Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 199

The Practice of Cross Docking Within the Transportation Industry Part 2

By eliminating the put-away process, companies reduce 3PL warehouse requirements and inventory level when using cross docking.  In addition, these firms reap the benefits of consolidating their freight.  This lowers transportation costs while improving product availability.

Successful implementation is dependent on continuous communication between all members of the supply chain including: manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. This can and should ideally include logistics software integration between all members of the supply chain, including the ability to track inventory in transit.

The savings in time and money from the use of this procedure can be significant depending on a variety of factors.  These include the handling methods used, the complexity of loads, freight costs for the commodities being shipped, the costs associated with inventory in transit, and the customer/supplier geography.  These factors can be particularly important when a client has numerous branch locations, distribution centers, and/or retail locations.

Cross docking services save companies time and money.  Cross docking service are defined as having the ability to receive the product and immediately ship it out without putting it into a 3PL warehouse.  When implemented properly this practice has many advantages, especially in the areas of lowering costs and saving time.

5 Key Advantages of Cross Docking Include:

  • Reduced handling and operating cost
  • Less storage of inventory
  • Fewer warehousing costs
  • Reduced fuel costs from consolidating LTL shipments into FTL
  • Streamlined supply chain resulting in products moving quicker from manufacturers to distributors to consumers

Before initiating the use of cross docking services, you should be sure that all potential partners have the necessary storage capacities.  In addition, partners should also have an adequate transport fleet to operate cross docking as well as an adequate IT system.

Some products are better suited to cross docking other than others.  Here is a short list of six types of materials that are well suited to this procedure:

  • Perishable goods requiring immediate shipment
  • High quality items that do not require quality inspections during the receiving process
  • Products that are pre-tagged, pre-ticketed, and ready for sale to the customer
  • Promotional items and items being launched
  • Staple retail products with a constant demand and/or low demand variance
  • Pre-picked, pre-packaged customer orders from another production plant or warehouse

Cross docking has continued to increase in popularity over the years.  A survey that was recently conducted showed an increase of 16.5% over the last three years with 68.5% of the companies surveyed are using it within their supply chain.

Three typical scenarios where cross docking is well suited:

  • Deconsolidation: Where large shipments such as railcar lots are broken up into smaller lots for ease of delivery
  • Consolidation: Where a number of smaller shipments are combined into one larger shipment for more economical transport
  • Hub and Spoke: Where good are transported to one central location and then sorted for delivery to various other destinations

With its flexibility, efficiency, and ability to accommodate unpredictable customer demand, cross docking is seen as a winning strategy.  Allowing companies to adapt to the current economic environment and business conditions we face in 2017 and beyond.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.


Is Your Computer Running Correctly?

You likely already know if your computer is running correctly. In today’s fast passed electronic world it’s impossible not to notice when your electronics are not in tip top shape. Even minor glitches can result in major productivity losses. These glitches can nearly always be traced back to hardware or software issues.

As with many other devise computers were out over time. Most have moving internals prone to wear just like the tires on your car. Eventually these parts break down and need to be replaced. Even if your computer is mechanically sound software can become bloated and slow over time. Things like updates and ever more demanding software can cripple your once snappy PC.

It is vital to your productivity, and likely sanity, to keep your computer happily buzzing along. Here are some tips that can help minimize computer problems and your devices start to age:

  1. Keep your computer clean. Heat is one of the biggest killers of computer components. Many components are designed around a steady amount of airflow to keep them cool. Excess heat causes components to wear prematurely or in some cases give up the ghost entirely. Most heat issues can be resolved by simply blowing out the vents of your computer with a can of compressed air once every few months.
  2. Run a credible anti-virus software. Some performance issues can be traced back to malicious software on your computer. While some infections harass you with advertisement and pop-ups, others silently siphon resources away. These silent infections join your computer to something known as a bot net. Hackers use these to spread more infections or hack other targets.
  3. Keep your systems up to date. Updates are frequently release to improve performance or resolve issues as they are discovered. Keeping your computer updated will ensure your computer is secure and operating as intended.
  4. Defragment your computer. As your computer moves data, the hard drive becomes “fragmented”. Your files are stored in many pieces across various areas of the hard drive. As the pieces get farther away from each other your performance will start to suffer. Newer operating systems like Windows 10 defragment automatically.


  1. Upgrade your RAM. As programs are updated they can frequently become more demanding on your computer. One easy way to stay ahead of this problem is to upgrade your computers RAM or memory. The computer temporarily stores data in RAM for quick access. When it’s all in use the computer has to access your hard drive every time it needs a file resulting dramatic performance loss.


  1. Reduce clutter. It’s always a good idea to keep your hard drive as clean as possible. While this shouldn’t stop you from downloading your favorite movies or music, you should consider removing software you are never going to use again. Computer can run into issues when your hard drive is at 85% capacity or above. Removing old software helps free up space and removes and old processes that may be using resources in the background.

Following these basic steps will help keep your computer functioning as intended. In this new technology depended world there should be a new phrase, “Happy device-Happy life”

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

The Practice of Cross Docking Within the Transportation Industry Part 1

In the world of trucking and logistics, cross docking is the practice of unloading goods from an inbound trailer and loading these goods directly onto an outbound trailer.  Trucking companies complete this process without sorting the goods in a warehouse between receiving and shipping.

There are many reasons for this type of transfer including:

  • Sorting goods intended for multiple destinations
  • Combing goods arriving from multiple point of origin for transport to a single destination or several destinations along one route
  • Transferring goods from one transport to another (example: switching between large a large trailer to a smaller one

Cross docking procedures were initially developed in the 30’s by the U.S. trucking industry and have remained in continuous use in the LTL (less than truckload) segment of the trucking industry to this day.  Cross docking infiltrated the retail market in the 80’s when Wal-Mart pioneered its use.

In LTL trucking, cross dock operations often involve transferring goods from one vehicle directly into another with no warehousing of those goods.  This process can be used to split tractor trailer loads into multiple smaller vehicles or vice versa.  Cross dock operations may utilize staging areas adjacent to loading docks in a warehouse.

Inbound goods can be sorted, consolidated, and held until the outbound shipment is completely ready to ship.  The goods are not really received to be put into a warehouse and put away but rather they are held in a staging area to await transfer from the inbound loading dock to the outbound loading dock.

Pros of Cross Docking:

  • Streamlines the supply chain from the origination point to the final destination/end user thus resulting in products getting from the manufacturer to the distributor to the customer quickly
  • Decreases handling and operating costs
  • Reduces the storage of inventory
  • Lessens warehousing costs
  • Reduction of fuel costs when consolidating LTL shipments into full loads
  • In the retail sector it may increase available retail space in brick and mortar stores

Cons of Cross Docking:

  • Some potential partners may not have necessary storage for staging areas needed during cross docking operations
  • Other potential partners may not have a large enough trucking fleet to implement cross docking procedures
  • Requires sufficient IT systems to implement
  • Additional freight handling during transit can increase the potential for damaged cargo

In our next installment we will continue our discussion on cross docking and it’s affect on trucking companies and third party freight shipping companies.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.





A Linear accelerator usually referred to as LINAC, have become the standard technique for producing electrons and protons for radiation therapy treatments, producing energy for external beam radiation treatments for cancer. Linear accelerators are highly programmed, computer-powered systems that deliver accurate and controlled radiation to treat cancer patients.

Linac Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a treatment in which high-energy X-rays are used to kill cancerous tumors. A linear accelerator LINAC creates photons by accelerating electrons along a linear path where they collide with a metal target. This produces a single, intense photon beam. CyberKnife, on the other hand, is not a real knife as one may presume. It is in fact a piece of advanced machinery that treats tumors, Medical and other conditions. This Robotic Radiosurgery system is a boon for cancer patients searching for a non-surgical and painless option.

Comparing these two in terms of accuracy, CyberKnife offers the accuracy level of sub-millimeter to the targeted area for tumor shrinking and killing. Linac Stereotactic Radiosurgery, however, assures accuracy level of a millimeter to deliver high doses of Gamma rays and X-rays (using multi-modality approach) to the targeted area.

In terms of flexibility, CyberKnife offers a frameless system that improves flexibility for both patient and the Oncologist. Linac Stereotactic Radiosurgery, on the other hand, requires a Stereotactic frame to be fixed to the patient’s head. Thus, the flexibility for patient and oncologists is restricted.

Obviously, they both treat cancer, but the type of cancer they treat differs. CyberKnife is a suitable option for all types of tumors that require advanced or mild treatment. Whether it is an adult, older person or a kid, the treatment can be taken by anyone. Linac Stereotactic Radiosurgery, however, is useful for treating brain cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, metastatic cancer, spine cancer, and other types of cancerous tumors.

CyberKnife requires only sessions as few as 1-5 from the commencement of the treatment. Depending on the health and condition of the patient, a single session can cure the tumor, thereby eliminating the need for multiple visits and hospital expenses. Multiple sessions may be required for the patient undergoing Linac Stereotactic surgery depending on the health condition and treatment. Also, hospital stay and surgery may be required if the previous results have not been satisfactory.

Based on cost, since CyberKnife is capable of curing tumors in as few as 1-5 sessions, the cost of the overall treatment, including hospital visits, stays and recovery reduce significantly, making it an affordable option. The cost of Linac Stereotactic Radiosurgery treatment, however, varies in nature depending on the sessions (depending on the condition of the tumor and patient), surgery and hospital stay if required. The cost effectiveness depends upon the duration of treatment.

So what are their benefits? The CyberKnife takes care of the patient’s comfort without Anesthesia shots and requiring the framing. This offers flexible positioning, accurate detection of tumor and its removal in real time.

Conventional Linac system is capable of targeting voluminous tumors also. Besides, the treatment can be done in a single session. However, the system featuring a Conventional linear accelerator, which has only rotational movement in one plane, does not have a virtual motion and targeting capability in 3D space around the patient. Also, for treating tumors that move with respirations, the patient needs to breathe and hold which may be slightly uncomfortable than getting treatment in free breathing like in CyberKnife.


Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our Linac experts call 610.524.3300.





The Benefits of Buying Refurbished Industrial Electrical Components

There are many types of refurbished industrial electrical components which include breaker panels, line switches, bus ducts, bus plugs, fuses, transformers, circuit boards, etc. and they are all durable, affordable and readily available for purchase.

It will amaze you to know that many individuals and businesses can benefit from buying refurbished industrial electrical components instead of purchasing new components or replacing equipment. The term “refurbished” is just used to explain that the equipment has been used and completely redone back to new again. A great deal of satisfaction has been seen by the users of refurbished electrical products because it helps them save up considerable amount of money.

Possibly the biggest benefits of buying refurbished industrial electrical equipments could be seen from the affordability to business owners and individuals equally. Regardless of the task, whether a home appliance repair or industrial-grade breakdown, it is advisable to seek quality refurbished electrical components at affordable prices. Regardless of the electrical problem you are facing the same rules are applicable; seek quality components and equipment at affordable rates.

Suppliers of industrial refurbished components are a common and reliable source of replacement components for manufacturing equipment for many years now. Many buyers choose to buy these types of products from them because they know that they are high quality, affordability and availability of alternatives.

High Quality: Perhaps a part might look new but that doesn’t guarantee that you will get a high quality component. Refurbished components undergo several rigorous overhauling processes and they are always tested to reach and sometimes surpass companies UL certification.

Affordability: Most people are searching for inexpensive electrical components to buy that will serve the purpose and not put a hole in their pocket. Brand new products may perhaps seem perfect but considering the cost and lifespan many buyers will choose to go for refurbished components.

Availability:  This is among the reasons why the sale of refurbished electrical components increased greatly in the past few years. Industrial products are always manufactured to serve longer purpose. Sometimes it is hard to see suppliers who have new components in stock for older products. It is very expensive if you choose to always upgrade a large equipment and sometimes needless as the lifespan of the equipment is far from getting to its peak. Refurbished electrical components are available in clutch as soon as you notice that new parts are out of date.

Alternatives: Whenever any equipment becomes faulty the company loses money. Nobody wants to be in the process of production and unable to repair faulty electrical equipments. Using refurbished components creates variety of alternatives for you at anytime within the refurbished electrical component company. Several refurbished components dealer will have them available or help you in finding the component you really want at an affordable cost with instant availability.

Both companies and individual save money and time when they buy quality refurbished industrial electrical components.

Learn more about J & P Electrical Company and their vast line of new, surplus, and refurbished industrial electrical components including: circuit breakers, bus ducts, bus plugs, disconnects, fuses, panel switches, tap boxes, and transformers at  To contact one of our product reconditioning specialists call 877.844.5514 today.




Roofing Contractors Choose Metal over Asphalt

Roofing contractors usually have two choices when roofing Michigan roofs; Metal or Shingles.  There are numerous other materials on the market but these are the two most widely used and installed.  Many times roofers will choose metal roofing over shingling for both commercial and residential use when cost is not the main factor.

Your homes roof is a significant part of the house it is your homes caption. No matter how beautiful your home is if the roof is worn out and looks tired your home becomes an eye sore.  The roof is the most exposed part of the house.  It is the surface that gets hit with the harsh weather before any other area of the home.   It protects your loved ones and treasured belongings from the rain, snow, sun, sleet, and other harsh weather conditions.

If you notice that your roof has a leak or is damaged it may be time to think about a new roof.  In some cases roof repairs are costly and it makes more sense not to waste money on repairs when a new roof is inevitable.  The roof decking may have rotted, the tar paper worn or the shingling cracked.

With the harsh weather that our roofs see roofing contractors take their time when recommending suitable materials that will be both affordable and durable for your roof.  Most people nowadays live in their homes for more than a few years so they want their roof to be and stay strong.  This is why for many families roofing contractors recommend metal roofing when it is without a doubt that a roof needs to be replaced and not repaired.

Choose Metal Roofing over Asphalt Shingling

  • Longevity

When it comes to weather resistance, metal roofs receive double thumbs up because they can withstand any kind of weather. Although the life span of a roof is about 60 years, it has been said that metal roofs made from copper and Zinc in UK last over a 100 years due to proper care and maintenance.

  • Good For the Environment

Metal roofs can be recycled over and over again. As a matter of fact, these kinds of roofs are made from recyclable content. It keeps the temperature in the house cool by reflecting the heat that comes upon it which makes it one of the most energy efficient roofing materials. You can make money by selling it off.

  1. It is light in weight.

This is one of the lightest weights that can be used as a roofing material. Although there are different types of metal roofing materials with different weights, roofing contractors believe that steel roofing materials can weigh between 100 pounds to 250 pounds per square while aluminum roofing materials can weigh about 50 pounds per square. Asphalt shingles are quite heavy. They can range from about 200 pounds per square to 500 pounds per square for high-quality laminated and textured shingles.

  • Durable

Roofing contractors would pick metal roofs over asphalt shingling any day because metal roofs are stronger during turbulent weather conditions unlike asphalt shingling. There are insurance companies that give a discount price to home buyers with metal roofs. The discount can be as high as 30% in premium if you have a metal roof that is weather resistant.

  • Warranty

The manufacturers of these kinds of roof offer warranties for as long as 50 years which is very unlikely to happen with asphalt shingling.

Although asphalt shingling have their own good purposes, metal roofs are better although they are costlier. Don’t try to cut cost when trying to buy your roof but think about what you need.

Learn more about Home Pro Roofing and their vast line of custom roofing options installed by professional roofing contractors including: asphalt shingle roofing, metal roofing, roof repair, and new roof installation at  To contact one of our roofing contractors call 810.225.9080 today.




Is Now The Right Time To Sell Your Home?

Are you thinking of it is time to put your home up for sale?  Ask any real estate agent and they will agree that if you are looking to sell a home this is the perfect time!  Working with a professional agent aids in the sale of your home whether it is in a sub division, on a golf course or on a lake.

This article will help you know what signs to watch out for and how to know the right time for you to sell your home.

  • Change of Status: This seems pretty obvious but when your home no longer suits your lifestyle, then it’s time to sell it. If your family size is larger than the size of your home, if your kids have moved out, or if you want to change your location then it sounds like you are ready to sell your house.

No matter why you are selling it is always wise for buyers to look to make sure the new homes mortgage matches their budget.   Buying a bigger home is only wise when the payment is similar to the smaller one because of the large down payment you have from the sale of your house.  It is also wise when downsizing to consider a significant down payment from the sale of your previous home.

  • If you have the money to buy another home: There are times when you are bored or you want something new. If you can afford to buy a new home then selling your home isn’t a bad idea.

It is important that clients make investments that can help them in the future when they are putting their homes on the market.  Simple changes such as a fresh coat of paint or updated appliances often attract realtors.  If you can afford to remodel specific places like your bathroom and kitchen it will be a great advantage when selling your home. This is one place buyers pay attention to. You don’t need expensive countertops however updated faucets and fixtures go a long way. It is nice to keep your closets and shelves neat or tidy make your home look larger and attractive as well.  If you can do this then your house will sell.

In conclusion, there are no straightforward formulas to determine when and how to sell your home, but a real estate agent can help you decide.  People sell their homes for many reasons.  If you are looking to sell your home make sure you are doing it for reasons that satisfy you.

Learn more about C21 Lady of the Lakes Realtors and the numerous services they offer including: buying a new home, selling a home, or renting a home at  To contact one of our real estate agents call 734-426-6060 today.


Dreaming of New Construction

It’s not enough to have a house these days. Homeowners must be able to turn a house into a home that reflects them.  Your home speaks of who you are. In your home there are two major areas that stand out, areas people remember more than others they are the kitchen and bathroom.

When you are thinking about your new construction home it is important to not only think about the design of the home but also the design in these two spaces in particular.  More than any other rooms in your home, your kitchen and bathroom areas need to offer be spaces that define you and your family.

Let’s begin with the kitchen.  Why is the kitchen so important?  Every home has a central spot where people gather for most it is the kitchen.  With the kitchen being one of the most frequented spaces in the house it is important that it gets special attention in the construction of your new home.

It is one of the busiest places in the house and often full of people and activity.  It doesn’t only serve to function as an area to prep, cook, and eat food.  It actually services as an additional family room.  Many families find that they spend most of their time hanging out in the kitchen.  It is a central area for conversation and meeting up with one another between tasks.   It is important that this space is easy to use and maintain.  Continuous use of a kitchen space often makes it appear bland.  Permanent stains on cabinets and flooring date the space.  Therefore it is crucial to use materials in the space that are easily cleaned and simple to update as needed.

Next up is the bathroom.  Why is the bathroom so important in new construction?

You can’t prepare for your day or relax after a long day without going into the bathroom. Imagine yourself soaking in the hot tub or taking a bath after a long day. This is only possible because you have a bathroom.

The bathroom is also used constantly with water touching every part. This makes it a habitat for mold, spirogyra or even bacteria which can affect the paint, silicone or tiles.

Although you can clean it up with bleach, in some cases, it is better to remodel the bathroom.

Have an idea of what to do. You need an architect or designer to help you. They have the skill and expertise to counsel you that you are doing the right thing.

I always advise my clients to let the plumbing stay in place. If you move it, you might spend more than what you may ever imagine which can run into thousands of dollars. You can change your toilet seat instead of replacing the position. If you don’t want tile, there are wood panels you can use.

If there are parts of your bathroom you want to keep hidden, use a mirror in an attractive frame.

Creating your dream house doesn’t have to be stressful especially if you’re modelling your kitchen or bathroom. just know what you want and follow these steps.

Learn more about Aspen Construction and the variety of home construction upgrades they provide including: new construction, home additions, bathroom remodeling, kitchen renovations, and finished basements at  To contact one of our home construction specialists call 517.404.2176 today.





Why You Should Choose Custom Designed Shrink Sleeve Labels

Custom designed shrink labels are changing the way marketers introduce and push new products. Shrink sleeve labels are an effective and inexpensive way to introduce a new product without having to spend heavily on advertisement. Traditionally, rolling a new product out would be very expensive.  It could cost several hundreds of thousands of dollars to get minimal consumer awareness. Some product campaigns even cost millions. This would be a very expensive gamble if the product did not take off as expected.

For your products to be better than the rest, they must be of high-quality and must be labeled in a matter that attracts consumers. Custom designed shrink sleeve labels are a great way to make merchandise more visible to customers. Marketing is a big part of having a successful product. Custom-designed shrink sleeve labels make it easier for companies to improve their sales.  With shrink sleeves, marketers have three hundred and sixty degrees of design area. With consumers attention spaces as limited as they are there is no time to waste when it comes to marketing your product.

Today, marketing via shrink sleeve labels is becoming a staple for marketers for brand appeal and market potential. Shrink sleeves are good for consumers and marketers alike. Consumers will get a more secure product and marketers can introduce new offerings without significant financial risk other than label production and shipping cost. Many shoppers will make unintended purchases just because a label caught their eye.

Shrink sleeve labels even allow for changes that may stimulate the sale of existing store products. Some products even though they are of high quality may become outdated. A custom-designed shrink sleeve label can add spice and appeal. The use of sleeves can stimulate sales and grab an increasing share of the product demand. Statistics show that bright colors with cool designs and short slogans are very effective marketing tools.

Another great thing about custom-designed shrink sleeve labels is that the customer takes the advertising home with them on the packaging rather than leaving the advertising on the display shelf at the store. When one looks at the same packaging over and over every time they open their cabinet, they become familiar with the looks of that particular product. Take a guess at which product stands out the most the next time they are shopping? It is the same one that they have stared at day in and day out in their own cabinet. It makes sense to find the right shrink sleeve manufacturer to make your product look the best that it can.

Marketing is a major cornerstone of success. Make sure when looking for a shrink or stretch sleeve manufacturer to look for one who takes pride in what they offer. It’s a common practice for a leader in the business to put customer satisfaction first. Without it, the sales seem impersonal, and it’s hard to build a working relationship. You can always require a company for references to make sure they provide the quality they advertise and that they deliver your product on time. Deadlines are crucial since we all know that “time is money.”

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at

Guide to Installing Aluminum Fencing

An aluminum residential fence is a galvanized fence system with a hard wearing powder coat finish. An aluminum residential fence is designed to add value to residential homes. A selection of styles and colors are available to complement any home and landscape environment. Aluminum fence is engineered for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.  Quality aluminum fences provide the level of quality and resilience consumers expect out.

Several companies offer aluminum residential fencing online.   One of the benefits that is received from choosing aluminum is that the panels have a powder coat finish that has been specially formulated for durability, with ultra-violet inhibitors to endure the elements. This installment will serve as an installation guide.

Check Neighborhood Rules and Regulations

It’s better to check neighborhood rules and local regulations before ordering and installing your new aluminum fence.  It is crucial that you make sure if you are allowed to install the type of fencing you are looking at otherwise you will be throwing money away. If you build one without considering the rules it is likely you will be required to dismantle it. If in any case you are told that you do need a permit to install a fence ignore that advice!  It’s better to get one before starting any construction process to avoid hiccups down the road.

Decide the Location

When you have checked the rules and regulations and obtained the necessary permits the preparation for the installation of the fence can begin. You have to ascertain your corner and end stakes locations first since they make the foundation of the entire layout and have to be predetermined. Mark out the fence with wooden stakes and run a string along them to mark the line of the fence.   You can then show the end post positions and “on center” corner. Then pinpoint your intermediate postings.

Dig Holes

The holes for the fence posts should be dug to 24 inches by 18 inches round holes. Gate posts must be set in larger and deeper footings because they are subjected to great force on a regular basis.

Place Your Posts

Place your posts into their holes, one after the other. Then place an aluminum fence panel on the ground between every two posts as you move along,.  This will help you to make sure that the posts are set at the proper interval.  If your panels are not available yet find a piece of wood that is the same size as they will be and use that as a guide to help in visualizing the correct fit.

When placing your posts, use fast-setting concrete to fill up the hole to about 4″ below the edge. This will provide adequate space to spread dirt on the concrete and cover it up later. Use a magnetic spirit level to measure and level all the posts.

Check The Installed Posts

Go back to your previously installed posts to check that they are plumb and level.  Straighten them if necessary before the concrete is completely set. Repeat this all the time so that the concrete does not set with posts that are neither plumb nor level.

Install Aluminum Fence Panels

When the concrete is set and dry, put the aluminum panels one after the other. This process is quick because installation only requires the nuts, screws, and bolts that fencing company provides. At this stage, you will be able to see the form and shape of your aluminum fence.  When all parts of the aluminum fence are installed, install the aluminum fence gates to completely surround your home; after which you can invite your friends over to admire your new aluminum fence!

Learn more about iFenceUSA and their vast line of custom aluminum fencing options with various grades of aluminum fence to choose from including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing at  To contact one of our aluminum fence experts call toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at