Livingston Reporting - page 240

Aluminum Fencing Adds Property Value

One of the best purchases a home owner can make to add to the aesthetics and value of their property is the installation of a fence.  Fences are installed for any number of reasons.  Pet containment, pool safety and landscape detailing are three of the most popular reasons that homeowners give when looking to add a fence to their homes.  Installing your own fence can be as easy as 1-2-3 if you take into consideration the tips listed within this article.

  • When installing a fence it is important to follow your H.O.A, local, state and federal regulations. For homeowners within a subdivision most H.O.A.’s require unity throughout the neighborhood.  Before you order fencing online check into all of the regulations that are guiding your purchase.  For homeowners looking to their swimming pool it is crucial that the fence that is installed meets B.O.C.A. regulations.  The codes will dictate the height, picket widths, gate style and more that can be used.  It is crucial to follow the rules and regulations in place to ensure that your pool area is safe and that your fencing will pass inspection.
  • Another important feature to take note of when installing a fence is the landscapes elevation. With many fencing materials changes in the slope of the yard are difficult to navigate.  This is not the case with aluminum fencing.  If the perimeter of the yard or pool area has multiple areas of elevation change, aluminum fencing is the best option for you.  Aluminum fences offer two options for transitioning aluminum fence panels: stepping and racking.  Stepping involves attaching the fence panels to different height posts.  The fence remains level.  In racking the fence is designed to follow the slope of the yard.  Transitional height fence panels are ordered to create a fence that does not gap at the bottom and that naturally follows the land.
  • Spacing is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the fence. Aluminum fence panels come in a variety of heights and widths.  However, the standard width recommended in maintaining the strength of the fence is six feet wide.  Any longer than this and the fence supports are more susceptible to weather related issues.
  • When setting fence posts many homeowners use the method in which dry cement is poured into a hole and water from the garden hose is added. This method is the easiest way but not the recommended way to increase the longevity of your fence.  Take the time to mix the concrete before adding it in around the fence post.  This allows it to dry and become one unit which adds to the stability of the fence posts.

Installing an aluminum fence does not take a professional.  Any do it yourself homeowner with the ability to read and follow directions that has a free weekend can handle the job.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Protection With Electronic Entry Gates

When it comes to home security nothing beats installing an electronic driveway gate.  They are aesthetically pleasing while deterring thieves and protecting your most valuable belongings.

It is possible that you have seen an electronic driveway gate and consider installing one in your driveway.  It is possible you hesitated because you wondered if the benefits of installing an entry gate were really worth the cost and wonder exactly how you would go about getting one installed.

In this article we will discuss both.  Installing a driveway entry gate is so worth the cost of both installing and operating the gate.  Not only does the entry gate increase protection from thieves, an electronic entry gate is perfect for keeping children and pets contained.  It is a win-win, your home is safe from outsiders and your family is protected from outside dangers.

If installing an entrance gate is not enough security for you consider additional features such as electronic entry, automatic cameras and an intercom system.  These features allow homeowners to not only keep individuals from entering they also allow you to let them in as well.

Another benefit to electronic entrance driveway gates is that they enhance the curb appeal of your home thus increasing the overall value.  Driveway gates are one of the few home improvements that not only hold their value but work to increase the equity in the home.

Another benefit of electronic entry gates is that they are customizable to compliment your family’s lifestyle.   There are an overwhelming abundance of features to choose from to ensure that you install a gate that works perfectly with your unique situation.  Consider pulling into your drive each and every day.  How will you feel knowing your home is secure, aesthetically welcoming and customized to your needs?   How does it make you feel knowing that this one home improvement can increase the value of your home over five percent?

Security within your home environment is priceless. Not only does an electronic entry gate keep predators out it also keeps your children, pets and family within the safety of the boundaries you have put into place.   It can be difficult to let our kids play outside without adult supervision but an electronic driveway gate can help ease your fears.   Your children and pets will be safe from the dangerous that lie outside the boundaries of your home environment; safe from traffic, safe from predators and safe from danger.

With the installation of an electronic driveway security gate comes a great deal of benefits.  Not only are homeowners protected from criminals, they have a barrier to keep loved ones in all while increasing the value of their homes.

SAC Fence Michigan offers a variety of electronic driveway gates, access control entry systems and fence options for homeowners to choose from.  You will find a variety of fencing options online at

Spring Home Improvements

It is official; winter has ended and spring is here.  Homeowners often find the spring a perfect time to begin the home improvements they have planned over the previous months.  Below you will find the top spring home improvement projects to add to the resale value of your home.

  • Repair Roofing and Update Gutters: The structure of your home only functions properly when it is cared for.  Roofing repairs should be done twice a year.  Shingles replaced, flashing caulked and gutters put back in place.   When the gutters around our home are not correctly placed the rain water can leak into the cement foundation and erode the soil surrounding the foundation causing major issues.  Your homes main structure comes from the foundation and trusses.  Proper care of these main components revolves around professional roof and gutter maintenance.
  • Put A Deck On: Homeowners looking to socialize, dine and enjoy the sunshine should consider adding on a deck.  A deck can come in any size.  Consider building a deck with pre-treated wood to ensure that it survives the harsh weather winter will bring.
  • Update Your Home’s Exterior: Inspect the exterior of your home.  Does your current exterior look like it has barely survived the winter?  Spring is the perfect time to update the siding on your home.  Vinyl siding comes in a wide variety of good looking, energy efficient, high performance varieties.  Look into exterior options that best meet the need of your homes climate.
  • Heat and Air Conditioning Inspections: Homeowners should have their heating and cooling systems inspected yearly.  Before it gets hot it is crucial to make sure the air conditioning system is running properly and that vents are properly clean. If possible install a dehumidifier that runs along with the air conditioning system.  This will prevent mold build up from occurring within the walls of your home.
  • Roof Repair: Heavy snow fall in the North is tough on a home’s single roofing.  To ensure that damage to your roof is kept to a minimum inspect the roof for any moisture seepage.  Check in the cracks, creases, loose roofing tiles and such on the roof.  Any curling, peeling or shingle disintegration should be repaired to avoid considerable structural damage to the roofing.
  • Kitchen Upgrades: The number one home improvements that consumers should take to increase the value of their homes come from the kitchen.  You don’t have to do a full kitchen makeover to increase the value of your home; consider new cabinets, updated hardware and add an island.  This will help make the kitchen the gathering place you have always wanted.
  • Increase Curb Appeal: The first thing that people see is the exterior of your home.  The outside should accurately represent the inside in order to attract the attention of future buyers.  This can be done by updating the landscaping, adding an entry gate, updated roofing, adding on a patio and more.  When you enjoy the outside of your home as much as the inside you have succeeded!

Home improvements that increase the value of your home are always the first to consider.  Whenever you can improve the environment for your enjoyment in a way that will also add to the equity of the home it is a win-win.

The Home Doctor, based in Livingston County including Brighton and Howell Michigan, offers a variety of home renovations to clients ranging from bathroom remodeling to age in place home modifications.  Contact today all of your home renovating needs.

The Critical Period With The Installation Of Fresh Pool Plaster

The first twenty eight days after your in-ground swimming pool has been freshly plastered are the most critical.  The pool plaster finish cures at sixty percent within the first twenty eight days of installation and continues to mature over the next ten months.  In order for the pools plaster to completely mature the pH, calcium levels and alkalinity must rise.  This must be checked regularly by the pool owner.  If these levels are kept properly the plaster will cure improperly.  The pools plaster will be rough, pitted and streaky.  In order to ensure the finish of your pools plaster is ideal homeowners need to be thorough when it comes to the maintenance and follow up while the pools plaster seals completely.

Pool plaster naturally drives the pH balance of the pool up.  In order to avoid problems it with scaling and hydration it is crucial that the chemicals in the pool water are kept in balance.  Most often the pools water will become stable about thirty days after the pool has been freshly plastered.  Homeowners must regularly test and adjust the chemistry of the pools water daily for the first few weeks after fresh pool plaster is installed.  After the water chemistry has become stable it is okay for pool owners to test the water weekly.

Proper Chemical Maintenance

  • Before adding chemicals to the pool water make sure they are completely dissolved.
  • It is important that you have a professional test the water before adding chlorine of sanitizers. Test the water within seventy two hours of the water being added to the fresh pool plaster.
  • Alkalinity then pH: the waters alkalinity should be between eighty and one hundred twenty ppm while the pH is lowered to around seven point two.
  • After the Alkalinity and pH are in check homeowners can add mineral cartridges and chlorine packs. It is crucial that homeowners shock the pool at the same time the mineral pack is added.  The pool should not be swum in until the pools chlorine level is below three point zero ppm after the water has been shocked.

While the plaster cures the pH levels in the water will rise. Be sure to test and maintain the proper water chemistry in the pools water throughout this period of time.   Clean the pool frequently by gently brushing the surface twice a day for the first two weeks after the plaster is applied.  Brushing the sides allows the plaster to mature properly while removing any loose plaster dust from the newly installed surface. With proper brushing and water chemistry the water will go from dusty to clear.

This process may seem like a lot of work however over the lifetime of the pool plaster it truly is a drop in the bucket.  Minutes a day for the first few weeks after the plaster is installed is nothing when it comes to the lifespan of your pools plaster.

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Purchasing A New Construction Home

Building a home from the ground up can be very exciting.  New construction allows you to make every choice and decision that involves your new home from flooring materials to the backsplash tiles.  It can be slightly overwhelming so it is important not to get too caught up in the little decisions and that you focus on what is really important in the new home construction process.

In new construction it is important to make sure that the home is inspected every step of the way.  You as the home owner will want to follow up with the builder on how any issues with the inspection process will be remedied.  When looking to buy a new construction home to avoid issues with your new home down the road.

Research buying new construction how you would research any major purchase.  Ensure that the developer and builder are in good standing with the state and local builder’s guilds.  You do not want to work with a contractor or developers that have pending complaints or judgments.  Ask about independent subcontractors they hire to work on your home. Take time to verify all licenses and construction bonds as well.  Know the amount of insurance they carry along with the amount they are bonded for.

It is important to hire a real estate agent when building a new home.  Don’t assume that the in house sales agent will assist you and guide you through the process.  Those sales agents work on behalf of the seller of the new construction homes.  They represent the developer’s best interests not the home buyer.  This is where is pays to have a real estate agent working on your behalf.

Check the fine print throughout purchase contracts as they differ greatly from states to state.  Real estate documentation differs.  Have a real estate attorney review any and all documentation before you sign it.  A builder’s contract usually represents the builder and contractor, not the buyer.  You will want to make sure that addendums can be added to keep you protected during the phases of building and purchasing your new construction home.  Have an understanding of what is covered under the builder’s warranties and what is not.

Don’t assume anything is included.  Many model homes within new construction homes are built with all the bells and whistles.  Avoid making the mistakes that many people viewing the model do.  Assume that the cost of the home includes nothing.  Ask for a detailed list of what the model home includes that is not included in the price of the basic new construction home you are purchasing.  Model units often include high end lighting features, upgraded trim, architectural detailing and upgraded appliances.  These all make the unit more attractive to buyers.  Even the height of the doors and ceiling should be in writing as the model often has these enhanced features.

A home inspection is recommended even when purchasing a new construction home.  Mistakes can be made by contractors and it is important to ensure the home is in proper order before it is yours.  Not all new construction homes offer warranties or guarantees on the work that is done.  Inspections should be done throughout the home by an independent inspector to ensure the home is up to code throughout.

Before you close on your newly constructed home you should walk through the space with the builder.  During this time you can point out defects in the home that were established in the contract and that need to be repaired before the closing.  Never close on a newly constructed home without this final walk through.  Once you have closed and signed the official documentation the home is officially yours and the builder is off the hook for any and all fixes that were included in the original contract.

Aspen Construction is an innovative building leader specializing in home additions, new construction, bathroom and kitchen remodeling.  For all of your home improvement needs including electrical services contact us today at

Considerations With New Construction

Building a home from the ground up is a dream that many homeowners have.  With new construction homeowners can design the perfect home to include all of the special features, colors, materials and such that they have always wanted.  As fantastic as all of it sounds the truth is that building a new home come with its own special set of difficulties.  Before you decide to build a new home or to start searching local real estate for an existing home consider the points within this article.  New construction is a process that occurs over time; it is important to know what you are getting yourself into before signing on the dotted line.

With new construction, homeowners must be involved in the design process.  For some this is a win-win situation while others may find this a time consuming daunting task.  Consider the time commitment that you have to give to building a new home.  Will you have time to look into cabinets, flooring, fixtures, paint and more?  New construction offers the opportunity to customize each and every detail.  Is this something you are ready to commit to?

With a new construction home you will be the first person to live in the space.  This is considered a benefit for many.  However it is important to consider that you will also be the first person to discover and repair issues within the home.  In order to safe guard yourself against any installation and construction issues have the home inspected by a licensed home contractor before signing off on the new construction.  The same is true of buying an existing home. It is crucial that you are aware of any issues that may arise and able to address the repairs before the home is officially yours.

Another consideration is the amount of time it takes to build a custom home.  Depending on the location and climate the process can take anywhere between three to six months from start to finish.  Do you have that kind of time to wait?  Consider the amount of time it will take to sell your current home.  Are you moving to a completely new area?  Will you be able to find something to rent if the home is not completed on time?  Where will you store your belongings until your new home is finished?

When you purchase an existing home you already know that cost of the home.  With new construction the cost is ever changing.  Each custom feature comes at a price.  Part of the new construction process is negotiating all of the extras as you proceed through the project.  You will need to stay on top of the additional material and labor fees throughout the process to ensure that you are staying within a set budget.  It is important that you get what you pay for.  The responsibility of making sure this occurs falls on your shoulders.

After you have considered the myriad of possibilities involved in new construction do you feel comfortable tackling the challenges of new construction?  Many people believe the extra effort involved throughout the process of building a custom home is all worth it in the end.  At the end of the day they have constructed an environment that is customized to their exact wants and needs.

Aspen Construction is an innovative building leader specializing in home additions, new construction, bathroom and kitchen remodeling.  For all of your home improvement needs including electrical services contact us today at

Heraldic Arms Tell A Story When Used To Design Hand Crafted Canes

As individuals age their balance often becomes compromised. Over time the use of a cane stops being optional and becomes a necessity. When choosing a walking stick or cane as an everyday accessory it is important that not only does it function properly but that is also offers and aesthetic value.

Many hand carved canes use heraldic symbols as a way to offer visual appeal and bring meaning to a piece making this style popular amongst cane owners. These symbols and their classifications have intrigued people for ages. Family history can often be connected by examining the coat of arms and the symbols within.

Each symbol represents an individual, family, community, society or city all found one of several classifications of heraldic arms. Having an understanding of these classifications and symbols brings to life the symbols within hand carved canes. With the inclusion of such in a cane users are allowed to draw the focus away from the practical use of the cane and allow it to be on the canes meaning.

Heraldic Symbol Classification

Arms of Succession: Arms of succession are used to represents inheritance from bequest, entail or donation.

Arms of Community: This type of heraldic symbol is most often used to represent corporate institutions such as a university or city.

Arms of Dominion: The dominion usually represents the arms of the state often held by kings or sovereigns. These symbols are not allowed to be modified or adjusted by a change in dynasty or ruler.

Arms of Pretension: A king or prince who own or stake claim to other territories often hold the heraldic symbol of pretension. Since it is only partially owned the symbol is displayed in the territory.

Arms of Concession: These arms are given when extreme bravery or good virtue is shown.

Paternal Arms: Paternal arms belong to and outline a certain family’s ancestry. These heraldic symbols are not allowed to be duplicated. This would be seen as a breach of conduct. Over time the symbols are allowed to be modified because of this some symbols are hardly recognizable and have lost their original significance.

Arms of Alliance: After marriage the arms of alliance is granted. This new set of arms represents the bond now shared between the two families.

Arms of Patronage: Followers of a king often wear the arms of patronage. The symbol is a variation of the original arm of their leader.

Arms of Office: Associates of a ruler often are granted the arms of office. This is the same design as the kings with a slight alteration.

Each coat of arms offers a story. The classifications and meanings of heraldic symbols tell a unique story. A cane carved with a coat of arms and individual heraldic symbols offers a dual purpose: user stability and aesthetic art with a story. The story behind the cane makes using the cane about something other than the individual’s loss of stability which is an important factor to many users. Antique canes draw in a wide variety of users for the same reason. It is important for this to be passed on to younger generations and talking about the designs on canes is a great way to pass the information all while achieving the stability that is needed.
Antique Cane World is an online retailer of antique canes, walking sticks and umbrellas. Contact us today for more information on antique canes, unique umbrellas and more at

Contemporary Canes Designed To Match Your Need

Canes offer extra support in walking to many individuals. A cane is often used to help maximize an individual’s balance while helping to maintain their physical mobility. There are a variety of canes available on the market today depending on the amount of support needed and other special requirements. It may take some time and a bit of trial and error to find a cane that meets your exact need but once you do the drastic difference in your ability to get around will be unbelievable.

Many caregivers, physicians and physical therapists offer specialty services to help fit individuals with a proper walking aide for their situation. With a little bit of direction from a professional you can see the differences in each cane and how they affect the canes usage. This will better help you along the way to finding an exact match for your situation.

For the most part canes used today are all fit with a non-skirt rubber tip to keep the slipping experienced to a minimum. Below you will find a list of different style canes and a description of each to see how the variations can change their ease of usage for different individuals.

One of the most common canes used today is an offset cane. This style of cane is used to provide extra support for proper balance to individuals with wrist problems and a lack of strength. The cane is designed in a manner that allows the user to grip the cane even is unable to hold it firmly.

For extra balance the quad cane was designed. This option is to increase stability and does so by offering a four post base. Quad canes are adjustable and designed to be customized to the user. Overweight cane users find quad canes essential for added balance and stability to support their extra weight.

A standard crook cane is another popular style. Many antique canes and decorative canes are created with the standard crook design. This style offers a relaxed grip that is comfortable for most users. This style was developed to reduce the stress that cane usage can put on an individual’s hand.

An orthopedic grip cane was created to help spread the weight and pressure of the grip evenly across the user’s palm. When a cane is newly introduced the user may experience discomfort from supporting extra weight and balancing all of their bodyweight with the use of the cane, palm and wrist. An orthopedic grip can often help alleviate this discomfort.

Standard aluminum canes are designed for lightweight users under two hundred and fifty pounds. They offer a curved handle while being designed out of a lightweight aluminum. This makes them light and convenient to use for those users looking for a bit of help with balance and are not yet completely dependent on the extra support.

When it comes to choosing a cane consult with a professional to offer their insight into what type of cane best fits your situation. They can evaluate your current mobility and gauge what cane best will fit your circumstance as you continue to age.

Antique Cane World is an online retailer of antique canes, walking sticks and umbrellas. Contact us today for more information on antique canes, unique umbrellas and more at

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Fence for Pets

Homeowners with pets often look for a way in which to contain them without throwing off the aesthetics of the homes landscape.  When you have a pet that needs to be contained here are five factors to consider when looking for a style of fencing:  your pet’s size, skill level, current fencing, maintenance and the size of the space.

  • Pet Size: The size of your pet will matter when it comes to the type of fencing chosen. Small pets can easily squeeze through fencing with open pickets unless homeowners choose options such as puppy pickets.  Aluminum fencing offers several options in puppy pickets.  With larger dogs it is important to access the ability of the dog.  Is the dog able to hop over a low fence?  Will a taller fence be able to be hopped?  Remember dogs are climbers and will use horizontal railings or chain links to maneuver.  Aluminum fencing is a great option as homeowners can customize the height of the fence the spacing of the pickets and where the horizontal railings are located on the pickets.
  • Pet’s Skills: Animals are smart; especially dogs. Dogs learn by watching their owners.  It is important to have a gate that latches on its own and requires a two handed opening.  Some dogs have learned to open the backyard gate by watching the owners allowing them to escape to freedom easily.  Aluminum fencing offers a child-safe gate option that is ideal for pool fencing and for pet containment.
  • Current Fencing: If you are replacing an existing fence determine the reason behind the need to choose a new containment system. If your pet digs then you will be looking for a fence option that prevents this; perhaps electric fencing is the best option for a pet that digs.  If your dog is visually disturbed by the people walking by you may need to purchase a privacy fence to prevent the dog from visually seeing anything outside his environment.
  • Maintenance: This is a twofold topic. The first maintenance topic is in regards to the dog.  Is the dog destructive?  Is it possible the dog will rip apart a wooden picket fence?  For dogs that are destructive choose an option such as aluminum.  Homeowners may want to look into a commercial aluminum fence which is stronger grade then traditional residential aluminum fencing.  The next maintenance option to consider is the fence itself.  Aluminum fencing is by far the simplest fencing material as far as care is concerned.
  • Yard Size: Homeowners need to consider how much space they want enclosed for their pet to roam. The most common option is to enclose the entire backyard however some homeowners choose a smaller space to allow for the space to be used for options other than just pet containment.  Select a size that is right for your pets needs; it is important that the space is large enough for enjoyment as well as reliving themselves.

Once you have taken these things into consideration it is time to order your new fence.  Aluminum fencing is a popular option in pet containment as it is easy to manipulate on even the most uneven of spaces, homeowners can order from a variety of heights, colors and styles as well as many ornamental options and extra safety features to ensure a space that is perfect for the safety of the pet.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Simple Spring Maintenance For Your Roof

Excitement fills the air as we celebrate the first days of spring.  For most people spring is a lot like New Years; a time to start fresh again.  We say goodbye to the snow, ice and cold and welcome back to the sunshine, colorful landscape and warmth.  Spring is the season of freshness. Trees are budding, flowers are blooming and spring rain is bringing life to the bugs, crickets and other sounds of the season.  An unexpected result of long, harsh winters is spring roof leaks.  When the spring rain starts in on a shingle roof that has seen an unkind winter many homeowners find themselves seeking the assistance of local roofing contractors.

Many leaks are found in the spring but tend to have begun being problematic long before they are spotted.  This is why roof maintenance is the most crucial during the fall and spring seasons.  Leaks within the roof can lead to a myriad of problems from structural damage to an invasion of mold.  Anytime water is seeping in to an area without the ability to completely dry moisture builds up.  This can lead to expensive repairs.  It is best to catch issues quickly and treat them immediately.  Roofing checkups performed by professional roofing contractors twice a year, in the spring and fall, can help to maintain your roof’s lifespan.

Roofing contractors are trained to spot small issues with your roof before they turn into larger problems.  Roofing repairs are substantially less expensive then complete roof replacements.  The old adage an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is sure true when it comes to home ownership.

One of the simplest ways homeowners can improve the likelihood of a perfect roof inspection is to make sure that the homes gutter and downspout systems maintain a constant flow.  If at any point a clog is left within the system a buildup of water occurs.  The water will eventually back up under the eaves of the home and damage will occur.  Also, if gutters are left full they will begin to separate from the house which will only add to the issue.  It may take a homeowner several months to detect a problem if regular checks of the system are not performed.  This will lead to more damage and a greater expense for the homeowner.

Downspouts are important to more than your roofs safety.  The purpose of a downspout is to move the water away from the homes foundation.  A clog in the downspout could cause the water to begin flowing towards your homes foundation.  Water will seep into even the tiniest of foundation cracks causing major issues for homeowners down the road.  The gutter and downspout systems on your home are important in the protection of the roofs structure as well as the homes foundation.

As your roof ages it is important that a professional takes time to inspect the roof, repairing minor issues and preventing them from turning into expensive nightmares.  Water damage of any kind, anywhere within your home is dangerous and costly.  It is important to eliminate areas of concern the minute they arise.  This will allow your homes roof a longer than average lifespan, saving you time, money and headaches.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.