Livingston Reporting - page 270

The Many Benefits Of Shopping Online For Jewelry

Shopping online has so many benefits.  People are buying everything from furniture to toilet paper online.  With the convenience of shopping from your home it is possible to make more significant purchases such as jewelry including wedding and engagement bands.  When you are looking to buying jewelry online there are a few basic guideline to live by to make sure you are getting exactly what you are paying for.

When you are shopping for jewelry online the process can not only be safe but completely worthwhile as well as long as you take some precautions before making the purchase.  Before you buy the piece compare items between online locations.  You will be sure to get the best price and can work with a trusted jeweler.  Call the number on the website and talk with the owner before you purchase a piece if you want to.  Calling the jeweler is another way to ensure you are buying from someone who will be there to answer your questions should they arise.

Tips For Buying Jewelry Online

1.       Understand the Companies Return Policy

Shopping online requires a larger amount of responsibility on the buyers end. Once you have located a piece of jewelry you like it is important to look into the jewelers return policy.  It is important that you only purchase jewelry from a store that offers at least a thirty day, money back guarantee for returning pieces that were purchased online.  Remember that pieces that have been altered in any manner, sizing, engraving or what not may have special restrictions.  Make sure to read the fine print or call the customer service number to get clarification.

2.       How Available Is The Company

The company should be completely transparent.  You should be able to locate a phone number, address and email address on the website easily.  Look not only for a defined contact page but also an about us page.  Find out who the company is that you are buying from before you make a purchase.  Clearly see how the company defines doing business.  Take a look at the company’s blog pages and social media pages.  If you can’t find out a lot of information without having to dig deeply it is probably not the most trustworthy place to purchase jewelry from.

3.       Check The Websites Security

Be sure the company that you are working with is secure when it comes to handling your credit card information.  Ask if you are unsure if the company is PCI complaint, which means the website’s server and internal networks are scanned regularly for vulnerabilities.  This is a large indicator of how they ultimately run their entire business.

4.       Purchase With A Credit Card That Backs Your Purchases

When you are buying anything online it is important to make sure that you make your purchase with a credit card that will back your purchases.  Many credit card companies now a days will offer you protection against purchase you make with the credit card if they prove to not be as described or for other reasons that the product does not live up to your expectations.

Shopping online is fun, easy and convenient.  Take your time to full research the company and jewelry products you purchase shopping online.  This will guarantee a successful purchase each and every time you shop online.

DaRoche Jewelers is on online jewelry company with a local feel.  You will find a variety of options in jewelry, including custom diamond solitaire engagement rings, online at

Leaving Computer Repairs To The Professionals

After repairing hundreds of computers it is evident that the most common computer issues arise when clueless computer users try to navigate fixing their computer issues on their own.  Many people don’t realize how delicate computer systems are.   When doing repairs on your computer you are basically performing surgery.  Would you ever try to perform surgery on one of your children or pets?  Probably not, right?  The same should be true when it comes to repairing your pc.  Allowing a professional computer technician to work on your computer allows you to be confident that the repairs will be completed correctly.  You also don’t have to worry about other issues occurring from the repairs that are completed.

Here are some tips to keep your computer in tip top shape.

1)      General computer maintenance and yearly tune ups on your system help to prevent major complications and computer repairs later on.  Taking proper care of your machine will help to keep your computer running longer and faster.  Don’t download extra tool bars or allow random pop ups to download software to your computer.  All that does is bog your computer down and possibly infect your system with malware.

2)      It’s called a lap top but that doesn’t mean it should be set on your lap while you are using it.  Using your laptop on a comforter or other cushy surface will restrict air circulation and cause the computer to overheat.  Use the nubs on the base of the computer to place the laptop on a hard surface.  You can purchase special that have a cushy base with a hard top to use especially for when you want to use your lap top in bed.

3)      Another thing that many lap top users do is put their laptop into the carrying case before the computer has completely shut down.  This is hard on your computers hard drive and memory.  Wait until the computer has shut down completely before moving it about and placing it in a bag.

4)      Laptops work best if they are not left plugged in at all times.  Leaving a laptop plugged in at all times diminishes the life of the battery and does not allow it to function as it is intended.  Try taking your computer off the charger at least two to three times a week and use the battery as the only source of power.  This will ensure the computer is being worked in the manner it was intended to and will increase the longevity of the battery life and performance of the system.

5)      Dust is another frequent issue with computers.  This is something that can easily be avoided with yearly tune ups.  If you see that your system is getting a bit bogged down with dirt and dust take it in and have the system tuned up.  Never try to blow the dust out on your own at home.  This can lead to dust clogging up areas that are important within the computer system.

Computer repairs are meant to be accomplished by computer technicians just as surgery is to be performed by surgeons.  Be sure to really understand and know what you are doing before you attempt any computer repairs at home and realize that you are probably causing yourself a bigger headache for the technician who has to fix your repairs later on.

Computers Plus Service, in Brighton Michigan, provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services to the entire Livingston County area including Howell, Brighton and the surrounding areas.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at

Make A Fabulous First Impression With Your Products Label

The first contact your customer has with your brand is the product label.  Their very first impression of your brand and product will come from what is designed and written on the label.  Your label is the face of your product and triggers loyalty to your brand.  When faced with the myriad of competitors your label will trigger their loyalty, reminding them of their previous purchase and the enjoyment that came with it.

Each person that buys your product will have an interaction with your label.  Some products are filled with information while others are detailed works of art and others practically disappear.  Your label will depend on the industry you’re are, your product and the packaging of the product.  Labels remain important to marketers as they are the visual and physical link between your product and consumers.

As a label design is being considered it is crucial that marketers take into consideration that fifty three percent of super market purchases are made based on consumer impulses.  Your label acts as your product salesperson.  The label shares information on the contents of the package; it tells consumers exactly what they are getting for spending their hard earned money on your product.

Every type of label available offers something unique to your product.  Shrink sleeves for instance are super cost effective.  Shrink sleeves are often used in industries where colored bottles were popular.  Colored bottles are costly and drive the expense of your product upward.  What is being done is that clear bottles are being used which are less expensive and then wrapped with colored shrink sleeve labels to give the appearance of a colored bottle.  You achieve the same look without the added cost of the colored containers.

Another benefit of with shrink sleeve labeling is that is provides tamper proof protection for your product.  This takes away the extra expense that comes along with providing neckbands along with a product label.  Shrink sleeves do both jobs. The shrink sleeve label also protects your product against any damage that can occur during shipping.  The wrap itself protects the product against damage and is resistant to sweat and moisture that can occur throughout the shipping process.

Shrink sleeves are one label option.  They are incredibly popular to marketers for the many benefits that they provide over more traditional labeling options.  Your product will always look sleek, high end and have a uniform appearance with the use of shrink sleeve labels.

Shrink sleeve labels offer three hundred and sixty degrees of room to design on.  This is a marketers dream.  There is plenty of room for both artistic expression and important product information.  When designing your label be sure to consider shrink sleeves to maximize your products shelf impact.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Understanding Fuses Within Electrical Components

There is a lot to learn about the various electrical components that are used throughout residential and commercial buildings.  Many older homes and businesses use wiring and electrical systems that require the use of fuses.  The one thing to remember when it comes to fuse systems is that you never want to use a fuse that has an amperage rating that is higher than what is specified for the system.  To test fuse continuity you will want to use a multi tester.  Take the multi tester and press one end to the center contact while the other one is pressed to the screw shell.

It is important to understand the variety of fuses available and to be able to identify them in case you ever need to replace one.  Fuses are used in automobiles, appliances, circuit breakers and a variety of other electrical components around both residential and commercial settings.

The most common type of fuse is a low voltage fuse.  You will see low voltage fuses used in many electronic appliances and entertainment gadgets.  This type of fuse is available in ratings up to twenty amperes.  A fuse of this type can signal a short circuit in the wiring system or a system overload.

Standard plug fuses are the type of fuses used most often in service panels.  Most often standard plug fuses are used to power small appliances and basic lighting fixtures.  You will find standard plug fuses in amperes ratings of fifteen, twenty and thirty.  This is dependent upon the gauge of the wire that is found in the circuit.  As with a low voltage fuse, standard plug fuses are used t signal a short in the system as well as an overloaded circuit.

Another common fuse used in residential service panels is a time delay fuse. Similar to a standard plug fuse, time delay fuses come in amperes with ratings of fifteen, twenty and thirty.  The unique quality of time delay fuses is that they can withstand a small power surge, such as a startup of a motor.  They are the fuses used to signal short circuits, circuits that are overloaded and sustained circuits.

A type-s fuse is used for powering up small light fixtures and small appliances.  There is only a slight difference between type-s fuses and the standard plug fuse is that the type-s fuse can guard against the accidental installation of a fuse that has an amperage rating to high for the circuit.  This type of fuse fits an adapter that screws into a service panel.  The adapter only fits into type-s fuses with matching amperage.

The ferrule type cartridge is used in fuse type service panels.  They are used to power major appliances and are available in ratings up to sixty amperes that suit the gauge of wire in the circuit.  The fuse can withstand a small surge, can signal a circuit that has become overloaded, a short or sustained circuit.

The last type of fuse to discuss is the knife blade cartridge fuse.  This is the type of fuse used when more than sixty amperes are needed to protect the electrical system of homes.  The knife blade cartridge fuse can withstand momentary power surges.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Benefits Of Using A Mortgage Broker

There are so many variables when it comes to getting a mortgage.  Many people make the mistake of going it alone without the help of a mortgage broker.  With so many steps when it comes to applying for and qualifying for a mortgage you will want to make sure that you take any missteps out of the process.  A flawless application process will ensure that you get the home of your dreams with a qualifying mortgage to match.

The first mistake most borrowers make is that they ask too many lenders for mortgages’ resulting in an influx of credit inquires.  Too many credit enquires put your credit file at risk.  A mortgage broker can combat this for applicants by weeding out the lenders who don’t fit into the criteria offered by the borrower.  Your mortgage broker will only apply for those loans that fit with the criteria you qualify under.

Errors in your loan submission will be viewed as fraudulent activity by the lender.  Mortgage brokers can assure that they pull an accurate and up to date credit report for you along with submitting a detailed loan application to lenders to ensure that your loan is processed and all the wrinkles are ironed out before they become issues that you as the lender are aware of.  This process is easier for mortgage brokers as they have built relationships with lenders that you perhaps have not.

Another issue that often arises when searching for a lender on your own is that the appraised value of the home is less than that of the price which was agreed upon.  When this situation arises your broker will fly into action.  In order to resolve this issue your broker will ask if they can re-negotiate the price of the home with the seller’s agent.  If this fails the broker will ask the lender to ask a new company to come in and re-evaluate the value of the home.  If this fails the next option for you is to find a new home that appraises better than the home you originally had an offer on.

In our next installment on mortgages; choosing between finding a mortgage on your own or hiring a broker we will look at other common mistakes made.  There are many mistakes that can be made, simple ones at that, if you choose to forgo a mortgage broker and attempt to obtain a mortgage on your own.

Cross Country Mortgage in Brighton, Michigan provide mortgage services for clients including new home loans, refinancing, reversed mortgages, new purchase home mortgages and home equity loans to the entire Livingston County area including Brighton, Howell and Livingston County. Cross Country Mortgage Brighton, MI at

Installing An Aluminum Fence With Ease

There is nothing to stress about when it comes to the installation of aluminum fencing. It is the easiest material in fencing to install for several reasons. Even though aluminum is one of the most durable materials it still remains light weight. This makes maneuvering the fence panels simpler. Digging holes is trouble free as the posts used to install aluminum fencing are smaller both wood and vinyl posts. The panels come preassembled and since they are lightweight it moves the project along at an efficient pace. With a short list of tools your fence installation project should only last between ten to twenty hours overall.

When you begin it is important to consider that the project is not something you should rush through. It is not a process that you should look at as something to get over with. A fence should be installed with patience. Take your time to measure twice and cut once.

After you have called to ensure your fence is meeting local and state regulations it is time to start prepping the work site. Before you begin digging you will want to call the local utility companies to come out and identify where all of the underground utilities are located. Next make sure that you have identified your property lines. If you are uncertain it is important to have the property surveyed. You will be held liable if the fence is installed in the wrong location. You will be responsible for the expensive of moving the fence.

If your alumninum fence is being installed around an in ground swimming pool it is crucial that you meet with the pool installer for assistance. They can also help you to plan the installation of your fence around underground lines and pool equipment. You want the lines for the pool to be accessible without having to uproot your entire fence if repairs are needed. Removing one single fence panel is not the end of the world when looking to repair underground lines whereas an entire fence would be overwhelming. Unpack your fence and layout out the materials where they will be installed. Mark off areas that slope and that will require rackable panels. This should be done before you begin installation to ensure the right pieces are in the proper locations.

In our next installment we will talk more about the actual installation process. Half of the installation process is planning half is doing. When installing aluminum fence panels the more you plan the easier the doing will be.

iFence USA offers a variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying aluminum fences shipped factory-direct from!

CPS Continues To Be Committed In Securing Up To Date Security For Clients

Computers Plus Service is committed to providing excellent service and up to date security options in order to provide clients with the best user experience possible.

CPS has recently implemented an Apache web server module that provides a web application firewall engine.  This new system is extremely flexible and robust.  It has been referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife of web application firewalls.”  The system provides critical protection against attacks across a variety of web architecture.  The Core Rule Set provides generic rules that provide protection from vulnerabilities often found in web applications.

We offer a variety of services to our clients from website hosting and design to corporate and residential computer and I.T. services.

Tips On Color and Font In Product Labels

Your product can be simply amazing but without a remarkable label people won’t choose yours over the competition.  The product label is a critical piece of the marketing puzzle.  When it comes to the design and creation of a label for your product the sky’s the limit.  There are endless possibilities when it comes to designing your products label.  With the right guidelines in place you will have a label that properly shows off your product and that has it flying off the shelf.

Consider the colors of your product label carefully.  The colors are significant in the appeal of your product.  Here are a few tips as you choose colors to use within your label design.

  • The color of the product itself and the products packaging should be considered.  The desire in label design is to enhance the product.  You want to choose colors that enhance the product and packaging.
  • Choose a color combination that will stand out in the midst of the competition.
  • Take time to understand the guidelines that are in place for your product.  You will need to look at industry regulations and apply them to the label in a way that will not distract from the overall design.  There are certain regulations that are put in place to keep consumers safe and therefore policies that need to be considered.
  • Look at the consumers you are targeting as this can affect the colors you choose.   Certain shades and tones within color groups are associated with products that are high end.  If you are targeting small children high end tones are not a proper choice for obvious reasons.

Consider the font that you would like to use on your products label.  The font is essential to assure that your label is able to be read properly.  Here are some tips to consider when it comes to font in label design.

  • Fonts should be carefully chosen.  A traditional font won’t stand out and therefore should be used carefully.  Use traditional font for label requirements such as UPC codes, ingredient lists and such.
  • It is critical that you don’t use too many fonts on your product label.  Too many fonts cause confusion and take away from the overall design of the label.
  • Choose a font that reflects the brand but sets your product apart from others in the arena.  If you use a certain font for marketing your brand consider making it apart of your label.
  • If a font is not already set in place for your brand take into consideration the personality that you wish to present.  Remember that this is what people will identify your product with so choose one that is representative of the image you want.
  • Make sure the font is clearly visible not only up close but also from a distance.

These are just a few guidelines to help you on your way to perfect product label.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Why Should You Choose Aluminum Fencing

There are a number of reasons that people look into purchasing a fence.  New construction, replacing an existing fence or to enclose a new swimming pool are all some of the motivations that cause homeowners to look into aluminum fencing.  Before the creation of the internet the typical way to purchase fencing was to get multiple quotes from contractors found in the phone book.   Now there is a simpler way; homeowners can quote and order aluminum fencing online, never having to leave the comfort of their own home.

Ordering aluminum fencing online has become such a popular option for a million reasons.  One of the main reasons that online purchases have become so popular is the lower overhead that comes with owning an online company verse a store front.  Another motivation to order online is the convenience that it offers.  You can shop anytime, put an order together and purchase when you are ready to have it shipped. Online support is offered through several methods as well; you may call, email or use online chat methods to get immediate answers regarding your order.

Aluminum fencing has increased in popularity over the past decade.  This is due in part to the growth in number of in ground swimming pools that are installed by homeowners.  Safety regulations make it a requirement to install a safety fence around the pool area.  Aluminum fencing is a popular option because it can be ordered to meet B.O.C.A standards, it is lightweight, maintenance free and easy to install.  Below are some additional incentives to consider when looking into aluminum fence.

The maintenance aspect of aluminum fence is a draw to many homeowners looking to install a fence.  Aluminum is powder coated and finished with a baked enamel coating.  It does not bend, twist or distort shape over time unlike chain link and wood may.  Aluminum stands up to the weather: intense heat or extreme cold.  When you make an aluminum fence purchase you are basically purchasing a fencing that is maintenance free.

Another fantastic feature about aluminum is that is never rusts.  Most aluminum fencing manufactures offer lifetime warranties against chipping, cracking, peeling and fading of their products.

A few other benefits of aluminum fence are that it is not treated with chemicals and is therefore good for the environment as well.  The fencing comes in lightweight panels that are shipped pre-assembled.  The aluminum is also easy to cut if installation adjustments are needed.  Otherwise installation is as simple as setting the posts and inserting the panels into them.

If you look at the benefits and drawbacks of fencing materials you will see that the aluminum fencing offers such a wide range of benefits over the competition.  Whether you are a pool contractor, building contractor, architect, landscaper, or do it yourself homeowner you will find help online with the planning, designing, ordering and installation of your aluminum fence.

iFence USA offers a variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying aluminum fences shipped factory-direct from

Processing Your Divorce WIth Help From A Divorce Attorney

The ending of your marriage is never easy.  Here are a few tips for men, fathers going through the divorce process to help.

Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

It is never easy to go through a traumatic experience and pull yourself out of it but that is the best thing you can do as a man going through a divorce.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get over your own personal pity party and start living your new life.  You are not the only one who is going through a divorce and you will survive.  If you are sure your marriage is over, the papers have been served and signed, it is time to resign yourself to the fact your marriage is over.  It is time to move on.  Grieve for a bit but don’t allow yourself to be sucked into thriving off of pity.  Seek professional services for your divorce.  Counseling is not only something available for women in divorce but is also available for men, fathers going through a divorce as well.

Find A Divorce Attorney

Find legal representation as soon as soon as you realize that you are in fact in the midst of a divorce or separation.  A divorce attorney, especially one that specializes in men going through the divorce process will represent your best interest.  What happens frequently in divorce is that the male figure seeks to claim responsibility for a ruined marriage.  Men are fixers and when they are unable to fix their marriage the next best thing for them is to accept responsibility, so they believe.

Get Your Finances In Order

This is far from the truth and can leave many men in financial ruin.  If a divorce is occurring it is because two people failed to be able to create a life together.  No one person is at fault and therefore no one person should take that entire responsibility on themselves.  Don’t end your marriage and believe you are destined to live in financial ruin.  That is not the case.  This is just one of the many reasons men should seek the advice of a professional divorce attorney as soon as they are certain the marriage is coming to an end.

Be There For Your Children

Never stop being a part of your children’s lives and don’t move out of your family home until you have met with a divorce attorney.  Getting a divorce is hard on all parties involved and should be done with a conscience effort to each decision that is made.  Consider your welfare as well as that of your children. Going through a divorce is a step by step process in which a professional divorce attorney for men will advise you in each step along the way.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at