Livingston Reporting - page 218

Avoiding Damage To Your Roof This Winter

It is important that homeowners don’t neglect the exterior of their homes during the winter season, especially the homes roof.  Winter weather is particularly hard on a home’s roof.  From heavy snow to ice dams there are many warning signs for homeowners to look for to prevent damage to the homes roof.  Small roofing problems can easily be repaired before they turn into an expensive new roof needing to be installed.  Continue reading for information on what you should be looking for to avoid winter roofing hassles.

Damage Ice Storms 

After your area has gone through the experience of an ice storm it important to have the homes roof inspected by a professional roofing contractor.  It is hard for the inexperienced eye to spot the damage that occurs from hail and ice but for a roofing contractor it is pretty evident.  Ice damage occurs in many forms including deep dimples in the roof surface, cracked shingles, loose asphalt granules and missing roofing aspects.

Ice Dams and Heavy Snow Buildup

Snow always appears so light and fluffy as it falls from the sky.  The reality however is that after snow has settled on your roof and had time to thaw from any temperature difference the melted snow is incredibly heavy.  This weight puts a great deal of pressure on the roof which can lead to pressure cracks and in turn leaks.  A similar concept occurs when snow melts and refreezes around the edge of the roof creating ice dams.  Water that would normally run off of the roof has nowhere to go and in turn continues to freeze along the edge.  This leads to weight damage on the roof or interior leaks.

Failing Flashing

Harsh winter weather is notorious for the damage that it does to the roofs flashing.  Flashing is the metal that is applied over the roof joints to help direct the flow of water.  It is also used around skylights, dormer windows, vents and such.  Although it is a durable material the winter weather can take a toll on it.  If flashing damage goes untreated homeowners can expect to experience leaks and interior water damage.

Winter weather varies a great deal from location to location.  Winters here in the north alone vary a great deal.  One day we are dealing with temperatures in the upper forties and the next we are experiencing two feet drifts of snow.  With this in mind it is important that homeowners get into a routine.  Roofing contractors can be hired to do bi-yearly screenings of your homes roof, during the spring and fall to pinpoint problem areas before they become bigger issues.  Homeowners should become familiar with their roofs as well in order to perform periodic checks for damage that is above and beyond normal wear and tear.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Safely Delivering Radiation Using Linear Accelerator Equipment

Linac, short for linear accelerator, is a piece of medical equipment used in radiology.  It matches high powered x-ray energy up with the shape of cancerous tumors, destroying the cancerous cells while preserving the healthy tissue surrounding the area.    Using a linear accelerator, oncology radiologists can be sure that a higher does than what has been prescribed is not being delivered to the area.  The machines are frequently checked by medical physicists to ensure proper function.

As a patient needing radiation therapy a treatment plan is developed specifically for you with the support of experts including a radiation oncologist, a radiation dosimetrist and a medical physicist.  Before the treatment begins your oncologist with double a triple check the plan and create a course of action to ensure that the radiation is delivered in the exact same manner each and every time.

LINAC devices are used to provide external beam radiation treatments for cancer patients.  The linear accelerator treats various areas throughout the body.  The concentrated x-ray beams are centered on the tumor in hope that the healthy tissue surrounding the tumor will be spared.  The linear accelerator allows the x-rays to be sent in the shape of the tumor using blocks in the head of the machine or a multi-leaf collimator that is a part of the machine head.

During treatment the patient is positioned on a moveable couch like table.  The patient remains still while the table and linear accelerator is moved into position for optimal treatment of the tumor.  The linear accelerator is operated by a radiation therapist.  This professional is in charge of actually delivering the correct dose of radiation prescribed by the radiation oncologist.

When radiation is delivered the safety of the patient and the therapist is of utmost importance.  In order to ensure that the proper treatment plan is in place it is thoroughly checked by the radiation oncologist, radiation dosimetrist and physicist before the treatments are performed.   Several quality control checks are in place to ensure that the treatment is given as prescribed.

Systems are built directly into the linear accelerator to ensure that a dose higher then what is prescribed is not delivered to the patient.  Checks are preformed daily by the linear accelerator operator, radiation therapist, to make certain the radiation intensity is uniform across the beam and that the machine is in proper working order.  On top of this the radiation physicist performs weekly and monthly checks on the machine.  Modern day LINAC have internal systems that check the machine and do not allow it to be turned on until all of the treatment requirements are met.  Patient and operator safety is of utmost important when radiation distribution is concerned.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Success In Expanding Medical Facilities

Medical facilities are in a constant state of growth.  Centers that continue with the status quo path become stagnant.  It is imperative, for services to continue, that facilities keep up with the changing treatment options technology offers patients.  Refusing to keep pace with changing technology will inevitably cause your medical center to crumble.  In order to thrive and be successful in your endeavors your goal must remain steadfast; you must offer patients an unwavering commitment to the quality of patient care through trained staff and up to date equipment.

As a hospital or clinic continues to increase the services they provide they will most likely encounter the need to purchase large scaled equipment like linear accelerators and ct scanners.  Medical machinery is not mass produced and therefore each piece of equipment will have its own unique set of quirks.  With most facilities purchasing refurbished medical equipment, parts and supplies a review of the machines service history can be quiet telling.  Take a close look into what services have been performed and the frequency of service.

After this step is complete the next step is to analyze how the machine was previously utilized.  In linear accelerators each system has a set number of hours beams can expect to perform.  Reviewing this will allow you to see just how much the equipment has been used therefore allowing you to make certain estimations about its future.

The final step before making any purchase is to perform a physical inspection of the piece of equipment you are looking to purchase.  When performing the inspection you can get a detailed look at the machine.  It is also the time when you can ask questions regarding the systems usage on a daily basis.  This is crucial in learning the machines idiosyncrasies prior to using it in your own facility.

When budgeting for the purchase of a used or refurbished linear accelerator one of the main concerns should be the overall cost of owning and operating the machine.  When a machine is refurbished it is either done so for mechanical and/or cosmetic purposes.  Linear accelerators that have been refurbished operate as good as new LINAC.  Ask the seller for a detailed service report that includes all of the services that were performed before and during the refurbishing process.  Decipher what parts on the equipment have been replaced.  Were they replaced with new or refurbished parts?  Understand the warranty for both the machine and components to determine what you will be responsible for verse what is covered if the machine should fail in the future.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

The Process Of Buying A Linear Accelerator

It takes a great deal of forethought when purchasing any large piece of medical equipment, especially a linear accelerator.  The process of buying medical equipment should be left to an experienced team of experts.  It takes a great deal of planning and commitment to quality in order to ensure the equipment purchased meets your facilities exact needs.

Each of these three elements: an experienced team, commitment to quality and detailed planning all make for successful purchasing of a linear accelerator or other large pieces of medical equipment.  When you begin researching linear accelerators there are a number of things to take into account including: the facilities budget, the actual cost of the equipment, operating costs and the facilities objectives.

Linear accelerators are an essential piece of equipment for a radiation oncology department to successfully treat clients.  This piece of machinery allows for a complete patient treatment plan to be provided. Although necessary the purchase of such large scaled medical equipment can be complex and expensive.  Purchasing used or refurbished LINAC machines over brand new equipment allows medical facilities a more reasonably priced manner in which to accumulate pieces; thus allowing them to continue bringing unparalleled care to their patients.

Your facilities needs and budget will help to define whether you should be looking into new, used or refurbished linear accelerators.  In smaller medical facilities purchasing used or refurbished equipment may offer you the best of both worlds: superb patient care along with profitability.  Refurbished linear accelerators are also a good option for facilities needing LINAC technology at a reasonable cost such as vet clinics, industrial users, research facilities and other non-medical uses.

There are many benefits to purchasing a refurbished linear accelerator for your facility.  It allows you to offer a service that may not have been previously offered which in turn allows your business to grow.  If your facility already offers radiation services, purchasing a refurbished linear accelerator allows you to service more patients and offer a backup in case one of the systems should fail.  It also allows for machines to be maintained and serviced without affecting the patient’s treatment plan.

Independent suppliers and service companies dedicated to selling and servicing refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners are available to facilitate your purchase from start to finish.  They will assist your team of experts in creating a detailed plan considering physical building and room constraints as well as power and plumbing issues.  With your budget and timeline in mind they will help find refurbished equipment that meets your facilities needs.

From finding a machine from a preferred manufacturer, a machine that will meet or exceed your longevity needs, to obtaining equipment without unnecessary accessories and upgrades, the teams at Acceletronics and Radparts will help you find a refurbished linear accelerator or ct scanner that fits your facilities needs.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at



Is It Time To Replace Your PC

We get asked all the time if clients should replace their personal computers or if it is worth repairing.  Many of us get used to the quirks of our own computers.  Over time we know what works and what doesn’t. We know when to wiggle the connections and when a simple reboot will reset the system.  This is one reason it is so difficult to diagnosis when it’s time for a person’s PC to be upgraded.  Below are some of the signs we look for to know it is time to transfer that data to a new computer.

One sign that it is time to upgrade your PC is when you can no longer install the latest upgrades to the computers operating system.  New versions in operating systems weren’t always a priority for users however with the latest update to Windows 10 everything has changed.  Most of us stick with operating system our computers come with when we purchase them.  We ignore upgrades and continue functioning under the status quo of the system that is familiar to us.  Computer users with Windows XP are finding that computers still using this operating system are now obsolete.

We also know it is time to upgrade when users can no longer use the computer to run the latest apps and games.  Gaming on personal computers is costly.  All PC users try to “future-proof” their computers but there will always be something to upgrade when you own a personal computer.

Another reason to replace your PC is because it has become slow.  A slow computer means something different to every user.  You will know when your PC becomes too slow for you.  Does the computer boot up only after you have brewed an entire pot of coffee?  Can you type an entire sentence before even one word appears on the computer screen?  Is the computer grinding to a complete halt when you open more than a single screen?  If things used to work faster than they do and they are no longer functioning as you know them to it is time to upgrade your PC.

If you find yourself spending more time repairing your computer than enjoying it that is a clear sign you need to upgrade.  When it becomes a nuisance to own your personal computer then it is time to buy a new one.   Your computer should not crash without an explanation, the wi-fi should stay connected, systems should not freeze these are all signs, as is the blue screen of death, that your computer should be replaced.

Computers Plus Service, in Brighton Michigan, provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services to the entire Livingston County area including Howell, Brighton and the surrounding areas.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at

Attract Customers With An Eye-Catching Label Design

As you are looking to attract customers to purchase your product it is important to consider every aspect.  From the contents of the package to the outside label it is important to pay attention to what your target markets wants and needs.  A well designed, informative label is arguably one of the most significant features in getting consumers to purchase your product.  Don’t let budget restraints stall your efforts in making sure you get a label that is custom designed for your product.  Below are the fundamentals to ensure you get the label your product deserves:

When beginning the process of designing your label it is vital to the success of your product that consideration is given to the container.  Both the container and the label should merge together to create one unified package.  The container and label ratio should complement one another because an improper layout does not create the optimal image for success.

The design of the label should include high quality images.  Consumers will judge the quality of your product based on its overall appearance.  This is one of the reasons why label design should always be of the highest priority.  Not only should you use high quality images be certain to choose a label manufacturer that prints on materials of the highest quality.  Focus on both product packaging and label design to create the most visual appealing product possible.

Another crucial feature that should be prominent on your products label is your company’s logo.  The company logo helps to establish the brand the product belongs with.  Brand loyalty is a large part of a consumers buying decision.  With brands that are already well established it is important new products within the line are linked directly to the brand name.

As the label is being designed it is important to avoid focusing on the label as its own entity.  Consider the bigger picture; the label will be displayed next to its direct competition therefore should stand out.  The label artwork and company logo should be highly visible when the product is on display.  Avoid overcrowding the elements within the label.  Too much text, too many graphics or elements of design can take away from the overall message of the label.

These are just a few of the most basic best practices that are used in designing a custom label for your company products.  Using the above tips to communicate with a professional custom label designer will help ensure the best possible label for your product.

pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.


Top Reasons To Choose Shrink Sleeve Labels

What efforts are you making to ensure that your product is standing out amongst your competitors? One way many product manufacturers consider is to re-design your products existing label.  Shrink sleeve labels are a new style of label that has recently become popular when designing custom product labels.  These labels are designed to wrap around the entire product container. Shrink sleeves are adaptable, appealing and strong.

Top Reasons To Choose Shrink Sleeve Labels

  • Shrink sleeves are perfect for manufacturers looking to wrap their product containers in a three hundred and sixty degree labeling option. The entire product is covered in labeling meaning that no matter how the product is held the consumer is getting information on your product.  The design is genius for getting the most exposure for your money.  It won’t matter how your product is displayed your shrink sleeve label will allow consumers to know it is from the manufacturers brand of products.
  • Some products are packaged in odd shaped containers making them difficult to properly label. An ill-fitting label will leave consumers with the perception of a low quality product.  Shrink sleeves are a high quality option in labels that fit even the oddest container.  Take odd shaped containers and enhance them with a label designed to boost the benefits of the products shape.
  • Shrink sleeve are easily the best option in labeling if manufacturers are looking for the ability to add a tamper proof seal. A seal is added to shrink sleeve labels to secure products.  This helps to prevent the product from being accessed prior to purchase without breaking the seal.  This makes it impossible to tamper with a product without it being noticed.
  • Another major benefit of using shrink sleeves in product labeling is how well it holds up during transit. This type of labeling over other options is resistant to scuffing, rips and outside damage.  In shrink sleeve labeling the graphics and print is mirrored meaning that the label is actually printed on the inside, the side that sits against the product package.  This allows the label to be handled without worry of discoloration or tarnishing especially during the shipment and unloading phases of the logistics process.

In order for shrinks sleeves to be applied they must be heated then allowed to melt perfectly into the shape of the container.  This process of application is what allows shrink sleeve labels to conform perfectly to most any container size, shape or material.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Safety With Aluminum Pool Fencing

One thing that most pool owners can agree on when it comes to safety is that a fence needs to be installed that meets safety standards.  Aluminum fencing is one of the easiest materials for the do it yourself homeowner to install without professional assistance.  Compared to other types of pool fencing, aluminum has several advantages which are included below.

Variety of Styles and Colors

When it comes to fencing for pools no other material has the design and color choices that aluminum fencing does.  Ornamental aluminum fencing is ideal to surround your pool and enhance your landscape.  It offers safety while enhancing the aesthetics.  Aluminum fencing offers several options including decorative scrolls and finial options.  Also the wide range of colors to choose from allows homeowners to compliment any exterior.

Ease of Installation

As fencing goes, aluminum is the easiest of materials to install.  For do it yourself homeowners who are looking to ensure they are meeting B.O.C.A. pool safety standards there is no simpler fencing material to install then aluminum.  Aluminum fence panels are easier to install then most other materials in fencing.

Suitable for a Variety of Landscapes

Another reason that aluminum fencing is ideal to install around a pool is because of its ability to adjust to the landscape.  Unlike other materials, aluminum fencing is rackable and compensates for slopes throughout the yard.  When your pool is not on level landscape, homeowners will not have any problem with installation using aluminum fencing.

Simplicity in Maintenance

Maintenance couldn’t be simpler in fencing than it is with aluminum fencing.  Aluminum does not rust, peel, rot, age or decay; it stays looking as new as the first day it was installed throughout its lifetime without any other maintenance then a yearly, gentle wash.

Overall Lifetime Cost

The lifetime cost of aluminum fencing is far less than many other options in fencing.  Aluminum fencing panels cost a bit more initially but without the maintenance requirements of wood, vinyl or wrought iron.  You will also save on installation costs. Aluminum fencing is simple enough to install for even the most novice weekend home improvement specialist.  Other materials seen in fencing require professional fence installation to hold up.

Strength and Durability

Another major benefit of aluminum pool fencing is how strong and durable it is over other fencing materials.  It can withstand weather and climates of all types. This allows aluminum fencing to last longer than any other pool fence type.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Reasons To Install Aluminum Fencing

There are a number of reasons that homeowners choose to install a fence.  The most common reasons being the safety aspect of fencing.  Peace of mind is something that most of us can’t put a price tag on and that security is exactly what a fence provides homeowners.  A fence not only keeps kids and pets contained within the landscape it also works to prevent outside people and critters from entering.

Maybe these aren’t your concerns at all.  It could be that you aren’t worried about who is accessing your backyard at all.  It’s possible you don’t have kids or pets to worry about keeping in the yard.  However, there are many other reasons that a fence may be just what your landscape needs.

Sometimes homeowners don’t need a fence to enclose their backyards at all.  It is possible that a decorative aluminum fence is a perfect addition to hide an ugly eyesore within your yard.  Sometimes it could be an unsightly propane tank or air conditioning unit that is ruining the aesthetics of your landscape.  No matter what you want to conceal an ornamental aluminum fence will help improve the overall look of the area by camouflaging the eyesore.

Another reason homeowner’s install fencing is to help decrease the amount of wind that an area receives.  When installers understand the purpose the fence is being installed is to block the wind they will mount it in a tactical manner that directs the wind in a different direction. This allows the space to be enjoyed on even the windiest of days.  Install a fence to block the wind out when looking to enjoy your hot tub or fire pit year round.

Aluminum fencing is an ideal choice for partitioning large yards into smaller sections.  This unconventional concept can allow your yard to take on a whole new concept.  This allows your yard to have several purposes and new functions.  When you are partitioning a large yard it is important to meet with a professional fence installer.  They will recommend the best way in which to stabilize the aluminum fence panels to ensure their longevity.

No matter what reason you have for installing a fence it is important that you purchase quality fencing from a reputable company that backs their product.  There are many online aluminum fence wholesalers to choose from when looking into ordering your new fence.  Be sure to order your fencing from a company that offers not only a quality product but also excellent customer service.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Tips To Help Make An Informed Decision When Purchasing Fencing

It is important to make informed decisions when purchasing a fence that meets your family’s needs as well as your lifestyle and landscape.  As a homeowner there are numerous decisions that need to be made when choosing a fence for your home.

It is crucial to define the purpose the new fence is being installed to serve.  Are you looking to contain a pet, to detour thieves or to simply add privacy?  Look into the cost of maintenance and upkeep, HOA restrictions and difficulty of installation next.  With the cost of a fence being between two thousand and eight thousand dollars on average you will want to be positive that you are going to be happy with your end decision.

Homeowners should choose a fence that is best for their landscape.  There are a number of motivations for installing a fence including the most common: keeping children and pets contained, increased privacy, enclosing an in-ground pool and added visual appeal.  The goal is to prioritize what you need out of a fence.  This will narrow down different fencing materials that you can choose.

Next determine how much time and money you want to spend each year on maintaining your fence.  A wooden style fence will require the most upkeep.  Wood fences need to be stained or painted on a regular basis in order to keep the fence in good condition both in function and visual appeal.  Aluminum fencing on the other hand requires very little additional maintenance to keep it looking as good as the day it was first installed.

Another huge consideration in fencing comes with the rules involving your home owners association.  You may want a certain style fencing that just doesn’t fit within the regulations set in place by your HOA.  For obvious reasons it would be silly to continue with the installation of a fencing material that is not allowed by the governing body of your neighborhood community.  You will want to double check materials options and fencing heights that are allowed before placing an order for fencing.

The final factor in helping to determine what type of fencing material is best for your project is the installation factor.  Are you planning on installing the fence on your own or hiring a contractor to install the fence.  Aluminum fencing is one of the simplest materials for do it yourself homeowners to install with the best results.  Most aluminum fence manufacturers have detailed, step by step directions to follow that allow homeowners to correctly install their fencing within a weekend.  Just be sure as with all home improvement projects that you pull the proper permits with your local planning and zoning officials.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!