Livingston Reporting - page 264

Reducing Electronic Waste

The environment is something that is important to each and every one of us.  In commercial settings, electronic waste is abundant.  Reducing this waste is something that has become an important priority in these settings.  Professional companies handle e-waste disposal and will come in and recycle or refurbish your used electrical components and equipment.

There are several simple ways to reduce the electronic waste that is put out by our companies and create a positive impact on the environment we live in.

Maintain and Preserve Instead of Change

Newer isn’t always better.  Many times we change equipment when it is unnecessary just because a new model has been introduced not when it is actually beneficial to the needs of the company.  Yes, technology is progressing and we like to keep it up to date so that we don’t fall behind within our industries; another way to do just that is with software upgrades.  When components fail you can replace them in order to maintain older equipment.

A simple example of this can be found by looking at home appliances.  When the refrigerator stops chilling food we don’t automatically look to purchase a new one.  Most of us hire an appliance repair company to evaluate the issue and quote us the cost to replace and repair the issue.  This happens to be less expensive nine times out of ten and reduces the environmental footprint we leave behind.

Choose to Recycle

Electronic waste is more toxic than other types and harder to break down.  When you throw away electrical components, lap tops, mobile phones, computers or computer parts you are negatively affecting the environment. Think about the amount of electronic waste that you alone create and multiple that over and over again.  Proper e-waste disposal needs to become a priority.  Many companies will properly dispose of and recycle electronic waste.  Most offer services where they will pick up the old hardware so that you don’t even have to be bothered at all.

Purchase Refurbished, Reconditioned or Repurposed Equipment

When a product is refurbished it means it has been taken back by the manufacturer and the defect has been repaired and rigorously tested.  Then they are sold at a discounted price because they are no longer in their original, factory package.  This doesn’t make them lower quality products.

Similarly, reconditioned products are components that have been used and repaired back to “new” to be sold again.  Reconditioned electrical components are popular within manufacturing and industry settings for their cost savings and ability to perform the same way a new product does at a steep discount.  Reconditioned components are taken apart, repaired, put back together and tested to ensure their reliability.

Repurposed equipment is taking something that once used for one project and using it for something new.  For instance, if a desk top has been used in the front office but is no longer keeping up with the demands of that department it is repurposed in an area that requires less out of it, perhaps as a machine that’s sole purpose is to create labels.  Repurposing instead of replacing is a great way to save money as well.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Financial Matters and Your Divorce

As a man it is important to protect yourself in divorce, especially in financial matters.  Below are a variety of items to have in order for discussions with your divorce attorney regarding your financial status.


Gather your financial documents.  You should take time to pull of your financial documentation together and move it to a safe location.  Make copies for your attorney to review as well.  Understand that your wife will be trying to gather the same documentation and will be going through every document she can to help gather information on your finances as well.

Bank Accounts

Collect the information together regarding bank accounts that are not only in your name but in your spouse’s name and children as well.  Don’t do anything rash with the money in your accounts before you speak with your divorce attorney.  If you have several joint accounts it is important that you discuss dividing the accounts between the two of you before your divorce is finalized.  No matter what you do don’t deplete the finances that support your family.  This will not look favorable when a judge is reviewing your case.

Credit Cards

Any joint credit cards should be closed to ensure that your spouse doesn’t go on a spending spree that leaves you responsible for half.  Close joint credit cards and notify the credit card companies that you are no longer responsible for credit cards held in your spouse’s name.

If you need credit cards it is crucial that you open new accounts with only your name on them.  These new accounts should not be linked to your old accounts or spouse in any way.


If you are the spouse with insurance it is not appropriate to drop your spouse or your children until you have met with your divorce attorney and a judgment has been put into place by a judge.  You are the responsible party for all medical bills until your divorce is finalized and even after sometimes you may decide to keep your children and ex covered.  If you are still going to be held liable for medical expenses in your child support and alimony agreements you may decide to continue coverage.


Take inventory of the valuables within your household.  If something within the house is of great sentimental value and you are moving out before the divorce is finalized speak with your divorce attorney about removing it.  You will want to ensure that anything of value or sentimental value is documented in the eyes of the court before selling, splitting or removing them from the house.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at

Women To Women Advice On Your Divorce

Wouldn’t life be wonderful if we could give ourselves advice on experiences before we experienced them?  Divorce is a hindsight 20/20 situation.  Divorce is one of those situations where we need advice before we go through it but often don’t know where to turn.  Other women who have gone though divorce come in to play to help us.  Below are the top ten pieces of advice women give each other when moving through the divorce process.

It can take some time to recover

Just because the divorce process has started or finalized does not mean that there is an automatic switch that will allow you to recover.  Recovering from a divorce is difficult.  You won’t necessarily be able to bounce back and go about your life as it was.  Take time to recover.  You need time to process and heal.  You may feel like you can barely function and that too is okay.  Be ready however because there will come a time when you will be ready to move on and to let yourself heal.

Choose an attorney specializing in divorce

When looking for council don’t settle on an attorney; it is important that you find an attorney that specializes in family law and divorce.  A lawyer that specializes in something other than divorce and family law will not get you the results you want out of your divorce.  A divorce attorney understands all the ins and outs of local law and state nuances.

Analyze your finances

Get as much information as you can about the family finances.  You not only have to have a handle on your own finances but also a grip on all of the accounts within the household.  You should know what payments are coming out automatically, where funds are invested, what bills need to be paid and more.  If possible gather online usernames and passwords so that you are able to look up information as needed.

Consider the future of your living expenses

If you are going to be living on your own it is important that consider the money that you have coming in to decide what you can afford to have outgoing every month.  If you don’t know exactly what you will need you won’t know what to ask for and then may end up sacrificing your own financial needs.

Stop thinking of divorce as failure

Don’t beat yourself up.  Divorce is not about failing or being rejected all it means is that your relationship did not work out.  The sooner you understand that you are not at fault the sooner you will be able to get on with moving on with your life.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Women/Mom’s in divorce throughout Trenton and the surrounding Michigan areas. Find us at

Choose Plaster For Your In-Ground Pool Surface

When installing an in-ground pool you have a variety of different surfaces to consider including fiberglass, vinyl, plaster and pebble tec.  The most common type of surface material used when installing an in-ground pool is plaster.  Plaster is available in a variety of colors and textures; additives such as quartz can be added for extra durability. The chemical additions to the plaster help to hide stains and imperfections to the surface of the pool.  Below you will find tips to help ensure your freshly plastered pool surface is perfect.

Plaster During the Spring and Fall

Plastering a pool is best done in the spring and fall months because of the cooler temperatures.  Having plaster laid in the hot months can cause the plaster to dry out prematurely before the water is added to the pool.  It is less worrisome to plaster in the cooler months as a calcium additive can be added to the plaster to naturally speed up the curing of the plaster.

The prime time to have your pool plastered is when the temperature is consistently between fifty and seventy-five degrees with decent humidity.  Contact your local pool plasterer to schedule an appointment to have your pool plastered when the weather is perfect for your area. You can schedule an appointment for the fall even now.  If you know that after this season the pool will need to be re-plastered schedule a time to have it done during the cooler fall months.

Fill the Pool with Water Without Stopping

Having your in-ground pool filled with water all at once is the best situation for a freshly plastered pool.  The best way to accomplish this is to bring water from a hydrant or brought water in via a truck.  The new plaster cures better underwater and is best to be filled quickly.  Do not stop filling the pool with water at any point a dirt line or demarcation line will occur and is not the perfect addition to a newly plastered pool

Keep the Pool Clean

It is so important that your pool stay clean especially during the first few weeks after having it freshly plastered.  Dirt and leaves can stain new plaster so it is important that they are not allowed to find a home in your pool.  Instead of using a manual or automatic pool cleaner get out the pool brush.  Use the pool brush a few times a day, if possible, to keep the sides clean while also using a skimming net to filter out floating debris.

Balance the Chemicals in the Pool Water

Fresh plaster requires balanced pool chemicals.  The plaster will naturally have a high pH condition so it will be important add a pH reducer as necessary.  During the first year keep an eye on and adjust the total alkalinity regularly.  The calcium hardness needs to be maintained as well as if any of these things is off balance your plaster can etch or pit.  Not exactly the look you want for a newly plastered swimming pool.

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Tips for Choosing the Right Material For Your Fence and Gate

Home owners have many choices when it comes to choose a material for the fence and gates for their yards and driveways.  The material you choose will be determined upon what your needs are.  Is the goal of installing a new fence or driveway gate to keep your kids and pets contained?  Are you looking for more privacy?  Is the reason you are installing a new fence simply to boost your property value and give the yard a nice look?  You also need to take into account the cost of the fence, the maintenance level, neighborhood restrictions and of course finding a contractor to install it.

Choose the Best Fence For Your Yard

When it comes to choosing a fence for your yard it is important to prioritize your needs over your wants or desires.  You may think you want a privacy fence but a picket fence may be better.  When you go to sell your home a privacy fence may look like you are trying to hide something when in reality all you need is a fence that looks nice and helps to contain critters and kids.

Consider Fence Maintenance

Certain fencing materials are more high maintenance than others.  Aluminum is practically maintenance free where as wood needs to be maintained with painting and staining yearly.  Another material that is fairly free from maintenance is vinyl.  White vinyl fencing shows stains and visible wear unlike aluminum.

The one drawback of aluminum or vinyl fencing is if it is to get damaged it may be difficult to find a replacement several years later.  Whereas wood fence is fairly common place and can be easily replicated to replace worn or damaged pieces.

Check With Your Local Home Owners Association

Living in a subdivision requires that you follow the rules of your home owners association.  HOA rules may govern the material, height and style of fencing you can choose.  If you install the incorrect material you risk legal fines and the expense of having to purchase another fence later on down the road.

Choose A Contractor To Install Your Fence and Driveway Gate

The final step in the process is to order and install your new fence and gate.  Make sure you hire a fence contractor that secures all of the building permits needed to install your fence.  The contractor you hire is responsible for planning for the installation including checking property lines.  It is crucial that the fence is installed within your property boundaries.  If the fence is located on even a corner of your neighbor’s lawn they are legally able to remove it.  This can be expensive as well as cause unnecessary turmoil with your neighbors.

SAC Fence Michigan offers a variety of electronic entry gates, access control entry systems and fence options for homeowners to choose from.  You will find a variety of fencing options online at

Get Your Home Sold With These Tips

Hire an Agent

This is the most crucial step in getting your home sold; hire an agent who is experienced in selling homes in your location.  Spend time researching agents that are licensed, experienced and motivated to sell your home.  This may take some time but it is time well spent.  Check around and talk with people who have recently sold their homes.  Check out the references of agents you are looking to work with. You will want to make sure that your initial feeling about the agent transfers to their ability to sell your home.

Research Similar Homes for Sale

Take time to look at homes that are similar to yours that have recently sold or are up for sale.  Look at the amenities that the home offers as well as the asking price.  The quickest and easiest way you can do this is by checking out homes online and in local publications.  This will help you come to an agreed upon asking price for your home.

Look at Your Home from the Buyers Perspective

Put yourself in potential buyer’s shoes.  Come up with a list of all of the positive features of your home and enhance them to their fullest.  You want the most affirming reaction possible for buyers when they enter your home.

Update Your Home’s Exterior

Curb appeal is something all agents stress to their clients.  It is a key element in getting your home sold quickly.  You want the first impression of your home to be one that evokes a feeling that puts the buyer in motion to be thinking about them living there.  Your landscape should be well manicured, maintained and thriving.  Treat the exterior of your home as an extension of the interior.

Remove Clutter

Your home may look lived in when you see it but to potential buyers it can look cluttered.  You want your home to be at its fullest potential.  Remove extra clutter and place it in storage.  Your home should be free of anything that is not needed to live comfortably.  Too much furniture makes a room look small so try to clear out larger pieces that take up an abundance of space.

Get the Little Jobs Done

Spend time taking care of the little things you have been putting off.  Cracked tiles are a simple fix and without it can deter some potential buyers.  The small things that need to be done around the house can really add up in a buyers mind.  Take those worries away, spend a day and with less than a hundred dollars get the little jobs done.

Repaint in Neutral Colors

Make your home desirable for the masses and this means painting all of the rooms the same neutral color.  Fresh, neutral colors allow buyers to visualize themselves in the space.  It also allows them to see their belongings filling the room.

Keep Your Home Clean

Your home needs to be clean thoroughly.  Never let a viewing occur without first tidying your home and taking the time to really de-clutter the space.  It is better to postpone a viewing opportunity a half hour over showing a home that is not clean.

Bake and Brew

During open houses start a pot of coffee and throw in a frozen pie.  The scents filling the home will make the home feeling cozy and warm.  Helping to increase the appeal of your home with smells of familiarity and warmth will only help to sell your home.

Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor; out of Pinckney, Michigan helping buyers buy and sellers sell homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell, Pinckney and the surrounding area.  More information can be found at

Spring Cleaning Is Not Just For The Interior Of Your Home

Spring cleaning is something that invigorates many of us. This is true of not only our homes but our landscape as well. After long cold winter days we are anxious to get outside and clean up the landscape that quickly grew out of control. For some of us cleaning out landscaping is the last job that we wish to take on with everything else around our home that we have to do with spring cleaning. Landscape contractors are professionals in spring clean ups. Hiring a landscaping company will help to ensure your lawn and gardens are beautiful and can be enjoyed throughout the summer; all without a bead of sweat from you.

Prune: Spring cleaning your landscape means clearing away all the dead perennials, decay and debris that was left from the fall and winter seasons. Perennials need a good hair cut. When pruning perennials it is crucial to make sure you are only cutting them back as much as they are needed. Some require a bit of growth to be left behind to thrive.

Shrubs and trees will thrive with a little light pruning. Dead and diseased branches need to be removed for new growth to take hold.

Once the process of pruning is done it is time to clean out the bottom of the beds. A thorough raking is important as well. The debris needs to be put into a pile and composted or thrown away. The debris, if not disposed of properly can spread disease.

Edge: In order to give your landscape a well manicured, polished finish you need to edge. Edging your landscape beds clearly defines the space where your lawn meets your landscape. Doing this process yearly will keep your lawn from growing into the mulch and will add definition.

Fertilize: Proper nutrition keeps everything fueled and growing stronger this is true of your lawn and plant life. Fresh compost is best to use around plants and trees while a combination of light fertilizer and seed works to create a lush lawn. The fertilizer will help keep your plants thriving through hot, dry summer days. Fertilizer needs to be applied be before mulch to ensure that all the proper benefits are received.

Apply Pre-Emergent: Weed control is a life saver. It doesn’t eliminate your weed problems but it makes a difference overall. The pre-emergent acts as barrier to any weed seeds that are within your beds and will not allow them to germinate.

Mulch: Fresh mulch is an inexpensive addition to update your landscape. Add about an inch or two of mulch each year to keep the landscape looking pristine and well maintained. Mulch also has other benefits as well. It regulates the ground temperature and helps with retaining moisture in the root systems of your plants, shrubs and trees.

Plant/Transplant: Spring is the time to plant new landscaping and to separate plants that have grown too big for the area they are in. Splitting plants keeps your landscape in perspective and does not allow it to become overgrown and cluttered.

CBA Outdoor Services is a local landscape design firm offering services, including landscaping and landscape design, throughout Livingston and Wayne Counties. For more information on the services they offer to both commercial and residential clients look online at

Securing a Mortgage for Your Dream Home

There are no accidents when it comes to finding your dream home and securing a great mortgage.  The home buying process is a journey, one that can be made smoother when you take the right approach.  The tips below can ensure success in finding a mortgage and buying a home.

Budget Wisely:  As you are looking for a home and mortgage you need to take into consideration what you can afford.  This means making a budget that is realistic and allows you to not only pay your mortgage but outside expenses as well.  Create a budget using an online mortgage calculator helping to determine a ballpark monthly mortgage payment.

From there consider other monthly debts, estimate your living expenses with the new home and add your total expenses all together.  From here you can take your monthly income and subtract your monthly debts to see where you stand.  To avoid a financial crunch most advisors will tell you to avoid a mortgage payment over forty three percent of your monthly income.  You must be comfortable with the amount of money coming in as well as coming out when considering buying a home.

Find a Broker/Lender to Work With:  When finding a home loan there are two types of ways to go about it: dealing with a lender directly or through a mortgage broker who will deal with several lenders to find you the best mortgage.  Unless you are ultra familiar with how mortgages work and the ins and outs of paperwork it works better to work with a mortgage broker.  The process of finding a home loan on top of a new home can be a bit daunting especially if you have to go from lender to lender.

Check Your Credit:  Now is the time to check your credit.  Look for blemishes and correct them.  You can obtain one credit report per year for free.  It is crucial that you start fixing your credit ratings as soon as possible once you realize that you are getting serious about purchasing a home.  If something doesn’t look correct the time to fix that is before you look for a mortgage.

Get Your Paperwork Together:  Your financial situation will be under a microscope so you will need to back up your numbers, especially your incoming funds.  You will need to verify your income time and time again throughout securing a home loan.

Get Pre-Approved:  In order to get sellers to commit to offers it is important to get pre-approved.  A pre-approval basically states that you have the qualifications to obtain a loan if everything stays the same.  This also gives you an idea of how much you can afford and a price point to look within.

Once the finances are in order it is time to get a move on finding your dream loan.  The process of finding a home is made easier with the help of a qualified, local real estate agent just as a home loan is simplified using a mortgage broker.

Cross Country Mortgage in Brighton, Michigan provide mortgage services for clients including new home loans, refinancing, reversed mortgages, new purchase home mortgages and home equity loans to the entire Livingston County area including Brighton, Howell and Livingston County. Cross Country Mortgage Brighton, MI at

Understanding LTL Carrier Rates

Seven things to understand about Less Than Truckload carrier rates:

Base Rates:  One of the challenges with purchasing less than truckload freight services is comparing the similarities and differences in costs between different carriers.  Every carrier determines their own base rates which will differ a great deal between carriers and shipping lanes.  A base rate is quoted per one hundred pounds often referred to as centum weight, CWT.  When determining the CWT it is important to understand what it is based on.  CWT takes into consideration the freight classification, the weight of the shipment, the distance travelled, as well as the origination and destination zip codes.

Classification of Freight:  The National Motor Freight Classification, NMFC publishes the different classifications or classes comparing commodities that are moving in interstate, intrastate and foreign commerce.  According to the NMFC there are eighteen different classes that range from fifty to five hundred and are based on the products density, ability to be stowed, handling and liability.  If the freight is a lower class it represents a low risk, dense shipment.  Higher class freight indicates freight that takes up a lot of space and is charged a higher rate.

Freight all Kinds: FAK is an agreement that enables multiple items with different classes to be shipped and billed at the same rate.  This agreement is made specifically between the carrier and customer.   This allows negotiations with the carrier to ship multiple commodities that range in class to ship at a specific rate.  Commodities range in class from one hundred to two hundred that are being shipped are charged at one hundred fifty because of the FAK agreement between the carrier and customer.

Distance: CWT calculations for less than truckload freight also take into consideration the distance the freight needs to travel.  This is a bit trickier as of course the longer the distance the more it will cost to ship.  Some LTL carriers will only service specific regions and if a shipment is sent outside the normal service area the trucking company will transfer the load to another LTL carrier.  This can add to the cost of the shipment.

Weight: With less than truckload shipping you actually pay less per pound the more a shipment weighs.  So a shipment that weighs two hundred and fifty pounds may actually end up costing $1.49 a pound where as a shipment weighing one hundred pounds may cost $2.00 a pound.

Minimums:  With less than truckload carriers there is an absolute minimum charge otherwise known as an AMC.  This is considered the minimum amount that will be charged or the shipment will not go.

Accessorial Charges: The accessorial charges are the fees that are charged for services that go beyond shipping the freight from one point to another.  Examples of these charges are inside pick-up, lift gate services, residential delivery, packing and many other extra services.

Jefferson Diversified Group, LLC is a Global Logistics expert offering LTL shipping and more. Check out available rates today at

Tips to Help Choose the Best Roofing Contractor For Your Roof

It is common knowledge that you lose heat through your head.  That is why we wear hats when it is cold out. Did you know the same thing is true when it comes to your home?  The roof of your home is its primary defense against the elements.  In order to protect the interior of your home, to keep the heat and cold in, your roofs “hat” needs to be kept in prime shape.  In order to achieve this it is important that you select the right roofing contractor to replace or repair your shingle roof.


Skill comes from experience, this is not a secret.  To become a better ball player you need to play ball, you need to practice.  The same is true when it comes to installing and repairing roofs.  When you are looking for a roofing contractor you must look into their experience.  When a roofer has worked for many years they will have seen and dealt with a variety of issues.  This will allow them to more effectively deal with the problem areas within your roof.  Find a skilled roofer that offers a proven track record when it comes to the installation and repair of your roof.

Licensed and Insured

This is true of any contractor working on your home, they need to be insured and be able to show proof of insurance.  Check within your state regarding specific licensing regulations to make sure that your preferred contractor meets these regulations.  You can also consult with the local Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for information on the roofer’s background.  To avoid issues down the road ask for a copy of these requirements to keep along with any written estimates.

Detailed Estimates

Roofing contractors with experience, ones that are licensed and insured will always provide honest, detailed quotes and estimate to their clients.  All proposals should come in writing and should be signed by a representative of the roofing company that is estimating your job.  The estimate should come with defined beginning and ending dates along with specifics on materials, labor costs and precise payment procedures.

Project Quality and Supervision

When talking with roofing contractors you can get a feel about their professionalism based on how the talk to you and treat their work as well as their employees.  Quality projects come from people that value their work.  Pay attention to the way the contractor addresses your concerns, look for both verbal and nonverbal clues to check for trustworthiness.

Choosing an experienced, trusted roofing contractor that comes highly recommended and loves what they do will ensure you unyielding results and the customer service you desire.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.