The story of 43-year-old Shannon Davis underscores the urgency of regular eye check-ups. Glaucoma is responsible for irreversible vision loss by damaging the optic nerve, and it’s the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Davis, diagnosed with advanced glaucoma, experienced significant vision loss, rendering him legally blind, and he could not work or drive. After various treatments and surgeries, Davis’s glaucoma has stabilized over the past two years.Ophthalmologist Dr. Noor Ali from Canberra, Australia, who oversees Davis’s care, highlights that glaucoma often goes unnoticed until substantial vision loss occurs. Thus, emphasizing the crucial need for early detection screening.What Causes Glaucoma?“No symptoms, no headaches, nothing that was obvious,” says Davis in disbelief that this happened to him. In its early stages, glaucoma has no symptoms, hence the term ‘silent thief.’ Regular glaucoma screenings are your best defense, especially if you face certain risk factors such as:· Being extremely near-sighted· Genetic history of glaucoma· Adults over 40 years of age· Black Americans over 35· Underlying disease (such as diabetes)· Obesity· Poor overall health (inactive, deficient nutritional diet, etc.)What Are the Symptoms of Glaucoma?Every person is different, and glaucoma may show a few warning signs. However, generally when symptoms do appear, the condition is usually advanced. Typical symptoms include:· Pain in/behind one or both eyes· Chronic headaches· Progressive loss of peripheral vision· Increased need for brighter lighting for everyday tasks· Foggy or blurry visionWhat Are My Options if I Have Glaucoma?Allowing glaucoma to progress without proper treatment will result in vision loss or blindness. In some cases, eye drops or other medications may suffice. For advanced instances, glaucoma surgery is recommended. There are many different types of glaucoma surgery. Your ophthalmologist will explain the differences between each, and together, you can determine which procedure is best for your situation.What Does Glaucoma Surgery Entail? Glaucoma surgery aims to lower the eye’s intraocular pressure (IOP), the primary modifiable risk factor, to prevent further damage to the optic nerve. By reducing the IOP, the surgery helps halt ongoing damage to the optic nerve, thus preserving vision. At Zen Eye Institute, our ophthalmologist, Dr. Charles Zenzen, conducts glaucoma surgery on an outpatient basis, eliminating the need for a hospital stay. This surgery may also be combined with cataract surgery. For more information, please contact our office. __________ Zen Eye Institute, formally Rohr Eye & Laser Center, has served the greater Grand Blanc area for over twenty years. Now operating under Dr. Charles Zenzen, we offer comprehensive medical and surgical eye care treating various conditions and diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, dry eyes, and more. For exceptional eye care at our state-of-the-art practice, call (810) 579-0202 to make an appointment today! Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:
Category: Rohr Eye & Laser Center
A severe form of macular degeneration called geographic atrophy is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in adults over 50. Geographic atrophy impacts 1 million people in the United States.
While macular degeneration is typically considered an incurable eye disease, and its origins are unknown, it has been determined that genetic and environmental factors can contribute to the development of the disease.
Clinical trials are underway at Willis Eye/Mid Atlantic Retina for Syfovre, the first and only drug to treat this advanced form of macular degeneration, geographic atrophy, which can lead to blindness. While Syfovre has been proven to slow the progression of advanced macular degeneration, it will not reverse or cure the disease.
Dr. Sunir Garg at Willis Eye said, “It’s a big deal for us because we went from not having anything to finally having something and that is a monumental achievement in our profession. It reduces the inflammation, and the inflammation is what is causing the damage. As time goes on, we can help them [patients] better protect their vision for a longer period of time.”
Dr. Eleonora Lad, associate professor of ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center, helped to oversee the clinical study of Syfovre. She said the new treatment is a “game changer” and “the beginning of a new treatment era for patients with geographic atrophy.”
Macular degeneration experts such as Dr. Steven Schwartz of the UCLA Stein Eye Institute said the FDA’s approval is “very positive” for patients with unmet needs who need to preserve their vision. He said, “It’s particularly important while we continue to rapidly develop stem cell therapies that hold the promise for restoring vision already lost to this horrifying all-to-common cause of central blindness.”
If you suffer from vision loss or need to schedule an exam to see an ophthalmologist, contact the doctors at Zen Eye Institute today.
Zen Eye Institute, formally Rohr Eye & Laser Center, has served the greater Grand Blanc area for over twenty years. Now operating under Dr. Charles Zenzen, we offer comprehensive medical and surgical eye care treating various conditions and diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, dry eyes, and more. For exceptional eye care at our state-of-the-art practice, call (810) 579-0202 to make an appointment today!
Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:
Aging affects every part of your body, even your eyes. Age-related farsightedness, or presbyopia, occurs when the lens inside your eye begins to harden. Books and other close objects become challenging to read or see clearly. Some other age-related disorders include:
- Age-related Macular Degeneration
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Dry Eye
- Floaters
- Changes to Peripheral Vision
Roughly half of all age-related visual loss can be managed through early diagnosis and treatment. Ensure you get routine eye exams to help prevent some of the complications listed above. Additionally, there are plenty of things you can do at home to protect your eye sight.
Diet: Well-balanced eating habits help your body in more ways than one. Your eyes are significantly affected by the foods you choose to eat. The following nutritious foods can help avert vision loss:
- Vitamin A: Carrots, spinach, kale, egg yolks, dairy
- Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, juices, broccoli, potatoes, green peppers
- Vitamin E: Whole grains, eggs, sunflower seeds, avocado
- Fatty Acids: Coldwater fish (mackerel, rainbow trout, salmon, etc.), corn oil, sunflower oil
- Lutein: Kale, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, corn
- Zinc: Poultry, red meat, fish, dairy, whole grains
Quit smoking: The sooner, the better. Besides causing a plethora of cardiovascular and lung-related diseases, smoking greatly increases the chances of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.
Exercise: All you need is at least 20 minutes a day to stimulate your entire body by increasing blood flow. The optic nerve and retina are included in this circulatory invigoration.
Sunglasses: Ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun can cause cataracts, retina damage, and skin cancer near your eyes. Always wear sunglasses when outside.
To schedule an eye exam or learn about LASIK for seniors, contact the professionals at Rohr Eye & Laser Center today.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.
Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

When it comes to taking care of your eyes as you age you will certainly receive a lot of information both accurate and inaccurate. Wading through the information received can be daunting. Cataracts are often a center of myths and tales associated with seniors and vision care. We have centered this installment around breaking the myths that surround the formation and surgical procedures associated with cataracts.
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness throughout the world, more than glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration collectively. They are more common in seniors than any other demographic. Estimates suggest fifty percent of Americans will have had cataracts by the time they are eighty years old. It is important that seniors have correct information, an understanding of their vision condition, and what options they have for correction.
The Myths and Truths of Cataracts
Myth #1: Cataracts Grow on The Eye
Truth: Cataracts have thought to be a growth on the eye however that is not the truth at all. Cataracts are a result of protein fibers that clump together and creating a clouding of the lens of the eye. The cloud causes light to be scattered or even blocked completely as it passes through the lens. This does not allow the retina to receive a clear image. Cataracts are caused by:
- Overexposure to Ultraviolet Light
- Eye Injury
- Result of Diabetes
Myth #2: The Only Symptom of Cataracts Is Blurred Vision
Truth: Although blurred vision is the most common symptom individuals report when experiencing cataracts, it is not the only one. Other symptoms include:
- Extreme Light Sensitivity
- Changes in Vision Prescription
- Double Vision
- Changes in Perception of Colors
- Night Vision Difficulty
Myth #3: Cataracts Are Preventable
Truth: Cataracts are not preventable. There are different strategies that can be taken to reduce the risk of developing cataracts or to slow the progression of the disease. These include:
- Yearly Eye Exams
- Healthy Diet Rich in Fruits and Veggies
- Don’t Smoke
- Avoid Excessive Alcohol Usage
- Wear Sunglasses with UVA & UVB Protection
Myth #4: Cataract Surgery is Dangerous
Truth: Cataract is in fact not dangerous, it is actually one of the safest vision surgeries. With advancements in technology, individuals need minimal sedation and cataract surgery has a success rate of over ninety-five percent. Recovery from cataract surgery includes:
- Refrain from Eye Rubbing
- No Lifting of Heavy Objects
- Avoid Driving
Myth #5: Cataracts Come Back
Truth: Once a cataract is removed from the lens through surgical means, it will not return. A “secondary” cataract may develop. This occurs when the membrane holding the foreign lens implant in place becomes cloudy. This is corrected with a simple, painless procedure called a YAG laser capsulotomy. An eye surgeon will create a small opening in the membrane to assist in restoring the sharpness in vision.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs. As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses. More information can be found online at
What is a cataract?
Cloudiness over the natural lens of the eye, which sites in back of the iris and pupil is an eye disease known as CATARACTS.
Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss for people over forty. In fact, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness throughout the world. More cases of cataracts are diagnosed worldwide than diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma put together. There are currently more than twenty-two million Americans over forty with cataracts which is expected to grow to over thirty million by the year 2020.
The Three Types of Cataracts
Subcapsular Cataracts: Subcapsular cataracts often affect people with diabetes or those taking high doses of steroid medication. This type of cataract occurs at the back of the lens.
Nuclear Cataracts: Nuclear cataracts are most often associated with aging and are located deep within the central zone, nucleus, of the lens.
Cortical Cataracts: Cortical cataracts start in the periphery of the lens and work toward the middle like the spoke of a wheel. This type of cataract occurs in the lens cortex. The lens cortex is the part of the lens that surrounds the center nucleus.
The Signs and Symptoms of Cataracts
At first a cataract has very little effect on your vision as it starts out small. Your vision may appear a bit hazy or blurred at first, as if you are looking at life through a cloud. If you start to notice you are seeing things a bit blurrier than you once did it may be time to have your eyes tested to see if your vision issues are caused by cataracts.
When you have a cataract light of all kinds, natural and artificial, may appear intense. When you are driving at night the headlight may glare more vividly than they previously had been seen. Depending on the type of cataracts that you have could determine the symptoms you have and when they will start to appear. When the most common cataract, nuclear, first begins to develop a temporary improvement in your close-up vision may occur. This is often referred to as “second site.” This vision improvement only occurs for a short period of time and disappears as the cataract continues to develop. Subcapsular cataracts, on the other hand, may not produce symptoms until it has developed completely.
To diagnosis cataracts you must schedule an appointment to meet with your ophthalmologist. Once they have completed a thorough eye exam they can suggest a treatment option, surgical or not.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs. As a leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses. More information can be found online at
It is a general belief that people suffering from astigmatism do not necessarily need LASIK eye surgery. This might be acceptable in cases of mild astigmatism. When the case is either severe or mild, then LASIK eye surgery is a recommended way of having a vision correction.
Astigmatism is actual an abnormal or irregular curvature of the cornea. This, in turn, gives lights multiple entrances into the eye thereby causing a blurred vision. Eye doctors unanimously shared the opinion that an eye laser surgery can correct astigmatism (even if it is not the inherited type).
Astigmatism is very common, one in every three persons have it. And some of the symptoms can be blurred vision, headaches, eye strain, and fatigue after reading. These symptoms are severe in some patients while it is mild in others, depending on the severity of astigmatism in an individual patient.
Choosing LASIK
LASIK is just one of the many eye laser surgery options available for correcting eye defects. Its effectiveness is responsible for its popularity amidst eye laser surgery and vision correction methodology available. It has a success rate of 99% in eliminating astigmatism. So, if your question is still can I have a LASIK eye surgery if I have astigmatism, then your answer is YES!
It should be tentatively noted that LASIK eye laser surgery is not limited to just treating astigmatism. It is very effective in other eye defects. Ranging from short-sightedness to long-sightedness, LASIK is a very potent and fast means of having vision corrections.
It can also be used extensively for treating (removal) of cataract from the eyes. Having the freedom to participate in all event without having to reach out for the glasses or perhaps contact lens (not so cool).
Before the eye laser surgery, the eye doctor uses an aberrometer laser beam to produce a 3D of the exact shape of the cornea on a monitor. This helps him to find where reshaping of tissues should be done. LASIK involves scraping or lifting of the cornea and using a laser beam to re-shape the tissues beneath the cornea.
It is painless (aside from minor stinging) and takes about 20 minutes to complete. The patient might experience blurring vision and increased light sensitivity which are normal and would clear up in 3-4 days. Eye drops, and oral medications are given to counter side-effects and prevent infection. Recovery time is a meager 4-5 days.
Side Effects and Choosing Right Doctor
It is important to understand that just like any other surgery, there is risk involved as well. Side effects include glare, dry eye, halos with night vision, and rarely, permanent vision loss.
As much as LASIK can treat astigmatism and other eye defects permanently, it is imperative to understand that having a good ophthalmologist reduces the rate of risk and mitigates side effects.
If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website to schedule an appointment.
To understand the LASIK procedure it is crucial to understand your eyes. How do we see? What takes place within your eye to allow it to process images and give us the gift sight? They eye is made up of several different parts, one being the cornea. The cornea, together with the lens refracts light rays so that they focus on the retina. The retina is a layer of light-sensing cells that line the back part of the eye. It is the job of the retina to take the light rays and convert them into little impulses that are sent to the brain to create images. Any light rays that don’t focus on the retina give you blurry vision and are known as refractive errors. This refractive error is what is corrected to bring you better sight with glasses, contacts or eye surgery.
When the eye has imperfections to the shape within the eyeball itself, the cornea or the lens a refractive error will occur. The four basic refractive errors are:
1) Myopia: The term that is commonly used for Myopia is nearsightedness. This means that only objects that are close are clear.
2) Hyperopia: The term that is commonly used for Hyperopia is farsightedness. This means that only objects that are far are clear.
3) Astigmatism: Astigmatism causes the images to be blurry no matter if they are close or far away.
4) Presbyopia: The term that is commonly used for Presbyopia is aging eye. This usually occurs to the adult population between forty and fifty making it difficult to see things that are close. Reading glasses help. This is a condition that cannot be treated using LASIK.
Now that you know more about the eye and the different ailments that can affect them it is time to consider if you are a candidate for LASIK.
- LASIK can only be performed on patients over eighteen years old. People younger than eighteen still have changing vision. Some ophthalmologists prefer to operate on patients over twenty one.
- Patients that are pregnant or nursing are not candidates for LASIK. Pregnancy changes some women’s vision.
- Check out the list of medications that you cannot take if you are considering LASIK eye surgery. Some drugs like Accutane and oral Prednisone are not to be taken if you are considering eye surgery.
- You must have good eye health and your eye prescription should have been stable for awhile.
- Your personal health should be good. If you have diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, cataracts, retinal diseases or cornea disorders your eye doctor may recommend that you don’t have Laser eye surgery.
- If you have dry eye from wearing contact lenses, medications or some other reason your eye doctor may also recommend that you forgo LASIK eye surgery.
To better understand your vision issues as well as the risks and rewards involved in LASIK it is important that you meet with a local eye surgeon. They will provide valuable information that can help you determine if you are a proper candidate for LASIK.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center out of Grand Blanc, Michigan offers the most advanced technology in eye surgery available to suit your lifestyle. To see what the leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery has to offer you can find more information at
Perfect vision is something we all wish for. Wearing contacts and eye glasses are an inconvenience. They tend to get in the way while pursuing sports and many recreational activities. This is the reason many people seek LASIK treatment. With LASIK eye surgery the patient has surgery using a laser to reshape the eyes cornea. The cornea is the clear dome that makes up the front of your eye. The cornea is shaped to improve your focus of light rays sent to the retina.
With any surgery there are risks to way in connection with the rewards that you will receive. Before you meet with a LASIK eye doctor here are some things to consider. When initially meeting with your ophthalmologist make sure to get clear answers to all of your questions and concerns. This list of things to think about before LASIK surgery will hopefully lead to meaningful conversation between you and your eye surgeon.
- LASIK eye surgery is not reversible. It is also surgery to a very sensitive part of you, your eyes.
- With LASIK there are serious risks and complications involved. This is true for any surgery no matter how minor it may seem.
- LASIK is not for everyone. It is however a surgery that offers freedom from eye glasses and contacts to millions of people.
- It is a misconception that LASIK provides perfect vision for everyone. Nine out of ten patients have vision ranging between twenty-twenty and twenty-forty. Twenty-forty may not always be crisp enough for detailed work or recreational activities. Be sure to ask what type of results are expected for you personally.
- After LASIK eye surgery that corrects distance vision, reading glasses could still be needed. Age-related loss of sight cannot prevent further aging of the eye. It corrects the vision problems that you are dealing with currently. The loss of focusing within the eye happens as we age. This is not something that we can correct with LASIK.
- Another thing to consider is needing reading glasses sooner that you may have after LASIK. This is a possible side effect of using laser eye surgery to correct nearsightedness. This could be the case even if you previously did not have to wear reading glasses.
- Again, as you age your eyes will age as well. There is nothing that can be done to cure the aging process. Even after LASIK eye surgery is performed your eyesight and focus may start to decrease. The thing to think about is that it is now decreasing from perfection. Without LASIK your eyes continue to diminish from the sight point where you are at.
- It should also be noted that laser eye vision surgery is not covered by most major insurance plans. The procedure is seen as elective and therefore as something that does not have to be done but rather is done as a convenience. For you this means that the expense will be out of pocket. You will want to talk with your LASIK provider about the costs associated with the surgery as a whole including care before and after the surgery.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center out of Grand Blanc, Michigan offers the most advanced technology in eye surgery available to suit your lifestyle. To see what the leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery has to offer you can find more information at
If you are one of the millions of people that are living life with the hassles of wearing glasses and contacts I bet you are also one of the million that have thought about Lasik eye surgery. Lasik is a procedure used to correct vision by reshaping your cornea using a laser. The cornea of your eye is the clear round area that is shaped like a dome in the front of your eye. Lasik improves the way the eye centers light onto the retina. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis or Lasik for short is growing in popularity for the many ways it eases the life of contact and eye glass wearers.
There are a few things to think about before going ahead with Lasik eye surgery. Below you will find a list of the top items to consider before making an appointment with your Lasik eye doctor.
As with any surgery there are complications that can arise. Take this into consideration especially with elective procedures. Lasik eye surgery is a procedure performed on one of the most delicate areas of the human body, the eye.
Lasik is not able to be reversed. If you are unhappy after the procedure has been done you cannot undo it.
Laser eye surgery has been done and will continue to be done by millions of people. This being said however, Lasik is not a procedure for everyone. Do not be persuaded by the sheer volume of people who have gone done it before you. Make sure Lasik is something that is beneficial to you and your lifestyle.
If you are looking for perfect vision make sure you understand that Lasik does not guarantee perfect version. Nine out of ten patients report vision between 20/20 and 20/40. This however may not be clear, sharp and in focus enough for some precise work or some detailed leisure activities.
Be sure you understand your personal vision issue before you go forth with Lasik. The laser eye surgery does not correct or prevent all issues you may have in regards to your vision. Presbyopia, also known as age related focusing power for seeing items near cannot be corrected or prevented. With this being said note that even after Lasik you may find yourself wearing reading glasses later in life.
It is possible overtime for the benefits of Lasik to diminish and for a retreatment to be needed. This happens to about ten percent of Lasik patients. Although this is incredibly rare it is a possibility and is something to consider before having the surgery. This is most likely to occur in patients with incredible nearsightedness or farsightedness.
Another consideration is that Lasik eye surgery is not covered by most insurance companies. This means that the cost of the surgery is out of pocket. The good thing is that most Lasik eye surgery providers offer payment plans as well as credit options that make the surgery feasible.
Lasik surgery is a blessing for so many people that have been living their lives with the use of contacts and glasses. Laser eye vision correction gives patients a chance to live an active lifestyle without the hassle surrounding contact lenses and glasses.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology in eye surgery available to suit your lifestyle. To see what the leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery has to offer you can find more information at
When it comes to advancement in medical procedures one that stands out is Lasik eye surgery. Throughout the past decade eye surgeons have been working together to correct eyesight permanently using lasers to reshape the corneas thus taking away the need for glasses and contacts. Lasik eye surgery is completely pain free and requires only minor, temporary changes to your lifestyle in order for your eyes to heal. Avoid the following activities following your Lasik eye procedure to prevent complications from arising.
For the first few weeks after your Lasik eye surgery you should take great care in avoiding bright light. Your Lasik eye surgeon will provide you with a pair of dark sunglasses that should be warn all the time. They will help create dim light that your eyes can easily adjust to. The sunglasses are meant to block out bright light, including sunlight as well as protecting your newly operated eyes.
Your Lasik doctor will also supply a pair of sleep goggles. These goggles should be warn for at least two weeks anytime you are sleeping. The goggles are provided to keep you from damaging your eyes. They protect against nighttime rubbing, scratching and accidental poking.
As a new Lasik patient you will be required to sit out driving for a few days, especially nighttime driving. The healing process after Lasik is not long or complicated however as with any surgery or procedure you will require patience. It may be hard to be dependent on someone else to drive you when needed but it is advisable until your eyes are completely healed.
Women that undergo Lasik treatment should avoid all make up and scents for at least two weeks after the surgery. Make up irritates the eye area and can slow the healing process.
Keep your eyes moisturized at all times. Eye drops are an essential part of the healing process. Adding drops to your eye will promote hydration as well as keeping the area moist. Wash your hands thoroughly before applying the eye drops to the area to avoid passing germs and bacteria to your healing eye.
Another consideration after Lasik is exercise. You will want to avoid exercise at all for the first few days after Lasik. After that slowly start exercising again avoiding strenuous activities. This helps with the healing process and gives your eyes adequate time to adjust and heal.
Avoid showering for the first few days after Lasik. If you must shower avoid washing your hair and facial area close to your eyes. Goggles should be warn in the shower as a precaution. You will want to avoid harsh chemicals as well as directly washing the eye area. It is also so important to continually wash your hands to keep free of any bacteria.
Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology in eye surgery available to suit your lifestyle. To see what the leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery has to offer you can find more information at