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The Basics in Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans in Tennessee

Supplemental Insurance is designed to help beneficiaries of original Medicare’s out-of-pocket cost, such as co payments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Each type of plan offers a different level of coverage, and is named with a different letter (such as Plan A). The plans are standardized, so that all plans of the same letter offer the same benefits. But the premiums can differ among these private insurance companies and some companies may offer additional benefits.

Tennessee Medicare supplemental Insurance

How Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance works

Tennessee residents can purchase a plan from any insurance company that is offering them (Like us!), since they are designed to take charge of the medical costs that Medicare doesn’t cover. Medicare requires that patients pay 20 percent of all of their medical expenses. This cost could be too expensive for beneficiaries, thus after purchasing a supplemental plan in Tennessee; you won’t have to worry about the 20%. The beneficiaries who have purchased a Medigap policy will only be required to pay a small co-payment, or just the premium.

Depending on what plan you pick Medicare Supplemental insurance from Tennessee can cover extended hospital stays, as well as long term stays in a nursing facilities. Also, these plans cover deductibles that are difficult to meet due to financial constraints. Please know that none of these Medigap plans cover prescription drug coverage. For that you will need a separate plan called plan D.

Choosing the right Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance plan

There are only ten standardized plans in Tennessee while different companies will charge different rates, the plans remain the same. Patients must also know that plans offering lower monthly premiums have higher deductibles.

These policies are identified by letters, Plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. You can find a chart with all the plans here. It is important to note that pricing on each of these policies differs depending on your age and location. Supplemental plan F offers a high-deductible option. The benefits in any plan A through N will be the same from any insurance company.

You are eligible for Tennessee Supplemental Insurance for Medicare if

  • You are within 6 months of turning 65 or just turned 65
  • You are currently covered under Medicare Parts A and B
  • You are within 6 months of receiving Part B coverage
  • If you are about to lose your group health insurance plan

Apart from looking at cost, it is necessary to figure out which Medicare supplement plans will meet your needs. All 10 of the plans offer different benefits, and it’s imperative that you select the one that will best suite your health needs.

If you are looking for more information on this subject please head over to our website at From here, you can see a chart of the plans and also look over free quotes. As always, our Tennessee insurance brokers are happy to help with plan information and plan rates. Talk to a expert today toll free at 877-202-9248.

Purchasing Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Michigan

Michigan Supplemental Insurance


Medicare Supplemental Insurance also referred to as Medigap policies is health insurance sold by private insurance companies to fill the “gaps” in original Medicare. When you buy a Medigap policy in Michigan, you pay a premium to the insurance company for your plan. The policy will be automatically renewed each year as long as you pay your premium, unless the policy was purchased before 1991. To purchase a Medigap policy one must have Medicare Part A and Part B.

This supplemental insurance can be a great option for people who want extra benefits, want to minimize their out-of-pocket costs, and can afford to pay a monthly Medigap premium in Michigan. Original Medicare pays for many health care services, but it does not pay for all health care costs. There are certain costs that one must still pay, including coinsurance, co-payments, and deductibles. These costs are “gaps” in Medicare coverage. You may want to buy a Medigap policy to cover these gaps in Medicare coverage and save money on your out-of-pocket costs. Some Medicare supplemental insurance also provides extra benefits that aren’t covered by Medicare, Such as routine annual check-ups and emergency health care while traveling outside the United States.

A person under age 65 and already has Medicare may purchase a Medigap policy at any time. In Michigan, insurance companies who sell major medical policies must offer plans A and C to people under 65 with Medicare. Any company selling only supplemental insurance is not required to sell the A and C plans to people under age 65 who have Medicare due to a disability. However, most companies are allowed to charge more because of past or present health conditions. They may also require a six-month pre-existing condition waiting period before they will cover certain health conditions.

 Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage plans generally cover many of the same benefits as Medigap policies. For this reason, you should not have a Medigap policy and a Medicare Advantage Plan at the same time. Medicare advantage plans may have lower premiums than Medigap policies. However, you may have yo use a network of providers and pay different co-payments, coinsurance, or deductibles than people with original Medicare.

In conclusion, beneficiaries must understand that Medigap in Michigan is meant to supplement original Medicare, not replace it. A person has to remain enrolled in original Medicare for your hospital and medical coverage, and you’ll need to keep paying your Medicare Part B premium. Medigap plans in Michigan do not offer prescription drug coverage, so if you want to receive such coverage, you may want to consider enrolling in a stand-alone Medicare part D prescription drug plan.

Check out our website at or call one of our licensed agents today at 1-877-202-9248

The Basics In Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans In Arizona


‘Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance offers assistance in helping people cover their medical costs by filling gaps in their original plans. These polices can help pay for premiums, deductibles, coinsurance and services not covered by basic Medicare. With so many activities to enjoy from golf to mountain recreation, seniors have many opportunities to live a full life in Arizona.

To protect seniors, all Medigap polices sold in Arizona are standardized. Beneficiaries wishing to add coverage to their parts A & B plans may choose to do so through a Medicare Supplemental Insurance plan in Arizona. These supplemental plans help fill in the gaps left by Medicare, these plans are nicknamed Medigap.

Coverage might include out-of-pocket cost such as deductibles, coinsurance and copayments. Hospice or additional hospital coverage might be added as well. Medicare Supplemental plans in Arizona are not independent and therefore may only be purchased in combination with Original Medicare Parts A & B. Those who wish to get stand-alone coverage other than Medicare might want to look into the Medicare Advantage program.

A person from age 65 may choose from a variety of Medicare supplement plans in Arizona, which are all classified by a letter. There are 10 standardized plans available in Arizona. Each plan offers the same benefits regardless of the private insurance company offering it. The most common plan is letter F. This plan is available in Arizona!

All of the same-lettered plans will offer similar benefits but the cost and out-of-pocket expenses will vary from company to company. However, we shop around and have great prices. Coverage does not generally include additional care such as vision, hearing, or dental, although additional benefits, like coverage while traveling outside the country, may be offered. Another thing to mention is if you want prescription drug coverage in Arizona, you have to get a separate plan.

It is advisable for beneficiaries to enroll in a Medicare Supplemental plan in Arizona during their six-month Medigap Open Enrollment period. This begins on the first day of the month that you turn 65 years old and enrolled in Medicare part B. During this period, companies are not allowed to deny coverage or charge high premiums to beneficiaries due to pre-existing medical conditions. After the open enrollment period, beneficiaries may also enroll in a Medigap plan, although protections for pre-existing medical conditions no longer apply.

Medicare Supplemental can be expensive for some people who can’t afford it. If a Medigap plan does not fit your budget, there is another way to get full coverage Medicare benefits. It’s called Medicare Advantage, The HMO or PPO plan for seniors. An Advantage plan protects you from the high cost of an illness or injury that requires hospitalization. Original Medicare and Arizona Medigap plans do not cover the cost of your prescriptions. For this you need Medicare Part D.

Basic benefits in Arizona

Hospitalization – Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits end.

Medical Expense – Part B coinsurance (Generally 20% of Medicare approved expenses) or co-payments for hospital outpatient services. Plans K, L and N require insured to pay a portion of part B coinsurance or co-payments.

Blood – First three pints of blood each year.

Hospice – Part A coinsurance.


Learn more about Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans , rates and more Our Arizona brokers will help you compare supplemental plans and answer any questions you might have. 877-202-9248

The Basics on Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan

Medicare Supplemental Senior

Having basic knowledge on how Medicare Supplemental Insurance works when getting close to the age of 65 can give you better health care, reduce expenses and stress! From age 65, it has been proven that 85% of people suffer from health problems and have a high usage of prescription drugs. The major benefit that people of this age have is their savings, and no one wants to spend their savings on health issues.

The governments Medicare program has helped millions of people obtain health care since 1966. Theses polices include coverage at hospitals known as Medicare part A and at the doctor’s office known as Medicare part B. However, the Medicare part A and part B does not cover prescription drugs, dental, vision or long term care. Medicare Part A & B can have gaps in coverage.

How does supplemental insurance work?

Medicare Supplemental Insurance offers services either not covered or partially covered by the original Medicare program parts A & B. The benefits of the ten supplemental policies are offered by private insurance companies like us. Supplemental plans help fill in coverage gaps left by Medicare parts A & B.  You have to have Parts A & B of Medicare to get the supplemental Insurance.

There are 10 types of Medigap plans, they are labeled by letters. A, B, C, D F, G K, L, M, and N. Not every insurer offers all 10 plans, and prices can vary, but all the plans are standardized by the federal government. This means from company to company the benefits of the plans remain the same, but the price will be different. We take the time and shop around different companies to get you the best rates!

Who is eligible for medigap?

The beneficiary is already entitled to Medicare part A and also needs to be enrolled in part B before they can qualify for Medicare Supplemental Insurance. After the age of 65, participants can easily apply for supplemental insurance. Again, It is important to know each supplemental plan covers the same benefits no matter what company sells it, the only difference is price.

What to learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance? Please feel free to browse our website at or call us at 877-202-9248.

Plan for Your Tomorrow Today With the Right Medicare Insurance Plan

There are ten Medicare supplemental plans that are available in most of the states except three, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, in which the policies aren’t exactly the same. The 10 plans are designated by the 10 alphabets. These alphabets include A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M and N.  So, the plans are also like plan A, plan B, and plan C, so on till Plan N. The each category plan has its own description, which means it’s a standard thing throughout the companies which provide these plans. The benefits are the same with every insurance company but the costs of each one of these may vary among the different companies.

The Medicare supplemental insurance plans:

The advantage of Medicare supplement plans is that they cover the areas that aren’t covered by the original Medicare plans. Thus the name derived, Medigap, to cover the gap that was left by the Medicare plans. The additional benefits from Medicare plans include the coinsurance, deductibles and the copayments. Other areas like emergency health care benefits and three pints of blood, isn’t even there in the Medicare plans. Some of the reasons why you need a Medicare supplemental plan today are:

The benefits:

There are many advantages that are provided by these plans. Every plan has a different coverage for these facilities so you will have to compare to get the accurate deal. The hospital care and the hospital costs are covered by the Medicare supplemental plans. You can get the first three pints of blood easily and almost free of cost with these Medigap plans enrollment services. There are home health care visits if that is necessary as per your health demands.

The skilled nursing staffs that can handle all forms of nursing procedures like IV, IM injections, physiotherapy etc, are provided with an ease of the charges by the Medigap. The other services like dialysis, transplant, and donor-related services are also covered by these plans. The other routine services like examination, immunization, and screening are covered with minimal cost that you will need to pay. The emergency travel services are also covered. The anesthesia and the dental care charges are also less when you have bought a Medigap plan. The breast reconstruction services are also covered by these plans.

The factors to consider:

With the help of Medicare supplemental policy, you can visit any doctor that follows these plans in the United States. There are some factors that you should consider before enrolling in the policy programs.

The Medicare part A and B are necessary before you can apply for the Medigap plans. If you are already using the Medicare Advantage plan, then you can’t use the Medigap insurance policy plans, unless you leave those Medicare Advantage plans. You have to pay a monthly insurance amount to the private company that is offering you the Medigap plan, along with the amount you pay for the premium part b to the Medicare.

The Medigap policy can cover only the health advantages of a single individual. If you and your partner both want it, so you will buy the policies separately. This plan can be bought from any of the insurance company that has got the license to sell the Medicare supplemental plans. The insurance companies cannot cancel your Medicare supplemental plans as far as you have paid the premium. The prescription drugs were a part of Medigap plans before 2016, but they are no more included afterward, in the Medicare supplemental plans.

To select a plan:

The plans are different from each other in the areas of coverage and the facilities provided. So you will first look at the plan’s description, compare the plans, and take in notice your own health needs. There are certain factors that you can compare among the ten plans, like the deductibles, monthly premiums, the restrictions and you own expected visits in a year, the diseases you mostly get and the charges you have to pay for those facilities.

The Medicare supplemental plans are very beneficial in saving your health in the future. They provide the right facilities with the cost-effective services at the right time. Buy one of the Medicare supplemental insurance plans for yourself today!

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!




Medicare Supplemental Plans in Tennessee

Over a million Tennessee residents rely on Medicare as their main health insurance. Tennessee residents enrolled in Medicare Part A, and Part B have a choice of enrolling in a Medicare Supplement (MedSupp or Medigap) plan to cover the out-of-pocket health-care expenses that Original Medicare does not cover, including deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

There are ten standardized Medicare supplemental plans available in Tennessee and as always, every plan is denoted by a letter. Plans are standardized by Medicare so that every plan that falls under a particular letter type will offer equal coverage. While each plan named with the same letter includes the same coverage, the different plans do have some benefits in common. For example, a plan covers Medicare Part A hospital co-insurance for up to a year after the benefits of Original Medicare have been utilized.

Medicare supplement plans in Tennessee cover the expenses that are not paid for by Original Medicare (Part A and B). These expenses may include deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses.   Plans K and L are considered low premium, higher out-of-pocket expenses plans and offer less standard coverage than the other plans until enrollees reach the out-of-pocket limit. While almost all the plans cover the entirety of Medicare Part B copayments or coinsurance amounts, Plan K only covers 50%, and Plan L only covers 75%.

The state of Tennessee grants a special Medigap plan to a set retired public and educators who are qualified for Medicare Part A. It is referred to as the Tennessee Plan. This special Medigap plan, called The Tennessee Plan includes a decreased premium if you have worked for at least 17 years as a public employee or an educator. You can’t be refused coverage if you apply within 60 days of your eligibility of Medicare Part A. Your premium won’t increase based on your age. However, most beneficiaries know that Part A and B don’t pay for all health costs, so they enhance their benefits in some way.

Rates for Tennessee Medicare supplement plans in 2017 depend on the supplement level, the county, the insurance company, and in a few cases, age and health. Exploring the different Medigap plan levels might be helpful.

If you are interested in a Tennessee Medicare supplement plan, it is advisable to become accustomed to the various types of plans so that you can pick the best plan that suits your needs. Once a plan type is chosen, you can compare plans between various companies to see the one that fits best within your budgetary guidelines. You should have it in mind that the costs will differ from location to location within Tennessee, so a Part A plan in Montgomery might differ in cost to the same plan in Shelby County. These larger metro areas will most likely offer residents the most Tennessee choices in both Medicare supplement plans and companies:

  • Chattanooga
  • Nashville
  • Memphis
  • New South Memphis
  • Knoxville

Learn more about Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Tennessee.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!



Medicare Supplemental Plans in Michigan

Are you sure you know all about Michigan Medicare supplemental insurance plans? One of the foremost reasons why state residents still end up paying huge amounts of money for out-of-pocket costs and deductibles is because they are not fully aware of the different plans and coverage available with Medicare.

In Michigan, the Department of Insurance allows insurance companies to provide Medicare supplement plans that can help pay some of the healthcare costs that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. Medicare supplement insurance policies are also called Medigap policies because they cover the gaps in the coverage that are not covered by a standard Medicare Policy.

Medicare beneficiaries in Michigan who are enrolled in Original Medicare (Part A & B) may find that the plans do not cover all of their health costs. However, Medicare recipients in Michigan may choose to opt in a Medicare supplement plans, which may cover costs such as copayments, deductibles, coinsurance, and other expenses.

These plans, however, can’t be used to pay for Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) expenses. These plans are identified by alphabet letters (A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N), with plans of the same letter providing the same benefits. Three states, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts, offer different types of standardized Medigap plans.

If you are below 65 years, your choices of Medicare supplement policies are generally limited to a Medicare supplement Plan A or C. There are a limited number of health carriers that offer Plans A and C to persons below 65 years. Companies that offer Plans A and C seniors below 65 years are allowed to charge those individuals more for the coverage.

  • Plan A includes only the essential core benefits.
  • Plan B covers the basic core benefits and the Medicare Part A deductible.
  • Plan C covers the core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, proficient nursing facility care, Medicare Part B deductible, and medically required emergency care in a foreign country.
  • Plan D includes the basic core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, proficient nursing facility care and medically required emergency care in a foreign country.
  • Plan F includes the core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, proficient nursing facility care, Medicare Part B deductible, 100% of the Medicare Part B excess charges, and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country.
  • Plan F allows a high-deductible version in which beneficiaries pay a predetermined deductible amount before the plan begins coverage. This amount may change from year to year.
  • Plan G includes the basic benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, proficient nursing facility care, and 100% of the Medicare Part B excess charges.
  • Plan K includes the core benefits. Plan K only provides 50% of the cost sharing for Medicare Part A covered hospice expenses and the first three pints of blood. It also only pays 50% of the Part B coinsurance after you meet your annual deductible.
  • Plan L includes the core benefits. Plan L only provides 75% of the cost sharing for Medicare Part A covered hospice expenses and the first three pints of blood.
  • Plan M includes the core benefits, 50% of the Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country.
  • Plan N also includes the core benefits, 100% of the Medicare Part B coinsurance and up to $20 on emergency visits that do not result in an inpatient admission.

Medicare Supplement plans in Michigan that are denoted with the same letter do not vary in coverage or benefits, as explained above. However, each insurance company that offers Medicare Supplement plans can set their premiums, so costs may differ. This implies that a resident of Washtenaw County may pay more or less than a resident of Wayne County for the same Medicare Supplement plan. By keeping the changes in expenses in mind, it will be a nice idea to compare all Medicare Supplement plans in your county to choose a Medigap plan in Michigan that fits your requirements.

Learn more about Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Michigan.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!


Medicare Supplemental Plans in Arizona

Many Arizona seniors, as they near their 65th birthday and enroll in Medicare are searching for the best Medicare supplement plan in Arizona. This state is famously popular as a retirement destination. Out of 6,612,624 Arizonans, over 18% are 65 and over, below is how these seniors are distributed in the largest Arizona cities:

  • Phoenix: 8.4%
  • Chandler: 7.8%
  • Scottsdale: 20.0%
  • Glendale: 9.2%
  • Tucson: 11.9%
  • Mesa: 14.1%

Unsurprisingly, nearly a million residents of Arizona depend on Medicare for their primary source of Medigap coverage. In today’s crowded Arizona Medicare market, seniors have many choices. Looking at the big picture, seniors have two basic options: choose one of 10 standardized Medicare supplement policies or find a good Medicare Advantage plan. Either choice can be sound, depending on your personal health care tastes.

Medicare supplement policies all come with a monthly premium, and the costs will differ from company to company. However, each company’s plans are all the same.  Many insurance companies offer a teaser premium for the first few years to attract new clients turning 65. With all that similarity in the insurance plans, what should a Medicare beneficiary be looking for?

Seniors should be looking for companies with:

  • An insurance company with a history of consistent premium costs free of huge increases
  • Excellent customer services and easy bill paying services
  • A track record of verifiable financial stability

Recipients may choose from several Medicare supplement plans available in Arizona. These plans are denoted by letters. There are ten standardized lettered plans, and each lettered plan must offer the same benefits regardless of the insurance company offering it but the cost may differ. The correct choice will, however, be different for each person, depending upon their health care objectives and economic realities. The most popular type is Medigap Plan F and is also available in Arizona.

Coverage does not generally include additional care, such as hearing, vision, or dental, although other benefits, like coverage while traveling outside of the country, may be provided. Coverage may also include out-of-pocket costs such as coinsurance, deductibles, and copayments. Prescription drug coverage, however, is not covered by Medicare supplement plans in Arizona.

Your choice of either Medicare Part A, Part B, with a Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage plan, or Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B alone, will depend upon your medical conditions, where you live, and the money you can spend on medical care.  Medicare supplemental insurance plans in Arizona cannot stand alone and can only be purchased with Original Medicare.

In Arizona, all 2017 Medicare Supplement plans have to comply with the official levels set out by Medicare. These cover supplements with names from A to N. Every Medicare supplement plan has to allow primary benefits like Part A hospital coinsurance.

The one thing to remember is that each Medicare supplement plan in Arizona is identical from one company or another. Various companies also charge different premiums, so you may consider Arizona Medicare Supplement plans for 2017 offered by these top companies when you want to make a comparison:

  • Aetna Medigap Plans
  • Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company
  • Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plans
  • Humana
  • Cigna Medicare Supplement Plans
  • Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
  • AARP Medigap Plans
  • Banker Fidelity Life Insurance Company
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
  • Globe Life and Accident Insurance

Learn more about Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Arizona.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!





Medical Supplemental Plans in Texas

Texas offers numerous ways for people to find Medicare supplement insurance. Medicare supplement insurance, often called Medigap, fills in the gaps in your Medicare coverage to pay some of the costs that original Medicare won’t pay. There are a lot of policies and different insurance companies that provide Medicare supplemental insurance plans. It is essential for consumers to know that yearly payments and premiums differ throughout the state based on age, location, and current level of health.

In Texas, the most popular names in the market include Anthem/Blue Cross, Aetna Health, Coventry Health and Humana Insurance. These giant are not alone.  There are dozens of smaller, regional Medicare supplemental insurance companies that Medicare works with to offer supplemental insurance plans including Medicare Part C and Advantage plans.

Finding the right Texas Medicare supplement plan for your health care and budget needs, can be a tough task. Many companies are offering different types of insurance plans that meet the terms for this type of insurance. The problem being that there is often confusion on what you really require and are eligible for. Also, you need to find out what type of plan will be the most beneficial with your current health condition for the lowest cost. This by itself can be a bit overwhelming for people.

Much of the complexity comes from the fact that there are only ten types of plans that may be issued for Texas Medicare supplement plans. They all differ in what they cover and how they affect the money that a person wants to spend. Some are intended for those who are using several expensive prescription drugs, while others are aimed to help people who have intractable illnesses and are already in hospitals or may be entering one soon. Finally, some plans are created to help those in good health who just need to work to maintain it. Each plan is based on Medicare and the areas where it is very limited.

Determining the right Texas Medicare supplement plans for you is further compounded by the rates that different insurance companies charge for the various types of plans. For one person, a plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas or Mutual of Omaha may do the trick, and for someone else, United HealthCare may work best. Some consumers find Texas Medicare Advantage Plans work while some will see that a traditional supplement plan give the most security. Prices can also vary by zip code, and this makes it challenging for a person to know if they are getting a good price or not. Most people do not have the desire to spend all the time that would be required to completely investigate all the various insurance companies to determine who has the best rates for the plans they think they want.

Companies providing Medicare Supplement plans in Texas may provide one or more of 10 separate plan categories. Each plan type is denoted by a letter of the alphabet, which is standardized under Medigap. This implies that each Plan A offered in the state will provide equal coverage. However, the out-of-pocket expenses will range from company to company and even location to location in the state.

Each county and company will provide a different selection of Medicare Supplement plans. Consider all of the options in your area to find the best plan type for your specific needs. Coverage levels also vary among plan types. For example, a Medicare Supplement Plan C might charge a higher premium but cover more out-of-pocket expenses than a different type of Medicare Supplement plan.

Learn more about Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Our Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Texas.  To talk to an expert in Texas Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!


What is the Difference Between an Estate Plan and a Will

Estate plans and wills are powerful documents. They grant you the ability to distribute your estate, appoint guardianship, pick your heirs, and give your most valuable belongings to your favorite people. It’s essential you have it in mind that a will is only a part of an estate plan, not an estate plan. A complete estate plan entails more than just a will. It should include an advanced directive, a power of attorney, and, if you so choose, trusts for your children, favorite charity, grandchildren or even a beloved pet.

Here is a concise explanation of each. An estate plan and a will grants you control over your assets, health decision, and a peace of mind for your family.

Estate planning allows you to prepare and forecast, during your life, for the supervision and control of your estate during your life and after death, maximizing gift, estate, and income tax in the process. By contrast, a will is a document that guides who will take your property after your death and it selects a legal delegate to ensure your wishes are carried out. An estate plan helps you plan for incapacity, reduce and eliminate uncertainties over the handling of a probate. It also minimizes the worth of the estate by decreasing tax and some other expenses. The ultimate goal of estate planning can be determined by the specific goals of the client and may be as simple or complex as the client’s needs dictate

It should be clear that an estate plan involves the trusts, will, beneficiary designations, powers of appointment, property ownership (joint tenancy with rights of survivorship, tenancy in common, tenancy by the entirety), gift, and powers of attorney. It is the durable financial power of attorney and the durable medical power of attorney. In contrast, a will entails a property that is in your name when you die. A will never covers property possessed in joint ownership. A will never covers property possessed in joint ownership. For a property to be included in a will, it must be put in the estate plan. An estate plan covers every property that has been handed over to a trust. Some special decisions like whether to be buried or cremated can also be part of a will. It should be noted that some complex estate plans may even cover winding up a business.

A will go into effect only after you die, while an estate plan takes effect as soon as you create it. This implies that an estate plan contains documents like a trust, will, etc. which takes effect as soon as you create it. A will passes through probate. That implies that a court supervises the execution of the will and makes sure the will is authentic, and the property is shared the exact way the deceased wanted. A will permits you to name a guardian for your children and specify how your funeral should be. For an estate plan, you can plan for disability or provide savings on taxes. Your elder law attorney can tell you how best to use a will in your estate plan.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols call 734.386.0224 today.