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Advantages Of Choosing Aluminum Fencing For Your Home and Landscape

There are a variety of materials to choose from when you are considering a fence for your home.  With any material you choose there will be advantages and disadvantages that come with it.  When it comes down to it you need to weigh the importance of each type of fencing and match it with the look and feel you desire for your home. It is easy to see why aluminum fencing has become such a popular option amongst homeowners.

When it comes to aluminum fencing one benefit is the cost.  Aluminum fencing has many of the same qualities of wrought iron without the expense.  Wrought iron fencing is ultra expensive because of the way the fencing is fabricated and the type of metal that is needed to create it.  Aluminum fencing is less expensive because the metal to create the fence is cheaper and is able to be mass manufactured.

Another large benefit to aluminum fencing is that it is free of rusting.  Wrought iron is a ferric metal that over time oxidizes and rusts.  Aluminum is not. In reality it takes aluminum fencing over ten thousand years to disintegrate and rot away.

If you are looking for a low maintenance material in fencing, aluminum is the way to go.  Materials such as wood need constant maintenance and upkeep to keep the fencing looking its best. Wood fencing needs to be power washed and sealed about once every two to three years. Aluminum fencing doesn’t require regular painting like wrought iron.  Fencing made from aluminum is covered in multiple protective coats including a power painted coat that eliminates the need for future painting.

The fence needs to compliment the home and landscaping.  Esthetics is one of the most important factors associated with fencing.  Aluminum fencing provides security around the premise of your home on top of looking beautiful, blending well with most any style of home and landscaping.

The security provided with aluminum fencing is superior to most other types of fencing.  Chain-link and wood are easily scaled and cut through.  Aluminum provides a strong, secure fence that would be incredibly difficult to scale because of the picket design.  There really aren’t any good places for a foot or hand hold to lift you over. The picket design is also secure in keeping pets and children in the yard or out of trouble.  Aluminum fence and gates surrounding an in-ground pool is a popular because of just how secure it is.

Another reason aluminum fencing is such a popular option in fencing today is because it easily adjustable to the different slopes within the landscape.  When the fence is not able to be adjusted, such as wood, the gaps that are left are unsightly and are often big enough that children and pets could escape underneath.

Another terrific reason to choose fencing created from aluminum is the warranty.  Manufactures of aluminum fencing often offer a lifetime warranty on their fence and gate systems.  There are many options in material choices for the new fence in your yard.  Consider adding an aluminum fence with electronic gate for the most security for your home and family.

SAC Fence Michigan offers a variety of electronic gates, access control entry systems and fence options for homeowners to choose from.  You will find a variety of fencing options online at

Perfect Landscape Design From The Start When You Hire The Professionals

When you finally make the decision to landscape your home it is important to hire a landscape designer.  When it comes to hiring a professional many homeowners are concerned with the expense hiring a designer will add to the budget.  This is however far from the truth; hiring a landscape professional can actually save you money.  Landscape designers have the connections to wholesale supplies as well as the know how to get exactly what is needed for your space the first time.  Trial and error doesn’t exist when using a professional landscaper as they know what is needed for the soil type, sunlight and overall outdoor environment.

If the home and landscape is new to you try to live in the space for a season or two before making any radical changes in the landscape.  After a season you will see what it is that you enjoy about the existing space and how you will be using the area.  It will also give you the opportunity to see what needs to be changed.  The worst thing you can do is dive in and start ripping things out and replacing them without getting a true sense of the landscape and yard.

After you have had time to identify the qualities of the landscape that you enjoy and those that need to be changed it is time to seek out a landscape design team. This is the tricky part.  Many people consider themselves landscaping experts.  However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.  When hiring a landscape designer look for someone with proper certifications.  You should look at their technical background and referrals.  Hire a landscaper based on a combination of their experience and education.

When you meet with the landscaper it is important to become prepared.  You should have a collection of ideas that you are interested in pursuing for in your own landscape.  This could include pictures from similar homes in your neighborhood, ideas from magazines as well as ideas from the internet.  You may pull together a variety of elements but any good designer will be able to take and pull the elements into one creating a personal space that is unique to your home.

If you would like to involve your family and get their opinions now is the perfect time.  Once you break ground on one idea you won’t be able to make drastic changes to the original plan without wasting time and money.  Your husband may desire a shed for his tools, the children may want to include a play structure, consider a small garden and what about a campfire pit?  All elements should be considered in an original plan.

Complete a wish list of plants and flowers that interest you.  Your landscape design team will look at the requirements in your region, the climate, sun exposure and soil type to determine which elements can be included in your final design.

Together you and your landscape design team will develop a plan that is within your budget, maintenance ability, as well as taking into consideration elements that you desire.

CBA Outdoor Services is a local landscape design firm offering services throughout Livingston and Wayne Counties.  For more information on the services they offer to both commercial and residential clients look online at

Protecting Your Computer From Dreaded Computer Viruses

When it comes to your Windows 7 computer it is important to protect yourself from viruses and other threats that can harm your computer and its operating system.  This isn’t difficult if two requirements are met; you are diligent and you have some idea what to look for. Below is a list, all though not all inclusive, substantial in creating an environment free of computer viruses.

First things first, when you purchase a new computer it is important that you should have antivirus software installed correctly.  Keeping the antivirus software up to date will allow your computer to keep defending off viruses that will try to penetrate your email, operating system and computer files. New viruses will continue to appear every day.  Set your computer up so that it is keeping your antivirus updating automatically everyday to prevent even the newest of viruses from getting into your system.

One of the most common ways that people end up with an infected computer is through email attachments.  Viruses are easily attached to email messages.  As soon as the email is opened the virus will start to spread throughout your computer.  When it comes to email attachments the rule of thumb is to use caution and only open attachments that you are expecting.  Emails can come from friends with attachments that you weren’t expecting.  Before opening the attachment, contact the sender to see if they actually sent something that you need to see.

Not only is important that you keep your antivirus protection up to date it is also significant that your Microsoft operating system is updated regularly as well.  Microsoft will update your Windows OS regularly with updated security releases. It is imperative that you allow Windows security by turning on the automatic updating option and that it runs regularly.

You can also add on a Windows firewall that will keep you alerted to any activity that is suspicious. If a virus, worm or hacker attempts to infiltrate your system it will help block it.  If a virus, worm or hacker does get in a firewall should help protect the operating system from having harmful programs from being downloaded.

Turn on your browsers privacy settings.  This will prevent websites from using your private browsing information and prevent fraud and theft of identify.

Personal computer owners should also use a pop-up blocker along with their browser protection.  Turning off pop-up windows will help to create safer browsing as although pop-ups are usually advertisements some of them can be wicked and filled with code that is not safe.  Pop-up blockers eliminate the windows from appearing all together.

These steps will all help to eliminate the possibility of a computer infection.  Even if you apply each of these tips there is still a chance that a virus will slip through and your computer will become infected.  If you suspect that a computer virus has infected your PC you can take the machine into any local computer repair store and they will run scans to see if the computer is actually infected.  If it is they will remove the virus from the computer and update your virus protection and get Window updates running regularly.

Computers Plus Service provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at

Saving On Logistics Without Compromising On Other Business Operations

There is not a company in business that isn’t concerned about cutting costs especially when it comes to logistics. All companies want to save money on less-than-truckload shipping however at what point is saving money on shipping costing you money on service and disruptions to other elements in the supply chain.  Money is only saved when the job is continued without flaw and the shipping is procured at a reduced rate.

If other obstacles are cause by saving money on the actual LTL shipping than you may really be costing the company more money that you are saving it in customer complaints and disruptions to the labor force.  The element that a great supply chain management system will look at is lower shipping costs to the point at which they do not interrupt any other aspect of the company’s goals.  When everything is working in balance and harmony is achieved your business will then be successful.

To start doing this within your company’s organization it is important that the company set clear objectives and supply chain requirements. Assistance is needed to clearly define LTL shippers bid objectives.  These goals may be to reduce costs, reduce the number of carriers involved in the logistics process, quicker movement of shipments or geographic needs that have to be addressed.  In order to work with a LTL carrier your company’s needs need to be matched with those of the LTL carrier.

When aligning yourself with a shipper be sure that they have thoroughly addressed and collected valuable data from the carriers that they will be using to meet your LTL needs.  A shipper should have up to date, clear information on all carriers such as past financial performance, ratings in customer service, IT capabilities, equipment standards, fleet size and CSA scores.  A shipper needs to align themselves with carriers that are interested in carrying out the goals that you have in common for your shipments.

As a company it is important that you review data on your shipper as well as their carriers.  All data should be supplied to you in a formal review of the past twelve months of activities.

Don’t align your company with a shipper that has evolved using too many different carriers to achieve results.  The best option when it comes to logistics is to create a plan around a shipper that uses a level carrier mix with proven results and limited issues.  The more carriers involved in the shipment of goods, the more issues that can arise; including leveraging the demand and volume.

Using due diligence and creating a relationship with your shipper will also help your company grow.  Much of logistics revolves around the relationship that you have with the shipper and in turn the shipper has with his suppliers.  Good communication, written documentation and an outline of expectations and company goals are crucial when developing this partnership.  You and your shipper should work to alert each other to issues arising with carriers to avoid customer service nightmares that can be had from late deliveries, incomplete and insufficient carrier services.  If a bump in the road with a carrier is not immediately corrected it will affect your company and the logistics plan that you have worked so hard to develop with the shipper.

Jefferson Diversified Group, LLC is a Global Logistics expert offering LTL shipping and more. Check out available rates today at

Straightforward Tips In Home Remodeling To Age In Place

There is an increase in the number of seniors choosing to stay in their homes rather than moving into assisted living facilities.  With the rise of our older generation staying within their homes it is important that we as caregivers know how to provide an environment free of obstacles that may hinder the homes accessibility.

Many age in place home renovations can be done by do it yourselfers but others such as the installation of wheelchair ramps require hiring an outside contractor.  The list below will provide you with some easy tips on renovating the home to provide a safe living environment to grow old.

One easy tip is removing loose rugs and carpets.  This may not sound like a big deal but this easy and inexpensive tip makes a large impact.  If it is impractical to remove the rugs secure them with the use of double sided sticky tape.  Loose rugs and carpets increase the risk that comes along with falling as one ages.  A fall in your twenties is totally different than a fall in your sixties.  Bones are brittle and are at an increased risk of breaking.  The healing process is also not the same.  All rugs and carpets should either be removed or secured to prevent accidents from the loss of mobility we experience as we age.

Consider updating hard to use appliances.  Seniors tend to have issues with mobility and bending in general.  Limit the need for them to stretch or excessively bend.  This can be done with simple appliance updates such as a new raised front loading washer and dryer. The basic goal in updating appliances is finding models that adapt to the changing needs we experience as we age.

Replace the handles on cabinets and doors throughout the home. Lever style door handles are much easier to use and require much less effort to open them.  Seniors with arthritis will find traditional doors hard to open. Cabinet pulls make cabinets easier to open as well.  These simple changes are effective and inexpensive.  Little updates make life much easier with aging joints.

Another simple change that makes life easier on seniors is replacing old style light switches to new style rocker switches.  Arthritis can be an incredibly debilitating disease that makes seniors unable to accomplish the simplest of tasks. Rocker style light switches make turning the lights on and off simple.

The most important tip of all is to update the bathroom.  Most accidents when it comes to seniors happens in the bathroom.  Make the switch from a traditional style tub to a no threshold shower with a bench and grab bars. It is also important that you replace the smaller traditional toilets with a higher toilet.  This will make getting up off of the toilet much easier alleviating the strain that comes with getting up off of the toilet.

Seniors thrive when allowed to continue to live independently.   It is important to allow them the freedom that comes when still in your own living environment instead of moved to a retirement home. The tips included in this article will start you on your way to providing a safe place to continue to live the life they want.

Enjoying Your Life Once Your Divorce Is Final

When your marriage ends one life ends and a new one begins.  The problem is that not everyone is ready for this to happen.  Sometimes one partner in the marriage was not willing to accept that the marriage was ending and therefore the process of moving on and letting go of the past is more difficult than it should be. Below you will find some tips on letting go, moving on, jump starting your future and finding peace.

First things first; come clean with all of your emotions and realize that your life will continue after the end of your marriage.  The feelings that you will have guarantee to run the gamut of emotions as well as to change frequently.  You naturally will feel blame, pity, anger, worthlessness and insecure.  On another spectrum you may feel free, liberated, useful and unrestricted.  How you feel is uniquely personal. Feel what you feel.  It is okay to go through each emotion feeling it completely.  It is also perfectly normal to let it go.  Eventually you will come to the point where your marriage and divorce no longer defines you and you will understand that your marriage will be like a cruise; something you did once before a long time ago.

Some people I meet with you are on the verge of filing for divorce are hanging on out of fear of being alone.  Before there were two you were one and believe it or not you survived.  Just as you have done in the past you will survive on your own.  Being in a broken marriage is far lonelier than actually being on your own and creating a new life for yourself.  It is reasonable to grieve for your loss or the marriage that you assumed you would be in however as with grieving in death there will come a time when you can start to move forward.

The next step may seem impossible at first but is as necessary as any.  Make time to allow yourself to feel good.  Stop burning daylight and get on course to living your new life; a life that you create where you can do or be anything you put your mind to. This will hit you like a ton of bricks.  You won’t notice it happening but one day it will have happened and it will hit you.  All of a sudden you will be living a meaningful, productive life.  You will find yourself taking time in the morning making yourself feel good, you will wear clothing to feel good and that makes you feel attractive.  Be it trying a new sport, wearing a new style of clothes or finally cutting your hair is a style you never contemplated before you will find yourself living life for yourself and no one else. You will have found time to be you and you will feel good about it.

In our next installment on life after divorce we will focus on accepting the next step and jump starting your future now that you have accepted your marriage is over and you are on to living for yourself.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Michigan you can find more information at

Making Time For Your Future When Your Divorce Is Final

In our last installment on marriage and divorce we talked a lot about learning to accept that your marriage has ended and that a new life awaits you.  We discussed taking steps that create a life worth living and one that is focused on making yourself happy.  Finally feeling worthy of feeling good is something that may take some time but when it finally happens and it hits you the sensation is one that you will want to experience more frequently and bring to your everyday life experiences.

When you feel fulfilled in yourself what happens naturally is that people begin to be drawn to you.  You may find yourself surrounded with more friends than ever before and dating prospects will start to flow through at a constant pace.  This may be strange and overwhelming at first although it is important to know that this too is a piece of the puzzle; this part is your future.

Your future still contains pieces of your past. It is possible and vital that you encompass both parts of your life past, present and future into one.  This starts will developing a relationship with your ex especially when children are involved.  The relationship that you have in the future will be and should be so utterly different from your past relationship.  Create a working partnership focused solely on the kids. Your new relationships with other have no basis on your relationship with each other or your children.  It is possible to separate the two and at the beginning is necessary.

Your kids are so important.  I will never say the most important thing in your life because it is always important that self-preservation take a front seat in creating a life you are excited to live.  Most marriages focus too much energy on the happiness of their children therefore leading to demise.  This is why I believe that your children and their feeling are important however separate for the time being from your self-preservation.  When you are with your kids be with them fully.  Spend time with them, do homework with them, don’t allow for outside interruption.  This is most important or the first year following your divorce.  I am not saying they shouldn’t see you happy or hear about your happiness just don’t involve them in any partnership that may be involved in bringing you this happiness.

Make time for you time, personal time and kid time.  This may be the problem you found in your first marriage is that you didn’t have time enough for each individual facet of your life.  This is a mistake that needs to be avoided as your create a future you are excited about living.  When you are married you often find yourself living a life of compromise.  One of the nice parts about your divorce being over and your future being ahead of you is that you get to choose how to live it.  It is important that you take this time to do just that; go live the life that makes you excited about living again!

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Michigan you can find more information at

Obtaining Personal Growth Throughout Your Divorce

For most women and men the divorce process is an unpleasant one.  Unfortunately divorce tends to play out in a very dreadful manner that leaves both parties at a loss and filled with heartache and sorrow. It also leaves both parties filled with wonderful opportunities that take time to fully discover.  For most people who end up going through a divorce the reason for the divorce is simple; they were simply incompatible and were not destined to continue with their marriage.  Many divorcees are decent people ready to move on to the next phase in their lives.  The question is how this can be accomplished while allowing the healing process to continue and providing protection to a fragile heart.

First things first don’t think that because many of your friends who have gone through a divorce and are now friends with their exes that this can easily be accomplished in your situation.  Give yourself time. You don’t need to be friends right now.  You need to conduct your relationship as you would a business for right now. You should set boundaries and rules that will allow you to continue to parent your children but that allow you to grow as individuals. If as time goes by a friendship occurs that is fine but don’t assume it needs to happen.

When it comes to preparing you for the actual legal separation find a solid divorce lawyer that has a reputation for settling through the meditation process.  Heading into a divorce considering it a war that will only be won through a deceitful, long battle is not the best option especially when children are involved. Finding a lawyer that works a well in mediation but that also has a winning record when faced with litigation is optimal.  Mediation is especially beneficial to both parties when a working relationship has been proven and similar goals are desired.  Couples that end their marriage through the mediation process often salvage a better working relationship once the divorce is finalized.

Parenting through a divorce is difficult especially in situations where parenting was a major issue of contentment in the marriage.  It is so important to remember that the only thing that matters is your children when dissolving your marriage.  Most parenting plans that work out the best are written in a format that lets the children know the plan is being written for them directly to them.  When developing a plan consider that one day this piece of paper could be shared with them.  You need to work as a team on their behalf to create a parenting plan that moves everyone in the forward direction working as one.

When it comes to parenting, the divorce and many matters that will come up in between filing and finalization it is vital that the two parties learn to agree to disagree.  You are getting a divorce for a specific reason.  There have been obvious disagreements; these may stem from finances, parenting, family issues or something else.  The reason is not important once you have decided to no longer be married to one another.  The issue still remains that you disagree.  Coming to terms with this and learning to let go and agree to disagree will help you move forward in the long run.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Women/Mom’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Michigan you can find more information at


Regaining Inner Power During Divorce

When going through a divorce it is hard not to feel powerless and out of your element.  The territory of divorce is usually one that is undiscovered for most couples.  When a divorce has been decided upon it becomes imperative that you understand your rights when it comes to everything from spousal support to child custody to the division of marital assets. Many people will give you advice to follow from filing for divorce to when the divorce is final.  This advice may apply to you or not.  As quick as advice comes in it can often be discarded.  What applies to you will stick.  Below you will find a list of survival tips.  Again, most of this may not apply to your situation but it is important that you hear it and apply what is needed.

Divorce is often fought like a war.  War as we have come to know it is a long, drawn out battle between two different sides.  Conflict arises from two parties and often spreads like wild fire.  When it comes to divorce families take sides and issues come about that were long forgiven while the marriage was intact.  If at all possible try to dissolve your marriage as privately as possible. Keep the information between the two of you as much as possible.  This will alleviate a lot of stress and will keep the possibilities open for an amicable divorce through mediation.  Mediation tends to save both sides time and money by providing a joint agreement without litigation in court.

Before you actually file or think you are going to be served with papers start preparing yourself financially as well as finding a trustworthy source of legal aide. Start meeting with several lawyers to determine whose advice, results and tactics are in line with how you are feeling you would like your divorce proceeding to move forward. This will save you time when you are feeling the most fragile and allow you to be one step ahead alleviating a stressful situation from elevating to a place of no return.

Don’t allow yourself to fall into a trap. Some spouses try to convince you will end up without the means to support yourself let alone keep your children.  Believing this will only allow them to be in a power position over you and your emotions.  Don’t give into this time of emotional abuse.  Through mediation or litigation the house, custody, child and spousal support and assets will be divided.  Your spouse is not in control of this process.  You both will decide, along with the support of your divorce attorney and legal team through mediation or litigation how your joint lives will be separated into two.

The thing about divorce that makes giving concrete advice difficult is that no two divorces like any two marriages.  Marriage and divorce are made of a complex combination of pieces that don’t always apply to every situation.  Weeding through the advice that applies to you will create an individualized guide to help you move forward in any given situation including your divorce.  Take the advice that applies and apply it; disregard anything and everything that doesn’t apply as not to create any resentment that isn’t needed.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorceattorney specializing in Women/Mom’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Michigan you can find more information at

The Next Steps In Preparations For Lasik Eye Surgery

When it comes to Lasik eye vision correction surgery you will want to make sure that you follow the pre-surgery and post-surgical instructions you are given closely. Each part of the procedure starting with the initial consultation to the final consult is an important step in optimal vision.  Not following directions or giving full disclosure to your surgeon on your medical history could put you at risk for complications that are unnecessary.  When Lasik is performed correctly and patient directions are followed the risks associated with the procedure are decreased tenfold.

The day before the surgery is as equally important as the day or the days following the surgery. You must arrange to be driven to and from the office as well as to and from your follow up appointment.  You will want to make sure this is arrangement is confirmed the day before the operation is set to take place.  Often times Lasik patients will be given medicine that helps them relax before the appointment.  This medicine will make it impossible for you to drive yourself.  After your surgery your vision will be blurry and it is important to keep the strain off your eyes.  This is why a driver is so important the Lasik procedure. A support person is also important after your surgery.

The day of surgery your eye surgeon will give you a list of requirements in order to prepare for the surgery.  It is important that they day of your surgery you do not apply any facial or body creams, lotions, make-up or perfumes.  Each and every one of these products has an associated risk of infection.  Most eye surgeons will ask that you scrub your eyelashes and surrounding area for a substantial amount of time before the surgery to remove any foreign debris and left over residue that can often be found on the lashes.

More often that now Lasik is performed in the office as an outpatient surgery.  On average the procedure is relatively fast that takes under an hour to perform.  You will be asked to sit in a reclining chair in an exam room that contains a laser system to perform the operations. Numbing drops will be placed in your eyes, the area will be cleaned once again and your eyelids will be held open with a speculum. A slit will be cut into the cornea and the laser surgery will be performed.  This part of the procedure will be different based on the level of vision correction needed as well as the individual patient.

After the surgery is finished a shield is placed over the eye for protection.  It is super important that you don’t rub or put any pressure on you eye.  The shield will protect the eye while you sleep and will keep the eye from accidentally being hit or poked until the flap is healed. You will need to abstain from eye make-up, creams, sports, swimming and other activities that are strenuous or breed bacteria.  You will also want to where the eye shield at night for a month after the procedure.  A follow up visit with the eye surgeon will be scheduled within the first twenty four hours after surgery.  They will direct you with detailed instructions on the do’s and don’ts after Lasik.  Follow them and the healing process should be easy and free of complications.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology in eye surgery available to suit your lifestyle.  To see what the leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery has to offer you can find more information at