Livingston Reporting - page 237

Get A Professional To Repair Your Roof

Dabbling in home improvement is something all new homeowners try.  DIY renovations are popular but really need to be considered before engaging in them.  There are many risks in taking on a project of any magnitude especially something as large as replacing a roof.  Below you will find 5 reasons it is best to leave replacing your roof to the pros.

Reasons to Hire a Professional Roofer Verse DIY

Risk of Falling Off:  When homeowners choose to repair or replace the roof of your home it is important to acknowledge the risk involved with falling off.  Falling from the roof, falling from a ladder both are realistic accidents that occur frequently when it comes to homeowners working on their roofs.  Balance and agility is needed in roofing that only experience can give.

Grueling Labor: Replacing a roof is a very time-consuming, exhausting job.  Most homeowners do not have enough time in their schedules to accommodate a job of this size.  Think about the last time a light bulb burned out in the bathroom light fixture.  Remember how it took two weeks to remember to purchase and install a new one?  Roofing needs to be taken off and put back on in a timely fashion to avoid damage to the roof’s underlayment that can occur when it is left uncovered for any amount of time.  A professional roofer has a team of experts to assist with the repair or replacement of the roof.  Many roofs can be removed and replaced within the same day.

Insurance Coverage: If the roof has been damaged in a storm or by natural cause’s homeowners insurance will most often cover the materials and labor needed to repair or replace the roof.  Many roofing companies will even help you throughout the insurance claim process.

Missing a Step: Homeowners that are not familiar with roofing may miss a step when replacing their homes roof.  There is a lot to remember when repairing or replacing a roof.  Professional roofers have experience in installing new roofs.  With experience comes developing a process which helps prevent missing any crucial steps in the replacement process.

No Warranty: Professional roofers most often offer a warranty on the work that they do.  This is not something that DIY get when they replace their own roofs.  If a mistake is made DIY homeowners are left on their own to cover the expenses occurred.

Roofing is one home improvement that is best kept to the professionals.  A homes roof protects the house on a whole from the foundation to the structural integrity.  Any missed step along the way could be detrimental to the roofs integrity leading homeowners to larger issues then they had before.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Cost Factors In Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum fencing is a delightful addition to a large majority of residential homes and commercial locations.  Fencing made from aluminum provides security, is relatively maintenance free and can be designed to correspond with any exterior.  The cost of aluminum fencing can fluctuate a great deal depending on a number of factors.

On average the material cost for an aluminum fence of mid-grade quality is around thirty six hundred dollars.  Using lower grade aluminum, can save you about nine hundred dollars where as a higher grade aluminum can cost an extra four hundred.

The price of the aluminum fence will increase depending on the amount of fencing that is being installed.  When you increase the overall square footage of the fence the materials needed also change increasing the cost.  If the fence is being installed in a non-standard shape the cost of the fence will jump.  Non-standard shapes also increase any changes in the slope of the landscape.  Fencing that is stacked or racked will cost more than a fence that is installed on a flat piece of land.  Another factor that can change the cost of the aluminum fence materials is the time of year homeowners chose to have the fence installed.

Aluminum Fence Square Footage

For a homeowner to determine the square footage of the aluminum fence that is needed the landscape will need to be measured.  Determine the length and width of the space that will be fenced in.  If the landscape is in the shape of a rectangle or square you can multiply the length and width to determine the total square footage needed.

Larger landscapes increase the amount of materials needed.  The number of posts, decorative options and more will all add to the overall cost of the fence.  A twelve hundred square foot fence may only need nine posts and nine decorative post caps but a twenty four hundred square foot fence needs double the posts therefore increasing the overall expense of the fence.  More materials, more expense.  The price per square foot may stay the same but the amount needed increases costs.

Shape of the Aluminum Fence

Bends in the fence shape and changes in the slope also increase the cost as they change the fence line therefore increasing the number of corner posts required.  The posts and decorative options are all more expensive than the actual fence itself.  Remember that the fence does not always have to follow the property line.  If the property line is abnormal it is still acceptable to install the fence in a square or rectangular pattern.  Just ensure the square fence is installed within the property line.

The shape of the fence can also impact the overall price because with each bend or turn in the fence line, it will be necessary to plant a corner post. Aluminum corner posts tend to be more expensive than the actual fencing itself, so the more jagged the lines, the more corner posts must be used. This results in a higher price. Homeowners who want to save money but have abnormally shaped property lines may want to consider having a basic square or rectangular fence installed, rather than having the fence follows the property line carefully.


Aluminum fencing is extremely durable no matter what grade is chosen however the strength and overall durability can change.  Aluminum varies in thickness, durability and weight.  Essentially aluminum fence comes in four standard grades: residential, pool safe, commercial and industrial.

Time of Year

The material cost of aluminum fencing is generally the same no matter what time of year you are having the fence installed.  The installation costs are what can change depending on the time of year the fence is being put in.  It is usually less expensive to have fence installers put aluminum fencing in during the spring, summer and autumn.  This is especially true when installing fencing in areas of regional climate changes

Saving Money

Shopping for aluminum fencing online offers individuals the chance to get quotes from several companies.  Shop around for a company to purchase fencing from.  Customer service is often worth more than saving a few dollars on shipping.  Online fencing companies that offer service from start to finish are popular to buyers.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

The Significance of Labeling Food

Labeling within the food supply chain is impetrative and should never be ignored. The initial point of contact between a consumer and producer is its label. A custom label helps to distinguish one product from another. In addition it helps consumers make a purchasing choice between similar products. As a valuable marketing instrument, the label should be impressive and appealing to the consumer’s senses. When looking to sell any product a label that is disorderly, defiled or puzzling it will not succeed at alluring customers into making a purchase.

In order to thrive, product manufacturers should search for a custom label designer that offers the highest quality material that they can afford in relation to the overall value of the product.

The Function of Custom Food Labels

A products label gives consumers in order for them to gain valuable information about the product including: ingredients, uses, directions, products name and more.

A custom label act as a valuable marketing tool. It is a way to directly advertise your company, brand and product. Labels allow products to stand out when surrounded by other items that are similar to yours.

Labels create a distinction between similar products to establish your brand from others.

Labels are legally required. FDA – regulated foods are required to display a products identity, net contents, nutrition facts, manufacturing date, sell by date, ingredients, new weight and company information.

Instructions for food preparation as well as opening and storing the product.

Food labels often include examples of recipes that use the product.

In order to identify food products from one another the label needs to also include a bar code. This allows the product a unique code that offers a variety of specific information that is important in all aspects of the product development.

Custom labels need to include an array of information to be truly successful. The brand name or logo is important as it establishes your brand within the market. A brand should be defined in order for consumers to spot other products that are produced by the company. With consistency in labeling, loyalty to a brand is simplified. Consumers do not put a great deal of thought into the items that the purchase when it comes to food products. A lot of time a purchase is made simply based on familiarity to the brand itself. Establishing a consistent look within your product labels takes the guess work out of the purchase.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Radiation Therapies Delivered Using Linear Accelerators

A short expression for Linear Accelerators is Linac.  Radiation is a high powered x-ray that is produced by Linac machines.  These systems are intended to distribute radiation.  If an organization wishes to perform radiosurgery or IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy) linear accelerators can be tailored.  To adapt a universal linac system another piece of equipment is often added.

Linac systems can come as either dedicated or non-dedicated machines.

Dedicated linear accelerator equipment includes extra machines that are connected to the radiation couch to perform advanced level treatments.  This is the ideal process to execute a higher level of radiation therapy.

Non-dedicated linac equipment is utilized for more standard radiation treatments.  These machines are not able to obtain the accuracy and precision of dedicated linear accelerators.  For more general radiation therapy this process is used.

Radiosurgery and radiation therapy are both procedures that can be completed using linear accelerator machines.

Radiosurgery is often completed by a radiation oncologist and neurosurgeon in one surgical process.  The process usually is completed in one day following a specific formula that includes immobilization, scans, plans and the actual procedure.   This course of action includes giving radiation in a single dose.  The dose that the tumor is given includes more radiation then it would receive with radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy gives tumors less radiation over a period of time.  The radiation is distributed to a larger area that includes healthy areas.  Treatment usually is done over the course of two to five sessions.

Many professionals argue that radiation therapy offers a more permanent result and fewer side effects then radiosurgery.  The argument is that a smaller dose of radiation delivered over a course of time, instead of one large dose given in one dose, results in greater control of the tumor resulting in better outcomes than are found in radiosurgery.  It is believed that multiple treatments cause less damage to the tissue surrounding the tumor even thought the total amount of radiation is more than the dose given in radiosurgery.  Larger doses of radiation given in a single treatment may permit the tumor to grow.

Cancers in the body and larger brain are more properly targeted using the linac technology that cannot be treated within the one session of a large dose of radiation that radiosurgery performs.  Cancers within the brain better utilize radiosurgery where one session of radiation offers superior treatment results.  Cancers in the brain does not benefit from multiple radiation doses.  Multiple doses can often mean that there is less control and more permanent side effects.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Aluminum Safety Fencing Is A Must When Installing A Swimming Pool

Is this the year that installing a swimming pool has become a reality?  Congrats, you have become one of the eight million pool owners.  Having a swimming pool is beneficial for so many reasons: it is a great source for daily exercise, entertainment, and the additional value to the property.  When considering the installation of a commercial or residential in-ground pool the most important thing to take into account is the safety of the pool.  Owning a pool is an enormous responsibility for a homeowner.  It is crucial that children and pets are protected.  It is essential that entering the pool unattended is not possible.  Unwanted guests must also be prohibited from taking a dip when you aren’t home.

With aluminum fencing and self locking latching gates your mind can be put at ease.  When a solid aluminum fence and gate are needed to secure the in-ground pool addition it is crucial to do research on your pool fence.  In order to make an informed purchasing decision it is important to consider the following advice.

Pool Safety Fencing Is A Must

No matter where you live whether it is a neighborhood or in tim-buck-to a safety fence enclosing the perimeter of the pool is mandatory.  In order for a pool to be installed it must meet a number of local, state and federal requirements.  Not to mention that most neighborhoods and H.O.A.’s have their own set of rules to follow.  Insurance companies are also vital in considering your fencing needs.  Insurance companies will not insure homeowners without a fence and self closing/latching gate in place enclosing the pool area.

The Pool Fence Must Meet Specific Requirements

Check with local, state and federal requirements when it comes to installing a fence around your homes swimming pool.  The B.O.C.A. has specific requirements as well.  Homeowners are not absolved from the law for failing to follow the legislation that is required of pool owners.  It is essential that homeowners looking to install a pool understand the requirements of safety fencing.

Fencing Must Be Installed Only On Property You Own

Never forget where the property lines are.  Have your property professionally surveyed and staked.  This will ensure that the property in which the pool and aluminum fence is installed is yours.  When installing a fence on a neighbor’s property, or a pool for that matter, you will incur all of the expenses involved in removing and reinstalling the aluminum pool safety fencing.

Pool Fencing Must Meet Certain Requirements

It is not okay to install an aluminum fence that meets the height requirements but fails to reach code set forth for the bottom of the fencing.  When planning for, ordering and installing an aluminum pool fence speak with professionals that understand the intricacies of pool fencing installation.

It is imperative that pool owners are informed before making an aluminum pool fence purchase.  Working with experts throughout the pool fence planning process makes sure that all of the requirements of pool safety fencing are met.

iFenceUSA offers a variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying aluminum fences shipped factory-direct from!

Shrink Sleeve Advantages Are Abundant

A new product is only as good as its marketing.  Without proper advertising and promotion no one will know what your product is, how it benefits them or exactly where it can be found for purchase.  A major component of product marketing is labeling.  The product should be labeled in a manner that not only exposes it to the public but also promotes each and every important aspect and quality the product possesses.

Labeling options are plentiful.  Product labels range from roll fed labels to pressure sensitive. Shrink sleeves are however without a doubt the best type of label to use when introducing a new product to the market.

The Advantages Of Shrink Sleeves Are Abundant

  • Branding: Companies are often known because of the brands they represent.  A large percentage of consumers purchase products or services only because the brand interests them.  When a brand is finally established a custom product label can be designed.  Using shrink sleeve labels allows the entire container to be wrapped in a custom, colorful image filled label that promotes a variety of aspects of the product from top to bottom on the new product.
  • Resilient and Adaptable: Traditional labeling is often limited in several aspects.  When it comes to oddly shaped product containers a traditional label is not the best option.  Shrink sleeve labels are created in a manner that allows the entire label to fit over the odd shaped package.  Shrink sleeve labels can be created in a wide variety of colors with a solid amount of valuable consumer information.  Shrink sleeves are most often printed on transparent film.  Shrink sleeves also reduce the chance of damage that is occurred during shipping.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Older product labels are not created from plastic that is difficult to recycle.  Newer materials, including shrink sleeves, use a combination of materials that are biodegradable.  Shrink sleeves are created from a mixture of materials such as polyactic acid, which is based from corn.  Label manufacturers can design shrink sleeves from lightweight materials that eliminate a need for extra protection that is required on traditional plastic labels.  This reduces fuel costs, removes heavy overwrapping on cartons and allows for larger shipments.

Shrink sleeve labeling allows companies to advertise their products with an easiness not often found in labeling.  Shrink sleeves create low cost label design and production.  They also create an energy efficient way to advertise and market new products that are being marketed.  Saving money on custom label production allows companies to enhance their brands and further develop their products.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Tips On Purchasing Linear Accelerator Equipment

Medical facilities looking into purchasing Linear Accelerator equipment should budget between one million to upwards of five million dollars.  On top of the cost of radiotherapy equipment also comes with the expense of simulators, treatment planning coordinators, treatment room, machine operating costs, and the salary costs of the radiographers and physicists.  The overall expense is nothing to joke about; whether you are planning to install new equipment, replacing equipment or repairing an existing Linear Accelerator you will want to ensure the purchase stays on track.

Prepare, Plan, Propose

In can take anywhere between six months and eight years from start to finish when it comes to the acquisition of new radiotherapy equipment.  Projects span a duration that varies between facilities.  The first determination is in regards to the type of cases and the technology that is needed to treat patients.  Are you considering new construction or renovating an existing location?  New construction requires local permits, specific room requirements, electrical power and a water supply.  When renovating a room other issues arise such as room size and the location of isocenter as well as shielding.

Plan for milestones such as the vault completion date, equipment testing and acceptance date, when will vendors and IT techs be able to connect your equipment?  When planning for contractors beyond your control work in a margin of error.  It will decrease the number of uncertainties that are beyond your control and possible holdups.  When the clinical issues are decided upon the next step is to come up with a budget for acquiring the equipment and the additional expenses that are expected.

Hire, Educate, Train

It is crucial to have a team of experts on your side when it comes to the acquisition of any new piece of equipment specifically Linear Accelerators.  Experts that are hired on as an expert representing your team should include vault designers, construction firms, equipment suppliers, IT integration and support specialists, and a proven implementation team.  When installing new, used, or refurbished Linear Accelerators speak to vendor references before settling on a team of experts.  Choose a Linear Accelerator vendor that understands software, hardware, and the clinical flow.  A relationship with a supplier that also offers refurbished parts for repairing equipment is especially beneficial to any organization.

Commit To Quality

No matter if a new, used or refurbished piece of equipment is purchased there is a three step process to consider.  Review service history and major service events, machine utilization and an actual physical inspection.  When equipment is refurbished it consists of both cosmetic and mechanical updates.  New technology is crucial and mechanical refurbishment helps to protect against outdated parts and accessories.  The installation team needs to comprehend all aspects of installation from hardware, software to manufacturer’s acceptance testing procedures.

When purchasing any new medical equipment the transition between purchase, installation and service needs to be seamless; expect a long term relationship between the supplier and facility.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Four Important Reasons To Purchase Refurbished Equipment and Parts

Buying new surplus, replacement parts and equipment is a necessary part of running a business.  It is a process that without proper preparation can be stressful, expensive and time consuming.  It is important to plan for equipment failure and the need for replacement parts sooner than later.  This will ensure that when there is equipment failure within your facility that you know where to turn to find exactly what you are looking for.  It is a good idea to look for refurbished and reconditioned equipment and parts.  Here’s why!

Cost Savings: Buying refurbished and reconditioned parts and equipment allow you to save money over having to buy new surplus.  Depending on the equipment needed, parts desired, vendor, how fast you need it and if it needs to be installed it is not uncommon to say upwards of between thirty to fifty percent off the cost of new.  The same product, the same result all at a fraction of the cost.

More Bang For Your Buck: When you purchase used, refurbished, or reconditioned equipment and parts you will find that you can often purchase a name brand piece of equipment at a lower cost.  It is the same concept as when you are purchasing clothes from a thrift shop.  The same name brand pants that would cost you one hundred dollars at the mall would cost a fraction of that when purchased at a resale shop. Those hundred dollar jeans may only cost you around forty bucks but you get the same exact thing.

Dependability: When you buy products that are reconditioned or refurbished you are purchasing a piece of equipment or part that has already had the bugs worked out.  Depending on the electrical component company that you work with the testing process is more rigorous then that of new surplus.

Environmental Sustainability: Buying refurbished and reconditioned parts and equipment allow you to do your part to sustain the health of our environment.  Buying used products that have been made new again reduces equipment waste that fills up landfills and incinerators.  Purchasing refurbished and reconditioned equates to recycling.  The benefits of recycling are plentiful.  In working to sustain the environment you conserve natural resources, reduce greenhouse emissions all while save energy and sustaining the environment for future generations.

There are many reasons to choose refurbished electrical components and reconditioned equipment over more costly, brand new equipments and parts.  Research a reputable reconditioned electrical part company to work with.  Establish a relationship with them to ensure their assistance when you are in a bind with equipment failure and in need of an immediate replacement part or piece of equipment.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Leave Pool Plastering To The Experts

Certain projects around the home need to be left up to the experts.  Pool owners need to understand a pool that is plastered incorrectly will end up costing more to operate.  In-ground pool maintenance needs to be performed by professionals.  Plastering is just one of the several pool maintenance jobs that need to be left to the professionals.  Many homeowners attempting plaster their own pools end up realizing the job is over their heads costing them almost double what it would have leaving it up to those skilled in the art of pool plaster.

When a pools plaster or colored aggregate plaster has been applied incorrectly homeowners naively waste money every day.  Pools without completely smooth plaster require the pump to run longer and require more chemicals to keep the pool water clean.

When a pool is plastered correctly the maintenance required on the swimming pool is less.  A quality plaster finish on your pools surface will not allow algae growth no matter how poorly a homeowner maintains their pool.  A superior plaster finish on your pools surface means fewer chemicals, less circulation and lower maintenance to keep the swimming pool looking great.

The craftsmanship that professional pool plasters can give to the finish of the pools surface makes all the difference.   A homeowner could use the same exact aggregate plaster that a professional uses however it will never be the same finish.  The workmanship a professional pool plaster company offers over that of the do it yourself homeowner is bar none.  A professional leaves a highly smooth surface that doesn’t give algae and debris a proper environment to flourish.

Rough aggregate plaster is the perfect setting for algae growth.  When algae is given the proper ecosystem, such as that found with incorrect plastering it costs homeowners extra money to run the pools pump and treat the pools water with chemicals.  Rough pool surfaces need extra attention to maintain cleanliness; where as a smooth plaster surface takes less attention and maintenance to stay spotless, free of dirt and algae.

If your homes in-ground pools plaster needs to be redone make sure to hire an expert to ensure that the craftsmanship is up to the high standards only a professionals experience provides.  Commercial and residential pool plastering companies decrease the maintenance needed to keep your pool looking as good as the first day the fresh plaster was installed.  Certain updates around the home are all the same no matter if it is done by DIY homeowners or professionals; a pools plaster is not one of those!

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Renovations Verse New Construction

An old age question that contractors are often asked; should we move forward with renovations on an existing home or opt for new construction?  There are factors on both sides of the discussion that need to be evaluated when deciding what is right for you and your family.  When considering between renovations and new construction take a look at the following five things.

Evaluate the costs associated with renovating verse the expense involved in new construction.  Are the renovations that are needed structural?  Structural renovations are often expensive and time consuming.  It will most often be more cost effective to start from scratch over renovating when a lot of structural changes are needed.  A new construction single story home runs around two hundred thousand dollars and two story homes around two hundred fifty thousand dollars.

Renovations, especially those involving the structure of the home can add up due to unforeseen problems that arise along the way.  This doesn’t give you complete control over the budget whereas with a new home you can get a fixed price contract.

Consider the age of your existing home.  You may have purchased this specific home because of the houses character, the charm of the existing neighborhood and other aspects that are irreplaceable.  If you fell in love with the old wooden floors and the existing ornamental ceilings then remodeling is obviously the only way to go.  Period features in older homes cannot be replicated in new construction.

Where is the home located?  Is the property one of the reasons that you initially purchased the home?  Are there landscape options mature and unable to be replicated in another location?  Vacant land to build on is often scarce.

Look at the homes existing floor plan; does it match your family’s lifestyle?  If the homes floor plan is unworkable then it makes more sense to start from scratch over.  It may be cheaper to begin with a clean slate over completely renovating the homes existing floor plan into something that can work for your family and lifestyle.

Renovations are often more difficult to budget for.  New home construction allow for a few years of lower expenses because everything is new.  It is easier to maintain a new home and more energy efficient appliance, windows and more have been used to create your home.  Also, new construction comes along with a warranty.  Renovations are an expense that is comes along with the homes current maintenance expenses.  So while you may budget your finances to achieve a new addition to the existing home it doesn’t mean that the water heater on the home or the roof won’t suddenly need to be replaced.

Aspen Construction is an innovative building leader specializing in home additions, new construction, bathroom and kitchen remodeling.  For all of your home improvement needs including electrical services contact us today at