman services can be something as simple is changing out the hardware on the cabinets to installing a new countertop. Even installing a water purifier to your sink that is what is so wonderful about handymen. When it is something more complex than you want to give your time to you can hire a handyman to accomplish it. General contractors are often too wrapped up in large scale renovations to deal with the minor details that arise in home repair.

Organizing Home Renovation Projects

So much goes into home renovations. A lot is dependent on if you are choosing to do the renovations yourself or hiring a professional contractor to do the work. Many people will choose to do some smaller home renovations on their own leaving bigger remodels such as kitchens and bathrooms to the professionals.
No matter what you choose when it comes to your own home one of the first tips I can offer you is to stay organized and keep an eye on the progress of the work. Even if you are working on a home renovation by yourself you will want to keep a checklist on yourself to ensure the project does not drag on forever. Of course flexibility is often needed when it comes to set backs and ordering delays. Don’t let those things throw off the entire timeline of the project. If you are stuck because the flooring has arrived do not let that stop you from completing other finishing touches to keep the momentum.
One great organizing tip I received from a friend is to keep folders for each separate trade. If your project calls for you to have to deal with an electrician, a plumber, and a general handyman you would have three separate folders. In them you then would keep track of contracts, notes and conversations that have taken place. This way if you need to refer back to a conversation you have it at the tip of your fingers. This applies if you are the contractor or if you have hired someone to do the remodel. The great thing is that you will also have at your fingertips these references if you need them later on.
When dealing with different contractors you will want to make sure that your requests are spoken and written. Make sure, for instance, if you hire an electrician they know that so many outlets need to be within a room of each size. It is up to you that if you want them placed in certain areas that you make sure your electrician knows this. If you do not specify what you want they may not place them in locations that are desirable for the way that your room and furniture will be configured.
Another handyman tip is that if you have a painter in to paint the house. Remember that they will not automatically save extra for you to touch up. Make sure that you ask for a container of touch up paint. These are things that your contractor will automatically think of.
There are some areas that will bring you more return on your purchase. These areas include home renovations in areas where the water is such as kitchens and baths. These are areas that people will focus a lot of attention on when they enter your home. Another thing that people look for way before name brand fixtures are is trim work. Money spent on crown molding and trim work done in a professional manner will definitely make your money back in the long run.

Flooring Options for the Rooms in Your Home

Choosing flooring for your home is often one of the most important decisions you will have to make as a home owner. It combines all aspects of your home and you truly want the flooring throughout your home to blend with the style of the home as a whole. One thing that was odd in the house I grew up is that each room had different color and textured carpet. The kitchen flooring was berber, the living room was a frieze/shag and the bedroom carpet was plush. Another thing was odd is that my bedroom had red carpet, the boys had brown, the kitchen was white/blue/gray and the living area was beige. How did any of that tie our home together? I am sure the people who bought our home immediately tore out the flooring and replaced it.
Flooring does depend a lot on personal style. This is a surface that every day you will use. Family and friends will use the surface for walking on, sitting on, accidentally spill their drinks on and play on. It needs to be durable and practical for your family and friends. If you are the hostess of many family gathering is it really wise to have white carpet throughout your home? As you begin the processes of choosing your flooring take several things into consideration. First you must determine a budget, consider the size of the room, what is the usage of the room, do you have kids and pets and how long do you expect the flooring to last?
Kitchen flooring is always a fun area to consider. There are so many personal decisions to make. Several choices exist, linoleum, ceramic tiles, wood, faux wood and carpet. Carpet is not necessarily a popular choice these days. As with a bathroom, the kitchen takes abuse from moisture, spills and an abundance of traffic. If you are looking into living in this home awhile and hoping for high resale value buck up and spend the money on real hard wood. It is durable and long lasting. It can take a beating the aging looks like a natural progression of a home that is lived in. When you start to miss that new floor it is easy to call a local flooring expert out to refinish it bringing the luster right back into the floor. Linoleum is the least expensive option and ceramic tile is a great mid cost product to use that also holds up well. You might have to have the floor grouted again after several years of use but that is a fairly inexpensive project for your local handyman.
In bathroom flooring it is obvious that you need to consider a material that will hold up against daily use and moisture. Linoleum can be used but it is a short term material. Often linoleum will wear and date itself within seven years of installation. Better long term options are ceramic, limestone and marble. Again this is where budget and personal preference come in to play. Color and texture options are plentiful in any of the above mentioned materials.
Areas such as living rooms and bedrooms are areas that personal preference will take over. I have a thing for the comfortable look and feel of carpet. I think that with my children being small that they spend most of their time playing on the floor. Carpet provides the warm, comfy feel I enjoy in a living are. However many people really like wood floors with area rugs. This is a very good option for longevity but will be pricey to install. Wood can always be refinished which makes it the longest lasting option. Area rugs are inexpensive and can be used to add warmth to any room.
As with most home renovations flooring can increase the market of your home. Take this into consideration if this home is just a mere stepping stone. Don’t spend astronomical amounts of money on a floor that you will not enjoy. If it a home that you are looking to spend the rest of your life in consider the upgrades otherwise choose a mid grade option that will tend to be on the neutral side of flooring options. These will the resale value of your home in the long term. Kitchen flooring and bathroom flooring are areas that will change the perception of your home. This is often what makes or breaks a home sale so consider this before doing something radical like adding carpet to your kitchen like my parents did.

The Five Key Elements in Landscape Design

landscape design is more complex than one would imagine. When I was first doing the landscaping at our new house I thought I would go to the store pick out everything I thought was pretty, bring it home, slap it in and it would radiate the neighborhood. Little did I know that what ended up happening is that I bought a lot I plants and shrubs that were pleasing to the eye just not when lumped all together in my flower bed. I always have loved those carefree flowing flower beds but really there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into making them look like they are carefree flowing flower beds.
These simple tips will help you to save money and create a landscape design that not only compliments your home but also makes you the envy of the neighborhood.
The Five Basic Principles in Landscape Design
1) Harmony: This is the most important of all the tips listed. Harmony to any landscape design can be created by repetition. For instance when creating a border for the bed you would not want to layer the bed with a plastic edging and then switch and do another section with wood. It is best to keep the material the same. Another element that is important in creating harmony is to keep the different elements consistent size, texture and colors are all very important. Many people consider themed gardens to help create harmony in their landscape design.
2) Minimalism: This is for all of us beginners. It is important to start small and simple and build on later. For instance pick a plant you love and triple it. Then look around and find a bush that resembles the flower in shape, texture, color shade and chose that. Do not wonder around aimlessly buying every pretty plant that you see that is not minimalism. Start with a few items, come home set them up and begin expanding from there. Simple is for sure a good place to start. Remember that space fills in quickly as your garden matures.
3) Equilibrium: This is what helps create a feeling of balance. It helps your flower bed not to feel like a random jungle. Symmetry is useful in creating balance. Often you will find rows used. Taller plants take up the back and as you move forward the plants tend to get smaller turn into ground covers for edging. Another way to create equilibrium is to use small groupings throughout your garden.
4) Tints and Shades: By now you can see this is a common sense principle in landscape design. It is not important to have every color of the rainbow represented in your garden. Complimentary colors work best in creating a landscape design. Often we become kids in a candy shop when you let us loose in the garden section of a store. Try to resist the urge to mix orange with fuchsia. You get the drift.
5) Effortless Change: Make the transitions from one section of your flower bed to another seamless. What you don’t want to create is separate spaces for your garden. You want it to look and feel like it all flows together as one. You want it to appear that Mother Nature placed the plants in your yard naturally so that you create unity with the landscape design, home and yard.
Hopefully these tips will inspire your next landscape design project. It often helps when moving into a new home or replacing the old to clean out what you don’t like about the old before you go to the store. You might find once the rubbish that is not eye catching is cleared away that a few simple moderations can create a huge difference without spending a ton of money.