Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 201

Comparing Custom Labeling Options

Custom labeling is an important aspect of marketing a company’s product in both large, small companies and entrepreneurs. They are basically the trademark of a brand or business and are used for a variety of purposes in the commercial world, but specifically for brand promotion and company reputation building. Labels have the ability to impress the customer and also influence a person’s mindset simply by looking at a particular label and identify with the quality of the brand.

Also known as shrink bags and vacuum pouches, shrink sleeves and flexible pouches are different types of packaging materials and are handled by different food packing machines. The vacuum packaging film is typically three to four times thicker than most shrink wrapping materials. The similarity is only that they both use:

  • Plastic polymer film or clear plastic bags for product visibility
  • They use a heat sealing on both ends once the product in placed inside
  • The exterior film conforms to the shape of the product in both

Shrink Sleeves

Shrink sleeves are probably the most popular sleeve solution to the bottling industry because they stand out and grab consumers’ attention on the shelf with their attractive coverage, full color, and 360° graphic design coverage on a product for a maximum shelf appeal.

  • The durable film used in most shrink sleeves is waterproof, scuff resistant and won’t get damaged purely through handling
  • Shrink sleeve labels provide a seamless fit for all types of container sizes and shape.
  • They are ideal for all types of products, from cleaning solutions, food and beverage containers and cosmetics
  • The ones applied to recyclable containers can be easily removed.
  • A full-body shrink sleeve provides the best tamper-proof seal solutions for a single product or multi-pack products

Flexible Pouches

Flexible materials such as bags and pouches are known to improve product packaging in the world today and for good reasons:

  • Flexible pouches use a smaller amount of materials than its counterparts and create 50% less waste, thus reducing greenhouse gas release and BTU use for sustainability
  • A lot less material is needed to create flexible pouches or bags making it cost effective in the overall packaging costs
  • The packaging is made from the top grade, FDA-approved plastic films of from be UV-resistant plastic to thwart off product deterioration from the sun
  • Flexible pouches help extend a product’s shelf-life because the re-sealing nature of packaged products helps keep foods better for longer
  • They offer up to a 20% in space saving compared to rigid packaging, meaning more can be shipped at a time, which in turn reduces transportation costs
  • Flexible pouches are very popular with the consumers because they are reusable, convenient and very portable and easy to be packed and stored away, for example, zip-lock bags.
  • Retailers like them too because it saves space on store shelves compared to rigid packaging
  • Flexible pouches are esthetically pleasing; they stand out on the shelf and very eye catching to customers

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at

An IT Network at Your Company Will Save You

As the owner of a company one of your main goals of improved customer relations, increased profitability and fewer expenses.  It is critical that you adjust where it makes sense, cut unnecessary expenses, and only make changes that are in line with the companies end goal.  One aspect where companies often loose site of the value is within IT.

It is rare that in today’s business world an office will consist of just one or two employees.  This makes networking so important to your companies IT services.  There are a number of benefits and savings that can be found when companies network their IT systems. From managing important company data to simply sharing interoffice communications securely computer system networking can benefit companies both large and small.

Importance of IT Networking

Manage Data Critical to the Organization

In an organization there are always key elements that need to be accessible to top personnel at all times.  A network server allows for an organization to safely store document on one central server instead of individual computers.  This help to keep the records organized and allows changes to me made in real time. This means that when the document is pulled up anywhere in the office the changes that were made will be up to date when they are viewed.

When networking is done correctly records on the server will be cataloged in a manner that only allows them to be accessed by those with permission. If one department does not have the same permissions the files they are not allowed to access will be password protected to avoid documentation ending up in the wrong hands.   Only information that is to be accessible to the company as a whole will be able to see what is not password protected.

It Simplifies Sharing Data

In order to share information to individual PC’s that are not networked files must be downloaded and uploaded to each individual system from the original source.  When an IT network is in place the process of sharing information becomes far less demanding.  Information is stored and accessed from one central server.  This sever communicates with each PC individually.  In order to share information all that has to be done is for access to be granted. There is no need to exchange files between devices using external storage devices.  This saves a lot of time and energy when working on projects as a team.

Flexibility in Accessing Information

Since the files are on a central server it doesn’t make a difference what PC you are doing your work on.  You can work on a project from your personal computer at home or a PC at work.  No matter where you are working from the information will be shared to the server in real time and updated to allow individuals to see the latest information.

Shared Office Equipment

When computers in an organization are networked it allows them all to share one printer, one fax machine, and other necessary resources.  This is a whole lot cheaper than supplying a separate piece of machinery for each individual PC; thus saving time and money.

There are a number of reasons to consider consulting with an IT professional today to get your systems networked.  The benefits of networking your office will help meet your end goals of providing amazing customer service while increasing profits and decreasing expenses.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Radiation Oncology Equipment

A variety of radiation oncology equipment tools are used to provide radiation therapy.  In radiation therapy high-energy radiation is transmitted with the goal of shrinking tumours thus killing the cancerous cells.  There are a number of different types of radiation used to kill cancerous tumour cells including x-ray, gamma ray, and other charged particles.  Radiation is emitted from a machine, such as a linear accelerator, that is used on the outside of the body.  Occasionally doctors will recommend placing radioactive material directly on the part of the body where the cancer cells are developing.

A number of manufacturers provide radiology equipment as well as a number of independent medical equipment specialists.  Many times facilities looking to maximize their budget will look into refurbished machines.  There are a number of machines that play a role in delivering radiation to patients including: linear accelerators (LINACS), CT scanners, HDR systems, PET CT scanners, MRI systems, conventional simulators, treatment planning systems, and more.

A linear accelerator is a piece of radiation oncology equipment that is designed to specifically deliver high energy x-rays, charged electrons, that conform to the shape of the tumour and destroy the cancerous cells without damaging nearby healthy tissue.  LINACS were built with several security measures in place to monitor and control the dose of radiation that is emitted during each session.

A measurement is prepared ahead of time to calculate the correct dosage of radiation that each particular patient needs.  Having this prepared ahead of time helps to ensure that a dose that is higher than what has been prescribed is not given to the patient.  More radiation then is absolutely necessary will not increase the chances of the cancer shrinking but will increase the likelihood that damage is done to the surrounding healthy tissue.

Radiation oncologists operate linear accelerators (LINAC) to deliver radiation therapy to patients as their treatment plan states.  A detailed treatment plan is prepared by a team of physicians including the radiation oncologist, radiation dosimetrist, and medical physicist.  This plan is then reviewed in depth by your personal physician to ensure that the information goes through a number of cross checks before starting the plan.

Cancer is not a disease of convenience.  Thankfully developments within the medical industry have allowed for technology to adapt to ever changing treatment plans.  Large scaled equipment such as linear accelerators are designed with a number of options that allow it function on a sliding scale. Treatment can be directed at the smallest, most delicate parts of the body to annihilate cancerous cells while leaving the healthy tissue surrounding the area unaffected.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Popular Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans in Texas for 2017

Medicare supplemental plans, also known as Medigap, is an addition service that Original Medicare enrolled individuals can enroll in to fill in coverage gaps. There are various Medicare supplemental insurance plans to choose from.  After some research individuals can choose the perfect Medicare Supplement Plan in Texas for their health care and budget needs. Texas Medicare supplement plans may vary from county to county.  It is ideal that participants check to determine what service providers within the county they reside are offering.

What are the Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?

Medicare is a national health insurance program, designed for people over the age of 65, along with younger individuals that suffer from permanent kidney failure. Supplemental insurance is coverage that is offered separately that works in conjunction with Medicare to fill in any voids in coverage that are potentially needed.

Medicare Supplement Plans Available In Texas

Original Medicare comes in two parts, Medicare Part A, and Medicare Part B. Part A covers hospital insurance and Part B covers medical insurance. Medicare Part A helps you pay for hospital care, skilled nursing, home health, and hospice care. While Medicare Part B helps in paying doctor bills, outpatient hospital fee and other medical services that aren’t included in Part A.

When looking for Medicare Supplement Plans in Texas, there are a number of things that enrollees need to consider. As per 2017 Texas Medicare Supplement Plans have undergone a few changes. The Medicare Supplement Plans in Texas vary as each insurance provider offers different plans; individuals must pick a plan according to their needs. One important thing to note is that no matter what state or county a certain plan is purchased the coverage that is offered remains the same; Medicare supplemental insurance Plan A in Texas is exactly that same as it is in Michigan.

What Medicare does not cover?

It does not cover all healthcare costs.  Even when enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B there are some out of pocket expenses that are left to be covered by the participant. Here is a list of the expenses participants are left to cover on their own or with supplemental insurance.

Expenses Not Covered By Medicare

  • Hospital deductible of Part A
  • Deductibles of Part B
  • A co-payment plan for hospital stays of more than 60 days
  • Skilled nursing after the first 20 days
  • 20% of coinsurance for medical expenses and doctors bills

Learn more about Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Texas.  To talk to an expert in Texas Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Tennessee Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare supplement plans also known as Medigap insurance is designed specifically to help individuals covered by Original Medicare. These plans are designed in a way that they will help individuals fill the gaps left by Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. More than 164,000 people in Tennessee are enrolled in a Medicare supplemental insurance plan. Enrollees wishing to participate in the Medicare supplement insurance program within TN must be a Tennessee resident that is enrolled in Medicare Part A and B. This automatically qualifies them for Medigap. The best way to go about applying for Medicare Part is to enroll as soon as you have turned 65 years old otherwise you run the risk as you get older that the Medicare supplement policy premiums will drastically increase.

When is the best time to enroll for Tennessee Medicare Supplement Plans?

Medicare in Tennessee is simple to enroll in.  As soon as you turn sixty five and for six months after you can choose to enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B as well as supplemental insurance plan A through N.   Medicare supplemental insurance plans A through N offer a variety options in coverage.  Therefore it is necessary for Medicare participant to compare plans and rates, choosing the one that best fits the health care and budget needs of the individual.

Currently the state of Tennessee offers ten different supplemental insurance plans to choose from.  Each of the ten plans offers some basic benefits while others offer a set amount of a percentage of basic benefits.

  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan A: All basic benefits are offered
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan B: All basic benefits covered in Plan A and Part A’s deductible
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan C: All basic benefits, along with skilled nursing, Part A and Part B deductible, and foreign emergency coverage
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan D: All basic benefits, along with skilled nursing, Part A deductible, and foreign emergency coverage
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan F of F Prime: All basic benefits, plus skilled nursing facility, Part A and Part deductible, foreign emergency coverage, and 100% Part B excess
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan G: All basic benefits, skilled nursing facility, Part B excess 100%, Part A deductible, and foreign emergency cost coverage
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan K: 50% basic benefits, 100% hospitalization and preventative care, nursing facility, 50% Part A deductible, and out of pocket expenses will be limited to $4,640
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan L: 75% of basic benefits, 100% preventive and hospitalization, 75% of skilled nursing, 75% of Part A deductible, out of pocket expenses $2,320
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan M: 100% Plan B co-insurance, basic benefits, co-insurance of skilled nursing facility, 50% of Part A deductibles, and foreign travel emergency
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan N: All basic benefits, 100% Plan B coinsurance (except for office visits where the individual is required to pay $20 per visit), $50 per ER visit, co-

Learn more about Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Tennessee.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

2017 Medicare Supplement Plans in Michigan

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a federally sponsored insurance health program for individuals who are 65 and above, younger individuals with disabilities, and individuals suffering from End-Stage Renal Disease such as ESRD (permanent kidney failure, that requires dialysis). There are various kinds of Medicare supplement plans and each of them offers a different range of services. The best Medicare supplement plan is chosen according to the situation the enrollee is both financially and medically.

Medicare Insurance Plans MI

Medicare supplement plans are available through various health care providers and can be purchased through private insurance companies that are Medicare approved.  Companies offer a variety of supplement plans in Michigan.   It is important to note that although Medicare rates may depend on the county in which you reside the coverage with Medicare supplemental plans is the same no matter where it is purchased.  Medicare plan A bought in Livingston County offers participants the same exact coverage that plan A bought in Chippewa County.

Medicare supplemental insurance is designed to help enrollees cover coinsurance, deductibles, and copayments that are left from enrolling in only Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.  Once you have chosen the perfect Medicare plan both your Medicare plan and supplemental insurance plan will help pay for medical expenses. This helps lower out of pocket costs while offering enrollees peace of mind that their health insurance needs are being met

Here is a brief description of some of the plans that are available in Michigan & the coverage provided by the different plans:

Plan A Coverage

  • Part A coinsurance coverage for an entire year and additional days after are covered for the individual after Medicare Benefits run out
  • Part B coinsurance coverage
  • Hospice coinsurance
  • Three pints of blood every year

Plan C Coverage

  • Hospital deductible for inpatient services
  • Part A coinsurance coverage for an entire year and additional days after are covered for the individual after Medicare Benefits run out
  • Part B coinsurance coverage
  • Hospice coinsurance
  • Three pints of blood every year
  • Emergency care needs when travel abroad – 80% of the cost will be covered in a case of emergency (in the first 60 days of your trip). After that period has passed you will have to pay $250 deductible, and will be subjected to a $50’000 lifetime maximum; if the coverage is provided in the U.S., it will be covered by Medicare.

Plan F Coverage

  • Hospital deductible for inpatient services
  • Part A coinsurance coverage for an entire year and additional days after are covered for the individual after Medicare Benefits run out
  • Skilled nursing coinsurance
  • Medicare Part B deductibles and coinsurance
  • Hospice coinsurance
  • Emergency care needs when travel abroad – 80% of the cost will be covered in a case of emergency (in the first 60 days of your trip). After that period has passed you will have to pay $250 deductible, and will be subjected to a $50’000 lifetime maximum; if the coverage is provided in the U.S., it will be covered by Medicare.
  • Excess to Part B – the entire excess charge that comes above Medicare’s reasonable charge (in case the medical provider refuses to accept Medicare) as it is subjected to State and Federal mandate limit.

Learn more about Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Michigan.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Using a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Broker

Medicare supplemental insurance plans cover most of the cost aspects that the original Medicare plan doesn’t fulfill. The original Medicare plans don’t cover coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles. In these situations the coverage obtained through supplemental insurance plans comes into play to fill in the coverage void. These plans are bought from private insurance companies which are most often found by comparing plans and rate options with a supplemental insurance broker.

Medicare supplemental insurance broker:

A medical supplemental insurance broker will provide you with the details of each plan.  They fill participants in on the advantages, disadvantages and find a plan option that best fits the enrollee’s needs both financially and medically. A Medicare supplemental insurance broker helps participants find all the data and cost so that the enrollee will not have to go through the laborious process of individually researching each plan as well as individual plan rates per insurance provider.  In many states Medigap brokers aren’t allowed to charge for their services. They are paid separately from each individual insurance company.

An insurance broker vs. the insurance agent:

There is often a bit of confusion between an insurance broker and an insurance agent.  Insurance agents are the individuals who act on behalf of one insurance company.  Brokers work with a number of private insurance companies.  An insurance agent can only offer the products and services that are offered by their company whereas a broker works an insurance company from many to find the best coverage at the most affordable rate.

Medicare supplemental insurance plan broker:

The services of the Medigap agent and the Medigap broker are different from each other. Medicare supplemental insurance brokers help individuals find the supplemental plan that best fits their need and a company that offers it at the most affordable rate.  They can do this because they are not specifically linked to working for a single insurance company.  This is a huge advantage of working with a Medicare supplemental insurance broker.  All Medicare supplemental insurance policies are the same no matter who they are purchased through.  Plan D through Blue Cross is the same exact policy as Plan D as Assurant.

Using a Medicare supplemental insurance broker ensures that participants get the plan that meets their health care needs provided by an insurance company that is selling it at the most affordable rate.  Since they represent a number of insurance companies they offer a non-bias approach at choosing a Medicare supplemental insurance plan new enrollees.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Understanding Medicare Supplement Plans in Arizona

Medicare supplement plans within Arizona are in place for individuals who need additional coverage to offset the gaps within Original Medicare. Individuals may enroll in a Medicare supplemental insurance plan, also referred to as Medigap, which fits their personal health care needs and budget requirements.  Arizona Medigap plans are purchased to help cover the holes that are created from having Original Medicare.

When an individual turns sixty five they qualify to receive Medicare benefits.  Medicare is a federally sponsored insurance plan to help ensure that health care is available to seniors.  Individuals have a six month period in which to enroll in Medicare and subsequently a Medicare supplemental insurance plan.   In order to enroll in Medigap insurance an individual participant must be taking advantage of both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.

Medicare Plans Arizona

Medicare supplemental plans in Arizona are available through numerous insurance companies.  Many individuals looking at plans will look work with Medicare supplement insurance broker to do a side by side comparison of plans and rates.   These supplement insurance plans help individuals who are currently enrolled under Part A and Part B, otherwise known as Original Medicare. There is a range of plans that help individuals cover costs such as coinsurance, copayments, deductibles, and many out-of-pocket costs that individuals see with enrollment in Original Medicare. The number of Medigap plans available to you will depend on the county within Arizona that you reside.  A Medicare supplemental insurance broker can help you identify what plans are available to you today using just your zip code.

Our federal government has ten approved Medicare supplemental insurance plans for sale in Arizona.  The plans are labeled alphabetically from A to N.  Some plans including E, H, I, & J are no longer available for purchase however individuals currently participating in one of the four may continue to keep theirs.

The one thing that is standard in the Medicare system is that no matter which state you are purchasing a supplemental insurance plan you can guarantee it is the exact same policy and coverage that is purchased elsewhere.  Medicare supplement plan A purchased in Arizona is the same exact policy that an individual in Michigan is also purchasing.

The most basic plan available is supplement plan A.  With this policy you receive Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B preventative coinsurance as well as three pints of blood.  The most expansive supplemental plan, plan F, includes all the benefits found in plan A, skilled nursing, Part B excess, Part A & B deductibles, as well as overseeing emergency care services.  In order to determine the best level of coverage for yourself it is important to consider your lifestyle, genetic predisposition, retirement benefits, current medical conditions, and budget.

Although private insurance companies are required to offer the same uniform policies throughout the United States it does not mean that the premiums they charge will remain the same.  Moreover, it is important to note that not all insurance companies will offer all of the plans.  Some insurance agencies only cover a number of plans and county locations within the state of Arizona.  This is why many individuals choose to work with an online Medicare supplemental insurance plan broker to first compare plans and rates available to them before seeking out a private insurer.

Learn more about Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Arizona.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Ease Your Search For A Trucking Company That Meets Your Freight Transportation Needs

When you are looking for a trucking company to provide logistic services to your company it can be super easy to overlook important aspects such as on-time service and customer service only focusing on the expense.  Within your supply chain there are a number of places to seek out a solid bargain but your freight carrier is one area where your budget is just one of many factors to consider.

A side by side comparison of numbers alone will not offer you an accurate enough picture on the services you should expect from a freight carrier.  Although a quote is a place to start it is important to look into a number of aspects especially if looking to build a viable relationship long term.

There are a number of items to address before you begin working with a trucking company as they provide an integral service to your business.  It is important that a level of communication and expectations are defined before services begin to avoid confusion.  One important aspect to consider is how different issues will be handled.  What will happen if a customer calls and their shipment includes several items that are damaged?  How are issues with drivers handled?  The last thing that you want is to receive a call from a disgruntled client.  An issue arising from outside of your control can be incredibly frustrating especially when it results in a loss of future business.

When it comes to selecting a full service transportation company it is important to find a company that respects your shipments, customers, and service values while offering competitive rates.   You should be able to depend on their services; when you pass off your shipment you should fully expect your shipment to get to its destination on time and without being damage.  Each shipment should be a priority.  Caring about your shipment shows that they care about you and your customers.

When looking for trucking companies it is also important to work with a company that is going to be able to meet all of your needs from just in time shipments to dedicated truckloads.  Along with extra services that may be needed including cross-docking and warehousing.  A company that provides a number of essential freight services is better able to meet the demand of their customers meaning you can meet the demands of yours.

You will be satisfied when your customers are satisfied which will result in a positive return on investment for all three parties.  This can all be accomplished by choosing a trucking company to transport your freight whose mission is in sync with yours.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.

Using Bus Ducts and Bus Plugs in Manufacturing

When it comes to the electrical power distribution, a bus duct usually behaves inside a switchboard, dissemination board, and substation. These are normally utilized as a part of the business and industrial setting for inside and outside the establishment. The installation of bus plugs and bus ducts needs to be handled by experts to ensure that the high voltage manufacturing equipment runs on can be handled. A little numbness or wrong installation may bring about instant demise to the safety of the workers running the machinery. Below you will find some basic tips which can truly help guide you through the process of having bus ducts installed within your work environment.

In numerous industries and business offices, bus ducts are introduced in the downstream of the transformer which safeguards them from fault. It is important to remember that where you put the bus plugs and bus ducts must be completely sheltered and secure. You have to protect the equipment from rust and some other unsafe substance.

Bus plugs are basically an electrical attachment similar to an electrical outlet that you would see around your home.  The difference is that in manufacturing these systems need to move about to provide electricity to equipment in different areas of the building at different times.  Each bus plug will be associated with a specific area of bus ducts.  This bolsters power down to whatever it is beneath that should be powered, from lighting frameworks to hardware, whatever the case might be. The colossal advantage of the bus plugs are their ease of adaptability. Since there is no corporal hard cabling to the building, the whole framework can be detached and adjusted to accommodate the arrangement of floor. As new gear comes on the web or plant layouts moved, there’s no doubt about how precisely power will be hurry to the new area.

Utilize stainless steel bus ducts and rust proof equipment to increase the safety of bus ducts installed within the establishment.  Utilizing stainless bus duct and rust proof equipment helps to guarantee safety to the workers, the equipment, and the facility on a whole.

Bus ducts should never be settled permanently on the wall.  Bus ducts require attention to this matter.  If left to settle on a wall or floor the apparatus may not function as it should causing inconveniences to the work environment.  It is important that the quality of the products you use to power your machinery matches the quality of the equipment.  Never compromise on quality materials when installing bus ducts and bus plugs.  It is a huge mistake that often occurs in manufacturing facilities; keep this in mind when choosing what to install and what equipment to use within your facility.

At all times professional assistance should be given to the installation and usage of these systems. The fittings are not as stress-free as you may think; nothing is superior to professional help that is highly knowledgeable in this particular field and guarantee the security of work environment.

Learn more about J & P Electrical Company and their vast line of new, surplus, and refurbished industrial electrical components including: circuit breakers, bus ducts, bus plugs, disconnects, fuses, panel switches, tap boxes, and transformers at  To contact one of our product reconditioning specialists call 877.844.5514 today.