Livingston Reporting - page 226

Considerations To Make When You Choose Renovating Over Moving

Many homeowners consider moving for one reason or another but the lack of money or motivation to pack everything up stops them.  Logically the next thought is to renovate their current home with a home addition.  That’s a whole lot easier than moving, right?

The truth is that there are pros and cons to both options.  Renovating your home has a different set of issues to consider.  Homeowners will need to consider whether they will proceed with the renovations on their own or if they will hire a professional contractor.  Remodeling projects also need to be budgeted for as the expenses can quickly get out of hand.  Homeowners should also consider the time and mess that comes along with a home addition.  It may be that in the end the idea of moving isn’t so bad after all.

In all seriousness however, most homeowners will choose adding on to their homes over moving nine out of ten times.  There are a number of reasons that staying in your home is a top choice over moving.  The most common reason for this is the location of the current home.  For most of us change is uncomfortable.  We become comfortable with the neighborhood and the routine of life all which would be disrupted substantially if we chose to move.

To begin any home renovation or room addition project homeowners should start by scheduling a meeting with an expert in home construction.  Be sure that the contractor that you choose is bonded, licensed and insured.  It is also a good idea to choose a home contractor that has built a solid reputation within your community for new construction projects and room additions.

After you have a general idea of what to expect the project to cost it is time to sit down and realistically figure if the addition is something you can afford.  Will you be able to pay cash for the renovation or will you need to look into financing options.  The cost of the renovation will mainly be dependent on the size of the space to be added along with the purpose of the space.  Certain rooms like bedrooms and home offices are cheaper than renovations where there are a great deal of additional material expenses like bathrooms, kitchens and living rooms.

One way to safely decrease the expense involved in adding on to your home is by utilizing the homes existing floor plan.  Another option is to utilize an existing space for the additional room such as a basement or attic.  Understand that with any change comes some inconvenience.  Whether you move or choose to add on to an additional home get ready to be flexible and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.

Aspen Construction is an innovative building leader specializing in home additions, new construction, bathroom and kitchen remodeling.  For all of your home improvement needs including electrical services contact us today at

The Best Bankruptcy Option For Your Situation

Have you ever been overwhelmed by debt? Have you ever considered if bankruptcy was the next step in your financial recovery? There are numerous advantages and disadvantages that come with filing for bankruptcy. We will look into common myths that surround bankruptcy and when it may be the best option for you.

Bankruptcy is an arrangement in federal law that allows individuals and businesses to get a reprieve from their debts and to get a fresh financial beginning. This system allows honest individuals who have fallen on hard times to get on with their lives without the harassment that comes from creditors.

There are two common categories within bankruptcy law that can be declared: chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13 bankruptcy. In the most basic terms chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidates non-exempt assets and the proceeds are used to pay off creditors. This is a solid option when there is a large amount of unsecured debt to be covered by a small income. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps individuals and businesses to reorganize and adjust their debts while using a repayment plan to cover the outstanding debt. This is a good option for those debtors that have an income and want to avoid foreclosure and catch up on outstanding bills.

A major advantage of filing for bankruptcy is that creditors are on notice to stop trying to collect outstanding debts from you. This means that they no longer can call you, send you letters, file lawsuits, garnish wages or seize your assets.

A major disadvantage in declaring bankruptcy is the devastation it wreaks on your credit score. Another issue that arises in bankruptcy is that certain non-exempt assets can be sold and debts from mortgages, student loans, taxes, alimony and child support cannot be discharged.

There are many myths in bankruptcy. One myth is that by just stating you want to file bankruptcy you have declared bankruptcy. This is not true. For bankruptcy to be legal you must file the right paperwork, go to credit counseling and pay the fees. It all reality it is best that a bankruptcy attorney is hired to facilitate the process to avoid legal complications from arising with improperly filed paperwork.

Another common myth is that you can go to jail for owing money. This is untrue. It is not against the law to owe money no matter how aggressive the debt collector is. One myth is that by just stating you want to file bankruptcy you have declared bankruptcy. This is not true. For bankruptcy to be legal you must file the right paperwork, go to credit counseling and pay the fees. It all reality it is best that a bankruptcy attorney is hired to facilitate the process to avoid legal complications from arising with improperly filed paperwork.

Another common myth is that you can go to jail for owing money. This is untrue. It is not against the law to owe money no matter how aggressive the debt collector is. Yes, creditors can sue you or take you to court but they cannot send you to jail.

Consider filing for bankruptcy if you are unable to meet your financial obligations. If you have been work for an extended period of time, delinquent on your taxes, nearing foreclosure on your home, having your wages garnished or pending a law suit on delinquent bills it may be time to meet with a bankruptcy attorney to further look into the benefit bankruptcy may have for your financial future.

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at today.

Knowing When It Is Time Seek A Bankruptcy Attorney

When it comes to filing for bankruptcy different thresholds exist for when it is time to call it quits and throw in the towel.  For many clients filing for bankruptcy comes after months of calls from creditors threatening to garnish wages or threatening to take you to court for not paying your debts.   The media bombards us with nightmarish tales of bankruptcy and the stigma that we assume will follow often deters seeking assistance.  With all this going against you how do you truly know when it is time to throw in the towel, meet with a bankruptcy attorney and file for bankruptcy?

If you think you are reaching the financial danger zone there are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine if there is a way out or if bankruptcy is the only option.

First, look at the payments you are currently making on your outstanding debts.  Are you only making the minimum payment?

The next thing to address is the issue of creditors and harassing phone calls.  Do you find that you can’t make it a day without getting a phone call from someone that is seeking to collect on a debt that you owe?

When you begin to think about getting your financial house in order and sort out your finances do you get nervous?  Are you plagued with nightmares when you think about creating a budget?

Have you taken the time to add up the exact amount that you owe?  Is debt consolidation a consideration?  Does the amount of money that you have coming in make it feasible to buckle down and get ahead within the next five years?

If you can answer yes to any two or more of the questions listed above then it may be time to seek out the advice and counsel of a local bankruptcy attorney.  Bankruptcy is a definite option to assist you through uncertain financial times.   If you owe more than you can afford to pay while continuing to live a minimal standard of living then it is time to give bankruptcy a fair consideration.

You can seek relief from bankruptcy by voluntarily filing or if creditors ask the court order you to file for bankruptcy protection.  In either situation you will want to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to determine the next course of action for your current circumstance.  There are two different types of bankruptcy laws you can file for protection under: chapter 7 and chapter 13.  Meeting with an attorney that specializes in bankruptcy will allow you to proceed in the most appropriate manner.

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at today.

The Art Of Collecting

What is it that makes a collectable valuable?  This question is something that collectors of all ages will debate heavily into the foreseeable future.  Take my son for example.  In his short life of only thirteen years he has had several different collections that have been near and dear to him.  At two he collected Thomas the train, at four he found a passion for the movie Cars and collecting the little car replicas but now nine years later both of those collections have been left in the dust along with his pokemon cards and we are on to collecting disc golf Frisbees.

The answer to that question is as different as each collection and collector.  Did we ever profit from any of my son’s collections?  Yes and no, we found great satisfaction over the years in the adventure of finding a missing or hard to find item for his set which in itself is victory but financially we may have just about broken even. This is not the case for all collections and yes had we been more diligent in who we sold the collections off to we could have been more profitable but that wasn’t what we were after.

For a collectable to be of financial value there is a whole set of ground rules that differs from us casual collectors although it is still quite subjective.  For a collectable to have the investment factor there are numerous things to consider.

For a collectable to have a monetary reward someone has to be willing to purchase it.  Even if a collector thinks their collection is worth a certain dollar value it isn’t unless another collector also perceives it to be worth spending amount of money on it.

Another factor that comes into play for a variety of collectables is the condition of the item.  For instance, antique canes are quite popular amongst collectors.  A certain amount of wear is acceptable for items of past eras but an unreasonable amount may decrease what a buyer is willing to pay.  This may not be true with all collectables.  With antique canes the historical value, along with the age of the cane and whom it may have belonged to come into play when determining the value as well.

This is however not the case when it comes to collectors of baseball cards.  The collectable nature is the shape of the card, the rarity of the individual on the card and that person’s place in history.  The shape of the card plays a huge role in the value of the card.  Any amount of wear seen on baseball cards is deemed an imperfection and decreases the value.

Collecting should start from the heart and not the pocket book.  If you love something and enjoy seeking out the beauty in finding an odd, unique or rare piece then the money spent on the collection and the return on investment becomes less important.  Collectibles of all kinds are fun to acquire.  It doesn’t hurt to consider the condition, age, authenticity and rarity of an item before you pay an exorbitant price for it.  Just remember in the end what remains after the funds have been exchanged is the thrill of the find.

Antique Cane World is an online retailer of antique canes, walking sticks and umbrellas.  Contact us today for more information on antique canes, unique umbrellas and more at

Satisfying Nostalgic Needs Through Collecting

Collectors are often searching for a way to satisfy a nostalgic craving.  Collections range from antique canes to baseball cards.  The difference in items that collectors seek out is all part of the adventure.  For some collecting is about investing their money in something that will bring in a return while for others it is all about finding something rare and unique to call their own.  There is a definite distinction between the two communities so it is important to separate between collectible that retain their value and those that only preserve the dust that sits on them.

One hot collectable that has been on the scene for almost fifty years now is hot wheel cars.  Let’s face it, boy or girl, young or old, who doesn’t have that kid like feeling when they are handed a hot wheel.  These little toys are a fan favorite still to this day.  It is an inexpensive collection that many young children start that they can keep for generation after generation.  No matter when you start collecting hot wheels always look to find limited issue cars.  These are the ones that will continue to increase in value as they age and become harder to find.

Another collection that is popular is books.  The internet and e-readers are making this an even more collectable gem.  Certain classics and first addition books in good condition, especially if autographed are extremely valuable.  Some books are only valuable because of their nostalgic value to the reader.  Most often collectors of books aren’t looking to obtain a huge return on their investment yet are collecting books to pass on to later generations.  The value of this type of collection is more to pass on a love of reading, collecting and sharing in the adventure of being able to get lost in the written word.

History buffs tend to like collecting antique canes and walking sticks.  These pieces are highly collectable because the story they tell of past eras.  When looking for a collection that will continue to retain and increase in value antique canes deliver.  The value is within the materials that are used to create unique canes.  This alone tends to help insure the value of these historical pieces.  Materials such as ivory, gold, silver and rare animal bones not only add value as they become increasingly rare but also intrigue into our history.

From antique canes to little toys let’s be clear a collection is as valuable as the market of collectors is willing to make it.  You may believe that old Frogger video game isn’t worth much but to that collector that remembers the joy it brought him when he was playing it on his Atari it might be worth a million bucks.  The old adage about beauty being in the eye of the beholder is never truer than in the world of antiques and collectables.

Antique Cane World is an online retailer of antique canes, walking sticks and umbrellas.  Contact us today for more information on antique canes, unique umbrellas and more at

Home Buying and Selling in 2016

When it comes to selling a house in today’s market many sellers are in for a culture shock.  Today’s buyers are different than they were five years ago.  Buyers are demanding.  In this technology savvy world we live in buyers want to see homes when their schedule permits.  It is no longer about the seller and creating the perfect ambiance for selling a home; today’s buyers want convenience and they aren’t about to wait for an open house to get what they want.  Long gone are the days of baking cookies and creating the perfect, warm home introduction.

When you decide to sell your home the first step that you should make is to call in a trusted professional.  Real estate agents help to eliminate the emotional aspect of the transaction.  This greatly improves the chance of a quick sale.  Below is a sample action plan that most realtors will use when working with you to sell your home.

One debate that exists is if a seller should buy a new home before they have sold theirs.  Is it necessary to carry two mortgages?  The answer is no.  Sell your home before you buy a new one.  A few scenarios’ can play out all of which are better than paying two mortgages.  Many buyers are willing to work with a seller if they need additional time in the home by renting it back to the seller for a few months while they find a new home.  Another option that is common is a short term rental.  The one thing you are looking to avoid is buying a home contingent on the sale of yours especially in a market where you are up against other bidders.

No longer are the good ole days of throwing a for sale sign in the yard and calling it a day.  Homes don’t get sold unless they are properly marketed.  Buyers are looking for photos, videos, floor plans, staging ideas and more.  They are looking at homes online and through social media.  Long gone are the days of Sunday drive by’s where buyers are deciding which homes to look at.  If they don’t see what they want to out of the online marketing campaign you and your realtor have set up then you won’t have to worry about setting up a time for them to see the house in person.

Selling a home today requires buyers to have immediate access to have their questions answered immediately.  Without a solid internet presence and marketing plan in place your home will sit stale on the market for months waiting for those far and few between drive-by buyers.

Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor; out of Pinckney, Michigan helping buyers buy and sellers sell homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell, Pinckney and the surrounding area. Find out more at

Avoiding The Challenges That Come With Selling Your Home

It can be a challenge to sell your home.  This is especially true in a market saturated with homes for sale.  When buyers have lots of options available to them they don’t have to buy what you are selling.  If your home is just one of a million available on the market today it is crucial that you aren’t sloppy when putting it up for sale.

Don’t price your home out of the market:  You know what you paid for your home when you bought it and you know what you have invested into but that doesn’t mean you know how much it should sell for.  Your house is not worth a penny more than what the market is willing to purchase it for.  The market may have gone up or it may have gone down since you initially purchased your home.  When setting an asking price for your home it is important that you don’t overprice your home.  A home that has a high asking price may discourage parties that are interested in making an offer.  Your goal is to sell your home not show it for six months.  Take into consideration homes that are comparable to yours and be willing to set an asking price that is equivalent.

Don’t go it alone: There are a number of mistakes that can be made in any real estate transaction.  Without the proper understanding of exactly what is entailed in selling your home it is wise to hire a professional realtor to guide you through the process.  Working with a local real estate agent is helpful in a number of ways.  First, they are familiar with the local area, the selling price of similar homes in the area and know a reasonable offer when it is given. They have experience on counter offers and can help you negotiate a contract that is fair and appropriate for the market you are in.

Another benefit of using a real estate agent when selling your home is the additional marketing tools and connections that have available to them.  Selling your home in a competitive market is much more than just sticking a sign in the yard and watching buyers come pouring in.  Today real estate is all about marketing.  Your home needs to be on the internet throughout social media, video tours and public open house advertisements with additional pictures of the home.  Sellers can no longer get by on putting a sign in the yard, word of mouth and drive-by’s.

The process of selling your home can be emotional.  A real estate agent can help you through the sentimental aspect while understanding the business side.  With the right price and proper marketing your home has the potential to have a number of buyers interested before it is even officially listed by the real estate agent.

Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor; out of Pinckney, Michigan helping buyers buy and sellers sell homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell, Pinckney and the surrounding area. Find out more at

Cancer Treatment Using Different Radiation Therapy Techniques Part 3

In our third installment discussing different types of radiation treatment we will look into more details around image-guided radiotherapy, IGRT.  Treatment using IGRT is a bit different than previous therapies we have discussed because CT scans continue to be utilized throughout treatment to look for reduction in tumor size as well as other changes.  Using several scanned images allows the radiation oncologist to adjust treatment for changes in the position of the patient and adjust the amount of radiation needed.  IGRT leads to an increase in treatment accuracy while allowing for a decrease in radiation exposure to the tissue surrounding the tumor.

There are two main types of IGRT, stereotactic radiation and radio-surgery, such as SBRT, Gamma-Knife and Cyber-knife.  Stereotactic radiotherapy is similar to IMRT except that it involved fewer treatments, fractions.  It delivers a high dose of radiation directly into a tumor.  It delivers the radiation in a number of different angles to focus radiation all at one small area. Radio-surgery involves a single fraction whereas stereotactic radiation involves two to five fractions.  Most often this treatment is used for lesions within the brain.  This minimizes effects to normal tissue, which radiation passes through while delivering a large dose of radiation to a single point where the beams all come together.  The large number of beams angle in order to deliver radiation to a single point when precise targeting of the tumor is required.

Stereotactice radiation, also known as SBRT, is used most often for treating areas such as the lung, prostate, liver, brain and bone.  With the advancements in technology, computer imaging and patient stabilization radiation oncologists are able to offer treatment in fewer fractions.  The higher dose of radiation is delivered to the tumor while the outlying areas receive less and less harmful doses of radiation.  This type of treatment is often given with the use of linear accelerators and cyber-knife systems.  Cyber-knife is basically a linear accelerator placed on a robotic arm allowing for more freedom in movement.

Radio-surgery is most often used in the treatment of brain tumors.  The brain does not move so there are not the problems with motion that are run into with other cancer treatments.   An MRI scan is used to localize the tumor and a frame is used to position the head with great accuracy.  Radio-surgery requires both neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists during planning and treatment.  Lesions that are smaller than five centimeters can be treated using radio-surgery.

This series has outlined numerous types of radiotherapy along with the cancers best treated with each technique.  More detailed information on linear accelerators and how they can be used in the treatment of cancers is available online.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Cancer Treatment Using Different Radiation Therapy Techniques Part 2

In this installment we will continue to looking into the numerous options available in radiation therapy treatments that oncologists can use when treating cancerous tumors.  As stated previously, depending on a variety of circumstances the option in therapy chosen to treat your cancer will vary.  Your radiation oncologist is the only one that understands your unique situation and therefore is the only one that can recommend a treatment plan.

Intensity modulated radiation therapy, otherwise known as IMRT, delivers photons to treat tumors but in a manner that allows healthy structures to receive a potentially lower dose of the high radiation.  The process of IMRT begins much the same way as other methods of delivering photon radiation.  Treatment planning begins by performing a CT scan that outlines the normal organs and the cancerous tumors.  From the scans the radiation beams are positioned in a fashion to deliver the radiation to the cancerous area without affecting the healthy tissue.

The difference in IMRT is that the beams are divided into a grid that takes the one large radiation beam and divides it out into many smaller beams.  Computer software is employed to help radiation oncologists determine the best pattern to deliver radiation while sparing healthy organs.  A variety of shapes are used during treatment to ensure precise control while delivering radiation which is critical when treating tumors in difficult to reach positions.  IMRT is often utilized in the treatment of head and neck cancer where there are other critical structures close to the cancer that can be easily damaged by the strong course of radiation treatment.  IMRT is one of the most frequently used methods in delivering radiation.

There are downsides when treating cancerous tumors using IMRT as there are in all treatment options.  The time it takes to plan the course of treatment as well as the amount of time it takes to deliver the daily treatment because of the number of shapes the leaves are required to make during treatment.  Another downside is that with the beams going in numerous directions it is possible that the dose of radiation would not be as even as it is with three D conformal therapy.  Another disadvantage found is that although a high dose of radiation is spared to healthy organs a greater number of normal organs are affected by radiation because of the greater number of beams used in shaping the radiation.  New and improved intensity modulated radiation therapies continue to hit the market being tested on a variety of hard to reach tumors in the head, neck, brain, prostate, GI and lungs.

In our continued series on the numerous types of radiation we will begin to look into options in image guided radiotherapy otherwise known as IGRT.  The uniqueness of this therapy comes in that imaging scans are continually repeated to identify any changes in the tumor size and surrounding area.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Cancer Treatment Using Different Radiation Therapy Techniques Part 1

There are numerous types of radiation therapy that oncologists are using to treat cancers today.  Several types of radiation particles or waves are used to deliver radiation treatment including photons, electrons and protons.  Photons and electrons are the used types of radiation as they are the most abundant.  Proton radiation therapy is available in a few medical therapy facilities while new proton therapies are being developed.

The three types of radiation therapy, photon, electron and proton therapy, all have the same basic effects on cancerous tissues; to eliminate them.  Each type of therapy has its own set of benefits and drawbacks which is why oncologists use it over the others in treating certain cancers.  In the following few installments on radiology treatments we will discuss why certain therapy’s are chosen by radiation oncologists over others.  Only the radiation oncologist treating you will understand your cancer situation and the best radiation therapy to best care for specific condition.

Photon Radiation Treatment Options

Photon beams are similar to those used in diagnostic x-ray machines like what would be seen to check for a bone break.  These same photon beams but in a much higher energy beam are used in radiotherapy.  Most conventional photon radiation is delivered using a machine known as a linear accelerator or linas for short.

First we will take a look into two dimensional photon therapies which are the most common therapy options in treating cancer.  This conventional radiation therapy utilizes x-ray films to determine how to best position the radiation beams to treat the cancerous tumors.  In treatment, the bones on the x-rays are used to map out the position of the tumor in relation to normal organs to allow radiologists to position the radiation beams on the targeted cancerous tumor.  In conventional radiation therapy the planning is done in a quick, efficient manner and a patient can begin the process of treatment swiftly.  Other techniques in treating cancer require lengthier planning.

Three dimensional radiation therapies use CT scanners and imaging to plan for treating tumors.  This treatment option is the most readily available within medical facilities.   One major advantage of CT-guided treatment over two dimension conventional therapy is that it allows radiation oncologists to define normal organs and cancerous tumors in three dimensions instead of the flat image present in x-ray technology.

Normally this type of treatment begins with the patient receiving a CT scan laying in the exact position they will be in for treatment.  The CT scan will outline the tumor in 3D.  Organs that are not affected will also be outlined so that during treatment they can be avoided.  The photon radiation beams will be positioned to deliver the most advantageous dose of radiation to the cancerous tumor while avoiding normal organs.

Radiologist use computer software in order to calculate the amount of radiation that is optimal to terminate the tumor while minimizing the radiation to healthy tissue.  The goal is to optimize the amount of radiation being received by the cancerous tumor while minimizing the effects of the radiation on healthy organs and tissues surrounding the area.  These calculations are constantly adjusted during treatment to take into consideration these calculations.

In order to better understand how this can be done it is important to understand how the beams are positioned using linear accelerators.  The radiation beams can be shaped in one of two ways.  The first is a leaf within the linear accelerator that can be used to form a customized radiation beam.  Usually these leaves, known as multi-leaf collimators, are made of small, shiny blocks of metal that can be quickly moved around independently of one another to form most complex configurations.  The second way that beams can be shaped is with the use cerrobend blocks that are individually molded into the desired shape.

We will continue to look into the numerous options available in radiation therapy treatments in our next installment.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at