Livingston Reporting - page 223

Updates In Roofing

Over the past few decades the home improvement industry has changed at a rapid pace.  As far as individual sectors that have evolved the most is the roofing industry.  Homeowners have come to expect a lot out of their homes roof and the market has answered.  The latest trends in roofing range from increasing energy efficiency to the overall life span of the roof.

Environmentally Safe Roofing Solutions

The world that we live in has become more concerned than ever before about the stability of the environment.  As our society starts to be less more aware of the instability and damage facing Earth it becomes evident that we need to step up to protect it.  The family home is a great place to start and there are several ways to do this within your own home starting with your homes roof.

One way that we can achieve eco-friendly goals in roofing is by using recycled, natural or eco-friendly materials for new roofs or replacement roofs.  Some people choose to go even more hard-core with green roofing.  Roofs can literally be created using grass or gardens growing on their roof.  Another popular option in environmentally friendly is solar paneling which helps the environment and your finances.

Energy Efficiency  

Roofing protects your home and family from the elements.  The roof also plays an integral role in helping with insulation and boosting eco-friendly aspects.  A solid roof and proper insulation helps keep a home warm in the winter and cold in the summer without wasting energy.  Good ventilation in your roof is also important as it helps to regulate the temperature.

Life Span

With the steady exposure to the elements it means that your homes roof will need to be repaired, replaced, and update more often than other element on your home.  This is one of the main reasons that the material that your roofing contractor chooses is meant to last.  Metal roofing is known for its longevity, aesthetic value and ability to hold up under substantial climate changes.

Regardless of the material that you decide to use on your new roof the most important factor in roofing is that it is installed by a professional roofing contractor.  Once an expert roofer has installed your new roof it is important that you as a homeowner take the time twice yearly, once in the spring and once in the fall, for repairs, maintenance and upkeep.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Trends in Roofing 2016

When you are replacing your homes roof or repair an existing roof you may be interested in the latest industry trends.  You might not expect to see much change from year to year in an industry such as roofing however with advances in technology and a push to be more consciences of the environment a lot is changing.

One of the biggest changes that we are seeing is in the most tried and true roofing material of them all, the shingle.  Asphalt shingles are the number one choice for roofing contractors and homeowners because of their durability, availability and cost.  Asphalt shingling is an industry leading material in durability and environmentally friendly technology.  One way that technology is changing asphalt shingling is with the use of cooling granules to help make homes more energy efficient.

Another trend or change in roofing is color options available.  Lighter roofing materials are being used as they lessen the extreme costs of cooling a home during the winter months.  Expect to see a growth in gray and blues for rooftops this year.

As a society we are becoming more and more environmentally friendly.  We are moving past just the simple everyday such as separating plastic and paper and turning eco-friendly as a complete lifestyle.  More and more green building materials are available on the market including roofing.  Solar panels that convert the sun’s power into electricity are more prevalent as they cost effective and reduce the negative effects roofing has on the environment.

When you are picking out a roofing material for your home it is important to consider more than just industry trends.  You need to take into account the homes style, the neighborhood and numerous additional items.  Answer the following questions when working with your roofing contractor to determine the best roofing materials for your new or replacement roof.

  • What type of weight can your existing roof framing hold? Are you prepared to add special framing if the material you want to use outweighs the existing frame source?
  • Is the material you are considering available in multiple colors and style that will ultimately compliment your home?
  • Do the materials meet local area fire specifications?
  • Are there special requirements in maintenance or installation to consider?
  • Is the material good for the climate that the home is located in? Will it offer peak performance for the weather?  If you have changing seasons will it adjust to each?
  • Also compare the material cost, life span, warranty, and labor expense; is one roofing material clearly better than all the rest?

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Treating Cancer With Radiation

Radiation therapy involves using specific energy carried by waves or streams of particles in order to treat numerous types of cancer.  When it involves radiation there are several different levels of energy.  All of us have been exposed to certain low levels of radiation through things like the sun and x-rays.  Higher levels of radiation energy however can be used in the treatment of cancers and other illnesses.  Radiation therapy takes and makes use of these high-energy rays and particles to treat cancer.

By definition cancer is a tumor which consists of an overgrowth of abnormal cells.  As the abnormal cells grow they multiply and begin to divide quickly producing new cancerous tumor cells.  This ability, to multiply and divide without any limits and take over normal cells, makes cancerous cells different.

There are numerous types of cancers.  Each different cancer is unique in how it grows and reacts to treatment.  Radiation therapy is just one type of treatment for cancer.  It helps treat cancer by interfering with the cell’s ability to multiple and divide.  In high doses, radiation, defeats cancer by stopping the growth of further cells and killing the existing cancerous cells.

There are four main approaches to treating cancer including: radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy and biological therapy.  No two cancers are alike therefore no two treatments are alike.  Cancers are each unique, research has helped physicians determine the treatment or combination of treatments that is most useful in treatment.  Surgery may be used in combination with radiation therapy, chemotherapy and/or biological therapy.  In order to treat cancer or relieve patients from the undesirable symptoms of cancer, like bleeding or pain, radiation therapy is used.

Many types of cancer such as brain tumors, head and neck cancers, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, rectal cancer, cervix cancer, uterine cancer, lymphoma and sarcoma are all commonly treated using radiation therapy.

There are two different manners in which radiation therapy can be given: external beam irradiation and brachytherapy, or internal radiation.  External beams irradiation is the most common method of treating cancer using radiation.  The treatment distributes radiation to specific, targeted areas of the body using a large machine similar to an x-ray machine called a linear accelerator.  Treatment using linear accelerator equipment is given every day, Monday through Friday, for anywhere between one and eight weeks depending on the type of cancer and the reason why the patient is receiving treatment.  It can be given between once a day to three times a day depending on the cancer that is being treated.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Step By Step Cancer Treatment Planning

There are many steps that need to be taken in the treatment of cancer.  With advancements in technology and the use of equipment such as CT scanners and linear accelerators cancer is more treatable than ever before.  The treatment of cancer varies slightly depending on the type of cancer being treated however the steps involved in the process remain virtually the same throughout.

Consultation: When a patient is first diagnosed with cancer and radiation is needed patients will make an appointment to meet with a radiation oncologist for a consultation.  During this visit the patient’s medical history will be reviewed at great lengths.  Recommendations will be discussed so that a plan for radiation treatment can be formed.

Simulations:  The next step involved in radiation therapy as part of a treatment plan for cancer is simulation.  This is the visit in which patients will be positioned for treatment.  It is important that treatment positioning is done to determine how the body should lay during treatment to best target the tumor.  Often immobilization devices are designed to mold to a patient to allow them to easily be positioned for treatment.  Medical immobilization devices are not always needed for radiation therapy.

During simulations x-rays and CT scans are performed to compare the tumors location to the location of the healthy tissue surrounding it.  Often times contrasting material is used to allow technicians to visualize certain landmarks that would not otherwise be visible.  These are removed after the x-ray is taken and in their places small markings are left on the skin to allow visual representation for treatment the following day.

Planning: Radiation oncologists, physics staff and dosimetrists are all three linked in the treatment planning process. Radiation oncologists design the field for treatment using the x-ray images that were obtained during the simulation process.  The physics staff is in charge of shaping the radiation beams that are to be used in treatment to prevent the healthy tissue from being damaged while targeting the cancerous tumor.

Along with computer technology the dosimetrist and radiation oncologist work together to determine the best dose of radiation for the treatment field selected.  This process may take more than one visit.  The goal being that each day the same treatment field is receiving the needed radiation without damaging healthy, surrounding tissues while not over treating the tumor.

Treatment:  Radiation treatments themselves do not hurt.  It is however crucial to have the patient remains completely still throughout the entire treatment process which often can be difficult.

Typical Treatment Day:  During treatment the radiation patient will check in at the reception desk.  They will then be escorted into the treatment room where the clothing that is covering the area that is to be treated is uncovered.  Patients are made comfortable, shielding is set in place, therapists place the linear accelerator and the appropriate does is given.  Once this is complete the patient is free to leave.

Side Effects of Radiation:  The most common side effects in radiation therapy are exhaustion, loss of energy and skin tenderness.  Most often skin irritation only occurs at the area where the treatment is being administered.  Other side effects such as hair loss, sore throat, coughing, nausea and vomiting can occur but are not as common.  It is good to note that most side effects will usually resolve themselves in four to six weeks after completing treatment.

Aftercare: In any surgery or procedure the support before and during are as equally as important as the support and care the patient receives after.  A crucial element in the recovery process after radiation therapy is to keep you radiation oncologist keyed in on changes to your health.  It is also important that the patient stay on track with the scheduled treatment plan to avoid having a negative impact on the outcome goal.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Key Players In The Treatment Of Cancer

There are many key players involved in using radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer including: radiation oncologists, physicists, dosimetrists, radiation therapists and nurses.  Working in collaboration with one another a plan of action is developed that is unique to each and every individuals cancer and treatment goals.  Each player being a central piece in ensuring that the plan for treating the cancer runs smoothly, patient care needs are exceeded and that end treatment goals are met.

A radiation oncologist is the physician in charge of treatment that has completed their residency specializing in radiation oncology.  They control the role that radiation therapy will play for the patient.  From patient care, treatment planning through to evaluating the patient’s response to treatment the radiation oncologist is accountable.

Both physicists and dosimetrists aid the radiation oncologist in treating the patient.  These individuals are the ones that are depended on to create immobilization devices that will hold patients in one position throughout radiation treatment.  This ensures that the patient is still and the beams of radiation from the linear accelerator machine can narrow in on the cancerous tumors instead of the healthy tissues surrounding the area.  They are also responsible for generating computer plans, calculating radiation doses and carry out a system of checks and balances to ensure that treatment is accurate.

The radiation therapists are in charge of daily treatments and for the simulation procedures.  Every day radiation therapists work closely with patients to assist in care including treatment positioning, making sure the radiation field is on target and delivering treatment.  Radiation therapists work closely with radiation oncologists to determine changes that need to be made before the next treatment.

Nurses carry a great deal of responsibility when it comes to cancer treatment.  They are the individuals that are responsible for the patients care before, during and after treatment.  Nurses assist radiation oncologists with everything from coordinating appointments, keeping up to date on client’s symptoms relating to their treatment as well as making referrals for social services as needed.  Nurses are the people that work to keep not only the patient but also their families up to date on treatments, side effects, medications and plans for long-term.  Nurses are the main support staff for the patient.

Many different professionals are needed to provide radiation therapy effectively to patients. There is not one job more important than the next when it comes to ensuring that patients are receiving adequate care and treatment.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Key Advantages of Shrink Sleeve Labeling

There are a number of options available to manufacturers when considering materials to use for product labeling including cut & stack, pressure sensitive, roll fed, shrink sleeves and flexible packaging.  The market for stretch and shrink sleeve labels continues to be one of the fastest growing in the labeling market to date.

This is largely driven by the benefits shrink sleeves offer when it comes to marketing, brand identity and self impact.  Another reason that the popularity of shrink sleeves is growing is due to the developments in the manufacturing process including improved quality, economic influences, consumer demands and retail trends.  Below we will examine the forces driving shrink sleeves popularity as a product labeling option.

Shrink sleeve labeling has one major advantage over other types of labeling in that it offers a cost effective approach at labeling containers that are complex or not traditionally shaped.  Shrink sleeves enable manufacturers the ability to reduce the wall thickness on plastic and glass containers as well as eliminating the need for special colored containers.  In fact shrink sleeve labels smoothly contour packages that might otherwise be difficult to label with standard adhesive labeling options.  With the increased popularity of sleek, curvaceous bottles in beverage packaging, this is an important advantage for shrink sleeve labeling.

Another advantage that shrink sleeve labels have over other traditional types of labeling is that it really makes a product stand out from its competition.  Sleeve labels can be applied to a package in several different ways.  From covering just the shoulder of the container, the cap of the package or the entire full three hundred and sixty degrees of the body of the package shrinks sleeves are an option.

The extra space that shrink sleeves offer manufacturers the ability to add colorful, eye-catching designs while offering additional space to communicate pertinent product information to consumers.  Regulations in labeling, especially in food, beverage and pharmaceuticals have become much more strict in the previous years.  With shrink sleeves manufacturers do not have to worry about including the needed information within just one small labeling space.  Shrink sleeve labels offer extra space to maintain its ability to reach consumers while ensuring that manufacturers conform to regulatory standards that are in place.

There are a number of practical advantages that shrink sleeves offer as well.  For instant a pre-formed shrink film band can be manufactured to fit a particular container without needing to be custom designed.  They can also be used to attach the container caps to provide extra safety in the form of a protective, tamper-evident seal.  This is extremely important especially in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.  These pre-formed bands around the caps of products are a simple and effective way that informs consumers if their product has been tampered with before they have had the chance to use it.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Tips For Using Color In Product Labeling

Extensive research has gone into researching the effect color plays on the emotional psyche of consumers during the purchasing process.  In order to hone in on consumers during the critical moments before they make a purchase graphic designers must elevate their feelings for the product.  The value of emotional marketing in business is not to be overlooked.  Color triggers emotion, emotion triggers purchasing and purchasing triggers success in marketing.

When creating a label it is important that designers account for the way consumers react to different elements of design, including color, as a trigger in their purchasing decision.  The emotional response seen by different colors is not only influenced by a consumer’s personal preference but also cultural influences as well.  Consider how our western culture perceives the colors pink and light blue or red and royal blue when used in combination of one another.  In the first example, pink and blue, instantly most consumers will draw up images of baby boys verse baby girls where as in the second example, red and blue, most often when used in conjunction will draw an image of hot and cold.

From the above it can be gathered that certain colors have certain emotional expectations.  Below is a summary of what emotions are associated with certain colors.  Remember that this changes as colors are used in combination with one another as well.

Red:  The color red is often thought to evoke the emotional response of warmth, heat and fire.  Think about the color red; what image pops into your head?  Did you see a fire engine, a camp fire or something else?  When designing a product label, designers often use shades of red when looking to elicit a high energy, intense response.  The color red is powerful.

Blue:  Blue is often seen as a color that resonating emotions of stability, serenity and stillness.  When thinking of the color blue what imagery comes to mind?  Do you see floating clouds, waves, water or other strong, masculine images?  Blue tones and shades often evoke emotional responses of cleanliness, intellect and consciousness.  You will often see blue in labels and marketing materials promoting airlines, banks, vacation locations, retreat spas and bottled water.

Yellow:  If a designer is looking to promote energy, happiness and enjoyment then yellow if the color that they will choose.  When yellow is used in labeling the emotional response is general cheeriness.  When used in labeling yellow stimulates hunger, freshness and order.

Green: When a product wants to come across as eco-friendly, health conscience or natural label designers will choose shades of green.  Green shades are often emotionally linked to the harmony that is seen in nature.  When advertisers seek to convey natural products, eco-safe, or environmentally friendly they will use green in their label design.

White and Black:  The two most basic colors in the spectrum of advertising are black and white.  White is a clean color that shows purity and innocence.  When used as a design element it is considered a new beginning or sterile space.  It is often used to promote medical cleanliness.  Whereas black is more elegant, formal and a color often seen in mourning.  When used with bright colors the black makes the colors pop.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

The Importance of Product Packaging and Labeling

In business there are always a million and one questions that need to be addressed.  It is important when you are selling a new product or rebranding an existing product that the products labeling and packaging are thoroughly evaluated.  Product labels and packaging have a strong impact in the marketing mix.  It is crucial that product labeling conveys the message that the company is trying to send to consumers.  The appearance of the product is what draws many initial purchases while the products quality creates repeat purchases.

Packaging plays the important role of protecting the company’s product from damage.  Not only does the package offer protection during transit from the manufacturing facility to retailer but also while it is on displayed on store shelves and transported for end user consumption.  Most products that consumers will purchase have some type of packaging.  Crackers for instance have a package in which they are sold to consumers in and a separate package for transport while produce may only have a package for transit but not for sale.

The attraction of your product mainly comes from the way in which it is labeled.  The products label is used to market your product to consumers.  Companies do extensive research to determine the best options in color scheme, logo design, label material and overall product packaging to appeal to consumers.

Another important role that product labeling and packaging has is to promote the product and key information about it.  The label may contain a list of ingredients, recommended uses, pricing, company information and additional information that consumers need to make an educated purchasing decision.  This detailed, factual information about the product propels the purchase on its own without assistance from a direct sales person.

Brands need to stand out from one another.  Choices in package and label design ensure that competing products are differentiated from one another.  The colors used on the label and packaging, along with distinct branding marks, such as a company logo, help consumers to tell the difference between similar products that are shelved close together.  The idea behind this being that consumers should easily recognize the brand and product by the packaging and label colors and design upon initial site.

Shoppers use all of their senses to identify specific company brands.  This propels them to purchase the product.  When a company looks to redefine its brand it should consider the residual effects of completely changing the colors, logos and distinguishing markings on the products packaging and label.  It is crucial to remain true to the products original identity to a point when considering a change to the products package or label because consumers find a certain level of comfort in familiarity.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Dispelling Aluminum Fencing Myths

There are many misconceptions when it comes to aluminum fencing.  It is however important that homeowners recognize that aluminum fencing is in fact one of the best materials available in fencing especially when it comes to ease of installation.  Whether you are enclosing a pool, creating a perimeter border around your backyard or enhancing your existing landscape you can’t go wrong choosing to install aluminum fencing.

In this installment on fencing we will look to dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions that are associated with aluminum fencing.

The first misconception that is thrown around quite a bit when it comes to aluminum fence is that it is not nearly as strong as steel.  Not only is aluminum as strong as steel it offers that strength at a quarter of the weight of steel fencing.  In fact, it should be noted that the strength to weight ratio of aluminum fence panels is equivalent to the same density of steel.  Steel fencing may be stiffer and heavier but both fencing materials are made to withstand diverse conditions and climates.  Both steel and aluminum fencing are strong and highly durable.

Another common myth that is thrown around when talking about aluminum fencing is that is easily rusts.  This is in fact untrue; aluminum fencing does not rust.  Aluminum fencing is powder-coated therefore homeowners do not have to worry about rust or oxidization for the entire lifespan of the fence.

I often hear that landscapes with slopes and hilly terrain are not appropriate for aluminum fencing.  This again is untrue.  Aluminum fencing is designed to fit an number of slopes, inclines and uneven terrains.  With advancements in technology aluminum fencing rails are able to follow along the ground while the pickets in the fencing remain vertical.  This allows continuity to be maintained so the look of the fencing is not disrupted.

Another misconception that is common to hear when discussing aluminum fencing is that it doesn’t hold up well over a long period of time.   This is totally false.  In fact homeowners are said to repeat purchase aluminum fencing over any other material in fencing when purchasing materials to install at a new residence.  Powder-coated surfacing, low maintenance and resistance to wear and tear make aluminum fencing a popular repeat purchase.  It is the number one choice for homeowners looking to enclose a pool area just because it is so durable!

Aluminum fencing does cost a bit more initially then other fencing materials, this is true.   There are some things to consider when discussing this in more detail including the low cost of maintenance and the ability to install it on your own without hiring a professional contractor.  What aluminum fencing may cost you above and beyond other fencing materials is comparable to the labor expense in of other materials.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Making An Educated Buying Decision In Fencing

It is important when choosing aluminum fencing that you make and educated decision that is right fence for your home and landscape.  With the number of options included in aluminum fencing from styles, colors and alternatives in picket spacing and such it can get a bit overwhelming to determine exactly what you should order.  In this installment we will discuss, in depth, how homeowners can make sure they are choosing the right aluminum fencing for their home and landscape.

As a homeowner it is important that you establish exactly what you are aiming to accomplish with the installation of an aluminum fence.  What are you looking to keep in verse out of the yard?  Picket width and spacing are important elements especially when the fence is being installed to keep pets or children within the boundaries of your yard.

There are pros and cons of all fencing materials.  Aluminum fencing has several advantages over competitive fencing materials.  For one aluminum fencingrequires very little time and money to be spent on maintenance and upkeep.  Aluminum fencing maintains its color and aesthetic value without any added paint, staining, yearly cleaning etc…    On top of the low maintenance required of aluminum fencing it is affordable, easy to install and available in a number of combinations that allow it to be custom designed for your landscape.

Consider the style of your home when choosing an ornamental aluminum fence style that works best for your home and landscape.  Do you prefer something modern, contemporary or classic?  What is the style of your home and what elements do you wish to highlight?  Choose decorative aluminum fencing that will complete and compliment the overall look that you are going for to enhance the appearance of your home and landscape.

When you are installing aluminum fencing you are doing so for a general purpose. Most often the purpose that homeowners give is that they are looking to establish the boundaries between their property and the neighbors.  It is important to be considerate to your neighbors when placing an aluminum fence.  Establish the property line using an agreed upon property surveyor and stack out the proposed layout of your fence.  Speak with your neighbor to address any causes of concern prior to ordering your fence.  If there is a dispute it is better settle prior to beginning the installation process.

As materials in fencing come, aluminum fencing is one of the simplest for installation and most appealing aesthetically.  Contact an online aluminum fence wholesaler today to get started on your aluminum fencing project.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!