Livingston Reporting - page 107

Networking Services Create Continuity Between Household Technologies

Very few of us have ever experienced a time without computers, cell phones, Netflix, and the likes.  No longer are we looking for homes with big backyards but instead homes that have access to high speed internet and cable.  Our generation experiences things differently than past generations.  We desire reliable home networking, we want to be connected at all times.  In order to do this, we need methods to distribute audio, video, and data throughout our entire home, as we would the networks in our workplaces.  We accomplish this through structured cabling, also known as low-voltage wiring, that is professionally installed to allow the technology within our homes to work together.

Home networking allows our private collection of devices (computers, phones, gaming consoles, printers, and more) to connect to one another through a router or switch thus creating a local network.  A network within your home creates an environment where your devices are able to communicate with one another.  This leads to endless opportunities such as media streaming, network backup, multi-player gaming, and more. 

Without any knowledge on how to network your devices the process of connecting all the pieces together can seem daunting.  There are many companies, like Creative Programs and Systems, that offer both residential and commercial networking services, including structured cable installation.  There are a number of devices that are at the center of connecting devices within your home or business alike.  Routers, switches, and modems are all equally important entities in creating an efficient network. 

  • Modem: A modem is a device that can either be rented through your internet service provider or you can purchase your own.   A modem turns their network signal, which runs through a phone line, copper coaxial, or glass fiber, into a normally accepted computer network signal.  For some generations this connection came from the modem dialing into a telephone in order to establish a connection.  You could hear the connection trying to be established back in the day, today’s connections are silent and operate over a different infrastructure then a landline telephone.
  • Router: The router is a central point of contact between the devices within your network and the internet connection that is provided by your modem.  In some cases, the modem will be built directly into the router.  If you have both a separate router and modem, the router will plug into the modem with an ethernet cable plugged into the Wide Area Network, WAN port on the router.
  • Switch: A switch is used to extend your network.  It takes one port and turns it into many.  Switches can be purchased in a number of sizes from 4 ports to 24.  Most switches that are used in networking homes are unmanaged, which means you just plug them in, and they are already configured correctly.  Managed switches are mainly installed in commercial settings where different priorities are assigned depending on their importance.

Not only are there a variety of devices used to centrally connect your home there are different types of network connections. 

  • Ethernet/LAN: The physical cables that plug into your router or switch into a LAN port are known as providing a LAN or Ethernet network.  LAN cables can be run up to 100 meters without any lag in performance.  The only factor that really limits this connection is messy cabling between doorways and through walls.
  • Wi-Fi/Wireless LAN: This type of connections functions similar to Ethernet or LAN without the need for cables.  Instead the connection occurs through radio waves and doesn’t require messy cables.

There are also several methods of connecting to the internet including: Dial-Up, DSL, Cable, satellite, and USB dongle.  A lot of different pieces need to come together to create a flawless system when it comes to creating a home network.  The professionals at CPS specialize in both commercial and residential networking including structured cabling installation.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

Is LASIK Right for You?

Having LASIK performed may mean that you no longer have to wear corrective lenses to properly see. However, how do you know if you are a good candidate or not?  What should you consider when you are weighing out your corrective vision options?  Obviously if you are tired of having to put contacts in every morning or are sick of wearing glasses you start to consider laser eye surgery

LASIK is a type of refractive eye surgery that is done that helps patience achieve 20/25 vision or greater.  This is optimal for most activities that we will participate in.  Often, patients do eventually need glasses as they age or even for nighttime driving.

The complications experienced with LASIK are rare.  In fact, LASIK has a high success rate.  Dry eye is the most common issue experienced after LASIK.  This usually ends up clearing up with the use of eye drops.  It can last up to a few months however, this is rare.

Your specific results will depend on a number of factors including your refractive error.  Patients that suffer from mild nearsightedness have reported greater success from refractive surgery than patients with a high degree of far or near sightedness or an astigmatism. 

What Happens During LASIK?

There are a number of variations of laser refractive surgery.  For our purposes we will refer to them under the term LASIK. With normal vision, images are focused on the retina in the back of the eye.  When your eye sight is less than perfect it means that the image is being focused elsewhere, which results in blurred vision. 

Normally, images are focused on the retina which is in the back of your eye. With nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism, they end up being focused elsewhere, resulting in blurred vision.  This is corrected by reshaping the cornea to provide the proper refraction thus correcting your vision.   Before your surgery begins your eye, surgeon will take detailed measurements of your eye. The laser is then used to properly remove parts of the corneal tissue until proper vision has been achieved. 

In order to be a candidate for LASIK there are a number of requirements that must be met.  Patients must be in good health and free of diseases that could restrict healing.  Overall you must have healthy eyes that suffer only a moderate degree of refractive errors and you are not or have not experienced any unusual vision issues.  Age related vision disorders such as cataracts are not cured during LASIK.  Cataract surgery is different than LASIK.  If you have an active job or lifestyle where you can not take time off to recover, then LASIK is not appropriate for you.  Recovering from LASIK surgery is fairly simple but does require you to avoid intense workouts or activities where you could suffer a blow to the head for at least a month. 

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs.  As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses.  More information can be found online at

Should I Install A Reverse Osmosis System Even If I Have A Water Softener?

Hard water is not uncommon.  In fact, it is said that up to 85% of homes in the United States have hard water.  Many of these homeowners are treating their hard water issue with the installation of a water softener.  Although a water softener can help with the hardness of your homes water and remove slight impurities it doesn’t get them all.  In order to remove a greater number of impurities in your homes water along with the sodium from your water softener, it is often recommended to have a reverse osmosis unit installed. 

The combined use of both a water softener and reverse osmosis systems provides high quality water.  The reverse osmosis membranes are delicate.  A RO system alone will be inadequate in a home with hard water because of the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water.  Calcium and magnesium are the main minerals that make water hard.  A RO has a small sediment filter, but it is not nearly big enough to remove the calcium and magnesium impurities that a water softening unit does.  Homeowners that install a water softener with a reverse osmosis drinking water system will extend the life of the RO membranes.  The water softener/conditioner works as a protective barrier for the RO. 

Increased drinking water quality is another reason that homeowners should consider installing a whole house water softener and a point of use reverse osmosis system in the kitchen.  This allows the water coming from the kitchen tap and the lines going into the refrigerator to be of the highest quality.  A reverse osmosis water treatment system takes the water a step further than what your water softener can which helps to ensure the water that you are ingesting is of the purest quality. 

Another benefit of using a combination of a water softener and reverse osmosis system is the savings in energy expenses, increased lifespan of household appliances, and a decrease need for soap, shampoo, and detergents.  Reverse osmosis systems eliminate the need for bottled drinks which saves families a great deal of money. 

Homeowners can see how the installation of a softener and RO in combination with one another will reduce household expenses and top-quality water. 

Choosing A Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System

If homeowners have a whole house water softener installed, consider a RO system that does not interfere with its operation.  Evaluate a variety of systems from level of noise they make to how complex filter maintenance is. Using a RO system with your homes water softener allows you to give your family the highest quality drinking water.  Who doesn’t want that for their family’s water supply?

The experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning have a solution to your homes unique water quality needs including: arsenic, bacteria, chlorine, rotten egg smell, fluoride, hard water, iron, lead, acid, tannins, radon, and more.  More information on our water treatment solutions including water softeners and conditioners, water filtration and purification, reverse osmosis drinking water, and iron & odor removal can be found online at

Answers to The Top 4 Questions About Radiation Therapy

Anyone that is starting a new medical treatment has a right to be a little nervous.  This article is being written to help ease the anxiety of cancer patients that are scheduled for radiation therapy.  Fear comes because of the unknown and common misunderstandings patients have about radiation. 

Radiation therapy is delivered using a large piece of medical equipment known as a linear accelerator.  With maintenance, repairs, and part replacement linear accelerators can deliver radiation to an average number of patients for between five and ten years.  Below we will answer the most commonly asked questions about radiation therapy using a linear accelerator, LINAC.

Is Radiation Therapy Painful?

Thankfully radiation therapy is not painful.  Patients often report that they do not experience any sensation when the radiation is delivered from the LINAC.   A few patients have reported that they feel a slight warm tingle in the area where the LINAC is delivering radiation.  The skin in the area where linear accelerators deliver treatment can become dry and itchy over time.  This can cause some discomfort but definitely not enough to stop treatment.  Skin reactions due to radiation can be treated with over the counter ointment. 

Does Radiation Therapy Cause Me to Be Radioactive?

Radiation therapy only makes patients radioactive when internal radiation is given.  Patients are radioactive while the radioactive materials are in them.  These patients are secluded in a private hospital room.  Patients that are treated using a LINAC through external radiation, will not be radioactive at all.  External radiation delivers a precise dose of radiation to the cancerous tissues instantaneously.  With external radiation the radiation does not linger. Once the LINAC is turned off the radiation isn’t an issue.  In external radiation, patients can continue on their normal routines without worry. 

Will I Lose My Hair During Radiation Therapy?

Radiation is considered a localized treatment which means that it focuses directly on the area being treated.  This being said you can expect hair loss in the area of treatment however unless treatment is done on your head you shouldn’t experience hair loss.  Confusion occurs because people associate radiation and chemotherapy as one in the same therapies.  The difference is that chemotherapy is a systemic treatment which means it affects the entire body.  During chemotherapy there is a likelihood that patients will lose their hair.

Should I Expect to Experience Nausea and Vomiting? 

Radiation therapy doesn’t usually cause patients to feel sick.  If treatment is given in areas such as the liver, brain, or gastrointestinal tract patients have more of a risk to experience nausea.  Also, patients that are going through chemotherapy and radiation at the same time there is more of a risk for feeling ill.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  Radparts provides high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. More information can be found at

What Are the Most Common Roofing Problems for Michigan Homeowners?

Your homes roof is one of the largest and most important exterior features of your home.  It is easy to forget about because it is not an element of your home that is in your face screaming for attention.  It is important that homeowners do not neglect their roofs. Issues with your roof are easily masked, they are not easy to spot especially from the ground.

It is important to catch issues with your roof before they turn catastrophic.  Roofing contractors have years of experience and industry knowledge that allows them to have a better grasp at what they are looking for when they are inspecting a homeowner’s roof.  This is not to say that you as a homeowner shouldn’t take time to inspect your homes roof bi-yearly as you clean out the gutters, it just means that a professional should also be involved in the inspection process at least once a year.  They will be able to detect issues earlier than any DIY homeowner thus saving the structural integrity of your roof from severe damage.

Roofing Contractors Share the Most Common Problems They See in Roofing

Lack of General Maintenance and Upkeep

The ideal maintenance schedule for your homes roof consists of bi-yearly inspections from the homeowners and an annual inspection from a professional roofing contractor.  Another inspection is needed if your home has been involved in a severe storm.  There are many things that can go wrong with your roof however, regular repairs and keeping up on normal care your roof can out last, it’s warranty.  Check for mildew, mold, peeling caulk, holes, sagging, or missing shingles.  These are all obvious issues that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Improper Repairs

This is the most common problem that our roofing contractors report, improperly executed roofing repairs.  Homeowners like to believe they can save a ton of money by fixing issues on their own.  This is however not always the truth.  Yes, homeowners are highly capable of attending to many maintenance issues that pop up around their homes.  Roofing however is not one of those areas where we believe a homeowner should take repairs into their own hands.  Your homes roof is what keeps the structural integrity of your home safe from the outside elements.  Without a roof, well you can just imagine what the interior of our homes would look like.

Storm Damage

No matter what the season, Michigan homeowners are familiar with inclement weather issues.  Spring brings heavy rain, winter brings heavy ice and snow, with fall comes rotting leaves and debris and then there is summer where we can go from 100 degrees and 100 percent humidity to thunderstorms with winds that can be greater than 60 miles an hour.  If your area experiences a substantial storm it is important to clean off the debris and call in a professional for an inspection.


No matter if you have a shingle roof or a metal roof, if you are experiencing a leak, you have a major problem.  Your homes roof is its lid.  It is meant to keep the elements out.  When this is compromised it is crucial, to minimize damage, that your roof is fixed properly and FAST!  Moisture that is allowed to build up also can prevent problems such as mold and wood rot.  It is not only important to fix the roof but also to perform proper drying and clean up to prevent further issues.

In order to truly make sure you are hiring a reputable roofing contractor always make sure to work with someone that comes recommended from a friend, neighbor, family member, or co-worker.  Word of mouth referrals are the best way to hire professionals as they have previously done work and are being recommended.  It is important as well to perform a little background research on your own as well.  Be sure to check Google reviews, contractor licenses/insurance, and their standing with the BBB.

As a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan, Kearns Brothers, Inc. offers clients a wide range of services to meet their construction needs including: roofing, siding, window, masonry, chimneys, gutters, and insulation services.  More information can be found at

White Picket Fencing: The Benefit of Aluminum

What does the American Dream look like to you?  For most the answer has quite simply revolved around the vision of a two-story home with a white picket fence enclosing a private acre of land where the children and dog can play without a care in the world.  

The white picket fence symbolizes both wealth and achievement. Their popularity rose during colonial times and has continued to be recognized as such today.  It is important to note though that long gone are the days where families worked to construct and paint each picket of their fence year after year.  Time is just not what it used to be.  Time is a commodity that many families just don’t have enough of.  The last thing families want to do is to spend a weekend cleaning and painting a fence.  Thus, the popularity of white aluminum picket fencing

There are a variety of benefits to be found from installing an aluminum fence but the one that seems to resonate over and over is the lack of maintenance required.  Aluminum fence panel maintenance is as simple as running a garden hose over the fence once a year and scrubbing any areas where stubborn dirt or mold has built up with a mild concentration of soap and water.  That’s it!  Your white aluminum picket fence will look as good as the day it was installed. 

When looking to add the quintessential white picket fence to your landscape it doesn’t have to come at the great expense of your time.  Aluminum fence panels come with a powder coating that protects the material from the forces outside of your control such as moisture.  Although aluminum is a metal fence it doesn’t rot, and the powder coating prevents water and moisture from causing problems later on down the road. 

If a white picket fence is a bit too “American Dream” for you or it doesn’t seem to compliment the style of your home don’t fret.  Aluminum fencing comes in a variety of colors, styles, heights, and widths.  Another major advantage is that aluminum fence panels offer matching styled driveway gates for added grander. No matter what you picture, aluminum fencing can deliver.  From white aluminum picket fencing to contemporary black aluminum fence panels with a matching entry gate, you are guaranteed a secure, low maintenance fence that can stand the test of time in a variety of climates. 

iFenceUSA is an online distributor of wholesale aluminum fences and gates for residential, resort, commercial, and industrial installation.  As an industry leader in maintenance-free aluminum fencing products we have all your aluminum fence and gate needs covered.  More information can be found online at

Why Should We Use Outsourced IT Support Services?

There are a number of reasons company’s, big and small, choose to outsource their IT needs to a company that specializes in IT services rather than employ in-house IT support.  One of the biggest reasons company’s do anything is because of money and this is no exception.  The costs associated with an in-house IT department outweighs the major benefit of their familiarity with the ins and outs of the company.  Outsourced IT services allow companies to continue to focus on their position within their own industry instead of worrying about issues outside their fields. 

Making the decision to use an outsourced IT company, like Creative Programs & Systems, has a number of benefits including:

Improved Cost Management

Companies that are just starting up and even those small to medium sized that are established consistently attempt to shrink costs associated with operations. Outsourced IT support teams allow organizations to put a consistent budget in place vs the unpredictability of expenses that occur from in-house IT.  Companies that maintain in-house IT support end up sustaining unpredictable expenses including training, upgrades, maintenance, and equipment purchases. 

With expenses popping up out of thin air, companies have difficulty budgeting for unexpected IT costs that come from an in-house department. A new custom server can cost companies thousands of dollars if it needs to be replaced.  IT employee turnover and training expenses can really hurt a company’s budget as well.  When expenses pop up out of nowhere, they can severely hinder company operations. 

Sourcing IT services to companies that specialize in IT consulting allows companies to have a better handle on their monthly expenses.  The other benefit is the knowledge possessed by IT specialists who work within a number of different organizations.  They are more likely to have seen and know how to correct issues quickly when they arise. 

Increased Security

Your company’s security is one of the most important elements.  Not only do most companies work with highly sensitive industry data, they also have a lot of client data to protect.  The last thing you want is to leave your company data vulnerable. 

Company’s specializing in IT deal with hackers on a daily basis.  They are more familiar than in-house support teams with the techniques that are currently being used to breach crucial company data.  Hackers are unscrupulous and use a combination of social engineering and black hat methods to steal confidential information. Outsourced IT specialists offer a faster, more efficient, thorough approach to IT security throughout your organization.

Data Disaster Recovery

No matter if you experience a disaster from natural sources such as tornados, fire, or floods or a virtual data disaster the most important element remains keeping your business data secure and accessible.  Let’s face it, most companies are not well equipped to face either.  Disaster can strike at any moment.  It is important that in a situation where your companies is experiencing some type of disaster that you are back up and running sooner rather than later.  Hiring outsourced IT professionals allows you the peace of mind that when and if a disaster occurs, they will have you back up and running quicker than any in house IT department ever could.  Outsourced IT specialists spend time keeping up on all of the latest and greatest back up technologies.  Since disaster recovery is something that IT specialists manage for more than one client you can rest assured that they will have the best solution to help you avoid a catastrophic data disaster.

Added Resources

The last thing you can afford when starting a new company and handling the competition is to waste time handling IT related issues.  Newer companies need this time to develop their company, establish clients, and expand on their companies marketing strategy.   When you outsource IT the valuable time resource is yours to use focusing on customers, products, and marketing.

Outsourcing IT allows you to dedicate extra time to your growing business.  It frees up internal company resources to find additional business opportunities and increasing relevance within the industry.  Leave the direction of the IT side of your company to the specialists.  Thus leaving you and your team of specialists to focus on your budding business knowing that your growing IT needs are being professionally managed.

Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, is an all-inclusive IT solutions company offering a variety of services including: managed IT services, IT consulting, residential computer services, custom programming, website design, iphone & android app development, and more.  More information can be found at

How Does A Linear Accelerator Improve Radiation Therapy?

With todays technology treating cancer through radiation therapy is completely customized to each specific patient’s need.  Linear accelerators deliver cutting-edge radiation therapy; providing one of the most advanced cancer treatment techniques available.  Linear accelerators are able to deliver targeted radiation beams directly onto a patient’s cancerous growths with minimal damage to the healthy surrounding tissue. 

Oncologists often recommend radiation therapy using linear accelerator technology to treat new cancer diagnosis as it often improves the chance of a good outcome. Below are a number of the benefits that cancer patients find that LINAC offer in cancer treatment.

Personalized Care

Using detailed imagery linear accelerators pinpoint cancerous tumors with amazing precision.  This technique is known as image-guided radiation therapy.  Treatment with LINAC allows for radiologists to compensate for the shrinkage of the tumor and its movement.   Radiation therapists will treat tumors individually before each treatment session to account for the varying size and shape of the tumor and its changing position in the body.  This allows them to directly deliver radiation to the cancerous cells to shrink and destroy them.  Technicians can target cancer more accurately which decreases the risk to healthy tissue. 

Treatment to Any Part of The Body

Cancer can grow in any part of your body.  Thankfully, linear accelerators are able to treat them wherever they are.  Radiation therapy, using linear accelerators allows for the targeting of cancerous growths no matter where they are including: prostate, uterus, cervix, and/or prostate.

Higher Cure Rates

With the advanced technology in treating cancer that linear accelerators offer, specialists are able to monitor and adjust for shrinking tumors on a daily basis.  This means that each treatment is aimed more directly at the cancerous tumor which increases the effectiveness of the treatment and encourages a higher cure rate. 

Increased Comfort in Treatment

Treating cancer can seem incredible scary.  Treatment sessions can be long and uncomfortable but thankfully treating cancer with linear accelerators makes radiation sessions faster and more comfortable.  LINAC treatment sessions which may have lasted 10 to 30 minutes can now be completed in less than two minutes.  Quicker treatments make more patients less anxious and more comfortable.  

It is easy to see how LINAC improve the treatment of cancer.  Linear accelerators make cancer treatment faster, increase cure rates, and can be customized to each individual’s patients needs.  Radiation therapist plans develop personalized treatment plans that include education and support.

As an independent LINAC service company, Acceletronics is dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and services for linear accelerators and CT scanners across all major brands and models, as well as new and refurbished LINAC systems for sale.  More information can be found online at

Are There Benefits of Purchasing Reconditioned Electrical Parts and Equipment?

Reconditioned electrical components and equipment are a popular option within the industry because of the benefits and tangible environmental, social, economic, and political climate benefits they provide.  Manufacturing, industrial, and organizational facilities are interested in saving money when purchasing and maintaining electrical equipment and parts thus the popularity of reconditioned electrical products.  There are many immeasurable benefits that are attached with refurbished electrical products some of which we will discuss below.

Saving Electrical Jobs

Manufacturing jobs are scarce no matter where in the world you are.  The industry on a whole has seen stagnated growth.  Not only is manufacturing taking a hit but so are the training programs and schools that prepare skilled workers.  Refurbishing is a trend in that is helping to turn those statistics around.  Reconditioning offers on-the-job training which increases the demand for skilled workers.  

Good for the Environment

A major concern we are facing is how our daily lives are affecting the environment and world we are leaving for our children.  This is another benefit that comes with reconditioning.  Industrial plants are a major source of usable electrical equipment and components.  When plants close companies like J & P Electrical are called in to strip usable electrical assets from the location to be refurbished and resold.  This process helps prevent usable electrical products from filling up landfills and converting them into refurbished equipment and components.  Reconditioning electrical components guarantees that they are disassembled, cleaned, plated, updated, tested, inspected, and finally able to be resold.

Increased Safety

Electrical equipment such as circuit breakers and transformers can cost tens of thousands of dollars to replace.  Often what this means is that facilities will continue to use faulty equipment far past the point at which it is safe.  Reconditioned circuit breakers or refurbished transformers are a game changer as they cost significantly less than new.  By using reconditioned parts not only do organizations save money, they significantly reduce downtime.  Manufactures save money while increasing safety by using quality reconditioned electrical components

It is important to recognize that reconditioned products are not counterfeit products.  Refurbishment is the process that brings older electrical equipment and components back to a level that often exceeds original manufacturer requirements.  Some components are obsolete, and reconditioning allows equipment that is still useable to run.  Newer components are often not supported by older machines. 

J & P Electrical Company is a full-service electrical company that supplies contractors, end users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bud ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers.  More information can be found at

What Homeowners Need to Do Before Renovations Begin

Remodeling a home can be quite an adventure if homeowners don’t properly prepare.  There are a number of wrong turns that can be made so it is essential to have a full understanding before you jump into renovations of any kind. 

Below are a list of things to consider in order to avoid heartache and regret.

It is Important to Fully Understand What You Like

Seems simple, right?  I mean what is so hard to understand about wanting a new kitchen or bathroom?  It, however, isn’t that simple.  Homeowners need to narrow down what a kitchen renovation means to them.  Some homeowners want to completely change the layout while others are interested in keeping the layout but installing new cupboards, fixtures, flooring, and more. 

It is important for homeowners to work with the designer showing them in detail what they like, important features to them, items on their wish list, and so on.  This allows the kitchen contractor/designer to get on the same page with the homeowners.  Often times it allows the clients to see how vastly different their visions are as well.  This process gets them thinking along the same lines as well.

Run the Numbers, Is the Renovation You Want Within Your Budget?

It’s true that our dream kitchens and bathrooms aren’t always within our means.  When this is the case there are a few options: we can wait on your renovation until your budget increases or we can choose to use different materials in the remodel to keep the costs within your budget.  A granite counter top might be the dream but engineered stone (quartz) may be a close second in looks and affordability.

Ask Yourself If the Renovation Is Feasible

Some homeowners need a reality check when planning renovations.  Some projects seem simple however because of complicated electrical or plumbing are not.  Adding a bathroom to a second-floor bedroom sounds pretty easy but not only do you need the space to install a bathroom you need access to plumbing as well as making sure the structure can withstand the renovation.  Sometimes the renovation make seem easy but in reality, be harder and more expensive then they are actually worth.  These projects often get abandoned before they even begin.

Is This A DIY Renovation or One Left to The Professionals?

For all renovations except for those that are so obviously simple should be overseen by a professional contractor. Most homeowners just do not have the skills or patience to complete a room renovation on their own.  Also, lets face it, not everyone has the kind of time it takes to gut and redo renovations to their home.

JFC Remodeling is a full-service licensed contractor out of Howell, Michigan.  Specializing in kitchen and bathroom renovations, flooring upgrades, and home remodeling services.  More information can be found online at