Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 234

Is It Finally Time To Talk With A Bankruptcy Attorney

How do you know if it is finally the time for you to throw in the financial towel and start a serious discussion about filing for bankruptcy?  The term itself is one that invokes an array of emotions: failure, sadness, defeat, relief, disappointment and more.  Bankruptcy doesn’t just involve individuals it is also something that can occur to corporate companies.  In a world where living in debt seems to be the norm how do you know when it is time to finally call it quits and meet with a bankruptcy attorney to seek relief.

When assessing if you are in the financial disaster zone there are a few questions to ask yourself.

1)      Is it only financially possible for you to make the minimum payment on your credit cards?

2)      Do you have bill collectors calling you on a regular or semi-regular basis?

3)      When you think about sitting down and working out a plan for your financial future are you scared?  Do you feel like your life is spinning out of control?

4)      Are you using your credit cards for necessities such as gas and groceries?

5)      Have you considered debt consolidation?

6)      Does it make you nervous to total the amount you actually owe?

If you have answered yes to more than one of the questions about it is possible that you need to give our financial situation a serious look.  Bankruptcy is a very viable solution when you actually owe more than you can afford on a regular basis.

The first step is to make a list of your liquid assets.  This should include items such as real estate, stocks, bonds, college savings accounts, non-bank assets, real estate and more.  A rough estimate of these figures should be good enough for these purposes.

The next step is to create a detailed list of bills and credit card statements.  When the value of your assets is less than the amount of debt that you owe one way out of this situation is speaking with a bankruptcy attorney and declaring bankruptcy.  This is not an issue that is ever easy.  Bankruptcy is not a simple, sure all for debt that is spinning out of control.

Bankruptcy can happen in two different manners.  The most common routes for individuals and corporations is to voluntarily consult with an attorney who will assist you through the proper channels in filing bankruptcy.  A second manner in which bankruptcy is filed is that creditors ask the court to order individuals into bankruptcy.

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at today.

Deciphering Antique Cane Condition Descriptions

Vintage cane prices vary significantly depending on a number of aspects.  Antique cane prices differ due to the condition of the cane, the canes materials and the age of the cane.  When you are purchasing a classical cane it is important inspect these three things before committing to purchase an antique cane for your collection.

Definitions of Cane Conditions

New Cane Conditions

When an antique cane is listed as a cane in new condition it means that the cane itself has never been used.    The cane is in perfect condition and should show absolutely no signs of deterioration.  Yellowing or discoloration is not uncommon when certain materials are used in the construction of a cane.  It is also important to make note that a cane that is antique may be fragile because of the overall age of the cane.

Like New or Mint Cane Conditions

Vintage canes that are listed in like new or mint condition may have been used at some point but show very little signs of wear.  Overall, most of the canes original components are in place in canes listed in like new or mint condition.  Caps and tips may not be the original ones that the cane came with but the overall appearance of the cane should be restored to their original appearance.

Used Cane Conditions

Used is vague when involving antique canes especially with sellers that have little experience with vintage items.  In order to determine a fair market value for a cane listed in used condition should be heavily inspected by the individual looking to purchase it.  Examine the vintage canes condition in order to allow a value to be placed on the piece.  Consider the material that the cane is created from as well as the canes age and used condition before settling on a solid price to pay for a cane in this condition.

Good Cane Conditions:  A vintage cane in good condition is one that is still fully functions.  It will show normal signs of wear and deterioration.  Original components will make up most of the cane but it is important to note that a replacement handle, cap or tip may be in place.  If you are purchasing antique canes based upon the originality of the pieces handle a cane that’s handle has been replaced is probably not the best option to add to your collection.

Poor Cane Conditions:  Antique cane conditions that are listed in poor shape will often show incredible amounts of wear and tear.  In order to publically use these canes users will want to restore them.  Poor condition canes are hardly ever purchased to add to a true collector’s collection.

For Salvage Canes Conditions:   Canes listed in salvage condition should be considered part only canes.  Canes in these conditions are only being sold for parts.  If a collector is looking for a specific knob or badge for canes in their collections they should look for canes in salvageable condition.

Antique Cane World is an online retailer of antique canes, walking sticks and umbrellas.  Contact us today for more information on antique canes, unique umbrellas and more at

Year Round Roofing Maintenance Tips

Your homes roof is in charge of shielding your family from the elements.  With your homes roof in constant defense mode it is important that it can continue to take a beating after years of wear and tear. In the northern climates the weather can go from below zero to seventy in less than a day or two.  We can experience wind and hail storms as severe as those living on the coast; it is inevitable that our roofs will be put to the test over and over again.  It is crucial that we continue to work and maintain the roofs structural integrity.

Roofing contractors are no strangers to the expense that is put on homeowners who need to replace their homes roof.  It is a costly procedure and when done incorrectly can jeopardize the entire foundation and structure of the home.  Most homeowners will only have to replace roofing once or twice in their lives.  It is not a process that most will need to become ultra familiar with.  To ensure that your roof has a long life and to minimize costly repairs, routine maintenance should be done on your homes roof.

Regularly Inspect Roofing Shingles

Shingles are the most visible aspect of your homes roof.  The shingles play a major part in keeping the barriers underneath dry.  If moisture is allowed to seep below the shingling the materials underneath may become moist and serious damage can occur. It may not seem like missing a shingle or to is that big of a deal however when left untreated a missing or damaged shingle can cause damage to the structure of the roof.

Roofing contractors also state that homeowners should evaluate the condition of the asphalt shingling.  If the granules that make up the shingle are starting to wear away the roof’s underlayment will quickly deteriorate due to the exposure to the hot sun.  If you start to notice a great deal of asphalt granules in the homes gutters it may be time to consider complete roof replacement. If you notice only a few bare shingles you may get by with replacing just those few.

Look For Leaks In The Attic

Checking for leaks is something that can be done inside of the home as well as outside.  The first place to look is the ceilings within the interior of the home.   If you can see any areas of discoloration or difference in the texture of the roofing it’s time to move to the attic.  Enter the attic on a super sunny day and look for any sun that shines through.  If you can see the light that means you have found the point of entrance for water.

Leaks are easier to repair when they are small and manageable.  Checking the homes attic for holes of light and repairing the issue is a more reasonable repair then when the damage is visible on the ceiling of the rooms within your home.  Take time to inspect the attic twice a year.  A quick peek can save you from having to replace the homes roof and ceilings.

Regular, simple roofing maintenance checks can save homeowners from costly roof repairs or replacements. Maintain your roof to allow it to continue to do the job it is meant to do.  A homes roof should last between twenty and thirty years when preventive maintenance checks are done and minor repairs are completed.

Home Pro Roofing contractors offer a variety of roofing services throughout Brighton, East Lansing, Ann Arbor, Fenton and Commerce Township, including installation of shingle roofs, metal roofing and roof repairs.  You will find them at today.

Purchasing New, Re-Furbished or Used Manufacturing Equipment

Many entrepreneurs believe that purchasing new manufacturing equipment is the option when replacing failing machinery.  Sometimes buying a new piece of equipment is the only option.  This is true when technology has changed and used or refurbished equipment will not keep pace with the changes.  Other times the technology stays consistent; the perfect time to save your company some money with the purchase of used or refurbished manufacturing equipment.  Assess the needs of your company to decide if new, used or refurbished equipment is the best option for your company.

Consider the following:

Initial Expense
Operating Costs
Product Warranties
Equipment Guarantees
After Sales Support
New Equipment Purchase

Buying new manufacturing equipment provides many advantages; the number one benefit is the technology updates that are offered when using new equipment.  Brand new manufacturing equipment offers your facility a competitive edge and can influence the efficiency of your facility.  Another benefit of purchasing new equipment is the ability to purchase extended warranties, service plans and the advantage that new equipment brings “piece of mind” to the purchaser.  The downfall, new equipment is expensive.  Be sure to budget in the cost for set up and training.

Refurbished Equipment Purchase

Purchasing refurbished equipment or refurbished electronic parts to repair equipment is a great alternative for companies.  Refurbished electrical components and refurbished equipment is full disassembled, repaired, updated and then reassembled.  Refurbished equipment is less expensive than new equipment often including similar warranties, customer service and guarantees depending on the manufacturer that equipment is purchased through.

Used Equipment Purchase

When choosing to purchase used manufacturing equipment it can surely be less expensive initially out of pocket.  The overall cost of the equipment and components for repairs can be only a fraction of the original cost of new equipment.  Many companies will sell DEMO manufacturing equipment as used machinery.  When buying used manufacturing equipment is up to you to check out the overall condition of the equipment.  You will want to see the equipment in working order to ensure it is in order.   Also, be sure to have complete proper documentations on the equipment whenever you purchasing used manufacturing equipment.  This will make buying components to repair equipment simpler if it is to malfunction.

No matter what you choose, new, used or refurbished, it is crucial that the equipment meets safety standards.  The equipment must be safe to use.  Make sure to also do a cost analysis; what is the difference between purchasing new equipment and keeping refurbished and used equipment running in like new condition.

J&P Electrical is a full service electrical equipment company.  At J&P, we supply contractors, end users and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned and obsolete electrical equipment. Contact us today at for all of your bus plug, circuit breaker, switchboard, fuses, disconnects and more.

Understanding How Radiation Therapy Works

Many patients going through radiation therapy don’t truly understand how their tumors are shrunk or the cancer cells killed.  It is a complex procedure that many physicians are not able to simplify for patience just learning they have cancer.  It is a term that is commonly tossed out in the treatment plan of various cancers; it is crucial that individuals understand exactly what the treatment they are being prescribed will look like.  In this ongoing series on radiation therapy we will continue to look into the answers to questions many patients and loves ones are asking.

How does radiation kill cancer cells and shrink tumors using various radiation therapy and different techniques?

In radiation therapy the actual DNA of the cancer cells and tumors is damaged.  DNA refers the combination of unique molecules each of us is made from.  The molecules are carried within the cells.  The cells are actually carrying the genetic information, or molecules, that we pass between generations.  Individuals are created from a combination of cells that carry the molecules that carry our unique database of genetics; this genetic database is what radiation therapy is in charge of destroying.

This can occur in two different ways.  Radiation therapy can damage DNA directly thus creating a cell that can no longer repair itself or divide leading to the death of the cell.  Once the cell is damaged and dies it is then broken down into the body and naturally eliminated.

How does radiation therapy only kill those cells that are cancerous?

It doesn’t; that is the most truthful answer when someone asks how radiation therapy knows only to damage the cancerous cells.  In truth healthy normal cells can be damaged which leads to unpleasant side effects.  When planning for treatment the damage that can potentially be done to healthy cells is accounted for.

There is a certain amount of radiation that normal, healthy tissue can safely receive before any real side effects are reported.  Each part of the body is different and therefor a different treatment is used as called for.  External radiation using linear accelerator equipment may be used for more sensitive areas where as internal radiation, brachytherapy, is used on areas where tissue is hardier.  Knowing this information allows doctors to specifically target radiation throughout therapy.

From here our next installment will take a deeper look into why doctors chose to use radiation therapy over other treatments for cancer as well as how a plan is individualized to each specific patient.  As in treatment options of many diseases there is not a one size fits all treatment plan for cancer.  Linear accelerator equipment treating cancer through external radiation may work well with patients of a certain age with certain cancers where it would be ineffective for others.  Our next installment will further look into the answers to why and how questions in radiation therapy.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Treating Cancer Using Radiation Therapy Explained

There are many articles that talk about cancer and treatments for cancers.  Many are written in terms that the average person can’t fully comprehend.  This series of articles will discuss radiation therapy and how it is used to treat cancer.  It is difficult to get a cancer diagnosis for you or someone you love only to find that one of the main treatment options needs a medical degree to understand.  That is where articles like this help.

When treating cancer a term that is often used is radiation.  Many people will ask if the patient will be going through chemotherapy, radiation or a combination.  The problem is that the answer that is given is usually a combination or radiation alone but the reality is the patient hardly understands what that means.  Cancer treatments deserve to be spoken about in terms that all patients can understand and explain to their loved ones.

What exactly is radiation therapy?

In order to fully understand radiation therapy it is important to grasp exactly what radiation is.  There are two main definitions of radiation both which apply when discussing radiation therapy.

1)      Radiation is the discharge of energy in waves or the travel of subatomic particles, particles even smaller than an atom itself.  Most often radiation is used to describe ionization, generally speaking the process that an atom takes to form ions.  An ion is an atom that has either a positive or negative charge.  Positive ions are bad and negative ions are good.

2)      Radiation is also used to convey discharge outward from one central location.

In radiation therapy there are multiple types of radiation that can be used to shrink tumors and kill cancerous cells: x-rays, gamma rays and charged (negatively) particles.  High amounts of radiation in any of the three forms is delivered in treatment.

The process of radiation therapy occurs in one of two different methods.  The first method of radiation delivery is with the use of a machine such as a linear accelerator.  A linacs machine delivers radiation outside of the body.  This is known as external (outside) beam radiation therapy; literally a beam of radiation is sent through to the inside of your body.

The second method in which radiation can be delivered through sealed radioactive material that is placed close to the cancerous cells within the body.  This is often referred to as internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy.

Another form of radiation therapy is systemic radiation therapy which distributes radioactive substances that travels through the blood to kill cancerous cells.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer there is a good chance that you will require some form of radiation therapy; in fact fifty percent of cancer patients do receive radiation therapy at one point or another during their treatment plan.  Not all radiation therapy uses linear accelerator equipment in delivery.  There are multiple methods of distributing radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells.

We will further our discussion on radiation therapy for cancer treatments in out next installment.  Patience experiencing radiation therapy deserve to understand in greater detail the treatment they are receiving.

Acceletronics delivers the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models.  Our qualified oncology equipment specialists provide a quality customer experience across the USA with timely field maintenance.  We sell, repair, refurbish, move and finance oncology medical systems check out more at

Considerations In Pool Fencing

In our last installment on pool fencing we talked about a few considerations homeowners had when it comes to safety pool fencing.  One of the main points of interest in our last article was the popularity of using aluminum in pool fencing.  Aluminum is popular for many reasons such as its durability, strength and ease of maintenance.  Another point was if a permanent fence was needed or if a removable fencing would be a better option.  In most situations a permanent fence was a better choice to keep children and pets safe whereas a removable fence was better when the space around the pool was limited.

In this installment we will discuss more considerations in pool fencing such as the cost, design, fence color and installation.

1)      How much are you looking to spend on a pool fencing?

Cost is a factor in all home improvement projects including exterior renovations such as installing a pool and fencing.  The budget of the swimming pool should include the cost of the fencing materials and installation.  The cost of the fence is factored by the material chosen, the height and total footage needed for the perimeter of the pool space.  Homeowners will also need to factor in the number of gates desired, the cost of each gate as well as the locking system that is desired.  Higher quality doesn’t always mean more expensive.  Look online for wholesale aluminum fencing dealers for the best quality fencing at the most reasonable expense.

2)      What design are you looking for with the addition of fencing to your pools landscape?

This is one consideration that homeowners should not take lightly when choosing a fence.  The aesthetics of the pool area are important.  The design of the fence will be what you look at for years to come.  Aluminum fencing comes in a variety of styles, designs and features.  It is one of the most customizable fencing materials that can be used around the perimeter of your fence.

3)      Are you looking for colored fencing?

Aluminum fencing comes in a variety of colors; black being the most common color installed around pool areas.  If you are looking to add some color and a bit of pizazz to the pool look into the optional colors that can be found with aluminum fence.  It is amazing how adding a bit of color to the landscape can completely change the look and feel of the pool area.

4)      Would you be installing the fence on your own or having a professional out to install it?

Aluminum fencing can easily be installed by homeowners looking for a simple do it yourself project.  After having the pool installed by professionals some homeowners want to do something themselves where as others want to leave it to the professionals.  If you are doing it yourself, rest assured that aluminum fencing comes with detailed instructions.  Many online aluminum fence manufacturers will also offer online or telephone support throughout the entire process starting with the design ending with installation.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, rust free aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Pool contractor’s, building contractor’s, architect’s, & installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home/business anywhere in America from!

Enhance Your Pools Safety With Aluminum Fencing

In ground backyard pools are an ideal choice for families.  A well kept pool enhances the landscape of any home.  It offers the luxury of staying cool on hot summer days without the hassles involved in backing up and heading for the sandy beach for the day.  Pools create a vacation spot within your own backyard while providing access to the amenities of home.  It is a location that everyone in the family can make use of and creates a space to bond as a family unit.

It is well known that pools offer a family a number of benefits to families all while posing a huge safety risk if not properly secured.  The rules and regulations facing backyard pool owners are tightening up with the recent increase in accidentally drowning.  The last thing any homeowner wishes is an accident that results in the loss of life on their property.  Pool owners are regulated by local, state and federal laws detailing guidelines that must be followed to protect against accidental access to a pool area.  In a desire to protect their family and friends pool owners are investing in perimeter fencing and secure, locking gates.

A pool fence is in no way meant to be the only safety feature for your pool area. It does however add a layer of protection for children and pets when a lapse in adult supervision occurs.  It provides those few extra minutes that could mean the difference between life and death for a young child or pet.  Pool fencing is regulated and must meet the standards set forth by the B.O.C.A.  Perimeter pool fencing must not have foot holds or hand holds that children can use to help them lift over the fence.  It should also stand taller than four feet, with five feet being preferable.  The pool fence should also have a self latching, self locking gate mechanism.

There are a wide variety of materials in which pool fences are available.  Aluminum fencing is the most widely chosen fencing material as it is affordable, easy to maintain and install, is hassle free to order and retains its million dollar look for years without breaking the budget.  The dangers that an aluminum pool fence are safeguarding your family against are worth any amount of money.  The average cost of aluminum pool fencing is around twenty seven hundred dollars.

There is a lot that can be said for the convenience and peace of mind that aluminum pool fencing offers homeowners.  Access to adults is simple with a self latching, self locking gate mechanism while also offering the peace of mind that comes with knowing children are secured away from the water.  Children are quick and like to explore on their own.  It is important to know that in these crucial seconds a head may turn its undivided attention away that children and pets are safe and kept far away from the dangers of unsupervised pool usage.

Backyard pools are meant to be a safe haven for relaxing, having fun and enjoying one another’s company.  In order to keep it that way for years to come the addition of an aluminum pool safety fence is a priority.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, rust free aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Pool contractor’s, building contractor’s, architect’s, & installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home/business anywhere in America from!

Factors When Purchasing Pool Safety Fencing

Summer is upon us and with that comes the season many children and parents alike wait all winter for, swimming pool season!  The time when the sun is shining, kids are outside away from technology and all out relaxation occurs.  With all the benefits pool ownership brings it is easy to forget about the dangers that come along with owning a pool.  It is crucial that homeowners take time to address safety concerns while the pool is being installed and keep up on maintain the safety of the pool and its surroundings throughout the season.

One important safety feature that is a must during the installation of your new pool is a perimeter fence.   Fencing is a feature that protects both homeowners and pool users.  Having a barrier between the pool and the rest of the backyard allows children and pets to freely use the space without being in danger of accessing the pool when not under direct adult supervision.  Selecting the ideal fencing for a backyard pool is a decision that should not be taken lightly.  Below are factors to consider when looking into fencing for your pool’s perimeter.

Considerations to Make When Purchasing Pool Fencing

1)      What material will you choose for your pool fence?

The fencing that you choose for the perimeter of your pool should be strong, durable and easy to maintain.  One of the most popular materials to use when it comes to pool fencing is aluminum.  Aluminum pool fencing is aesthetically pleasing while being durable, easy to maintain and a great protector against inquisitive kids and pets looking to gain access to the pool water.

Whatever material homeowners choose for their pool fencing the most important thing is that they don’t settle or compromise quality over cost or any other variable.  Quality fencing is of most importance to ensure the safety of children and pets.

2)      Should you choose fencing that is removable or one that is permanent?

For most homeowners this is an easy to answer question; the pool is permanent so the fencing should be permanent as well.  This is however not always the case.  Some in-ground pools are built in a small space.  If this is the case it may be that the fencing need to be removable to allow for more space around the area of the pool.  For most homeowners with pools a permanent aluminum pool fence is ideal.

Our next installment on pool fencing considerations we will look into the cost, design, color and installation.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Challenges Marketers Face When Designing New Product Labels

Marketers face the challenge of creating a product that will compete in an already saturated market of consumer goods.  Products must differentiate themselves from the competition in order to thrive. One opportunity that is not wasted on marketing experts is the ability to transform a products label into something much more than an information gathering tool.  Appealing labels that entice consumers, drawing them from the nearby competition are changing the market place.  Below are some tips from label industry leaders to use whether you are launching a new product into the market place or planning on reinventing a classic.

If your products label is ineffective and doesn’t appeal to your target market then you have wasted one of the last marketing opportunities your product has.  Point of sale marketing is intended to draw attraction to your product using graphics in a different promotional manner.  Using a interactive, themed or other types of display option along with a well designed graphic label is a smart marketing method for new products and/or product reinvention.

In order to create a label that stands above the competition designers work to allow the colors within the label communicate their message to consumers.  Color communicates faster than both the written and spoken word.  The colors within your label should be consistent with your brand. In food product labeling it is important to use color to match the flavor of items as well.  Blue and green labeling on strawberry flavored beverages just isn’t as effective as using red and green.

Images on product labels work similarly to colors in that consumers are quickly influenced by the images message.  Images and colors work together to create a message within consumers faster than text ever can.  Color and graphic design allow for much more effective visualization.  The difficult part for custom product label designers is to balance this with text.

Text is an important part of labeling as well.  In food product labeling certain regulations mandate the information that must be included.  Choose a combination of fonts that speak for the image you are looking to create.  Fonts can say a lot about a product.  Look to use a combination that speaks to what works for your product.  The choice of fonts used for labeling can send their own vibe from classic to artsy; be sure you chose a combination of fonts that creates a clear message for your product.

Colors and images cannot communicate everything; words are essential. Make sure you select a typeface that contributes aesthetically to your brand.  Don’t overwhelm the audience by using too many fonts or a font that is difficult to read or in a type point that is too small for the average consumer.  Nothing turns a purchaser off of your product faster than confusion which is exactly what too many fonts in hard to read sizes does.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.