Category: J & P Electrical Company - page 16

Preventive Electrical Maintenance For The Winter Season

The winter season is upon the north.  Many of us are starting to get buried under piles of snow and are soon to be locked inside hoping for a break in the freezing temperatures.  It is the perfect time to make sure that all electrical systems have been inspected for potential electrical component problems.  Proper maintenance and regular upkeep on the industrial electrical systems in your home will prevent having to find emergency maintenance service when temperatures are below freezing when being without heat or electricity is dire.  Proper preventative maintenance on electrical systems can prevent a disaster later on.

Why should proper preventative maintenance on electrical systems be performed?

The power requirements, during the winter months, are far greater than any other time of the year.  There is a constant struggle to keep industrial buildings warm in order to prevent electrical systems used in the operation of the business running efficiently.  All the while industrial facility’s and plant managers are looking to improve their efforts to lower power consumption and reduce expenses overall.  Programmable logic controllers should be employed by industrial companies to be trained and specialized in the equipment used throughout the facility.

With the above goals in mind there are a variety of issues, as listed below, that can be prevented with proper electrical preventative maintenance.

  • Circumvent electrical shorts that can lead to fires. When a current is overloaded electrical short circuits can occur. This could potentially lead to starting an electrical fire.  To avoid this remove any wires that have become exposed.  It is also important that load imbalances are avoided.  Excessive heat buildup, arcing and explosions can occur.
  • Detect electrical components that are running hot or not running according to the specifications stated. Before an electrical component fails it will most likely start to run hot.  Check running components such as transformers, motors, bearings and wires.  If it noted that they are running warmer than specified it is time to think about preventative replacement.  Refurbished electrical components can be purchased at a discount to allow industrial equipment to keep running efficiently without the expense of new components or replacement equipment.
  • Check for any loose connections. A loose connection on any piece of equipment can lead to fluctuations in power causing erratic operations and uneven power distribution between the wires.

Preventative maintenance should be a full time position that is filled by a trained specialist.  This one position can save the company both time and money.  With regular equipment maintenance companies are able to avoid unplanned downtime.  This leads to more regular production, better customer services and is cost effective.  Buying new equipment, down time, decreased production and hiring emergency repair services are all incredibly costly for any company.  Simple, regularly scheduled maintenance along with the use of refurbished electrical components allow for smooth operation within manufacturing.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

The Mystery Of Electrical Components

Electrical components are somewhat of a mystery for most of us.  In most of our everyday lives and jobs we don’t deal with the need to know a lot about various electrical components. That is until they stop functioning and we are hindered in what we can and cannot do.  No one thinks about the electricity running into their home until they can’t turn on the television or cook dinner.

When the power goes out or a circuit breaker is blown we become interested in the electrical circuit running through our home.  At that point the electrical system becomes important.  This article will give you a bit more information on the basic components that must function together to allow electricity to flow into our homes or places of work.

Electricity in your home starts with the connection of electrical services.  This is as simple as having the power company run wires to your homes’ feeder wires which are attached to a meter on your home or close power pole.  The meter measures the amount of electricity used and that is the month you are charged for each month.  The meter feeds into either a disconnect switch, main breaker or fuse panel within the home.

Disconnect Switch:  The main advantage of a disconnect switch is that is offers a way to disconnect all power to the house with one main switch.  This is for safety and is used in cases of fire and floods.

Main Breaker:  A main breaker consists of a breaker panel.  This is a panel that contains electrical currents to flow through to different areas within your home.  If too much current is flowing to one area the circuit will blow and thus stop sending electrical current to that area of your home until the breaker is switched back on.  If the current was to flow at an excess this could overload the entire circuit and cause a fire.

Fuse Panel:  Fuses feed the amount of electricity that is being sent and blow out when too much current it being asked of it.  This occurs a lot in rooms where major appliances are in use.  Bathrooms and kitchens usually have to have more fuses allocated to them.  This will allow the current to be broken up to different areas within the room.  The flow of current then can be shifted throughout the space as to not overload one circuit.

In our next installment we will discuss branch circuits, switches, outlets and wiring.  Electrical components within the home aren’t as complex as they are sometimes thought to be.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Maintaining Electrical Components In Manufacturing Equipment

It is necessary, in any manufacturing environment to maintain and repair the equipment that is used in the operation of the business.  Preventative maintenance is done to keep machines working properly and to avoid safety issues. Equipment that is not taken care of properly and then in turn becomes damaged can lead to unnecessary downtime, injuries and loss of production.  If the equipment is used in the operation of your business it is important to minimize any downtime that can be experienced.  To keep business running as usual it is important that inspections, repairs, alterations and maintenance are done regularly by well trained individuals.

When it comes to determining whose job it is to complete regular inspections, maintenance and repairs on equipment used in the operation of your business it is best to assign that job function to one team of employees.  This allows it to be consistently monitored by the same employees.  All inspections, repairs and maintenance should be recorded in order to keep track.  This will lead to an organized record of repairs and will help in performing future preventive maintenance.  If a pattern is seen it is possible to perform maintenance before issues arise.  This will keep downtime to a minimum and allow for maximum efficiency.

The five basic principles in the maintenance process of manufacturing equipment are: refurbish, repair, calibration, cleaning and replacement.

Refurbishing is the process of servicing and restoring older or damaged equipment to make it like new again.  This process involves disassembling equipment, cleaning it thoroughly and replacing pieces that are not in proper running order.

Repair manufacturing equipment occurs when a piece is not totally damaged.  Minor machine damage can be repaired.  This is a cost effective way to keep older machines running effectively longer.  It is cheaper to replace a part or two on manufacturing equipment rather than continually replacing pieces.  Equipment is a large expense in manufacturing.  Therefore when a repair can be done it saves the company both time and money.  It is always best to reuse or repair a machine over replacing it when possible.

Calibration should be done regularly on equipment used in the manufacturing process as it keeps product consistency.  Equipment that is not properly calibrated will produce uneven and inconsistent results.  When there are issues with variability it can lead to a tarnished brand reputation.

Cleaning equipment is another important aspect within maintenance.  Cleaning manufacturing electrical components should be done regularly.  Wipe equipment daily with thorough cleaning done weekly to ensure the proper maintenance of manufacturing equipment and electrical components.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

How Circuit Breakers Can Save Your Home In A Flood

Would you know what to do or where to begin if you found that your home was in danger of flooding?  Many homeowners don’t think about flooding or believe that the probability that a flood will affect them is slim.  The truth of the matter is that floods have become one of the most common natural hazards to affect homeowners throughout the United States.  Localized flooding, from events such as water freezing and thawing, can affect smaller contained areas such as neighborhoods or smaller communities.  General flooding can occur from events such as constant rain or torrential downpours which can flood entire water systems throughout multiple states.

Flooding is a common occurrence.  They can occur no matter where you live but are more common if you live in low-lying areas, near water or downstream from a dam.  Concern yourself with flooding if your home is located by small streams, gullies, creeks, culverts, dry streambeds or low-lying dry ground that appear harmless.  If you find that a flood is imminent there are a few things that homeowners can do to prepare.

Electricity and water mixed together are a deadly combination.   The possibility of electrocution during a flood is high.  In order to prevent this from occurring homeowners should turn off and unplug all electrical appliances, utilities and components powered using electricity.  Homeowners should locate the homes circuit breaker and shut off the main breakers.  This will shut the electricity off throughout the entire home.  Never touch any electrical appliance or electrical component when you are wet or if you are standing in water.  Do not risk electrocution.  Even if the electrical power is shut off if an appliance is not unplugged it can still contain a power current that can cause harm.

Never walk through water that is moving.  The current in just six inches of moving water can cause homeowners to fall.  Locate an area where the water is not moving.  Use something long and firm to test the ground in front of you before you step.  In a flood your homes floors can become weak which can lead to a collapse.

Flood water is always contaminated.  Once flood water has entered your home the area is then contaminated as well.  Homeowners must clean and disinfect everything.  Electrical appliances should never be reconnected even after they have been clean and disinfected until water is no longer present.  Appliances and main electrical supplies should also be inspected by professional electricians before the homes power supply is re-established through the circuit breaker.

Flooding can affect anyone, anywhere at any time.  Homeowners should be prepared if flood conditions exist and should know what to do to protect themselves and their families.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

The Purpose of Circuit Breakers

Many people know that their homes have a circuit breaker but aren’t familiar with what they do or why they are important.  All of the electrical power that is supplied to your home is controlled by your homes circuit breaker.  They are used to control the flow of electricity throughout your home.  This one unit can turn the electrical power on and off within the home.  If you are experiencing an electrical surge, your homes circuit breaker will automatically cut the power supply to ensure that no major damage occurs.  This is referred to as tripping the breaker.  This can occur throughout the entire home or in just areas where a surge is experienced.

If the wires in your electrical system are unable to carry the load of electricity properly a surge has occurred.  When this happens the breaker is unable to perform properly and shuts down. The breaker will then need to be reset.  The breaker will keep tripping if the circuit continues to be over capacity.  If this occurs often your circuit breaker is not meeting the electrical capacity you require.  This signals to you, the homeowner, that it is time to upgrade your circuit breaker.

Often times the system can be upgraded by improving the capacity of the circuit breaker by adding an additional panel to the main panel.  You first must check all of the electrical components and wiring to isolate and identify the area that is not being sufficiently powered.  If it is found that there are power supply issues throughout the board it may be time to upgrade all together.  This is a common issue found in many older homes.

Electrical appliances both small and large have changed a great deal throughout the years in regards to how much electricity they require.  With this change many older homes are finding that an additional panel added on to the current circuit breaker is only a temporary fix to a much larger problem that exists.  Sometimes it is possible to get by in these situations by decreasing the amount of electricity needed throughout the home at any given time.  For instance, if the television is on in the living room and dinner is going in the oven it may trip the breaker if you decide you also want to blow dry your hair in the bathroom.

Larger homes require more electricity as well.  When you are considering any major home improvement upgrades such as an addition, upgraded kitchen or bathroom it is important to check the capacity on your current circuit breaker to ensure that you will not be taxing the supply of power.  If you find that you are switching from gas appliances to electrical appliances you may find the current circuit unable to power them without upgrading.

The circuit breaker in your home plays a huge role in protecting your family.  Without this electrical component shutting down overloaded circuits we would find an increase in electrical fires.  Overloaded systems will overheat which will cause wires to split and fires to occur.  This is why it is so important to have a basic understanding of what your homes circuit breaker does for you and to recognize the signs that it is not functioning properly.

All homeowners should know where their circuit breaker box is located, how to cut the power to not only the entire home at once but also to specific locations as well as how to change fuses contained within.  These are the basics that homeowners can handle without calling in an electrician.  It is however recommended that a certified electrician manage any additions or upgrades if you do find that the homes electrical demand is overloading the current circuits supply.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Understanding Residential and Commercial Electrical Components

One mystery that stumps many of us is the usage of fuses in electrical components residentially and commercially.  Most of the confusion surrounds the voltage, Watts, ratings and labels.  Below we will look at fuses in greater detail to offer guidelines on working out the correct fuse for every situation.

What is a Fuse?

Fuses are used in electrical appliance, automobiles, homes and businesses.  They are designed to prevent a flow of current that is higher than the value of the fuse.  One example of this is if you choose a 3A fuse; any current flow exceeding 3A will cause a surge and the fuse will “blow”.  The fuse keeps too much electricity from flowing into the equipment which would result in some type of failure such as a fire or explosion.

Any excess in current flowing through a circuit is prevented from going any further with the use of fuses.  The main purpose of fuses is to prevent melting or fire from occurring under fault conditions.  A fault condition is where a higher current value attempts to move through and the fuse disallows any extra current from flowing through.

The fuses value is dependent upon the power needed to allow the equipment to run properly.  An appliance, such as a heater, is higher powered, requiring more current and thus larger fuses with a cable that is capable of carrying it.

Molded Main Plugs

Sometimes, as within molded main plugs, the cable is molded to the plug.  The fuse is fitted within the molded plug. The fuse value is marked on the outside of the plug which makes checking the fuse very easy.  In order to check out the fuse you lever it out and check to ensure the value is the same as what is marked on the plug.

Rewireable Main Plugs

Rewireable main plugs are ones in which the user can wire on their own.  These plugs can handle a variety of currents and are marked to represent this.  Even if a cable says it can handle a 13A fuse does not mean it should be used on your appliance.  Make sure the fuse you choose matches the appliances maximum voltage not that of the cable.

Watts Verse Fuse Ratings

There is a simple calculation to determine the current amps taken by an appliance.  Divide the power in watts by the mains voltage to work out the needed amps.  For example, a 1900 watt divided by 230 voltages is equivalent to an 8.3 amp rating.  This allows you to decide between a 3A, 5A or 13A fuse.  You can obviously see that 3A and 5A will be too small for an 8.3A rating. You will need to choose a larger fuse such as a 13A.

To choose a cable with enough capacity to carry the current check the diameter of the cable.  A cable of 7.5mm or more is likely to be rated for 13A or greater.  Be careful to note that a 3A or 5A fuse should not be changed just because the cables rating is 13A however a 13A fuse should only be paired with a 13A cable not a lower rated cable.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Being Safe When Working With Electrical Transformers

In accordance to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) all electrical wiring and equipment must be in accordance with NFPA 70.  Electricity is hazardous and all employees working with transformers are subject to protection.  This is unless it is an existing installation which can be allowed to continue in service based on authorization of the jurisdiction in power over it.

In this article we will review basic information within NFPA 70 regarding transformers.

Transformer rooms that are made from fire-resistant construction with a minimum fire rating of an hour needs to be used with any individual, dry-type transformers of more than 112 ½ kVA rating.  Below this there isn’t specific installation requirements for the room in which the transformer is located.   Ones rated over thirty five hundred volts need to be installed within a vault with three hours fire-resistance.

Doorways leading into a vault from the interior of the building must have doors that are not only tight fitting but also have a minimum fire rating of three hours.  One exception is when the transformers are protected by automatic sprinklers, water sprayers or carbon dioxide in which a one hour rating is sufficient.

The NFPA 70E addresses safety standards in electrical safety.  These requirements are in place to protect all employees who install, maintain, and repair electrical systems and their components.  It recognizes the dangers associated with electrical energy.  These guidelines are in place to prevent against injury or death.

In order to comply with the NFPA 70E all employees working and operating electrical equipment above 50V must wear arc-flash protective gear.  Arc-flash is an electrical current passes through the air when the insulation between electrified conductors can no longer withstand the voltage being applied. Even a flash that lasts under a second can be severe, leading to a fatality.

In order to establish compliance with the NFPA 70E there is a checklist that lays out both short-term and long-term actions to take.  Some of them are listed below:

  • Maintenance mechanics, facility repair workers and electricians are not allowed to work on hot or live equipment while wearing all cotton apparel.
  • Equipment should be de-energized as much as possible before work is performed.
  • Hazard warning labels should be placed on all electrical equipment.
  • Workers should be trained in arc-flash hazards.
  • Logout/Tagout (LOTO) procedures need to be updated and reviewed often to be sure all control panels are included.
  • LOTO training needs to be constantly assessed to ensure employees are trained properly. If there is an issue they should be retrained.

There are so many conditions in place to ensure the NFPA 70E requirements are met within your company by all employees working with electrical equipment and components.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Scheduled Electrical Equipment Maintenance Benefits Industrial Manufacturers

In manufacturing each and every department holds significant value to the company as a whole.  Some may say two in particular hold more: human resource and machinery.  In manufacturing machines are used to meet your supply and demand.  In order to ensure maximum productivity these machines must be taken care of and maintained.

Machine maintenance helps to ensure that each unit is kept in working condition.  It creates a system where machines are regularly cared for, inspected and documented.  The documentation on the machinery is then analyzed and adjustments to the machines maintenance plans can be made to ensure maximum machine efficiency.

If a company finds that after thirty operating hours a certain fuse on the machine regularly they will adjust the maintenance plan to account for this. The plan will be adjusted to change the fuse out after twenty nine operating hours to prevent the downtime that occurs when a fuse unexpectedly fails.

Machine maintenance also includes preventative maintenance which helps to keep the machines running efficiently.  This allows manufacturing plants to keep machines functioning properly at all times rather than attending to issues when they arise.  Waiting until a unit fails to perform normal upkeep leads to a lack of productivity and increased costs.  Emergency repairs as well as employee downtime are two major causes of going over projected company budgets.

Manufacturing Plant Maintenance Schedule Benefits

  • Regular maintenance to machines increases efficiency, speed and performance of the productivity of both the machine as well as the machines operator.
  • Routine care increases the life expectancy of the equipment.
  •  Standard upkeep allows machines to perform without the hassle and expense of repairing units that comes with unexpected breakdowns.
  • Decrease costs come with regular replacement of wear items.  This allows wear items to be replaced before their failure causes damage to other parts within the machine.
  • Electrical components updated regularly allow machinery to work at the best possible rate allowing work to get done economically.
  • Regular machine maintenance programs are less expensive per day then repairing or replacing manufacturing equipment.
  • Regular upkeep helps to increase employee safety as well.  A defective machine can lead to major workplace accidents.
  • Computer software offers analysis of collected data and makes recommendations on improvements to the maintenance plan.  Service can be performed in advance of known component failures.

In order to achieve maximum results from your manufacturing maintenance plan it is crucial to appoint   an industrial maintenance professional.   Their expertise in the area of maintenance is invaluable to your organization.  Investing in personnel to maintain machines is smart business as it keeps machines running properly thus leading to cost savings.  An in house machine expert works to prevent downtime as well as emergency repair expenses.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.



Benefits of Preventative Maintenance In Consumer, Manufacturing and Business Organizations

Consumers, manufactures and business organizations all look for ways in which they can save both time and money without taking away from the derived value.  One way these groups accomplish this is by putting in place a variety of preventative maintenance programs.  There are several methods used to put these programs in place.

A prime example of a preventative maintenance method consumers use is the replacement and testing of household fire alarms twice a year when the time changes.  This example is a very basic use of where preventative maintenance is employed with the consumer group.  Manufactures use preventative maintenance to maintain large industrial equipment.  When a break down occurs it costs the company money and time for repairs.

Maintenance helps prevent these occurrences.  Electrical equipment wear items include bus plugs, fuses, disconnects, starters and a variety of additional components.  In a business organization preventative maintenance occurs in a variety of ways as well such as computer maintenance, routinely replacing ink in printers as well as such basic tasks as regular light bulb replacements.  Depending on your organization your routine list will vary but the main goal will remain the same; to safeguard against future equipment damage resulting in downtime as well as costly repairs that occur with improper care.

Lasting Benefits of Preventative Maintenance

1)      Most preventative maintenance programs run at constituent time intervals.  This lessens the costs associated with downtime.  A sudden breakdown of equipment during peak production times is incredibly costly to manufactures and organizations alike.  This turns into higher consumer costs or loss of profit; both are undesirable and can be prevented with routine maintenance procedures in place.

2)      Efficiency increases in both equipment and personnel with preventative maintenance programs running which in turn increase profitability.

3)      Workers keep detailed records and documentation on equipment, replaced components, corrosion and areas of concern.  This allows accurate estimations of when an incident will occur so that it can be resolved before a complete failure is eminent.

4)      There is an increase in productivity and profitability with a decrease in expenses occurred with downtime, system shut down and emergency service repairs.

5)      Preventative maintenance program software is created to be monitored allowing assurance that machines are being taken care of properly and at the correct time.  Errors in maintenance are caught and resolved immediately.

There is a myth that preventive maintenance is expensive to employ and monitor.  This is far from reality.  Using logical calculations we are able to prove that these maintenance techniques are not only beneficial long term but more cost effective then maintenance preformed during equipment failure.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Increase Your ROI On Industrial Equipment With Maintenance

In manufacturing it is important to extend the life of your equipment.  The return on investment is examined in great detail even before pieces are purchased.  The equipment alone can’t be held responsible for this feat; the people running the machines need to be responsible to perform regular, routine maintenance as well.  To ensure a proper ROI look into developing a companywide policy on the residual care of equipment.  Below are some considerations to look at as you develop a plan of action to extend the life of your equipment.

One of the first steps to take when working to improve the longevity of industrial equipment is to ensure the employees running the machines are trained properly.  If there are multiple users for certain larger pieces of equipment maintain a usage log along with a checklist of procedures to perform before, during and after the machine is used.

Make sure that all operators of equipment are set with the knowledge they need to spot issues before they arise.  Replacing electrical wear items before failure saves manufacturers thousands of dollars.  Not only do you prevent employee down time while the machine is being serviced you also prevent emergency service fees which quickly add up to triple the cost of regularly replacing electrical components that are known to wear with extended use.

Create a checklist for machines with many moving parts.  Ensure that these pieces of equipment are on a regular schedule for lubrication.  Lubricating parts that are constantly moving increases the longevity of the machine.  Create a checklist that is specific to each piece of equipment and the types of oils and grease to be used on each.  Teach users what to look for to help diagnosis problems before the problem becomes critical.  Check for residual build-up and signs of excess oil during this process as these issues can be a sign of problems before they arise.

By simply replacing electrical components as they begin to wear companies can save themselves a tremendous amount of money.  Electrical components on large equipment each have a unique life span.  Take this into consideration and replace items such as fuses, circuits, bus plugs, transformers and switchboards.  Even if the component has not failed yet replacing it before it does works to benefit the equipment.  A components failure while in use can cause more damage to the piece as a whole.  A modern example of this is refilling the gas in your cars tank before it is completely empty.  Running a car without gas causes many other components within the car to fail.  The same is true of running manufacturing equipment with failed electrical components.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.