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What Will I Have to Pay for Medigap Coverage?

For many Medicare beneficiaries determining how much they have to pay out of pocket for Medicare and Medigap can be quite tricky.  It’s figuring out what essential coverage, Medicare Parts A, B, and D, is going to cost, only to find out that these three plans don’t fully cover you.  Not only will additional Medigap coverage have a monthly premium, you will also need to determine how much the deductible and co-insurance will run.  With most Medigap plans, beneficiaries can expect to be responsible for up to 20% of their outpatient medical expenses.  It is important when planning for retirement that these estimated costs are considered so that you can be financially prepared.

Choosing a Medigap Plan

Medicare’s standardized supplemental insurance plans date back to 1990.  Since then it has been simpler for Medicare recipients to compare the costs of these plans between providers which is clearly important for a number of reasons.  Of the ten standard plans available there are two high premium plans that have more complete coverage then any of the other eight, Medigap Plans F and G.  The benefit of choosing one of these two plans is that although the monthly premium is higher there is little to no out of pocket needs.

Participants that want a lower monthly premium and are okay with sharing the cost of treatment as they go along should consider Medigap Plans K and N.  These plans both offer lower monthly premiums however offer fewer benefits.  Participants will share more of the expenses as needed along the way.

There are a number of factors that go into determining your monthly premium.  If you are enrolled in Medigap within your open enrollment period, you will not pay more based on pre-existing conditions however other factors do play a role.  These include age, gender, tobacco usage, the policy you choose, when enrollment takes place, and discounts for more than one enrollee in a household.  This will depend strictly on the carrier who is allowed to set rules for these discounts.  A Medigap broker will help you determine which carrier is offering you the most coverage at the best rate.

Where you are located is another factor in determining the amount you will pay for Medigap plans.  From state to state, zip code to zip code, Medicare supplemental plans premiums vary a great deal.  Consider this: Medigap Plan F in Fort Worth, Texas can run between $149 – $180 per month for a non-tobacco using 65-year-old male whereas the same coverage in Los Angeles, California will run between $169 – $190 per month.  Medigap in Florida is even costlier as this same person would most likely pay between $275 – $336 per month. This may just be one of the many reasons that many Medicare enrollees in FL choose a Medicare Advantage Plan instead.

It is also crucial to consider healthcare related expenses that are not covered through Medicare or Medigap what-so ever.  Medicare does not help pay for expenses related to long-term care which is always a shock to seniors.  It also limits the type of care and equipment it will pay for often have strict stipulations in place for home health care needs and medical equipment.  Often in order for these items to be covered a doctor must be in charge of prescribe them and proving that they are necessary. Certain dental needs, vision care, and hearing costs may also not be covered as well.

The experts at eMedigap Plans, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medigap Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at

Medigap vs Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

What’s the difference between Medigap and Medicare Supplemental Insurance?

Is Medigap Plan F the same as Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan F?

What does each of these plans offer me in terms of coverage?

These are just a few of the many questions that enrollees ask when first becoming eligible for Medicare.  Thankfully, we have all the answers you will need!  There are absolutely NO differences between Medigap and Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans, they are in fact synonymous for the exact same type of health insurance.  Each of these ten standardized plans are offered by private insurance carriers and were put in place to help cover some of the out of pocket expenses that are not covered under Medicare Part A and B.

Medicare Part A – Hospital Insurance

Medicare Part B – Medical Insurance

Medigap insurance plans work in conjunction with Medicare Part A and B to help with out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles, copayments, and co-insurance amounts.  Medicare Part A and Part B pay its share of Medicare approved expenses that patients receive.  In order to enroll in Medigap you must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B.

Standard Benefits

One of the benefits that come along with Medigap is knowing that no matter where you purchase your insurance plan from it provides the same coverage.  Medigap Plans are regulated under both federal and state laws in order to protect enrollees.  Each policy must be identified as a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan which is identified by a letter.

Cost and Availability

No matter what insurance company sells you Medigap each standard plan of the same letter offers the same basic benefits.  Plan premiums can and often do vary between providers.  The best option for enrollees is to first decide what plan works best for your health care needs.  After this has been decided, with he help of a Medigap agent, they can help you find the best rate where you reside.  When you are deciding this, you should consider:

  • Not every insurance company allowed to provide Medigap will offer each of the ten standard plans. You will want to make sure the plan that you want is available through the carrier.
  • The amount you will pay, the cost or premium, will vary amongst insurers even though they are all offering the exact same coverage.


Open enrollment for both Medicare Part A, Part B, Part D, and Medigap (Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans) begins on the first day of the month in which they turn 65.  This period will last for 6 months.  This allows you to apply for coverage without worry that you will be turned down during medical underwriting.

The experts at eMedicare Supplemental Insurance, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medicare Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at

2019 Kitchen and Bathroom Trends That Will Stand the Test of Time

It is not likely that you will renovate the kitchen and bathrooms in your home more than once.   Remodeling these spaces takes quite an effort from both the homeowner and contractor.  It’s true that the heavy lifting all comes down to who you hire however behind the scenes you are the one that is executing the rhythm of the entire project.  It is crucial that you, as the homeowner, knows what elements are crucial to have in your new kitchen and bathroom spaces.  This will not only make it enjoyable for you to use as you live there but also more desirable to buyers when it’s time to sell.

There are a number of elements in home improvement that are used to create kitchen and bathroom spaces that are not only luxurious but also functional.  Below are some of the trends we expect to see really take hold in 2019.

No More White… Color! Color! Color!

White kitchens are a thing of the past.  Not only are white kitchens difficult to keep clean, they are visually quite boring.  Fans of bright, bold, vivid colors will be thrilled to bring it to their kitchen and bathroom spaces.  Stark white, boring beige, and neutrals are being replace with brave, daring colors.  Some considerations to help bring this trend to life include:

  • Colored appliances, especially large stoves
  • Painted cabinets
  • Matte black over gray
  • Pops of colors found in shower doors and enclosures

Technology Throughout

The addition of technology is a trend that continues to grow throughout the world of home improvement.  If you don’t take technology into consideration when envisioning your new kitchen or bathroom space, then your renovation will fall short.  Adding technology into kitchens and bathroom spaces can be simple including:

  • Appliances enabled with Wi-Fi – Think ordering your groceries from your refrigerator! Think soap dispenser that can reorder soap when they run out! Think switching music choices in the shower!
  • Integrating Alexa
  • Programmable lighting
  • Smart appliances and gadgets

Unusual and Unique

There aren’t a lot of ways to really explain this concept in kitchen and bathroom remodeling other than to remind homeowners to texture and elements that make people want to know more.  Materials you would not expect used in unique ways including:

  • Industrial metal shelving
  • Big sinks with intricate metallic detailing
  • The use of large, geometric shapes
  • Shapely faucets

As a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan, Kearns Brothers, Inc. offers clients a wide range of services to meet their construction needs including: roofing, siding, window, masonry, chimneys, gutters, and insulation services.  More information can be found at

The Best Choice in Flooring for Your Home

The type of flooring you invest in for your home depends on your wants, needs, and above all your budget.  There are some things you will want to keep in mind when choosing flooring for your home.  Carpet is a perfect addition to bedrooms where you want cozy, comfortable flooring under your feet however, carpet in a bathroom doesn’t make any sense.

As a home improvement specialist, it is important to guide homeowners looking to redo their flooring in options that are available to them.

Hardwood – Natural

Hardwood has always been a popular option for homeowners throughout history.  Natural hardwood is a popular high-end material in flooring. Hardwood flooring is a classic option that homeowners often choose for its durability and longevity.  Hardwood is made to be used for years and years.  It can be stripped and refinished, creating a brand-new floor for your family to enjoy.  It is a great option for homeowners looking to increase the value of their home.

Hardwood – Engineered

Another option similar to hardwood by less expensive is engineered hardwood floors.  Similar to natural hardwood, engineered hardwood can be sanded down and refinished which makes it a good option not only for the homeowner but for future buyers.  They are also not as vulnerable as hardwood when it comes to expansion and contraction.  Once the floor is in place there is less chance for buckling.

The best rooms in your house for hardwood, either natural or engineered are living rooms, dining rooms and low traffic rooms such as a guest room.  Hardwood is noisier than other options in flooring.  Many homeowners combat this issue with the use of throw rugs.


Tile is a wonderful option for homes where moisture and humidity issues are common.  Many homes in southern states will use ceramic tiles throughout the entire home for this reason.  Tile can be a bit costlier to install than other flooring but the savings from water protection and its overall durability make the extra expense worth it.  Tile is not only available in a number of colors it also comes in a variety of shapes, textures, and looks.  Tile is extremely versatile from mirroring the look of wood or a fancy mosaic you can rest assured as a homeowner that you are purchasing durable flooring when you have tile installed.

The best rooms in your home to install tile are the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and foyer spaces.  It cleans up well and can handle high levels of moisture.  It is also a great option to use throughout the home if you pair it with throw rugs.


Carpeting is a natural choice for many homeowners looking to redo the flooring in their home. It is relatively inexpensive and easily provides wall-to-wall coverage without too much preparation on the homeowner’s part. Carpet can be purchased with a protective coating that allows it to repel stains which is good for households that include kids both two and four legged.  Another benefit of carpet is the vast number of options to choose from.

The best rooms in your home to install carpet are bedrooms and family rooms.  Carpet is appealing because it emits the feeling of comfort and warmth.  To create an even cozier feel with carpet choose a top-quality pad to go under it.  The padding that you choose can even help increase the longevity of your carpet, allowing it to age gracefully along with your home and family.

One of the benefits of improving your home with new flooring is that you have a lot of choices.  The selection doesn’t need to be the same throughout.  Homeowners can easily use a combination of flooring materials to create a space that best works for them.  As with any home renovation it is best to meet with a home improvement professional to achieve the results you are looking for.

JFC Remodeling is a full-service licensed contractor out of Howell, Michigan.  Specializing in kitchen and bathroom renovations, flooring upgrades, and home remodeling services.  More information can be found online at

Fact or Fiction? What Do You Believe About Reconditioned Electrical Equipment?

There are several common myths surrounding the use of reconditioned electrical equipment and components. Is it really true that with the purchase of refurbished manufacturing equipment and parts can truly save companies time and money while also meeting environment goals?  It is our goal in this installment to debunk several myths that surround the use of reconditioned equipment and parts in the work place.

It is important to note that business decisions should always be based on facts instead of myths.  Many times, myths are just handed down stories and experiences of one user that have been embellished upon throughout the years.  In order to successfully navigate and grow your company it is crucial for companies to make decisions based on facts.  When it comes to being competitive the goal is to find a solution that meets your needs.  Purchasing high quality electrical equipment and components at a reasonable price with little to no down time should be of the highest priority.

Myth #1: Original Equipment Manufacturers Are the Only Ones That Can Properly Recondition Electrical Parts and Equipment

The biggest difference between public reconditioning companies and private OEM recondition services is the inspection process they must go through to be available for resale.  This is why it is important that you only buy from reputable product reconditioning companies like J and P Electrical Company.

At J and P, you can rest knowing that we only sell the highest quality reconditioned electrical distribution equipment available.   The standards set forth by the experts at J and P are in fact more stringent than any set-in place by OEM manufacturers.  We disassemble each part, cleaning and inspecting each one, replacing parts that need to be replaced as we go along.  They are then painted with high quality paints and acrylic enamel for durability.  Equipment is reassembled and tested until it exceeds manufacturers UL certification standards.

Myth #2: Liability Concerns are Increased with the Use of Reconditioned Electrical Equipment and Parts

When you are purchasing a part does it make you feel better to know it is fresh off the line or that it has been rigorously tested over and over again to ensure its safety?  When you purchase reconditioned parts and equipment from a company like J and P you can rest assured knowing it has been tested two times over, before and after reconditioning, each and every time.  There is less liability involved in products and equipment that have gone through arduous testing.


J & P Electrical Company is a full-service electrical company that supplies contractors, end users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bud ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers.  More information can be found at

Event Planning DC Helps with Your Corporate Holiday Party Ideas

If you haven’t started planning for your company’s holiday party, it’s time to start!  Our experts are on the job to assist in planning a bash that your crew will actually be excited to come to.  Corporate events don’t need to live up to their stale reputation, it is 2018 and having a good time with your co-workers is trending!  Here are some tips to create a corporate event that stands out to your employees for years to come.

Choose a Theme

Nothing turns a frown upside down faster than a party with a theme!  Even your typical drinks and dinner event goes from ho-hum to something better when a theme is stuck to it.  Think about it, you will be talking about how Donna from HR won the ugly sweater contest with her hideous, super flash, glitter, punk sweater for holiday parties to come.  Here are some other ideas:

  • Create a wonderland with fake snow, twinkling lights, and all white décor
  • Have members of your staff vote on a decade and dress like they are from that era
  • Create a tropical resort or cozy cabin
  • Choose a color theme
  • Invite people of different cultures to share recipes pot luck style

Entice Them with Prizes

Winning something is always fun.  Think about prizes that truly connect with your employees and budget.  Consider the following ideas:

  • Gift cards
  • Gadgets
  • Paid time off
  • Tickets

Activities That Break the Ice

Games aren’t just for kids anymore.  Plan an activity that helps loosen everyone up and get to know each other better.  Activities where people have to work together are popular at corporate holiday events as it works as a team builder but in a non-formal setting.  Try the following:

  • Charades
  • Scavenger hunts
  • Movie trivia
  • Assemble gingerbread houses
  • Decorate cookies

Some other fun ideas are:

  • Give back to the community by helping others or hold a toy/food drive.
  • Bring in some entertainment like a comic or hypnotist
  • Do a gift exchange or secret Santa
  • Do a group outing like to play laser tag, an escape room, or karaoke

Event Planning DC provides full event planning, partial event planning, month-of (day-of) event coordination, event styling/design and decorating services throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia, with access to local and national vendors who may provide additional services suitable for your event and budget.  We pride ourselves on providing only the highest quality event coordination, giving you and your guests the perfect day, no matter what the occasion including exclusive corporate and non-profit events, weddings, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, community events and milestone celebrations.  More information can be found online at

Is Your Fence Eco Friendly?

There are many areas where homeowners consider if their renovation is eco friendly however I bet when it comes to fencing most of us haven’t given it a second thought.  Let’s get real, it isn’t the first thing that comes to mind like it may be when choosing decking materials, lighting, insulation, and so on but in reality, it is just as important.  Not only will you find aluminum fencing to be a good choice for our environment there are many other advantages to choosing aluminum when looking into fencing materials for your home or business.

There are a number of home remodeling products that come with the eco-friendly label.  In part this is done to offer a bit or reassurance to companies and clients alike that they are doing what is right for Mother Nature by making this exact purchase.  Not only is important how your purchase affect the environment it is crucial that they are also useful to you and meet your needs better than other options available to you. There are a number of ways that are straightforward and simple to implement when it comes to eco-aware however, it can be a bit more difficult in larger investments for around your home such as the purchase of a new fence and gate.

There are a number of materials that fencing is created from.  Popular options throughout history have included chain link, wood, vinyl, wrought iron, electric, and aluminum.  Wood is an obvious eco-friendly material in fencing however, wood fences come with a number of drawbacks as well.  Unlike aluminum or other metal fencing wood needs constant maintenance and is not known for longevity.  Vinyl fence is far from eco friendly as it is created with a number of chemicals.  Classic black wrought iron fencing is a popular and eco-friendly option however it can be quite costly.  Aluminum is a less expensive, equal quality alternative.

What Do You Recycle?

One of the most recycled materials is aluminum.  Aluminum is used in a number of applications because it is not only lightweight it is easy to manipulate.  Although lightweight is not something most of us would equate with strength in fencing it is important to note the strength comes from the grade of aluminum used and not the overall weight of the aluminum fence panel.  Aluminum fence grades have been established to ensure customers get a fence that will meet the environmental requirements of its environment. Residential aluminum gates and fences will not see the same amount of traffic as commercial gates and fencing therefore it does not need to be as heavy duty thus the four common grades of aluminum fencing: pool/resort, residential, commercial, and industrial.

Another benefit of aluminum vs wrought iron is the coating that is applied to keep it from oxidizing.  Aluminum fence is powder coated which allows it to keep its look as it ages.  A ten-year-old aluminum fence panel will look as good as a newly installed aluminum fence because of this unique powder coating.  There will never be a need to repaint or stain your aluminum fence, this in itself is eco-friendly as well as consumer friendly.  Less maintenance is always beneficial to busy homeowners.

Aluminum fence panels are a great alternative to fencing for homeowners and business’s alike not only because of the many benefits such as durability, easy upkeep, quick installation, and so on but also because it is good for Mother Nature.  When your fence has reached the end of its life cycle it is simply recycled into something new.

iFenceUSA is an online distributor of wholesale aluminum fences and gates for residential, resort, commercial, and industrial installation.  As an industry leader in maintenance-free aluminum fencing products we have all your aluminum fence and gate needs covered.  More information can be found online at

Outsourcing IT Services Through a Managed IT Provider

There are a number of ways in which business of all sizes receive IT support.  From in house IT techs, on call IT professionals, and managed IT providers, specialists exist in a number of capacities to ensure that the IT needs of your business, no matter how large or small your company is, are met.  Many companies are switching to managed it services simply because it is one less thing on their plate to manage.

In order to choose an IT infrastructure for your business it is important to evaluate your current needs and future growth.  Although the services of managed IT professionals allow you to take a hands-off approach it may include more services than you actually need.  In this installment we will take a look into the general overview of managed IT plans.  It is important to note that different companies offer different services, so it is crucial that you find an IT plan and company that would fit your needs without having to pay for services you do not require.

Vital Elements of Managed IT Contracts


Security within your organization is important for a number of reasons and it truly the first area of concern for many business owners.  It is crucial that company and client data is kept secure.  A breach in data security not only costs companies millions of dollars to clean up from it puts critical data in jeopardy.  Managed IT service providers must have a detailed outline on how they will secure your specific IT systems.  Look for areas including intrusion detection and prevention, encryption, and firewalls to be addressed as well as how the services will be carried out.


The infrastructure of your organization must be well cared for in order for your company to thrive and grow.  No matter what size your company is the basics still apply, to run efficiently everything you need must be able to be performed on your systems network.  This means that your managed IT service contract must include server & storage maintenance, network administration, backups, and basic services to issues arising within the network.  You must work with your IT provider to develop a list of current and future IT services that are required for you business to continue to thrive.

Service and Support

The service and support of IT technicians can occur in a number of manners include over the phone, remotely, and in person.  Does your company require 24/7 support to operate?  If this is the case and your business will be dead in the water without 24/7 support, you will want to find an IT company that offers a managed IT service contract that supports your company no matter the time a day or day of the week.  This type of support will come at a premium.  Many IT companies support normal business hours and make accommodations for emergency support when needed.  Support outside of normal operation times may require an additional fee above and beyond your monthly managed IT support.

Monitoring your Network

Monitoring your network is critical to successfully managing your IT services.  An interruption within the network will mean downtime for your company.  Managed IT services monitor every aspect of the network from in house, remote users, mobile devices, and virtual machines. Monitoring services should also include intrusion prevention and detection, firewall configurations, and 24/7 monitoring.

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Having a complete backup of your data is crucial.  If disaster strikes it is important to know that the data that keeps your company up and running is accessible and up to date.  Does the company provide on site backup, cloud backup, or is a private source used to backup crucial company data?  Not only should you know where to look for important company backups it is important to have access to this information when you need it.  Your managed IT support provider should also include a detailed disaster recovery plan when addressing backup needs.  It is essential that this information is readily available to prevent any downtime if your company should encounter an unexpected issue.

There are many aspects to managed IT plans.  This installment provides basics to expect when looking into providers of managed IT service plans.  Further questions should be asked to help you determine if these services are right for your company.  When interviewing IT specialists and different service plans available it is important to note exactly what is and isn’t covered in different managed IT plans.  Communication is the key element when it comes to a successful IT solution for your company.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Selling Your Home During the Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us!  Some of us are seeing snow flurries, the cold temps have settled in, and you need to sell your house!  While most of us are busy preparing for family gatherings, feasting on festive meals, and wrapping last minute presents some of us are preparing to relocate.  Yep, you probably guessed it, the holiday season is not ideal to be selling or buying a home for most of us.  Our plates are already too full and the last thing we want to be doing is having people trekking through our homes in wet boots.  It is also not an ideal time due to the already abundant financial and emotional stresses that find most of us during the holidays.

This is how the experts at Century 21 Lady of the Lakes can help!

Asking Price – Price Your Home to Sell

If you are trying to sell your home during the madness of the holiday season it is not time to over price your home.  Listen to your realtor, they know what they are doing when it comes to pricing your home to sell.  Buyers often have the luxury of waiting until the warmer weather approaches if they think your asking price is too high.  Buyers have the option to keep looking, do you have that same luxury?  All sellers want to sell their homes for the highest price possible, however it is important, especially given the time of year that you listen to your realtor.  They know what you can expect based on the current market, the sale price of other homes in your area, and the amenities your home has to offer.


Create an environment that is open and inviting.  Offer buyers incentives to buy your home and deal with moving in the winter.  Consider updating the appliances in the kitchen or covering the buyers closing costs.  Sellers concessions and improvements to the home are just some of the many ways that you can make your home more appealing to buyers.

Decorate – Festive Displays

Buyers want to be able to picture themselves living in your home, so create an environment that does this for them.  Create the holiday spirit by staging your home with all of your very best décor.  Create curb appeal with outdoor decorations, fill the house with festive smells, and create a space that buyers cannot resist.  A space where they can totally immerse themselves in as their own.

Use the Weather to your Advantage

As miserable as it is to have people trampling through your house, think about the buyers who are trekking in and out of homes day after day.  Of course, this would put even the jolliest home buyers in a bad mood, so it is your job to make sure that doesn’t translate into how they feel about your home.

You can help create a more positive vibe by creating a warm, welcoming space.  Light candles, start a fire in the fireplace, provide warm beverages, and homemade treats.  The longer they linger in your space, the more likely for it to feel like their space.

C21 Lady of the Lakes is a full-service realtor serving Livingston County and the surrounding areas with all their real estate needs.  More information can be found at

Radiation Therapy: Everything There Is to Know About Radiation Therapy and More

There are several treatment options that are available to patients after a cancer diagnosis has been received.   Radiation therapy is an option for treating cancer, thyroid disease, non-cancerous growths, and blood disorders.  The benefit of radiation therapy is that it can be confined to specific areas where the tumor is.  It is targeted treatment that has a devastating effect on its target.

Whether your treatment is curative or palliative, radiation is an effective option.  It is important to understand that although radiation therapy is used in treating cancer it is also used for treatment to certain inflammatory conditions and benign tumors.  In this installment we will focus more on the application of radiation therapy as treatment for cancer.

Quick Facts on Radiation Therapy

  • In order to stop cancer cells from growing and dividing, radiation therapy delivers intense energy waves to the targeted area. Not only does radiation therapy stop cancerous cells from growing, it works to kill cancerous cells, slow cancerous cells growth, and shrink cancerous tumors in order to allow surgical oncologists to remove left over tumor.
  • There are side effects to any cancer treatment including radiation therapy. One of the biggest side effects of radiation is the effect it has to the healthy tissues surrounding the areas around the tumor.  Treatment to healthy tissues is minimized as much as possible however this does not mean that it will be left unaffected.  Most of the side effects to the healthy tissue or local to the area and are short term however other side effects like fatigue can occur throughout your body.
  • In order to make sure that radiation is placed in the correct location, radiation therapy goes through a simulation process before it is actually administered to an actual patient.

Radiation Therapy Is…

A linear accelerator is the most common piece of equipment used to administer external beam radiation therapy.  Linear accelerators deliver waves of energy in the treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumors.  The form of radiation delivered using LINAC systems is known as ionizing radiation, a high-energy type of radiation.  The radiation breaks up the DNA of the cells in a manner that disturbs their ability to cultivate, even causing complete destruction, death.

Radiation therapy can be used on its own or in combination with other forms of treating cancer such as chemotherapy.  Only your cancer specialist can determine what option of treatment will be best for your specific type of cancer.  Radiation therapy is used as a form of treatment in over 60% of patients that are being treated for cancer within the United States.

As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at