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Conveniently Work From Home With Network Marketing

When considering the most effective occupations that enable you the capability of a home based job network marketing should be considered. It is probably the greatest recurring income opportunities available. It includes you countless conveniences not available when looking into becoming an entrepreneur without a lot of the hassles that go along with it. There are so many advantages that come with network marketing below we will discuss four which are considered to be the most crucial.

Residual wages are earnings that are received regularly with minimal the necessary effort to keep up it. It will require time, effort and difficult attempt to get your business with a level where your network marketing opportunity starts bringing you re-occurring income. Which has an enterprize model network marketing explains your residual income could keep growing with time. Your earnings with carry on growing as more layers are added. Because people enveloped within your business keep working and growing the a second income that you can to help from will get larger also. For this reason network marketing opportunities are such popular options as far in an effort to earn residual income. Owning an income that is maintaining growth for a while following the difficult work is put into it really is something we all wish for.

Network marketing allows the person to be effective less as their business grows when they want. This is a major bonus to careers within network marketing opportunities. Because your business grows you really could become a smaller key factor from the puzzle. One of many reasons individuals turn to this type of business opportunity is indeed that they do not have someone micro-managing them. They would like to benefit from their particular merits making the task they certainly more personal which can make them continue to work hard. You may notice this happening you will observe a change in the amount of time you need to spend implementing growing your small business.

The relationships and friendships built within network market opportunities. This another valuable benefit found. With network marketing you’re creating a team which is different than other recurring income opportunities available. As with every team you have ever been an element of your networking team can be some important people in your life.

With network marketing you’ll be able to work anytime, anywhere. This can be a great perk for folks considering picking a career within an online business opportunity within networking.

It is easy to observe how network marketing is a good choice for some many people seeking residual income plus an opportunity being their particular boss. The huge benefits a wide range of yet it’s also important to find out very difficult work switches into growing your organization. You can easily realise why a lot of people choose this kind of entrepreneurship to herald an extra source of income to subsidize their earnings. This works well with people all phases of life including college students, mothers and fathers putting kids through college and of course retirees too!

Leslie Hipp is an independent consultant that for Arbonne and is a proven network marketing success. Visit today where you will find useful information on network marketing success, working at home and Arbonne products.

Head Off Accidents By Creating A Secure Barrier Free Home

Handicap construction including barrier free living has become the most up-to-date trend in senior care. Developing a space that allows individuals with special needs to live independently and in a safe environment is the goal for many of us with aging seniors and family members that have any kind handicap. One of the greatest troublesome areas in different home for accidents is the bathroom.

Planning for a handicap accessible bathroom is incredibly essential in age in place bathroom renovation. When considering the next phase don’t overlook how important ease of access is when considering the shower or bath tub unit. You can actually overlook but when dealing in handicap construction is a bit of the puzzle to take into account within the overall bathroom design.

Individuals met with mobility challenges require tweaking in construction design however still want exactly the same things someone without a challenge want independence and privacy. The goal in making use of bathroom safety aides is to create this private, independent space for their use. Thankfully technology today gives us use of bathroom aides which are designed if you use a walker, wheelchair or scooter device in mind.

Think about when folks are in need of utilizing a wheelchair regularly. In handling the important points linked to handicap construction you must ensure each room is easily accessible. Because of this doorways need to be wider than the usual standard door. The ADA standard requires a thirty-six inch door opening as a minimum requirement for doorway access. Hallways should easily accommodate with a minimum width of forth eight inches. When measuring for handicap constructions take into consideration the turn radius of the wheelchair too. A wheelchair should easily be capable of turn from the bathroom.

Showers which are handicap accessible provide an environment that’s comfortable and secure making the showering receive an independent experience. When constructing your bathrooms to match handicap mobility need a number of key features to keep in mind. One of these brilliant is adding seating to the shower area. The idea is to generate a barrier free shower with easy access for your wheelchair to get moved in and out. Adding an internal seat will ensure safety and simplicity of transfer. It’s also important to consider adding multiple grab bars and convenient shelving for bath care items. Keeping pieces of reach allow individuals to accommodate their own showering needs without requiring assistance. This really is something we all value however are especially grateful for if it’s easy.

The toilet is the one other item to consider in a handicap construction bathroom remodel. This can be something most of us ignore: the simplicity of waking up through the toilet. In handicap construction it is crucial to never miss this element. Purchase a toilet that’s meant particularly for people with mobility needs. The ADA recommends the use of toilets which might be higher or investing in a chair for use over the toilet. Also mount grab bars all-around individuals to use to transfer on and off the commode. Consider the level of the sink, soap and hand towels too.

When contemplating a handicap construction bathroom remodel to aid your aging senior or handicap loved one involve them in the process. The person may be the best supply of information as much as what’s going to ease their life and build a completely independent environment.

Glen Miller The Home Doctor completes a variety of construction projects from the home. If you interested in home safety modifications, handicap construction and general home remodeling and renovations check Glen’s work out online today where you will find useful information and solutions on a variety o f

Glen Miller The Home Doctor

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Protective Hints To Help With Hurdle Free Living

Gravity is one of the particular things that as we become older, becomes less and less of a friend. Seniors experience a natural loss of mobility and are more prone to falling. They exhaust muscle strength and become increasingly less able bodied. All of the particular changes make it more probable for seniors to endure severe injuries, even death. It has been stated that over fifty percent of accidents involving seniors happen within the four walls of their home.

A fall can have unfavorable impact on a senior’s ability to blossom in an self-sufficient circumstance. Even healthy seniors who fall may suffer from debilitating injuries, such as a damaged hip or an injury to the head leaving them in need of consistent care within a long-term supervision facility or long-term hospitalization. This alone can alter a senior’s life and remove the senior of being able to care for themselves.

Preventing accidents from happening in the first place is the key in assisting the seniors we love to stay secure while at home. This takes a few straightforward changes to modify the home climate. Seniors acquire a deep desire to age in place. Making minimum changes to an individual’s home can enable them to stay living at home longer which has been proven to keep them living a healthy, independent life. Easy age in place improvement can leave seniors in their homes for up to ten years longer than if home protective modifications are not done.

Here is a list of manageable changes that can be made to your aging loved ones home to improve their security while choosing to live alone.

De-clutter the house. This decreases the likelihood of tripping. Look for items placed about the house such as plants, scatter rugs, stacks of papers or magazines that could be jumbling the walk ways making it hazardous to move about. Cords to may be a hazard so tuck them in and use clips to attach them to the baseboards.

The floors are another concern in the home to think about. Carpets should not be shaggy as this can make movement using a walker complicated. Tile and vinyl can be slippery especially in the washroom. Make sure to use a slip resistant bathmat for drying off.

If stairs are still used by loved ones think about the installation of hand rails on both sides of the stairway.

The illumination in and out of the home should be bright and frequent throughout the home.

Doorknobs and kitchen cabinets should be adapted out with levers and pulls to make them simplier for seniors to grip hold of.

The bathroom is a room within the home that needs to be handled with great care.

Grab bars should be installed throughout the house around the tub, shower and toilet area.

Toilet seats that are taller than normal should be established or a raised bathroom safety seat. This helps with maturing knees and weak arms that don’t always want to cooperate bending.

If it is possible a bathroom remodel can really develop a bathroom safe for seniors. Consider installing a walk-in shower or tub with seating.

The surface of the shower and tub areas should be covered with slip resistant mats.

The water temperature should be lowered to prevent scalding and knobs should be easy to turn for frail hands without a great deal of strength.

The kitchen is another place that creates an atmosphere not conducive to becoming older.

Everything that is used on a regular basis should be well within reach.

Phone numbers should be programmed into a telephone that is able to be carried and used throughout the home.

Medication should be in packaging that has large writing and clear directions with easy to unscrew lids that make getting medication more convenient for your loved one.

It is important to keep our aging community safe while they choose to age in place. Remodeling a home is a minor step we can take as caregivers to ensure their safety and happiness. Allowing them to age at home by creating a secure, workable, independent home environment is a gift any senior would treasure.

Glen Miller The Home Doctor completes a variety of construction projects from the home. If you interested in home safety modifications, handicap construction and general home remodeling and renovations check Glen’s work out online today where you will find useful information and solutions on a variety of general contracting issues.

Help Filing Bankruptcy In Michigan

Have you recently been relieved of a job because your business is reducing and doing away with positions? Are you facing a wall of liability that you are unable to conovercome your financial situation something that makes you feel open to attack and uncertain? If you are not able to pay off your debts or even make minimum payments you might be to the stage to begin considering options for your financial outlook. It is possible to want to be able to pay your debt but not able to. According to many bankruptcy lawyers that specialize in only bankruptcy law your future is not despairing.

You may qualify to pay off your debts filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 bankruptcy law. Interested in hearing more? Before getting into the details encompassing filing for bankruptcy you should know for certain what bankruptcy does for you and how it will affect your financial future.

It is important to realize that bankruptcy involves a legal process that states a person is failing to meet their determined debt obligations. They file an agreement in bankruptcy court that agrees to assist the individual seeking to pay off their debt. With chapter 7 bankruptcy an attorney will help you file necessary paperwork to begin the procedure of selling assets off to pay debtors back. If property and assets of value are not owned individuals will have nothing to repay debtors and debt relief will come via your debts being relieved by the individual creditors owed.

Filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy includes a step by step procedure which is advantageous dealt with by an established, reputable bankruptcy attorney that specializes in bankruptcy law for your state. The basic steps to follow in filing for bankruptcy are as follows:

It is valuable to get knowledge pertaining to bankruptcy before you find if this choice is the debt relief option best suited for you. If you feel there is no other way practicable to get relief from your debt than bankruptcy is right for you.
The next step is to see if you are able to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Do you qualify? A means test is accessible to determine this for you. You need to state your income, your family’s size and the amount of debt accrued.
You will then need to find a bankruptcy attorney. The bankruptcy lawyer will help you in all aspects of your case and legal happenings surrounding the filing.
A petition will need to be filed inside district court to get the proceeding started.
Paperwork is necessary to proceed with a bankruptcy case. This will need to be submitted along with a detailed schedule that includes every asset and money owed to others including your recent incoming funds, expenditures and investments.
Approximately a month to a month and a half later your petition will be signed and a meeting of all of your creditors will be scheduled. You will go to this meeting. Creditors will ask you questions in regards to your current financial status and about the property you have available to use to cover your debts.
You will submit a certificate of compilation as instructed per the creditor’s correspondence with you.
The next step is to wait to receive the final correspondence from creditors and the bankruptcy trustees that your obligation is released.
The last step is to get on with your financial future and start rebuilding your credit by paying bills on time.

Bankruptcy is not an simple thing to go through. The stress involved will only be alleviated upon receipt that your debt is let go and you are able to begin the path to financial reconstruction.

Dickron “Zeke” Bohikian and Kurt Steinke are bankruptcy attorneys that specialize in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact today where you will find useful info about hiring a bankruptcy attorney.

Autonomy From Credit With Bankruptcy

What happens when people are encased in credit? What happens when the money woes one has accumulate up and compacts them? What is the next step towards a future for them and their families? Bankruptcy can be an alternative for individuals who feel they have nowhere to turn. Bankruptcy can ruin your credit report for the next ten years but is an option in debt relief when there is nowhere else to turn.

When filing under chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy you can free a massive amount of debt that as acquired leaving you burdened. You will be shielded under the bankruptcy code and relieved from a multitude of debts that you are accountable for. Declaring bankruptcy, whether chapter 7 or chapter 13, you should analyze what you are doing. This step is major and should only be choosen in extreme cases after cautious considerations to other possible options have been taken into account.

The laws inside the bankruptcy codes alter over time. To ensure you are getting the best assistance with your bankruptcy process retain a bankruptcy attorney that specializes in the laws surrounding bankruptcy. Recent bankruptcy changes have made it more difficult to qualify for bankruptcy. This alternative is only considered for people that are battling to keep up with their payments. Not everyone will qualify for debt relief under the new rules and regulations associated with chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy.

A chapter 7 bankruptcy allows individuals to completely discharge debt without any repayment plan put in place. There is a means test that will find if certain situations qualify for this type of filing. If however you make less than the median income for your state this law will not play into your bankruptcy proceedings.

It is significant to keep in mind that a bankruptcy filing will stay on your permanent report for ten years. It will ruin credit for the individual in the future. It does not mean you will never get credit just that you will pay higher interest rates on loans you are free to get. Over time you will be free to establish a new credit history and better interest rates will apply.

There is a thought that when individuals file for bankruptcy that they lose everything they have worked for. This is not always true. The security you get under bankruptcy relief will tell you for sure what assets you are able to keep. In most cases, if equity in your home is not established you are free to keep paying on your house. The same is true for your cars. Luxury items such as recreational vehicles or items of great value may need to be handed over to the trustee to gain money to equally distribute to your debtors.

In order for people to file for bankruptcy they must use complete disclosure of all of their current possessions and current debts. Nothing is personal when it comes to your personal info during a bankruptcy proceeding. A qualified bankruptcy attorney will guide you through the requirements prior to filing.

Some debts cannot be included in bankruptcy relief. Some of these include student loans and medical bills. For these types of payments a schedule will need to be made to accommodate funds being applied towards paying off this debt.

Dickron “Zeke” Bohikian and Kurt Steinke are bankruptcy attorneys that specialize in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact today where you will find useful info about hiring a bankruptcy attorney.

Improving Your Search Engine Placement Using These Top Six Tips

Most people searching the Internet these days have no idea when they place a keyword or phrase in the search box how Google, or any other search engine, choose what sites to show as results.  It may seem like a mystery however, there is a lot that goes into determining what ranking a website is.  When looking to get your company’s website on the front page of any major search engine it is wise to have an understanding of what it takes to get it there.

The world of search engine placement is complex.  Optimizing your website for the best search engine placement takes an understanding of exactly what search engines are looking for in websites on the front page.  If you hire a professional search engine optimization team of experts that promises instant results turn the other way.  Top search engine rankings come from a well designed website, a backend with supportive Meta tag, link building and time.

Here are some key elements to help companies in the quest for optimal website search engine placement.

  • The first aspect I will begin with is the website itself.  A company must focus on building an easy to use, informative website.  Text within the website must contain accurate information containing keywords specific to the websites topic.

The next element of the website that must be in sync is not even a visible element.  The Meta tags used to describe your site must be accurate and contain key terms that you are looking to be ranked for.  It is important to include cities, states and different ways to paraphrase your topic coded into the back end of the site.  This makes the site relevant to the search engines and in term helps to index your site.


  • As mentioned above key anchor text linking back to your website is important.  The words used to promote your site should be terms that will continually be linked back to your site.  Your site should contain the chosen keywords as will the links outside of the site used to drive traffic to your site.


  • The more “popular” your site is the better it will do in search engines as well.  This being said, what does that really mean?  What this tells us is that if your site is mentioned or linked on other well ranked pages throughout the Internet than their ranks link to you bring the popularity of you site up as well.  Pages are ranked using a system of 1-10.  The higher the page rankings you have and your site is linked to the better search engine rankings you will have.


  • Time also helps in ranking your website.  With time and keeping the information on the website relevant you will improve your search engine rankings. With time and patience this will work to improve your web presence.


  • When building a site take into consideration that adding a link back to the home page from each page within your site.  This will also help with search engine placement.


  • Keywords are a one of the most important elements to have high search engine rankings.  When choosing keywords to focus each page of your website around ensure ultimate success by also adding all of these into the home page of your website.  The home page is your website summary and therefore should act as one.

There is a lot that goes into having a website place well amongst search engines.  Your search engine placement is key to the growth of your business online.  People don’t look past the first page to find what they are searching for.  If your site is good however missing elements in any way you can find yourself on the fifth page of the search engine.  This will do nothing for the growth of your business online.  The goal in search engine rankings is to land on the first page.  Follow the steps above or look for professionals who specialize in search engine placement and see growth, with time, in your websites rankings.


Tips On Maintaining A Healthy Lawn

When a home has a well maintained lawn if not only looks beautiful but also draws attention.  It becomes a place that your guests and family will gravitate toward.  You will find that instead of your kitchen be the one area in the home that is the center of activity that the area outside will be where your friends and family will want to be.  A lawn that is cared for lends itself to lounging, the stage for parties, games and a variety of other entertaining options.  A home on water or a home with a bonfire pit often becomes the home which is utilized for all the fun gatherings amongst friends.


In order to maintain a healthy lawn that looks and feels like a space people want to be it will take a lot of hard work.  Often people find they are so busy in the spring, summer and fall that hiring out the lawn maintenance chores is often a more practical and cost effective item to budget in.  Professional landscapers are not only available for landscape design and landscaping installation but can also be hired to maintain the lawn year round.  Let them spend the countless hours making your home’s lawn the envy of the neighborhood, your friends and family while you are able to reap the benefits a beautiful landscape offers.


If hiring a professional is not within your budget or if you prefer to work in the yard yourself the benefits to having a lush lawn are not the only ones you will be receiving.  Many professionals in the health field will advise that gardening helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  It allows for time in nature which helps reduce stress and keep individuals moving and fit. The following tips may help your lawn to stay updated and desirable along with keeping you, the homeowner, happy, healthy and stress free.

Knowing your lawn type

Not everyone who enjoys gardening and lawn maintenance is an expert.  This is why before you begin taking on all the lawn cores you need to get to know your lawn and landscape.  There are a variety of grasses that can be chosen to be the base within your landscape.  The right grass seed will give the lawn a whole new look and feel.  The type of grass you pick will allow you to properly maintain your lawn and allow you to make the future arrangements, such as fertilizing and proper watering, to maintain the lawn and keep it beautiful.  Just remember with the variety of lawn seeds comes a variety of prices.  It is important for homeowners to create a budget, set preferences for feel and color and take in to account the time and temperature needed to grow the seeds verse the time and temperature of your area.  Before you purchase anything consider the above and you are guaranteed a choice that the results will leave you pleased.

Starting with a healthy base

The lawns soil is critical to the success of your lawn.  Without a solid foundation for your seed you are wasting time and effort as well as funds.  You will want to start with a healthy base soil that has the texture, essential nutrients and acidity balance needed for perfect soil.  Determine the quality of soil you currently have with a basic soil test.  From here you can improve the quality of your soil using organic compost, manure and grass and leave clippings.

Creating balance with fertilization


In order to keep the nutrients needed for a healthy lawn it is important to provide fertilization to your grass.  There is a balance that needs to be created.  Over fertilization can lead to issues and over fertilization can too. The key ingredients to healthy soil, thus a healthy lawn, are the right balance of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.  It is best to seek advice from professionals if you are having issues or want clarity when it comes to the nutrients needed in your soil.  This is true for landscaping plants and bushes that enhance a lawn as well.


These few basic tips should have you well on your way to a terrific base product for entertaining your family and friends.  Lawn maintenance and upkeep is not overly difficult if the right balance of time and energy is given to the task at hand.  Once you have a base lawn the landscape design will fall into place.  Your lawn will become the outer layer you desired as a base on the canvas of your home.


Tips On Hiring A Water Damage Restoration Specialist

When an emergency or disaster strikes it seems though many people become skeptical of companies in which offer specialized emergency disaster restoration services.  The first thoughts and feeling that are experienced are that clean up should begin immediately and that we as homeowners should begin the process now rather than wait to contact and contract with a professional in disaster clean up.  Michigan residents experience many natural disasters from elements outside of their control.  Michigan is varied in weather which can be to blame for several types of emergency situations.


We experience tornados, hails, strong winds, droughts, floods, periods of heavy rain, ice, snow and extreme temperature changes.  These weather events can cause issues with a home such as a roof leak, plumbing issues, burst pipes and even flooding.  Many homeowners choose to clean up the situation themselves.  They believe this effort will save money but in fact in the long run can end up costing a homeowner almost double verse hiring a professional restoration company.


There are many benefits to using a reputable, experienced, professional disaster restoration contractor to fix water damage; fire damage and mold damage are outweighed.  Most insurance companies cover issues expenses associated with emergency clean up.  The circumstances surrounding the event and you current coverage will determine exactly what you will be covered for.  One benefit to hiring a restoration company is that they will also help in filing claims with your insurance companies and can best relay the damage in terms most conducive to getting a claim approved.  Most catastrophe clean-up companies have software devoted to prepare and outline the estimate for clients and insurance adjusters.  This allows access for the review process on the entire scope of the job including labor and material costs.


Even if one hundred percent of the disaster clean-up effort is not covered it is still in a homeowner’s best interest to hire a professional company to come in and help in the repair of the home to avoid issues later on down the road.  An example of this is any dampness left in water restoration can leave an environment susceptible to produce mold spores.


Another major plus involved in contracting the clean-up effort of your home with a professional service is the wide range of jobs they are able to service.  When a home is damaged because of fire or smoke a restoration company may offer the following services to their clients; storage of household goods, cleaning, maintenance of the homes inventory both compromised and non-restorable, removal of contents, deodorization, reconstruction, emergency securing of the scene, packing, furniture refinishing and reupholstering and repair of appliances and electronics.


Water damage restoration services may include drying methods that use heat for quick evaporation of the areas and items of the home affected.  They also will dehumidify the area which reduces moisture on surfaces and will use high powered fans for air circulations to help restore the home quickly.  All of this helps alleviate the possibility of mold and mildew occurring because of left over moisture in the home from the water damage.


The services a disaster restoration company can offer their clients far exceed the clean-up efforts that most homeowners could supply on their own.  When you contract with an emergency disaster restoration firm you are ensured that their ability to use every method and procedure it takes to achieve maximum results to avoid further issues for the homeowner.   It may seems hard to believe however you will find that these service professionals will eventually become entrusted members of your team in restoring your home to full function leaving you stress free and on the road to having your life all in one piece again.


The Importance Of Land Surveying In The World We Live In Today

Many individuals may not be aware but the world’s second-oldest profession is land surveying.  Land survey is simply the art and science of mapping and measuring land.  Land survey is vast in scope but truly comes down to people’s land boundaries and where they are located.  Land surveys are critical for buildings, railroads, skyscrapers, airports and bridges.  A prime example of when a land survey is necessary is when a fence is added to a yard.  Without knowing exact boundaries the fence permit will never happen so in this case as in many a land survey is needed.


Boundary surveys are a vital part of the design and construction element of any projects.  A boundary survey is conducted to give a precise location to the property that is in question.  A land survey professional will come and inspect the topography of the land for many reasons.  First the engineering design needs precise land surveying results for the main purpose of designing.  A key element in site design is to ensure that the land in question is elevated to prevent building floods.


A title survey helps to facilitate any type of real estate transaction and certifies that a dwelling is built according to the design that was approved.  Surveying is needed for so many different activities.  For instance in order to dredge a river bottom or other body of water a map (survey) must be taken to pinpoint precise locations to avoid unnecessary complications.  Another prime example of how a land survey is beneficial is when mapping out property for public use such as tunnels, roadways, air traffic and air ports, pipes, cabling and railways.  A land survey also is necessary when splitting a parcel of land into several smaller lots.


The basics involved in field surveyor’s duties include elements involving measuring, mapping and observing the land.  A tool known as a total station helps land surveyors.  Land surveyors derive elevations of the land using total station along with geometry, angel measurements as well as distances along with GPS that shows intersections from space satellites.  A surveyor will report data in a concise manner into the office which will then pass info on to a client.  Contractors rarely work directly with a land surveyor yet coordinate plans with office staff.


In order to have success as a surveyor basic knowledge regarding zone, building and planning regulations must be know and changes should be kept up on.  It is also important to know health policies, wetland regulations and rules regarding general land use.  You must be able to apply previous learned techniques together with the latest in technology advances to measure land. It is essential to the success of the land surveyor that their equipment is kept up to date including computers, lasers and satellite technology.


Land surveying is critical in the world we live in today.  A professional land surveyor can help to eliminate issues that arise because of land boundaries.  They are also the first people to be called in when advances and improvements are being made to public spaces and land we all use regularly.  It is important to recognize that only one job of a surveyor is boundary line management the many other hats they were ensure public safety and allow us modern day conveniences such as bridges, roads and airports.

Finding The Perfect Fence and Fencing Contractor For Your Home

Finding out your contractor is not fulfilling all those promises we confessed upon meeting you the very first time is not unheard of.  Many homeowners have been burnt by professional who says one thing but do another.  Finding a contractor that does what he says he does is rare so when we were looking into installing a fence we knew we needed to prepare.  We needed to ask ourselves if the job should be completed by us without professional, hiring a fence installation professional (praying he does what he promises) or a combination of both.


Yep, you guessed it after being burned enough we decided (in the beginning) to forgo the professional assistance and try this home improvement on our own.  The first thing we did to get started is by contacting our local township to look into any local ordinances that may prevent us from using certain fences and materials.  We are in an area that is not governed by an HOA but if you are you will also want to check in with them before you begin your project or purchase materials to make yourself aware of any special restrictions.


Where I live we are not under any restriction to the type of fence material we can use, height of fencing, spacing or colors that are acceptable.  We are found we are restriction free and may have decorative aluminum, wood, picket or chain link fence.  Whatever our hearts desire we can install.  I have heard of many neighborhoods allowing wood fencing however not all styles.  Picket and split rail wood fences may be allowed but privacy fence not permitted due to a restriction on height.


If your fence is being used to enclose a pool areas you will want to check into that specifically.  Even if you do not have any restrictions with a yard fence a fence surrounding a pool is completely different and should be asked about specifically. Installing a pool fence that does not meet your local or state laws can be costly if it has to be removed and a new one reinstalled all because the wrong material was used to enclose the pool.



As I mentioned in the beginning we thought installing a fence on our own would be no big deal however after settling on a fence we loved we knew we were in over our heads.  The aluminum decorative fencing we ordered was elaborate and needed professional installation.  Being that there are a number of fencing companies available throughout Michigan it is important that our first stop was the BBB in our area.  Along with checking in to make sure we were dealing with only people known to be rated as professionals we next went to our family, friends and co-workers to determine if anyone had recently had a fence installed and used one of the BBB recommended professionals.  Thankfully one stood out as a reference from a colleague.  We were able to determine that the company operated in a manner that was expected in a professional arena.



I contacted them and invited them to our home to meet with them to discuss our expectations and theirs.    It is important to make sure when working with any professional in your home that they all of the necessary permits and licenses required for their occupation/business.  On top of the reference we already had we asked for several others.  It was important to make sure people have all had the same experience with this company that you hope to have.  Trust me; any reputable company will be happy to freely give references.


One thing to remember when hiring a professional fence installation company is to know that handymen often offer their services under the caveat that they can do anything.  This is however not the case when it comes to fence installation.  It is not a one size fits all job.  I know we attempted to believe we could do it on our own and quickly learned that fence installers are professionals that know there business.  The phrase you get what you pay for is true when it comes to fence installation. The handyman (or your husband) may be cheaper but it will show in the finished product.


Once your instincts and research have helped you choose a business professional you are comfortable with it is time to discuss pricing.  Fence installation done by a professional will use several factors in determining their fee.  The size of the yard, the material being used, prep time needed and time frame will all work in determining the installation expense. A discount may be offered if you buy the fence from the company installing it however this was not the case in our situation.  We found a great deal on the decorative aluminum fence we desired.


Vinyl fence, aluminum fence and wrought iron fencing is low maintenance.  Wood fence can often require more effort to maintain.  This is something else to consider on top of the installation.  Make certain you know exactly what you are getting for your buck.  Above all it is important to remind yourself that no matter the expense a fence will improve the value of your home and become the best neighbor you could ever have for privacy and a feeling of personal space within your landscape.