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What You Should Know About Medicare Supplement Plans in Texas

If you live in Texas, it is important that you find a Medicare coverage that fits your life and your lifestyle. However, some Texas beneficiaries of the Medicare insurance may find that their out-of-pocket expenses as well as the monthly premiums associated with the original Medicare, Part A, and Part B, tend to high and don’t offer the needed coverage. Medicare supplement plans in Texas help in covering these expenses and make your health-care coverage more affordable. Here are some of the things you should know about Medicare Supplement Plans in Texas:

Initial Enrollment Period

In Texas, the initial enrollment period for Parts A and B Original Medicare holders is seven months during a period surrounding their sixty-fifth birthday. This period starts three months prior to the month of your birthday and ends three months after. In other words, you are advised to enroll in a Medicare supplement plan for three months before and after your birthday.  This is your own personal open enrollment plan.

Special Enrollment Period

You can enroll in a Medigap insurance plan without medical underwriting for any of the following reasons:

  • Loss of coverage
  • If you moved to a new area or state
  • If you joined a Medicare Advantage Plan during the right eligibility period (with Medicare Part A and B and at the age of 65), and within the first year of joining the plan, you decide that you want to switch to the Original Medicare Plan.

Renewable At Any Time

Any standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance policy in Texas is renewable at any time whether you have a health condition or not. The plan cannot be canceled as long as you are paying the monthly premium to your insurance service provider.

Prescription Drug Coverage

Medicare Insurance plans sold in Texas after 1st January 2016 are not allowed to include prescription drug coverage. This means that if you want to cover prescription drugs, you will have to join the Medicare prescription plan, Plan D.

Eligibility with Medicare Advantage Plan

If you already have a Medicare Advantage Plan, you are eligible for a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan. However, you should make sure that you leave the Advantage Plan before your Medicare supplemental plan starts. You must also be a holder of the Medicare Part A and Part B coverage.

Insurance firms offering Medicare supplement plans in Texas may offer one or more of the ten different Medigap policies. Make it your responsibility to compare the different Medicare supplement policies available and choose one that meets your financial and health care needs.

Learn more about Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Texas.  To talk to an expert in Texas Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

What Should You Know About Medicare Supplemental Insurance In Tennessee?

As a retiree, you are eligible for Medicare in Tennessee including additional supplemental insurance plans. The Medicare plan is designed specifically for individuals who have reached sixty five years of age or that are covered due to special circumstances.  Individuals with Medicare in Tennessee often need additional coverage in the form of supplemental insurance to help cover charges that Medicare does not.  For example:

  • Out of pocket deductible after hospitalization
  • A twenty percent deductible charge for approved doctors’ bills and outpatient expenses
  • Amounts over the approved Medicare amount from providers that do not participate in Medicare

Medicare supplement insurance plans in Tennessee cover many of the expenses that are not paid for by Original Medicare which consists of Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.  Copayments, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses are the individual participant’s responsibility.  Additional coverage in the form of supplemental insurance plans can be purchased to work in conjunction with Original Medicare.

Each plan offers its own unique set of benefits.  Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B offer the most basic health care coverage for retirees.  Basically Medicare is responsible for eighty percent of all medical bills from physicians and hospitals that work in conjunction with the Medicare program.  The participant is then required to cover the remaining twenty percent out of their own pocket or with additional insurance coverage such as one of the ten Medicare supplemental insurance plans that can be found in Tennessee.  This additional coverage can be purchased through a number of private insurance companies and is strictly regulated by the Federal government.

Choices in Medicare Supplement plans in Tennessee

There are ten different Medicare supplemental insurance plans available in Tennessee.  Each is represented by a letter, A through N.  The plans are standardized by Medicare.  What this means it that that every plan that falls under a specific letter type will offer identical coverage.  Supplement Plan D in Anderson County is the same as Bedford County.  The same is true of each state.  Coverage is identical throughout the United States.

Each plan offers something different.  The plan you choose could cover any or all of the following:

  • Plan C or F will differ from Plan A in terms of both coverage and costs.
  • Plan F is a high-deductible plan. This means the participant must pay for Medicare-covered costs up to the deductible amount before their supplemental insurance will cover anything.
  • Plan N pays one hundred percent of the Medicare Part B coinsurance, except for a copayment of up to $20 for some office visits and up to $50 copayment for emergency room visits without admission

Some of the healthcare benefits that are not covered by Tennessee Medicare Supplements include:

  • Vision and dental care
  • Hearing aids and tests
  • Eyeglasses and contacts
  • Private Nursing
  • Long term care

If you are interested in comparing Medicare supplement plans and rates with in Tennessee, it is helpful to contact a Medicare supplemental insurance broker.  This information can be provided by Tennessee Medicare supplemental insurance brokers who will then help you choose the best Tennessee Medicare supplemental insurance plan to meet your healthcare and budget needs.

Learn more about Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Tennessee.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Michigan

Medicare is a benefit millions of people take advantage of, but it can be confusing to figure out which one is best for you and your loved ones. Medicare continues to cover hospital and doctor’s visits for older Americans and includes preventative care and prescription drugs, but many people do not know what is covered by their Medicare or how much they are paying in.  Expenses such as out-of-pocket costs, premium amounts, prescription drugs coverage or if they qualify for free services are benefits that Medicare enrollees are unsure about.

Medicare supplement insurance plans in Michigan

There are several types of Medicare plans that are available to participants in Michigan:  Original Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B as well as the Medicare Advantage Plan.  When a Medicare enrollee chooses Original Medicare Part A and Part B, they also have the option of choosing a supplement plan to cover the costs not covered.

Medicare beneficiaries in Michigan may enroll one of the ten plans that enhance the coverage that they receive with Medicare Part A and Part B as it stands alone.

Coverage is as follows:

  • Original Medicare, Part A and Part B are offered and administered by the federal government. They are available to eligible beneficiaries in every state in the country.
  • Medicare Part A provides inpatient hospital,  nursing home care, skilled nursing facility, home health, and hospice care
  • Medicare Part B covers physician visits, medical services, and durable medical equipment.
  • Medicare Advantage Plans cover all the services except for hospice care but may offer extra coverage such as vision, hearing, dental, wellness programs, and potentially prescription drug coverage.
  • Medicare supplement insurance, otherwise known as Medigap, covers a percentage of deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and in certain cases foreign travel emergency health care.

In order to qualify for Medicare you need to be a United States citizen or legal, permanent resident of at least five continuous years to qualify for Medicare or meet additional requirements set forth by the federal government.  You can also qualify for Medicare if you have end-stage renal disease or you have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease where your disability benefits begin regardless of age from the first month you enroll.

Selecting your Medical coverage should be a simple and easy process, but unfortunately in most cases, it’s not. Everyone may not have the same needs or wants when it comes to picking the right Medicare supplement insurance plan. If you are uncertain which Michigan Medicare supplemental insurance plan to choose from contact a Michigan Medicare supplemental insurance broker as they are nationally-licensed agents ready to help you shop for Medicare supplement plans at the best possible rates.  This will make a very complex process as easy as possible. Medicare supplemental insurance brokers will also assist you in completing an application to enroll in Medicare supplement coverage.

Learn more about Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Michigan.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

All You Need To Understanding on Medicare Supplemental Insurance

Medigap plans helps to take care of the costs that basic Medicare plans fail to cover. This is why most people refer to it as Medicare supplemental insurance plans. Medicare supplemental insurance brokers offer services that help individuals find the plan with the best coverage for them as well at the best rate.  Most people tend to confuse Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplemental insurance plans. Medicare supplemental insurance plans supplements your present Medicare insurance Part A and Part B; while Medicare Advantage is a complete Medicare package and does not require supplemental insurance.

How are Medicare supplemental insurance plans Unique?

  • For one to qualify for Medicare supplemental insurance plan, they have to have enrolled for the basic Part A and Part B Medicare insurance cover.
  • Medicare policies only cover one person. To cater to the needs of multiple people separate insurance policies must be purchased.
  • Before you procure this type of insurance from an insurance company, make sure that they are indeed licensed Medicare supplemental insurance providers. This will save you from any fraudulent future issues.
  • You will pay Medicare insurance companies a monthly premium for coverage. Take note that this premium is separate from what you pay for Medicare. Failure of payment of this premium leads to the cancellation of the supplemental insurance plan.
  • A person cannot be a holder of both a Medicare supplemental insurance plan and Medicare Advantage. Enrollees will have to choose between the two. If you are already a holder of the advantage plan, then it would be advisable to go ahead and apply for the supplemental services, but make sure that the Medicare Advantage plan is not in existence when the supplemental insurance plan begins.
  • As long as you pay your premium, the Medicare supplemental insurance plans will renew annually, regardless of your health issues.
  • You can legally appeal if you fail to agree with the terms of the Medicare plan.
  • The more you earn the more premium you pay. Medicare Plan B and Medicare Plan D of the supplemental plan offer higher premiums for people whose income is above a certain threshold. This means that the payment of premiums does not apply holistically; this is due to its analysis of your tax exemption interests.
  • Medicare supplemental insurance plans fail to cover a few medical issues such as private-duty nursing, long-term care, procurement of eyeglasses, hearing aids, and dental or vision care.
  • For those who have a Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA), they should not be holders of the supplemental plan. Any broker, who opts to sell to you this plan while your MSA plan is still in existence, is liable under the law.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates, and more at  Our expert Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to a Medicare expert call toll free 888.404.5049 today!

All There Is To Know About Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

Arizona Medicare supplemental insurance has proved to be very beneficial to senior citizens. Many Medicare plans fail to cater to all the bills associated with medical and hospital care so most people opt to purchase additional coverage in the form of Medicare supplemental insurance to cater for their other healthcare needs. Supplement plans allow seniors to take full advantage of the benefits provided by the Federal government.

Basic Medicare in Arizona

Medicare is a federally sponsored health insurance plan that targets seniors who are sixty-five and above.  The goal of this federal plan was to benefit seniors during their retirement.  The Medicare plan is also available for some individuals who are disabled who have yet to attain the age of sixty-five with certain disabilities.

Basic Medicare in Arizona Entails:

  • Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A was established to cater to in-patient hospital insurance care.  This insurance provided by Medicare Part A covers overnight hospital stays of more than seventy-two hours, home health care, skilled nursing facilities, and hospice care.  The federal government specifies exactly how much people will pay for a monthly premium for this coverage based on their tax bracket.

  • Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B was established to cater to outpatient insurance.   This insurance coverage caters to overnight stays in the hospital that are less than seventy-two hours, home health care services, doctor’s visits, and disease prevention services including flu shots.  There is a monthly premium, coinsurance, and deductible that is the responsibility of the participant.

Individual Medicare supplemental insurance Plans, A through N, offers its own unique set of benefits.  For example:

  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan D

Medicare supplemental insurance plan D caters to prescription drug coverage.

The expenses left by Medicare Part A and Medicare Par t B are what drive people to purchase additional coverage through the Arizona Medicare supplemental insurance plans.  There are ten fully functional federal government approved supplemental insurance plans labeled A to N (this is with an exception to E, J, H, and b). Holders of plans E, H, J, and I get to keep them, since they were plans previously obtained. Medicare plan A is the most basic plan and the law outlines that all Arizona Medicare supplemental insurance plans brokers offer it. Different companies have different pricing and offer different plans.  It is important to note that plan A in Arizona is the same as plan A in any other state.  Coverage remains the same in each plan no matter where it is purchased.

Finding the best Medicare supplement plan for your healthcare and budget is not easy. Arizona Medicare supplemental insurance brokers provide the same ten plans for sale.  Before you start searching for a Medicare insurance company that caters to your needs it is important to consider the following:

Ascertain your main interest. Is it to find a company that offers low premium or to attain wide scale health coverage?

Enroll for Arizona Medicare supplemental insurance plans within the first six months after signing up for your basic Medicare insurance plan. The aim of this is to select the insurance plan of your choice without having to undergo a physical scan.

Consult the company of choice about any possible delays with regards to any present health conditions, and lifestyle needs.

Learn more about Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Arizona.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Materials Involved In Pool Plastering

There are many materials that go into building an in-ground pool.  Few materials get as much attention as the pools plaster surface.  Plaster is the exterior shell of the pool.  It is the part that everyone sees and feels.  It is also the first place that people usually notice when it starts to deteriorate, cracks become noticeable and discoloration is visible.  Over the years we have learned some important tips regarding the maintenance and care for the pool’s plaster to keep it in top condition.

Fresh Plaster Maintenance

Your swimming pool installer will add chemicals that are required to initially balance the pools water.  They will then brush the plaster with a nylon-bristle brush which improves the quality of the plaster as well.  This will also prevent the buildup of calcium and other minerals within the pools water.

If you notice that you have fine sand grains deposited on the bottom of the pool this is more likely “precipitation” which is common with a newly installed pool or fresh plaster.  Our recommendation is to continue brushing the pool twice a day for the first seven days.

Your pool water and pH levels affect plaster.  It is crucial to the longevity and health of your pools plaster.  Pool water below 7.0 tends to erode & remove the smooth plaster surface.  Water that is above 8.0 contributes to the formation of scale and stains.

Calcium is another one of the key elements found in both your pool water and in your plaster.  A proper calcium balance is 250 ppm.  Too much calcium will cause deposits on the plaster of your pool.  Not enough calcium in the water may weaken the plaster.

Other Water Related Concerns

Dissolved Metal: Stains that cannot be removed with bleach are generally stains caused by metal.  When the water becomes saturated with any metal, like copper or iron, it will generally “precipitate” or fall out of solution in the form of a metal stain.  Copper stains usually reveal themselves as blue or blue-green splotches or streaks.  Iron will usually appear brown to black.  Check with your local pool specialist to purchase chemicals to help prevent these types of stains.

Mottling: Mottling can occur naturally in pools.  It is more evident in pools with colored plaster but not more prevalent.  There are strategies that can be put into place to lessen mottling including sequestering, chelating, or pH and calcium reduction.

Organic Stains: Plants that are near the pool area can often cause your plaster to become stained with tannic acid, which are brown, and chlorophyll stains, which are green.  Organic stains will not remain long due to the Chlorine bleaching them out.

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential Gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Hiring a Licensed Contractor for Home Renovations

When it comes to renovations around your home it is important to hire a licensed contractor to perform the work that is needed.  The benefits of working with a professional that is not only licensed, but also insured and qualified are plentiful.  Your home is the biggest investment that you will ever make in your lifetime.  It is important that you are careful when hiring someone as you want to be sure you are careful not to employ an individual who will cut corners.

Everyone likes to save money, especially when it comes to services performed around their homes.  When it comes to renovations and home remodeling you will get what you pay for.  Many times it is not worth haggling with a contractor as they set their prices based on the number of hours they believe the project will take and the materials used.  Haggling may lead to lower quality materials being used.  This is not what you want when it comes to saving a few bucks here and there on your homes renovation project.

Depending on where you live the rules for obtaining a builders license differ slightly.  This is done for the benefit of the consumer.  Some states, such as California, have frequent earthquakes thus building codes are updated to include extra elements of safety when building a home.

In order to get a license, a building contractor must prove that they are qualified to perform the work and may also be asked to undergo testing, fingerprinting, background checks and bonding requirements.  Some states only require specialty contractors such as plumbers and electricians to be licensed however if you are looking for quality craftsmanship in your home improvement projects it is best to look into hiring a licensed contractor even if it is not required by your state.  Working with a licensed builder often gives homeowners extra peace of mind.

Below are just a few of the many benefits you can expect when working with a licensed general contractor for renovation projects around the home.

  • A licensed general contractor will control, synchronize, and oversee a complete renovation. This involves scheduling with multiple subcontractors within different trades to work together on your remodeling project.  This is especially important for home remodeling that involves moving electrical outlets or plumbing.
  • A contractor saves both time and money. Many homeowners mention that at the end of a renovation they have spent just as much on materials alone than they would have spent on hiring a contractor to perform the work in the first place.
  • Contractors have connections and often have a great pull for the urgency of your renovation. It is much easier to get one of their own to help them with a deadline because next time they might be the one needing the favor.
  • A licensed contractor will pull all of the necessary permits and call on inspections when needed. This keeps the project moving along.
  • When working with a licensed contractor, financing becomes a bit easier to obtain from lending institutions. There is an aura of completion when individuals hire a professional.
  • Not only is it important that the contractor that you work with on projects within your home is licensed it is crucial that they are also insured. This holds their company liable for any damage that is done to your home while they are performing repairs, as well as the liability if someone gets injured while working on your home.

For most homeowners hiring an experienced, licensed and insured general contractor will help to ensure a headache free renovation on their home.

Learn more about licensed and insured general contractor Glen Miller the Home Doctor and the variety of home improvement services he offers clients including: home maintenance plans, handyman services, kitchen remodels, bathroom renovations, handicap ramp installations, age in place modifications, basements transformations, and hardwood flooring installation and refinishing at  To contact Glen Miller the Home Doctor call 734.255.9793 for a free estimate.

Choosing an Aluminum Picket Fence

There are a number of different styles of fencing available on the market.  Sometimes it can seem like an almost impossible task to choose which one is best for your home or garden.  One of the best choices you can make when it comes to fencing materials is aluminum.  There are a number of advantages to be gained from choosing aluminum fencing over wood, vinyl, chain link or other materials.

In this article we will look at some of the considerations that need to be taken into consideration before you choose the aluminum picket fence for your particular home, environment, and goals.  We will also discuss the advantages of aluminum as a material.

One of the major benefits that can be found when choosing aluminum is that there are a number of fences that are available in a wide range of styles thus fitting many different garden types.  No matter what you desire from ornate, classic, modern, plain, or contemporary you can find an aluminum picket fence to match.

Another benefit when choosing aluminum picket fencing is that aluminum is essentially rust free.  This means that you do not have to worry about the fence becoming corroded and can simply enjoy it.  If you are a person with little time for yard maintenance there is not better choice in fencing than aluminum since it is practically maintenance free.

Another reason so many homeowners choose aluminum is that it comes in not only a wide range of styles and sizes but also many different colors.  This allows homeowners to choose a fencing color and design that will really make their gardens and landscape pop.  You may be surprised that aluminum fencing comes in more than just black but it does.  Black aluminum picket fencing remains a favorite throughout Michigan.

Benefits Of Aluminum Fencing

  • Cost: Although there are cheaper fencing materials than aluminum when you factor in the cost of yearly maintenance on top of the cost of the original fence aluminum fares well. It also has the look of wrought iron but for much less.
  • Rust: Unlike wrought iron, aluminum fencing does not rust. This is so important when choosing aluminum picket fence around a pool or a damn area.
  • Maintenance: Aluminum fencing never needs to be painted or stained.  As far as maintenance is considered it only requires the homeowner to wash it briefly each and every year.
  • Appearance: Aluminum picket fencing provides a low maintenance option for containment and security while adding to the homes curb appeal.
  • Warranty: Check with your online aluminum fence representative to verify however most aluminum fencing manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty.
  • Rackability: Aluminum fence panels are adjustable for changes in slopes on the property without leaving gaps.
  • Security: Aluminum fencing is designed in such a manner that it is difficult to climb thus making it much harder to breach the barrier presented.

If you are a homeowner that is considering a new fence whether for residential purpose, commercial, or industrial take a look at the benefits that aluminum provides buyers.

Learn more about Forever-Fence and their vast line of custom fencing and driveway gate options including aluminum picket fencing at  To contact one of our fencing specialists call 810.227.1613 today.

Why is a Custom Coded Website better for SEO than a Template?

Search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO, is very important to entrepreneurs who want to promote their business, obtain new clients, and retain current clients. SEO allows business owners to connect with potential clients searching for their products or services, helping to turn them into customers. Keywords, link building, updated content, trust, and more all helps to increase the visibility of a website and lead to a higher number of visitors to the website.

While it may not be straightforward or easy, implementing an effective SEO strategy, especially with recent updates to Google’s ranking algorithm, the Google Keyword Planner, and organic listings are all possible. It is important to determine how customers will search your website as well as how and what you must offer as optimized keywords on your landing page.

Depending on your product, a website design and layout is very important to the overall SEO process. There are two types of websites including: custom coded and templates.  Both types of websites have their pros and cons.

Many websites today are developed through a content management system, which allows companies to easily and quickly update their sites without technical support. The most popular CMS is WordPress.  It can easily be customized to fit a company’s needs and brand.

Custom coded websites are not created from a template instead are custom designed by a team of graphic designers and programmers from scratch.  These sites can be a bit more expensive and take a bit longer to develop.  A custom designed site can also be better for search engine optimization and placement of your website within search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Custom Coded Website

  • Custom websites are built from scratch rather than from a box. Custom websites allow you to show your company’s culture and personality using a unique design. The design can be presented, revised, and built into a custom platform for your website.
  • A custom website is always expandable. Customized features are added to make your website more flexible and easier to manage.
  • Custom sites are up-to-date with SEO and code practices. This all helps to increase the longevity of the website.
  • You have access via your account to the support of skilled developers who code from scratch as well as troubleshoot and fix bugs that may arise on the site.

Website Template

  • Website templates are user-friendly. You can change the colors and the fonts but the layout is pretty much set-up for you.
  • You can always change the layout just to avoid other websites resembling yours.
  • Website templates are often plug and play and take a very short time to develop.
  • They are less expensive, especially for start-up companies that need a website up quickly and on a low budget.

Templates have limited customization, which is good for companies who simply need to s of website templates is that there is limited to virtually no access to skilled developers.  Templates are purchased online and will never gain you access to the person who built it.  This reason alone makes a custom website a better option.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Should Medical Facilities Outsource Medical Equipment Maintenance & Repairs?

Healthcare facilities often outsource their equipment support services to ensure medical equipment is always up and running. However, with health care costs being continually cut and medical funding reduced, many healthcare facilities have now been forced to look for ways to pay for operational costs more wisely.  This is done by improving the equipment maintenance and repair processes, thus ensuring the long-term reliability of the repaired equipment.

Outsourcing medical equipment can have a significant impact on a healthcare facility’s bottom line. This in part is due to the increased sophistication and specialization of equipment such as the refurbished linear accelerators, otherwise known as LINAC, as well as the integration with electronic networks, and the ever-increasing requirements for compliance, safety, reliability and accuracy.

Having an in-house by clinical engineer already on staff to work on simple adjustments and minor repairs can be more costly than paying an outside vendor.  Although it does empower clinical engineers to conduct as many repairs in-house as possible and provides a great opportunity for healthcare facilities to prevent downtime when waiting for an outside technician to get to the hospital.

On the other hand, outsourcing can eliminate the need to hire in-house resources. Therefore labor costs and operational costs can be minimized to a great extent. Instead of hiring an in-house engineer, a medical facility can hire a vendor only on a need be basis. The hired vendor will handle all resourcing needs by tapping into their pool of highly skilled, trained and certified technicians and depending on the facility’s size and levels of technology, outsourcing is beneficial because it will eliminate additional costs such as having a customer service call center and a technical helpdesk. This will not only improve operations but investing in an outsourced program will decrease the costs of managing clinical assets by using a strategic approach to servicing medical equipment.

There are many new independent firms with clinical engineering expertise and comprehensive medical equipment maintenance of the modern, sophisticated and high-end medical equipment that healthcare organizations can benefit from. The probability is that an in-house engineer would cost a hospital just as much as a hired vendor. Why not capitalize on the quality resources and support of such specialists, because medical devices continue to grow in sophistication with every passing day and the need for highly skilled service technicians will drastically increase in the near future.

Hiring a skilled outside vendor will ensure that you have one at your beck-and-call at all times. Nowadays, outside vendors offer remote service options to medical facilities, where the inside technician/ engineer lacks the scope of training needed to successfully implement a modern day equipment maintenance or is unable to do a sufficient job to a certain degree.

In addition to that, outsourced clinical engineering programs have the ability to track equipment inventory in real-time such as the equipment’s age and condition, its failure rate, and preventative maintenance scheduling. This is just a few more reasons to outsource medical equipment maintenance.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.