Livingston Reporting - page 350

Budgeting for a Home Renovation

Budgeting for home renovations is always tough. Even when you plan for everything and even a few glitches along the way budgets often find a way to be busted. In order to keep your progress from ending in a budget stale mate here are a few things to keep in mind when renovations are planned for your home.

First decide why you are renovating your home. What do you hope to accomplish with the renovation? Are you adding space for a new addition? Are you adding space for a kids play room or do you hope that with your renovation you increase the value of your home. Knowing exactly what you hope to accomplish with your home renovations will make it easier to create a budget and stick to it. It is often when a plan is not created that we go overboard with spending. So the more you can think out ahead of time before renovations on your home begin the better your finances will look in the end.

Speaking of a budget determine how much you can afford to spend on this home renovation. If you realize that what you hope to accomplish is not possible within the funds you have allotted for the project than you can easily put it on hold at this stage of the process. Determine the cost of all materials, tools and furnishings that will be needed to complete the renovation. If you are doing a kitchen renovation make sure to take into account large items like stoves and refrigerators. If you are doing a bathroom remodel take into account a new tub, sink and vanity. A toilet and new fixtures should also be added to the budget.

Next ask yourself are you up to taking on the challenge of a remodel or is it better for you to hire a contractor to ensure a smooth renovation. If you are the handyman type simple renovations can easily be done on your own and can save your contractor fees. If you are going to hire out a residential contractor make sure to look at examples of their previous work. Ask for references and check out their website. The detail put into their work, references and website will give you a good idea of their work and work ethic. It is also important to make sure your gut tells you that the contractor you have chosen is right for you and your renovation.

A timeline is also important in home renovations. It is important to go over this with your contractor and get in writing a plan of attack. It is important that each step is broke down into a time frame so that you and the contractor can work together to make sure progress stays on track.

Making sure that the contractor you hire is on the same page as you is one of the most important steps in home renovation. You can have this by opening the lines of communication from the start. Know that sometimes things can take an unexpected turn but that you are interested in keeping up to date with the progress and would like updates even when something goes haywire.

Once you have agreed upon a plan do not keep changing things. Nothing makes a contractor bitter more than an indecisive customer. They to have a time frame to stay within so that they can continue work with other clients. Every change adds time and money to the budget so stick to the original plan of attack. It will ease the schedule and budget if you stick to the initial renovation plan.

The last thing you will need to decide is if you plan on living in your dwelling during the construction or if you plan on finding a place that is more conducive to your life. If you decide to live in your home during the renovation make sure that you do not interrupt the progress. A happy contractor makes for a happy homeowner.

Steps Involved in a Kitchen Remodel

Is it possible to complete a kitchen remodel in less than three months and stay sane? I believe it is. The kitchen is the most functional place in any home. Who wants it to be out of commission any longer than it absolutely needs be? That is why it is so important to be prepared before you begin any home renovation but especially the kitchen. In order to complete a kitchen renovation it is important to consult a professional for help if not to complete the entire project. Some homeowners take on more than they can chew in between family and work obligations and a kitchen remodel is not one of those things that is easily handled.

Professional kitchen remodelers have all the tools and skills needed to finish a kitchen renovation is a short periods of time. They are skilled and prepared to tackle this job and give it one hundred percent of their dedication to ensure that the center piece of gatherings within the home is finished quickly. The steps they follow are the same as if a homeowner were doing it on their own. The major difference is that it is their job and will not be interrupted by life during the renovation of your kitchen.

Step one involves prepping the kitchen for the remodel. This involves removing furniture, appliances, food, dishes and anything else that lives within your kitchen area. Make sure all gas is turned off in the area if that is applicable. After everything is removed from the kitchen it is time to start dismantling the cabinets unless you are going to refinish them. If you are refinishing the cabinets now is the time to unscrew the doors from their hinges and label them so they can be put back in place properly. Make sure to unhook all plumbing fixtures and remove them before any countertops are removed.

The next step involves prepping cabinetry. This is the step in which cabinets are either refinished or removed. If the cabinets are to be refinished the doors will be removed, sanded, and primed for finishing later. The base cabinets can be unscrewed and moved to a storage area while renovations continue in the kitchen area.

Once everything is cleared it is time to paint. In order to paint the surface should be patched, sanded, washed, primed and then painted with two layers. This will improve the look of the paint job. Another thing that should be done during this part of the kitchen remodel is the countertops should be measured and a plan of action should be made to access where the sink will be placed.

The flooring and cabinets can be installed next leaving the final touches in the kitchen remodeling process to be the backsplash and putting appliance back into place for use. If the cabinets are being refinished also that process should be completed while you are working on painting the kitchen. This will ensure proper drying time for the cabinets before items are put back in place.

As this illustrates there are many steps to think about and coordinate before a kitchen remodel. It is probably best to hire a kitchen renovator to do this major home renovation. It takes a great deal of time and energy to complete each phase of the multi-level process of kitchen renovation.

Living Through a Kitchen Renovation

So many details need to be addressed when looking into renovating any room in your house. This is especially true when it comes to a kitchen remodel. Many people are really interested in keeping their kitchen renovations within a budget. It is very difficult to make an accurate budget without doing some research into exactly what you want to accomplish with the renovation. Make sure that at the start you have a realistic game plan on what the outcome should look like and address a budget based on the completed renovation.

Each step of the way involves a new way of thinking. As you start the planning phase of your kitchen remodel think about the little details that are going to make you fall in love with your space again. Consider the natural light coming into the space. This will help to determine how dark the cupboards can actually be without closing the room in too much. Another thing that you need to look into is how much bigger or smaller you want the space. Will you be adding or removing cupboards? Is the space going to be use for cooking, entertaining and dinning? If so make sure that you plan for adequate space to move around in and space for seating. It is also important to consider how much of the renovating you want to hire out or are you interested in getting your handyman outfit on and doing the job yourself?

In order to stick within a budget it is important to plan each detail like it is the most important piece of the puzzle for your area to come together. If you are thinking about moving the appliances in the space make sure you budget a large chunk of money for gas, plumbing and electrical to be properly installed. Moving a sink, for instance, can cost upwards of two thousand dollars alone for the correct plumbing and drainage to be installed. These are things to think about ahead of time. Consider the lighting that is in the kitchen. Are you going to change this? If you are upgrading the lighting you will want to budget again for an electrician to come out and make sure the electricity that is currently being run is what is necessary for the upgrade.

When thinking about your cabinets look into having them refaced. If you are happy with the current layout and the cabinets are in good shape this option allows you to update the look. However if you are in the market for new cabinetry the best options are to sketch out your kitchen layout how you see it and take it into a cabinet installer. They will send someone out to measure will help give you tips to make the layout flow. It is also important to consider if you will use solid hardwood for both cabinet and doors or if you will save a bit and use press wood for the cabinet and hard wood on the doors.

New appliances are always a budget challenge. In the kitchen you can expect that ninety percent of what you spend on the remodel will show with the increase in your home’s value. So make sure you look into appliances that will stand the test of time and that appeal to most people. A way to squeeze name brand appliances into your budget is to look into ones that have been slightly damaged. If your refrigerator is built in does it really matter that a scratch lives on the sides hidden? Or if you are getting a dishwasher is it super important that you need to replace a roller or two on the basket but could save a hundred dollars by purchasing one without them?

Countertops are also very important but can also kill a budget. Yes everyone loves the look and feel of Corian and Granite but you pay big bucks for these options. Formica is an inexpensive alternative and with today’s options the look and feel are not that bad. Plus this option helps to keep things within reason for your budget.

Flooring renovations within the kitchen are so important. There are several options; wood, ceramic and carpet. I think carpet is not an option for most people. My parents had to settle with carpet, they choose Berber, because it was the only way to bring warmth to their area. This was of course before heated flooring became popular. Both wood and ceramic are attractive options. Consider the style of the new kitchen and make sure the floor suits the new environment.

That is it kitchen renovations complete. At least it should be that simple correct?

The Process of Land Development

Have you ever considered what it takes for raw land to turn into the massive land developments we see all around us? Very few things in the world take as much consideration as how to create a land development. It takes land developers many months to look into past, present and future information to ensure that they have created a sound plan for the environment to develop the land for the purposes the developer needs it to accommodate.

Research is done for land development because each separate project has its own issues and special circumstances that make it unique. Surveyors and Civil Engineers work closely together to look into every possible potential issue to make sure they have a plan for anything that can happen with a land development project. Things such as drainage, ground stability and the other structures surrounding the project are all some of the things that need to be taken into consideration before the shovel breaks ground.

There are steps that land developers must take on their journey into developing a piece of raw land. First, they must spend an ornate amount of time looking into all of the factors that affect a project. They track economic trends to see if investing time and money in to a land development project is profitable. They also look into things like population growth and job growth to determine the growth of an area. This step usually involves many different professionals. Government officials, business members, real estate professionals and builders will meet with a land developer to create a due diligence report. This eliminates all the guess work involved and puts the facts in place to determine the worthiness of a proposed project.

Once developers have found land, determined that an area’s growth rate is worthy of the proposed project developers will go about negotiating for the acquisition of the raw land. There are two common ways most developers go about this process they are; purchasing the land upfront with cash or negotiating an option to purchase the land by a set date and price by putting a large deposit down. The second option is considered more favorable because it leaves developers funds available for the project at hand. It is unwise to tie up working capital when working on land development projects.

Next land developers draw up architectural plans for approval by local government officials. Whether land is being developed for a sub division, a professional complex, an industrial park or a shopping plaza plans need to be approved by officials and if funding is be acquired by outside investors should also be involved in approving the proposed draft. This step all involves accessing permits by all stages of government that are needed for the developer’s project to continue smoothly.

Lastly the land will be converted from raw, natural land into what land that has been processed into a state that makes it useful and valuable to the land developer and all participants involved in the process. Builders come in purchase the land and begin turning it into a piece of property that fulfills the need of the surrounding community.

Land development takes a piece of Earth that most people look at as a vacant wasteland without purpose and turns the natural, raw, land into a plot of riches. Developers take on the huge risks involved in land development because of the large reward financially in the end.

Replacement Windows: Adding Value to your Home

Replacement windows are something that will enhance your home’s value. When shopping for replacement windows you will want to put great thought into the purchase. The choices of what is available to home owners today are a bit overwhelming. You will need to consider your budget, the style and personality of your home, maintenance and energy efficiency.

When considering replacement windows for your home take a look at what is already in existence in your home. Do you like the style? Does it fit the character of your home? Are you installing replacement windows only because you are looking for something more efficient? If that sounds like you consider using the same windows you already have in place. It will be the most cost effective alternative. You will be able to use the existing space without much need for any new construction. The size of the window frame will stay the same you are just replacing jams that are worn out or not sealing correctly and improving efficiency with replacement windows that are upgraded.

When you are choosing windows consider the ventilation in the room. Are you happy with the current airflow or are you looking to expand the window opening for better circulation of the air. You might even consider adding windows where there are none now. Not only ventilation is important when it comes to the size of the window but also light. Do you want the room to be flooded with natural light? Different types of windows have different amounts of glass that is open. With any choice you will want to consider these different factors.

It is also important to decide on how accessible you want the windows to be to open them. For instance sliders are often more accommodating to people who like the ease of just moving the window back and forth. Whereas with double hung you need to have a bit of strength to push them up or pull them down.

Another thing to consider is if the room needs something to make it pop. This is often when people will add bay windows to the mix. These windows make an excellent addition to any room. They often add dimension and give way for extra seating or space for extra knick knacks.

Another thing to take into consideration when purchasing replacement windows is the thickness of the glass. Are you interested in double or triple pane? You will need to make certain arrangements in the window frames construction to provide ample support for the extra weight of the glass.

As you can see there is so much to consider in replacing the windows in your home. It is not a purchase to take lightly. Take time to make this purchase. Many contractors provide free estimates so make sure to book at least three appointments with different window providers in your area. Get their opinions on style and cost. This is a great way to compare what is out their without spending an overwhelming amount of time on research.

Finding a Search Engine Placement Company to Work With

People want to know how to successfully market themselves on the internet all the time. Search engine placement is the number one thing people question me about when they are interested in website design. Websites can be beautifully designed and not recognized by the internet because they are not ranked within the search engine world. In order to get a website recognized by large search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing you need to find a company that will provide you with the best search engine placement services and to really know the value of what they are offering.

To fully understand search engine placement you must understand what it entails. It is the basic handling of aspects on your website along internet marketing techniques to find a place within major search engines. In trying to reach a desired location among search engines various techniques such as keyword density, inbound links and appropriate keywords and phrases will help guide your site.

There are firms that will take advantage of your business and use techniques that will ultimately get your website blacklisted on search engines. It is up to you as a consumer and website owner to be aware of the technique that they are using. If a company tries to manipulate the web through bulk tactics you will most likely see your website blacklisted fast. It is imperative that the company you choose use organic techniques to launch the ranking of your site. Organic techniques might include posting an article on a subject relating to your website to one of the many free article sites that links information directly back to your website. This technique is considered a safe practice.

Techniques that are faster and get your site instantly recognized are those to be weary of. If a company offers you any kind of immediate results you should not be disillusioned into thinking that is a good thing. This is most likely a company using techniques that in the long run will get your site blacklisted from search engines.

A good firm that is looking out in your best interest will give you a schedule within you should expect to see results. Search engine placement takes time and is a tedious time consuming effort. This is why most website owners leave it up to the professionals. It is important that after you go through the steps to get your site ranked that you do not abandon the effort once you are number one. This technique will have you falling down the search engine ranking ladder quickly. Instead it is important to start out strong and gradually work your way into a maintenance phase with search engine placement. I use the example of a diet. You work out hard loose the weight then need to continue doing moderate exercise to continue to maintain the goal that you have reached. If you stop all together what happens? That is right, a few months later you are back up the weight plus some.

Take time to really research a company to work with that shares your same value and is as excited as you are to have your search engine placement at an optimal level for growing your website business.

The Study of Topographic Maps and Surveying

I love researching new things. My daughter is a sixth grader and they just began a new area of study on maps. I have also been very interested lately in Civil Engineers. They play a large role, if not the largest role, in making and keeping our society running as it does. They create buildings, roads, bridges and all the things that keep us functioning smoothly as a society. What intrigued me was that Civil Engineers use a type of map I had never heard of before, a topographic map. Topographic surveying is done to create these maps and determine the relative location of points of interest on Earth. Surveyors use a technique that measures the horizontal distances to show the difference in elevation and direction so that it can be represented on a topographic map.

Landform elevation is important to be represented on a map for any type of geographical planning. Civil Engineers use these when creating structures, highways, bridges, overpasses and so many of the things that society uses to provide convenience to our modern lifestyles. Topographical maps are also important in mining and other endeavors that involve the Earth’s surface. People who are serious hikers or orienteers use these highly detailed maps along with compasses to identify their location when in areas that are less common to everyday explorers.

Topographic surveying is used to determine where larger streams, big bodies of water, forests, significant structures and points of interest should be place on topographic maps. Arial photographers and remote sensing techniques help topographic surveyors give accurate detail when the maps are being created. As with modern maps, signs, symbols and color help to designate different details on these maps and are explained within the margins of the topographic maps.

There are several principles that need to be considered when taking part in topographic surveying. Surveyors must determine a scale to use in before starting any land measuring. This helps determine any plot able errors. It is also important that most accurate methods of surveying are used first. Each survey that is taken should be oriented taking into consideration true north. Initially surveying should begin by establishing a vertical and horizontal rule which can be accomplished by measuring the three d’s of surveying; distance, direction and difference in the rise between fixed points. Lastly, a survey plan should be in places that consist of checks on accurateness. Examples include surveying between two fixed points or even pacing measured distances.

It is just so interesting to me all of the tools that I don’t even take into consideration on a daily basis that help to make the world around me run as it does. It is so neat to look at things from a new perspective as the kids are studying topics that I have long placed in a folder in the back of my memory bank marked unimportant. It is fun to place these random pieces of knowledge back into a place of recognition within my head.

Dealing with Water Damage in the Home

When we were searching for our first home we were very naïve as I assume many first home buyers are. We fell head over heels with a home that sits ten feet from a river. We weren’t thinking about floods and flood damage. We were thinking about how beautiful the water was. How soothing it would be to lie on a hammock underneath the fifty foot trees that lined the river bank. Most importantly we were thinking about how the kids could spend their summer days fishing and swimming in the clear beautiful depths of the river. We were ecstatic to know this could be ours and it was our first home purchase!

Upon signing on the dotted line for the home to become ours the bank where we were obtaining our mortgage from informed us that we would need flood insurance. We never really thought to long or hard about this because things like flood damage and water damage don’t happen to people like us. They only happen to unprepared people and that was never going to be us. That was until we went on a mini vacation and the worst thing that could have happened did.
I know what you are thinking. No, the river did not flood. I don’t know if what happened to our home was worse or better but thankfully we had flood insurance that covered the inside contents and exterior of our home.

While we were away a comedy of errors happened. In what order they happened we are unsure but boy did they create water damage like I have ever seen before. I am assuming that the washer was the first thing to start the disaster in motion. I started a small load of towels and pajamas before we left. I knew my father would be over the next day and would throw them into the dryer so I was not worried about mold. The washer flooded the laundry room. We think something got lodged in the drainage pipe and the pressure causes a leak that eventually just burst. This alone would have been manageable but within that same period of time the hot water tank sprung a leak too.

Needless to say the flood did not stop in the laundry room it seeped out into the hall down into our kitchen and living room areas. It was very upsetting and unexpected. Personal artifacts were ruined but we were lucky because my dad came to our house the next day and found the water damage we could take steps to prevent further damage such as mold.
He was able to call our insurance company who recommended a company that provided disaster relief and was able to extract the water from our home before more damage occurred. This helped to shorten the time it took to dry out our home. The company brought with them industrial fans to circulate the air and also help create the best environment for drying out our belongings. Without them we could have been in for major troubles down the road. If mold sets in homeowners like us could be put through the process of mold removal and mold remediation. Although there are professional companies out there that would have taken care of us I am glad we did not need their services this time.

Our wet carpets were dry within 48 hours which is the recommended time to eliminate the mold process from starting and from the carpets to start smelling. We were able to minimize the expense with a quick response time on the part of the water extraction team and the whole house was almost back to normal days later. The humidity was managed through the scientific drying process that the team used to prevent mold damage in our home later on.

Windows and Blinds or Windows with Curtains: What Will You Decide?

What is one of the first things you think of when buying your own home? Furnishing it of course! Picking out the colors on the walls, the furniture for the rooms, the patio set it is all a lot of work but fun all at the same time. One thing that often gets thought of last is the window treatments. People assume that the house comes with these items but what is forgotten is the fact that the previous homeowners style of window treatment won’t often mesh with what you have going on with your home furnishings.

Picking out window treatments might be one of the harder tasks in home ownership. You will need to decide if you like windows and blinds, windows with curtains or windows with both. Each option has advantages to it. It is your decision as the homeowner to figure out what density of light the room should have, what the purpose of the window treatments is, what look you are attempting to create. These are each important in determining what window treatment each room in your home will have.

Windows and blinds are the most common choice in spaces such as bathrooms. Blinds are easy to use when it comes to manipulating the amount of light and privacy you need. For instance if you are about to shower you would pull the shades and eliminate the open window. Depending on if you like dim light or bright light you can tilt the actual blind to conform to your desire. Blinds are incredibly durable. You can purchase blinds that are plastic or faux wood and they will survive the moisture that accumulates in this type of space. Then when you are done you can let the light into your room by opening the blind.

Windows and curtains are a good choice in kitchens, dining rooms, and living room spaces. You can change the thickness of the fabric you use for your curtains and this will let you play with the amount of light you have in your space. I personally love light in a kitchen so I use only a window valance which leaves ¾ of the window open for light to flow in. In my living room I use a shear inner curtain with a heavier fabric curtain on the outside. This lets the light in through the sheer curtain but when I am ready for total serenity I close the thicker curtains for the ultimate privacy. The dining room is one area where I use a sheer curtain so that the light from the outside can come in but privacy is also regarded. Who wants to be eating a meal with their family only to have people driving by gaze in or cars passing by distracting the conversation?

The combination of both windows and blinds with curtains is ideal for bedroom areas. It is ideal for creating a very dark nighttime setting that also blocks the noises form outside. Blinds serve the purpose of controlling the light and help in creating another barrier in between the elements that can keep us awake whether it is light or noise pollution. Curtains help to add that extra warm, comfortable feel we are looking for in a setting such as a bedroom. I love feeling tired in my room at night when I draw the blinds and curtains but energized when I retract the blinds and curtains in the morning to let the light shine in.

There are many things to think about in window treatments. Window treatments are one area that you have full freedom. You might even consider replacing the windows in your new home with the windows that have blinds between the glass. This option is new to replacement windows and eliminates the need to consider curtains or blinds.

Redesigned Website Goes LIVE

CPS has a BIG announcement… is now LIVE! Jason Foldenauer Construction builds a relationship with their customers. It is important to them to instill peace of mind. They offer dedication from the initial inquiry to well beyond project completion. They promise every project to be completed in a timely fashion and the utmost satisfaction. They stand behind their work 100%.