Livingston Reporting - page 333

Bathroom Safety For Seniors

The main concern in seniors interested in aging in place is their safety.  It is important for us as caregivers to research safety modifications to improve the safety in each room that they will be using.  Bathroom safety is of utmost importance.  The bathroom is the room in a home in which most accidents occur.  With this in mind it is important to realize the odds increase for an accident when seniors are involved.  The lack of balance and slower motor skills increases the odds ten-fold for an accident to occur.  Thankfully there are many options to increase the safety for loved ones while allowing them to age in place.

Most modifications in the bathroom can be done with just a bit of forward thinking.  Many home modification companies exist to make sure age in place modifications are done correctly. The important part of the equation is to look at the space, evaluate the changes that need to be put in place and upgrade the space to create the most efficient, hazard free space possible for your loved one.

Safety modifications can be done to fit all budgets and safety needs.  Needs may arise slowly and can be addressed as they come up while other situations will require a complete overhaul from the start.  An evaluation will determine the needs of your loved ones in comparison with the space.  This way a plan can be drawn up in order to create a safe and sufficient space. As your loved one ages it is in their best interest to start adding remodeling that favors aging in place.  This is a suggestion to broach with compassion, care and understanding.  Many older loved ones don’t like to face the fact they are aging and might eventually not have the mobility they see in themselves currently.

Some simple safety modifications are;

  • Extra lighting is always a good investment.  It is especially important at night when visibility is low.  Motion lighting is readily available and is helpful for those using walkers who are using their hands to maneuver.
  • Rugs are incredibly common in bathrooms.  For people who are aging they are incredibly dangerous and easy to get caught up in.  Remove them for their safety.  Use an anti-slip mat for the exit of the shower to avoid slipping on tile.  A texture tile is now available and can help prevent the slick surfaces that tile normally represent.
  • Faucets are another area of concern.  Make sure to remove hard to turn faucets in favor of levered ones.  It is also incredibly important to purchase faucets that clearly mark hot and cold.  Many bathroom accidents occur from scalding.  In providing bathroom safety for a senior it is also necessary to check the temperature on the hot water tank.
  • Original toilets can be modified with the addition of a portable high rise seat.  If more permanent modifications can be done it is advisable.  Higher rising toilets can be bought and installed.  Adding safety grab bars to the side and front of the toilet area helps seniors gain their balance.
  • Tub and shower safety is incredibly important.  There are several temporary modifications that can be used and many permanent ones as well.  If the situation calls for budget friendly, temporary solutions tub chairs, transfer benches and grab bars can be installed to promote a safe entrance and exit from the tub.  If more permanent renovations can be done it would be wise to invest in a barrier free entry tub or shower.

It is easy to enter into a new situation and go overboard with modifications that are unnecessary.  This is why it is important to contact an accessible alterations company to evaluate the situation and recommend necessary adjustments to the area.  This is true for all areas of the home and especially important in the bathroom where many hazards exist for loved ones.

Landscape Maintenance Needs

The weather here in Michigan is changing and with that comes a change in the needs of our landscaping. The four seasons bring with it a mix of snow, rain, heat, humidity and dry spells.  Is it possible to maintain the health of your lawn with all that this brings?  Yes, however it is important to recognize that your lawns care and needs will change throughout each of the seasons.  It is up to you to keep up with these changes or to hire a landscape company to come in and maintain the landscape.

The fall is upon us here in Michigan.  Laws start to go into a semi hibernating state in which they trap the minerals and nutrients to stay alive throughout the chilly, sunless days of winter.  When looking into fall lawn maintenance it is important to think about it in terms of wrapping the year up.

Lawn fertilization is a must during the “closing” of the lawn season.  When you do this you give your lawn the basic nutrients it needs to stay healthy through the winter.  When fertilizing you will want to first make sure debris such as leaves is removed and the grass freshly cut.  Then before you fertilize you will want to aerate the lawn so that the fertilizer is able to seep deep into the lawn.  This provides what the lawn will miss out on through the cold, sunless winter.

The next thing to think about in fall landscape need is pruning. Many flowers and shrubs need to be pruned back to allow for the new growth of the spring.  It is important to note though that not all trees will benefit from this.  Some trees do not need trimming of any kind and will continue to grow. The same is true with many plants.  Fall is also the time for removing bulbs that are damaged in the freeze and plant those that need the winter to develop and grow in the spring.  Burlap should be applied to all shrubs that are especially fragile and that the frost will damage.  Plants, shrubs and trees can also benefit greatly from some extra food in the form of fertilizer.

Raking the leaves that have accumulated on the lawn is often a huge task.  There are two schools of thought in leaves being raked or allowed to live as they lay.  This is up to individual homeowners.  Leaves can act as a great fertilizer in their own right.  From experience leaves allowed to decay within the Lily of the Valley in the yard act as a major growth hormone for them.  Literally the plant uses that acid break down of the leaves to flourish.  Use discretion when allowing leaves to accumulate on grass.  It is not beneficial to allow all of the fall leaves to stay piled on the ground as they will absorb the little bit of sun that will attempt to get to your lawn throughout the winter.

Fall landscape needs are similar to spring landscaping needs.  We do clean-up in the spring to spruce the lawn up and clean-up in the fall to allow for hibernation and re-growth. Landscaping needs also vary depending on the region in which you live.  The plants that survive and grow here in the North are not the same viable plants that exist in Arizona.  Can you imagine a cactus here soaking up the rainfall that we receive here in Michigan?

Stability And Mobility Through Age In Place Renovations

As loved ones age caregivers need to start putting in place a plan against home accidents.  Aging in place is becoming more common as loved ones are living longer and are more independent than in past decades. Assisted living a popular option also however many senior prefer to maintain their quality of life and independent living for as long as possible.  This leads to aging in place safety procedures being instituted in homes.

One issue that often arises as loved ones ages is the loss of balance and stability.  This often leads to falls that then grow into large issues such as broken hips or fractures.  The best thing we can do as caregivers is to eliminate the possibilities that make our senior higher risk.  It is impossible to offer them more balance on their own so establishing the aid around the house to offer this while removing obstacles is the key element in keeping seniors safe while aging in place.

The main area to begin with is the floors.  This is obvious as it is where mobility happens.  Observe the room.  Look for obstacle as you walk through, in and around the room.  Is there furniture everywhere?  Is it too tight to maneuver with the use of a cane or walker?  Are there rugs scattered about or loose carpets?  How about magazines, papers, dog beds and extra debris that is not necessary cluttering the floor area?  Also examine any cords for lamps, phones and other miscellaneous items often around the home stored on the floor.  Even fan and humidifier cords are hazards in moving about one’s home in a safe manner.

Now that you have narrowed down what needs to be taken care of it is imperative to proceed with a plan that with alleviate the issues permanently.  Picking up newspapers and magazines is terrific however in itself inefficient.  A place to store future items safely is also needed.  Furniture that is over abundant should be scaled down to make room to maneuver safely about.  Throw rugs should not be placed on the floors of homes in which aging seniors are living.  They are just too easy to trip over when balance is already compromised.  Some safety experts allow for double sided sticky tape to be used but it is honestly a better option to rid the home of them.  Cords should be eliminated all together if they are in the path of a walk way.  You can either remove the element that needs electricity or add outlets so that cords can be secured against a wall.

Steps and stairs are tricky enough for older adults.  Make sure that there is plenty of lighting, sturdy handrails and carpets that are secured to the stairs.  Check to ensure there are light switches at the top and bottom of the stairs.  Also make sure that nothing is on the stairs that could act as an obstacle such as books, shoes or laundry baskets.

Kitchen safety, bathroom safety and bedroom safety are also major concerns as caregivers to those who are aging in place.  It is important to make sure everything is in reach and stools are not necessary to reach higher items.  Lighting is also important.  It is hard to maneuver around a room when the light is low.  Install extra lighting and multiple nightlights around the house for easy visibility for loved ones.  The bathroom is the number one spot in the home for an accident to occur.  Ensure safety with the use of grab bars, transfer chairs in the tub and non-slip mats installed.

Preventing falls is the main objective.  Make sure your loved one is getting plenty of exercise and keeping mobility at a premium.  Review medicines prescribed to make sure the side effects do not include dizziness or loss of balance. Have a loved one wear shoes while inside is also beneficial as they offer general support and extra grip to the floor.  If a fall does happen ensure that your loved one knows what to do.  It is important to have phones on every floor and emergency numbers programmed into them encase a fall does occur.  Aging in place does not have to be scary as long as precautions are taken and extra care is given to areas taken for granted by most of us.

Restoring Families Through Fire Remediation

The last thing many of expect is to have a fire happen within our home.  The odds are against it.  Think about it.  Out of all of the people that you encounter have any of them experienced the loss associated with a fire in the home?  We were shocked when we woke up to see our neighbors home in flames.  Fire fighters were crawling all about the roof to punch holes for the water hoses.  It was a scene out of a movie.

The most important thing as neighbors was helping in them through the fire restoration process.  Fire remediation is time consuming and requires effort on the part of the home owner.  The pain of this process can be minimized with preparation.  Yes, it is important to think that a fire could happen and be prepared for the disaster it leaves in his path.  The same is true for storm damage, water damage and catastrophes of all kinds.  Preparation can limit the loss.

The absolute most important thing in your home above and beyond any personal possession is the life of family members.  It is important the plan of attack is in place for them to maneuver safely out of the blaze and into a place of safety.  Make sure all your family is on board and are aware of a special meeting spot.  This way when help arrives you are all either accounted for or the location of the missing person can be narrowed down to a certain location within the home for firefighters to focus on their retrieval.

Pets, photos and any and all contents in the home can be replaced and are not worth the safety of any member of the family.  I know many people think of pets as family members and will risk their lives to save them.  This should never be attempted.  The life of a family member and what they bring to your family is much greater than that of a pet.  It is not worth risking human life.

Families should own a fire proof safe.  In it they should keep copies of any important hard to replace documents such as mortgage info, birth certificates and an inventory of the homes contents.  The inventory of the contents of your home and garage will be valuable in replacement through the insurance company.

In the digital age many of us store photos in albums and on computers both which can become damaged in a fire. It is best to upload photos to a digital store so that they are stored forever on an external source and found via an internet site.  Albums are of course not replaceable.  This is one of the hard parts about fire loss.  Memories are destroyed.  Lessen the loss by sending hard copies of photos to loved ones throughout the year in hopes that if needed they are there for you if disaster strikes.

Invest in quality smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers.  These items are all used to ensure minimal damage to your home.  If a fire is caught before it begins to spread it is likely that firefighters can extinguish the fire and prevent fire damage throughout the entire home.

Fire damage can devastate a family.  It will take time to regroup and get back on your feet.  Taking precautions upfront to minimize the distress your family would feel after a fire is helpful and needed for any disaster.  Fire, storms, floods and other forces can cause a need for any of the above.  Taking a bit of caution today will save a lot of time, energy and priceless memories.

Find The Rhythm In Running

How many times have you started an exercise regime only to call it quits weeks later?  This is fairly common in the word of physical activity.  If it is not something we were brought up doing daily as a family unit it is likely not to be a habit in our adult lives.  This is true with people interested in beginning to run.  Running is an activity enjoyed by thousands of people every day.  It is easy to begin and just as easy to quit.  It is important to recognize this when you start out.  The number one tip anyone can give a new runner is to lace up the shoes.  Once they are on you will have nothing else to do but get moving.  Once the habit is in place for a few months it will become second nature and you will not even know what it is to be without it.  A runner high is something irreplaceable by anything else.

In order to stick with running there are a few tips to make the first few runs more enjoyable until a rhythm is obtained.  The first one is going to sound funny but for beginners it is important in giving the sport of running a fair chance.  My first tip is to run for one minute for each time you go out.  On your first try you go for one minute.  That is it.  Then continue to walk at a moderate pace until you have reached the length of time or distance you were aiming for.  The next day you will increase the amount to two minutes and so on until you are on your thirtieth day running for a full thirty minutes.

The next tip is to physical write down what you are looking to get out of running.  Is it weight loss, strength, flexibility or to run a certain amount of time or mileage?  Why it is important that you are running needs to be written down for examination frequently.  The more you see the goal in black in white, the more likely it is that you will stick to achieving them.

Motivation dies quickly.  In fact after the first week your body is sore, you aren’t seeing any results and it is easy to forget why you started.  Try to change your routine, run with friends, purchase some new running gear or post motivation phrases around you to keep you motivated.

The goal is to become a runner for life.  This is not just a phase this is the new lifestyle.  For this to be true it is important not to overdo it.  Start out steady, don’t kill yourself.  Maybe you will run three times a week, maybe four.  Challenge yourself but don’t feel it is necessary to run every day.  Other activities such as swimming, strength training, biking or tennis will provide you with a change up in activity to avoid runner’s burnout. A written schedule will help with this.

It is also important to have good running form from the start.  You will want to start from day one with stretches before and after a run while also watching how you are running.  Useful information on posture, stride and technique can be found in magazines, the internet and books on running.  This is also an area that a runner friend will be more than happy to help.  Every runners form will be a bit different but good running form right from the start will be habit forming.

Last but not least splurge a little.  It is important to have the right running gear to create a healthy habit.  Running shoes are important and should be fitted by a professional.  They will want to check the heel and arch of your current shoes to see what running shoe is the best fit for your type of foot.  Another thing is a good fitting bra, wicking socks, pants and under shirt.  This will make sure that as you run the moisture is being pulled from your body and not soaking in causing a cold sweat.

These tips should get you started in the wonderful world of running.  Keep at it and put one foot in front of the other day after day and your body, mind and spirit will wreak the benefit. Also, think about how good you will look sporting new running gear!

Just Relax and Run

Running is an incredibly relaxing sport.  Difficult yes however the feeling you get when you are done, often described as “runners high”, is like no other.  When an athlete is starting out in a new sport such as running they have many questions that are not easily answered.  It is important to seek out reliable information from people that have been in their shoes.  In no way is this article meant to take the place of advice given by trained professionals or doctors.  This advice is from someone who started barely able to walk three miles who is now a daily runner.  If this describes what you are looking to achieve then you are in the right spot.

The best thing about running is that there is really no right or wrong way to do about it.  With proper running gear, a good attitude and a proper running form it is as easy as putting one foot in front of the other.  In the beginning start easy.  Over shoot and you set yourself up for injury and failure.  Once you feel totally fatigued and unmotivated you will not pick the running habit back up easily.

Once you feel confident enough start jogging.  Don’t worry about the intensity or speed at which you are moving but more about the length of time you are able to be on the path.  Small amounts of time are perfect for beginners.  Ten minutes is enough then start to build up to twenty then thirty.  Take a few weeks to adjust to each increment of time.  Gradually you will be up to running thirty minutes straight at a nice pace which is irrelevant to anyone else and standards should not be focused on at this point.

It is important to note that true beginners, someone who has never laced up a running shoe should start by enjoying a nice ten minute stroll at a moderate walking pace and move into intervals of running one minute, walking one minute.  Once this is maintained for at least ten minutes or until you are uncomfortable go forth with a cool down.  Each week you will continue this routine moving up the amount of minutes ran verse walked when done gradually enough you will be running thirty minutes with ease within a few weeks.

It is important to note that the most important piece of all of this is the daily habit of exercise.  Run, walk, jog or sprint the fact that you get out there each day is the important lesson.  Once the activity becomes habit your body will consistently crave it and it will become the norm for you.  The basic tip here is to lace up and open the door.  Once this is accomplished the rest is nothing.

Letting your body rest is not optional.  It is a must.  Your muscles must be allowed to recover effectively in order to grow.  If they are continually broken down without time to heal they will burnout.  Allow your muscles time to recover.  You can do this by continuing to exercise however if accustomed to running try swimming.  Use a different group of muscles.  This will give the others time to de-stress and in turn build up.

The best part of running is not the fancy running gear, in my opinion it is the challenge of racing.  When entering your first race, which should be done after two months of running, there are some etiquette rules to follow.  The first and most important thing to remember is that there are people of all capabilities racing.  It is best to start towards the end of the pact if you are sure you are unsure of where to go.  This way you can follow a decent pace and stay out of the way of faster runners.  Stay towards the right side so that people can pass easily and use caution.  It is imperative that you cross the finish line having done your best.  Don’t worry about where anyone else is in the race so long as you have made it.  Pat yourself on the back for you are now a runner!

Elements Involved In Freight Shipping Logistics

Logistics has been known to make or break a company.  When people think of a company’s logistics division they should not think only of the shipping and receiving elements. Instead it should be thought of as a process involving the entire company, external companies, vendors, carriers and end users.  It is a process that revolves around the movement of products from your suppliers through to the end user.

In order for a company to have a successful logistics division, working successfully for the client and the company there are several key elements involved to ensure that the company is efficient and effective while keeping customers satisfied with the end result.

The first issue and one most widely accepted as a company’s logistics program is the movement of goods.  In order to effectively ship products to end users the shipping strategy used should be one in which is in complete line with the philosophy and strategy.  Yes, many times emphasis is on speed but to be honest that component will come if everything else is in line.  It is important that the pieces work together.  Goods must literally float through the supply chain.  Goods should maneuver to vendors, manufacturers, warehouses and end users flawlessly. In order to be successful hiccups should be minimized throughout the process.

Sharing information is an understated component of logistics management.  It is actually one of the most important pieces of the puzzle.  Communication is an element that needs to be included in every step of business and freight management is not secluded from this.  It is important to know where products are, what levels inventory is kept and exactly when an error has occurred so that immediate action is taken to solve problems.  Getting the information in a time effective manner will alleviate small issues from growing into irreversible problems.  It helps to ensure proper decisions are made in a timely fashion.

Communication throughout the process includes personal on all levels to be working in conjunction with one another to create a flawless system of product movement.  Order takers, production managers, suppliers of materials, distribution, financial means and sales forecasters need to have flawless communication representing the exact need/want for the right number of products to be manufactures and sold without excess which results in a loss.

Time verse service is another area of logistic services.  Freight can only be shipped if the product is available and better yet if it is a desirable product.  This means that you need to be a top producer of fad items before they become fads.  Forecasting is used to see what trends are developing and need to be addressed in order to get shipments where they are wanted in a timely fashion. We see this often in the industry.  If a company cannot keep up with the demands placed on them and backorders exist customers will simply find new suppliers.  If a company needs a certain wood from you to create a product they are selling and the wood is delayed which in turn delays them they will seek alternatives.  It is a simple formula that supply must meet demand and now not days from now.

Financials are involved in every aspect of a firm.  Costs drive businesses all around the world.  Profits high and cost low are a priority of all businesses.  Although costs are important it is worth recognizing that often times low costs relate to subpar service.  However, higher costs don’t always equate to better service.  It is all a matter of balance.  It is important to keep an eye on costs associated with every aspect of the logistics process, eliminating costs that are irrelevant and keeping costs within control of the company.

Many companies find it impossible to manage freight shipping logistic services and in turn look to outsourcing to companies who are capable of handling this aspect of the business with lower costs than the company can manage internally.  Logistics, in order to be done properly, needs to be an integral part of all aspects of the company.  Each individual piece lends to the success and competitive nature of the market place today.

Freight Management Solutions

Business models of all sizes have complications. The goal of businesses in terms of logistics basically narrows down to having what the consumer desires, at a price they are willing to pay, in the quantity they wish for when they want it.  That isn’t too much to ask right?  Companies with issues in logistics are continually searching for freight management solutions often times turning to companies that specialize in providing this service for companies big and small.

This is done in one of two different ways; third party logistics or fourth party logistics.  Third party logistics uses outside companies to carry out the various logistic operations that have are accustomed to being done internally.  An example of this is when a company that has its own storage facility decided that it will now use an outside transporter to carry out distribution.  Distribution was previously done by the company but in evaluating it was determined to be more cost effective to bring in a third party for this sector of the supply chain.  This was determined to be an effective freight management solution.

Fourth party logistics is somewhat of a new concept.  This is when a company determines that the freight management solution they desire is one in which the whole logistics procedure is outsourced to another party.  This company has a sole purpose of providing logistic solutions to companies.  They bring together their companies resources and technology and pair it with other organizations to plan out, operate and maintain a fully functioning supply chain.

The main difference between the two; third party logistics and fourth party logistics, is that the third party is specifically targeting one function of the supply chain solution where as with fourth party they manage the entire process from beginning to end.  In general a fourth party logistics provider is a contractor serving the entire logistic needs for a company.

Fourth party logistic providers are the future of freight management solutions.  Consulting companies are now offering so much in the way of cost savings and services to companies that they are becoming hard to live without.  It is easy to see how needed a fourth party logistics company is when examining inbound logistics and outbound logistics.  In smaller companies especially it is important to have support that specializes in all aspects of logistics.  To pay specialized logistic personal to be on staff would not be nearly as cost effective as hiring companies, with a system already in place to help manage that piece of the business puzzle.

Inbound logistics is a basic process in the business equation which includes purchasing, arranging the movement of materials coming in, parts and finished inventory from suppliers to manufacturers, assembly plants and stores.  Outbound logistics is related to storing and moving the end goods and information from the end of production to the end user.

The field of logistics is complex and absolutely integral to a business’s success.  Without the proper logistics in place a company could be losing money with increased shipping costs or improper communication throughout the supply chain.  In order to give the client what they want, when they want it, at an acceptable price and time a highly functioning freight management solution should be maximized.

Caring For Carpet

When carpet is purchased many manufactures state that carpet is only warranted if care is provided by professional carpet cleaners.  This is becoming more important now that carpet cleaners are able to be rented throughout grocery stores, home improvement and hardware stores.  Doing it yourself is not an option for many reasons.  That is just one.

The reason that do it yourself carpet cleaners are not an option is because the equipment cannot be properly adjusted.  This can cause issues with the amount of detergent verse water released into the carpet.  This can lead to a residue being left on the carpet fiber leaving the texture forever ruined.  Another problem that do it yourself machines have is that the suction is not great enough to suck out all of the water and will lead to saturation and over-wetting.  This then can lead to re-soiling of the carpet, fiber damage and discoloration.

It is best to call in the professionals when tackling a job of the proportion.  It is an expensive mistake to make if done incorrectly and not able to be reversed without replacement.  To keep carpets fresh in between cleanings a bit of precaution can help.  Throw rugs, entrance mats and a shoe free policy can all help with this.  Cleaning up spills as they happen with cleaning solutions appropriate for the type of carpet will increase the time between professional cleanings.

There are several options available in professional carpet cleaning methods.  It is important that the professional carpet cleaner employed goes through what type of carpet you have verse the method used.  Different carpet fibers use unique cleaning methods.  The options are; carpet shampooing, dry chemical, absorbent pad or hot water extraction.

The method used for your carpet will depend on several factors.  The material, pile, amount of soiled debris and the wear & tear of the carpet will affect the professional’s choice of methods that are to be used on your particular carpet.  It is important that the choice that they use does not damage the carpet fibers which will in turn shorten the life span of the carpet.  It is also important that a residue/film is not left once the carpet is cleaned.  This defeats the purpose of cleaning the carpet as it will easily become soiled once again.

A typical house should have its carpets cleaned every twelve to eighteen months. This will be determined solely on the amount of activity within the home.  It is also important to remember the type of activity too.  If for instance the home is filled with animals the carpet should be attended to more often as they attract dirt and leave hair residue.  Also, the color of carpet is important.  Lighter colored carpet is more apt to show dirt where as darker carpets may hide it better.  Blends are notorious for hiding grime and therefore can go longer between cleanings.  Although it is important to have the carpets attended to before the soil and damage is too embedded within.

Luxurious Automatic Gates – A Staple For Home Safety

Automatic gates and fenced in yards are a great luxury.  Many people use fences and gates to keep animals and children from escaping and to keep wild animals and intruders out.  Automatic gates are safe in general.  Problems can occur during installation and after however with proper installation and care gates and fence systems should withstand the test of time.

Many questions come about when thinking about fencing in a yard.  The first thing to consider is regulations with putting in the fence and gate.  Make sure the community you live within allows for this and ask about specific height regulations, design regulations and other specifications that must be met.  It is important to have a permit for the installation of an automatic gate and fence.  An inspector from the city will come out and evaluate the property.

It is imperative that the use of an automated gate does not hinder access to the property for emergency vehicles.  The gate must open wide enough for these vehicles to enter without issue.  It is also important that the fence stays within community standards and does not inhibit the view of oncoming traffic and allows for a safe exit and entrance to the property.

Issues arise with the installation of the gate and fence when improperly grounded.  It is imperative that the company installing the electric gate and fence is the use of grounding rods.  If left improperly installed it can be a safety hazard for pets and humans alike.

Automatic gates have been known on occasion to experience technical issues because of interference.  Issues that can arise include loss of electricity or a spike in electricity.  Automatic gates can lose the ability to open and close if the power is out through a technical difficulty.  This is rare however can happen and is an issue to think about when considering an automatic gate.

Another drawback to fences and automatic gates is that it does not teach children and animals safe boundaries.  This is important because the fence could accidently be left open and then clear boundaries for staying within the yard are not present.

The pros however are significant when considering installation of a fence and automatic gate.  Automatic gates do offer security and peace of mind.  They make a home less of a target to break into because of the extra security present in the presence of the fence and gate. It also offers security in the sense that children can play outside without parents worrying about strangers entering the premises or children exiting.  Fencing puts a solid barrier between the outside world and the home.

When thinking about an automatic gate you will need to look at two very different gate operating systems the slide gate and swing gate.  Both have advantages and drawbacks.  Swing gates give a more elegant look and feel and require less maintenance overall.  However, slide gates offer less ability to enter a residence by force and offer more options in how the gate is accesses.  It is important to think about the space in which the fence and gate will be installed and purchase accordingly.

When looking at the expense of a fence and automatic gate it is important to remember you will recoup money from the fence purchase in the resale value it adds to your home.  Consumers who have installed fence and gate systems have seen property values rise anywhere from ten to twenty percent.  This is a home renovation that will add value through extra protection for your family and financial gain upon selling.