Category: Jason Foldenauer Construction - page 12

Five Steps To Make Home Improvement Projects Simpler

Home renovations can be very scary to undertake without professional advice.  Often we hear about people starting a kitchen remodel and five months later the family is still eating off of paper plates and gourmet food from a microwave.  Many people don’t attempt remodeling a space within the home in the same manner as a professional would.  This is what can lead to many different problem areas.

There are five crucial steps involved in a home remodeling project.  The best way to begin a remodeling effort is to look at each step individually and come up with a master plan.  The five steps include; the design phase, basic pencil drawing, viewing samples and planning materials, detailed plan of attack including materials, time to be spent and a budget, the final step finding a contractor to bring it all together unless of course you are an adventurous homeowner tackling it on your own.

Let’s look at each step individually.  The design phase is the point at which you decide what you are looking to do.  Are you interested in more space?  If so maybe an addition is the answer.  Are you looking for a cozy space to entertain?  Perhaps a kitchen remodel is in store.  Perhaps you are a homeowner looking for a retreat, a special place all your own to go unwind after a busy day.  Maybe a spa bathroom is what you are leaning towards.  Whatever you look to achieve it is clear a detailed picture of your goal needs to be the first thing decided upon.

Step two, visualization, is often hard for many homeowners.  They can tell a contractor what they want but can’t see it themselves.  This is often a huge problem in construction and leads to large projects becoming bigger than originally estimated. It is crucial that the homeowner have a detailed picture of what they are trying to accomplish with in the space of the remodel. A basic pencil drawing that includes the layout and space functionality is a great place to begin.

The third step is where the decisions start to be made.    In order to move forward with a project it is important to know what colors you will be using, what materials will be in the room and the style and overall feeling to be projected in the space.  This is where you can see how things will start blending and coming together to create harmony.

The fourth step is often the one that people begin to look back and change the plan.  When a budget is created and a timeline is put in place many homeowners begin to look at their previous choices.  Often the gold faucets seem less important when you will be forgoing the designer tiles to stick within the budget.

Lastly phase five is figuring out if you are hiring a contractor or doing the work yourself.  This is a critical decision and will play with both your budget and time line.  If you decide to do the work yourself consider taking time off of work to initially get going on the labor.  This is especially true in a bathroom remodel or kitchen renovation.  These two home remodeling jobs are often the biggest culprits of renovation delays.

Kitchen Renovations: Must Have Or Hassle?

I walk into my home every day and am thankful for the roof over my head, the kids playing throughout the house and a husband cooking dinner.  Five thirty in this house is bliss.  It isn’t until I join my spouse in the kitchen that I start to get a bit discouraged.  The problem doesn’t lie within him or dinner or really anything that we can immediately change or control.  The problem is the outdated kitchen that surrounds us.

The problem started back when we moved in four years ago.  We decided to forgo kitchen renovations at the time and focus on structure and other mounting issues with the home.  The home came with updated appliance so we were ahead of the game but really the kitchen needs an upgrade.  As many homeowners know once you live in a space it becomes harder to envision any renovations taking place.

Renovations, especially kitchens and bathroom renovations disrupt the entire flow of life in a home.  When preparing for a renovation of this magnitude it is important to look at all aspects before jumping into the renovation.  It is important first to determine why a kitchen renovation is in the best interest of the home and family living within.

There are many reasons that kitchen renovations cannot be delayed.  If a kitchen area has been involved in any type of catastrophe such as flood or fire it is in the best interest of homeowners, once the damage is assessed to go forth with renovations. Another reason that renovations would no longer be able to be put off is for damage to a counter top in which a sink could no longer be held.  If the counter is gone it really doesn’t make sense not to go forward with the renovation process.

Going into a kitchen remodel it is best to be fully aware.  Kitchen renovations are expensive, time consuming and a large disruption to normal life.  It is best to determine if you, the homeowner, will be proceeding with the process or if the job is one that will require being hired out.  If you choose to do the renovations on your own it is important to remember that the time commitment is going to take more than a few days to complete.  To get a head start on the process it is important to have a solid plan of action, supplies purchased and a week’s vacation.  This should get you on your way to a great start for your kitchen remodel.

If you area homeowner that is fortunate to be able to hire a contractor take advantage of that. Hire a qualified, proven kitchen remodeler.  It is important to hire someone that can handle all aspects of the job.  If you have a contractor in charge of flooring and one cabinetry and one in painting then there are bound to be time issues.  This is to be avoided because the renovations alone will take enough time with everything operating as it should be.

The long and short of kitchen remodeling is to make sure it is something that you want as a homeowner bad enough to deal with the issues that go hand in hand with kitchen renovations.  If you are looking for a quick update a full remodel for the kitchen is not the answer.  At that point try a new paint color, refinish the cabinets or change up the counter tops and appliances.  Those items will give you a fresh looking kitchen without the expense and hassles involved with a full kitchen renovation.

Easy Options In Flooring Renovations

Redoing any room in the house is stressful, exciting and a lot of hard work. The same can be said for flooring renovations as well.  It is often more work than anticipated and over budget but the final result makes homeowners stand back and ooh and ah.  The options in flooring renovations are abundant. The choices once you have decided upon hardwood, carpet, tile, etc… are even more plentiful.  That can be the most stressful part of the entire project; just deciding what option would fit the lifestyle, budget, style and wear worthiness homeowners are looking for.

One option in flooring renovations is engineered wood plank flooring.  This is a great option for budget consciences homeowners who are looking for the warmth and look hardwood give to a room without the hassles of sanding and finishing.  Engineered wood plank flooring is durable, long lasting and is “easy” to install.

Engineered wood flooring is an option that floats above a thin rubber underlayment.  It is composed of wood material but is not solid wood.  Think of plywood and that is a lot like what happens with the construction of engineered wood planks.  They are interlocked with a tongue and groove joint so no nailing or glue is involved in the installation.  A major advantage to this type of flooring is the options available to homeowners in color, wood types and of course price.

Another option in flooring is vinyl.  Floating vinyl sheets are an affordable popular option with in kitchen, baths and laundry room renovations. Unlike its predecessors vinyl flooring of today no longer needs to be glued to the floor, which was a hassle in itself.  Today the vinyl sheeting floats.  The steps involved in laying vinyl basically include removing the floor molding, mark out the floor layout, cut the floor, lay the floor onto a sub floor and put the molding back into place.  You can still find peel and stick options however this is not a durable option.

Laminate is another flooring option.  It closely mirrors the engineered wood planks.  The major differences are that the flooring is plastic. This makes the flooring incredible durable and scratch resistant, stain resilient and fade resistant.  Many laminate flooring options come with thirty year warranties the product is that durable.

Carpet and carpet squares are popular options as well.  Carpet comes in a ton of styles, colors, textures and budgets.  Carpet is a traditionally popular item in homes.  It adds warmth.  Carpet needs to be properly cared for to have a long lasting life.  Without proper care including vacuuming and regular professional carpet cleanings homeowners will find themselves with dingy carpet that is unappealing.  With a bit of maintenance and upkeep carpet can last well over fifteen to twenty years.

Another option that is becoming more and more popular is cork.  Cork is attractive, durable and is affordable.  It also has one quality not seen in many other flooring options; it is one hundred percent renewable.  The cork is harvested from the bark of live Oak trees. Cork is soft and provides a good source of sound proofing.  The options are endless with color and patterns available.  Installation can be a bit trickier than other options but is becoming easier as cork becomes a substance that is used more frequently.

Common Issues Arising In Bathroom Remodels

Bathroom remodels are more work than just some paint and a little bit of tile.  If considering a bathroom remodel put the extra time and money into doing a thorough job and completely gutting the bathroom back to square one.  This will allow you to uncover issues that have been hidden and deal with them head on.  The stuff that has been hidden surprises most homeowners. Thankfully professional bathroom remodeling companies are familiar with what can be uncovered.  A complete, flawless bathroom that functions with zero problems will add not only ascetic value to your home but monetary value as well.

Many common issues with bathroom remodeling are due to two causes; one being incompetent workers and two being moisture.  If a homeowner is choosing to move forth with bathroom remodeling on their own there are some things to watch for and correct before a project should be continued.  Some issues are obvious while others are inconspicuous.

The first issue that can happen is with the framing of the floor.  Unfortunately it is common to find floor joists in bathrooms that have been notched by plumbers.  This will leave the floor weak.  If the subfloor is not strong eventually the new floor will crack under the pressure.

Another issue that can occur is plumbing becomes old and corroded.  If this is seen it should be taken care of immediately during the renovation.  This will make it easier in the long run.  Updating cast iron, galvanized drain lines and copper supply lines can easily be updated when the walls and flooring are torn up.

It seems that those tub surround and bathroom tiles only recently became required to have a waterproof installation.  What many bathroom remodeling companies find when tearing apart older bathrooms is that regular dry wall has been put in place behind tub surrounds.   If proper waterproofing techniques are not used in bathroom remodeling water vapors will occur causing leaks and deterioration.

With any type of moisture build up comes the nuisance mold.  Very few bathrooms are remodeled without the presences of mold.  Many reasons can cause this from lack of waterproof material used behind tub surrounds to inefficient ventilation.  Daily moisture build up makes bathroom a likely place for mold issue to develop.  It is pertinent that proper ventilation is installed in the bathroom remodel.

Another common issue is vents that are hooked up and running yet not properly vented.  Vents that are run without proper duct work leading to the outside cause’s huge issues involving mold in attics and/or basement areas.  When an inspection is done on a new home or a home that is being purchased this is something all inspectors know to look for.  When the bathroom remodel is under way this is usually simple to fix with proper duct work.

The same applies to plumbing fixtures.  It is important that homeowners to take the time to determine where the plumbing is all vented and to make sure that it is up to code and properly working.  Doing a major bathroom renovation will help homeowner’s spot issues to be resolved and will stop small issues from accumulating into something larger down the road.

Kitchen Remodeling Exploration

It is not uncommon to hear of disasters occurring during any remodeling project let alone a major renovation such as a kitchen.  When a kitchen is being updated and not overhauled the issues tend to be smaller and easier to handle.  Homeowners who are really going for a whole new kitchen however may run into far more difficulties.

Correcting issues from a poor initial kitchen design may make many homeowners heads spin.  There is so much to think about when starting a complete kitchen remodeling job.  It is hard to address every issue before it arises but it helps to have some basic questions answered ahead of time and general knowledge of kitchen designs in place.   It is important to look into general issues that can arise and address the before they become major catastrophes.

For instance if your redesign requires removing and replacing cabinets in a different design than currently exists it is important to have a designer come in and talk about the options available.   Doing this step alone is not advisable. Errors are easy to make when measuring and configuring door swing and placement.  Many stores will offer these services free of charge with the order of cabinetry from them.

Another issue is to determine if the new design keeps in mind the rule of the “work triangle”.  The rule states that the most common work spaces, the sink, the stove and the refrigerator should be the most efficient distance from one another, thus allowing the minimization of traffic through the work area.

Another issue that arises is the purchasing of appliances.  It is imperative that homeowners know the size and style of fixtures and appliances in the very beginning stages of design.  The way certain appliances open and close affect spacing so this is certainly something to figure out ahead of time.  The sink fixtures for instance are important to determine ahead of the game.  If a homeowner want the large basin to one side or the other, is the dishwasher going to the left or right of the sink, will it be a drop-in or under mount and where the spray nozzle and disposal are positioned will be important in the design phase.

Kitchen flooring renovations are another area of concern.  It is important to look at the new flooring material and address issues such as extra height involved with certain flooring choices.  If a kitchen is going from linoleum to ceramic or wood that is a big difference.  The height of the cabinets and appliances along with the backsplash all need to be considered.  It is important also to remember that the floor may need an extra backer so it is necessary to take all of these things into consideration when planning for the flooring in the kitchen renovation.

Of course it is important to be happy with whatever purchases and design ideas the new design has in them.  Homeowners should look at the space, consider how it is to be used, define a color pallet have fun with making the kitchen space unique to the home.  It is a renovation most of us will only take on once in a lifetime.  The remodel should be timeless and something the family can enjoy for years to come.

Update A Room With Flooring Renovations

When purchasing a new home homeowners look around to see what the home needs in the way of updates.  Often times the flooring is one of the first issues people look into.  Flooring renovations are accomplished with so much more ease when appliances and furniture are not involved in the equation.  Flooring options range from expensive hardwoods to inexpensive laminate.

For every family and every situation there are pros and cons to for each of the different flooring options.  A busy family of four with a dog might consider something less expensive and more durable aka scratch resistant than a single homeowner with a declawed cat.  When looking into flooring options it is best to review the materials, the ease of installation, ease of maintenance, durability, costs and the overall look and feel the homeowner wishes to bring to the home.

Ceramic tile is an incredibly durable, easy to maintain flooring renovation option.  In order for ceramic tile renovations to take place the old flooring needs to be removed for the fresh to be installed.  Removing old ceramic tile is not fun or easy.  The process can be made easier with the right tools and preparation.

The first step is to remove all caulk and grout first.  A grout saw makes this job easier.  This digs in the grout loosening it and helping to set the tiles free.  This process becomes easier if the homeowner is not worried about saving the tiles for later use.  When removing tile it is best for the homeowner to start on the outside and work into a room.  Work one tile at a time up and dispose of it.  This makes the clean up easier.

You may need to use gentle force to remove the tiles.  When the tiles were put into place it was for the long haul so removing them will not be without involving manual labor of some type.  Using a putty knife and hammer will be able to loosen and remove most of the tiles without damage to the underling surface.  Use special care to prevent damage from the underlayment and you will be able to reuse the underlayment for the new floor.

In order to complete the flooring renovation with the new ceramic it is important that the area is prepped.  This includes providing an environment free of dust, loose bits of grout and a level surface to install the new floor.  Before laying any tile it is important to measure and mark the floor for the center point.  This can be easily accomplished using a chalk line from each opposing wall.  The center of your room will be where the two chalk lines intersect.

Before any glue is mixed the flooring should be spaced and laid out.  Home improvement facilities sell small rubber spacers that will help to keep the tiles lined up and evenly spaced.  Once the tiles have been fit into place, dry placement, then the homeowner will go back and mix up the adhesive.  The adhesive will be applied using a trowel and the work will need to be done quickly so that the adhesive does not dry out.  The main goal in laying the new ceramic tile is to work fast and be consistent with the spacing and height of the tiles.

Once the ceramic tiles are dry, which usually takes a day or two, the grout can be applied.  First the rubber stoppers are removed and the grout mixed.  It is important to mix the grout correctly if this process is not done right the homeowner will find that the grout does not set and they will have a mess on their hands removing it.  The gout consistency will be perfect when it holds its shape.  Taking a huge heap of grout it will need to be pushed into the cracks to fill the area completely.  You can remove access grout off of the tile using a damp sponge and wiping the tiles clean.  Homeowners will finish the job by applying a sealer onto the grout lines.

Flooring renovations are a great way to bring new life to a home.  Budget conscience renovations are out there and can be found throughout the flooring industry.  It is important if a concern is cost that homeowners speak to retailers regarding and clearance or discontinued flooring options.  They will be as eager to clear it out as the homeowner will be to save a few dollars.  Many will work with you to accumulate the flooring desired from other stores to make up the square footage needed for the renovation.

Kitchen Remodeling: Living Through The Misery

Living through any type of remodeling job is most likely going to turn your life topsy-turvy but none more so than a kitchen remodeling job.  Whether you hire the job out to the professionals or you attempt it on your own the job will require much patience from the point of your family.  You will need to adjust several areas of your lifestyle to get ready for the inconvenience that you are about to experience.  Here is a general guide to living through your own kitchen remodeling job.

  • The first tip I can give you is to prepare yourself. Pretend you are going on an extended camping trip and get ready for the adventure.
  • Prepare your home by setting up a small kitchen area.  Use this space for a microwave, coffee pot, toaster, single burner and possibly a little electric grill.  Mini fridge’s area a perfect substitute for a large fridge to house items such as milk, lunch meat and yogurt.  Little items that can be used to create a meal or a snack.
  • Pack up the kitchen items you will need in clear storage containers.  The rest can be packed and stored.
  • Purchase all things disposable.  Cups, paper plates, bowls and plastic utensils that can be thrown away are a very handy thing to keep on hand.  You will not have use of a sink to wash things so the more things that can be pitched or recycled the better.
  • Shop often.  Do not purchase large quantities of food.  You will not have a space to store it. if you have a deep freezer you can prepare ahead of time for the kitchen remodel by freezing portion size meals and warming them as needed.
  • Keep dry goods on hand such as peanut butter, nuts, crackers and munch able type foods for those late night snack cravings.
  • Grilling is always a handy option during a project of this magnitude.  You can always eat out or invite yourself to dine with friends at their home.  Offer to bring the main dish.  This option is a good one as long as you keep in mind that they don’t want to have you over every night no matter your situation.
  • Make sure your contractor leaves the sink in place for as long as possible.  It is possible to function like a normal family for the most part with a sink, mini fridge, grill and single burner.
  • Make sure you take into account all the dust and noise that the construction job will create.  Animals are not going to react well to this environment.  It is also important to cover other belongings with sheets to prevent issues as you do put your home back together after the kitchen is complete.
  • Remind yourself often that this is only a temporary situation and that your marriage is a long term commitment.  Remodels are often stressful on families and can bring out the worst in us.
  • Prepare for the long term.  Many families and contractors do not supply a reasonable estimate in regards to the time commitment that people are actually looking at for a kitchen remodeling job.

The end result will be worth the effort.  The family will be able to enjoy a newly updated space to enjoy together and your home’s value will increase.  Budget for some new utensils and pots and pans that will make mom happy and trust me the whole family will be thankful to.

Making A Statement With Your Flooring Renovation

There are several home renovations that you can do in your home that will make a statement.  One of them for certain is your choice of flooring.  No matter what you choose when initiating a flooring renovation in your home makes sure that the change reflects your family and lifestyle.  Taking these things into consideration allows you to have flooring that will with stand the beating your family will put the floor through and will make sure that you love the look of it because it will be with you, hopefully, for an extended periods of time.

Flooring can be a good chunk of a room renovation.  It is advisable that if you have the money you complete all flooring renovations when you purchase your home before you move into it.  This type of renovation becomes much more of a hassle as you live in your home and accumulate the goods a household does over time.

There are so many types of flooring available today how do you choose?  This is all personal preference.  Look at what is the most important item to you when looking into this renovation.  Are you worried about function?  Do you need the flooring to last forever?  Are you looking for something comfy to be under foot?  Would you like something more modern?  Are you concerned with resale?  All these things will help you narrow down your choice in flooring materials.

Option With Flooring and Benefits and Drawbacks

Laminate flooring is a great option for families with small children and pets.  It is the same look as hardwood without the expense and upkeep.  You don’t have to worry about the moisture and scuffing that happens with real hardwood.  Laminate is maintenance easy too.  If you sweep and mop regularly you will avoid the dirt lying around to scratch the laminate.  Of course there are consumers who don’t like faux material.  If you are in the market to sell you might choose a different material to appeal to the masses.  It is definitely possible upon inspection to tell that laminate is laminate not hardwood.  This could be a disadvantage for some people.

Hardwood flooring is a very versatile well liked material to use in flooring renovations.  In is incredibly valuable to the resale of your home, easy to repair and can be maintained fairly easy.  It is a material that will stand the test of time.  However, it is expensive to purchase and if you have animals be careful because their nails will scratch the surface. Hardwood floors are also not the best place to sit and get comfortable so make sure if you have wood floors in your living space and small children get ready to purchase a throw rug.

Cork flooring is good for homes that the subfloor is uneven as it is easy to be installed on all types of surfaces.  It is an all natural material and fits within the ethical flooring range.  It holds sound well and is a perfect material to use as an insulator. Disadvantages include that it does require maintenance.  If you don’t seal the cork flooring every five years it can lose its waterproof quality and can also be stained more easily then if treated.  Sharp objects can puncture the seal so that is also something to consider when laying a cork floor.

Carpet flooring is very versatile and has a great number of styles, colors and textures to choose from.  Carpet is easy to install and comes in various price ranges to fit into all budgets and lifestyles.  You do need to keep up on regular maintenance which includes steam cleaning bi-yearly and spot cleaning when necessary.  It is a wonderful flooring option if you have young family members who spend a lot of time playing on the floor.

Vinyl flooring is inexpensive and fairly easy to install.  It does require an even clean surface for installation.  The one thing is that vinyl wears down and loses it sheen quickly.  It is best used in rooms that don’t receive a great deal of traffic or that wear is not necessarily a huge issue such as mudrooms and basements.

Ceramic flooring is great for the easy of cleaning and resilience.  It is very strong but can be cracked if something heavy is dropped on it.  Installation is normally fairly straight forward.  The ceramic tiles can be purchased in various colors and is family friendly.  Ceramic works well in kitchen/dining areas and bathrooms for its ability to repel the moisture that those rooms often attract.

Flooring renovation options are really a personal choice and should be made with your family in mind.  If you have a pool and wet kids running in and out all day carpet and hardwood are most likely not great choices for you.  However if you are a home with older children who are more careful and don’t tend to spill carpet and hardwood are great options that look beautiful and tend to hold for long periods of time under normal use and conditions.

Home Addition: Seven Home Remodeling Investments

Making the most of your home is the theory in our country right now.  It used to be every five years people could upgrade but now with the hit on the housing community people are staying put and making the most out of their homes.  This includes remodels, home additions, landscaping and everything and anything to make your home into the palace you crave.  Why go on vacations where you live in the lap of luxury and come home to the everyday so-so life.  Create that luxury within your home and continue to enjoy the time you spend in it with your family.

What remodeling investments are trendy right now that will improve the value on your home?  Good question.  Experts say that there are seven main improvements that you can do that will create value without putting yourself in debt that will not be recouped in the long run.

Home Improvements To Consider

  • Home Additions: This includes sun rooms, porches, sheds, bathrooms, bedrooms and fun rooms that create family space.  Home additions can impact your home environment tremendously.  Adding on a shed can be an inexpensive fix to a lack of storage and closets inside your home and garage.  It is often hard to find places for yard tools, boat supplies, kids outdoor toys etc… so it all gets crammed into the available space in your home.  Sheds do away with this issue.  You can build them in whatever size space you have so it is perfect for all different types of land settings. Items such as sun rooms and porches emphasize spending time with family so those settings really drive home sales.
  • Bathroom Remodels: The best part of vacations is often the spa centers attached to the hotels.  Why not create this everyday in your own home.  Often you can complete a bathroom renovation within a reasonable budget.  Update fixtures, cabinets, storage space and if the money permits the bathing area.  Jets can add something to the bath/shower experience that nothing else can.  Make the remodel a sanctuary where you can retreat to after long days.
  • Kitchen Remodels: Although a more expensive remodeling situation, kitchen remodels do tend to give you the biggest return on your investment.  The kitchen is the center of most households.  In the kitchen people gather to talk about the day’s events over a glass of wine and making dinner.  Make remodeling choices that make life easier for you and create a space that is conducive for time together. Upgraded counters and appliances help to create a space of luxury.
  • Basement Renovations: Basements are an area that can greatly increase the value of your home.  When considering a basement remodel look into your family’s needs.  Do you need space for a recreational room, a guest room, an office or even a study?  This is the space to use for those needs.  Unlike an addition you are keeping the square footage the same but improving the use of the space.
  • Windows: This is a great renovation to reduce heating and cooling cost along with increasing a home’s value.  If you can add windows with blinds between the glass you can will really be increasing energy efficiency and the overall look of your home.
  • Siding: Often the outside of a home is neglected. We don’t live looking at it daily so the needs it proposes go unnoticed.  A new face on your home will dramatically change the overall look of your home and add curb appeal.  To a new owner this is the first look they will have of your home and you want the first impression to be favorable to add to the general attitude they have going into your home.
  • Roofing: This is one area in home improvements that is expanding like wild fire when it comes to materials you can use.  Traditional shingles are still available however; metal, tiles and slate are becoming popular options.  Actually I drove by a store that sold landscaping supplies and saw that their roof was covered in growing plants.  Roofing is truly diverse these days.

Your home is your sanctuary.  Whatever home improvement jobs that you choose make sure they are upgrades that you are going to enjoy with your family for years to come.  Don’t let the idea that your home will not sell if put on the market detour you from your dream home.  Live in it while you live in it and worry about selling it if and when the time comes.

Making CENTS Out Of Your Home Addition

There are many reasons why people add on to their homes. The biggest benefit to a home addition is obviously the extra space it gives you. Many people forget though that home addition raise the worth of your home as a whole and that builds equity to your home. These are all important matters to take in to account when researching home addition costs. Deciding if a home addition is affordable is often not just adding up the numbers of how much materials cost it is looking at the whole picture to determine if it is right for you.

One thing many people forget to take into account before building a home addition is over valuing their home for the area that is resides. An example of this is found when adding an upper level to a subdivision full of ranch homes or making a two car garage attached to your home when all the homes around you have one detached garage. In these cases you will want to think long and hard about the home addition and decide if you are going to use it enough to make the value up. There is a chance that you will not be able to recoup the home addition costs with the resale value of your house. It is up to you to do a cost verse value analysis.

When you do decide that you are going to forge ahead with a renovation or home addition project there are many different things to think about. One major one is if you are going to do the work yourself or are you going to hire the work out to a contractor. Of course you can mix the two if you are feeling competent about doing the home addition but not so much about the electrical or plumbing those are areas you would then hire out.

Several areas in home additions that I would not tackle on my own include drywall and skylights. I know drywall looks so easy. It is so much more than putting the drywall up, taping it and then applying the “mud”. You need to be able to smooth it out and sand it so that it appears seamless. This is a process that takes skill and time to acquire. It also takes a drywall contractor a day to whip out a project I would still be doing weeks later. I would also not attempt a skylight. There is no way that I am cutting a hole in my roof no matter how simple the directions make it look. It just seems wiser to hire a roofer who has knowledge of how the pieces need to fit together to prevent expensive leaks later on down the road.

Home additions and renovations need to be thoroughly researched before any projects have been started or before money has exchanged hands. Often these projects are costly in time and money so you want to make sure you are thoroughly informed about the project from start to finish. Don’t forget about keeping all the details in the middle accounted for. That is when the money and time seems to add up. Make sure you have also spoke with a realtor to determine if what you have proposed is going to increase the value of your home and by how much to get a true determination on if you are doing a home addition solely for your own use and enjoyment and not for a true increase in value.