Livingston Reporting - page 176


Fоr senior citizens, the chances of medical expenditure are rising at a very high rate. As our body’s age we are more prone to illness. In addition, to maintain good health we require checkups. For those who are retired and depending on a pension, this can easily deplete our governmental Medicare plan and force us to use hard-earned savings to meet medical bills. This is where Medicare supplemental insurance comes in. Supplemental insurance has many names, Medigap is the most commonly used name.

Why Get A Supplemental Plan?

The Medicare plans only cover part of one’s inpatient and outpatient cost. There are also many other items they do not cover. For this reason, most people will probably require supplemental coverage, which is what Medigap offers.

A key concern among many of those who seek supplemental health care coverage on top of that which Medicare provides is “How much is the cost of Medigap?” Researching for the exact coverage provided by each of the Medigap policies is easy as these are standardized via law to be the same regardless of the state or company offering the policy. However, the cost of Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Texas is a little more difficult to obtain. Medigap are offered by insurance companies. The cost of Medicare supplement insurance will therefore depends on several factors. Medigap policies are offered by independent insurance companies.

Shop Around For Companies

One factor that affects the cost of Medicare supplemental insurance is the company, as they charge different premiums. These premiums may vary quite significantly from company to company and it is important for anyone seeking a policy to carefully review several polices before settling for a particular one. Although the prices vary, the chosen plan will have the exact same coverage with every company. This means іt is wise to shop around.

There are about 10 Medigap plans and the cost will depend on which plan you choose. Each plan has its specialty and its specific benefits. When you decide to take a supplemental plan, be sure to explain your specific needs to the insurance agent to enable them to help you identify the most appropriate plan for you. At eMedicare Supplemental Insurance we help recommended the best plan for your needs.

Another factor that affects the cost of Texas Medicare supplemental insurance is the method used to determine the premiums. There are three methods. For the attained-age premium, the amount paid increases with age. This means that at registration, the premiums are fairly low but by the time a citizen attains the age of 80, the amount will have increased significantly. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), the majority of Medigap policies issued in Texas are attained-age rated. For community-rated premiums all the people in a specific geographical region are charged the same premium, regardless of age. The premium is determined by perceived health risks in the area. Issue-age premiums are determined by the age at the time of enrollment. Enrollment at an advanced age attracts higher premiums but they do not increase with age after that.


There are other factors that also impact the Medigap cost. Hеаlthсаrе inflation іѕ one example. Inflation is almost inevitable and it impacts all categories of insurance policies. Other factors that influence the premium costs include the results of your medical underwriting, geographic location and any discounts offered. Additionally, enrolling for a policy during the six month open enrollment can be more cost effective because you have more choices available to you, and the insurance provider cannot deny you coverage based on health issues or tack on additional charges.

The best advice for anyone concerned about and looking for Texas Medicare Supplemental coverage is to call us. We are Medicare experts and will be able to recommend the right plan for your needs. This could save you a large sum of money over the years. The rates are not government imposed, so there is competition with the insurance companies however, we shop around with the main companies to bring you the best supplemental insurance price!

You can contact us at 877-202-9248 or visit our website at We are located in the United States and are licensed to sell Medigap in Texas.



Medicare services are a privilege that you have earned a right to enjoy. However, Medicare supplement insurance plans in Michigan do not cover all healthcare services and supplies. You would have to pay some coinsurance and deductibles before a Medicare pays its share, but certain costs such as emergency travel are covered in Medicare supplement insurance plans in Michigan. These plans are easily assessable depending on your zip code, so having an idea of the services Medigap covers in Michigan would help you select a plan that best fits your health and budget needs.

The 10 Plans Of Medicare

Michigan Medicare supplemental insurance plans are designed to cover the costs of Medicare beneficiaries for Part A and B (Original Medicare) which are associated with costs including deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. However, these plans do not cover Part C (Medicare Advantage) costs. There are 10 approved and standard Medicare Supplemental insurance plans available in the 47 states of the United States, including Michigan, and each Medicare plan is identified using one of 10 letters (A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N)with supplement plans of the same letter offering the same Medicare services.

Be Aware Of The Open Enrollment Period

In order for you to be eligible for any Medicare Services in Michigan, you would have to be enrolled in Original Medicare which includes Part A and Part B. The best time to enroll for Original Medicare is your Medigap Open Enrollment Period and this period starts on the first day of the month that they are both 65 years old and are enrolled in Medicare Part B. The enrollment period usually lasts for six months during which you would have a guaranteed-issue right which would allow you enroll in any Medigap plan available in your area. While you cannot be denied medical coverage altogether due to your health status or be required to undergo a medical underwriting process, you may be denied medical coverage if you try to enroll or switch medical plans outside the Medigap Open Enrollment Period except you have guaranteed-issue rights.

Original Medicare Still Matters

Understanding that Medicare insurance plans are meant to supplement Original Medicare and not to replace it would help you seize the opportunity the plan offers. It is important that you remain enrolled in your hospital’s Original Medicare and medical coverage and continue paying your Medicare Part B to sustain this medical coverage. Also take note that Medicare plans in Michigan do not offer coverage for prescription drugs, so if you need such coverage, it would be best to consider enrolling in a stand-alone Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan.

We can help you with any Medicare or Medigap related questions you might have. We can even recommend a plan right for your needs. Give us a call at 877-202-9248 or visit our website at

How to Apply for Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Tennessee

Medicare Supplement Insurance, also known as Medigap is part of the American Medicare insurance plan that is not covered in the first part known as part A and B. For Medicare insurance beneficiaries in Tennessee that currently enjoy the Medicare Supplement Insurance (Part A and B) would notice that these plans do not cover their entire health expenses, hence the need to enroll for Medicare Supplement plan.

Medigap beneficiaries in Tennessee would have to benefit from expenses such as copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and possibly other out-of-pocket expenses. Fortunately for you reading this article, Medigap policies are peculiar to each state. So if you are in Tennessee and planning to apply for medical supplemental insurance, you’re better placed reading this article because you are in the right place.

How to Enroll in Medicare Supplemental Insurance if you are from Tennessee

The best way to enroll in Medigap in Tennessee is to apply during your six-month Medicare Supplemental Insurance Enrollment Period. This starts from the first day of the month when you clock the sweet old age of 65 and enrolled in the Medicare Part B plan.

At this point in time, you would still be eligible to apply for Medigap Tennessee even if you currently have health problems. There wouldn’t be any need for medical underwriting.  Premiums are also not high when looking at with pre-existing conditions. Also you would be given the opportunity to apply for a Medigap plan of your choice.

However, after the six-month period, it’s left for you to reapply for Tennessee Medigap. But in the case of re-application, you may be required to undergo a medical underwriting. And the issue with this is that: there are possibilities that you may end up paying more or the worst case be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition.

See Different Medigap Plans in Tennessee

Supplemental plans in Tennessee vary based on the provider and the area in which the recipient is located. But the plans remain consistent within the letter in which they exist.

Pro Tip: wherever you live, it’s good that you seek for information regarding Medigap policies that best fit  your location, your income range,  and your health condition. We can help with this.

Also, it is vital that you fully evaluate Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans. When you shop for a plan that covers your Medigap needs as established above, which include: the lettered criteria, your health condition, and your location. All these put together will help you achieve a better supplemental insurance choice that would offer you the best of all options in Tennessee.

Always Here to Help

With all these, if in any case you aren’t clear with which option is best for you, you could as well get in touch with us with your zip code and some credentials which we will require as regarding your health condition for assistance so we could come up with the best Medicare supplemental insurance policy that’s best for you.

Feel free to call us at 877-202-9248 or browse our website at We can help answer your Medicare and Supplemental health questions.


A Medicare Supplement Insurance plan in Arizona is designed to assist you in the payment of some health care costs that are not covered by Original Medicare such as coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles. Unlike Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans in Arizona are meant to supplement Original Medicare and not stand alone. For those who desire to get stand-alone Medicare coverage other than Original Medicare, they may already have been considering taking advantage of a Medicare Advantage Plan.

Plans Available through the States

Beneficiaries of Arizona Medicare Supplement Insurance plans may select from a variety of available plans which are classified using a letter, with 10 letters (A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N) in all and same applies to all 47 states. Medicare plans with the same lettered patterns offer the same medical coverage and benefits. While medical coverage may include traveling outside of the country, other additional benefits such as dental, vision, and hearing are not generally included.

Open Enrollment Period

Medicare beneficiaries may choose to enroll in a Medigap plan in Arizona during the Medigap Open Enrollment Period which lasts for six months. During this enrollment period, companies cannot deny medical coverage or charge higher premiums to Medicare beneficiaries as a result of pre-existing health conditions. It is still possible to enroll in a Medicare Supplement Plan after the Medigap Open Enrollment Period; however, there would no longer be protections for pre-existing health conditions.

Varying Premiums

Although Medicare plan coverage in Arizona may be similar, the costs for the Medicare plans may vary. Factors that some companies take into account which could lead to varying costs of plans include health, age, smoking status, and gender. Some Medicare Insurance companies offer a discount if a married couple has the same carrier. Others offer a discount for Medicare beneficiaries who choose to key into Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) in order to have premiums directly withdrawn from a checking account. So it is important to consider the plans and their coverage so you can select the plan that best fits your needs.

Thinking Of Choosing Plan F

Medigap Plan F is the most common plan in the country and it is available in Arizona. However, this plan has a high deductible option which leads to a significant decrease in monthly premiums. While this may look appealing, the plan should be considered carefully as it may not be ideal for an individual with a medical condition that demands frequent lab visits. Also take not that the deductible must be met before the benefits associated with Medigap plan F can be utilized. Also there is talk that in year 2020 they will no-longer offer plan F. In any of the plans you decide to work with in Arizona, careful consideration is important.

Research is key to finding the best Medicare supplemental plan for your needs. If you are not sure where to start, give us a call at 877-202-9248. At eMedicare Supplemental Insurance we are dedicated to bringing you the best customer service and satisfaction. We are fully licensed insurance brokers located in USA. Don’t wait call us today! Visit our website at

Learning about Texas Medigap Insurance plans

Medigap insurance in Texas is a private health insurance plan, known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance. These plans supplement original Medicare, and help you pay some of the health care costs that Medicare doesn’t cover. You can only have one supplemental plan in Arizona and that covers only one individual. That means if you are looking for a plan for your spouse you would need to get two plans (One for each of you). Medigap insurance have rules and regulations that are uniform in the benefits provided (Plan F is a Plan F). However, there can be significant variances in price, underwriting standards, discounts between insurance companies and there are key regulations that differ from state to state.

Knowing Your Coverage and Enrollment Policy

It can be very helpful to know if your state offers supplemental coverage to those under age 65 – many do not. You can visit Texas Department of Insurance for more information. Or you might want to know if you are offered an open enrollment window where similar coverage can be purchased without underwriting. If you do not want to search for the information, you can always call us! I will include our phone number down below. The annual open enrollment period is for un-enrolling, or changing to a new plan. You can also purchase a new Medigap plan without a medical underwriting (this is every year).

Choosing Which Plan Is Best For You

There are some types of Texas Medigap plans, which deal with benefits while another one’s spotlight is on covering out of pocket costs as well as patient care. You can take a look at some accessible plans that can be purchased nationally. You can find some Medigap plans, which split the deductible with you. If you are unaware of the often changing state or federal rules governing Medicare insurance, please give us a call! We can discuss your needs and help pick an affordable Medigap plan while covering everything you need.

Additional Questions

Researching this topic can take a long time, that’s why we are here to help. Even if you don’t have a plan with us, you can still reach out and ask us questions. We are a US based, licensed insurance agency dedicated on customer service, and affordable prices. We are! Call us at 888-458-7949.

How To Find Medigap in Michigan?

Have you been in search of the best medigap in Michigan? Have you been thinking about getting the supplement plan from the Medicare Medigap? If yes, then we are sure that this piece of article would be coming up a lot effective best information for you. If you have been thinking about using the Medigap, then for sure you would be quite a lot interested to know about it even more. To learn about the Medigap, it is important that you should know about their plans and what sort of needs each single plan is coming up with.

What is a Medigap Supplement plan?

First of all, we would be starting off with the little background that is related with the Medigap plans. Medigap is also known by the name of Medicare supplement as well. There are different kinds of the private insurance companies that are being offering out with the high range of the best quality Medicare Supplement plans to help out to pay Medicare’s out-of-pocket costs. There are different Medicare Supplement plans that will be paying off with the different amounts of those costs, mentioning with the copayments, as well as coinsurance, and also the range of deductibles.

Is a Medigap Supplement Plan Best for You?

As we did mention in the earlier beginning that medigap supplement plans are being categorized into so many divisions and each single division has its own need and necessity. You should choose the plan that stands best according to your needs and wants. There are certain level of circumstances that if they are true, then you should alternate out the use of Medigap supplement plan right now!

  • If in case you are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B and have been undergone with so many of the doctor visits or frequent hospitalizations.
  • You are very much interested in choosing with the flexibility where you can make the selection of the doctor or the hospital that accepts your medicare serivces.
  • Sometimes you do often divide your time just as in between two homes in different regions of the United States.

How To Shop For the Best Medigap Supplement Plan?

Now the main question that do hit so many minds is that how you should find the best Medigap in Michigan! Well, as you would shop around you would particularly be finding some of the plans that are covering hence 100% of the Medicare Part A deductible, and some of the portion are deductible, and some plans are not covering the modes of deductible at all. There are some of the plans that do cover emergency medical care at the time of your travel.

  • To choose the best one we would suggest you to have a look at the chart first.
  • You should think about the services which you want the most and also at what point your highest Medicare out-of-pocket costs have been.
  • For the information of the readers we would like to mention the fact that Medicare Supplement Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N may cover all of these Medicare-approved costs at the range of about 100%.
  • Be sure that you are paying off the monthly premium with a Medicare Supplement policy and also be paying off with the Medicare Part B premium as well.


Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

How to Buy Medigap Insurance In Tennessee

Tennessee Medigap insurance can be a tricky subject, eMedigap plans is here to help you. In this blog we will give you the basic knowledge of Medigap without overwhelming you.

If you are looking to purchase Medigap insurance in the state of Tennessee, then you might want to take a few things into consideration. First of all, to qualify for Medigap supplemental insurance in Tennessee, you must be aged 65 or older. You must also already be enrolled in a medicare type A or type B plan. Medigap insurance is a supplemental insurance plan, which means it doesn’t stand alone. It must be purchased as an add-on to Medicare, not instead of a Medicare plan. Another factor is that Medigap insurance does not include prescription drug coverage, so if you are looking for prescription drug coverage, then you will need to obtain the medicare part D prescription drug plan. Some costs that Medigap insurance pays for includes copayments, deductibles, as well as additional out-of-pocket expenses related to medicare plan A or B.

Doing your Medigap Research

If you are looking to purchase the best Medigap supplemental insurance plan available in Tennessee, then it is best if you become very familiar with the Medigap plans that are available. There are many options for figuring this information out, and it starts with the internet. Do a general Google/Bing search for viable Medigap insurance plans in the state of Tennessee. Another option is to go to our website and visit our Tennessee Medigap plans page. We have a lot of information and we even have a free Medigap quote tool. After you have done your research on the different plans available for Medigap insurance, then it is best if you contact an experienced Medigap insurance agent at 888-452-7949. We will be able to direct you further as to the differences of each plan, and determine what the most optimal plan happens to be for you. It’s important for you to understand that prices vary from state to state and even from county to county.


Plan for your tomorrow with eMedigap Plans

One thing seniors have to worry about is who they give their information to, but not us! We are licensed insurance agents, dedicated to helping you save money. Call us and let us give you a free Medigap recommendation! We have been in the Medicare industry for over 14 years. You can reach us at 888-452-7949 or visit our website at

Arizona Medigap explained

Arizona Medigap supplements are there to offer the seniors complete coverage for their health and financially. Arizona Medigap plans are there to assist the different senior packages depending upon their health and budgets. The agent will be there to guide you in even every bit about it. Arizona may have various packages, and you need to know about their eligibility requirements, enrolments and all the other aspects required to gain those insurance benefits.

Solving The Medicare Puzzle

Currently, ten standardized plans are available in medigap 2017, and you must build the know-how for those plans. Medicare can be like a puzzle and we are here to help you with the last piece.

Arizona Medigap health plans are for people that are 65 years and over. Their enrollment in plan A and plan B is mandatory. Individual programs offer up to 100% coverage of free medical to the insurer, including all the facilities like meeting with a specialist and having hospice benefits.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The person should be a resident of Arizona.
  • The person should have an age of 65 and over.
  • The person should be part of Medicare Plan A and Plan B.

If you are looking for the best time to enroll in Arizona Medigap, then you can go for the open enrollment period exactly when you are about to turn 65 years old and also enrolled yourself to part B. Otherwise you will have to wait for six months. After the successful enrollment, you qualify for the guaranteed issue. The guaranteed issue is there to ensure you that you will be enjoying full coverage of health benefits with the fixed rates. The price won’t either increase or decrease with the time. If you fail to qualify for the guaranteed issue, then your previous medical history can be taken, and the rates can be varied from the premium rates. The cost for the Medigap plans is dependent upon the number of factors, e.g., age, gender and the area you live. After examining all those factors, the real cost for you will be determined. Moreover, the number for the Medigap agent is also on their site, upon calling the agent they will guide you to the plan, benefits, cost and all other relevant information.

Is there any plan available for the people under age 65:

There are very few states that will have some Medigap insurance plans for the people that have aged less than 65, as it is not a mandatory condition for the states to follow. But luckily you may have that opportunity, but for further research and detail, you may require contacting your licensed agent to have the idea about actual benefits. According to recent data, Arizona has successfully spent over 11 million dollars on Medicare. Residence also plays a role; they have paid a little over $10,000 on average. Between the years of 1991 and 2014, the average annual percent growth in Medicare spending has sufficiently grown in sizeover 8%. The average annual percent growth is approximately 5%.

To learn more about Medicare and Medigap please call us at 888-452-7949. At eMedigap plans we are determined to bring you the best customer experience and medigap pricing! You can also visit our website at


LTL (Less than Truckload) shipping service is the most used method of shipping products using a truck. An LTL carrier is used to pick up several small shipments from customers that do not require a whole trailer to be used. In other words, they may be renting space in the back of the trailer. Once the company has turned all of their pickups for that day, they will bring the freight back to their port. It is also likely a terminal will receive delivery from other terminals that were indexed the last time. This space renting technique helps the truck owners to give a reasonable discount to customers while also making extra income from renting the space. This is extremely useful as there are companies or individuals only need to transport small goods, this saves them money as they do not need to pay for the whole truck which they might not be able to afford.

If you want to use LTL shipping for your goods, there are things you will need to consider and some steps you will need to follow. In this article, we will help you go through some of the steps to follow if you want to use the Less Than Truckload Service.

Perform extensive research

Find a shipping and delivery company that offers a wide variety of services and options to their customers.

  • Have a list of general transport requirements for your business, both immediate and potential needs in the foreseeable future.
  • Make a set of all providers you will like to work with.
  • Speak with an account manager at each one.
  • Get and check sources.
  • Make sure the companies you want to work with have the right license for the goods you want to transport.

After the research

It is important to note that not all LTL companies render perfect service, so it is important to spend more than enough time researching on the right LTL service to use. After you have found a company you feel is the right option, you will also need to how the company in particular works as different people have different ways of doing things. You will need to take these few necessary steps before the driver arrives at your end for pick-up to keep your business running smoothly:

  • Prepare your packaging: Appropriate packaging helps ensure trouble-free shipping. It also helps limit any possible damage coming from Trans loading the packaged freight. Most of the time you want your items on a pallet, but you can double check with the carrier.
  • Label every part clearly: Total names and addresses on each piece are needed to ensure that packages found in your shipment arrive undamaged.
  • Have a bill of lading: It is a legal contract between the shipper or possibly a 3rd Party Logistics Supplier (3PL) and the carrier. It contains details of what is being transported.
  • Order Placement: Depending on the time of your purchase, most companies bring a truck at the location that same day or usually the subsequent day at the most recent. Other hints needed will be made known to you by your carrier.
  • Contact your supplier/shipper to find out when your shipment was first shipped, what carrier that was directed at, and an approximate arrival date.
  • On arrival, inspect the shipment immediately for evident signs of damage.
  • Sign the delivery receipt if everything is fine by you.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.

Stipulations Importing Animal and Human Biologicals

Biologicals are pharmaceutical products used in healthcare research, diagnosis and prevention for treatment of diseases. These are collected from live cells or tissues such as sera, vaccine, recombinant products, etc. Basic biologicals such as cells, tissues, serums, blood, and sputum samples are used for potential therapeutic, diagnostics and research applications.

Medical and healthcare research on animals and humans involve the import of biologicals, which needs to comply with certain regulations. Maintaining the safety and efficacy of such products is vital. Regulatory bodies have mandated their prior approval to analyze the quality of imported products. It also keeps a check on the sale and trade of these biological research materials as bio-terrorism is a growing threat to every country today.

Import of Animal Biologicals

Animal biologicals such as animal blood, animal plasma, animal serum, and animal tissues are obtained from a wide variety of species, including animal products. These are collected from larger animals that are anti-parasite and antibiotic. Bio-product collection is also requested from smaller animals from controlled colonies. Trade of veterinary biologicals internationally has always been restricted to certain factors such as:

  • Concerns that the imported animal biological could introduce foreign diseases into the country of import.
  • Import decisions as directed by regulatory authorities like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and World Trade Organization (WTO) must be science-based and transparent. In this context, regulatory organizations must weigh the credibility, validity, and risk-based analysis models prior to decision making.

Import of Human Biologicals

Though the human biological material is no longer a part of a living body, yet individual claims of ownership of these products can raise ethical questions. Today, human biological specimens such as human serum, human whole blood, etc are stored in a bio-repository known as the bio-bank. The need for harmonization of multiple standard procedures for lab practices is necessary as there is no one regulatory practice in place. Import of biological materials requires permission from the authority; however, new rules have eased the import and export of such samples. This will only fasten the transfer process to recipient countries.

New Rules to Relax Import Policies

Research centers and biotech companies can relax as the government has now decided to bring changes in the stringent import policies. It will initiate a hassle-free and time saving way to import and export biological samples. As per the new mandate, the research organization must file a self-certification with the customs authority. It includes a necessary declaration that the applicant organization will follow all the procedures for safe transfer and disposal of biological samples. Only after complying with the import regulations concerning biological research materials can the regulatory body allows the transfer of these products for further research.

Research Bodies Welcome Move

Research experts understand the value of time saving biological transfer of materials such as animal serum, animal plasma, human blood, and more. Biotechnological research organizations are excited about the move brought about by international regulatory bodies. Moreover, these research companies are concerned about complying with the self-certification procedure to get benefited from the new relaxed rules for the import of biologicals. This will not only reduce time spent in sending applications, but will also save money and manpower required with follow-up procurements and obtaining approvals.

Learn more about Innovative Research and our high quality research materials including human, plant, and animal biological, ELISA & Assay Kits, proteins, antibodies, cell cultures, blood, serum, plasma, and more.  More information can be found at or by calling 248.896.0145.