Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 250

The Benefits of Metal Roofing Over Traditional Asphalt Shingles

Homeowners that choose to have a metal roof installed over the traditional choice of asphalt shingling do so because they are wish to have a roof installed that not only withstands the harsh elements of the northern climate but also has a long life expectancy.  There comes a time when homeowners have a metal roof installed on their home and need to access the current condition of the metal roofing in order to decide if it is in need of replacement.  In order to determine if the homes metal roof needs to be replaced there are a few factors to consider.  Below are some characteristics to look deeper into when considering metal roof replacement.

The first consideration to be given is the amount of rust that builds up on the homes current metal roofing.  Now a day’s metal roofing is pre-treated with a rust roof coating that prevents the deterioration of the metal roof.  However, a previous metal roofing material were not treated with a rust proof coating and even with that modern day solution to rust it does not guarantee that the metal roof will not break down resulting in the development of rust on the homes metal roofing.

Extreme rust on a home’s metal roofing will detract from the aesthetic value of the home.  It will look unsightly and will detract from an otherwise well-kept, highly curb appeal friendly home.  Minor rust on a metal roof can be treated with rust treatment but overtime homeowners may find it is more cost effective to completely replace the homes metal roofing.  It can prove costly for homeowners to continue to hire professional roofing contractors to treat the roof rust year after year.

A metal roof has an increased life span over that of other traditional roofing materials such as asphalt.  A superior quality metal roof, installed correctly is known to have a lifespan of anywhere between fifty to a hundred years, whereas shingle roofing has an average life expectancy of between fifteen and twenty five years.   The amount of weakening experienced by metal roofing of the home will vary due to exposure and weather conditions within the homes climate.  If rust is left untreated it will lead to a weakening within the homes roof which will in turn result in the formation of holes within the metal roof.  If this occurs the only choice a homeowner has is to fully replace the homes metal roof.

A professional roofing contractor that specializes in the installation, repair and replacement of metal roofing will be able to access the condition of the homes current roofing.  This will ensure that homeowners get a professional opinion on the condition of the roof before choosing to invest in a full metal roof replacement.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Choosing Metal Roofing Over Asphalt Shingle Roofing

When you own a home there are so many benefits in choosing metal roofing over asphalt shingle roofing.  When many homeowners purchase their first home they purchase a shingle roof.   Over time it becomes apparent that metal roofing is a more viable option in replacement roofing over asphalt shingles.  If you are one of those homeowner s that don’t understand why metal roofing is a better overall value than asphalt shingles the advantages listed below should assist you in your decision.


Many homeowners believe that metal roofing is in fact heavier then asphalt.  This however is the furthest thing from reality.  Metal roofing materials are in fact lighter than asphalt roofing.  In fact every square foot of metal roofing weighs less than one square foot of asphalt roofing materials.   Per square foot of metal roofing weighs one point four pounds where as asphalt roofing can weigh anywhere from two to five pounds per square foot.  One major benefit of metal roofing over asphalt is that metal roofing can be installed over existing asphalt roofing materials or wooden roofing materials.  This can be achieved without compromise to the existing roofs structure.


Metal roofing is said to outlast shingle roofing by a factor of four or more.  Many roofing contractors prefer to install asphalt shingling.  This does not mean that asphalt is in anyway a more reliable or permanent roofing solution over metal roofing.  Roofing contractors may find that metal roofing is harder to install than asphalt as well as the fact that asphalt roofing needs to be replaces twice as often as metal.  Another major benefit of metal roofing is that it is not as easily compromised as asphalt shingles.  The sun and heat eat away at shingle roofing faster than its metal counterpart.


Shoppers are constantly surprised by the fact that the warranty on asphalt composition roofing doesn’t necessarily correspond with the manufacture warranty placed on the shingles.  In fact the warranty on the actual shingling material usually exceeds the warranty on the products labor.  For the most part asphalt shingles have a twenty to twenty five year warranty.  In most areas however shingle roofing lasts about fifteen years before it needs to be replaced.  This of course is in contrast to the hundred year warranty on most metal roofing materials.


Within the Northern American region of America asphalt shingles is the most popular option in roofing.  This is because asphalt is deemed the most affordable material in roofing.  It is also incredibly predictable when it comes to how aesthetically pleasing the roofing appearance is.  Homeowners will all tell you that metal roofing is the most aesthetically pleasing when it comes to materials used in roofing.  Metal roofing comes in a variety of colors, styles and shapes.  Metal roofing comes in a variety of styles that make it a natural choice in alternative roofing materials.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

The Significance Label Plays within the Food Industry

Product packaging and custom labeling is an important aspect in marketing a company’s product. This is especially true when it comes to products in the food industry. When it comes to selling a food product it is important to realize that both the products packaging and labeling created for protection, freshness, marketing and compliance with government regulations. Within the food and beverage industry dry products can be filled with in flexible pouches or cartons and liquids in flexible packaging or solid plastic containers.

Food and beverage packaging manufactures need to ensure their clients have defined what they are looking for before they start working. Manufactures should have concrete answers to the following questions before they begin creating a package or label to fit the product.

1) It is important to know the quantity that is going to be sole before designing a package or label for any food product. Custom labeling should be created to decipher between a varieties of product sizes within a brand.

2) What type of packaging materials have been considered when thinking about a package that fits the products needs and the manufacturers wants? Common packaging materials include plastic, aluminum and cardboard. Different materials offer various advantages to the products they enclose. Plastic packaging is perfect for frozen, perishable, snack and bakery goods. Aluminum is a great material for packaging liquids like juice, soft drinks, beer and canned goods that are perishable. Cardboard packaging is a great material for packaging frozen, fresh, perishable and dry food products.

3) Once it has been decided what material will be used for packaging there are questions that need to be answered about shipping and displays. It is important to create a package and product label that represent the product that is being sold before the production of either the package or label for the product is designed and manufactured.

4) After the above has been discussed and decided upon production of the products package and label can begin.

It is important that manufactures have a clear understanding of the product and brand before a custom label and package is created to market and distribute a product. This is the same whether a brand is introducing a new product or a new brand is being introduced to the market. A custom label and package are a huge part of the marketing. It is crucial that attention is given to every detail of a creating a new product from product development, package creation and custom label design in order to have a successfully marketed product.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Basic Principles of Packaging and Label Design

Typical parts of marketing and manufacturing include product production, packaging, and labeling design.  Each plays an important role in ensuring that the product is a success and guarantees success.  It is important in both marketing and manufacturing to be as efficient as possible that companies learn about how the process can be done efficiently in order to produce the best results.

In product packaging and custom label design there are clear principles to follow to ensure success.  There are some key elements that will demonstrate how this can be done effectively.  Answer the questions below to determine techniques to market products more efficiently.

How does the package influence the behaviors of the customer?

When it comes to package and label designs it is important that the consumer’s behavior is influenced in a manner that make them want to make a purchase.  So much attention is placed on making the package more appealing visually when it fact it is more important to make the package have qualities that are appealing to the consumer.  Flexible packaging that allows a product to be resealed for instance is a great way to appeal to consumers.  When a product does not require re-packaging after use it is far more appealing than those that do.  This is a major benefit to using flexible packaging when marketing products that are meant for more than one use.

Does the product and package labeling have a recall appeal?

Any product being marketed should have a recall appeal to consumers.  The product will be competing with others that are in direct competition with them. Therefore a need exists to consider the competition when packaging and labeling a new product.  Consider brand appeal when creating a new product label and package.  All of the products within the brand should have similar characteristics in the product label and package.

If the company brand is known for a certain unique logo then it is important the same logo is used on the custom product label and packaging of any product that is newly introduced to the market.  Where brand loyalty is strong the new product is certain to be recognized and purchased by those with a favorable impression of the company and product brand.

What sets the product apart from the competition in a side by side comparison?

Products will always be compared with those that are similar.  It should be expected that similar products will be placed on a shelf side by side.  In order to gain an advantage it is important that the custom product label and deign that is chosen shows off the edge your product has over the competition.  The label that is placed on the product can also offer specific advantages.  For instance, shrink sleeves when used prevent product tampering, flexible packaging offers the ability to be resealed and so on and so forth.

In order to be confident that the product packaging and custom product label are designed to maximize the benefits of the product follow the rules above throughout the design and production process.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Importance of Quality In Product Labeling

Companies produce new products on to the market daily.  When a business manufactures a new product it must then package and label them.  It is important that marketers carefully examine the competition in all aspects including in designing the new label and package in order to ensure the product stands out.  First impressions make lasting impressions.  It is important new products hit the market with a bang.

Product Marketing:  In order to increase your brands awareness, bring interest to new products and really sustain your business it is crucial that your product marketing is effective.  In order to have a marketing plan that works to increase business it is important to consider that you have consider the four basics in marketing: product, price, place and promotion.  This product marketing mix is one of the most important components to building a successful business.

Company Recognition: Children are the center of attraction when it comes to product packaging.  Packaging that focuses attention on children in a great way to increase the indirect marketing your product receives.   In order to attract children packages should focus attention on them.  Product packages and labels become more recognizable to children when they contain fun games, bright colors, stickers or entertaining logos.  Each of these techniques is used to create a favorable recognition to your product from the younger audience.  Indirect marketing from children is an amazing marketing technique that gets a company’s product into family homes and eventually ends up making it a family staple.

Quality Labeling: The quality of a product label is as important as the superiority of the actual product itself.  Custom labels are thought to be quite expensive however this couldn’t be any further from the truth.  Custom product labels that is strong and durable in order to keep them in place.  If the label comes off in distribution it is useless in marketing the product.  The label doesn’t just describe the product it gives important details necessary for consumers to make an informed buying decision.

Important Business Factor:  The product label contains information that is necessary for the sale of a product.  This is especially true when it comes to labeling food products.  The label will contain information such as the expiration date, manufacturer’s contact information, ingredients, where the product was manufactured and more.  If a product is not labeled properly consumers will pass on the product for one that is labeled correctly.  Custom product labeling and product packaging causes an impact on how consumers think about their purchase.  The goal as a marketer is to ensure that impact is a positive one that draws them to make a purchase.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Aluminum Fencing Makes The Perfect Landscape Improvement

Adding to the curb appeal of your home is not a seasonal effort. Yes, it is more convenient to be outside installing a new fence when it is warm out but fall has many benefits as well. For one the weather is not so hot you can hardly breathe let alone move about easily. When it comes to landscape improvements a fence is a perfect fall addition. Installing a fence is the perfect start to sprucing up the exterior of your home.

1) Create Separation: Fencing allows you a separation between your property and that of your neighbors. Privacy is something that is minimal when you live in a neighborhood setting. Privacy fencing is not the only way in which to get separation. A wholesale aluminum fence of any height can be used to create separation and allow for a degree of privacy within the perimeter of your home and landscape. Fencing provides whatever degree of privacy and separation you desire depending on the material and style fence you choose.

2) Additional Security: Home security is important for all homeowners. A fence adds an extra layer of security to your home, landscape and family. New outdoor patio furniture is hidden from the eyes of thieves. Security also comes in that fencing prevents stray animal into the yard, family pets from escaping out of the yard and young children from accidentally chasing a runaway ball into a busy street. Wholesale aluminum fencing purchased alongside a locking aluminum gate makes dangers inside and outside of your yard decrease for young children. Locking aluminum gates prevent accidents that involve in-ground swimming pools and hot tubs.

3) Saving Money: This may not seem like the truth because wholesale aluminum fencing is quite pricey but purchasing and installing aluminum fencing decreases the rate homeowners pay in premiums for insurance on their homes. With the installation of a wholesale aluminum fence homeowners are at a decreased risk for theft and vandalism. The amount of the discount will carry between carriers however you should see an annual savings in the double digits.

4) Increased Home Value: Low maintenance wholesale aluminum fence will increase the value of your home. Any home improvement that offers a high return on investment is a universally appealing option to both homeowners and future buyers. Aluminum fencing is one such improvement. In today’s tough economic climate and real estate market any extra selling point that increases the value of your home to potential buyers is advantageous.

Wholesale aluminum fencing is a wise investment for homeowners. High quality aluminum fence panels can last anywhere from twenty to fifty years and sometimes more. Consider talking with your neighbors; they could desire a fence to separate the yards as well and may be willing to split the cost with you being that the fence is on an adjoining property line.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Benefits Gained With Wholesale Aluminum Fence Installation

There are many advantages to using aluminum fencing when installing a fence around the perimeter of your commercial or residential property.  There are several options available when it comes to fencing however aluminum is the most preferred due to the numerous benefits it offers over other materials.  Installing aluminum fence panels makes your home or business landscape is made presentable to neighbors while adding security and privacy without adding to the maintenance needed to keep the properties curb appeal.

Wholesale Aluminum Fencing Advantages

Resilient to Deterioration:  Aluminum fencing does not rust whereas wood rots, vinyl mildews and other materials easily corrode.  With wholesale aluminum fencing manufactures fencing produce a natural shine that lasts because of a powder coating finish that is smooth and allows for a resilient finish.

Low Maintenance or Cleaning:  Another benefit that comes with wholesale aluminum fencing is the lack of maintenance it requires to keep it looking as beautiful as the day it was initially installed.  Homeowners will never waste time cleaning or buffing your fence nor will you spend hours painting and staining it.  Aluminum is easy to maintain.  There are a variety of designs and styles to choose from so it is sure to find one that matches the landscaping of any residential or commercial space.

Straightforward Installation:  Aluminum fencing is the simplest of all fencing materials to install.  It comes in sections with preassembled panels straight from the manufacturer.  Properly design the fence into the existing landscape.  With rackable aluminum fence panels it is easy to adjust the separate sections of fencing to match the lay of the land.  With aluminum fencing it is not necessary to hire a contractor; any do it yourself homeowner can easily install aluminum fencing.

Great Pricing:  Homeowners looking to purchase aluminum fencing should consider purchasing online through a wholesale aluminum fence manufacturer in order to get the best overall price per panel.  Online wholesale aluminum fence distributors are able to sell their fencing at a lower cost per panel because of the quantity of fencing that they sell.

Return On Investment:  Another advantage when buying and installing aluminum fencing is the high return on investment it offers.  The overall cost of aluminum fence panels is higher than that of other materials used in fencing.  The increased equity in the home will at pay for at least the materials and installation of aluminum fencing.

Look online for wholesale aluminum fencing manufacturers offering great deals on close out designs and styles.  This is a great way to even further decrease the overall cost of installing a fence for your residential or commercial property.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Wholesale Aluminum Fencing For Dog Containment And More

There are a variety of fence alternatives that have emerged used to help homeowners contain their dogs within the perimeter of the front or back yard of your home. Dog owners must consider the alternatives to determine the best option for containing their pet as well as what option is the most cost and time effective.

When homeowners have a dog containment is often an issue. Dogs by nature like to explore spaces outside of their natural environment. No matter what breed the family dog will attempt to either jump over the wholesale aluminum fence you have installed or dig underneath it. To avoid both you can install a fence that is tall enough the dog can’t jump it and doesn’t have any horizontal bars within the style that it can use to assist in giving the dog height. The other option is to install an aluminum fence that has the option to add puppy pickets to the aluminum fencing panels. Puppy pickets are an added layer on aluminum fencing that detours dogs from accessing the outside world through digging. The puppy pickets extend the fence panel further into the ground and higher into the pickets to prevent dogs from digging or getting additional leverage.

Choosing between a structural fence and an invisible fence is difficult. One of the major advantages of structural fencing is that it prevents a physical barrier that not only prevents dogs from escaping but intruders from entering. A structural fence, especially wholesale aluminum fencing is a preferred pet containment system for the perimeter of a home’s landscape because of its added benefits over invisible fencing. Invisible fencing does not block your home and landscape’s visual appeal however it also doesn’t add anything to it like the variety of colors and styles aluminum fencing can offer to homeowners.

Invisible fencing is safe for animals however does nothing to prevent outside intruders or children from entering and exiting the property where as wholesale aluminum fencing does both. Another major benefit of installing an aluminum fence on top of containment is the aesthetically pleasing and adds value to your home’s value.

Aluminum fencing is costly; in fact it is more expensive than invisible fencing however it also adds to the worth of the home. Invisible fencing adds no real value to future homeowners as its sole purpose is to contain their pet. When the home is sold the new homeowners will have little use for an invisible fence unless they too have an animal that needs to be kept in the yard. Once aluminum fencing is installed it continues to be purposeful for all future owners.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Winter May Be The Perfect Time To Buy A New Home

Have you been thinking about purchasing a new home but are afraid to start looking now because the winter season is right around the corner? This article will bring a new perspective to home buyers that are uncertain about buying a home in the winter.  It is true that the spring and summer seasons are typically the most active seasons for both sellers and buyers.  Winter house hunting does have benefits over other seasons.  Work these to your advantage and you will be moving into your dream home without having to wait until spring comes around again.

When it comes to buying a home in the winter the one main benefit is the lack of competition in the bidding process.  The myth that buying a home in the winter is undesirable leads many sellers and buyers hesitant.  This means that although there are fewer houses on the market the houses that are on the market will have less competition when submitting your offer.  It can be a bit inconvenient and messy to move in the winter but when you think about an offer without the competition of other buyers it diminishes the worry about a bit of untidiness during the moving process.

When buyers are scarce, it is the perfect time to start looking for a home.  Homes during the winter move more slowly; it is truly a buyers season.  Sellers most often have a reason for selling in the winter that makes the need to move their home off the market more crucial.  This means that a buyer is able to negotiate a better deal.  It leaves room for the buyer to ask for money off the asking price, the appliances to stay in the home or any extras the buyer is interested in.  For instance, a client recently purchased a luxury recreational property.  In the offer they asked for the seller to include the family’s golf cart as part of the deal.  These items are easier to negotiate for when the buyers offer is the only one on the table.  This is often the case when buying in the winter.

Another advantage of buying in the winter is that you are seeing the property at its worst.  In the winter sellers don’t have any real curb.  Trees are barren, grass is brown and the flowers have all been cut back.  It also gives you a better chance to inspect for drafts, pipe freezing issues, attic air leaks and other issues that are commonly seen in the cold weather that are hidden from even the most experienced inspectors during the summer season.  You can feel the warmth of the home or lack thereof and really get a feeling for the homes insulation as well.

Mortgage brokers, mortgage lenders and real estate agents are also less occupied during the winter as well which allows you to have more of their attention when buying in the winter.  Mortgages tend to be processed faster with fewer issues because they aren’t focusing on thousands of new mortgages.  Paperwork flows through the proper changes without as many hiccups because people have more time to properly process documentation without the rush that occurs with the spring and summer seasons.

As you can see buyers should not fear starting to look for a new home or their first home in the winter.  Winter is an advantageous time to purchase a home for buyers.  It should actually be considered a prime time for buyers to find the perfect place to live.

Lady of the Lakes Real Estate is Livingston County’s premiere realtor; out of Pinckney, Michigan helping buyers buy and sellers sell homes that provide a recreational lifestyle including golf courses, lakes and the Huron river chain of lakes, throughout Brighton, Howell, Pinckney and the surrounding area. Find out more at


The Mystery Of Electrical Components

Electrical components are somewhat of a mystery for most of us.  In most of our everyday lives and jobs we don’t deal with the need to know a lot about various electrical components. That is until they stop functioning and we are hindered in what we can and cannot do.  No one thinks about the electricity running into their home until they can’t turn on the television or cook dinner.

When the power goes out or a circuit breaker is blown we become interested in the electrical circuit running through our home.  At that point the electrical system becomes important.  This article will give you a bit more information on the basic components that must function together to allow electricity to flow into our homes or places of work.

Electricity in your home starts with the connection of electrical services.  This is as simple as having the power company run wires to your homes’ feeder wires which are attached to a meter on your home or close power pole.  The meter measures the amount of electricity used and that is the month you are charged for each month.  The meter feeds into either a disconnect switch, main breaker or fuse panel within the home.

Disconnect Switch:  The main advantage of a disconnect switch is that is offers a way to disconnect all power to the house with one main switch.  This is for safety and is used in cases of fire and floods.

Main Breaker:  A main breaker consists of a breaker panel.  This is a panel that contains electrical currents to flow through to different areas within your home.  If too much current is flowing to one area the circuit will blow and thus stop sending electrical current to that area of your home until the breaker is switched back on.  If the current was to flow at an excess this could overload the entire circuit and cause a fire.

Fuse Panel:  Fuses feed the amount of electricity that is being sent and blow out when too much current it being asked of it.  This occurs a lot in rooms where major appliances are in use.  Bathrooms and kitchens usually have to have more fuses allocated to them.  This will allow the current to be broken up to different areas within the room.  The flow of current then can be shifted throughout the space as to not overload one circuit.

In our next installment we will discuss branch circuits, switches, outlets and wiring.  Electrical components within the home aren’t as complex as they are sometimes thought to be.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.