Livingston Reporting - page 349

Windows and Blinds or Windows with Curtains: What Will You Decide?

What is one of the first things you think of when buying your own home? Furnishing it of course! Picking out the colors on the walls, the furniture for the rooms, the patio set it is all a lot of work but fun all at the same time. One thing that often gets thought of last is the window treatments. People assume that the house comes with these items but what is forgotten is the fact that the previous homeowners style of window treatment won’t often mesh with what you have going on with your home furnishings.

Picking out window treatments might be one of the harder tasks in home ownership. You will need to decide if you like windows and blinds, windows with curtains or windows with both. Each option has advantages to it. It is your decision as the homeowner to figure out what density of light the room should have, what the purpose of the window treatments is, what look you are attempting to create. These are each important in determining what window treatment each room in your home will have.

Windows and blinds are the most common choice in spaces such as bathrooms. Blinds are easy to use when it comes to manipulating the amount of light and privacy you need. For instance if you are about to shower you would pull the shades and eliminate the open window. Depending on if you like dim light or bright light you can tilt the actual blind to conform to your desire. Blinds are incredibly durable. You can purchase blinds that are plastic or faux wood and they will survive the moisture that accumulates in this type of space. Then when you are done you can let the light into your room by opening the blind.

Windows and curtains are a good choice in kitchens, dining rooms, and living room spaces. You can change the thickness of the fabric you use for your curtains and this will let you play with the amount of light you have in your space. I personally love light in a kitchen so I use only a window valance which leaves ¾ of the window open for light to flow in. In my living room I use a shear inner curtain with a heavier fabric curtain on the outside. This lets the light in through the sheer curtain but when I am ready for total serenity I close the thicker curtains for the ultimate privacy. The dining room is one area where I use a sheer curtain so that the light from the outside can come in but privacy is also regarded. Who wants to be eating a meal with their family only to have people driving by gaze in or cars passing by distracting the conversation?

The combination of both windows and blinds with curtains is ideal for bedroom areas. It is ideal for creating a very dark nighttime setting that also blocks the noises form outside. Blinds serve the purpose of controlling the light and help in creating another barrier in between the elements that can keep us awake whether it is light or noise pollution. Curtains help to add that extra warm, comfortable feel we are looking for in a setting such as a bedroom. I love feeling tired in my room at night when I draw the blinds and curtains but energized when I retract the blinds and curtains in the morning to let the light shine in.

There are many things to think about in window treatments. Window treatments are one area that you have full freedom. You might even consider replacing the windows in your new home with the windows that have blinds between the glass. This option is new to replacement windows and eliminates the need to consider curtains or blinds.

Redesigned Website Goes LIVE

CPS has a BIG announcement… is now LIVE! Jason Foldenauer Construction builds a relationship with their customers. It is important to them to instill peace of mind. They offer dedication from the initial inquiry to well beyond project completion. They promise every project to be completed in a timely fashion and the utmost satisfaction. They stand behind their work 100%.

Choices in Window Blinds

Vertical blinds are mainly thought of when installing sliding glass doors. This does not need to be the case. Vertical blinds can be fit to be installed in windows throughout the home. They work wonderfully in windows that are long in which most horizontal blinds would have issues with bowing in the middle. Another thing that is wonderful about vertical blinds is that they are so easy to clean and dust does not accumulate on them like it sits on mini blinds. Another feature that is nice in vertical blinds today is that you can select them with different textures, styles, and colors which make them fit into many different room decors. The one down fall that vertical blinds posses is that they tend to give a more contemporary feel to the rooms décor. Depending on the style of your home this could be determined not to be an issue at all.

A very inexpensive popular choice today is mini blinds. Because they are so inexpensive and lightweight they are often ideal for new construction and apartments. Something in which you need a solution but that is temporary. Mini blinds are often used in temporary situations because they tend to be flimsy, breaking easily, and tend to be the least attractive type of blind. They are inexpensive and easy to replace which makes them valuable to many temporary situations. They are also good at varying the degree of light let into your home.

The next trend in window blinds is faux wood blinds. They have the look of real wood but at fractions of the cost. It is a very durable material but does tend to be heavier than real wood. Since they are moisture resistant they are easy to be cleaned. These blinds work well in bathrooms, kitchens, and kid’s rooms.

Real wood blinds are very warm and natural looking. They are good with many color scheme options. Wood blinds are also much lighter than the faux wood blinds. It is nice because depending on the wood and the heaviness will determine the amount of light that is let in. The one major disadvantage is that they are bulky and tend to take up a good portion of the window when they are drawn.

As you can see there is a lot to learn about blinds as window treatments. Another thing to think about is that even if you use blinds you can still use valances or curtains for an even decoration. This will add a different dimension than just the look of window blinds alone.

Custom Blinds: A Perfect Fit

Custom blinds add a statement to any room’s décor. Whether you are just moving in or redoing existing window treatment blinds can add versatility to any window treatment. The key to having custom blinds is that you must make sure you measure them to fit your windows precisely.

In order to measure your windows correctly there are certain tips that should be followed. It is important that a steel tape measure is used to measure the window for accuracy. Each measurement taken should be rounded to the nearest eighth of an inch. To do away with errors it is important to measure twice. I recommend that you take the first measurement write it down and then measure it again. If the two match than BINGO you are on target for correct measurements for your windows. It is important that you measure the width first and then measure the height. Even if your windows appear to be the same size they hardly ever are. Take separate measurements for all of your windows. It is important that you give the manufacturer the exact measurements from your windows they will make any necessary deductions.

It is also important to decide whether you are going to mount the custom blinds to the inside of the window frame or on the outside. Most people prefer the neater look of the blind sitting on the inside of the window frame. This lends depth to the window and allows for other window treatments, such as curtains, to be used. If the windows depth is lacking an inside mount may not be feasible and therefore is reason to mount the blind on the outside of the window sill. Using custom blinds on the inside of the window sill will allow for the most light blocked.

Your measurements need to be taken into consideration for mounting. If you are going to mount the blinds on the inside of the sill you will take and measure the width and height in three spots on the inside of the sill. I recommend that you measure from the top, middle and bottom for width. Height should be measured from the left, right and middle of the inside sill. The measurements needed for mounting the blinds on the outside is through the edge of the window molding. It is important to add at least an inch and a half for the hardware on outside mounts.

When hanging your new custom blinds make sure you come armed with the correct tools to make the job as simple as possible. You will need to have a steel tape measure, drill with several styles of bits, pencils, a level and a ladder or step stool. Make sure to read over all directions. You will need to take your time and follow them to the tee to optimize your new custom blinds.

Shades: Not Just Boring White Anymore

I bought the most beautiful curtains for my daughter. We have just completed a remodel and spiced it up with turquoise and polka dots. The curtains are the same color as the accent wall and have little sequences sewn on that glimmer with the light. The only thing is that they are let the light in. I was thinking of putting shades up but I am so disgusted by the all white boring shades that stores carry. Here we just spent all of this time and money on redoing her room. The last thing I want to do is add a boring element into this new teen room.

As I went online last night I was dreaming of shades that came in all colors and patterns. I was hoping for little pieces of art to accent the amazing remodel. Having only seen white in all the stores I have visited I didn’t hold out too much hope. That is until I found a site that sells the newest innovation in roller shades. The shades come in all different sizes and are meant to complete any room décor. These shades are perfect for areas that need light the light darkening element but that still require style.

Some of the patterns look like they are in themselves pieces of art. The website pictures them in all different styled windows. Even placing them in a living room where the windows are lined up in a row. Instead of looking like window shades they look like paintings that were hung. It is an amazing innovation in home design.

The styled roller shades that are now available will have homeowners ditching their window blinds. The classic roller shade has now entered into the realm of timeless pieces of home décor. The fabrics, textures and patterns make them enter into a room in seamless perfection. Guests will be questioning the new art and once revealed will revel in the attractiveness of your window treatments.

The shades that I am dreaming of for my daughters room are ones that measure to the inside casement of her window. This will allow the fun curtains to still be a focal point. However when she draws the shade at night instead of seeing a white shade behind them she will be enjoying her new artful roller shades. Of course she picked the ones that have great detailing using polka dots and very vivid colors. Her dot choice completely compliments her rooms over all look. I am so happy that a solution has been found for those boring white shades.

Realistic Computer Repair Goals

It seems like the flu hits all the time. The same is true with computer viruses. Even though we get a yearly flu shot someone in our family always ends up laid up in bed with the flu. The same is true with our computer. I add the latest and greatest anti-virus software and bam weeks later I am looking at kitchen cupboards online and I get a virus. It is a never ending cycle. I am either paying to remove a virus from my computer or my kids. It never slows down. I am naïve and think because I have protected my computer with this antivirus software that I am safe from the evil lurking amongst the web and that is just not true.

So now I seek out computer repair. Just as I would look for a new doctor I carefully peruse the internet, ask friends and even look in the phone book for one to come to me. It is important that the computer be repaired by a technician that can speak to me in terms that I can comprehend. I want details on the virus. I want to know what site infected the computer, how much damage was done to it and if I should concerned about any personal data being lifted by the virus. I also need to know that while my computer is in the shop that it is safe. It is important that the computer repair shop be reputable because so much personal information in kept amongst the files of that computer.

The first place I turn to is my family. Each one of them has a personal story about a shop they didn’t have a positive experience with but no one was thrilled about any of the places they had been. Many technicians know what they are talking about but have a hard time understanding that I too would like to know what they are talking about. The technicians are knowledgeable and can always fix the problem but like when I go to the doctor I like to also know what is going on.

The next place I looked was the web. Of course there I found many different computer stores but one stood out in particular. There site was clean, organized and written for the average person to understand. When I called I expected to get some nut on the phone but then again was surprised. The technician stated all the possibilities with an infected computer and we then talked about all of the possible computer repairs that might be needed if the virus did not simply want to go away. It was refreshing. I went in the next day and had my computer two days later feeling much better.

Computer repair shops are valuable to all of us as technology continues to consume our lives. It is important that you look into finding a computer repair shop in your area that is reasonable, fair and able to explain to you what is happening with your PC. Start by reaching out to family and friends. If they are of little help check the web. Don’t be fooled by sites that are littered with technical jargon and tons of corporate testimonials. When looking for PC repair you need a middle ground. Someone who is professional, technical and that can relate to any computer user. Make sure you are happy with the service you have received and the explanations that have been given before any money has changed hands. This way you stay in control of the transaction and can make sure that the computer has been repaired and you understand what was done.

Defining Your Business Online Through Search Engine Placement

I never realized that when I spoke people only heard every other word I was saying. I don’t think I fully realized this until after building multiple websites for clients. As we would go through the development and launch I would thoroughly discuss with them search engine placement. I would explain that no matter how well designed their new site was it wouldn’t matter if people could not find them. I think my clients are like most of the people in need of a website today. They heard what I was saying but did not really believe that their new site wouldn’t just pop up when people searched for it.

I will never forget this one client in particular who changed her business and mine. After we spent a few weeks coming up with a terrific site devoted to her company I again explained how we would need to continue the momentum with search engine placement. I explained how this would benefit the site and help her grow her business. She declined to do the search engine placement so that she could add two more pages to the site and stick with in her budget. I again emphasized that it really didn’t matter how detailed the site was if people could not find her website when using one of the major search engines.

Weeks after the site went live I received a frantic call from her explaining that she had gone on Google and typed in a few keywords to search her site out. She even once including the exact name of her company and the city she was located in. She was crazed that nothing about her business came up. Of course I explained once again that this is why search engine placement was as important as the actual website development. It wasn’t until that moment that a light bulb went off and she realized that if her business was going to draw clients from the internet that she must start investing monthly into search engine placement as part of her long term marketing goals.

A few months after we started helping her reach this long term goal with monthly search engine placement I checked back in with her. At this point she informed me that she had so many people finding out about her business from her website that she was ready to move forward and add a shopping cart on to her site. She figured she could at least double her profits with this addition. She was thrilled to have a store front business and a healthy online business to go with it. She admitted to me that she wished she had taken my advice from the start and wished she had not been naive enough to think that online presence only came from a website.

The great thing about having a client that has a light bulb moment is that they can help bring awareness to future clients. Advice coming from someone that has grown a successful online business with proper search engine placement is better than any sales pitch I might come up with. Now when I have a client who is hesitant to move forward with search engine placement I refer them to her. I let her explain that the money she has put into search engine placement has at least doubled her business and allowed her to become a competitive online business as well.

Creating Art on the Web through Website Design

The web is a wild place. It is an art gallery without the admission fee. Web designers are artist of a different medium. Like artists not all of the website designs that they create are going to work. Some websites are truly annoying. Take for instance a painter that really likes the color blue. If it is used in every piece of art the painter makes it will visually not stimulate our eyes and we will become bored or annoyed with the artists art. The same is true for web design. As a website developer you need to make sure that your “art” is different for each client and you need to avoid common mistakes that draw attention away from the client’s product or service. There are several things to steer clear of when designing websites to ensure a perfect site for your client.

Top Five Most Annoying Website Design Techniques

1) Colors that assault the eye – If your clients insisting on using every color of the rainbow in their site design it is your job as the website designer to talk them out of it. Even though they think it adds just the right touch of pizzazz to their site you know better. Colors that are too bright or morbidly dark will not be suitable to promote your clients work. Even if you are promoting a circus keep the main site colors down to a maximum of two or three. Do not give in to the more is better philosophy with color.

2) Background sounds – Nothing is worse that a site that replays the same sound bit throughout the entire site. Or worse yet a slogan that plays each and every time you click on a new page within a site. Full songs are also an absolute annoyance. It is best that the site visually provides the entertainment leave the background noise out of future web designs.

3) Spelling Errors – You are using a computer with a spell check button make sure you use it. Nothing is worse than bad grammar, incorrect punctuation or pour spelling. Before you go live with any site make sure multiple eyes have looked over all text. Even if the client has provided the text for their site do not trust that it is correct. Always double and triple check for errors or inconsistent tenses. They will thank you for catching the error before the site has become viewable to their clients.

4) Font Size – If you use all capital letters in your design people will feel like the site is shouting at them. Using all small letters will make people feel like you are whispering. It is best to stay consistent with normal text and punctuation. This way it will make the website feel as if it speaking to the viewer in a normal voice which will make it more pleasing to read.

5) Blinking links and popup windows – These items are to the web what junk mail is to our mail boxes. Useless information that gets in the way of important information. Stop using popup windows and blinking lights to attract attention to your art because the reality is that they are just annoying.

Remember in web design it is all about how your website design is perceived by the people viewing it. Make sure the art you present does not detour anyone from visiting the websites your clients have had you design.

A Detailed Look into Aluminum Fencing

So many people have questions about aluminum fencing. It seems like this material is too good to be true. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks so for many people it is a clear choice when researching fencing material for their landscaping needs. As with any major home remodeling purchase it is best to research all the options, weigh the benefits and downside and see what the best decision for your family may be. Don’t let one fixation about a certain material make or break the deal. Look at the whole package and determine overall the best fit. It might not always be what was assumed in the first place.

Here is a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about aluminum fencing. This should help homeowners decide if it is the right choice for their home environment.
1) How expensive is aluminum fencing?
• Aluminum fencing varies in cost depending on the density of aluminum purchased and the customization requested by the homeowner. Do not get the impression that if you choose a cheaper material that the quality of the aluminum fencing will be compromised. That is not the case at all. With four different grades of aluminum you are choosing the weight of the material not the overall effectiveness. Low grade aluminum is going to hold up just as well as a high end custom aluminum fence. The difference will be in the detailing and weight of the material that is used.
2) Is aluminum fencing sturdy?
• As with any fencing homeowners want to make sure the material is durable for the climate they live in. Aluminum fencing is durable in all types of environments. It is meant to withstand wind, rain, snow, sleet, dry, cold and hot. Depending on the use of the fence you might choose a thicker grade if you live in an area with high winds and rain but you will never have to worry about rust.
3) How easy is it going to be to install aluminum fencing?
Aluminum fencing is easy for homeowners to install on their own. If directions can be followed than this fencing can be installed. Most aluminum fencing comes in panels that are preassembled with the places to attach the fence predrilled.
4) Can I customize the color?
• As with everything about this fencing material yes the color can be customized to.
5) What will happen if my fence gets damaged am I going to be able to repair it?
• Whether it is one picket, one spindle or an entire section your aluminum fence can be easily fixed. It is as simple as removing the damaged piece and install a new one. How is that for ease?

It is hard to make a decision regarding such a major landscaping purchase. Be sure as a homeowner to look over all the information given to you and ask questions. Resources are now available in all forms to help consumers make wise choices in home improvement.