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Advantages Of Using Heat Shrink Sleeve Labeling

Many consumers fail to realize the importance that labeling has on the success or failure of a product.  In order to assure your ventures success you must make sure to utilize the right materials for your products label.  Not only are the right materials important, the overall layout and design of the label is as well.

When it comes to labeling your product it is crucial that you look into all of the materials available to manufactures.  Focus on the options within the label industry that offer your product the most benefits; shrink sleeve labeling is the most popular preference throughout a variety of industries and for an assortment of different products.  Every label that adorns a product has a purpose.  Getting more out of your label than is expected easily helps to guarantee that your expectations are exceeded.

Shrink sleeves are advantageous as a product label for the array of benefits that they offer over other types of labeling options.

Heat shrink sleeves guarantee to help manufactures looking to save money in labeling. Shrink sleeves are created from affordable materials without detriment to the quality of the label.  Cost savings are just one of the benefits contrived from using shrink sleeves to label your product.

If you are looking for the biggest impact visually there is nothing better than shrink sleeve labeling.  Advanced technology in shrink sleeve labeling has made it possible for products of a variety of shapes and sizes to have an attractive label that is an exact fit.  Product manufacturers enjoy the graphic appeal that shrink sleeves offer for their products.

Another recent advantage to shrink sleeve labeling is that they can be produced and used without causing harm to our environment. Biodegradable shrink sleeves leave less of an environmental footprint then other options in product labeling.  Shrink sleeves offer promotional results that manufacturers look for without upsetting the natural balance within our environment.

Another benefit to using shrink sleeves is that they offer three hundred and sixty degrees of space to promote the benefits of your product over the competition.  The wrap around design allows you to take advantage of space that was unusable advertising space. Manufacturers can update old outdated labels by easily covering old labels with modern shrink sleeve labels.

Each type of label offers unique advantages to your products.  Choosing the correct product label may seem like a basic component to product development however making a smart choice allows you to experience rewards such as the cost saving benefits enjoyed with heat shrink sleeve labeling.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your label design, printing and packaging needs.

Rules Of Dating As A Divorced Father

Dating as a divorced parent can often be difficult.  This is especially true for dads.  There is a lot to prove to not only their children but also their ex and future partners.  Divorces fathers often have only part time custody therefore tend to be less present with their everyday lives.  This leaves them missing out on a lot of the little things that account for the lives of their children. That also means that when they do have time to spend with their children they really need to make every minute count.

Dating can often be a bit difficult for divorced dads.  There is a lot to juggle while maintaining a healthy balance between time for yourself, time with your children and time for a significant other.  When divorced dads start back into the dating world they should do so with caution.  There is a lot to consider.  Not only do you need to follow the normal rules of dating but also a new set of rules for divorced fathers.

First and most importantly never date or marry an individual that feels she deserves all of your attention and demands to be put ahead of your children.  No matter what she brings to the table no women is worth placing your children and their needs on the back burner.  When you had children you made the commitment to put them before anyone else in your life.

Don’t compare children.  This is especially true among siblings and step siblings.  When you begin to compare them to one another they will begin to feel doubt in themselves and the love that you have for them.  All children and different and unique in their own ways.  Praise them for who they are and what they bring to the table.  Each child offers something special to the family unit.

When you are a divorced father it is crucial that you do everything in your power to stay connected with your children.  You need to be on time and attentive to them.  Make a special effort to be at every event be it birthdays, sports, field trips and so on.  Your presence or lack thereof will be noticed by your children, your ex and so will your significant other.  If the person you are dating is someone you will want to be with forever they should encourage this.

Another important piece of the puzzle is that you live where your children live at least until they are out of school.  This will ensure that you are there for as many big and little events as you can be.  When you are dating be clear that you have no intentions of uprooting your life until your children are grown.  You need to be clear that they are dating you and that your relationship is important but so is the relationship you share with your children.

Last but not least, when dating don’t discuss your ex-wife, especially in front of your children.  When dating, your ex is off limits in conversations with your significant other while you are with your children.  They feed off of your negativity and will hold that against you later on in life.

It is a whole new world being a divorced father.  Every aspect of life with change just a little bit none more so than your dating life.  Take it all in, enjoy the ride and remember to be in the front seat of the rollercoaster with your children!

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at

Dating Tips For Divorced Moms

There is a light at the end of the tunnel for both men and women when going through a divorce.  It becomes a reality that life with go on even without the person you have loved for so long in your life.  Navigating through divorce and on to life after divorce is something that comes with the territory.  One major piece of the puzzle that leaves many in turmoil after their divorce is dating.

Dating after being married to someone for a period of time can prove to be tricky.  Being that you have been out of the dating scene for a while it is understandable if those skills have faded into oblivion.  Face it, it has been ages since the last time you went out on a date.  A decade has past where you have not had to put yourself out there. You will be a bit rusty but you can get back in the dating game with a little help.

First thing first, avoid club hopping at all costs.  The men that are at the clubs aren’t looking for anything long term.  You set yourself up for instant failure in the dating department when you end up at a night club.  What you will find is a one night cheap thrill which is probably the last thing you want.  Don’t cheapen yourself when jumping back into the dating world.  You will only find what you desire by putting your true self out there.  Clubs are an alcohol filled, hormone engulfed environments that can lead you straight into another disaster.

Group dates tend to ease tension and provide a great environment in which to meet new people.  It is easier to be yourself and to put your true self out there when you are with people who you already know and whom make you comfortable.  Being introduced to men through friends is a great way to find someone that is like minded.  Think about the reality of this; friends of friends already have something in common with you.  If they are friends with your friends there is an increased likelihood that you are bound to have some things in common.

Another method that is good for women getting back into the dating scene after a divorce is online dating. Avoid free dating sites as these are the ones that have proven to have a fair amount of scammers. Set up an online profile and start slowly.  There is nothing that says that you have to meet face to face.  Try emailing and talking online for a few months.  When you are ready set up a plan to meet one another.  Online dating can be a stress free way to start talking with people and learning how to put yourself out there.

If you aren’t up for a traditional dating after your divorce don’t feel pressure to do so.  Nothing is wrong with being independent and seeking to be comfortable in your own skin.  Put yourself out there and start making friends.  Volunteer, start participating in the community or team sport activities; anything to just get you back out into society.  When couples get married they tend to forget they are still individuals.  Simply put, start dating yourself before worrying about someone else.  Put yourself first and trust me the rest will follow in time.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Women/Mom’s in divorce throughout Trenton and the surrounding Michigan areas. Find us at

Fall Yard Maintenance and Lawn Care

With summer coming to an end and autumn beginning homeowners will need to switch up their approach to lawn care and maintenance.  The cooler temperatures that fall shares with us make it the perfect time of year to get out in the yard and start preparing the lawn for spring.  Don’t assume because the grass is growing slower that your lawn needs less care in the fall then in the summer.  In fact the opposite is true.   Your lawn is busy in the fall absorbing nutrients to with stand the long, cold winter season.  The attention you spend caring for your lawn in the fall will show in the spring.  Here are six things to think about as we begin the descending into fall.

Mowing the Lawn

You will need to keep mowing and watering your lawn throughout the fall season.  As you come to an end of the fall season, once all of the leaves have dropped, take the mower blade down to the lowest setting possible.  Cut the lawn twice on this setting a few weeks apart.  The short grass will allow for more sun to reach the crown of grass thus there will be less of the blade to brown over the winter.

When cutting the lawn it is as important to in the fall as it is in the spring and summer to only cut about a third of the grass blade at any given time mowing.  It is better to cut the lawn once completely and lower the blade setting to mow the lawn a second time for a shorter cut to get the grass short enough for the fall season.

Soil Aeration

It is crucial to aerate your lawn during the fall season.  This will allow for water, fertilizer and oxygen to reach deep into the root system of the lawn.  Aeration can be done with special shoes designed to punch holes in the grass or by renting a walk behind aerator.  If this seems like an all too daunting task hire a lawn care maintenance company to aerate the lawn.

Leaf Care

Raking leaves has to be one of the most daunting tasks to accomplish throughout the fall season.  It is also one of the most important.  Don’t wait until ever last leaf has fallen to begin raking.  The leaves underneath will start to get wet and stick together making a barrier that will suffocate your grass and create a large amount of fungal growth.

If raking isn’t your thing you can mow your lawn with a bagging mower and dispose of the leaves.  Another option is to blow the leaves with a leaf blower.  This may be the most effective way to remove leaves from your lawn.  Some counties allow for leaf burning during certain periods of time.  This option makes disposing of fall leaves a lot easier over the rubbish collection bags.

Lawn Fertilization

If you are only going to fertilize your lawn only once a year plan to do it during the fall season.  Grass blades grow slower in the fall but the same is not true for the root system.  Grass roots continue to grow quickly throughout the fall season and therefore suck in a variety of essential nutrients that they can only get through fall fertilization.  This will give your lawn a healthy start in the spring.

CBA Outdoor Services is a local landscape design firm offering services throughout Livingston and Wayne Counties.  For more information on the services they offer to both commercial and residential clients look online at

Common Computer Repair Services

When it comes to computers and technology in general there are a number of problems that can occur.  Computer repair issues can be handled in a number of different ways including on site, remote log in or in shop.  Companies working with both residential and corporate I.T. professionals often can diagnosis an issue within your computer or network by simply logging into your computer remotely. This helps to save both time and money.  Although the issue with your server, personal computer or network could be a myriad of things there are three issues we see that cause computer failure more often than any others.

Three Common Computer Repair Issues

  • Virus/Malware Removal:  This is the most common issue seen with computers.  What occurs when a virus has infected your computer is that a piece of harmful software has been downloaded on to your computer.  When this occurs the virus spreads throughout your computer deeply embedding itself.  Viruses, spyware, trojan horses, rootkits, adware and other harmful software can affect the way your computer runs as well as allow access to personal information stored or accessed on the system.  It is crucial the minute you suspect you have been infected that you turn your computer off and have a computer repair expert run scans on your computer to remove the infection.  
  • Computer Running Slow: A computer will begin to run slowly when you have used up the allotted storage space.  You may not even realize it is happening but each new program you download or document you save takes up valuable space on your hard drive.  When this occurs it is easy to overload your system creating a slow running computer.  To repair this issue a computer technician will run a tune up on your machine.  During this process scans will run that pin point downloads and software that is not used by the system.  From there this information can be deleted from the hard drive, freeing up space and allowing the computer to run more efficiently. 
  • Connecting to the Network/Internet:  This could be one of the most frustrating issues computer users face on a daily basis.  Without access to the internet most business activity comes to a halt.  I.T. professionals go onsite to diagnosis an issue with your network or internet after they have tried troubleshooting obvious issues such as the rebooting the computer or resetting the router.  Many times nothing has changed from the previous day yet the connection is not available.  Often computer network and internet connection issues are as simple as resetting a router or installing new network cables.  Other times the issue is deeper rooted and requires the I.T. professionals to contact your internet service provider for assist in diagnostics.

 Other common issues seen with computer repair services include hard drive failure, dead power supplies and improperly installed drivers.  Contact your local computer repair store if you find you are having issues with your computer.

Computers Plus Service, in Brighton Michigan, provides a wide range of valuable services for residential computer repair as well as a variety of commercial computer services to the entire Livingston County area including Howell, Brighton and the surrounding areas.  You can find out more about the services offered by CPS at


Saving Money On Shipping Services For Your Business

Keeping an eye on expenditures is an important aspect in every business venture.  One crucial expense that needs to be considered is the cost of shipping.  When it comes to shipping rates cheaper is not necessarily better in all circumstances.  It is best that your company, no matter how big or small creates an entire plan of action when it comes to shipping.  Your shipping strategy should combine a plan that offers comparable rates along with exceptional service in turn saving the company money and increasing client morale.

Creating an overall shipping strategy is difficult for some companies.  Smaller companies often have inexperienced staff member handling the transportation and logistics matters for the entire operation.  This happens a lot in companies where members of the work force are forced to handle a variety of job duties.  If this describes your company it may be time to start following the strategies below.

  • Make use of LTL shippingWhen your shipments are consistently less than ten thousand pounds and time is not of the essence you can save money by shipping less than a full truckload.  Less than truckload shipping is less expensive than waiting to have a full truck.  LTL shippers combine freight from a variety of shippers and consolidate the shipments. 
  • Combine shipments into one full truckload: This is the opposite of what is proposed above.  If you find that too many shipments are being sent you may decide that it is in your company’s best interest to combine shipments into one full truckload. 
  • Use a combination of shipping methods: Intermodal shipping is when companies use two different methods for your company.  You may decide to combine common shipping methods such as air and rail.   If time doesn’t matter this way to ship often saves a great deal of money for your company. 
  • Understand your geography: It is possible that you are paying for shipping services you don’t need.  For instance, if you are shipping within the same state there is no need to pay for three day service.  Ground service, in the same state, will get your package where it needs to go at the same time as paying extra for the three day service.
  • Outsource shipping company freight:  Outsourcing freight is one of the easiest ways to help save your company money on shipping freight. Freight shippers can leverage rates with other carriers and shippers to get the best price for shipping.   Combining shipments with other shippers allows carriers to move your products quickly while providing shipping services at affordable prices. 

 Jefferson Diversified Group, LLC is a Global Logistics expert offering LTL shipping and more. Check out available rates today at

Improving Care With Age In Place Remodeling and Universal Design

People in today’s society are living longer.  They are in better health and can remain independent longer than even the people of our grandparent’s generation.  Even in better health, growing older means that special arrangements need to be made around the house to assure safety and to meet the needs of our changing abilities.  If you have decided that you are going to downsize and move into a smaller home look for a home built under universal design guidelines.   However, if you are hoping to remain in your current home there are many age in place renovations that can be done to maintain independence while increasing safety.

Homes that are built with the universal design philosophy are produced in and environment with products that are created especially for older people or people with disabilities.  Barrier free layout concepts are applied throughout the home while maintaining the aesthetics of the home.  Examples of universal design applied to the home include:

  • Entrance and exits on the ground level are smooth and easy to access.
  • Flooring surfaces are created with texture to remain slip resistant.
  • Throughout the home handles are levered instead of knobs.
  • Bright lighting is present in abundance in every room of the home.

Many people choose to stay within their own homes instead of moving to a home that explores the universal design concept.  When this is the case there are several age in place modification that can be put into place that will make the environment safer while keeping the aesthetic beauty of the original home. Here are some simple age in place modifications that can be done to create a safe and secure environment for aging adults.

  • Reduce the temperature on the water heater to avoid scalding.
  • Knobs on doors, faucets and cabinets should be replaced by levers.
  • In the entrance and exits of the home additional lighting, with motion sensors should be installed.
  • All flooring should be inspected.  Remove all scatter rugs and add texture strips to any flooring that is slick such as bathroom and kitchen tiles.
  • If the home has steps make sure that handrails are secure.  If the stairs are used on a regular basis consider adding an additional handrail to the opposite side of the stairway as well.
  • Special care is needed throughout the bathroom area.  Install easy to use levers handles on the sink, shower and bathtub.  Add grab bars and install non-stick strips to the slick tub surface and bathroom flooring.  Lighting with a motion sensor is a nice addition to the bathroom of aging adults as well.
  • Add additional lighting to the kitchen.  Cabinetry should be installed with sliding shelves to allow for easier access. Tools that are used frequently should be moved to locations that are easy to reach and that don’t require bending or reaching.
  • Furniture should be arranged throughout the house to allow for minimal obstructions.
  • Telephones should be installed in easy to reach locations throughout the house.  This can easily be done by installing a central phone base with additional charging ports in every room in the home.

Changes to your home should be done over the course of time.  As you are remodeling your home consider using age in place remodeling products and techniques.  This allows for a gradual transition transforming your home into a safe place to age.

The Home Doctor, based in Livingston County including Brighton and Howell Michigan, offers a variety of home renovations to clients ranging from bathroom remodeling to age in place home modifications.  Contact today all of your home renovating needs.

Enhance All Aspects Of Your Home With An Electric Entry Gate

If you are looking for a sure way to provide safety and security to your home or business one of the easiest ways to do this is by installing and electronic entry gate.   Driveways, private communities, parking garages and private roads all lead to a private home or business.  In order to provide a sense of well being and extra protection the installation of a driveway gate is essential.

Electronic entry gates are a unique way to update your landscaping while adding extra protection to your private environment.  Gates can be personalized to your home and business.  With the variety of driveway gates, gate operators and entry systems any home or business can have the automated gate system that would best suit their needs.  Custom gates installed with aluminum fencing enclose your property; keeping pets and children in and intruders and unwanted pests out.

Added Privacy

There are times that private driveways are mistaken for public accesses. This is especially true when the driveway is long and a home cannot be seen from the road.  This type of environment, more than any other, attracts Sunday drivers.  The installation of a gate at the end of your private drive eliminates the possibility of your house becoming a tourist attraction.

Enhances Beauty

Homeowners can give their homes and landscaping extra curb appeal with the addition of an impressive, picturesque, up to date driveway gate.  Your driveways entrance really can enhance how people see the rest of your home.  A custom entry way to the drive, using an entry gate is a perfect way to do this.

Home Security

Even homes with garages can benefit from the extra security and privacy a gate provides homeowners.  It is not always convenient to pull vehicles into the garage.  With a driveway gate you don’t have to worry about that.  You can leave the car in the driveway knowing that the vehicle is safe within the boundaries provided by the driveway gate.

Privacy is added, security is gained and beauty is enhanced with the installation of an electronic driveway gate.  The variety of options in gate choices varies greatly.  To find an option that works perfectly with your home and landscape contact a local fencing and gate installation company.  They will not only help you with the look of the fence but also will come out to help establish what type of fence, a swing or slide gate is the best option for your driveway.

SAC Fence Michigan offers a variety of electronic entry gates, access control entry systems and fence options for homeowners to choose from.  You will find a variety of fencing options online at

Purchasing An Engagement Ring Online

Buying an engagement ring is something most of us will only do once in a lifetime.  An investment such as an engagement ring is not something that should be taken lightly, it is a large investment both financially and emotionally.  Purchasing jewelry is something most of us lack experience in.  This makes the process of finding a perfect ring for your bride to be trickier than most purchases.  How do you find the perfect engagement ring while ensuring you are making a wise purchase that she will love?  Follow the steps below to help you find the perfect ring for the love of your life.

  • Decide upon a budget: This is the most important step of the entire process and should not be taken lightly.  Without a budget in mind you can be talked into anything. It is important to remember that the cost of the stone and setting is not what matters most.  There are many tales being shared that an engagement ring should cost at least two months’ salary.  This is no longer acknowledged as truth.  Your budget should consider what you can afford as well as what your bride to be will adore.
  • Plan ahead: Whatever you do never purchase an engagement ring without the money in the bank.  Buying an engagement ring on credit is never a good idea.  When it comes to buying on credit a ring that originally costs two thousand dollars costs thirty five hundred on credit.  That just doesn’t make sense.  If she is the love of your life she will wait until you have saved enough money to purchase the perfect ring.  Start saving the minute you think she could be the one.
  • Take notice: Check out the jewelry she wears on a daily basis over a period time.  You will want to buy something that she is comfortable wearing and that goes with the pieces she wears on a regular basis.  If she wears super plain jewelry and you buy a large splashy diamond it will most likely make her feel a bit self-conscious wearing it.  Buy something that reflects her.  She will appreciate that you took notice of her style when choosing a ring she will wear for eternity.
  • Bring in reinforcements: If you feel uncomfortable making a decision on your own ask the people closest to her for their help.  Her best friend is a perfect inside source into what she really wants.  Most likely this is a topic that they have discussed time and time again especially the longer you have dated.
  • Find a quality jeweler: A jeweler can come from anywhere. Find someone you are comfortable talking with and that is patient when you ask questions.  Consider online retailers as well.  Many online jeweler retailers are able to offer higher quality diamonds at lower prices due to the low overhead costs of running an online jewelry store verse a major chain.
  • Purchase the ideal stone: When it comes to purchasing a stone be sure to fully understand the four c’s of diamonds.  Based in the four c’s: cut, color, clarity and carat. Out of the four of these, in my opinion, the most important is the cut and clarity.  You want the diamond shape to be what your bride to be desires and clarity has everything to do with how sparkly the diamond is.  Trust me a three quarter carat diamond that is super clear is way better than a full carat that is dull.  The sparkle of her diamond will be what everyone notices before how big it is.
  • Buy the perfect setting:  The perfect setting will be based on her style.  If you are in question talk to the reinforcements.  Some women prefer settings with side diamonds while other prefer the simplicity of a single diamond.
  • Propose:  This is all up to.  Find a way to propose that will be memorable to the two of you.  Enjoy your happily ever after!

DaRoche Jewelers is on online jewelry company with a local feel. You will find a variety of options in jewelry, including custom diamond solitaire engagement rings, online at


Must Have Accessories For Your Jewelry Box

I need help when it comes to accessories.  If you look up plain Jane in the dictionary you will see my picture.  Recently I sat down with a friend of mine who is a jeweler and talked about what pieces of jewelry were must have pieces for my jewelry box. I am honestly a novice.  I don’t fully understand why some women can be draped in jewelry and look amazing but others look like clowns.  There are other women who wear a pair of earrings and look dressed to the nines.  I wanted to know the secret to pulling it all together.

I am told the most important piece of jewelry in any women’s collection is a pair of elegant stud earrings.  Diamond stud earrings are classic, elegant and versatile.  The same is true of pair of pearl earrings.  Studs are an everyday go to earring that are classy and polished for the office when worn alone but jazzy and ready for the party at night when paired with other accessories.

Another piece that is essential in your jewelry wardrobe is a pair of hoop earrings.  Hoop earrings are casual when paired with a pair of blue jeans and dressy when warn with something more elegant.  Be careful to choose a pair of hoop earrings that fit you.  If you are a loud character bigger hoops can be pulled off however if you are subdued in character a smaller pair of hoops maybe the perfect piece for you.

When it comes to rings every women needs an outstanding cocktail ring in their jewelry collection.  It is important to note that a cocktail ring does not have to be oversized, big or loud.  What is important is that the piece has color and stands out.  A cocktail ring can be the center piece of your outfit.

Another piece that is essential is a long necklace.  A long necklace can easily be transitioned.  In order to make a necklace work for both day and night you can double the necklace or add pieces to layer it.  Longer necklaces using pendants are super elegant and add to the allure of a long necklace.  Don’t be afraid to mix metals and stones.  Pearls looks elegant with a variety of metals and stones.

A bracelet is another piece that every women should have in their jewelry collection.  From diamond tennis bracelets to solid gold chain bracelets your signature pieces should include a bracelet.  If you need access to a watch daily consider a watch that resembles bracelet.  Bangle watches are the perfect way to combine necessity with fashion.

Jewelry is so personal but following the suggestions above while combining your personal style will help you to achieve the best look.

DaRoche Jewelers is on online jewelry company with a local feel.  You will find a variety of options in jewelry, including custom diamond solitaire engagement rings, online at