As winter approaches, many people are looking for ways to save a little money on energy costs. The cost of gasoline might go down, but in cold climates a lot of those savings are spent on keeping the house warm enough to be livable. There are always the simple ways to keep costs down, such as dressing in warmer clothing or staying physically active, but the advantages of superior technology are allowing customers a greater number of options, many of which can be built right into the structure of their homes. Homeowners are replacing old seals around doorways, purchasing thicker and more insulated carpets, and installing more energy efficient heating units.
One increasingly popular trend in home energy savings is the use of energy efficient insulated windows. There is a significant advantage with this type of energy savings — it offers a passive, or ongoing, savings rather than saving money simply one time. Instead of having to check the thermostat and debate whether to turn it off for a few hours to save some money, homeowners can simply install these insulated windows and enjoy the benefits for no additional effort. Additionally, these windows aren’t a compromise in savings over appearance; most providers have a variety of styles available to choose from. There are even options for those who prefer windows with blinds, as many new models of insulated window include internal blinds for the homeowner to adjust.
Some of the best savings come from a combination of technologies. For example, Low-E windows serve to retain the heat in a house both by reflecting it inward instead of allowing it to escape outside, and by collecting passive heat from sunlight. However, even Low-E windows will not retain all of this heat if installed with, say, a plain metal spacing unit. Metals are generally conductors, and they will allow heat to seep out around the window, reducing the potential savings. The key is to combine the insulated window with a nonmetal spacer that doesn’t allow for such seepage, such as Super Spacer units.
With these combined technologies, heat is retained in multiple ways, maximizing the effect of both technologies, and returning the initial investment faster than either technology would alone. Additionally, the energy efficiency will not stop with the cold weather. Proper home insulation is as beneficial to home cooling as it is to home heating, which will provide energy insulation savings year round, year after year. offers affordable Pella replacement windows that feature windows with blinds and Low-E technology to help save energy costs. For more information, visit