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Use Shrink Sleeve Labeling To Attract Customers

Shrink sleeve labeling is a marketing tactic that many product manufactures have already turned to.  When walking into any grocery store you will see how prominent shrink sleeve labeling is with a number of different products. Take note the next time you go into a store; check out the variety of products that use shrink sleeve labeling.

The trend of shrink sleeves has become such a popular option in marketing because of the many benefits it provides to both marketers and consumers.

One of the most obvious benefits that come with shrink sleeve labeling is the ability for it to take on the same shape as any product.  Irregularly shaped products are easily labeled with shrink sleeve.  They take away the headaches that are encountered with packaging, shipping and of course labeling.  Greater efficiency comes along with the use of shrink sleeves.

Another major benefit of shrink sleeves is that they are tamper proof.  Shrink sleeves cover the entire product.  The sleeve conforms to the shape or the product and is designed to cover the entire product.  This is so important when it comes to the beverage and pharmaceutical industries but of course applies across the board.

Shrink sleeve labeling offers one hundred percent visibility.  This is unheard of in standard labeling in which only the front of the label is used for marketing.  The sides and back portion often are left for ingredient lists, UPC labels and other product information that is not necessarily important in the marketing of your product.  With shrink sleeve labeling important details and marketing information can be seen from all angels because of the three hundred and sixty degree radius shrink sleeve marketing offers products.

A great deal of variety is available when it comes to the versatility the shrink sleeves offer in labeling.   Shrink sleeves can be designed with a variety of affects including metallic, pearlescent and thematic to create a variety of effects on the labels that are printed for you.  Your ideas will not be difficult to manufacture when you use shrink sleeve labeling.

Another benefit that comes with shrink sleeves is how affordable they are in comparison to the benefits derived from labeling.  Shrink sleeves offer increased visibility using only a thin sheet of plastic film.

Labeling that uses the option of shrink sleeves will guarantee you a numerous number of advantages over other types of labeling.  Increased marketing, along with numerous other benefits make the advantages of shrink sleeve labeling a clear choice.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Tips On Finding A Divorce Attorney

If you are sure your marriage is at the end of the line, beyond repair is better to have a consult with a family law, divorce attorney.  In order to make it through one of the most difficult processes of your life you must make sure you have as much information as possible.  You need an attorney that fits comfortably with your end goals; this will require trust and good communication between the two of you.  Over the next few months the two of you will work closely together; leaving you divulging important personal and financial information to someone who months ago was a perfect stranger.

Here are some tips to consider when shopping around for a divorce attorney:

Don’t Tell Your Spouse

Until you are fully aware of all of your rights and responsibilities it is best to keep your hunt for a divorce attorney on the down low from your significant other.  If your spouse finds out that you are looking for an attorney they may stop contributing to the household, remove joint funds out of the bank and stop paying bills.  It is best to find out where you stand legally before you notify your spouse that you have found an attorney specializing in divorce and family law.

Your Family Matters

Choose an attorney that specializes in family law.  As a mother you know the sole focus throughout the divorce needs to be your children and their needs.  A family law attorney should be able to put you in contact with experts in counseling children as well as experts in your personal wellbeing.

Ask Around For Referrals

If you have friends that are recently divorced ask about any attorney recommendations.  Your lawyer’s strengths should match your needs.  Don’t solely go based off of a favorable settlement achieved by the lawyer.  None of that will mean that they will be supportive as you proceed through the divorce process.  Even with a stellar recommendation from a friend or family you need to make sure the referral meets your needs.

Consider the Fees & Charges

Most divorce attorneys charge between three to five hundred dollars an hour.  Determine what the attorney’s retainer fee is and see what you realistically can afford.  Going into debt hiring a divorce attorney is not going to help your end game.  Find an attorney that you can afford that also fits the criteria you have in place with your wants and needs in the end.

Have a Thorough Consultation

During your consultation it is crucial that your attorney gets as much information as possible from you.  Often divorce attorneys offer a free; during this consultation the attorney will want to find out about your children, your income and your assets.  With your objectives and the information you provide the attorney will talk with you about what is realistic, what you should expect going further and what you can do to better your chances to achieve your goals.  This is a good time to get a feel for how your attorney will listen to you and communicate with you in the future.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Women/Mom’s in divorce throughout Trenton and the surrounding Michigan areas. Find us at

Choosing The Right Divorce Lawyer

It is hard to know where to turn when you start going through a divorce. This is partially because few of us have had experience with the legal ins and outs.  Don’t waste time trying to find a lawyer to handle your divorce.  Follow the steps below when looking for a divorce attorney specializing in family law.

Be Realistic

Going through a divorce is an emotional journey.  This will be hard but you must be realistic when proceeding with your divorce.  The sole reason you are going through the legal process of divorce is to dissolve the assets you have built up together and to determine the best path for normalcy in your children’s lives. The job of your divorce attorney is not to sit and sympathize with you; they are there to listen but their most important role is to provide you will the best possible outcome for after your divorce.

Stay Focused

This will be harder than it sounds.  The ultimate goal is to stay focused on the end result.  Don’t get caught up in your hatred for ex.  Don’t get too sentimental over the little things when negotiating marital assets; those are just things and can be replaced.  Keep focused on your divorce, getting through the process quickly, ending up with as little financial damage and having your family unit together as much as possible.

Understand The Goal

Know what you want out of your divorce.  Are you looking for a battle where you get each and everything possible from the other person?  Do you want to get through the process with as little ill effect on yourself and your children?  Mediation, with or without the help of a divorce lawyer can often be less expensive than a full blown battle in front of a judge.  Depending on your end goal will determine what type of divorce you will have.

Interview & Research Divorce Attorney’s

Don’t necessarily hire the first attorney you meet.  It is best to meet and interview with at least three different divorce attorneys specializing in family law.  Consider each attorneys retainer fee as well as their hourly rate.  Most attorneys will not negotiate their fees.  Ask for referrals and during your consult be sure to find an attorney that is listening to you and offering you an outcome that you can agree with.

Make A Choice

Now is time to make a decision on an attorney to hire.  Take into consideration the tips above; be realistic, stay focused, know your end goal and find an attorney to represent you that remains in line with your own personal criteria.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at

Finding A Global Logistic Partner

Whether you are evaluating a new freight broker or shopping for a first it can be hard to assess what you should be looking for.  Every freight broker is different; no one freight company is like the other.  An integral part of your business is the dependability of your freight broker.  In order for success in business your freight broker’s plan of success should be in combination with one another.  Here are some questions to consider when interviewing a freight broker that is new to your business.

Are they licensed and insured?

Recently new laws have been put into place regarding the licenses and insurance that freight brokers carry.  Federal law requires that anyone arranging transportation for compensation has a federal broker license that is issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.  Without at least $75,000 bond as well as the proper authority a freight broker should not be providing arrangements for the transportation of goods.

Have they been in business long?

Avoid working with a freight broker who has been in business less than two years.  Up until this point they are in basic survival mode themselves.  They have not had time to build relationships with carriers and have yet to provide proof of consistent success.  With time freight brokers build history, experience, great communication and personal relationships with their carriers.

Are they multi-modal?

It is important that the broker you work with offer a variety of modes of transportation options to get your good from one place to another.  Using multi-modal transportation brokers can offer business, large or small, the fastest shipping at the best price.  Depending on your needs consider if you need to work with a broker that offers more than nationwide shipping, not everyone needs international shipping but if you do it will be important that your broker works with international freight carriers.

Can you get estimates and shipping rates in writing?

Cheaper is not always better.  All quotes should be in writing.  This allows you to see all the details including accessorial charges on your shipment.  Communicate with your freight broker if charges are not clear.  Don’t be blindsides with duties and taxes, these should be included on the original estimate.  Your written quote should include every charge included in your shipment.

In our next installment on choosing a freight broker we will take a deeper look into how brokers choose carriers, how they bill and all about reviewing their references.

Jefferson Diversified Group, LLC is a Global Logistics expert offering LTL shipping and more. Check out available rates today at

Spring Cleaning For Your Gunite Swimming Pool

It is finally the time of year that we can start discussing swimming pool spring cleaning.  It may seem early but it isn’t!  The sooner you start the better the outcome when you are ready to open the pool for the summer.  Spring cleaning your pool will help prevent algae from taking hold.  As soon as the temperature hits sixty degrees algae blooms and we all know it is not a friendly beast.  Test the water and add shock to avoid algae from sprouting at the very least.

Now let’s get started on where you should begin.  The first thing to do as a pool owner is to prep the area around the pool for what is to come.  Trim all of the shrubs, trees, grass and flowers that surround the pool area.  This step should never be overlooked as spring blooms can cause major issues when it comes time to open the pool.  If the bushes harbor old leaves it is time to pull them out.  Remove all of the extra debris left over from the fall and winter, paying especially good attention around the pump, filter and other pool equipment.

Once the area around the pool is clean it is time to move on to the cover of the pool.  If there is water on the cover it is best to use a pump to remove it.  Be careful to avoid taking water from beneath the cover out of the pool.  Once the water is removed off the cover the debris will be easily removed by gently sweeping the surface.  Clean the cover well and allow it to dry well; only a clean, dry cover should be stored.

Next check the pool water.  In this step it is also time to look at the pools plaster.  If the pools plaster is in need of repair now is the time to empty the pool and schedule the pool to be resurfaced.  Pool plastering should be done only by professionals as it is the one of the key structural elements to your pools integrity. If the plaster is fine it is time to get the pool water in to shape.  Get the pool equipment running, filters and skimming baskets in place and start adding water to the pool.  Fill the pool on the higher side because you will waste water as you go.  Vacuum out the pool waste and get the equipment running.  The filter is the pools best friend when it comes to spring cleaning.

Use a pool opening kit.  Follow all of the directions on the chemicals when using a pool opening kit.  Before testing the water allow the chemicals to circulate for at least a day before testing.  This ensures that you are not wasting money adding chemicals that are unnecessary.  Spring clean all pool toys while you’re at it and get ready to enjoy.  Using a pool heater you may even begin to use your pool during the spring season this year!

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Choosing The Right Fence Material For Your Home

Choosing a fence for your home is not something that should be considered lightly. It is a key element in the visual appeal of your home’s exterior design. Take into consideration the privacy and level of security you desire as well when selecting a fence for your home and landscape.  A fence that is installed properly is an element that ever homeowner wants.  Below are some styles to consider when looking into fences for your home.  Don’t only consider the look, privacy level or level of security but consider the maintenance levels and benefits to each type of material in fencing.

Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum fencing is one of the most durable, maintenance free, aesthetically pleasing materials available on the market.  It is also one of the most convenient materials to order and install as well.  Aluminum fencing comes in many several styles and colors to choose from.  It is definitely one of the most desirable options in fencing.

Wood Fencing

Wood fencing is a popular choice when considering a fence.  It offers a great deal of privacy given the different height panels available in wooden fencing.  Wood offers the benefit of being affordable and attractive.  Wooden fences offer a warm, welcoming feel to your home without necessarily breaking the bank.  If taken care of properly a wood fence can last a lifetime.

Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing is in a category of all of its own.  It is not only affordable but nearly four times more flexible and is five times studier than wooden fence.  Another benefit of vinyl fence is that it is basically maintenance free.  With its strong resistance to paint, graffiti and unwanted stains will not settle in ensuring the fence stays looking as new as the day it was installed.  All you need to clean and maintain vinyl is some soap and water; it will look as good as new.  Vinyl may be a bit more expensive to install at first upfront but given the lifespan and maintenance free nature it is a popular option over cheaper fence materials.

Chain Link Fencing

Chain link doesn’t do much for privacy or aesthetics but it does keep pets and children in the yard and outsiders out.  The major benefit of chain link fencing is the cost and that it is durable and fairly maintenance free.  With a bit of creativity and smart landscaping chain link fencing can be made into something beautiful and cut the neighbors view off a bit.

SAC Fence Michigan offers a variety of electronic entry gates, access control entry systems and fence options for homeowners to choose from.  You will find a variety of fencing options online at

Spring Landscaping Tips

Spring is here!  With that comes the prospect of a thick, beautiful, lush lawn.  Every homeowner can have a lush lawn.  If you are too busy to maintain your own lawn hiring a landscape contractor is affordable and the results are something you can enjoy all throughout the summer.


Both your lawn and garden need aeration.  This is especially true in during the spring season.  The process of aeration is one in which air is circulated through the lawn and is mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance.  Special equipment is used to aerate landscape.  The soil must be punctured with spikes to remove bits of cores of the soil from the ground, this is called core aeration. This process helps restore your lawns health.

Aeration improves the health of the grass at the root.  Winter weather dries out your lawn out which is why it is so important to create an environment where liquid is allowed to soak deep into the root system.  This process can be difficult and expensive therefore should be performed by a landscape professional if at all possible.


Thatch is the organic material that builds up over the grass bed throughout the year.  Your lawn should be dethatched at the beginning of spring.  It is necessary to remove the debris to create a solid base of healthy grass.  The dead materials compresses over the winter so a specialized tool to dethatch is used to remove the material and make room for healthy growth.  Most lawns need a small amount of thatching along with aeration to do away with disease causing agents that live within the organic material build up.


Weeding is one of the jobs no one really loves.  The first time you weed should be after the snow thaws.  When spring comes weeds have built up and are at the most abundant they will be throughout the year.  Be sure when weeding that you take time to pull the root of the weed out.  After you remove the weeds dispose of them.  Never compost the weeds or keep them on your property as that will result in further seed distribution.


Mulch is a simple method for caring for your flower beds and landscape.  Mulching is the process of distributing a small layer of wood chips to an area that has an area of soil.  Mulch is usually organic and includes healthy peat moss, bark chips, wood chips, straw mulch and organic materials.  Mulch helps to conserve moisture, improve fertility, reduce the growth of weeds and enhance the visual appeal.


The spring and fall seasons are the perfect time to fertilize your lawn.  Fertilization is important as it provides nutrition’s to the grass root system.  It is important to feed the roots with a thin layer of compost and natural fertilizers, such as manure, will nourish your grass and plants to create a healthy landscape.

CBA Outdoor Services is a local landscape design firm offering services, including landscaping and landscape design, throughout Livingston and Wayne Counties.  For more information on the services they offer to both commercial and residential clients look online at

Should You Buy A Home Or Rent One

There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when you are thinking about buying or renting a home.  Forget asking friends and family because they are biased in giving advice.  Even though renting may have been a good option for them it may not be for you.  It is crucial to consider where you are, what you want and the economy as it stands currently.  Below you will find some questions to ask yourself when coming to an end decision in the great debate between buying to renting a home.

1)      Ask yourself how long you plan on being there?

If you aren’t planning on staying in your home for more than a few years it may not be a good option to purchase a home.  Consider your job situation.  Are you planning on being promoted?  With the promotion will you be required to relocate to a new work location that will require you to move?  No one can predict a housing bubble.

There are no guarantees that the value of your home will increase significantly in just a few years of ownership.  Often times the market can see a decline.  If you plan on living in your home for more than a few years you will be able to sit these ups and downs in the market out.  However if you will faced with a move in a few years you make end up selling at a loss.  Buying a home is a gamble if you aren’t looking to stay put for more than a few years.

2)      What will be the total costs associated with owning the home?

When buying a home take into consideration all of the costs associated with the process and compare them to the costs of renting.  You will also need to consider the possibility of market increase or decline within your equation to consider if you will lose money, break even or profit on the endeavor.  Consider the taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, mortgage payment, interest costs and anything other amount of money that will go into the home.  Average this amount out amongst the number of months you plan on living in the home you will get the monthly amount it will cost you to live in your home.  Then consider the following question.

3)      What are the total costs associated with renting the home?

To compare you need to take into the cost of your rent payment, insurance, utilities and other expenses associated with renting a home or an apartment.  Once this is added up through the same process that you applied above you will have a comparison on which to base your monthly outlay.  This financial difference will give you an understanding on where you will be further ahead with renting or buying.

The difficult part will be knowing what the value of the home you are renting or buying will be at when you need to move.  Will it be astronomical to buy a home after renting for a few years? Will your home have doubled in price in a few years when you go to sell?  This element is based off of past averages so it is a rough estimate at best.

4)      Are you ready for the responsibility that comes with home ownership?

This is only something you can answer.  Owning a home is a big deal but then so is renting a home.  In both situations you need to upkeep the property, pay your bills and create a space that is your own.  To do this there will be some expense involved.  The main difference between owning and renting is this; when renting you are not building equity however someone else is paying for the major repairs while when buying you are more likely than not building equity and have the expense of repairs that come up.

Only you and you alone know whether buying or renting is the right decision.  Most often buying a home is advantageous over renting especially if you plan on staying in the home for more than a few years.

C21 Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor out of Pinckney, Michigan serving homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell and Pinckney.  More information can be found at

Choosing A Real Estate Agent To Sell Your Home

Have you decided you need to sell your home?  Are you relocating to a new area for a new job?  Are you downsizing now that your children are out of the house and off to college?  Are you retiring and looking to move to an ideal retirement location?  Whatever the reason you have chosen to move it is time to sell your much beloved home.  Most of us do not have experience selling our own homes this is why we look to hire a real estate agent to list our home.

The first and most important step in selling your home is to choose the right selling agent.  No matter the home you must find an agent that specializes in selling it.  If you have a luxury home it is best to work with a seller that is accustomed to selling luxury homes.  Selling a home on the water requires a selling agent familiar with selling homes in recreational settings.  Homes that are within a golf community require a selling agent familiar with golf courses and recreational areas throughout the area.  Selling a home within a community subdivision; it requires a realtor with knowledge of the areas different subdivisions.

Here are two important tips to consider when hiring an agent to list and sell your home.

Find An Agent Who Is Friendly

You make know many area realtors that know the area and you believe would be perfect to sell your home.  The problem lies within the problem that comes from mixing business with pleasure.  Be careful when considering a realtor you know on a personal basis.  Better than working with someone only because you know them find someone who is friendly and involved within the area.  Choose someone who is reputable and well respected in your community.

Prepare an interview and make sure that all of the realtors you are considering are asked the same questions in order to keep them all on an even playing field.  All of the listing agents should understand exactly what you expect as a seller as well.  Find an agent who is friendly, responds well with the community, is reputable and fully is committed to working with your expectations as a seller.

Find An Agent Who Is Knowledgeable

Depending on the type of home you are selling your agent should fully understand that sector within the real estate community.  For instance, if you are trying to sell your waterfront home it is pertinent that you choose a selling agent familiar with selling lakefront homes as well as the recreational package that comes with living on water.

Check with the realtor about data that supports the market value of your home including absorption rates and the time frame at which it could potentially take them to sell your home.  If the agent is unwilling or not able to give you an honest home appraisal considering the current market conditions they are most likely not the agent you are looking for.

Choosing the right agent to sell your home can turn a hectic, long term process into one that is simple and quick.

C21 Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere Realtor out of Pinckney, Michigan serving homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell and Pinckney.  More information can be found at

Selecting Reconditioned Electrical Components

There are times when we are all looking to save a little money but don’t want to sacrifice on quality.  This dilemma is what surrounds many of us in our everyday lives including at work, especially in industrial settings.  In an industrial or commercial setting you aren’t only looking to save money on the parts to ensure the machines run efficiently but you are also looking for parts that are accessible and can be brought in quickly to reduce downtime.  This is where refurbished and reconditioned electrical components come into play.  Many times companies find original parts difficult to find for out of date machinery.

Purchasing reconditioned components allow older machines to run longer without the expense of replacement. The question is how does a service manager in an industrial setting go about finding a reputable company to purchase reconditioned electrical components from?  What should they look for when purchasing refurbished components and will the purchased part be as reliable as purchasing a new electrical component?

The first detail that you should examine when looking to develop a relationship with a supplier of refurbished components is what type of warranty is offered.  Never purchase a reconditioned part without a warranty.  Reputable suppliers will offer a warranty on their products.  Warranties differ from company to company.  Establish a relationship with an electrical component distributor and work out the details of your account.  One of these may be establishing a warranty specific to your needs. You will never know what can be contracted until you ask.

Check into the cost savings with refurbished components.  Check out the price of the reconditioned component verse the cost of a new electrical product.  The price of the refurbished electrical product will be lower than a new part. What you must decide is the price difference worth the associated risks of purchasing an electrical product that has been refurbished.

If you are still unsure about purchasing reconditioned electrical products consider talking with someone from the company to discuss their reconditioning process.  Understanding the process in which each product under goes as it is reconditioned may make you feel less timid to consider purchasing refurbished components.  It is crucial that the company fixes the initial defect and that the product functions as well as a new one will.  As a consumer you need to understand that the scuffs and dents that cover the outside are not an important part of the refurbishing process.  Ignore the outside and concern yourself with what is happening inside that will save you money and run your electrical equipment.

Saving money is one of the top priorities of any company.  Being smart about it is crucial to avoid losses from an unnecessary downtime.  One way this can be accomplished is by purchasing quality refurbished electrical products from a reputable reconditioning company.  Most electrical companies sell both new and refurbished electrical products to ensure that downtime is minimal for their customers.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.