Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 215

Crucial Steps Involved In Aluminum Fence Installation

In our last installment on aluminum fencing we began to discuss crucial steps to take before plunging into the installation process.  We previously discussed why it is important, even ordering a new fence, to find out regulations placed on fencing by your local government and HOA.  This will prevent you from ordering a material, height or color fencing that doesn’t meet the regulations set forth.  Verifying underground utilities and choosing the correct grade of fence for your installation are both other suggestions that were made to ensure success.

Here are a few more pieces of advice and tips to ensure success when installing aluminum fencing.

Map Out The Perimeter Of The Fence

Before you start digging any holes map out the perimeter of the fence.  This will allow you a visual map of the perimeter of the fence.  Take time to stake off where the holes for the fence posts need to be even better prepared come time for the actual installation.  This process helps prevent odd fencing configurations.  It allows you to account for the big tree or huge rock that is in the way of the fencing before you find yourself having to make last minute changes to account for them.

Mark Off Pole Locations

As previously mentioned, it can save a ton of time if you stake off the location of the fence posts prior to installing your aluminum fence.  During this process, before digging any holes, you can measure the space between the poles a number of times to ensure accuracy.  There isn’t room for error when measuring out the location of aluminum fencing posts simply because the posts come pre-punched and the fence panels come in specific, pre-assembled sizes.

Begin Installation With The Gate Posts

When installing an aluminum fence it is important to begin the installation with the gate posts.  The gate posts are pre-drilled as are the fence posts and the rails are meant to fit sung.  The margin for error in this process is small.  It is crucial to measure and then re-measure to guarantee accuracy.  Remember that the gate posts must also be dug further down into the ground then regular fence posts.

When installing an aluminum fence, patience is needed.  Don’t try to cut corners or rush through the installation process.  If you use concrete when setting the posts it is crucial that it has time to thoroughly dry.  This will help prevent any give the fence may have as it settles.  Too much give will impact the performance of the fence.  The installation of your aluminum fence is sure to be successful if you follow the advice above.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Enhancing Your Landscape With Aluminum Fencing

Homeowners are always looking for a way to improve their homes while adding value and security.  Installing an attractive, durable aluminum fence is just one home improvement method in which both can be achieved.  Without breaking the homeowner’s budget aluminum fencing can be installed to enhance the visual appeal of the landscape, increase safety and increase the market value of the home.

There are numerous aluminum fencing styles, colors and enhanced features to choose from.  This allows homeowners the ability to find the perfect combination for their home and landscape.  It is important to fully understand the scope of any home improvement project before you begin.  In order to ensure your success when installing aluminum fencing it is crucial to consider the following tips.

Check Local Government and HOA Zoning Laws

The requirements for aluminum fence installation can vary a great deal from one local municipality to another.  It is crucial that the requirements limiting your installation are accounted for before installation.  From materials to boundary requirements understand the limitations you are up against even before placing an order for fencing.  Check into requirements that your HOA has in place considering the material, height, color and boundary placement of aluminum fencing as well.

 Verify Underground Utilities

This is an important step that many times is overlooked.  It is crucial that you call “Miss Dig” before you start digging.  The last thing that a homeowner needs is the hassle that comes along with breaking an underground utility.  Most posts need to have at least one third of their height underground while gate posts should a minimum of thirty inches deep.  With these depths you can see how it would be easy to nic a utility line.  It is also important not to place the fence over a utility line in case underground repairs need to be made at a later date.

Choose An Appropriate Grade of Fencing 

Many consumers are unaware that aluminum fencing comes in a variety of grades.  The location and use of the fence will allow you to determine the grade of fencing you should choose.  For instance, to enclose a backyard residential grade fencing is a reasonable choice.  If you live in an area that incurs a lot of windy weather you may consider the next step up to commercial fencing.  For heavy duty use there is an industrial grade option.  For use around commercial and residential pools there is also a pool grade aluminum fencing that can be installed and meets the standards set forth by the B.O.C.A., Business Officials and Codes.

In our next blog post we will continue the discussion on aluminum fencing and mistakes to avoid in order guaranteeing success during the installation process.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Advantages Found With Shrink Sleeve Labeling

There is nothing more important to a products success then providing consumers with a quality and proper marketing.  It’s reasonable, in fact, to suggest that a quality product is even less important than superior marketing.  Without effective marketing consumers are less likely to purchase a product in the first place; the quality of the product doesn’t matter if consumers aren’t buying it.

Knowing that marketing is such a crucial element in your products success is only half the battle; a successful plan of action is the other.  A good place to begin any successful marketing campaign is with your products label.  Attention-grabbing designs, intense colors, and simple slogans used on a products package and labeling works really well in marketing.  A solid product label is marketing that your consumer takes home with them.

Companies have an advantage over their competition when they use labeling to present their product in a way that is compatible with their marketing plan.  The product label is a significant tool to help attract customers and identify brands.  One option that is transforming the product label design and manufacturing industry is shrink sleeves.  They offer a number of benefits over other options in labeling.

One of the leading advantages of shrink sleeve labeling comes from its flexibility.  Shrink sleeves can be used on any container no matter what the size or shape.  Labeling your product with shrink sleeves increase the products shelf appeal by making it stand out over the competition.  This being one of the prime reasons that shrink sleeve labeling has become so popular.

Within the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries shrink sleeves are used more than any other type of labeling.  This is because shrink sleeves allow consumers to easily recognize if a product has been tampered with.  If a product is noticeably tampered with the consumer can reject the product and report a complaint to the related authorities.

Additional Benefits of Using Shrink Sleeve Labeling

  • Containers used in packaging can be thinner than ever before because of the added strength shrink sleeves offer. With a decrease in the needed wall thickness less glass or plastic is needed therefore decreasing the cost of packaging.
  • Containers that are colored are no longer needed because of the ability to wrap the entire container, no matter what shape or size, in a label that is colored.
  • Shrink sleeves are flexible and are manufactured to cover anything from the cap to the entire body of a products container.
  • Shrink sleeves offer label designers a three hundred and sixty degree space to market the product. This is advantageous to brand owners because it offers additional space to grab consumers attention and increase the products overall appeal.

At Anchor Printing, we take pride in offering our clients cut & stack labeling, pressure sensitive labels, roll-fed labeling, shrink sleeves as well as flexible packaging options. Contact us today at for all of your product label design, printing and packaging needs.

Follow These Tips When Hiring A Professional Contractor

There are times when hiring a contractor to take on home renovations rather than doing it yourself.  If this is the case it is important to choose the right contractor to work with.  A contractor that is subpar can lead to a number of problems down the road.  The guidelines below are helpful when looking to hire a professional contractor to do work on your home.

  • First things first, it is important to always trust your gut instincts when hiring people that will be working in close contact with your family. A contractor that is hired to do a renovation project will be working in your home for weeks or possibly months depending on the size of the job.  If you don’t feel comfortable around the contractor that is reason enough not to hire them.
  • Check to make sure that the contractor is licensed, bonded and insured. These accolades give credibility to the contractor’s knowledge and abilities to provide home renovation services.  If a contractor is not insured the liability resides on you as the homeowner.  If they or someone they employ is hurt while working on your homes project then the liability falls to you, the homeowner.
  • Contractors are known to specialize in the services they provide. While some contractors are jacks of all trades like a handyman there are some that offer special talents in kitchen, bathroom or basement design as a specialty.  If your renovation is of a specific nature seek to find a contractor that specializes in the renovation you are seeking.
  • Before any work is performed be sure to have a contract in place. A contract is between the homeowner and contractor to specify what work is to be done, what materials are to be used, a time frame and a detailed list of costs involved.  Most contracts on projects of any length with break down the costs that are associated with each stage of the project and go into further detail concerning expectations.
  • When hiring a contractor it is important to understand the scope at which they will be providing services verse members of their crew. If they will be hiring out individual contractors to work on plumbing or electrical it is important that they note that upfront.
  • Any contractor that you employ should be willing to work within a reasonable set of guidelines put in place. For instance, it is reasonable to state that you desire work to be performed within a specified time frame during the day.  If you only want a contractor to perform services from 9:30 to 4:00 it is reasonable to expect that to be obliged.  Note this may cost you extra because of the additional length of time to complete the project but is well within reasonable guidelines.
  • Define what responsibilities fall on you as the homeowner verse what is expected out of the contractor. Who is in charge of removing obstructions that may hinder work that needs to be done such as furniture or fencing?  This should be in writing to ensure that each party knows their responsibilities upfront.

Hiring a contractor to do renovations around your home is not any easy task and should not be done in haste.  It is true that you get out the effort you put into things.  Take time to find a local contractor with a proven track record to complete renovations around your home.

The Home Doctor, based in Livingston County including Brighton and Howell Michigan, offers a variety of home renovations to clients ranging from bathroom remodeling to age in place home modifications.  Contact today all of your home renovating needs.

Resurfacing Your Gunite Swimming Pool

Residential pool owners don’t have any hard pressed rules to follow when it comes to how often they should look into having their pools plaster redone.  In commercial pool settings the general consensus is that the plaster needs to be redone every ten years.  Residential gunite pool owners need to be more conscience of the signs that their pool is in need of new plaster as the plaster is what helps to ensure the structural soundness of the pool itself.  Below are some signs residential pool owners need to keep an eye out for when it comes to redoing the pools plaster.


One of the most common complaints that homeowners have when it comes to their pools is that the plaster has visible stains.  No matter how meticulous a homeowner is when it comes to keeping the chemicals in the pools water balanced over time the plaster will show some staining.  Stains ruin the overall aesthetics of the pool.  If it has been a while since the pool has been plastered staining could mean it is time to consider looking into new plaster.  However, if stains are appearing only a few years after fresh plaster was installed then it is time to address the issue of where the staining is coming from.

Gunite Peeking Through

The structural shape of many pools is created from gunite which is a strong concrete type substance that provides the basin of the pool.  Plaster is then installed over the gunite to provide a waterproof protective barrier and visual appeal.  If the pools owners start to visually see bits of the gunite peeking through the plaster that is a sure sign that the pool is ready to have its plaster redone.

Swimming Becomes Awkward

Sometimes the change in the pools plaster may not be visible.  If you notice that your feet are getting scratched or the surface feels rough to the touch it may be time to think about new plaster.  Another visual sign is when the pool surface starts to snag on bathing suits.  Rough plaster surfaces may be noticeable because of dirt deposits, cracking or patchy spotting.  If this is noticeable the pool should be freshly plastered.

Depending on the pool plastering company plastering a pool can cost anywhere between three and five dollars per foot.    With an average backyard pool being around one thousand eighty eight square feet it is safe to assume new plaster  will cost somewhere around four thousand five hundred dollars.

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Automatic Gate Installation

Many homeowners choose to install fencing.  It may be to add security, contain pets or children or to add to the aesthetics of the homes landscape.  For whatever reason you are thinking of installing a fence it is important to think about gates, especially driveway gates to add the final touch.  With some additional planning, homeowners can install a fence and driveway gate minimal concerns.

There are a few things to keep in mind as you plan the installation of the fence and electronic entry gate.  When installing the fence around the perimeter of the landscape takes into consideration the distance the gate will be down the driveway.  The gate needs to be in a location that allows you room to come and go without interrupting the flow of traffic.

Consider the space that you desire on either side of the gate as well.  When choosing a style of gate you will have two options: gates that slide open and gates that swing open.   Are you interested in having space inside of the gate to allow for more than one vehicle to park?  Homeowners need to consider the layout of the landscape as well as obstructions when placing entry driveway gates to ensure that the gate will open properly upon installation.

If you are choosing to install a swing gate it is important to plan which direction the gate will open.   Will it open into the property or outwards towards the road?  To determine this it is important to take a look at the driveway itself.  Does the driveway slope?  When installing an electronic driveway gate it is important to give a great deal of consideration to the manner in which it will open to avoid complicated situations further on down the road.

If you know you are planning on installing both a gate and a perimeter fence plan on installing the gate first and then proceed with the fencing.  The gate should center over the driveway.  Set the posts first before proceeding any further with the installation project.  Be sure to install the posts taking into consideration the amount of clearance needed for the bottom of the fence.  Be sure the area is level and that the area where the gate hangs is flat.  It is also crucial to dig the post holes and fill them with concrete to about two inches under ground level.  The concrete needs to be thoroughly dry before attempting to hang the gate.

The task of installing an electronic driveway gate is not for everyone.  If you find you are in over your head with a project of this size seek out a local, reputable driveway gate installation company.

SAC Fence Michigan offers a variety of electronic driveway gates, access control entry systems and fence options for homeowners to choose from.  You will find a variety of fencing options online at

Simple Steps To Encourage Estate Planning

Today is a great day to stop procrastinating and to start thinking in terms of future plans for your estate.  Tomorrow is not a guarantee thus making an estate planning necessary sooner than later.   Without a plan in place your estate is left to be decided in probate.  In this article we will give you some simple steps to encourage you to start planning your estate today.

  • Give yourself a time limit: If you don’t have a deadline in place there will always be an excuse on why today isn’t that day.  Plan to have your estate plan done by your next birthday, anniversary or large family gathering.
  • Research: It is important to hire an attorney to help in your estate planning process. This does not mean that you shouldn’t look into different aspects of estate planning prior to meeting with them.  Many attorneys’ also offer free seminars.  This allows you as a consumer to become educated on aspects of estate planning while meeting with local attorneys.
  • Get your financial house in order: This is a step that can be done even before you meet with an estate planning attorney.  Create a spreadsheet with all of your current assets, their current market values, debts and resulting net value.  Put important papers such as account statements in a folder to take with you when you meet with the attorney.  All assets should be accounted for along with debts.
  • Create a list of individuals you want to gift to: Create a list of individuals with whom you would like to inherit a piece of your estate.  In your estate plan you will need to include their full name, date of birth, address and relation.  In this list include charities, educational or religious organizations.    You are then able to control how and when you want the inheritance to be received.  Some people choose to dole out their estate all at once while others choose a systematic approach to gift funds on a schedule.
  • Consider an executor: This person needs to be someone you trust who will abide by your wishes.  If you have children who are under the age of eighteen you will want to choose a guardian.  The executor will work with the chosen guardian until they have reached the age in which you wish them to have control over their own inheritance.
  • Healthcare advocate: When you are making an estate plan another crucial aspect is to assign a healthcare advocate.  This individual will be in charge of your healthcare decisions should you become unable to make them for yourself.  This person should know your desires regarding assisted living.  Clearly state your desires to this individual in order to avoid confusion during an already stressful moment in time.
  • Meet with a local attorney specializing in estate planning: This is a vital step in estate planning.  A lawyer that specializes in estate plans can correctly draft the documents to read as you desire.  With their assistance, your desires will clearly be stated and loved ones will not be able to questions your intentions.  An estate planning attorney creates documents to allow your estate plan to work as you wish.

The Law Office of Sean J. Nichols is dedicated to assisting clients throughout legal issues that come with aging including: elder law, estate planning, probate law and more.  Check out the Law Office of Sean J. Nichols at to contact an estate attorney today.

When Your Personnel Situation Changes Make Sure To Update Your Estate Plan

Everyone knows that it is important to have a solid estate plan in place. What many people forget it that this process doesn’t end just because an attorney designs an estate plan for you. That is just the beginning.  An estate plan must be updated regularly to reflect your current lifestyle.  Anytime there is a change in your financial or personnel situation you should work with your attorney to update your estate plan.

  • Divorce/Separation: Once you become legally separated or divorced it is crucial to update your estate plan to reflect your new goals and ideals.  It is also a time to reflect on the future.  Take into account that an influx of relationships end in divorce.  This is a great time to input provisions in your estate plan to protect your heirs against potential changes in their own marriages.
  • Re-Marriage: There are many complex situations involved when couples remarry.  This is especially true when both partners have children from previous relationships.  An estate planning attorney can help navigate the complexities of providing for a blended family.
  • Birth/Adoption of Children: Your estate plan should have in place provisions for your children’s future financially.  An estate plan should also provide a detailed plan for the children’s care should you and your spouse die or become incapacitated.  A guardian should be appointed to support your children into adulthood.
  • Illness/Injury: Your estate plan needs to be kept updated for when you or a family member becomes seriously ill.  The needs for your care or their care have changed and this change should be reflected in an updated estate plan.  It is also important to include a plan and appoint a power or attorney of health care for your own needs.  You will want someone to be in charge of your decisions if you become unable to do so yourself.
  • Tax Law Changes:  With constant changes to the economy that affect certain tax laws it is crucial that your estate plan reflects these changes appropriately. The updates to tax laws can dramatically affect your estate.  An attorney specializing in estate planning will help you make changes in your plan that coincides with the new legislation that is in place.
  • Inheritance: With an increase to the value of your estate comes a need to change how your assets are passed to those you love when are deceased.

It is important to keep your estate plan up to date on a regular basis.  Review your plan with your estate attorney to ensure it is always up to date and in line with the manner in which you intend to distribute your assets when your death occurs.

The Law Office of Sean J. Nichols is dedicated to assisting clients throughout legal issues that come with aging including: elder law, estate planning, probate law and more.  Check out the Law Office of Sean J. Nichols at to contact an estate attorney today.

Outsourcing Medical Equipment Maintenance

Medical facilities need to depend on outside medical equipment service providers when in-house service specialists are not on staff.  Regular maintenance, including preventative and corrective measures, needs to be done to keep medical equipment safe and running smoothly.  Updating software and worn parts adds to the longevity of medical equipment thus resulting in savings for your facility.

Many facilities try to cut corners by having personnel perform regular maintenance and minor repairs.  While this may occasionally work it is always better to enter into a service contract with a third party service company or equipment vendor to perform corrective and preventative maintenance.  A service contract will ensure that your equipment is maintained at regular intervals.  This will help to combat against unexpected machine failures.  There are several options when choosing a service contract.  We will look into the options below.

Third Party Equipment Service Contracts Available To Medical Facilities

  • 24/7 Full Coverage: A medical facility can request services anytime, day or night.
  • Business Hour Coverage: With this type of service contract a medical center will receive service during normal business hours, five days a week for eight hours a day.
  • Extended Business Hour Coverage: This service contract offers the same coverage as business hour coverage except that it covers more than eight hours.  If your facility is open from nine in the morning until nine at night this would be one of the contract options to consider.
  • Extended Business Hour and Weekend Coverage: Similar to the above except it adds hours to cover facilities on the weekend.
  • Preventative Maintenance Coverage: This type of service contract only covers planned maintenance and does not cover unplanned corrective services.
  • Time and Material Coverage: A time and material coverage contract is where a service provider is paid based on the actual cost of parts and labor used. This contract is usually based on a specific cost per hour of labor.
  • Loaner Service Contract Coverage: This type of contract allows medical facilities to return the unit to the vendor and the vendor provides a loaner unit until the equipment is returned to its original state. This is a difficult service contract to have in place with large scaled equipment such as linear accelerators and ct scanners.

In our next installment on medical equipment service contracts we will discuss tips on negotiating a contract that best meets your facilities needs while maintaining a reasonable budget.

Medical Equipment Service Contract Negotiating Tips

We talk a lot about cutting costs when it comes to medical equipment service contracts from service contracts to onsite personnel in charge of regular maintenance.   When medical facilities rely on outsourcing medical equipment maintenance and repair it is important that you enter into a contract that makes sense for you.  It is important not to pay for contract features that you will not use.  These features add to an already tight budget that most facilities are already trying to maneuver.  In this installment we will discuss negotiating tips between medical facilities and medical equipment maintenance and repair companies.

  • Take note of the options available in service contracts from the vendor. Consider the details that layout time, materials and labor charges of the different companies you are looking into before making a contract purchase.
  • New medical equipment is less likely to break down than older equipment therefore requiring a less detailed service contract. New equipment does not usually require the twenty four hour, seven day a week contract that older, essential equipment may.  New equipment can most likely exist on a regular maintenance contract for the first three years. Not to mention that most new medical equipment repairs are covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.
  • Certain medical devices, such as slit lamps, don’t require service contracts from out sourced entities. Some equipment can be maintained with regular inspections and maintenance that can easily be provided by in-house equipment specialists and sometimes even the personnel in charge of running it.
  • Some large scaled medical equipment will require only a limited out sourced service contract. Equipment such as ultrasounds, scanners and lasers are all fairly reliable and in house personnel can perform initial inspections and can be the first responders to issues when they arise.  These pieces can often benefit from remote support which can be provided at a lesser cost basis than on service support.
  • Backup equipment is another area where facilities can lessen the service contract associated with each machine. Most back up equipment does not need to be services at all hours of the day and can utilize a less stringent service contract such as a business hours only contract.
  • When entering into a service contract it is crucial that you have everything in writing. Verbal commitments are often hard to uphold.  When you are contracting outside medical equipment service specialist it is crucial to document everything within the contract.  This protects both parties later on from miscommunication.

Radparts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts for Linear Accelerators and Radiation Oncology equipment.  We provide high quality, user friendly, low cost parts support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment.  For more information on low cost parts for repairing Linac equipment find us at