Livingston Reporting - page 308

Tips On Getting Out Of A Driving Under The Influence Charge

Thinking back upon the wonderful night out you had enjoying some much needed time with your spouse it is possible that one drink too many was had. Now you are facing charges you never considered you would encounter. A drunk driving offense on your record in the form of either a DUI or DWI is the last thing you want following you around. If you find yourself in a situation where you have been charged with a drunk driving offense there are several things you can do to enhance your chances of getting the charge reduced or even dropped.

The first thing you should do after your arrest is take time to sit down and record the detail of your arrest. Document what you were doing, who you were with, how much you had to drink, what you ate and other details that seem unimportant now but can help your defense later. It is important to take note of where you were stopped, what was said between you and the officer, the names of the officers who stopped you and the circumstances surrounding your arrest and booking. Remember during the entire process to be respectful to the officers and cooperate without providing incriminating information.

Immediately contact an attorney experienced in DUI cases. Driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated cases are incredibly complex cases and require experience in the law to get results for you. In order for the prosecution to prove you were under the influence or intoxicated above the legal limit they must prove that the testing method used to gain your blood alcohol level was working correctly. Local laws will also require certain proof as well. If the prosecution has not provided everything needed to prove guilt your lawyer will be able to play the system in your favor.

Every state has their own laws regarding field sobriety testing. In some states you can choose to refuse a field sobriety test. If this is an option in the state that you reside you may wish to invoke this right and forgo the alcohol sobriety test in the field. It is good to note that if officers decide to take you back to the police station a breathalyzer test may be required. If this is refused you will most likely lose your license. If you have an attorney available to consult with you may choose to have him/her meet you at the station to ensure your rights are not violated.

The last thing you want after a casual night out with a few beverages and drinks is to find yourself in a situation that leaves you battling a possible DUI or DWI. Take caution when out and about and having beverages. It is amazing how little one person actually has to drink before being considered over the legal limit to operate a motor vehicle. If you find yourself in this unfamiliar situation don’t panic. Hiring an experienced DUI attorney that will help you face the charges at hand will make all the difference in the world when it comes to what is reported on your permanent record, if anything at all.

Opening Season For Your Homes Pool

Opening a swimming pool at the beginning of summer can be a challenge, especially if you are a new pool owner. There are several steps to be taken to ensure your pool is ready for the fast approaching season. Below is a check list to consider when opening your home’s pool. If it is your first time owning a pool it is best to consider hiring a pool service company to come out and walk you through your first opening season.

If the pool has been properly covered throughout the winter season the first task at hand will be to remove the cover. You will want to manage this without allowing the debris that has collected on the top to find its way into the pool. Your pool leaf net and broom can help with this chore.

If the cover has standing water that has accumulated over the winter you will want to pump this off before attempting to remove the cover.

This is the time you will want to inspect the pools marcite surface, the pool tile and pool coping. Taking care of these issues before opening the pool will save you a lot of time and headache. Plus your pool will be 100% for the entire season.

If all is well with your pools surface and no major/minor repairs are needed you can continue the process of opening your pool by removing any freeze plugs that might have been put in place to protect against freezing. Now is the time to bring the pools water level up to where it should be as well.

Ensure your pools filter was properly cleaned before the pool was closed in the winter. If this has not been done you will want to do it now. Once the filter is clean prime the pump and starts the motor of the filter system up. It is important that you release the air build up in the lines before beginning this process. Once things are up and running check for leaks.

The next step is to clean any debris that might have accumulated. This includes dirt, algae and other debris. Once the pool is clean and the water level up to par it is time to check the chemistry of the water. Test the water after it has been in the pool and circulating for a day or so. Add only the necessary chemicals, in the proper order to ensure the proper water balance.

Next install all the extra goodies that enhance your pool such as the handrails, ladders, slides and diving boards. Double check to ensure all the equipment is in working order and is not cracked or wore down.

The final step is to jump in and enjoy! The pool season is quick in most areas. Make the most out of it by making sure that the pool is in tip top shape at the beginning of the season and closed properly at the end.

What To Know When Buying Jewelry

When buying anything research is the best way to guarantee that you are getting what you are paying for. Jewelry is one of those items that people only purchase once in awhile so research is necessary to ensure you are getting what you pay for and are overpaying for what you are getting.

Like cars and homes, jewelry is one of those items that you can bargain with the seller as many times there is wiggle room in the price. Jewelry products purchased from many retail locations can be guaranteed to be marked up over one hundred percent. Inventory on jewelry does not turn over nearly as fast as inventory in other retail settings because of this the mark up is higher. Many retail locations will advertise a fifty percent off sale but note like with furniture sales many times the product gets marked way up over cost to be able to be “marked down”. One way to avoid paying huge markups is to purchase jewelry online. Purchasing jewelry online can help consumers avoid increase markups.

There are ways to cut costs when looking for the perfect piece of diamond jewelry. We will use the purchase of an engagement ring as an example for our purposes. If you know what you are looking for when it comes to the style your bride to be will adore for a lifetime then buying the diamond is a whole lot easier.

When considering the four Cs of diamonds it is important to note that a diamond can only be graded while it is upside down. How many times do you think someone will have your bride to be taking off her ring so they can scope out the color or clarity of the stone you purchased? None trust me here unless your father-in-law to be is a jeweler of course. I always say the most important of the four Cs of diamond shopping is the cut because once the stone is set no one will be able to tell from your finger the color or clarity of your stone. The cut however is important as it will determine how the piece will catch the light. A well cut stone will reflect light at every angle and give the piece a sparkle every bride adores.

Another thing to keep in mind when buying any piece of jewelry is the size of the stone. Think about it; what is the first thing that people ask when looking at your jewelry? What carat size is that? Diamonds and many other stones are pricier when they hit the magic number of 1.00. If you are looking to purchase a beautiful piece but at a slightly less expensive rate consider a stone that is .96 carats. To the naked eye no one will be the wiser however your pocket book will notice the difference.

Purchasing jewelry online can save you a bundle as well. Be sure when purchasing from an online retailer to consider the tips above and also make sure you are purchasing from a reputable establishment. A lot of times purchasing jewelry online can be done at a fraction above the wholesale price saving you a bundle.

Mistakes To Avoid When Remodeling A Kitchen

What is the secret to a kitchen renovation that ends up being exactly what you wanted in the end result? The answer; know what mistakes to avoid. In talking with friends, family and neighbors you are sure to hear a great deal of stories on remodeling mistakes. Homeowners can keep their own kitchen remodel from become a disaster by avoiding the blunders those before them have made.

Mistake # 1: Small Details before Large Details

Many people are guilty of this living life in general. How many times do you choose a car before considering the bigger picture of insurance and fuel costs? The car payment is only one small detail in the long term ownership and cost associated with the car.

The same is true in kitchen remodeling. Choosing a material for a counter top before considering how family friendly it is for example can be a costly mistake. Although soapstone is a beautiful material for counters it requires a lot of care. Time caring for the counter takes away time needed to cart kids in the car pool, cook dinner, etc… It is not wise to look into purchasing new appliances before considering exactly what the layout of the kitchen will be after the remodel. Consider the project as a whole. Look at where your family is right now, the lifestyle you are accustomed too and the space constraints before choosing a style and design for your kitchen. This will help you considerably in saving you time and money.

Mistake # 2: Fad over Classic Beauty

Think about all the kitchens you have seen in all the homes you have visited or toured. You can tell the date the house was built when the home still has its original kitchen in place. When thinking about kitchen fad’s there is several that instantly come to mind. The first being country kitchens. Picture the kitchen; I am sure you have seen it. Chickens decorating a border filled with red barns and hay bales, yellow walls and vinyl flooring. What about the checkered floor in black and white with hints of red like an old fashion ice cream parlor? That was popular for a bit. This is what homeowners should avoid in renovating their kitchens.

Look at kitchens you know of that have stood the test of time. What elements do they have in common? Radical colors and flashy features are not prominent. Instead these kitchens stick with classic, neutral colors and appliances. Counter tops are kept conservative and patterns are eliminated. This is what keeps a kitchen classic.

Mistake # 3: Not Hiring A Professional Kitchen Contractor

It is not cheaper to do it yourself in the case of a kitchen remodel. When you consider professional kitchen contractors work with wholesale prices and consider the value of your time. Hiring a professional will help when it comes to addressing the homeowners real needs verses the wants that can drive a budget out of control. A professional will help homeowners access the needs, along with the desires of the homeowners and estimate a realistic budget. This can help a ton in the kitchen remodeling process as a whole.

Evade The Challenges Of Landscaping

Landscaping is one of the most challenging aspects of home ownership. If you have never had to deal with landscape design you may become weighed down by all of the different option in fencing, plants, borders and options in general available to homeowners regarding landscaping.

Sometime the hard part of the process is coming up with an idea. Where to begin in the entire process of landscaping can be difficult in itself. Below are some ideas and thoughts about working around obstacles and challenges in existing structures.

The first idea includes working with an existing in ground pool that is surrounded with decorative aluminum fencing. There are times when less is more and this is one of those times. A pool is such a beautiful landscape enhancer in itself. Tie in a beautiful aluminum pool fence and landscape overkill is likely to occur. A suggestion that is simplistic and beautiful is a wide border around the outside of the aluminum fence. Go out about two feet from the fence line and add a simple black landscape border. From there add a weed blocker and a dark brown/black mulch or stone to fill in the area. From there install simple lighting to add flare, using solar lights will save you time and money. This is a simple classic way to integrate the pool into the surrounding landscape.

Consider your wants and needs. Are you looking for a space to play, a space to relax or a place to grow a garden? Your desires will help when coming up with a vision of the space. If you are having a difficult time determining what you want consider what you like about the yards of homes you visit. For instance, one of our family friends has a space in her yard where she has a path that circles a huge hill covered in pine trees. She has added an “entrance” to the path using pine trees and building an arch way. To accent this she added a landscape border of tree stumps. The path is covered with pine needles and bark from branches that had fallen around the yard. Within the space there are constant surprises. You walk the path to find sections with fairy homes, doors and gnomes and ten feet further you come upon a patch of vibrant sunflowers. This is something I loved about her home that was lacking in my own landscape. Using her border idea I was able to add to my flower garden and make it more whimsical which is what I wanted but did not know how to accomplish on my own.

Another idea that is simple includes using pots. If you aren’t committed to the maintenance and up keep of a “flower bed” but like the idea of adding color and variety to the area potted plants can help. Not only can you buy pots that are super sleek and beautiful to look you can include inexpensive annuals that will add color and bloom throughout the summer season without anything but the right amount of sun and water.

Landscaping does not have to be difficult or overwhelming. Whether it is adjusting the a focal point in your existing landscape, creating something in your landscape that you admire in someone else’s or wanting to splash some excitement and color into the mix, there is always a way to do it.

Adding An Electronic Enterance Gate For Security and Privacy

When considering a gate and electronic entry system consider a reasonable budget. Beautiful pieces can be purchased throughout all price ranges. When purchasing a gate consider maintenance and service expenses needed to maintain the electronic gate. Wooden gates are less expensive to purchase then aluminum entry gates however every year you as the homeowner will be responsible to seal and weather proof the wood fence and gate. Consider that electronic gates need to be installed by professional fence and gate installers as well when considering a budget that is reasonable for this home improvement project.

Another way to save when it comes to the budget of a gate for your driveway is to consider a manual entry gate. This might not be desired but can help many homeowners have the security that an entrance gate delivers without the expense of an electronic gate. The draw backs here are pretty evident in that in bad weather you will have to exit the car to close the entry gate. Manual gates are often considered more of a hassle than their electronic counter parts.

When you are purchasing an electronic gate and fence system you have two different choices to decide from when it comes to the way the gate opens. The two options available are swing or sliding driveway entry gates. Consider your landscaping and driveway layout when choosing between the two. Consider if the ground is level or how expensive it would be to level the ground where the gate will be used. Also consider any trees or hard to relocate landscaping that the fence will be surrounding.

When choosing an entry gate consider the fencing that you either have installed or will be installing. Make sure the styles work well with one another. Super tall enclosed privacy fencing might look off when paired with a super decorative open style aluminum gate. The fence and gate should be similar if not the same height. This will provide continuity. If you are only installing a gate without any fencing the sky is the limits however consider the style of your home. A super modern home with a country classic gate might look a whole lot out of place.

Fencing and gates come in a variety of materials as well. You can choose from wood, wrought iron, aluminum, vinyl and chain link. For durability and ease of long term maintenance as well as reasonable initial costs most professional fence and gate installers will recommend purchasing aluminum. Aluminum fencing can be as ornamental and decorative or as simple and classic as a homeowner desires. There are also a variety of color options to choose from when considering aluminum. Aluminum is really a terrific material to use in your homes landscaping.


Ensure Your Are Hiring A Quality Roofing Contractor With The Tips Below

When hiring any type of contractor to work on your home we are all looking to get the biggest bang for our “buck”.  This is especially true when it comes to larger projects such as kitchen or bathroom remodeling, roof replacement, basement transformation as well as landscaping.  The more money we are about to put the better the deal we are looking to get.  On top of this we are looking to hire a professional who is in it to give us a great deal while completing the job in a timely fashion and correct the first time.  How can a homeowner ensure they are hiring the best roofing contractor for their roof replacement or roofing repair?

One thing to look for when hiring a roofing contractor is their licensing.  The required licenses that are needed for a roofing contractor in each area of the state and country are going to be different.  To determine what is needed when doing work in your area, on your home, it is best to call the local building department.

Insurance is another area of concern when it comes to hiring a contractor that will be working on your home.  Without proper insurance, if someone gets hurt or materials are broken, you as the homeowner will be responsible if the contractor does not have proper business insurance.  Always get a copy of the insurance policy before any contracts are signed or work is done on the home.

Some local municipalities will require that you have permits pulled for work within or around your home.  If they are required you or the contractor will need to pull permits before the job is begun.  This is information that can be acquired at your local building department.

Roofing contractors vary on the warranties on their products and services along with warranty offers from the manufactures. All guarantees and warranties should be in writing when the contractor gives you the original estimate.

Finding a reputable, reliable roofing contractor can be difficult.  One of the best ways to tell if you are hiring someone trustworthy and dependable is to talk to previous clients.  This will be a good way of determining how the contractor you are hiring does business and the results of their work.

When receiving an estimate for job needed on your roof the best way to ensure you are getting what you are paying for is to ask for a breakdown list of materials and labor costs.  Take all of the bids that you have received and compare them side by side to see if the quotes you are getting are all on the same playing field.  If there are drastic differences find out the reasons. Maybe one contractor offers extended warranties on labor or materials.  This may be worth a few extra dollars for you.

If everything is even with the contractors that you are looking into consider the outside factors.  Pay attention to the details like how the contractor presents him or herself.  How the bids are presented and how prompt they were in their communication with you.  This is helpful in determining how communication will be in future dealings as well.

The Benefits Of Asphalt Shingling When It Comes To Installation and Repair

For roofing contractors the most common roofing shingle type to install is asphalt shingling. The material is the durable, relatively low priced and easier than other common roofing materials to install. With any roofing material there will be options in design, composition and warranties. Asphalt shingling is no different.

The basic benefits of asphalt shingling straight from a Roofing Contractor:

1) Shingle roofs are easy to maintain and simple to repair.

2) Asphalt shingling is the least expensive material when in comparison to other roofing materials such as slate, wood, metal and tile. Not every roofing material is practical for all climates either.

3) Shingles are offered in a diverse number of styles and colors. It is easy to find a shingle that will go well with every type of exterior housing style.

4) Composite asphalt shingles are environmentally friendly and easy to recycle.

5) When it comes to fire rating most shingle roofing comes with a Class A fire-resistance rating.

Shingle compositions are basically a rectangular material, known as a mat. The rectangular mat is then coated with several layers of asphalt and ceramic granules are embedded. Shingle mats are mainly made out of fiberglass which resists breaking and tearing. The ceramic granules are also an important component. The granules are embedded within the shingle during the last coat of asphalt. This is what gives the shingle the grainy appearance associated with asphalt shingles. The granules come in a variety of colors and help protect the shingle from the harsh UV rays of the sun.

The most common type of shingle due to affordability is the three-tab shingle. This style is a strip shingle divided into three distinct sections. This is what is on most homes currently. Steadily the use of laminated shingles is growing as the price to install has come down significantly over the course of time.

Laminated shingles are found when on homes when you are able to see dimension in the roofing. The dimension or architecture are made the same way as three tab shingles however they add that 3-d effect, a sort of layered look in shingling. Laminated shingles are incredibly durable. Basically a laminated shingle is multiple shingles within one another. They are incredibly hardy when it comes to four seasons of weather and easily with stand the sun, cold and wind that comes with our ever changing seasons.

When it comes to the longevity of your shingle roofs your installer will detail how each shingle company sells shingles warranted for a defined amount of time. Brand by brand the shingle warranties are different anywhere from ten to thirty years. Most asphalt shingles last longer in locations where the weather is not drastically different from one day to the next. The potential for cracks and water leaks is more prevalent in areas of diverse weather patterns. This is something to consider when looking at purchasing shingles and the shingles warranty.

Roof replacement is an expensive endeavor for most homeowners to embark on. Make sure you do research not only when it comes to the material that you use on your home but also on the roofing contractor. Make sure you hire a contractor that is licensed and comes with references. Previous work done is the best way to judge the quality of one’s work.

Introductory Information For New Pool Owners

With the amount of foreclosures and short sales the economy is seeing many homeowners are getting homes affordably however they come with “issues”. Of course the issue we see most is a neglected pool. Homeowners having trouble making a mortgage payment are not worried about the state of their pool. So it is only reasonable that when the home is sold at a discount that the condition of the pool is a mute point.

Many new pool owners don’t even know the basics of pool construction let alone how to balance the ph of the water. In this article we will address questions and concerns that arise focusing on the materials that make up the pool.

Many terms are thrown around in pool lingo such as plaster, gunite and marcite; what are they?

Gunite is the pools shell. Often referred to as the sprayed in concrete base, gunite is made up of rebar and concrete. Marcite was originally a brand name of plaster but has become known as plaster to many pool contractors. The phrase is universally used; marcite equals plaster for most professional pool installers. Plaster or marcite is the coating over the gunite pool shell. It is made up of white crushed marble dust. The white plaster finish is usually applied in two coats and is between 3/8″ and 1/2″ thick. To be clear the pool shell or base is made up of rebar, concrete (gunite) and plaster (marcite).

What is the purpose of the plaster?

Concrete is rough. Pools would not be enjoyable or as easy to maintain. Plaster is needed to allow for the pools surface to be smooth to the touch. Brand new plaster is the smoothest pool surface. At this point the marcite (plaster) has no imperfections. Imperfections come from age and can range from calcium building up and general erosion on the pool surface, wear and tear for a pool.

After having our pool plastered how long will the plaster last? How long until we have to do this process again?

Before a homeowner notices any imperfections and erosion is the answer I like to give in this situation. The white marble plaster should maintain the original smooth texture and bright white color for five to seven years before any wear is noticeable. This takes into consideration properly maintained water chemistry.

Are there different types of plaster and pool coatings available for in ground pools?

Yes! White marble plaster is the least expensive coating over gunite and the most commonly used. This is why when speaking to homeowners the quoted price will be for this marcite plaster unless otherwise specified.

Diamond Brite: Exposed Aggregate Pool Finishes is just one of many plaster finishes that brings color and slight texture to the pool. This is the most common aggregate coating and should be expected to last two to three times longer than white marble plaster because it is more durable. However, note the durability is something you will pay for as it is about fifty percent more expensive. This expense should be considered when homeowners see themselves in this house years down the road.

There are drawbacks to Diamond Brite over plain white plaster finishes. In order for the Diamond Brite to be applied correctly it must be adhere directly to the gunite. You can can expect over time that the bond fail as the bond between Diamond Brite and plaster is not as strong as Diamond Brite and gunite if it is not properly installed. Also, if you are lax about proper pool chemical balance the adhesives found in Diamond Brite will fail faster than that of normal white marble plaster.

The key to pool ownership is proper chemical balance and maintenance. Don’t allow algae to grow and ruin the pools surface. Scrubbing off algae is not great for your pools plaster. When you start to see staining on your pools surface note that it is time to start looking into having your pool plastered sooner than later to avoid more damage to the plaster than is already present.

Lessons In Professional Tree Removal

Many reasons play into why trees that surround your home and make up your landscape can need to be cut down. It may be necessary for the safety of the home and the proximity of the tree and its root system. Another reason is that the tree is dead or has become infested and without taking the tree down the rest of the trees in the yard could be affected. Aesthetic value could be another reason. Whatever the reason your landscape needs to be groomed it is important as a homeowner that you interview and hire tree removal contractors to make sure they are insured, trained and have a spotless record from their references.

When the day comes and the trees are marked the professionals will come out to trim and cut the trees down that have been agreed upon for removal. Professional tree removal companies follow certain specific steps as they remove your trees as the tree removal process is one in which dangers are real. If done incorrectly life and limb are literally at stake.

Professionals will a list of equipment similar to the one below:

More than one individual is necessary for all tree removal jobs

Ladders of all types including bucket ladders when necessary



Chainsaws with several bar lengths and power levels/gas

Falling Axes

Safety Gear (and it will be on) including; a quality hard hat, eye and ear protection, steel toe boots, work gloves and often leg coverings

First Aid Kit to treat injuries on site until emergency crews, if needed, can respond

The trees that are to be removed will be accessed. The crew will be looking out for dead branches on the tree and surrounding trees as well as cracks and loose bark on the tree. They will often times “hug” the tree to see what direction the tree is naturally leaning. Observations will be made regarding how the branches are spread about; the actual height of the tree, the drop zone as well as what other branches or trees could be in the way. The base will be examined for root instability. The team will consider weather conditions and wind direction as well BEFORE any branches or trees are cut.

One thing professionals due that we don’t often think about as homeowners is the escape route just in case the tree removal does not go exactly as anticipated. Many professionals look for trees close by that can be used as cover and an exit forty five degrees from the side and back of the trees.

The actual cutting process is one of the quickest parts of the process. You will note that professionals start with a first cut that is made into the tree at a horizontal angle. The first cut will be no more than 1/3 of the width of the tree. The tree will fall perpendicular to this first cut. From here tree removal professionals will make two wedge cuts. One on top of the first cut at a sixty degree angle and one below the first cut at a thirty degree angles. After this is done a cut will be made across from the first cut and a wedge put into place acting as a hinge for the falling tree. This is the cut that brings the tree down slowly as the wedge goes deeper into the tree.

Once the tree is on the ground safely is when limbs can be trimmed and chipped and the tree cut and stacked. Depending on the client’s needs tree removal companies offer to take the remnants away with them or leave them for use by the client. Branches and smaller limbs can be ground into wood chips and again left to be used by the client or taken away and disposed of. The safest way to have a tree removed from your yard is by a professional. Trees are unpredictable and an event that is meant to be harmless could turn out to be devastating.