Livingston Reporting - page 332

Boost Sales And Website Visibility With Excellent Search Engine Placement

When it comes to your online business, visibility is imperative to your success. This means that you need a Search Engine Placement that will allow our online business to be noticed potentially on the number one page of the most popular and highly used search engines, such as Google and Yahoo. What this will do, is increase the probability that people who are looking for the products and services that you offer will look no further than your website and potentially boost your sales because of it. However, search engine placement is vital, but having a complete, sound and effective search engine optimization will help you to target more people, in more areas around the world.

Search engine optimization (SEO), is used to design a website placement campaign for you that will help you increase your traffic and sales. In addition to search engine placement, you can also have a complete SEO service that can boost more than just your page rank. You can have an SEO service not only increase your search engine placement, but promote your website on social media websites, Ad words campaigns, semantics, blogs and so much more. You can have them create articles about your website, which will benefit both you and your readers. Your readers have the option of reading an informative and accurate article about your website, services and products, while you sit back and enjoy the success of your website.

All of the articles written about your website are thoroughly researched to ensure accuracy about the products and services you offer, as well as offering information that is vital to your readers. You can also opt for keyword targeting, so when someone is searching for the products and services that you offer, you will possibly show up on the first page of popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. You can also get your articles written and submitted to a number of online article submission websites, which will also help in driving customers to your website.

In addition to promoting your website, you can also offer a wide variety of services that will help you and your business by keeping your computer up and running properly at all times. With networking, security, website design, hosting and more, you can find a complete array of services that will assist you and your online business in succeeding. Whether you need computer repair, virus removal, malware or spy ware infestations, you can have everything that you need done for your computer or your online business under one roof. Discover the difference of search engine placement can make for you and your online business today. With a complete computer repair and help company, you can improve your website page rank, keep your business up and running smoothly, update your web pages and so much more to keep your online business moving efficiently. Discover for yourself the difference that a professional programming, consulting, repair and search engine placement company can do for you and all of your business needs.

Home Safety Modifications For Seniors

Home modifications is a fairly new concept that has come along with the incarnation of seniors choosing to stay living in their homes in place of moving to assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Due to limitations that naturally occur as we age changes need to be made in order for needs to be met and safety kept at a premium.  Home modifications can range from replacing the knobs on cabinets to bathroom remodels that include barrier free entry tubs.

Seniors need home modifications in order to age in place.  They promote keeping independence in senior citizens life while keeping them safe. It is important to recognize that eighty-five percent of elderly people wish to stay in their homes and are doing so.  Out of those eighty-five percent only a small percentage are equipped with accommodations that will allow them maximum safety.

Homes without age in place modifications become harder to maintain and live in for seniors.  It is proven that a home that is perfectly safe and allows for independent living at sixty-five does not necessarily accommodate the needs of a seventy year old.  It has been proven that simple modifications done to the home can eliminate up to fifty percent of the accidents that occur to seniors aging in place.

The most common accident to occur within the home to seniors is a fall.  There are many home modifications that can be done to prevent accidental falls.  Many age in place specialists will come into the home and do a free home analysis of problem areas.  With this information homeowners can budget to make arrangements to accommodate their needs as they begin the aging process.  If their goal is to age in their homes and wish to live as independently as possible starting out early in making simple changes will ease both the financial and emotional burdens that can occur.

Below is an example of an inspection of the kitchen and bathroom space within a home.  With this general look it is easy to see how home modifications are necessary to safely age in place.

  • It is important to make cabinet knobs easy to pull open.  As people age they often begin to lose the strength and ability to work door knobs that have to be turned or that are hard to pull open.
  • Stove controls must all be marked with bold lettering and easy to use.  It is important that there are lights that are on the stove that signal when it is on and the stove top is hot.  This is important to prevent the stove from being left on or a hand placed on the stove while it is still on.
  • Faucets should be levered instead of turn knobs. This will ease turning them on and off.
  • Grab bars should be put in place in spaces such as tub and toilet areas.  It is also important to evaluate the area around the toilet and the toilet itself.  Seniors begin to have a harder time lowering and raising themselves. This issue can be resolved with grab bars and high rise toilet aides.
  • Ovens are also another area of concern.  They are often heavy and hard to open.  This is something to look into.  A convection oven can be purchased to help with this issue.
  • A place to sit while working in the kitchen becomes necessary.  The aging process has a strange effect on joints and the ability to stand for long periods of time.  Cutting celery and dicing carrots is made simpler with a seated work area.  The risk of falling or slipping while using a knife decreases significantly.
  • The tub and shower is a large area of concern.  A barrier free shower entrance is an incredibly nice feature to have installed.  Bathroom remodels are a common renovation for homeowners.  A bit of forwarding thinking can save a lot of money later on.
  • Water temperatures should be regulated to prevent burning.  This is something that is simple and does not require any renovations.
  • Items that are used on a regular basis such as shampoo and dish soap should be within reaching distance.  Over reaching can lead to falls.  It is important that everyday use items are well within reach.

Home modifications can improve the lives of those aging in place.  Safety is of course the main concern however a skilled age in place contractor can blend safety and aesthetics while putting in place home modifications.

Collaboration Allows A Clear Logistic Vision

Business is all about things working together.  The collaboration of departments functioning as one helps minimize delays and costs and brings maximization to profits.  This is the goal for all businesses big, small, service or tangible goods.  The truth is that when a company is operating clearly the objective of collaboration has been achieved.  This could not be any truer than within a company’s supply chain.

It has been proven time and time again that when each division of a business is working cooperatively, interacting and exchanging ideas it is reasonable for objectives to be met.  This in turn leads to increased profits, decreased costs, higher customer satisfaction and an overall heightened sense goodwill for the company.  For divisions of a business it is not an option to work alone.  The old adage, “There is no I in team” rings so true in the workplace.

Management teams exist in many different industries that can help improve businesses of all types and sizes.  When it comes to the logistic division within the company it is important to seek out the advice of a supply chain management consulting team.  A supply chain audit will be done to analyze the current strategy and ideas will be evaluated to find the combination that will provide logistic optimization.

When a reconfiguration is done a company will be able to see direct results.  The needs of customers will be met, while obtaining alignment within the sales division, the production group all while becoming cost efficient.  It is important when an evaluation is started that the supply chain consultant that is hired does not look simply at the transportation end of things.  An evaluation will look at all aspect within the company and make recommendations based on the information found and look to provide more efficiency throughout the company helping to expand and sustain business opportunity.

Supply chain audits consist of multiple layers in which consultants are able to provide effective steps that can be taken to achieve big results.  The first step in an audit is to identify areas where simple tweaks and improvements will achieve major results.  Often it is the little things that owners and managers miss because they are too engaged in the everyday transactions and overlook small ways to save that can add up to big savings.  This is super important before company’s waste money on expensive software that will not necessarily help the individual company.

If software is a necessary part of the supply chain audit the consultant will be able to recommend the right package to blend the needs and desires of the company into one software package.  Software is an expensive investment to a company and the options available are abundant.  Supply chain audits lead consultants to know exactly what a firm needs in software so that they are not overspending for a product that will not add value.

A consultant will provide information to the company in the form of comparison to show the pros and cons of each program they are implementing such as; software integration, carrier changes and production changes.  A recommendation will be given and implemented when approval is given. The consulting team works side by side with each of the businesses they are working with to guide them.  Some supply chain companies will continue to support a firm even after initial implementation depending on the firm.

Continuing To Understand Differences within Medicare

Medicare is a discussion that often comes with many misinformation being shared and past on.  One issue that is often misunderstood is how much money Medicare will cost and exactly what is included within the insurance plan.  Medicare can be broken down into two main parts coverage types; Medicare Part A and B with supplemental added on or Medicare Advantage.

Medicare Part A and B is offered to individuals sixty-five and older that meet the requirements associated with the government offered health insurance plan.  It is also available to people you qualify that under sixty-five.  The eligibility requirements associated with Medicare are quite in depth themselves so much that there are internet sites devoted to that subject entirely.

Part A of Medicare is a completely free insurance plan.  Part A offers recipients coverage for hospital visits; in-patient hospital services, skilled nursing homes if required after a hospital stay, hospice and blood transfusions after the first three pints.  However Part B is requires a monthly premium to be paid out of pocket from the individual.  Coverage from Part B offers coverage for miscellaneous medical coverage such as; medical expenses, laboratory services, outpatient service and preventative health exams.

With Medicare Part A and B recipients are able to purchase supplemental insurance that helps fill in the gaps of what is not covered.  Medicare supplemental insurance plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M and N offer benefits ranging from hospitalization co-pays to deductibles.  All services not covered by Medicare all the recipients’ responsibility unless a Medigap plan has been purchased through an independent insurance company.  Medigap is the term used for the insurance that is purchase to cover the gaps left by Medicare.

For many this territory is uncharted and confusing.  Terms are used interchangeably which can only add to the confusion.  It is best to get a handle on the terms and there meanings.  For instance a premium is the amount that an individual pays for their coverage.  It will be the amount paid for Medicare Part B plus the additional for the Medigap supplemental insurance policies.  Depending on the coverage that is chosen the premium will vary for each individual.  Deductibles are the amount that is paid out of an individual’s pocket before any covered medical expenses are paid for by Medicare. Co-pays, copayments, are a fixed dollar amount that is paid for medical visits. Finally coinsurance which is the amount that is required to be paid by an individual after Medicare has paid their agreed upon portion.

Medicare Advantage Plans are offered to individuals that are eligible and have Medicare Plan A and B and that live in an area that offers the advantage plan.  When enrolled in Medicare Advantage Plan recipients are still a part of the government supplied Medicare insurance  however are not eligible to purchase extra supplemental insurance such as the Medigap policies talked about earlier.  Medicare Advantage is in the simplest term a program in which Medicare offers contracts to certain area hospitals and doctors for approved amounts.  In turn individuals enrolled in this insurance plan must attend to the facilities of these medical professionals.

Medicare Advantage plan does offer greater coverage for individuals than original Medicare however not available in all areas and not right for everyone.  Individual participants are limited in their choice of doctors and hospitals.  If it is imperative that certain doctors and hospitals are seen than it is up to the individual to make sure they accept Medicare Advantage before signing up for the plan.

It is important for individuals to seek out the Medicare supplements or advantage plans that are best for their situations.  No one can predict their medical future however, using the past as a basis will help guide individuals to the right choice.  Medicare supplemental insurance is all set in stone by the federal government the cost to individuals however is not.  All supplemental policies are sold through private insurance companies.  Companies such as Senior Health Direct offer services in which clients can review different plan options available in the area and the premiums charged by multiple insurance companies.  This is helpful in the search to find the right coverage at the right price without having to meet with multiple private insurance companies.

Revive Your Company Profits With Tweaks Found In Freight Transportation Management

Freight transportation management can make or break a company.  It is important for companies with or without a logistics division to look into hiring consultants to ensure mode optimizing techniques are not being overlooked.  Some companies assume because they own their own fleet of vehicles that they could not be experiencing any logistic issues.  However, this is not always the case.  It necessary that a freight transportation management firm is hired to access, evaluate and make recommendations to improve the transportation, inbound and outbound.  It has been proven that when all of the pieces of the business our working together and movement is fitting together like gears on a wheel business will not only thrive but prosper.

With businesses that own truck fleets of their own it is often difficult to look objectively at the logistic process.  It is standard for people within a situation to find it difficult to see problems that exist. This is not only true within freight management businesses invite consultants in to review many different aspects.  Finance and marketing are other areas that are often of consulting concerns.  When a consulting team is hired they look at aspects with a bird eye view.  This often leads to inexpensive switches which lead to major cost savings for the client.

A freight management solutions expert will come in and begin by providing a thorough analysis of current activities within the company.  This includes a review of current freight activities, service needs, freight fees and current carriers.  A comparison is then done using current industry standards to measure errors within the current system.  Knowing the segments that needs to be dealt with lays a foundation for growth.  Improving the deficiencies in the system using industry standards as a guideline will lead to direct cost cutting and improvements within service.  Whenever a consultant is brought in the goal is to reduce waste and improve procedure, this is true with a team of experts offering freight management solutions.

Freight management solutions are tailored to each individual company.  The task can be broken down depending on the client’s wants and desires.  Some firms believe it is only necessary to have an outside source managing a portion of the freight shipping operations rather than the entire operation.  Consultants can work either on site or off site to continue monitoring and improving upon shipping, track and reduce damage/loss, file claims, expedite shipments and manage the quality of service.  Most companies are in direct communication the minute something is not as it should be and working to resolve the issue.

Mode optimization is one area of the shipping process in which a watchful eye is needed.  With changes in rules, regulations and shippers happening everyday companies often lose track of what is happening in the industry things that will affect their procedures and in turn company profits.  Employing an outside freight management solutions team can allow a company to find industry experts keeping up with to date with the latest software, regulations and carrier changes.

Important Information Surrounding Medicare Plans and Coverage

Aging happens to everyone.  It is the one truth that is consistent in life.  Along with aging come certain advantages and disadvantages.  However it is looked upon retirement happens around the age of sixty-five.  Some find retirement as nearing the end while others take on the view that their second lives are starting.  With turning sixty-five, in the United States a “gift” is stowed upon requirement meeting individuals in the name of Medicare.

Medicare is a health insurance program established by the US government to assist in payment of proper health care and expenses related to their health.  Not only does it provide health care assistance to those over sixty-five but also those who find themselves retiring early because of a qualifying disability and health condition.  Medicare insurance covers a portion of care while Medicare Supplemental Insurance can be purchased on an individual basis to cover the remaining portions.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance is not necessary for all individuals.  Medigap as it is often referred to covers gaps within the Medicare policy.  Some individual already carry a secondary insurance that will fill in the voids of Medicare.  This might include people who have extra coverage through an employer or if retired a former employer.  If you opt instead of Medicare to receive Medicare Advantage supplemental insurance is not an option.  This is confusing.  To help clients understand Medicare and the coverage that exists under the plans it is advisable to look into Medicare supplemental insurance comparison charts.

Many insurance companies offer to explain the different Medigap policies but it is best to find assistance from a company that looks into each situation and explores the options and costs associated through many different insurance agencies.  The coverage is completely regulated by the government so the plans consist of the same coverage the differences will come in service and cost from different insurance agencies.  A company such as Senior Health Direct which is web based can offer assistance and free information on Medicare and Medigap Supplemental Insurance Plans.  Another source of information that can be easily accessed through Internet is the Medicare government’s site.

The basic break down of Medicare coverage comes down to two parts; Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.  Part A is often referred to as hospital coverage and Part B is known as medical coverage.  Both of these are provided within the umbrella of Medicare.  The basic coverage states that eighty percent of approved medical costs, doctors and supplies, are covered by Medicare Part A.  Part B provides a specific amount fixed dependent upon the lab service, outpatient treatment and preventatives.  Neither of these base Medicare plans offers prescription coverage.

Medicare Part D is a piece of Medicare Supplemental Insurance that can be purchased at an extra expense.  This can be purchase through independent insurance firms.  This is not the only service Medicare does not cover.  It is imperative to look into the different options available within the supplemental programs.  Some of the things that might be needed that are not covered are; long-term care, only medical necessary nursing homes are covered, private duty nurses, dental, health care outside the United States, cosmetic surgery, routine foot care and eye care are all covered under supplemental plans and not traditional Medicare.

The Future Of Home Construction With Accessible Living Solutions

Considering that accidents happen at a fairly consistent rate it is probable that at some point a disability will hit with in the home that reduces a person’s mobility.  When an accident occurs it is likely individuals can find themselves dependent upon the use of a wheelchair, walker or scooter device.  Also, as people age the simple act of maneuvering around the home becomes trickier.  Often times these are the points in life that it is realized the space within the home and accesses in and out of the home are compromised and need to be updated.

It is rare that a home is built with the limitations handicaps and aging in place bring.  Most traditional builders do not build with the foresight that narrow doors and an abundance of stairs might eventually be difficult for maneuverability.  Builders don’t build with questions such as “How would I access this narrow door?” or “How would I access this stairway?” with the same thinking as someone with a handicap or some years under their belt.  Consumers don’t often purchase homes thinking about the golden years or the what if’s accident bring.

Accessible living solutions within the home is an industry in which is being grown out of a need that has not been filled with in the home construction industry.  Remodels of this magnitude look at all aspect of aging and handicap needs.  Handicap accessible renovations look into home modifications that make the difficulties aging and handicaps bring and work to lessen if not eliminate them.  Enhancements will improve not only daily life but overall safety as well.

Aging in place is becoming a more viable option for seniors and their loved ones.  Many times people would rather not move late in life and prefer the idea of maintaining independence and caring for themselves.  As long as caregivers can keep them safe with simple modifications this option helps many dreams of independent living a reality.  The same is true when you think of individuals in which have been handicapped naturally or accidently.  Handicap is not a synonym for unable to.  In fact it often makes one more determined to be independent.

This was true when I broke my ankle.  I was handicapped by the fact I could not walk.  Crutches hurt, wheelchairs worked well outside of my home however inside the home was a complete disaster.  I can only imagine the same is true for others with disabilities.

Everyone’s needs are a bit unique.  Some such as me only need to meet a temporary need while others need permanent solutions to everyday dilemmas.  It is important for us to be able to care for ourselves.  Privacy is a premium within the bathroom and dressing areas. Handicap construction teams come into homes and meet with clients to access their needs and values.  This in turn allows them to seek out areas modifications are necessary and ones that are not with accessible living solutions.

A prediction for the future with life spans increasing is that awareness begins within the construction industry.  Homes will be seen with easier access in and out, wider doors will become standard and open floor plans will be on the rise.  It is also important to note that homes will be built with multiple bathrooms in which at least one is built with shower access that does not involve a traditional tub.  Small modifications such as these will allow the next generation to age in place with less issues then what faces elderly and handicap individuals today.

Deciphering Medicare Eligibility

Questions arise all the time about Medicare. Eligibility, cost and coverage are the three topics of conversation that are talked about the most.  Eligibility is a topic all in its own.  Most people are under the assumption that the only requirements to qualify for Medicare benefit is that they have turned sixty-five.  That however is not the case. This article will help layout guidelines on eligibility so that it is easy to determine if you fall under the guidelines to qualify for the Medicare benefits and Medigap supplement insurance.

The first group of people we will look into is the group of adults that are sixty-five and older.  Sixty-five is a qualifying age however there are other requirements that must be met to receive Medicare aid from our government.  It is a must that you are a United States citizen or legal resident.  You must also have proof that you have lived within the United States for at least five years.  It is also important to note that you receive Medicare from working at least ten years in Medicare covered employment.

If you find you meet all three of these guidelines it is most likely that just prior to your sixty-fifth birthday you will receive a Medicare card and packet in the mail.  This will detail what Medicare is, what it offers to you and how you start using it for your health care needs.  You are automatically given both Medicare part A and Medicare part B.  Part B can be declined as it is optional and does require a monthly premium.

If you are under sixty-five you can also qualify for Medicare benefits under certain circumstances.  One is if you have End Stage Renal Disease.  Kidney disease does allow you to qualify for Medicare benefits if you are under sixty-five.  Another reason qualifications for Medicare are considered under sixty-five is if Social Security Disability Income has been received for twenty-four months.

Medicare is not the perfect coverage.  It will not cover all of your medical expenses.  This is why it is so important when you finally do qualify for coverage that you look into different Medigap supplemental insurance plans.  Medicare does not cover prescriptions and does require you pay premiums and co-pays.    Additional coverage through the supplemental insurance will help to fill in gaps left by Medicare coverage.

There are multiple items that Medicare part A and part B do not cover.  Below is a sample list of items that are not covered and that additional coverage should be sought out if they are important for your well being both financial and health.

  • Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine is not covered.  Acupuncture is a treatment that works through the insertion of thin needles strategically placed throughout the body to help cure ailments.
  • Dental care is an incredibly important part of the aging process and is not part of Medicare.  It is advisable if your dental history has been anything less than stellar that you seek out additional insurance to fill the gap left by Medicare.
  • Chiropractic care is also something that many older people rely on that is not covered.  Often time’s doctors of chiropractics will offer discounted rates to seniors.  This is something to think about however when seeking out gap insurance if your doctor is not one that does.

Obviously the list of covered versus not covered is detailed in great lengths through handbooks, websites and pamphlets.  Supplemental insurance providers are a great source of knowledge as they can review your past history with you and based on the pattern that has developed guide you into the right combination of plans.  This way you are not purchasing additional coverage that is not ever going to be utilized.

Options In Window Design

New construction is an amazing project that entails many different details and options. Not only do you get to consider options in the homes layout but also every option within room design and décor.  Windows are an important part in the equation of new construction.  Along with the exterior siding options, roofing material choices there are also several window options.

Windows can really enhance the look of a new home as do replacement windows in an older home.  There are several options in window.  Each comes with a set of pros and cons so it will be important for homeowners to examine the options available and make the most appropriate choice.

Awning windows are beautiful. The design allows for a light breeze and light.  These windows are perfect in bedrooms where privacy is premium while maintaining light and air flow.  These windows can be situated next to each other, up and down and even above patio or sliding doors to an effect of light and air.  The major disadvantage is that the screens to the windows are set on the inside.  All the dirt that normally falls into the window sill area will fall onto the floor.  Some might think of this as a con however I would rather vacuum it up on a regular basis then have to deal with the nasty of window sill debris.

If you are interested in windows that open outward casement windows are good options.  They allow a side breeze to enter along with fresh air.  Casement windows open with a crank handle and work well in areas that homeowners would need to reach to open the window.  The one concern in casement windows is rusty hardware.  It is important that the hardware is oiled and kept up on to prevent rusting.

If you are looking for easy to clean, super accessible windows double hung windows are a perfect option.  They offer ventilation from either the top part of the window or the bottom depending on the homeowners desires.  This is great for a children’s bedroom where it is advisable that windows are never left open for a child to be able to access. They could push the screen out which could cause them to fall out of the window.  The major disadvantage is that over time they tend to leak more air than others.  The other thing is that only half of the window opens at a time where as others can open up completely.

Picture windows are windows that do not open however leave an unobstructed view of the picturesque outdoors.  If ventilation is desired these windows are not a good choice as they do not allow for that.  These windows are wonderful for areas that light is sought.  Installation high on the wall in darker rooms or halls creates a great source of lightening.  The major drawbacks for picture windows are that they are large panes of breakable glass that have a sole picture of being a view outside.

Some families choose a combination of windows throughout the house.  They are tied together by being created out of the same material and colors.  It is important to note that new windows contain blinds built between the glass.  This option may only be available in a few of the different windows described above.  It is important to do further research if this is an option of interest.

Understanding Medicare and Medigap

So much confusion surrounds Medicare and the different supplemental Medigap supplemental plans.  It is hard to look at the information coming in and decipher what it means to your health care coverage.  In terms understood by many it breaks down to this; Medicare part A and Medicare part B.  From here it is up to the individual to decide if a Medigap supplemental insurance policy is needed.  These plans are paid for by the individual and are for easing the out of pocket amount paid each year in deductibles, copayments and coinsurance plans.

The gap between what is covered and not covered by Medicare is Medigap.  Here is one of the many tricky parts.  Medigap only can be purchased along with an original Medicare plan, part A or part B.  That is correct, reread the last statement.  Medigap supplemental insurance plans are not available with Medicare part C, part D, private health insurance, Medicaid, TRICARE or Veterans’ Admin benefits.

Purchasing Medigap supplement insurance is just as tricky as figuring out if you can buy it.  The one thing that stays true no matter where you purchase the insurance from is that because it is regulated by the laws of the state and Federal government the benefits available are the same to everyone.  Although the coverage remains the same no matter the provider there are differences amongst the insurance companies themselves.  The differences will be in price, administrators of the plan and the available Medigap options.

Medigap insurance supplements are each unique and will want to be picked based upon the need of the individual.  For instance, clients who need help with copayment and deductibles for basic benefits will want to choose Medigap plan A for those are the items that it helps cover.  This plan is attractive for it is the least expensive plan available and is accepted by all doctors who accept Medicare.  Drawbacks come with each and every plan available.  The major drawback to plan A is that it covers basic necessities and not items such as long term care, skilled nursing, vision care amongst several other major areas of expense.

Another option to all of this confusion is Medicare Advantage Plan. This plan is in place of Medicare plan A and Medicare plan B, as well as any Medigap insurance.  Medicare Advantage deals with HMO’s, PPO’s and other options.  The thing to remember is that Medicare Advantage is an option that also allows doctors and hospitals to choose.  They don’t have to take this coverage.  It is a private option not through the government but rather run through private insurance companies.

In the year before you turn 65 it is wise to sit down and go through all of the different options.  You will want to review your needs in the past five years to see medically where money was spent.  This will help you narrow down what options you will need to further discuss with an insurance agent.  They will can help determine what supplement will maximize your benefits while minimizing the out of pocket expense you concur.