Livingston Reporting - page 252

Adapting To Life After Your Divorce

Divorce is an event within a family that creates a great deal of trauma and emotional distress.  The way that people react to divorce is different.  Each situation garners its own reaction.  For many, it can be quiet a liberating experience that allows them the space they need to grow while others can fall into despair emotionally and financially.

Adapting to life after divorce will depend on the temperament of each individual.  Some newly divorced individuals make full use of this new found freedom and hit the road running towards new horizons and brighter futures.  Other divorcees sulk around thinking about their pasts, scared of their future.   Divorce changes your life in a billion different ways and fortunately sometimes it ends up better.

Individual Liberty

When two people are married they live their lives in a manner that is acceptable to both partners.  Compromise is a large part of any marriage.  The things you like, the places you go and your hobbies start to conform to those of your partners.  This is drastically different than life after divorce.  After your divorce you are able to live the life you choose.  There is freedom to come and go as you please, socialize with whomever you want to and live without explanation.  This is true in every manner of your new life from your career choice to the food you eat.  Each and every decision you make is your own without compromise.

Fresh Start

When you have gone through a divorce you are enabled to begin living life all over again.  There are no restrictions placed on your new life from anyone else.  If you were ever physically or verbally abused you no longer have to live with that nightmare in the background.  You can choose to move to a new city to start your life; you can travel for awhile or create a plan for your life that you alone are in charge of.  Starting fresh allows you to take the things you want out of your old life with you while leaving the other stuff behind.

Financial Empowerment

When you are married your assets become jointly owned.  When you buy something new when you are married it is influenced by your spouse’s approval or disapproval.  No matter where you are in the relationship, whether you are the higher paid spouse or not you still only have fifty percent of the vote on how to spend or save your financial assets.  Financial empowerment is one of the largest revelations newly divorced people enjoy.  Your money is yours.  You can choose to be thrifty and save it or you can choose to be wasteful and spend it without answering to anyone.  You can live the lifestyle you want.  You no longer need to seek approval.  Your budget is now within your complete control.

There are several positives that come from getting a divorce especially if you were in a marriage that was less than ideal.  That is not to say that divorce is without disadvantages as well.  Single parenting and financial troubles are two side effects that divorce can often bring.  Paying child support and alimony sometimes results in more than fifty percent of your take home pay.  Financial pain can be felt in that now two mortgages are being paid, two utilities, food for two homes etc.  This can be a burden which leads to an unexpected life style change.

Single parenting is no picnic either.  No matter if you have joint custody or full custody or only visitation you are now the sole person responsible for your children when they are with you.  There is never a break in parenting when you are divorced.  This can be difficult for many parents.  You know play all the roles in parenting not just the ones you are comfortable in.  This is a strange zone to enter especially if you played a specific role, such as primary disciplinarian, in parenting.  You will have to figure out a way in which to learn when discipline is necessary and when it isn’t which something that you may have taken for granted that your spouse used to do for you.

If you find yourself at a cross road in your marriage sit down with a divorce attorney to go over what options you have available.  After talking with a family law specialist you may find that working towards reconciliation is a better option for you or you may not.  The point is that you need to thoroughly explore the good, the bad and the ugly of divorce and its aftermath before diving head first.  For most of us marriage was not something we decided upon on a whim; your divorce should not be either.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Women/Mom’s in divorce throughout Trenton and the surrounding Michigan areas. Find us at

Shielding Children In Divorce

After your divorce there is nothing more precious than or as delicate as your children and their emotional state.  They need to be placed ahead of your own needs and protected from other outside emotional shock.  Before beginning to date again after your divorce in finalized you should carefully consider what is in your children’s best interest.  You must protect them in every way possible meaning you may back burner future relationships until you know for certain that your children have accepted their new lives.

Your children are feeling many mixed emotions throughout your divorce.  This is unlikely to end once the divorce decree is in hand, assets split and parenting arrangements decided upon.  They will have a variety of fears, expectations and hopes.  Your job as their parent is to help them adjust.  Support their growth and shelter them from undue stress.  Divorce is a painful experience for children and is not something that is gotten over just because yours has been finalized.

Some children find that they are incredibly angry.  Not yet having experienced an emotion this strong many young children have not learned the art of hiding the pain away. For these children parents can easily tell how a child is feeling.

Other children are quiet and withdrawn.  This type of child may seem perfectly well adjusted on the outside but distraught on the inside.  Their hurt may typically go undiscovered.  It is your job as the parent to determine where your children are at in dealing with your divorce and to seek the adequate help and guidance that they need to cope with this major life change.

It is crucial that you take the time right after your divorce to focus on your relationship with your children.  You will need to re-define who you are as a parent.  The level of attention you give to your child along with your behaviors set the tone for their healing.

This is not to say that you should only focus on them and forget about yourself. You set the pace for their healing.  Take care of your own emotional well being without getting romantically involved with anyone for a substantial period of time after your divorce is settled.  Your children are watching you with glaring focus so it is important you model to them behaviors and attitudes that are acceptable.

Children are fearful of loss after their parents have been divorced.  Jumping back into the dating game after your divorce is not a good idea. Your children will fear more loss or rejection.  Children most often see anything or anyone taking away any of the attention that they feel should be placed on them as another loss.  Take time before you start dating again to establish a strong, healthy foundation with your children.   Creating a trusting relationship with them again is important if you ever hope to have their acceptance and approval with another partner.

Right after your divorce is final you need time to learn about yourself and to explore your interests.  When you are going through this process your children are watching you as a model for themselves. They will imitate your actions within their own.  Make sure that the example you are providing for your children is one that will lead them into moving on and creating a healthy life within and with each of you separately.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at

Accommodations As You Age

Where are you going to live as you age?  This is a question many baby boomers are facing right now.  When given a choice between living at home or moving into an assisted living situation most seniors would choose to stay at home.  The difficult part is left to their providers.  How can we create a space within their home where they are free to live independently while continuing to be safe?

Bodies change throughout the aging process.  The needs your parents have at seventy are different than what they will be at eighty.  This makes remodeling for the needs of aging parents a bit trickier than most home remodeling projects.

There are two main places where seniors have problems that need to be addressed before any others, the entrance and exits of the home and the bathroom spaces.  Most homes have stairs that are used to enter into and exit out of a home.  This can be extremely difficult on aging backs and knees.  When your parent decides they would like to stay in their home you need to consider having a handicap ramp installed on all the exits and entrances.

Create an entrance and exit without a lip.  The ramp should be wide enough to accommodate walkers and wheelchairs.  It should offer enough support for those needing stability from a handrail to maneuver.  Designing a ramp that functions with the home without sticking out is an art.  There are many contractors specializing in age in place remodeling and handicap ramp design and installation.  Work with someone who specializes in the needs of seniors.  They have the experience and knowledge to know what works and what doesn’t with every type of need.

A bathroom contractor that specializes in ADA accessibility is what you are looking for when designing a bathroom to be safe for the needs of aging bodies.  Their needs change often as they grow old and the last thing you want to do is remodel every time their needs change.  This is why it is crucial to work with a contractor that specializes in age in place and ADA accommodations.  They know and understand the changes that a person will go through and will be able to address those concerns in their design.

Safe bathrooms require more than an additional light, taller toilet and a few grab bars.  There are details that need to be addressed in the design.  Specialists will look at all areas of the space from seating in the shower to the storage of incontinence pads.  An age in place specialist has unique methods to create a space that looks as elegant as any modern bathroom renovation with the needed benefits required to keep seniors safe and able to live independently.

The Home Doctor, based in Livingston County including Brighton and Howell Michigan, offers a variety of home renovations to clients ranging from bathroom remodeling to age in place home modifications.  Contact today all of your home renovating needs.

How Circuit Breakers Can Save Your Home In A Flood

Would you know what to do or where to begin if you found that your home was in danger of flooding?  Many homeowners don’t think about flooding or believe that the probability that a flood will affect them is slim.  The truth of the matter is that floods have become one of the most common natural hazards to affect homeowners throughout the United States.  Localized flooding, from events such as water freezing and thawing, can affect smaller contained areas such as neighborhoods or smaller communities.  General flooding can occur from events such as constant rain or torrential downpours which can flood entire water systems throughout multiple states.

Flooding is a common occurrence.  They can occur no matter where you live but are more common if you live in low-lying areas, near water or downstream from a dam.  Concern yourself with flooding if your home is located by small streams, gullies, creeks, culverts, dry streambeds or low-lying dry ground that appear harmless.  If you find that a flood is imminent there are a few things that homeowners can do to prepare.

Electricity and water mixed together are a deadly combination.   The possibility of electrocution during a flood is high.  In order to prevent this from occurring homeowners should turn off and unplug all electrical appliances, utilities and components powered using electricity.  Homeowners should locate the homes circuit breaker and shut off the main breakers.  This will shut the electricity off throughout the entire home.  Never touch any electrical appliance or electrical component when you are wet or if you are standing in water.  Do not risk electrocution.  Even if the electrical power is shut off if an appliance is not unplugged it can still contain a power current that can cause harm.

Never walk through water that is moving.  The current in just six inches of moving water can cause homeowners to fall.  Locate an area where the water is not moving.  Use something long and firm to test the ground in front of you before you step.  In a flood your homes floors can become weak which can lead to a collapse.

Flood water is always contaminated.  Once flood water has entered your home the area is then contaminated as well.  Homeowners must clean and disinfect everything.  Electrical appliances should never be reconnected even after they have been clean and disinfected until water is no longer present.  Appliances and main electrical supplies should also be inspected by professional electricians before the homes power supply is re-established through the circuit breaker.

Flooding can affect anyone, anywhere at any time.  Homeowners should be prepared if flood conditions exist and should know what to do to protect themselves and their families.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

The Purpose of Circuit Breakers

Many people know that their homes have a circuit breaker but aren’t familiar with what they do or why they are important.  All of the electrical power that is supplied to your home is controlled by your homes circuit breaker.  They are used to control the flow of electricity throughout your home.  This one unit can turn the electrical power on and off within the home.  If you are experiencing an electrical surge, your homes circuit breaker will automatically cut the power supply to ensure that no major damage occurs.  This is referred to as tripping the breaker.  This can occur throughout the entire home or in just areas where a surge is experienced.

If the wires in your electrical system are unable to carry the load of electricity properly a surge has occurred.  When this happens the breaker is unable to perform properly and shuts down. The breaker will then need to be reset.  The breaker will keep tripping if the circuit continues to be over capacity.  If this occurs often your circuit breaker is not meeting the electrical capacity you require.  This signals to you, the homeowner, that it is time to upgrade your circuit breaker.

Often times the system can be upgraded by improving the capacity of the circuit breaker by adding an additional panel to the main panel.  You first must check all of the electrical components and wiring to isolate and identify the area that is not being sufficiently powered.  If it is found that there are power supply issues throughout the board it may be time to upgrade all together.  This is a common issue found in many older homes.

Electrical appliances both small and large have changed a great deal throughout the years in regards to how much electricity they require.  With this change many older homes are finding that an additional panel added on to the current circuit breaker is only a temporary fix to a much larger problem that exists.  Sometimes it is possible to get by in these situations by decreasing the amount of electricity needed throughout the home at any given time.  For instance, if the television is on in the living room and dinner is going in the oven it may trip the breaker if you decide you also want to blow dry your hair in the bathroom.

Larger homes require more electricity as well.  When you are considering any major home improvement upgrades such as an addition, upgraded kitchen or bathroom it is important to check the capacity on your current circuit breaker to ensure that you will not be taxing the supply of power.  If you find that you are switching from gas appliances to electrical appliances you may find the current circuit unable to power them without upgrading.

The circuit breaker in your home plays a huge role in protecting your family.  Without this electrical component shutting down overloaded circuits we would find an increase in electrical fires.  Overloaded systems will overheat which will cause wires to split and fires to occur.  This is why it is so important to have a basic understanding of what your homes circuit breaker does for you and to recognize the signs that it is not functioning properly.

All homeowners should know where their circuit breaker box is located, how to cut the power to not only the entire home at once but also to specific locations as well as how to change fuses contained within.  These are the basics that homeowners can handle without calling in an electrician.  It is however recommended that a certified electrician manage any additions or upgrades if you do find that the homes electrical demand is overloading the current circuits supply.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

The Benefits of Wholesale Aluminum Privacy Fencing

Don’t think that just because summer is coming to an end that you can no longer install privacy fencing around your yard. Fall is the perfect time to spruce up your home’s exterior while improving the privacy and safety of your home environment.  Along with the addition of building a deck and adding a patio, the addition of aluminum fencing tends to produce a large return on investment for homeowners.  Installing a new aluminum perimeter fence is the perfect home improvement projects for novice do-it yourselfers to begin with.  Not only is the installation fairly self explanatory the entire ordering process can be done online from the comfort of your own home.

Privacy fencing can be purchased online through wholesale aluminum fence suppliers.  Here are some reasons to choose aluminum privacy fencing over other materials that are seen within privacy fencing.

Creating Separation

As the title suggests, the main purpose of a privacy fence is to give your family the privacy you desire.  Even those of us that get along wonderfully with our next door neighbors, we don’t always want to see one another.  Nor do you want every random person passing by your home watching your every move. By installing a privacy fence you extend the usable space and your backyard becomes an extension of your home.   If you want to relax in the hot tub, nap by the pool or allow your children to play without worrying about the wandering eyes of your neighbors and passing cars a privacy fence is an ideal addition to your space.

Additional Security

Another motive behind homeowners wanting to install privacy fencing is the increased security they provide to your home and family.  You new grill or patio set is hidden from wandering eyes.  Privacy fencing is also helpful in preventing stray animals from entering the space and tearing up your landscape.

Money Savings

Yes it is true that initially aluminum privacy fence can be expensive to purchase however spending money on the fence can actually save you money over time.  The overall value of your home increases substantially with major home improvements like the addition of a fence.  Also, many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners that add additional security to their homes; privacy fencing is one such security addition that discounts apply to.  Homes that utilize fencing and gates to enclose the perimeter of their yards are at a decreased risk of robbery and vandalism.  The discount from one insurer to anther can vary but annually you should expect to see a savings in the upper double digits.

Privacy fencing has many benefits other than stated above such as a reduction in noise, an increase in landscape aesthetics, safety for pool areas, increases home equity and more.  Purchasing wholesale aluminum fence online is not only convenient but also the surest way you are exposed to a variety of available styles, colors and optional features.  Aluminum privacy fencing is an investment that will last a lifetime and is practically maintenance free.

iFenceUSA offers a variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying aluminum fences shipped factory-direct from!

The Advantages Metal Roofing Offers Over Other Roofing Material Options

Although there are a variety of advantages to each material used in roofing, metal roofing wins out over all the other options in regards to durability.  Homeowners may pay more for the materials and labor used in metal roofing over other materials such as shingles, however the advantage being that you will not have to replace your homes roof for an extended period of time over others.  Metal roofs can last for upwards of fifty years while asphalt shingles have a lifespan of about twenty years.  This can save you money to use on other home improvement projects.

There are many designs, styles and colors in metal roofing to choose from when looking into replacing your homes roof.  You will want something that compliments the exterior of your home as well as the rest of the neighborhood.  Your home should not be the eyesore within the neighborhood.  If it stands out from the other homes it is important it does so for the right reasons.  With metal roofing you can choose from a variety of styles, designs and colors that will compliment your home and neighborhood.

Metal roofing is also a more eco-friendly option to roofing over asphalt.  Each year there are twenty billion pounds of asphalt shingles discarded into landfills each and every year.  This is an extreme situation to place on our environment.  By installing a metal roof on your home you are choosing a material that is made up of sixty percent recycled materials.  Another benefit is that metal roofing can be installed right over shingles thus less waste is being contributed to landfills each year.

Metal roofing also maintains its value over the long term.  Other roofing materials can last twenty to twenty five years.  With metal roofing you will not have to replace the roof for at least fifty years.  In perspective, metal roofing continues to hold its value over a longer period of time over asphalt shingles roofs.

Metal roofs also help to save money on homeowners insurance.  Metal roofs are less of a risk for insurance companies because they are fire-resistant and do not deteriorate over time like other roofing materials do.  Some insurance companies offer a discount of up to thirty five percent on homeowner’s insurance policies for having a metal roof.

Having a metal roof installed is a large expense although it comes with many added benefits.  When choosing to have a metal roof installed on your home interview several roofing contractors.  Work with a roofing contractor that specializes in metal roof installation for the best results.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

The Importance Of Your Homes Roof

Owning your own home comes with a great sense of responsibility and pride. Homeownership is something that everyone dreams of. Owning your home allows you the freedom to create a space that is unique to your style. It is a place where you can raise your family, create memories and live for many years to come. With homeownership comes home maintenance both interior and exterior. In order for homeowners to keep their homes intact they need to keep up on not only the decorative measures but also the functional ones as well.

The plumbing needs to work, the electricity must function and the structure must be strong. One such feature that may not appear to be of importance if your homes roof. In reality your homes roof is the protective barrier that safeguards the structure of your home. Your roof allows your homes structure to withstand the affects of harsh and unpredictable weather conditions. Without a solid roof your homes structure and foundation is at risk.

The roof is the first location on your home that sustains damage from Mother Nature. Your home is at a disadvantage when it comes to the many ways in which it can sustain damage. Your roof takes a beating in every season; from rain to snow, from blazing heat to icy hail your roof has to keep on bearing the stress in order for you to live comfortably and stress free.

A homes roof can be designed from a variety of materials including metal, asphalt, tile, slate and more. Different roofing materials work better in different climates. For instant clay tiles work well in hotter temperatures where as asphalt shingles and metal roofing tend to be more resilient in climates that vary from super cold to incredibly hot and humid.

Metal roofing is a popular option that many homeowners choose because of its overwhelming value. Metal roofing can last a lifetime where as asphalt lasts only between fifteen and twenty years.

Roofs that are metal are non-combustible and can actually help prevent a fire if struck by lightning. The lightning will dissipate upon impact. There is a myth that lightning is attracted to metal roofs however this is false. Another myth is that metal roofs rust. This is actually false as well. Metal roofs are bonded with a protective layer, similar to zinc which works to keep your roof from rusting.

The cost of hiring a roofing contractor to install metal roofing is comparable to that of installing an asphalt roof when you consider the overall lifespan of the roof. This is an added benefit especially given the time impact of installing a new roof. Replacing your roof one time over the lifespan of your home over multiple times is a great advantage of metal over asphalt.

Some more advantages of metal roofing are the decreased air conditioning costs during the hot, humid summer months. There are also a variety of styles and colors to choose from when looking into purchasing a metal roof. There is sure to be a color and design that will add a unique look to any home that is complimentary to not only your home but the entire neighborhood. As with many other environmentally friendly home improvements metal roofing gives you a government tax credit. Be sure that your roofing contractor installs your metal roof with Energy Star approved materials.

Having a metal roof installed on your home is just one way in which homeowners can show the pride they have in their homes.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs. You will find them at today.

Construction Bonds Help To Decrease Default

Nearly all public construction work that is completed is done so through private sector construction firms.  Jobs are bid on by private sector contractors.  An open competitive sealed bid system is used to determine who is awarded the work.  Many times the work is given to the contractor with the lowest, most comprehensive bid.  With the use of surety bonds the system works well.

A Bid Bond is used to keep flippant bidders from the bidding process.  They do this by promising that the chosen bidder will enter into the outlined contract as well as obtaining the required performance and payment bonds.  If the bidder with the lowest bid cannot honor the contract, the owner is protected.  The bid bond ensures the owner will be covered for up to the amount of the bid bond which is most often the difference between the lowest bid and the next highest bid.

A Performance Bond is an agreement that protects the contractor’s promise, contract.  It is there to ensure that the contract is carried out in agreement with the terms and conditions that were agreed upon, at a certain price and within a certain amount of time.

A Payment Bond shields specific employees, suppliers of materials and subcontractors from nonpayment.  The protection payment bonds provide is to claimants that have not been paid for their goods and services that they have supplied to the contracted project.

It is required, by law, that in most public construction projects that bid, performance and payment bonds are utilized.  These laws have been in place for so long that little thought is given to why they were enacted in the first place.  Contractors that are unable to acquire the bonds required complain that the law is unjust and unfair.  Note that the law is only required on most public construction projects not all construction projects which still allows such contractors to obtain jobs.  However, it is important that we understand why such laws were necessary requiring contractors to post bonds when performing public construction projects.

Before the laws were enacted the failure rate on public construction projects among private construction companies was high.  What would happen is that private contractors became bankrupt before they were able to finish the contracted services.  This left the government with half completed projects which tax payers were left to cover.  The additional costs coming from the contractor’s default added to a substantial hit on taxpayers.

With government property unable to be subjected to a lien many laborers, material suppliers and subcontractors were left without compensation if the services they performed were not paid for.  The government tried to use individuals as sureties on public construction projects.  This however also failed as many times the sureties themselves were unable to honor their financial obligations.  This chain of events led to the Heard Act.  The Heard Act authorizes the use of corporate surety bonds to secure privately performed federal construction contracts.  In 1935 the Miller Act replaced the Heard Act which is the current law that requires performance and payment bonds on federal construction projects.

Construction Bonding Specialists, LLC are dedicated Surety Bond Professionals that are aligned with several Treasury Listed and AMBest Rated Surety markets which allows them to assist with virtually all Bid, Performance and Payment, Financial Guarantee and Supply bond needs.  Find out more information at

Requirements on Establishing a Contractor’s Bond Line

Bonding is a concept many of us are unfamiliar with.  In this article, we will focus on how bonding affects financing.  It is important to understand that bonding is not a type of insurance.  The purpose of bonding is to guarantee projects are completed on time or as near to schedule as possible regardless of payment or performance.  What the bond does is reassure the owner or general contractor that the company they hire can and will complete the obligation as stated in the contract.  If the bond is in fact utilized, for whatever reason, the bonding company is guaranteed re-payment in the amount utilized.

In order for bonds to be obtained there are several requirements that need to be met.  One such prerequisite is equity of ten percent or higher.  There are several ways this can be accomplished.  A company can prove that they have retained ten percent or more in earnings this year within the Stockholders Equity section on their balance sheet.  If this has not occurred or cannot be shown due to previous losses or large shareholder distributions a company can inject their balance sheet with equity capital. This will show on your balance sheet in the Contributed Capital section.  Check with your accountant and attorney to ensure that this is documented properly and that conversions are done properly.

Another condition that bond companies can ask to see is five to ten percent revenue in a line of credit.  This is in place to ensure that if issues arise such as cost overruns, slow payment by the general contractor or owner or disputes on work performed.  The surety company can be confident that you there are available funds above the operational cash flow.  The line of credit will allow work to continue as stated within the contract which reduces the chance that any use of the bond is necessary.

A line of credit against bonded receivables will never be provided by a bank or other type of financial institution.  Bond receivables are funds received from contracts that require bonds.  A bank places a lien on a company’s funds, receivables, as collateral in the event of default.  Simply a lien can’t be placed on funds that are coming in from current contracts that require bonds.  Companies work around this by not having one hundred percent bonded contracts.  These non-bonded funds offer security.  Companies also use equipment, property or other types of collateral.

Construction bonding as well as bonding in general is needed to reduce the risks associated with projects.  Bonding affects financing and helps to ensure projects keep on pace no matter what situations arise with performance or payment.

Construction Bonding Specialists, LLC are dedicated Surety Bond Professionals that are aligned with several Treasury Listed and AMBest Rated Surety markets which allows them to assist with virtually all Bid, Performance and Payment, Financial Guarantee and Supply bond needs.  Find out more information at