Livingston Reporting - page 343

Gate Operators: Assessing Your Need

How do you go about making a choice between gate operators?  What criteria are important and what does it really matter how the gates open and close?  Automatic gates and gate operators are examples of technological advances made to better improve the quality of live surrounding us.  Whether the gate is used for home, commercial or industrial use you can guarantee that the main function of the gate is to speed up entering and exiting, improve safety and provide a record of traffic.

The first question you need to answer is what type of gate are you looking for?  Are you looking for a gate that slides open, one that swings, a vertical opening gate or are you looking for a simple barrier gate.  The gate operator that you need will be different depending on the type of gate you choose.

It is also important when evaluating your need for a gate operator unit to determine if you are going to replace your gate or are you adding the automatic gate operator onto and existing unit?  If you are using an existing unit you will want to make sure the gate is operational.  A gate operator can do many things but it cannot fix a faulty gate.

A gate operator needs to be chosen in regards to the gates size also.  Make sure that you know the height and weight of the gate you are intending to operate.  It is not possible to buy a gate operator that is intended for a lightweight barrier gate and use it to operate a full wrought iron swing gate.  The weight will cause damage within the system because of the added stress the weight will put on the inner components.

What direction do you need the gate to open to?  You will need to determine that ahead of time to make sure that the gate operator is purchased to be installed on the intended side.  Obviously if you are looking to have the gate open on the right side you cannot order a gate operator with a right opening arm.

Also, determine the flow of traffic that will enter and exit through the gate.  Are you using the gate in a residential area, for commercial business or industrial commerce?  This will help you when looking at durability and the longevity of the operators you are looking at. The traffic amount will also help you narrow down the type of safety and the amount of security needed.

Another point to determine before you purchase a gate operator will open and close. Do you want to use a card reader or are you most interested in a remote control set up?  The same questions will need to be addressed with closing the gate.  Should it close automatically or do you want it to be closed in the same manner it was open?  For instance, I open my garage door with a remote control and close it with a unit that is wired in to the house.  I need to keep control over the closing of the door in this instance. It is also important to decide if you are going to have to have controlled access upon leaving also.  Some places require you to again access the exit like you did the entrance but others allow for automatic exit based on sensors “seeing” your car.

Knowing the answer to these questions will help you determine exactly what type of gate, gate operator and access control system will fit your need.  Once you determine this your selections will be narrowed down making the shopping and decision a lot less aggravating.

Fleet Wraps and Fleet Graphics: Helping Your Business Stand Out

We bought are home a few years ago during the foreclosure boom.  It had been sitting empty for three years.  The inside had minor issues such as carpet, paint and updating light fixtures which are all relatively easy to accomplish but the outside issues were more than my husband or I could tackle.  Tree limbs were hanging over the house, dead branches needed to be trimmed and the landscaping needed to be completely ripped out and redone.  So with all of this in mind I knew I needed to call in the professionals.

I looked up local tree cutting companies and called three of them out for quotes.  It is so funny because I never truly thought about how you view businesses until one by one the owners started to show up to give us quotes.

The first gentleman was a very nice man.  He drove up in an old beat up pickup truck that desperately needed to find its way to the junk yard.  He came out and was dressed in attire that replicated the truck he drove up in.  When he wrote my quote up it came out on a scrap piece of paper and had his name and number hand printed on the top with some scribbles about my yard and the trees he promised to cut down, the limbs to be taken off and how the workers were supposed to dispose of the materials.

From looking at the man and seeing the car her drove up I knew immediately this was not my man.  If you don’t show up looking half way professional, with materials made especially for your company then how can anyone take you serious as a business owner?

A few minutes later the second company that was offering me a quote called to let me they were on their way. I am a little bit more impressed because a newer pick up with a magnetic sign listing his company and the phone number was stuck to the side.  This definitely gives a completely different initial reaction to my gut and I open up to them and show them what I would like to accomplish.  Again, he pulls out a tablet and writes a quote for the trees, the limbs to be trimmed and also offered to trim up the actual bushes around the house at no extra charge.   This was more along the lines of what I was thinking until I saw the third company pull up.

When AJ showed up with his truck covered in a fleet wrap I knew instantly he was going to be my tree guy.  Anyone that puts that kind of effort into advertising their firm on their vehicle using vehicle wraps and fleet graphics designed specifically for them has to take time and put pride into the work that he does.  When he pulled up not only was his vehicle covered in fleet wraps but he came out handing me a professionally printed folder with information about his company.  When he wrote my quote it was on a company letterhead.  One of the things I like most besides the fleet wraps on his truck was his professional pamphlets that included a copy of his insurance.  His quote was also right on target with the two other tree trimmers but he laid out a detailed plan of what would be done and what equipment was needed to reach the hard to reach places.

It really goes to show that although not all books should be judged by their cover they are.  Make sure your business vehicles have a good cover.  The idea of fleet wraps and professional fleet graphics really shows people when you pull into their driveways just how serious you are about business.  It is also a great form of advertising for your firm.  Every time you drive that vehicle you are advertising for your company.

Sales Strategy Planning: Adjusting For The Future

When you are thinking about anything in business the best starting point is a plan.  Sales strategy planning consists of the strategic plan you set forth in regards to sales in your business.  The climate of business is very volatile as the economy ebbs and flows through this environment which makes planning for the future ups and downs a necessity to keep your business a float.

When a company looks to sales strategy planning they must start by defining the path and approach the business plans to take in regards to the company’s resources.  This involves all aspects such as money, people, equipment and time.  In planning there are several approaches that business’s have used to define their strategic plan.  Below are two common methods used in sales strategy planning.

  • SWOT Analysis: This technique looks into examining all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved to the company. They use this information to determine the effect on the company and how the company should change to keep on track towards company goals.
  • PEST Analysis: This is a technique that looks into the political, economic, social and technological effects that are interfering with business and creates a plan based on information to encourage the company to adjust.

In the most basic terms a strategic plan is the formalized agreement from the organization for the course the business will take for future decisions.  One of these three questions if not all are dealt with when a business is developing sales strategy planning; Defining or redefining what the company does or hope to do, defining who they work for and defining how they plan on standing out from the rest of business’s.  Strategic planning helps plan for the long term.  It helps a company define who they are, who they want to be and how to get there in a three to five year span.

In order to figure out where a company is headed it needs to review where it has been.  Business’s need to explore areas that have worked and those which have fell flat.  As we have found in recent economic climates the future often takes turns we don’t expect. Business climates internationally affect American businesses so when an event affects commerce overseas business plans need tweaking.  This is the one major variable in strategic planning.  For businesses to not only survive but thrive they must learn to be guided by a plan but able to know when the plan needs to be veered from to conquer new challenges.

Companies have so many ways to help employees and clients see their vision.  Often companies will post their mission statement which explains the purpose that the firm exists.  Others find it better to relay the vision of the company to show hope and progressive thinking.  A vision statement includes what the company hopes to be viewed as in the future.  Vision statement a mission statement should be well thought of a give clear understanding of the company.  Poor vision and mission statements are those that are too broad and leave and overwhelming large gap between perception and reality.

Sales strategy planning, mission statements and vision statements are all tools that firms use to get a snapshot of the firm now and for the future.  With detailed planning and the knowledge that business will have bumps along the road that will need to be evaluated and adjusted for.

Home Addition: Seven Home Remodeling Investments

Making the most of your home is the theory in our country right now.  It used to be every five years people could upgrade but now with the hit on the housing community people are staying put and making the most out of their homes.  This includes remodels, home additions, landscaping and everything and anything to make your home into the palace you crave.  Why go on vacations where you live in the lap of luxury and come home to the everyday so-so life.  Create that luxury within your home and continue to enjoy the time you spend in it with your family.

What remodeling investments are trendy right now that will improve the value on your home?  Good question.  Experts say that there are seven main improvements that you can do that will create value without putting yourself in debt that will not be recouped in the long run.

Home Improvements To Consider

  • Home Additions: This includes sun rooms, porches, sheds, bathrooms, bedrooms and fun rooms that create family space.  Home additions can impact your home environment tremendously.  Adding on a shed can be an inexpensive fix to a lack of storage and closets inside your home and garage.  It is often hard to find places for yard tools, boat supplies, kids outdoor toys etc… so it all gets crammed into the available space in your home.  Sheds do away with this issue.  You can build them in whatever size space you have so it is perfect for all different types of land settings. Items such as sun rooms and porches emphasize spending time with family so those settings really drive home sales.
  • Bathroom Remodels: The best part of vacations is often the spa centers attached to the hotels.  Why not create this everyday in your own home.  Often you can complete a bathroom renovation within a reasonable budget.  Update fixtures, cabinets, storage space and if the money permits the bathing area.  Jets can add something to the bath/shower experience that nothing else can.  Make the remodel a sanctuary where you can retreat to after long days.
  • Kitchen Remodels: Although a more expensive remodeling situation, kitchen remodels do tend to give you the biggest return on your investment.  The kitchen is the center of most households.  In the kitchen people gather to talk about the day’s events over a glass of wine and making dinner.  Make remodeling choices that make life easier for you and create a space that is conducive for time together. Upgraded counters and appliances help to create a space of luxury.
  • Basement Renovations: Basements are an area that can greatly increase the value of your home.  When considering a basement remodel look into your family’s needs.  Do you need space for a recreational room, a guest room, an office or even a study?  This is the space to use for those needs.  Unlike an addition you are keeping the square footage the same but improving the use of the space.
  • Windows: This is a great renovation to reduce heating and cooling cost along with increasing a home’s value.  If you can add windows with blinds between the glass you can will really be increasing energy efficiency and the overall look of your home.
  • Siding: Often the outside of a home is neglected. We don’t live looking at it daily so the needs it proposes go unnoticed.  A new face on your home will dramatically change the overall look of your home and add curb appeal.  To a new owner this is the first look they will have of your home and you want the first impression to be favorable to add to the general attitude they have going into your home.
  • Roofing: This is one area in home improvements that is expanding like wild fire when it comes to materials you can use.  Traditional shingles are still available however; metal, tiles and slate are becoming popular options.  Actually I drove by a store that sold landscaping supplies and saw that their roof was covered in growing plants.  Roofing is truly diverse these days.

Your home is your sanctuary.  Whatever home improvement jobs that you choose make sure they are upgrades that you are going to enjoy with your family for years to come.  Don’t let the idea that your home will not sell if put on the market detour you from your dream home.  Live in it while you live in it and worry about selling it if and when the time comes.

Wheelchair Ramps: Making The End User Safe

Wheelchair ramps have become a staple in American businesses, thankfully.  In 1990 the American with Disabilities Act set forth guidelines that make it law that places that operate for the public must allow equal access to all people making wheelchair ramps a staple in our culture.  The act allows for a zero tolerance attitude when it comes to discrimination against the disabled and their access into public buildings.

When thinking about installing wheelchair accessible access to your home or business consider hiring a contractor.  Professional handicap ramp installers are trained in the guidelines set forth by the ADA. They have a trained eye when it comes to obstacles that hinder the use of public spaces for people with disabilities or special needs.  Professionals also know the regulations when it comes to building a ramp, the best materials to use and measures to make the ramp accessible and safe for use with wheelchairs, walkers and other devices that make mobility easier for those with special circumstances.

The ADA does list specifications on their website for do it yourselfers.  If you have decided to tackle building a ramp you will need to review specifications and research materials.  Wood ramps are beautiful and blend well into existing landscapes.   The one drawback is that wood requires yearly maintenance.  This might be offset by the difference in price that exists between metal ramps and wooden ramps.

Ramps Specifications:

1)      The minimum width for a wheelchair ramp is thirty six inches.  This is the amount of space that is needed to comfortably maneuver a wheelchair on a ramp.  Widths can be larger to accommodate two-way traffic.  Most often you will see ramps built wider for this purpose.  Of course if this is a ramp you are installing at your home you most likely don’t have to worry about that issue.

2)      Wheelchair accessible ramps must contain railings/edges to keep users safe from spilling over the side. It is recommended to build the ramp with side rails that include handrails.

3)      All ramps must have a landing where the door meets the ramps.  This landing has to be a minimum of sixty inches long.  This allows for the door to easily swing in or out and leaves the wheelchair user room to maneuver around.

4)      It is necessary that nonslip and slip resistant materials be used for the floor of the ramp.  This makes it a lot safer especially when the weather is less than dry.

These are guidelines that are set forth by the ADA you should look into your local regulations and areas specifications to determine any other needs you might run in to when building your wheelchair accessible ramps.

When deciding what type of material is should be used consider the weight of the wheelchair and occupant and it is also important to remember that electric wheelchairs are heavier and need to be accommodated for.  It is also important that materials such as screws are used instead of nails.  Wood should be pretreated to prevent rot.  Anchor bolts should be used to secure the support posts to the houses structure to add support.  Also make sure that the slope and angle are correct.  Slopes that are too steep make it difficult for wheelchairs to go up and too fast to control on descend.  Also, include a beveled section at the end of the ramp to allow for a gradual exit and entrance.

Ramps are very common in today’s landscape.  The designs and selections available to make them a natural piece of your home or business are endless.  Make sure you take it to account the end user for your ramp project and follow regulations and guidelines set forth by the ADA and local authorities.  If you do you will be pleased with the end result.

Landscape Services: Getting To Know Your Lawn On A Budget

Sometimes I admit I am envious of those in our neighborhood who can swing landscape services for their home.  How nice would it be to not have to spend the weeknights maintaining a lawn?  I am not only talking about mowing the lawn but the weeds, pruning, upgrades, fertilization and all those fun add-ons summer maintenance gives us.  I am also discovering in my new budget conscience frame of mind not only can I not afford the lawn services but I also can’t spend a fortune on the materials needed for a beautiful lawn.

Being the budget friendly I wanted to know how to get the biggest bang for my buck.  To do this the first thing I did was take my soil in to be tested to make sure it consisted of the mix of minerals for a lawn and plants to flourish.  Thankfully it did otherwise my budget would have been spent purchasing topsoil and fertilizer.

The first thing I did was organize a spring swap amongst the do it yourself neighbors.  It was a great was to go through clean up the existing perennials in the yard and get some new life into mine.  I also went to our neighborhood association and asked for them to purchase a new tree to be planted in everyone’s yard to help create unity amongst the homes.  People loved this idea and were thankful they were able to see what the money they contribute goes towards.

I knew I was interested in using some stones and larger rocks within the garden space.  Instead of spending the money to go out and purchase them I stopped and spoke with a local farmer that was preparing his field for the growing season about coming and gathering the ones he tilled up.  He was so grateful that he was not going to have to accomplish that laborious task that he told me if I did the whole lot I could have them free of charge.  You know I jumped on that.  We spent an entire Saturday with the kids out fielding rocks. It was actually a lot of fun and turned into a beautiful border for our landscape design and fire pit.

I started a composter too. This was fun and the kids love helping with this project.  I was fortunate that my parents had an extra compost bin they were no longer using.  We brought it home and created a station behind the work shed for it. I will never be in need of mulch or fertilizer again.  That actually saves a ton of money and I love knowing what is actually in the compost that I am putting in the soil around my home.

We also have an advantage over most people in that we have a natural spring that rolls through our backyard.  This is perfect because we can then pump the water out and use it for watering the gardens and lawn when it needs it saving the family money on the water bill.  Plus the spring naturally regenerates any water that seeps into the soil and is not used by the plants.

Landscape service companies are super nice to have but learning about my yard and cultivating it has its advantages also.  I love the time spent with the family working in the garden and have learned so much about the natural environment that surrounds us and have had fun reaping the benefits of something I have created.

Leadership In Sales Management: Becoming A Better Leader

How do some people naturally become leaders and others just seem to follow them?  You can see this happening from the very first personal experiences children have to adults in business.  Some people seem to have a natural quality that makes people follow their lead.  Those who try to lead often find themselves failing because they lack the qualities that make a good leader.  When someone tries to hard it is often seen as pushy or bossy and then the exact opposite of what they were hoping for happens.

This often happens with my daughter and son.  She is the oldest by three and a half years which she feels gives her the expertise to lead him and tell him what to do.  What she misses in her leadership style is the ability to get something her way without directly asking for it which is what leadership in sales management is all about.

What qualities help determine if your employees will see you as a leader they respect and wish to follow?  Many times it is the silent clues that are given that bring people to want to follow your leadership in sales management.  It is the example that you set forth, the things that you do to prove that you are part of the team an active member and that you are willing to defend them but also help them when they need it.  There are many things that you can do to improve your leadership skills below are just a few examples to improve your rapport with sales team.

Leadership In Sales Management Qualities To Strive For

  • You cannot fake caring; people will sniff a rat out every time.  In order to be a good leader you really need to have empathy and compassion.  It is important to listen when your staff is talking about what matters to them and to remember it for your next encounter.  For instance a staff member has a new baby, or parent passes it is important as the leader that you step forth to show goodwill.
  • It is important in being a leader to stay a part of your team’s daily life in the office.  Go around at least once a day just to say hello.  These are the moments when your staff will feel comfortable pulling you into their cubicle to discuss the little details that bother them before they erupt into team shattering events.  For instance if Sally has an issue with Bob and the way he is managing his part of the project they are working on.  This is the time when not everyone is around that she can come and share that with you.
  • Holding meeting regularly.  You will often see this practice at major retail chains.  They bring their staff together in the meeting for a brief run down and then do a chant to get the day going quirky but effective.
  • It is also important that training that takes place for the whole team and not just certain individuals.  This shows unity as a whole.  As an effective leader hold training for your team a minimum of two times a year.  The skills they learn should help them grow as individuals and as members of your team.
  • Team building and leadership is all about making work personal.  Allow team members to set personal goals, share your goals and team goals with them as they change and are met.  Working towards a goal and achieving it is such a momentous achievement for you and them.  Share in that gory with them as well as the defeat.
  • Manners never get old and your team will be more likely to follow you when you treat them with respect.  When you thank your staff for a good job they appreciate that you noticed their efforts and that you were thankful.

Leadership in sales management has many different faces.  You will develop the right combination of qualities with experience and by asking for feedback often.  Your staff will appreciate that you value their input.  It is important as a leader you also look for ways to better yourself and to become more effective in your handling of clients and staff.

Small Business Association: Help Registering Your New Business

Opening any legal business entity these days big or small requires paperwork and a lot of it.  Even if you are just interested in expanding on what you already have you will have to look into licensing, business permits, registrations and so much more to become a legally operating business.  The small business association has laid out five steps to help entrepreneurs give their feet off the ground and running legally.  Crossing all the t’s and dotting the i’s are an important first step in learning the rules to run and compete in the small business world.

1) What type of small business structure your small business will run as?

  • Sole Proprietorship: This business structure runs under only one owner who pays income tax on profits from the business as if it is personal income.  It is the simplest business to run however you assume all the risk.
  • Partnership: This business structure runs with two or more individuals own a company.  Not only do they share equally in the risk but also the rewards of the business.
  • Corporation: This business structure is what is the most common to businesses.  A business is formed under the laws of the state and is a separate entity from the owners.  This is beneficial because the risk is shared and limited to the businesses assets and not those of individual owners.  The business has a legal existence above and beyond the owners.
  • S Corporation: This business structure is similar to a corporation but allows for certain tax benefits and allows business profit and losses to be passed on to shareholders.  There are certain rules that need to be followed with S corporations so look into those before you begin setting up this type of business.

2) Business Name Registration

In order to legally run your business under something other than your name you must register the businesses name with the government.  This will allow you to register for an employer tax id number, all licenses and permits too.  Your name is required on all documents, forms and applications that are needed to run your business.

3) How to you get a federal tax identification number?

If your business will have any employees you will need to obtain an identification number from our federal government.  If you are running a sole proprietorship and you are the only employee you may use your social security number.  You may apply for an employer identification number online or by calling the internal revenue service directly.

4) What about the state?

As with the federal government your state and local governments will have to assign your business an identification number.  Also, if you are selling any type of goods you will need to obtain a vendor license/state tax permit. Each state government has rules governing small businesses.  It is best to check with them to determine what is required.

5) Getting License and Permits

Each type of business requires different permits and licenses.  For instance, if operating a restaurant you need special food handling permits.  You must obtain specific industry permits before you open the doors for business.

The small business association provides information designed to give new business owners a look into what it is going to require just getting the business idea going.  It is not just about having a store front and claiming that you are going to sell a product.  As you can see a lot goes into the background of opening a business.  Look to other small business owners and the SBA for information on getting the wheels spinning for your new venture.

Storm Damage: Dealing With The Aftermath

Storm damage of any kind whether it is high winds, hail, floods or lightning it all make a mess out of your home and life.  It is hard to look at the mess that surrounds what used to be your home and not dive right in to start the clean up.  Believe it or not you will not want to do that.  Initially you should contact your insurance company.  A representative will come out to your home and evaluate the damage that the storm has created.  They should also lay out a detailed plan to help get your life restarted.  You will have to continue living even though storm damage has turned your life topsy-turvy.

How do you get started? Is it possible to tell who is actually going to help you and not scam you or rip you off?  Is it possible to completely trust your insurance agent?  Who do you contact for expert advice?  These questions are hard to answer when you are sitting there vulnerable after a natural disaster of any magnitude.  Here is a list of advice to get you started in the long and overwhelming process of repairing storm damage to your home.

Storm Damage Checklist

  • Contact your insurance agent.  This is of course the first and most important advice anyone can give you.  Your insurance agent is your ally.  Make sure when you are purchasing insurance in the first place that you research local insurance agents.  A good rate is one thing but an insurance company that you can count on in a time of need is something completely different.  The cheapest might not always be the best way to go.
  • Don’t start any repairs or cleanup efforts until you have had the damage accessed by the professionals.  First you don’t want to get hurt, second you don’t want to make things worse and third you need to give the adjuster the full scope of damage.  It is important that you do document in video and film the damage from your prospective.  Just in case later on down the road the adjuster gets shaky with his evaluation.
  • No repairs should be started before you have agreed upon a settlement with you insurance company.  If you do something like boarding up windows and such make sure to save receipts.  Materials will often be reimbursed.  That is the only type of work that should even be contemplated before a final approval has been gone over.
  • Your homeowner’s insurance policy should cover a temporary home for you.  Make sure to check with the agent when they arrive to scope out the damage.  They might have special restrictions on where you are allowed to stay and for how long, make sure you are aware of these things in advance if possible.

It is so important that you fully understand and are aware of the limitations that the insurance company has in place regarding the coverage on your home in regards to different events.  You want to know how you are covered and the differences in coverage for floods, fires, natural disasters, storms, hail, lightening and all that loveliness that storm damage brings.  You should also be aware that if you move to another state or another area in your state you could need special coverage for that area.  The best advice any homeowner can receive is to find a trustworthy and reliable insurance agent.  They will be your best ally if storm damage ever affects your household.

Wheelchair Accessible Ramps: Modifying Your Home

Making sure your home space is wheelchair accessible is one of the most important steps you can take when preparing for life with a loved one that is wheelchair bound.  Each person’s needs are a little different and modifications will need to be made to adjust for them.  What is important is that as need arise in your loved ones life that you make adjustments to fit the need.

It is important in making a home user friendly and wheelchair accessible that you have a starting point.  When looking at your home you will look at various parts with more concern than others.  The yard is something that can continue to be a work in progress.  It is okay if not everything is immediately set for them as long as it is continually worked towards. However as this progress is taking place make sure smooth paths and raised flower beds are a part of the plan.  This way your loved one can still enjoy time strolling around the gardens independent of major obstacles such as grave, dirt, or extra grass that needs to be edged away.

It is important that the areas in to the home are accessible.  This includes building wheelchair accessible ramps and creating ample space for turns. Today’s wheelchairs maneuver better than those of yesterday but still require a fair amount of space for access.  Threshold ramps should be obtained and doorway openings should be at least thirty six inches wide with a clearance of four feet on either side of the door. Wheelchair accessible ramps can be made out of metal or wood.  Whatever material you choose make sure that traction is applied to prevent accidents that can result from slipping.

Next it is important to make the interior home environment as safe as possible.  It is best to hire a professional that is trained and certified in aging in place remodels.  They can better assess the homes features and plan for the homes faults and areas lacking in accessibility for a wheelchair.

The first place you will be told to modify is any and all threshold that exist within your home.  If a threshold exist between the rooms in your home it should be round and be no more than a half inch different than the flooring. When a threshold is too high a wheelchair user will have to exert extra effort just to maneuver within the home.

Hallways are an area of particular concern in most homes that need to accommodate wheelchairs. It is important that hallways be clear of obstacles and that they are wide enough to allow for ample room to maneuver a wheelchair in and out of the rooms off of the hall.

Closets should also be made to accommodate the wheelchair.  Make sure access is available for the wheelchair to move in and out of the area freely and use a closet organizing system that maintains a close enough range for reaching hanging clothes without trouble.

Flooring options should also be evaluated.  Plush flooring is not recommended for homes that are accessed in wheelchairs.  The best surfaces are this that are smooth, easily cleaned and that can withstand a lot of traffic.  Laminate or wood flooring are always a good choice in homes where occupants use wheelchairs.

Bathrooms create a tricky situation for those who can only access it confined to a wheelchair.  In order to allow for independence and modesty  install a stroll in shower that has grab bars and a bench to transfer on to for showering making sure to leave space for wheelchair storage where the chair will not get wet.  It is also important that a shower head is installed that is removable for assistance in those hard to reach spots. Sinks and cupboards should also be made to accommodate the wheelchair. Toilets should have grab bars positioned strategically around and a higher toilet for easier access.

The same goes for making the kitchen are easier to maneuver in.  Leave extra spaces beware of the ease of faucets you choose and keep storage low.  Stove tops, oven and sinks can be adjusted to fit the height of the wheelchair.  This alleviates any possibilities falls that can happen because of reaching and leaning too far out of the wheelchair.

Making your home safe for a loved one is only half the battle when it comes to sharing a home with a loved one who uses a wheelchair.  You want things to be convenient and for them to feel that this home is as much theirs as it is yours.