Livingston Reporting - page 337

Prepare To Be Approved

As a small business owner to be or one that is in existence, but in need of financial backing for growth, the SBA loan application can be complicated.  It is important that once an entrepreneur decides upon a loan guaranteed by the small business that they begin the loan process by obtaining the documents required and contact a local lender that deals with SBA loans since they are not a direct lender.   Once the documentation has been gathered the loan company with then submit the information to the SBA for approval or denial.

The first piece of documentation that should be completed is the SBA loan application.  The business owner should complete this seven page application.  Another two page loan application is required to be filled out by the lending company.  These applications detail everything about the business, business owner’s finances, information on people of interest in the company and details about investments, debts and other financial documentation.

Another part of the SBA loan application is the personal history and background statement.  This goes through the applicant’s personal history.  This involves fingerprinting with a criminal history check as well as a credit check being done in regards to the applicant past business ventures and transactions.

It is also required when applying for a SBA loan that the businesses financial statements are included.  This is basically a detailing of a signed balance sheet of the company’s profits and losses as well as current statements on the business.  Current in this situation is anything within the past ninety days that has relevance to the company’s profits and losses.  Supplementary schedules are required on all current statements of finance.

Another piece of documentation that is important is a projected statement of finances.  A written explanation of your income goal and a financial explanation with how the company hopes to achieve this goal are required to show that the business has a plan for the money being leant.  Another pertinent piece of information that is requires in your loan documentation is information on all interested parties in the business be it ownership and information on affiliates with the business.

Licenses and all business certificates are important and should be documented within the application.  Another important document that will need to be included is a loan application history.  If you can obtain loans through a bank or private lending institution this needs to be sought out before asking for financing form the SBA.  The laws set forth to obtain a SBA loan include equality in hiring and granting products and services.  This means that the company cannot participate in discrimination of any kind.  In order for a small business to be considered for qualifying for a SBA loan it must be a non dominant business in the field it represents and must be independently owned and operated.  Certain criterion also involves the number of employees and annual receipts.

Tax returns from the business shall also be considered in the application checklist as well as personal tax returns.  It is important to represent at least three years of history to the SBA.  Resumes are also an important piece in the puzzle of obtaining funding from the SBA.  Along with a detailed overview of why the funding is needed and how it will help the business prosper the business should also obtain a copy of current lease agreements in regards to the building and the equipment leases.

If the purchase of an existing business is in the works the SBA will need information from the existing business including balance sheets, tax returns, the terms of sale along with a list including the purchase price, inventory, value of machinery/equipment and a list of all furniture and fixtures belonging in the sale.

This information will give the SBA a detailed look into the business covering the entire picture on what the owner is basing his attempt for funds for.  When looking at the provided information there should be little doubt as to the success of the businesses in order to obtain a loan from the SBA.  After going through the documentation requires obtaining a loan the small business entrepreneur should also have zero doubt about the substance on which the small business will be running.

Update A Room With Flooring Renovations

When purchasing a new home homeowners look around to see what the home needs in the way of updates.  Often times the flooring is one of the first issues people look into.  Flooring renovations are accomplished with so much more ease when appliances and furniture are not involved in the equation.  Flooring options range from expensive hardwoods to inexpensive laminate.

For every family and every situation there are pros and cons to for each of the different flooring options.  A busy family of four with a dog might consider something less expensive and more durable aka scratch resistant than a single homeowner with a declawed cat.  When looking into flooring options it is best to review the materials, the ease of installation, ease of maintenance, durability, costs and the overall look and feel the homeowner wishes to bring to the home.

Ceramic tile is an incredibly durable, easy to maintain flooring renovation option.  In order for ceramic tile renovations to take place the old flooring needs to be removed for the fresh to be installed.  Removing old ceramic tile is not fun or easy.  The process can be made easier with the right tools and preparation.

The first step is to remove all caulk and grout first.  A grout saw makes this job easier.  This digs in the grout loosening it and helping to set the tiles free.  This process becomes easier if the homeowner is not worried about saving the tiles for later use.  When removing tile it is best for the homeowner to start on the outside and work into a room.  Work one tile at a time up and dispose of it.  This makes the clean up easier.

You may need to use gentle force to remove the tiles.  When the tiles were put into place it was for the long haul so removing them will not be without involving manual labor of some type.  Using a putty knife and hammer will be able to loosen and remove most of the tiles without damage to the underling surface.  Use special care to prevent damage from the underlayment and you will be able to reuse the underlayment for the new floor.

In order to complete the flooring renovation with the new ceramic it is important that the area is prepped.  This includes providing an environment free of dust, loose bits of grout and a level surface to install the new floor.  Before laying any tile it is important to measure and mark the floor for the center point.  This can be easily accomplished using a chalk line from each opposing wall.  The center of your room will be where the two chalk lines intersect.

Before any glue is mixed the flooring should be spaced and laid out.  Home improvement facilities sell small rubber spacers that will help to keep the tiles lined up and evenly spaced.  Once the tiles have been fit into place, dry placement, then the homeowner will go back and mix up the adhesive.  The adhesive will be applied using a trowel and the work will need to be done quickly so that the adhesive does not dry out.  The main goal in laying the new ceramic tile is to work fast and be consistent with the spacing and height of the tiles.

Once the ceramic tiles are dry, which usually takes a day or two, the grout can be applied.  First the rubber stoppers are removed and the grout mixed.  It is important to mix the grout correctly if this process is not done right the homeowner will find that the grout does not set and they will have a mess on their hands removing it.  The gout consistency will be perfect when it holds its shape.  Taking a huge heap of grout it will need to be pushed into the cracks to fill the area completely.  You can remove access grout off of the tile using a damp sponge and wiping the tiles clean.  Homeowners will finish the job by applying a sealer onto the grout lines.

Flooring renovations are a great way to bring new life to a home.  Budget conscience renovations are out there and can be found throughout the flooring industry.  It is important if a concern is cost that homeowners speak to retailers regarding and clearance or discontinued flooring options.  They will be as eager to clear it out as the homeowner will be to save a few dollars.  Many will work with you to accumulate the flooring desired from other stores to make up the square footage needed for the renovation.

Running From Embarrassment

In any sport one is involved with it is important to dress the part.  This is where running gear comes into play.  However running gear is only one aspect of the sport.  Like parenting people often mask the embarrassing issues that need to be addressed in favor of focus on the fun aspects. With running this includes the running gear and special shoes and with parenting leads one to believe it is all sunshine and bliss.  With parenthood no one tells you about milk leaking at all hours of the day and the diapers that will need to be worn under your maternity pants as you bring your newborn home.  The same is true with running; no one shares leaking bladder stories or rashes.  That is what this article will address; the embarrassing aspects involved in the sport of running.

Runners are in a league of their own with aliments running the gamete from bleeding nipples to black toe nails.  While these issues are common many runners find they are too embarrassed to address the issues relevant with a friend, trainer or doctor.  However, as with parenthood these are the exact people to confide in with embarrassing situations and issues.  Trainers and doctors know how to help fix the issues as it is evident that not only one runner, you, is suffering from embarrassing ailments.

The first issue to address is blackened toenails.  A runner will often find black toenails when training for a long-distance event.  It is often more disturbing to look at than anything and may only cause very minor pain.  Usually toenails will turn black because of the toes constant contact with the shoe.  It is a blood blister that forms under the toe and being unable to breathe cannot heal properly.  To prevent this a runner should buy shoes an inch and a half bigger than normal, keep toe nails trimmed and feet dry using wicking socks.  If however, a runner finds themselves with this embarrassing ailment the best treatment is to ignore it, let the nail fall off and gradually a new nail will grow in its place.

Another issue more common amongst women runners than men is leaky bladder.  This happens when pelvic muscles become weak, this happens with age and child birth.  In order to prevent this and to keep the pelvic muscles strong it is important to keep up on Kegel exercises.  If after taking time to perform exercise to strength bladder muscles nothing seems to help a doctor may suggest surgery.

Diarrhea is more common than many running groups would have the public believe.  Running maintains healthy bowels sometimes at the most in appropriate time.  Experiencing cramps, gas or bowel movements during or directly after running is embarrassing.  As a runner it is not an elite group that has issues with the above, many runners do and never say a thing about it.  Some tips to follow are avoiding high fiber meals before running.  Drink plenty of water and electrolyte drinks before and during a run.  If you must eat before a run choose something like a banana which is known to cause diarrhea. If in the middle of a long race facing these issues stop at one of the many pit stops.  It is easier to face the rest of a race with an empty bowel than one that is cranky.

Sweat causes another embarrassing issue amongst runners, acne.  This can occur on a runners face, chest or back.  To combat this a runner should change out of sweaty clothes immediately better yet jump in the shower to wash away the grime and sweat that has built up.

Another thing that is important to address in an article all about embarrassing things that go along with running is sore and bleeding nipples.  This happens, mostly to men, from chaffing.  When a shirt rubs up and down the already sensitive area becomes raw.  This causes chaffing and sometimes blood to come from the nipple region.  Common fixes to this issue is Vaseline or band-aids to cover the region.  Proper running gear such a tight fitting bra or tank top should alleviate the issue for men and women alike.

Miniature Dream Kitchen

It is official Christmas is right around the corner.  Consumers are finally finished paying off last year and now they get to do it all over again.  This year with the children a theme is being picked and played off of from every member in the family.  The little lady wants a kitchen with lots of household accessories.  This is fabulous and a gift that everyone is anxious to add their personal touches too.

First is the main kitchen.  This has been so much fun in comparison to other personalized toys we have purchased in the past.  This one is actually specifically being built with her in mind.  Her kitchen is being built equipped with a kitchen island on wheels with space below to store food and cooking utensils.

The one thing extra special is that each piece is unique and does not come jammed all together in one tiny space.  The sink is its own separate unit.  It is neat because a port allows clean water to be pumped into it but then released into storage port.  This way she does not just have to pretend to “wash” the dishes.

The stove and oven combination are really cool also with knobs that turn and provide the click-click sound along with little lights that make the burners glow hot.  The oven has its own special light so that she will be able to watch the cookies as they bake just like on a real oven.  It is also super safe because the lights work on a timer and shut off automatically after an allotted time of not being played with all this without emitting any heat.

She is going to have fun redesigning her kitchen every day.  The dishwasher is pretty neat too.  The racks both pull out for easy stacking of the dishes.  It has all the neat features in the rack space like a larger dishwasher does.  There is a special space for silverware, glasses, bowls and plates.  This dishwasher she can load anyway she wants and no one will ever tell her there are too many dishes and they will never get clean.

The refrigerator is pretty cool too.  The one she will end up with has a little bit of fake frost in the freezer and has space in the doors for milk, condiments and all types of drawers for meat, fruit and cheese.  This kitchen space is going to be a hit.

The family loves to pull together personalized kids toys.  It is the neatest concept in mini kitchen design ever.  They are going to build and stain the kitchen cup boards with the same materials that were used in our kitchen and even are using laminate that resembles the granite in the big kitchen.

Family members have already been seeking out the latest mini kitchen gadgets for the space.  It is amazing the items that have been found.  A toaster that actually pops the toast, which is of course little slats of wood designed to look like bread.  Another cool personalized gift is the chef hat and apron that have been personalized with her name and made in her favorite color, purple.  A friend of ours found a blender that spins and a cool coffee maker with built in lights and gurgle sounds.

The baking pans, utensils, pots, plates and cups all look like shrunk divisions of the items within the home kitchen.  It is amazing the things that can be personalized to meet a child’s fantasy.  The mini microwave even has a little timer, dinger, light and spinning tray.  Defiantly makes a parent want to play.

Safety Concerns For Wheelchair Ramps Users

Building a wheelchair ramp is something that needs to be done with great care.  Ramps that have been designed and built incorrectly put the end users at risk and create situations that are hazardous.  The situation can be unsafe for not only the wheelchair user but also the care provider and all that use the ramps as a mode of entering and exiting the home.  Wheelchair ramp installers are certified and trained to install ramps that meet the ADA guidelines.  If a homeowner is going to tackle this major renovation on their own it is best that they look into classes and follow each detail in guidebooks sold on building handicap accessible ramps.

Some of the issues that an installer of a permanent wheelchair ramps might run into would be the angle of the ramp is too steep, lack of side railing and even improper slopes and landings.  Portable ramp installers might find the ramp is too short and then in turn creates a steep slope for the user.  Another issue found with temporary or portable ramps is that the anchoring system has not been installed properly which can allow for slippage.

It is important for the end user to be safe. Wheelchair ramps must be safe, stable and resistant to slips.  It is also important that at any surface entering, on or exiting the ramp that is not part of the whole be marked with florescent tape or paint to give individuals with less than stellar vision the heads up that a transition is about to happen.

In regards to the slope of the ramp or sometimes referred to as the rise it is general knowledge that the less of a grade the easier it is for the user.  The basic principals here are that for every one inch the ramp need to go up a foot of ramp is needed.  When processing the slope remember the user must be able to maintain control throughout the entire ascend and descend.  If the wheelchair user, walker user, cane user or caregiver looses their footing at all it could be an incredibly dangerous situation.

The length of the ramp is also something that needs to be considered.  It is important that the ramp be a safe length.  That length is determined by the user and the only other thing to consider when thinking about the length is maintenance and turns required for the length of the ramp to fit into the space allowed.

The minimum recommended width of a ramp is thirty six inches.  This will accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.  If the ramp needs to accommodate two-way traffic a minimum should be about one hundred twenty inches.  It is often recommended that wheelchair ramps should be made to accommodate larger wheelchairs which are often used for the comfort of the patient.  In this case the thirty six inches may be too narrow.  Consider this before starting the design and location for the ramp.

Ramp landing must be level and be able to accommodate a forty eight inch turn radius.  Regulations state that landings must provide a sixty inch landing for the wheelchair user to rest especially if the ramp rise is over two and a half feet.  With this in mind it is also wise to include railings on all ramps.  However it is not law.  Only in cases where the rise is over six inches with a seventy two inch projection are ramps required to have railings.  It is important to remember that anything can happen and even a short fall can damage an already fragile body beyond repair.

Consider the weather conditions in the area in which the ramp will be located.  If the area is particularly rainy or will be in a snowy location take extra precautions to provide a slip resistant floor to the ramps.  It is all about keeping loved ones safe.  Do the research before the ramp is built so that every safety angle can be worked through to provide the safest most aesthetically pleasing wheelchair ramp in the neighborhood.

Rights Involved In Workers Compensation

It is hard to imagine your life being any different than it is today.  Today you can walk, bend, grab things with both hands and jump up and down if you want.  The problem comes when you walk into work one day able to function normally but then an accident at work happens and bam life is never the same again.  Who helps pay the bills?  What happens to your livelihood?

It is never easy to think about a future that is not perfect.  However this happens more often than we like to think.  If you are ever involved in an accident at work however minor report it.  It is important not to dismiss anything this will make a later dispute much more difficult.  Reporting the accident is the very first step in making sure that while you are disabled your bills can stay on track.

In fact it is very important to give details to your employer and to the medical center that treats your accident.  It is important that you give details about specifically when the accident happened, where it happened within the facility and how the injury happened.  It is also important to document who was around at the time of the accident and if possible get written statements from anyone who was involved or saw the occurrence.

There are some important questions that everyone who is injured on the job need answers to.  In dealing with workers compensation one of the first is when will I begin to receive checks?  This varies but if all the paperwork has been filled out correctly, the claim is legitimate and has been processed correctly the checks should start coming within a few weeks of the accident.  The insurance company will have to investigate and record a statement and get the preliminary medical details from the clinic.

Your checks will continue until you are able to go back to work making the same amount of money you were or the case is settled.  If a case is denied you will not start receiving checks at all and should contact a lawyer.  Basically if this is to happen then the insurance company is claiming they are not responsible to cover the medical bills or you.  This is all very time sensitive in nature and is best handed over to an attorney who will correctly navigate through the workers compensation process.

Another thing people often worry about is if their job will still be available for them when they are finally able to return to work.  Your employer is required to keep the position open for twelve weeks.  This is thanks to the Family Medical Leave Act.  After twelve weeks they do not have to hold the position any longer.

If an employee returns to work and is placed on restriction and then fired it is thought to be because of the injury.  It is up to the employer to prove that the firing was not illegal and that there was reason that you be let go.  This is almost impossible for them to do.  In most cases the employer will lose.

Any and all medical treatment required because of the injury is covered under workers compensation.   The same is true with any and all medication that may be needed.  Many employers will have you see their doctors you must petition to see your own doctor or specialist.  In case such as broken bones and serious injuries it is best to go outside the clinic recommended by the company.  Your care is far more important at the time than who is going to pay for it.  The main goal is to get back to one hundred percent as soon as possible.

Thoughtful Designs Accommodate Wheelchair Users

When beginning any home improvement project it is important to ask yourself questions before the project starts.  This means before your buy the materials, before you come up with a final design and before you start any type of demolition.  It is hard but important to wait until the details have been worked which often include waiting on permits.   Before the construction of a wheelchair accessible ramps begins the project manager should find out the answers to some important questions.

1)      Who is the ramp being built for?

2)      What type of equipment does the person using the ramp require?  Is it a standard wheelchair, an oversized wheelchair, a scooter, an electric scooter, cane or crutches?

3)      Will there be changes after the ramp is installed?  Will the patient have more or less mobility?

4)      What requirements are set forth by local ordinances?  Are their special permits needed to accommodate building a ramp?

5)      What features that exist in the landscape and home that need to be kept verse what can be changed?

This is a very general over view of key points to think about when installing a ramp.  There are many key points that need to be examined that are critical to the design.  One of those important elements has to do with the exact point of entrance, the area that is available for the ramp, the slope of the ramp and specific codes for the local municipalities.

First is entry into the home.  Which doorway will the ramp lead to our will a new one need to be made to accommodate placement of the ramp.  This will be determined by the ease of accessing the rest of the house from each entry point for the user of the wheelchair. It is also important to consider the width of the wheelchair in comparison to the doorways width along with the any obstacles that are present such as stairs, platforms and porches.

Another major issue is space issues with the yard, landscaping, porch or garage space that is present.  U shaped ramps cover more distance and can accommodate a smaller space.  When a homeowner has a great deal of slope to contend with and minimal space this is a terrific option in wheelchair ramps.

Building codes in local municipalities vary greatly.  Check with homeowners associations and local government officials to determine what codes need to be followed and paperwork obtained before moving forth with a wheelchair accessible ramp project.

Consider materials next.  What type of material will be used to build the ramp, metal or wood?  Both have pros and cons so this is left up to personal choice and regulations within your neighborhood.  It is important to make sure that the materials you choose are for the climate in which the ramp will be built.  Extra skid resistant measures should be taken in colder regions where snow, ice and rain are part of daily life.  As well as taking into consideration using metal in climates where the sun rays can cook eggs.

Over-Wetting Leads To Carpet Problems

As uncommon as it is problems can be associated with carpet cleaning.  Many homeowners feel that carpet cleaning is a job that they can tackle themselves.  However, this is a mistake.  Professional carpet cleaners go through intense training and purchase costly machines to make sure that your carpet is cleaned thoroughly.  They are trained in the art of shampooing and wetting the carpet to optimize the solution and cleanliness of the carpets.  Homeowners are not.  This is where problems start to arise.

The most common issue that homeowners run into is over-wetting the carpet.  Over-wetting becomes a problem when equipment is older and the water extractors are not adjusted correctly.  This can leave water to saturate in the carpet.  If the pressure in the extractor is too low the machine will not be able to remove excess water.  The extra moisture in the carpet will travel deep into and under the carpet instead of evaporating into the air.  This causes many issues that are not easy or inexpensive to fix.

The first issue that can arise from over-wetting is delaminating.  This happens when the carpet in the home gets wet and does not properly dry.  When the carpet stays wet for an extended period of time the secondary backing on the carpet will separate from the carpet which ruins the carpet.  It will separate, become crunchy, separate at the seams and will need to be replaces.  This essentially destroys the carpet and leaves the homeowner not able to repair the issue without purchasing new carpet.

Another material that has often been found within the backing of carpet is jute.  When moisture builds up and jute will then shrink and tear.  At this point the homeowner’s carpet is unsalvageable and will need to be replaced.

When carpet cleaning is improperly done and carpet is left wet carpets coloring can bleed.  Discoloration is hard to correct and can be expensive and time consuming if correctable at all.  Not to mention the issues that mold and mildew bring to the table after carpet is wet for more than seventy-two hours.

That could be the most important issue involved with over-wetting carpet.  Carpet can be replaced but health issues involving mold and mildew are often irreversible.  Asthma can be made worse or brought on when individuals are exposed to the toxins that mold spores produce.

Once mold shows up in the carpet the problem is hard to fix.  In order to correct the problem you must eliminate the molds food.  This is of course the moisture within the carpet.  The problem should be addressed by calling in professional home restoration service professionals who deal strictly with carpet.  If the mold damage is unfixable the carpet will need to be removed carefully and the area prepped in order to remove the mold issue from creating future issues.

An easy way to prevent issues form over-wetting and over-shampooing is to call in professional carpet cleaning services when carpet is in need of a deep clean.  These trained professionals bring in state of the art technology and equipment to ensure that your carpet is properly cleaned and dried to prevent issue such as the ones above from happening.  Too much shampoo equals extra water which leads to new carpet in the long run.  It is cheaper and a better use of time to call in the professionals at the start of the job rather than needing expensive restoration services later.

Making A Buyer Desire Your Home

I don’t think there is a person around that would disagree that our housing market has seen better days.  Our home was purchased three years ago, at what we thought was the lowest point in the market.  Since, then it has only gotten worse.  Our taxable value keeps plummeting, which since we are living there forever we are okay with because lower taxes equal more money in our pocket.

However, not everyone is happy.  There are people that need to relocate due to business and people that need to move for their own reasons such as a expanding their family or perhaps into a smaller house because children are grown and off on their own.  Whatever the reason the main goal remains the same, selling the house.

Some upgrades and updates within the home can cost minimal amount of money but have an extreme impact on the curb appeal of the home making it a more desirable option.  Remember though that when selling a house no matter how great the renovation or curb appeal if it fails inspection with a leaky roof or dampness in the basement the house will not sell. The same thing is true replacement windows won’t sell a home with an infestation of bugs.

The first and least expensive option in adding appeal to a home is a fresh coat of paint.  It is important to choose a neutral color.  Some color experts say that a pale yellow is the latest trend in wall color for homes.  Yellow tends to be a very hopeful color.  Some people believe that the color yellow helps buyers sense the future and bright days ahead with the purchase.  If a homeowner is in a pinch to sell their home and a fresh coat of paint is in the future for the home yellow is a good place to start.

Another item that seems to tug at the heart strings is a backyard space which includes a deck or patio with seating.  Along with this it is optimal to provide landscaping that is fresh and kept up on.  Make sure the space is not too bold but instead gives off the feeling of relaxation.  Another trick is to set up a hammock between two trees or on a stand.  Any feeling of stress relief you can grant to a potential buyer will increase the chance for a sale to the home.  What happens you ask if it is winter?  Nothing says future more than a fort with some snowmen in the yard.  Making the home feel comfortable and relaxing will help it sell fast.

Improvements in the kitchen and bathroom area are important also.  Homeowners do not have to do full renovations but little upgrades and tweaks to improve the eye appeal of the home.  In a bathroom this could mean something as little as updated tile and caulk.  Kitchens can have a fresh appeal with the addition of countertops and some clean stainless steel appliances.

Just remember replacement windows, fresh paint or a relaxing back yard don’t make up for leaky roofs and busted furnaces.  It is important that all the structures are in place for a home to be inhabitable before the eye candy items are worried about.  Minor, inexpensive touches around the home will help lead to a quick sale.  Don’t overdo the renovations, it will cut into profits and might end up not being desirable to the new owner.  Keep it simple.

Remodeling To Sell

In an economy that is not blooming with homes sales what is the average homeowners on the move doing to unload their home?  Besides dropping the sale price way below market value, which is already lower than the purchase price years ago or letting it sit on the market for months what options are available?  Renovating is one of the quickest ways to get a home sold.  The key element is making sure to not put too much money into the renovation process so that money is still made on the sale.

It is important that the renovations are done with the majority of home purchasers in mind.  Most people won’t care about the addition of a pool or a gazebo in the backyard but many will be wowed with the addition of replacement windows especially ones that have the windows with blinds between the glass.

There are several key elements that can be renovated without blowing a budget and should entice buyers.  One is adding curb appeal.  This can be done fairly easily.  Start by renting a power washer and thoroughly cleaning the exterior of the house include the decks, siding, windows, gutters and any sidewalks.  Next it is imperative to have a fresh coat of stain and paint on all surfaces that require it.  The roof should also be carefully cleaned so that debris is not littering the roof top.  The last thing new home purchasers want to see is mildew and mold build up on the exterior space of the home.

If the home is unable to get clean and fresh looking from a good old fashion power scrubbing and washing it will pay to proceed into looking at siding options.  Siding is an option in renovating that is not necessarily cheap but does recoup itself in the sale of the home.  It truly is about the first impression if the home.

The next element to curb appeal is trimmed bushes, maintained landscape, including new mulch, and trimmed branches and trees.  If the home is on the market in the spring take the time to purchase and plant flowers and potted plants around the yard.  To make the most out of your money potted plants are an option that can move with a homeowner.  A trimmed lawn is always appealing, a trash can that is out of site, pebbles perfectly lining the driveway all of these little tweaks will increase the homes appeal.

Another option in renovating the home involves a long weekend and some sweat equity but is truly a winner in first impressions is paint.  Nothing quite says fresh like a new coat of paint.  It is best to thoroughly coat the walls with a neutral base coat to give buyers the chance to visualize the belongings they have in the space.  This can also be done by renovating the amount of stuff filling the home.  Minimal is better when trying to sell.

It will not matter how many mini renovations are done however to improve the look and feel of the home if the home is in need of serious repair.  Before ever thinking about selling a home it is important to make sure the roof is leak free, the windows especially if you are lucky enough to have a home to sell with premium windows with blinds between the glass are sealed correctly and the home has been inspected for major issues.