Livingston Reporting - page 263

Ensure A Successful Pool Opening With These Tips

It is that time of year again where we begin to think about and plan for backyard adventures including opening backyard swimming pools.  If you are not familiar with opening a pool you may think it is as simple as pulling the cover off, adding water and jumping in but that is not the case.  Properly opening your swimming pool is important to the lifespan of your pool.  Below are tips and pieces of advice to ensure a successful opening of your pool.

One thing to remember when closing the pool to make opening it easier is not to empty the swimming pool completely.  This is true even in the coldest of climates unless of course you need to do structural repairs or plaster work.  Your swimming pools plaster and care is of utmost important when considering the integrity of your pool.  Other than those reasons it is best to leave water in your gunite swimming pool covered by a secure pool cover.

The nest step in the process of opening your pool for the summer is to thoroughly clean the pool.  Put together the pools filtration devices, clean out all baskets that may or may not have been prepared properly when closing and remove any plugs that were put in place at closing last year.

You will need to add water to the pool.  Before you turn on the filter to makes sure it is clean.  Different filters need to be cleaned differently so be sure to read the instructions that come along with your system.  Sand filters are cleaned differently than D.E. filtration systems.

Take a water sample to your local pool professionals for testing.  Do a complete work up of the mineral content, the alkalinity, ph and chlorine levels.  This test will help to tell you what needs to be added to adjust that water to make it perfect for the upcoming season swimming season.   Balance the chemicals to the ideal levels meant for your pool.

Your swimming pool water will not be ready to swim in until it is completely clear.  This process can take upwards of a week.  Chlorine may need to be added to keep the levels correct.  Make sure you clean the filters daily, if not twice daily to help the water get clear quicker.  If you live in an air of increased pollen, dander, cotton weed or other flying tree gunk leave a cover on the pool when it is not in use.  This will save you a great deal of skimming and vacuuming.

At this point your pool is ready to enjoy.  Keep up on the normal housekeeping and maintain the pools water to ensure a season of pool water ready to swim in everyday.

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Remember These Tips When Hiring A Roofing Contractor

Hiring anyone to work on or within your home can not only be confusing but challenging as well.  In order to find a contractor to install or repair your new roof, review the list of helpful tips below.

An insured roofing contractor is a must:  Before you sign on the dotted line or hire anyone to install your new roof or repair your old roof it is crucial to see paperwork to validate their workers’ compensation and liability insurance.  The liability of injury and damage should be on the roofing contractor and his company not on you as a homeowner.  Any roofing contractor unwilling to show proof of either document should not be considered.

Choose a local company with a proven reputation:  Hiring a local roofing company with an established reputation in the community is good for your local economy.  Hiring locally also allows you to hold the company responsible for the work they have done on your roof is something does come up and warranty work is needed.  Companies that don’t have a local state are often not as concerned with their reputation and therefore not as eager to complete repairs or warranty work that is their responsibility under your contract.

Don’t look only at the cost:   Don’t choose a roofing contractor based on price alone.  Roofing contractors that offer cheap bids often do so to run down the market.  In order to keep up with overhead costs and proper insurance low roofing bids are often unheard of.   Not only are you paying for the labor of having the new roof installed but the materials to be used on your roof as well.  Make sure that your roofing contractor is using quality materials with reputable warranties and that this is written directly into the contract itself.

Remember it is your time and money:  You should be in control of the work on your home.  Don’t pay the entire amount due ahead of time on any job done on your home including a new roof.  Reputable roofing contractors may ask for a deposit upfront to purchase materials and reserve a time for your roof to be installed; never will the full amount be asked for upfront to ensure complete client satisfaction before full payment is made.  The terms of your payment need to be discussed, agreed upon and written in a formal contract before work is begun on your home.

Communication is key to success:  When you were pursuing them for a quote were they prompt?  Did they return calls?  Was documentation sent when it was asked for?  Did the company follow through?  Don’t hire a roofing contractor that does not communicate with you.  Communication is a key element to working with a contractor on any job around your home especially your homes roof.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Preparations In Applying For Mortgage

When it comes to buying a home and applying for a mortgage a lot of preparation is required.  It is simple not something that is done on a whim.  Mortgage rates are ever fluctuating and as of recent months we have seen some of the lowest rates in a long time; this leads new home owners to pursue their option in refinancing and sparks the interest of first time home buyers.  If you are new to the mortgage industry it is important that you have a basic understanding of what you are embarking on.  The process of securing a mortgage does not happen overnight and requires hands on approach from both the home buyer and the lender.

The first step involved in refinancing or securing a mortgage for a new home purchase is to determine your current credit score.   In order to get the best rate available on a mortgage you need a stellar credit rating.  You want to personally review your credit report and look for areas of inaccuracy.  Make sure your score is where you want it to be before you seek lending.

If upon reviewing your credit report you see inaccuracies it is important that you report them and get them updated.  Disputes need to be addressed with all three credit rating bureaus.  This process may take some time but is a crucial step to assure your credit report accurately reflects your financial situation.  Now is the time to evaluate your debt to income ratio as well.

Your mortgage payment will be one of the main sources of debt that you will acquire in your lifetime.  It is important to research the different home loans, rates and lenders available.  Depending on your situation you may be able to qualify for special financing.  Examples of special financing options available are for veterans, first time home buyers and self employed individuals to name a few.  Before you sign anything or commit to anyone research your entire lending options as well.  You may choose to work with an individual lender or a mortgage broker.  These options are up to you and are a matter of personal preference.

Being pre-approved and knowing what you comfortably can afford are two very different things.  Be realistic in your desire for the American dream.  You may be pre approved for a loan of up to two hundred thousand dollars however might not be comfortable with the monthly payment that comes along with it.  If you not only want to own a home but want to travel and have a life outside of your home take those financial commitments into account when budgeting for a mortgage.

There are several options in regards to the terms of financing available for new home loans and refinancing.  Research your options and determine if you are going to look into a fifteen or thirty year mortgage.  Are you looking for a fixed rate or an adjustable rate?  If you are looking for security and a guaranteed payment a fixed mortgage is your best option where if you believe rates could fluctuate and you want flexibility you may consider an adjustable rate mortgage.

Homeownership is a big step.  Financing it is an even bigger step that is often overlooked.  Be sure you take time to understand the steps involved and ask questions to clarify any and all matters before ever signing on the dotted line.  When working with a reputable lender or mortgage broker this shouldn’t ever be an issue.

Cross Country Mortgage in Brighton, Michigan provide mortgage services for clients including new home loans, refinancing, reversed mortgages, new purchase home mortgages and home equity loans to the entire Livingston County area including Brighton, Howell and Livingston County. Cross Country Mortgage Brighton, MI at

The Growing Popularity Of Reconditioned Electrical Components

To many people the idea of purchasing something that is used is not something that they would normally consider.  Most people just prefer to purchase new.  The luxury of buying new isn’t always available in business.   This is especially true when discussing electrical equipment and parts.  There are many reasons that you may have to resign yourself to purchase products that are up-cycled.

One main reason that a reconditioned product may be preferable over new surplus, especially when it come to electrical supplies is price.  Reconditioned products, as will other up-cycled goods, can cost from anywhere between fifty to seventy five percent less than a new one.  In industrial applications where you are continually replacing, repairing and maintaining equipment the savings with reconditioned products can really add up.

Another reason that reconditioned surplus is so popular in industrial applications is because of the products availability.  New surplus, especially on older pieces of equipment can be difficult to locate.  If you need to replace a component time because a sensitive component to the equation a two week turn around for a new part is just not feasible.  Reconditioned parts are often in stock for even obsolete electrical equipment making downtime equivalent to shipping and installation times.

It is also important to note the varying definitions of the term reconditioned, recycled, refurbished and up-cycled.  When speaking about electrical parts and machinery, especially in manufacturing the terms reconditioned and refurbished mean that a part has been used.  Electrical surplus companies purchase these used products and recondition them to sell as “new”.   The part is brought in completely disassembled, cleaned, inspected, replaced if needed, painted, out back together and tested.  Only if the product passes the highest quality standards in testing will the product be offered for sale.  Reputable electrical companies will offer a one year warranty with sales on reconditioned electrical components. This is the same warranty that is offered on new electrical parts as well.

In other industries these words have other meanings.  Sometimes manufacturers will call a product that is overstocked and no longer being produced by the manufacturer used or reconditioned.  Sometimes a part that’s package has been damaged in shipping will be discounted or offered as refurbished even though the product itself has not been damaged and is perfect working order.  A product that has been used as a display model or comes with a cosmetic defect a product can also be marketed as reconditioned or refurbished.  This means to you as a consumer that a product of like new quality being sold as a discounted price.

Saving money where you can is important in today’s tight economy.  This not only relates to residential consumers but industrial consumers as well.  This is why, although many people prefer to buy new products and supplies many are leading to reconditioned or refurbished supplies to keep their homes and businesses running.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Stress Free Checklist When Buying A Home

  • Determine what you can afford:  When you are looking for a home to buy one of the best rules of thumb is to consider a home that is only two to three times your annual household income.  This allows you to stay within a comfortable range with your house payment, insurance and household bills.  If your lifestyle is one in which you like to travel or spend a bit more money on other toys consider this as well.  Don’t strap yourself into a house payment that does not allow you to continue enjoying the activities you desire.
  • Find a mortgage broker or lender to work with and get pre-approved: In order to really start looking for the home of your dreams you must find a mortgage broker or lender to work with.  They will help guide you through the entire process from cleaning up your credit, preapproval, mortgage terms and the final mortgage application process.
  • Figure out what mortgage is right for you: How long is it practical for you to pay on a home loan.  There are different mortgage terms for different needs.  Some people choose a less expensive home because to them having a home paid off in fifteen years is ideal.  Others prefer a smaller payment so they spread theirs out thirty years.  Also consider a fixed or variable rate depending on how confident you are with mortgage interest rates.
  • Consider a financial dry run:  Before you actually decide to purchase a home do financial dry runs.  Take what is equivalent to the amount of your new payment, insurance and utilities and sock it away in a savings account.  Be sure you can do this for at least six months without dipping into it to ensure you can swing the extra payments. 
  • Decide must haves verse what would be nice to have:  You may not be able to find everything your dreams desire in one house.  Make a list of the items you can’t live without, the deal breakers verse this feature it would be nice to have. 
  • Find a real estate agent and start house hunting: Finding a reputable, local real estate agent that specializes in the type of home you are looking for will help in your search to find the perfect home.  If you are looking for recreational living find a real estate agent that specializes in waterfront property, homes on golf courses or homes for sale near recreational adventures. 
  • Put in an offer, review your contract, and sign the papers: The final step in stress free home buying is to put in an offer, have it accepted, review the contract, sign the papers and move in.  With the right real estate agent and mortgage broker or lender working with you the process of buying a new home should be as simple as the steps listed above. 

Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor; out of Pinckney, Michigan helping buyers buy and sellers sell homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell, Pinckney and the surrounding area.  More information can be found at


A Deeper Look Into How Computer Viruses Affect Us

Through the course of working with technology and using the internet most of us have had an encounter with a computer virus.  Most systems use anti-virus software, a program that can help to eliminate common computer viruses from invading your computer system as well as prevent common symptoms that occur when a virus is attacking your computer.   Often times when a computer is infected it is because a new virus has been created to override the anti-virus prevention allowing the virus to infiltrate your computer system and network.

Computer viruses can attack your system in several different ways.  One way to get a virus is to download it from an email.  A virus can disguise itself in a funny image attachment, a greeting card or an audio video file.  Don’t open any type of email that looks suspicious even if the email is from somewhere or someone you are familiar with.  If you are unsure just don’t open it as it may just be a computer virus sent from an infected network that their computer is connected to.  This is true of instant messaging programs as well.  When opening outside materials use caution.

Another way a virus can attack your computer is through downloads off of the internet.  Coupon bars, illicit software or files and programs that you have downloaded can all potentially contain a virus.  When downloading anything off of the internet know the source from which the download is coming from.  If you need to download software or a program to run something on the system go directly to the site to start the download.  Many pop ups with downloads for the software will pop up all over your computer.  It will be impossible for you to tell whether one is infected or not before it is too late and your system has become infected.  The best way to avoid this is to go straight to the site to access the download.

Removable media may also become infected if the media is used on a computer that is infected.  Use precautions when using the same media disk between public computers and your private system.

In order to minimize the risk of infecting your computer it is important that you take precautions when opening emails, downloading software and using removable media.  It is also crucial that you update the anti-virus protection on your computer system regularly to keep newer viruses from being able to creep in and infect your system.  If at any time you find your computer is acting differently turn the machine off and take it in to a local computer repair shop for a virus removal and tune up.  Turning the machine off immediately helps to prevent the virus from spreading throughout your machine.

Computers Plus Service, in Brighton Michigan, provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services to the entire Livingston County area including Howell, Brighton and the surrounding areas.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at


Advantages of Aluminum Over Other Fencing Materials

There are a variety of benefits for installing a fence with a gate around your yard or pool.  The advantageous of choosing aluminum are endless as well.  This article will show you how aluminum fencing can not only protect your family but add value to your home.

The Usefulness of Aluminum Fencing

  • Using a fence helps to prevent the drowning of children and pets in backyard and community pools.  The addition of a pool gate allows access to be gained only when unlocked.  Locks can be put at a height that is out of the reach of children therefore not allowing them in the area without an adult to unlock the gate.
  • Fences also allow backyards to be enclosed keeping pets and children contained within a safe space.  Not only does a fence prevent them from escaping into busy roadways it prevents unwanted guests within your space as well.
  • Another benefit that comes from fencing is that it keeps unwanted people from entering the property.  This is a large deterrent for thieves as is the addition of a driveway gate.
  • Gates and fences enhance the appearance of your home, landscape and pool area.  This adds aesthetic value as well.
  • One last way fencing is useful is by adding to the value of your home.  A fence adds equity to your space whether it is a home or business.

The Main Advantageous of Using Aluminum in Fencing

  • Aluminum fences are powder coated and come with a lifetime warranty against cracks, peeling paint and chips as well as manufacture defects from craftsmanship.
  • There are a number of options in style choices, grades, colors and optional features when it comes to aluminum gates and fences. 
  • Over the long term when you take into consideration the expense involved in maintain other types of fence materials the extra aluminum costs to begin with is greatly outweighed.  Initial expense aside aluminum is cheaper overall in the fence arena.   
  • Maintenance on aluminum is almost nonexistent.  With its power coating it is rust resistant.  The fasteners and gate hardware are created from stainless steel and nylon therefore creating a rust free fencing material.
  • There is ease in installation when it comes to installing an aluminum fence.  The material is lightweight and easy to maneuver.  The panels are also preassembled making the process to put the fence all together simpler.
  • Aluminum is the chosen material when it comes to pool fencing as it meets B.O.C.A. safety standards in both residential and commercial applications.

The list goes on and on when it comes to the wide range of benefits that come with aluminum fencing.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Catch The Attention Of Your Target Market Using Shrink Sleeves

One of the most crucial points in introducing a new product or brand is catching the attention of the consumer that you are targeting.  Without customers purchasing your products they will eventually fail.  Bringing attention to your product is of utmost importance.  One way this can be accomplished is through product labeling.  Manufacturers must develop a scheme that allows them to achieve their ultimate goal; selling products to their targeted market.

It is important to understand that consumers are offers a great deal of choices when looking for most any product on the market.  Competition is heightened throughout every market especially with the popularity of online companies.  It is crucial that every tool is utilized to ensure success.  This is true with every detail of the product.  This is why many industries are turning to shrink sleeve labeling.

Using shrink sleeves allows many benefits to both manufacturers and consumers.  They help to simplify marketing tasks as well as offering specific consumer benefits.  In order to attract the most consumers as possible for your business it is best to consider shrink sleeve labeling.  Below are several advantages shrink sleeves offer over other labeling options available today.

  • Contemporary Designs:  Shrink sleeves offer unlimited possibilities when it comes to their designs.  You can not only use a variety of colors elements but can add on additional designs and catchy phrases to win the attention of consumers.  The sky is the limit when looking to print onto the material which shrink sleeves are comprised of.
  • Three Hundred and Sixty Degrees of Information: With the ability to print on all three hundred and sixty degrees of film shrink sleeves make it possible for consumers to bring home all of the product information within the products packaging.  All the data and requirements set out by the FDA can be displayed in a functional way with the additional space that is offered with shrink sleeve labels.
  • Brand Familiarity:  If you are looking to create a brand name it is good to understand how shrink sleeve labeling helps to create familiarity and in turn product and brand loyalty.  Shrink sleeve labeling can help create trust between the brand and the consumer making the choice simple when choosing your product time and time again.
  • Product Safety: One of the most prominent features of shrink sleeves is the tamper proof wrapping.  There is absolutely no worry of product tampering when manufactures choose shrink sleeve wrapping helping to ease the minds of consumers.

Give your product the winning edge that comes along with using shrink sleeve labeling. It will benefit any product marketing strategy and compliments your marketing mix.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Functional Labeling Found Using Shrink Sleeves

The world of labeling and packaging is a mystery to most of us.  When we go to the store we don’t really focus on what type of label or package the product is in.  However the label and package make a huge impact on what we purchase but it is all subconscious to us as consumers.  One of the most popular options in labeling is shrink sleeves.  It is highly regarded within the manufacturing community as one of the best product branding tools.

Next time you make a purchase look to see what type of label used.  From sodas and cooking ingredients to toys and outdoor chemicals shrink sleeves are used to brand products.  Shrink sleeves, when designed properly, really allow your product to pop and stand out from the competition.  Below is a list of advantages that shrink sleeve labeling offer for both manufacturers and consumers.

  • Maximum Protection: With shrink sleeve manufacturing you not only get three hundred and sixty degrees of advertising but also maximum product protection.  Shrink sleeves give a tamper proof seal on your product that is sure to be as eye catching as it is protective.
  • Functional Packaging: Another benefit with shrink sleeve labeling is the functionality it allows for product shape and design.  Even the oddest shaped packages can be labeled using shrink sleeves.  Not only does it allow for maximum flexibility but also can guarantee that the advertising on the product is what is needed as well.
  • Economical:  When you can advertise your product without additional expense or burden you are saving money.  This is what is accomplished when choosing shrink sleeve labeling.  The thin plastic film helps to ensure an economical manufacturing process.  It also allows for inexpensive experimentation with your products label to help brand your products.
  • Client Trust: As a manufacturer you want to gain your clients trust.  This can be accomplished easily with tamper proof shrink sleeve labels.  When you encase your product with a shrink sleeve wrap you are guaranteeing that your product has not been tampered with.  This is a huge benefit to consumers especially when product tampering can affect your entire family including pets.
  • Preserved Look: If you are looking for a label that helps to provide damage free shipping process that leaves the product looking as good as when it left for distribution look no further.  The extra layer of “skin” that shrink sleeves provide ensure an extra layer of defense against product damage.

Shrink sleeve labeling has become one of the most common methods of labeling today.  Your label is an important part in marketing your brand and product.  Choose wisely and look for a label that is as beneficial to your marketing and advertising campaigns as it is protective to your product.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.



Aluminum A Popular Option In Fencing

As you start to plan to install a fence at your home you will discover there are a multitude of options to choose from.  One of the most popular options in residential fencing materials is aluminum.  This option in fencing offers a great deal of benefits over other materials.  As you will see below the advantageous are numerous when you choose aluminum fencing for your project.

Ease of Maintenance and Simple to Clean

One of the biggest advantageous when it comes to installing an aluminum fence around your home or pool is the simplicity of maintaining it.  There will never be a need to paint or stain your fence when choosing aluminum.  To keep your fence in top shape and looking as new as the day it was installed all the maintaining it will require is a good spray down with a hose.  If you are looking for a fence that basically maintains itself look no further.

Wide Selection of Styles

Aluminum fencing comes in a variety of decorative and ornamental styles.  There are a number of color options, finials, top and bottom railing options when it comes to aluminum.   There is guaranteed to be a style that will match every landscape, every style of home, every pool and every homeowner’s desires.

Resistant to Corrosion

Another major benefit is how corrosion resistant aluminum is.  It is meant not to rust.  In order to protect the fence surface is finished with a powder-coat.  This helps to increase the appearance of the fence and makes the fences surface smooth.

Easy Installation and Lightweight

Aluminum fencing comes in easy to install fence panels.  You can save a lot of money by installing the fence on your own. If your landscape is on a slope you can purchase panels with a rackable feature that allows them to conform to a slope.  It is simple to install the posts and place the panels and most often can be done on a weekend.  Aluminum is also an incredibly lightweight material making panels easy to manipulate during installation. Aluminum panels can be easily carried by one person because they are so light.

Trouble-Free Repairs

If your aluminum fence ever becomes damaged it is easy to repair.  If the damage is major the fence panel needs to be replaced a new one can be ordered and installed with ease.


One of the most important factors of fencing is its durability.  The more durable the material the less often the fence needs attention.  This is one of the main reasons that aluminum is such a popular option in fencing throughout the world.  Most often aluminum fencing comes with a lifetime warranty as well.  If the surface of your fence starts to crack or peel or the fence has any manufacturing defects the panel will be replace under the warranty.

Comparative Cost

In comparing costs between fencing materials you should note that although the upfront cost is a bit more for aluminum the expense is outweighed when it comes to factoring in the extra expense that comes from maintaining other fence materials.  Also with the lifetime warranty you never have to worry about the cost to replace your fence.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!