Livingston Reporting - page 333

Applying For The American Dream

When a small business owner has a great idea they don’t always have the capital funding to make their dream reality.  Often times they will look toward commercial lenders to help make things come to life.  Small business loans are also looked towards when companies are looking into expansion.  Growth does not always come with the cash to make it happen.  Loans come in handy to encourage and stimulate small business health.

In order to apply for a small business loan there are things to think about in regards to how the financing affects the business owner’s personal financial situation.  Many times small business loans will not show up on the owner’s personal credit.  This is helpful because they are still free to go about making personal purchase such as a home or car without any ill effect.

The benefits of business loans are great.  Usually a business owner can get anywhere from ten thousand to a million dollars for use having to only go through a processing time of about seventy two hours.  Not only are they usually a quick type of loan to procure but they also do not charge any upfront fees.  The terms and rates associated with small business loans are generally better than average and some are even offered through government regulated institutions which can improve the rate as well.  Most often small business loans have the benefit of personal customer service and very minimal documentation required.

A small business loan may require less documentation than other do but they are not without their form of required paperwork.  One thing that most commercial lenders will require is a business profile.  This document is all about the business and includes specifics about the number of people that are working for the owner, annual sales and the length the business has been running and open under the ownership of the applicant.

Another document that will be needed is a business plan.  This is particularly important for new businesses.  They don’t have a record of good history or financial management built up so a plan should convey to lender all the different aspects surrounding the business.

Another document that commercial lenders will need is a loan request.  This document lays out to the lender the amount you are looking to finance. How the loan is going to be used and what type, secure or unsecure, are you looking to acquire.

Many lenders will require knowledge business and personal debts owned by the procurer of the loan.  This is to verify a debt to income ratio for the applicants.  It is important that lenders are able to see what debt is outstanding, what types of payments are scheduled and what collateral is being held to back the debt if any.

Some commercial lenders will require and loss and profit balance sheet for established businesses.  This is not always the case and truly it is easier for a small business owner to determine with the choice institution what is needed before going through the work of gathering all of this documentation.  If it is not needed in the end time will have been wasted and that is the last thing a small business owner can have.

Employing A Carpet Cleaner

It is a hard task to find a professional carpet cleaning company that does not outsource work.  When hiring a carpet cleaner it is imperative that the person hired is the person doing the manual labor involved in cleaning the homes carpet.  Make sure to ask the right questions on the phone before you invite a cleaning service into your home for an interview and quote.  This will save time eliminating companies that outsource right away.

A good way to hire a professional carpet cleaner that does not outsource is to ask for referrals amongst people that are familiar.  Once a family finds a reliable, trust worthy, budget friendly carpet cleaning company they are likely to hold on to them and recommend them whenever friends are in need.  Outsourcing leads to inexperienced, young technicians without proper training to be hired for cheap by big name companies into the home possibly creating irreversible damage to carpet flooring.  Some of the issues that can arise without proper training, professional experience and appropriate equipment include; over-wetting, over-shampooing and staining.

In order to keep carpet clean and maintained it is important that they are cared for on a regular basis.  This means a professional carpet cleaner should be employed at least once every twelve month period to keep stains from setting in, micro organisms to root deep into carpets and to protect the health of the individuals in the home.  Experienced, trusted carpet cleaner companies might require extra work to find but will be well worth the extra worth when the job is finished and carpets are left in mint condition.

Over-wetting is an issue many homeowners face when trying to clean their carpets on their own.  Over-wetting can lead to delimitation of the carpet.  This is when the carpet backing separates from the actual carpet fibers.  This is not fixable without replacing the carpet affected.  Another issue that can arise when carpet is saturated is that the carpet backing can shrink causing separation of the materials within the carpet.  Carpet color can be dissolved leaving carpet looking faded and worn if left wet not to mention the growth of mold and mildew that happens with carpet that is not thoroughly dried.  During spot cleaning this can be avoided by using a fan to circulate the air within the area of the removed stain.  This will help dry the area alleviating issues involved with over-wetting carpet.  A professional carpet cleaner should be using equipment that leaves the carpet dry to the touch along with instructions on air circulation to complete the drying of carpets.

Along with too much water many untrained carpet cleaners will use an abundance of shampoo.  Often the over use of water is because the carpet is not able to rinse the shampoo out thoroughly.  Leaving shampoo residue on carpet will create a film that will be seen and felt.  A professional carpet cleaner will use the correct combination of shampoo and water along with the right equipment for the job leaving your carpet looking and feeling new.

Staining from placing furniture on wet carpet is common when dealing with inexperienced carpet cleaners.  A true professional carpet cleaner will make sure that your carpet is not ruined from stains left from wood or metal furniture by placing a protective barrier underneath the legs and covering the bottom and sides of all furniture.  They will leave this in place for days following the cleaning until the carpet is thoroughly dried and return to remove them.  At this point in time they will also look to make sure tough stains were removed and treat any area that did not turn out as the homeowner anticipated.

Finding a professional individual carpet cleaner is difficult but well worth it.  When calling the same professional comes into your home and can address the needs that are special to your situation and carpet without explanation each and every visit.  Expectations can be met because of previous standards which have been put in place by the carpet cleaner himself.

Engineering Services and Fields Of Study

Not everyone can be an engineer.  Some people use words better than others, some can speak well and others are meant to be listeners.  Then there are other people that have an amazing way to look at science, math and design and interpret it into something useful.  It is amazing how different the brain processes information. Because of the different ways our brains handle information we all have certain jobs that we are better at than others.

Engineering is a career that not everyone has the knack for.  In the field of engineering professionals apply science and mathematical theory to design, create and examine different technological solutions.  The field of engineering is very broad.  Engineering services can be broken down into several major branches.  From these several sub-disciplines exist.  Depending on the area that excites the senses within you will depend on what field and sub-discipline that is studied and turned into a career.

Exploration into engineering services is easier than ever with different intern options that allow students to search within the field before committing themselves to one in particular.  It also helps to research the internet for firms located in your area.  Most engineers would be more than happy to have someone in to shadow them that were interested in exactly what it is they do every day.

Chemical engineering is the application of physical and biological sciences that development of converting materials that are raw or chemicals into a more usable form.  This includes material engineering, process engineering and molecular engineering.  Material engineering deals with the changes in matter to make it useful within engineering applications.  Process engineering is the entire process of chemical optimization.  This includes things such as the creation of the production process of both plastic and paper products.

Civil engineering has been referred to as the most society useful type of engineering.  Professionals within civil engineering are concerned with the design, development and care of environments created by nature or by engineers.   If you have ever wondered who created the Mackinaw Bridge or the tunnels from Detroit to Windsor rest assured that the design, creation and upkeep of projects such as these is being done with the help of professional civil engineers.   Engineering services that fall within civil engineering include; geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering and environmental engineering.

Electrical engineering studies the uses of electricity, electromagnetism and electronics.  Professionals in this line of study look into and analyze different types of circuitry and how the properties that it consists of and then transfer the knowledge to other electrical components.   You see this work in computers, cars and hospitals.  A computer engineer will specialize in the way the computer processes the software.  All types of engineering eventually depend and rely on one another to fully function.  Not any one piece of engineering can function without assistance from another engineering service.

Mechanical engineering studies different types of mechanical power and how it is used within operation of machines and other mechanical systems.  This includes vehicle engineering and thermal engineering.  Vehicle engineering is used mostly within the mechanical fields of transportation such as vehicles, airplanes and boats.  Thermal engineering works mainly with the heating and cooling system, the equipment and how it is processed.

The field of engineering is vast and wide.  There are still a ton of specialty divisions of engineering which fall into the interdisciplinary and specialty fields.  If design, construction, testing and the function of all aspects of projects you are involved in interest you then engineering is a field to look into.  The outlook for engineers is not slowing anytime soon as our country keeps developing.

Emergency Restoration Services To The Rescue

The last thing needed after a fire has ravaged a homeowner’s dwelling is to enter into negotiations with the insurance company.  However that is what every homeowner in this situation faces.  When making an insurance claim, in order to begin the fire restoration procedure, individuals enter into contract negotiations with their insurance company.

It is up to the homeowner to represent the value of the dwelling and personal property involved in the fire.  It is up to the insurance company to negotiate a damage claim on the home and personal property without overvaluing the loss.  Is it possible that a homeowner going through this personal strife can handle this on their own or is it wise to have a professional in to negotiate on their behalf?

It is obvious; the homeowner should seek out advice for a professional restoration service company.  With the help and guidance of a company that handles situations such as fire damage, water damage and storm damage a homeowners rights and best interest will be represented.   Every piece of damage to the structure and personal property is examined and gone through to determine if it can be repaired or if it will need to be replaced.

Problems arise all of the time when belongings are only part damaged or the damage is not visible to the naked eye.  In these situations insurance agents often want to repair the good rather than replace it to try and save some money in the contract negotiation.   The problem with this is instances when the repair turns out not to be sufficient enough to fix to the issue.  An example of this is when a fire has left smoke damage and such on rafter beams.

If an insurance agent tries to save money by repairing the issue with an odor sealant, such as Kilz, and the problem is merely masked the problem is still there for the homeowner to deal with at a later date.  Professional restoration companies will negotiate with insurance companies to offer up a better solution to issues within the home rather than masking them for later headaches to the homeowner.

Another issue that is seen a lot in restoration is hardwood floors damaged by water and smoke.  Often the insurer recommends that the floor be sanded and resealed.  This however is a mask to the underlying future issue which is buckling caused by the water used to put out a fire.  Emergency restoration services know that really a floor expert needs to come in and evaluate the extent of the flooring damage.  In some instances sanding and resealing will be fine but others will find out that in sanding the floor thickness will be compromised and therefore it is better for the floor to be redone.   Without a professional to represent a homeowner many insurance companies will look to prevail by offering up any excuse to why a repair is fine even in situations where it is clear replacement is a better option for the homeowner.

Another area that is in constant debate is the need for new air ducts after a fire.  Many companies claim that cleaning the residue is good enough.  This is however untrue and air quality will forever be compromised.  Smoke from a fire is full of harmful toxins that will cause damage to a respiratory system.  Is this a risk as a homeowner that should be taken for an insurance company to save a few bucks?

Emergency professional restoration companies can offer advice to homeowners going through crisis situations such as fire restoration and water removal.  These are the same people that will guide you towards professional representation be it through a lawyer or restoration company to help a homeowner fight to have their home back in like kind and quality.

Carpet Cleaning Methods Old And New

When you go to a home improvement store, grocery store or any old regular hardware store what is the first thing you see sitting next to the cash registers?  It may come to you as a shock but the truth is you see carpet shampooers.  As hard as this may be to believe some rental stores actually think that the equipment and supplies they sell will clean your carpets without damage.  However, the truth is that there are many ways to clean carpet but only one way that insures your individualized carpets needs are being met and that is by hiring a professional carpet cleaner.

When carpet cleaning is needed there are many things that go into deciding what method is the best to use on your carpet.  A professional will evaluate the carpet based on criteria such as; the condition of the carpet, the level of staining and dirt within the carpet, how big the area that needs to be cleaned, time constraints and how quickly the carpet needs to be dried and back in working order for the homeowner.

When looking at the method of carpet cleaning needed for you flooring remember also that different methods involve a greater skill set than others.  This is an important piece of information when hiring an individual or company to come out and clean your carpets.  Shampooing and bonnet cleaning require extra care and should only be done by a professional with proven results.  This is why it is so important to determine the method in which your carpets need to be cleaned and finding a professional, with references, to do it.

Reduced moisture carpet cleaning methods are prevalent throughout the business.  As with any cleaning service needed within your home there are pros and cons.  Below are some of methods that involve low moisture methods of carpet cleaning along with conditions in which they are used and the benefits and drawbacks involved with each of them.

The driest method of carpet cleaning is the absorbent dry compound method.  This involves absolutely no moisture.  Dry cleaning solvents and detergents are sprinkled on the carpet.  After about thirty minutes the cleaning agents will start to dissolve the oils within the carpet fibers which will free the soil allowing it to be vacuumed up along with the excess detergents and solvents.   This method comes in handy with school and business carpeting where dry time is limited.   Results vary with this method however the benefit of no water use allows dry time to be nil.

Foam is also a technique that involves very little moisture as well.  Over-wetting is unlikely to happen with this method.  Foam is produced and distributed onto the carpet through a machine that combines the solution and air.  The equipment brushes it into the carpet and then is extracted out along with the built up dirt and grime.  The only issue that arises from this method is that occasionally the machine produces such little moisture that some of the foam may not come out.  This causes issues with cleaning later on down the road.

Bonnet cleaning is done with an absorbent pad attached to a rotating machine. The detergent solution is sprayed onto the carpet or the rotating pad is saturated with the solution and then moved throughout the floor.  The oils, dirt and filth are removed by adhering to the pad.  The carpet cleaning is finished by thoroughly vacuuming.

Another method used is shampoo and extraction.  This method can cause the big issues so needs to be done by a professional specifically trained in the technique.  The shampoo solution is released into the carpet and the rotary brush on the equipment moves it deep into the carpet to remove stains and then is extracted with high powered suction equipment.  This method leaves the carpet deodorized, clean and bright.

Hot water extraction is the most common cleaning method for carpet used today.  This involves pre-spraying the carpet which loosens the soil with how water and solution the extracting it through a high powered piece of suction equipment.  This method involves releasing water into the carpet which can also lead to problems.  Make sure that thorough drying happens with this process so that you can avoid carpet shrinkage or delaminating carpet.  Both problems are only resolved with the purchase new carpet which we all know is out of the budget for most people.

Cleaning carpet should be left to the professionals.  The carpet cleaners at stores are not as high powered as the ones professional carpet cleaners use.  Your carpet will be cleaner and in better shape, without water and soap residue, if someone who knows what they are doing cleans your carpet. Your carpet will thank you by lasting for years to come.

Common Issues Arising In Bathroom Remodels

Bathroom remodels are more work than just some paint and a little bit of tile.  If considering a bathroom remodel put the extra time and money into doing a thorough job and completely gutting the bathroom back to square one.  This will allow you to uncover issues that have been hidden and deal with them head on.  The stuff that has been hidden surprises most homeowners. Thankfully professional bathroom remodeling companies are familiar with what can be uncovered.  A complete, flawless bathroom that functions with zero problems will add not only ascetic value to your home but monetary value as well.

Many common issues with bathroom remodeling are due to two causes; one being incompetent workers and two being moisture.  If a homeowner is choosing to move forth with bathroom remodeling on their own there are some things to watch for and correct before a project should be continued.  Some issues are obvious while others are inconspicuous.

The first issue that can happen is with the framing of the floor.  Unfortunately it is common to find floor joists in bathrooms that have been notched by plumbers.  This will leave the floor weak.  If the subfloor is not strong eventually the new floor will crack under the pressure.

Another issue that can occur is plumbing becomes old and corroded.  If this is seen it should be taken care of immediately during the renovation.  This will make it easier in the long run.  Updating cast iron, galvanized drain lines and copper supply lines can easily be updated when the walls and flooring are torn up.

It seems that those tub surround and bathroom tiles only recently became required to have a waterproof installation.  What many bathroom remodeling companies find when tearing apart older bathrooms is that regular dry wall has been put in place behind tub surrounds.   If proper waterproofing techniques are not used in bathroom remodeling water vapors will occur causing leaks and deterioration.

With any type of moisture build up comes the nuisance mold.  Very few bathrooms are remodeled without the presences of mold.  Many reasons can cause this from lack of waterproof material used behind tub surrounds to inefficient ventilation.  Daily moisture build up makes bathroom a likely place for mold issue to develop.  It is pertinent that proper ventilation is installed in the bathroom remodel.

Another common issue is vents that are hooked up and running yet not properly vented.  Vents that are run without proper duct work leading to the outside cause’s huge issues involving mold in attics and/or basement areas.  When an inspection is done on a new home or a home that is being purchased this is something all inspectors know to look for.  When the bathroom remodel is under way this is usually simple to fix with proper duct work.

The same applies to plumbing fixtures.  It is important that homeowners to take the time to determine where the plumbing is all vented and to make sure that it is up to code and properly working.  Doing a major bathroom renovation will help homeowner’s spot issues to be resolved and will stop small issues from accumulating into something larger down the road.

Automatic Gates Helping To Create A Safer Society

Homeowners are choosing to purchase automatic gates more frequently than ever before.  This is because of the security and extra protection for their families and because they have become an affordable, convenient option in home security.  The variety of automatic fences available makes it easy for all homeowners to find a style that works with their landscape and homes style.

Options start right out of gate with an automatic gate purchase.  The first decision to be made is whether a swing gate or a slide gate is best for the driveway and space provided.  Both options offer the security of an access controlled system which restricts entry and exit to the premises.  One great feature with automatic gates is that strangers don’t get in and little kid and pets don’t get out.  Both also offer options in regards to power also.  Homeowner’s can choose solar panels, batteries and hard wiring options.

Automatic gates offer up three major home advantages; seclusion, safety and convenience.

1)      Seclusion:  This is such an important piece to an automatic gate.  Controlling who is able to gain access into your home space.  Fences and gate systems keep undesirable people out.  Another piece of the puzzle is the importance of the intercom system.  This allows the homeowner to identify visitors before entry is granted.

2)      Safety:  As mentioned before automatic gates allow homeowners to control entry and exit.  This is so important in helping children and pets learn boundaries without the severe consequences surrounding traffic and other elements of danger that can create beyond repairable harm.  Another great thing about fencing and gate systems is the variety of options.  This being said the taller the fence the less likely someone is to climb over it to gain access to the home.

3)      Convenience:  Automatic gates offer the solution to who will be the responsible person to open the gate in a rain storm.  Electric gates use a variety of methods to allow entrance.  Some of the many are access control systems such as key pads, card readers, remote control and sensors that read sensors placed within vehicles that send signals for entry.

Another feature that is great is the ability to keep unauthorized vehicles from using the driveway as a turn around.  As well as the advantage of keeping out pesky critters that live in the wild or those right in the neighborhood.  It sure would help with that neighbor dog that is never watched and allowed to roam around the neighborhood without guidance or a watchful eye.  That dog inevitably is the one to spew the trash from one end of the sub to the other.

Another thing many homeowners don’t think about is the decrease in insurance rates that a home fence and gate system allow for.  That’s an extra bonus.  The fence may eventually pay for itself.  Although truth be told it will pay for itself from the very beginning with extra piece of mind, increased value to the property and the convenience the automatic gate offers.

Evolving Yard Space To Accommodate Handicapped Ramps

Handicapped ramps need some for thought when it comes to placement and how it will affect the surrounding use of space.  Not only is landscaping affected, the aesthetics of the home but also the use of space within the yard.  It is optimal to build a handicapped ramp in a location that will have the least impact on the usable space within a yard.  Kids and adults alike use the yard space for recreation and for this reason it is best to build the ramp with these thoughts in mind.

When planning space within the entrance area of the home it is important to think about a design that encompasses the current style and landscape of the home.  If a home is very modern and has a contemporary flair you might be able to blend a metal ramp into the porch design and landscape.  However, if the home is classic or country in style a metal handicapped ramp will look out of place and a wooden one would prove to be a better option.  The nicest feature about wooden ramps is that they are stainable and will easily match or blend into décor that is in place already.

The landing of a ramp is also important and should be designed as a square or rectangle.  The ramp way should intersect with the landing head-on.  It is important for the wheelchair user to have an approach, landing, that is head on and perpendicular so that the intersection is flat.  If a wheelchair hits the landing without both wheels entering the ramps at the same time the person using the wheelchair’s safety could be compromised.  Both wheels need to pass over the landing at the same time to promote the safest entrance and exit possible.  If the exit/entrance is angles this will cause an imbalance and could potentially cause the chair to tip.

Joints within a wheelchair ramp should also be constructed with the utmost care. When joining to areas of a ramp it is important to also make the union balanced.  Never should the landing be angled.  This could be incredibly tricky if the ramp that is being built is on more than a ninety degree angle.  The landing for the ramp at the union will need to be big enough for the wheelchair user to position them to take the intersecting landing straight on.  The turning direction of a wheelchair is forty eight inches and should be considered when building the ramp and landings.

The process of putting in a handicap ramp is not one that should be taken lightly.  There are many factors to consider when looking into the materials, size and style ramp that would best suit the home and need.  Figuring out the space accommodations is only one piece of the puzzle to figure in before the installation process begins.  It is best to consider a professional handicap ramp installer for structures that are to be a permanent fixture to the home.

It Is Time For The Carpet Cleaner To Visit

When is the best time for your carpets to be cleaned?  This question is hard to give a precise answer to because it depends on a number of factors.  How soiled is the carpet? Do you have a household of four or a household of eight? Do you allow shoes to be worn in the house?  Is the carpet light in color or dark?  The main objective in having a carpet cleaner in to do your carpets is to get them clean before any irreversible damage has been done. It will be a much better job and easier too if carpet is cleaned before becoming overly soiled.  This would be about twelve to eighteen months for family of four with normal activities going on in the house.

Many budget conscience families are worried about the extra expense that professional carpet cleaners add on to already tight budgets.  This leads them into trying to clean the carpet themselves with a rented machine and chemical solutions from a local home improvement store.  This option is not a viable one and should be reconsidered.  What ends up happening when homeowners attack this job on their own is carpet can become damaged because the homeowner is not familiar with proper techniques and the equipment is not appropriate for the job.

Problems such as fading, change in color, saturation of chemicals and water, shrinkage and fiber damage are all issues that carpets can faced if improperly cleaned.  A professional carpet cleaner will come out to the home before the job is to be done.  Upon this initial contact with the carpet they will inspect it, find out the homeowners expectations, give an estimate on the carpet cleaning technique they recommend and schedule a time to come out and clean the carpet.  It is unwise to have a company come out and clean the carpeting without a detailed review of the type of carpet, the homeowners’ expectations and a quote stating what is involved along with papers of insurance.

Different methods of carpet cleaning work better on different types of carpet.  For instance the absorbent pad method is ideal for short Berber carpet or carpet used within offices and schools.  This is true because dry time is not involved and the carpet can be used again immediately but also the type of carpet is shallow so the dirt does not have as far to settle in.

Frieze and plush carpets however are better cleaned through the hot water extraction method which gives carpet a deep cleaning.  Carpet cleaners come into the house and pre-treat existing stains on the carpet.  Then for a deep cleaning a fine spray of hot water is applied to the carpet.  This forces the dirt out of the carpet which is then sucked into the machine and a spray of cleaning solution and water is applied and immediately sucked up into the equipments holding tank. Carpet cleaners use various types of equipment so one may use a hand held all in one machine while another has long hoses attached to holding tanks inside the vehicle.  The high temperature water also helps to decrease the amount of drying time necessary.  With this method homeowners will want to place fans for maximum air flow until the carpets are thoroughly dried.

The answer to when a homeowners carpets need to be cleaned is actually simple…when it needs it. Carpet kept clean and free of dirt build up will last well beyond the manufactures warranty.  After the holidays and the traffic has cleared right before spring cleaning is an ideal time however many people have their homes open to family during the holiday season so maybe after the kids go back to school carpet cleaning is something to look into.

Hiring Professional Carpet Cleaners

Hiring a professional carpet cleaner is a monumental task.  At some point this is a job homeowners with carpet flooring will have to tackle.  At what point does this become important?  If a homeowner finds themselves fighting daily with dingy carpet it is time to call in the professionals. A deep cleaning is recommended every twelve to eighteen months.  Many homeowners try to tackle it themselves with very little success.  Carpet cleaning is an issue that should be dealt with by a professional to ensure a quality job is done each and every time.

How does a homeowner go about finding a professional carpet cleaner in their area that is highly qualified and budget reasonable?  There are a few tips to live by when letting any “professional” into your home. As with anyone care should be taken to make sure a licensed, trained, qualified technician cleans the carpet.  The first thing to watch for is a technician who calls the house without any advanced contact from you.  Any company that contacts you and adversities a one price fits all service.  Professional, trained, licensed and insured carpet cleaners will charge based on total area clean and the method used.

Also just because a professional carpet cleaner comes out and claims to use name brand products remember the credibility does not stand from the product used but by the services rendered.  More importantly than the name brand products and chemicals used is the certifications help by the professional carpet cleaner.

When interviewing potential professional carpet cleaners it is best to invite them out.  Most cleaners offer a free quote.  During this time is the perfect time to pick him for information.  One thing to ask would be how long that the business has been in service.  This will give an idea if a reputation, good or bad, has been built within the community.  This is easily scoped out by calling references and talking with the chamber of commerce in your area.

Another thing that you will want to find out is if the technician that is at the house to do the quote will also be the one servicing the carpet.  Find out what type of training the technicians are sent through.  It is important to ask if they will vacuum the carpet.  All professional carpet cleaning service companies that provide reputable service will provide a thorough vacuuming job on the carpet before cleaning is started.

The lowest quote is not always the best quote.  It is important that research is done, qualifications are looked at and the credentials examined before service is performed.   It is important that homeowners make sure to show the professional carpet cleaner areas, spots and pet stains that need extra attention.  It is important that homeowners wait for the carpet to dry completely before walking on it or putting furniture back on to avoid staining.