Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 192

Changes in New Construction

New construction homes offer many distinct advantages over older ones.  While purchasing a residence that has previously been lived in might be easier than building one of your own from the ground up it is crucial that you take a patient approach when making your next investment.

Older homes can develop structural issues that can cause the value of the home to decrease over time.  On the other hand, new construction homes are in the best shape they will ever be in.  With any purchase there are pros and cons and the same is true of your next residence.  It is important to make a good decision for your family that you spend time research the best option for your ever growing needs.

Sometimes the cost of buying a piece of property that is currently available is actually greater than the cost associated with building the home.  Other times there are good deals on existing structures that make it worth buying a previously owned home and remodelling it.  What you decide to do is completely based on the current state of the housing market when you need to decide whether to buy or build.

In a seller’s market a new construction home may offer more value in return for your investment.  The land on which you build a new home should also be one of the deciding factors in the value of your new house.  You are considering every option when looking to purchase property to build on.

New construction homes are always fully customized to the owner’s exact specifications.  When you hire a contractor and start planning for your dream home you can rest assured that you will be getting exactly what you want.  If you are interested in multiple fireplaces, a spacious sunroom, an in-ground pool, or a finished basement, you can make it a reality.  You are starting from the ground up and can have whatever your budget allows.

In new construction you can get exactly what you want down to the most tedious of details.  You can choose the cabinets, the floors, the number of showers and exactly what kind of moulding to use.  This is not always the case in a pre-existing home.   Although you can remodel there may be some times where you are stuck with a truly terrible design choice that was made by the previous owners.  You may pay more for remodelling an existing structure rather than starting from scratch with new construction.  Homeowners buying a pre-existing structure need to know that they may end up paying more than anticipated when you purchased the home in the first place.

There is a great deal to consider with home remodelling and with new construction.  Think about all of the pros and cons when you are looking into moving and considering a new construction or previously owned home.

Learn more about Aspen Construction and the variety of home construction upgrades they provide including: new construction, home additions, bathroom remodeling, kitchen renovations, and finished basements at  To contact one of our home construction specialists call 517.404.2176 today.

Popular Options in Label and Packaging

At first glance, designing a label for your products package can seem like quiet a daunting task. However, there is no reason to be intimidated. Most labels are based on a unique template. Understanding the role color, font, images, and text content plays in designing effective labels is the best way to produce top quality designs.

Shrink Sleeve Labeling

Without proper advertisement and promotion it is hard to market a product, especially one that is new to the market.  With this in mind it is crucial for adequate marketing to be carried out in a way that the product is exposed to the public and is done so in away to create market awareness.  This allows the public to know exactly what the product is and how it benefits them.

One such type of label that is known to have a big impact on marketing is shrink sleeves.  Shrink sleeve labels are usually printed on plastic or polyester material and offers a three hundred and sixty degrees area to use for advertising.  They are usually designed to take advantage of all of the labels space and use several, bright colors within the design to look appealing to buyers. Shrink sleeve labelling helps to improve branding.  Since they can wrap all the way around a product, shrink sleeves can be used to promote other aspects of the company as well including a company’s philosophy.

Shrink sleeve labels are also flexible, strong, and environmentally friendly. These labels fit into just any shape of packaging and their sustainability ensures they do not damage when they are shipped across long distances to distributors. They are biodegradable, making recycling and repacking easy. Companies and brands can now promote their brand and product at the same time, saving a lot of money in the process.

Flexible Pouches

Flexible pouches are the fastest growing segment of the package and label industry. It combines the best of aluminum foil, plastics, film, and paper to provide strong enough protective effect to keep products safe from physical and environmental hazards. Flexible pouch packaging helps manufacturers experiment with different attractive designs to make their products look appealing to the purchasing public. This form of packaging is not only lightweight, but they are customizable and have the ability to be reused. This helps to improve both the product awareness and the brand. Due to its ease of use and convenience, flexible pouch packaging can easily be transported and stored, and it is environmentally friendly.

This is the perfect packaging that provides manufacturers with the exact type of advertising they need to boost sales. Features such as re-sealable seals, zip locks and spouts can be added to flexible pouch packaging to make it even more convenient to use and in turn, provide added value to the product to increase sales.

Product labelling and packaging has improved a lot in recent times. Modern packaging methods ensure the market space is maximized on your product, providing more avenues for your customers to be impressed. Now your market space is a lot more mobile, you can make the best of this opportunity.

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at

5 Reasons Why People Like LASIK

LASIK is a recognized name all over the world now.  It is a particular type of eye surgery.  It is typically done to cure myopia or nearsightedness.  LASIK is the abbreviation of a laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.  In this operation the shape of the cornea gets changed permanently.  It takes about ten to fifteen minute per eye to perform and usually it does not cause pain to the patient.


As advantages go we can say LASIK can cure the various types of myopia entirely and it can also cure hyperopia or farsightedness and astigmatism.  As the whole procedure is computer guided it is very accurate and efficient.  In more of the cases one surgery is enough to cure the problem but in some cases though another surgery may be needed and that surgery can take place quite a long time after the initial one.

Unfortunately aside from the many benefits of corrective vision surgery, the high cost puts it out of range for many people.  It applies especially to those who have no type of insurance coverage to help pay for some of the expense.  Even for those who do have optical insurance many will find they have limited coverage.

Many insurance policies exclude this type of laser eye surgery altogether because they consider it to be optional and not necessary since in most cases the vision can be improved with some corrective lenses.

Others look forward to never having to deal with the fuss of changing and cleaning contact lenses. Still others are motivated by vanity and don’t want anyone to know that they had a vision problem that needed correction.

However many people have sufficient resources and motivation that are not at all put off by the cost of eye surgery. Some people value the convenience of never having to wear glasses again.

If your eye sight’s getting weak or you’ve been wearing glasses or contact lenses for some time, you’ve probably thought about LASIK eye surgery.  Maybe you’ve been put by the idea that it’s risky or expensive but fact is, it needn’t be either and the benefits are enormous.

Here are five great reasons why people like Lasik eye surgery

Improved Vision: Whether you are long or short sighted, LASIK can enhance your vision.  However, you should be aware that if you suffer from existing eye disease such as retinal disease you will not regain 20/20 vision.  A vast majority of patients will see 20/40 after the LASIK eye procedure which is enough to pass a driving test.

  • Sense of Freedom: Then there is the wonderful sense of freedom that comes from not having to wear glasses or contact every day. If you are tired of waking up to a blur every day and groping around for specs you may be interested in LASIK.  Also, LASIK prevents the steam and fog up of rain or the dreaded loss of glasses.
  • Aesthetics: People tend to believe that you look way cooler without glasses than with them. So, maybe glasses work for Woody Allen but we are not celebrities.  So some people look good in specs but ditching them is the better deal for most of us.
  • Expand Life Options:  Regaining good vision allows you to expand your life option.  Perhaps you love swimming but do not fancy thrashing myopically around in the water without your glasses.  And wearing contact lenses in a public pool can lead to eye infection.  After LASIK you can partake in any extreme sport you want such as scuba diving, parachute jumping, or you can just stay home and read a book about it.
  • Practically Pain Free: Lasik surgery is a swift, painless procedure with almost instant result.  The actual operation takes less than five minutes and you should be able to see well the next day.

If you have been thinking of having LASIK now is the time to take action.  It is fast, safe, and gives almost instant results.  Both near sighted, far sighted people and people with astigmatism can all benefit from LASIK eye surgery.  To achieve a certainty in operation one must choose a reputable surgeon with experience, a solid reputation, availability, and familiarity with new technology.

Before, during and after the surgery one should expect to receive a thorough eye check up, proper care, a bit of itching, irritation and possible blurry vision and teary eyes.  If any problem should occur it is necessary to immediately contact the eye doctor.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website to schedule an appointment.

The Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans:

The prices of the insurance plans may differ slightly in various states but the description set out in Medicare supplemental plans do not change. They are present in similar forms in all the states, except the three states Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, where these services aren’t the same. It implies that the benefits in each of the Medigap plan are going to stay the same, irrespective of what insurance company is providing these plans.

To explain a little, as what are the Medicare supplemental plans that your Medigap broker will discuss with you. These are the extra beneficial plans that are not covered by the original Medicare. These are ten plans and each is presented with an alphabet. So the alphabets represent the plans like A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. The plans structures remain the same in all of the 47 states where they are provided. Though, the various insurance companies can charge a little different, regarding the buying of the same plan, through different insurance companies.

Things to consider before buying:

The important thing while choosing any plan is to consider your health needs. All the plans are different from each other along with the costs. So your Medicare supplemental insurance broker will explain to you the details of the packages and cost of each of the plans. When you compare the plans, these are keynote points to look into:

  • The deductibles are different for some plans
  • You will have to observe closely the comparison charts
  • The monthly premiums for each of the ten plans
  • The calculated costs of healthcare or hospital services that you are using
  • The doctors and pharmacies restrictions and rules in your state
  • The cost of medicines that you need for your commonly faced ailments.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Learning more about Medicare in Tennessee


Medicare is the federal health insurance program that provides health care coverage for Tennessee residents age 65 and older. Younger persons with certain qualifying disabilities or illnesses are eligible for this program. Anybody whose spouse is eligible for or already receive social security benefits or railroad retirement board benefits may not have to enroll again. If you are one of the Tennessee residents thinking that Medicare alone does not cover your health care cost, then you may choose to purchase additional plans, known as Medicare supplemental insurance plans. If you are located in Tennessee and looking for useful information to help you choose the right plan for you, this article can help.

Types of Medicare coverage in Tennessee

Medicare is divided into four parts:

Part A – Hospital Insurance

Part B – Medical Insurance

Part C – Medicare Advantage

Part D – Prescription Drug coverage

Original Medicare gives eligible people coverage for inpatient hospital care under its hospital insurance program (Part A). Under its medical insurance program (Part B) gives coverage for doctor services, preventive services and some durable medical equipment.

Medicare Advantage

This plan is known as plan C. It provides original Medicare benefits through private Medicare-approved insurance companies, while cost and plan details will differ among insurance companies. All Medicare advantage plans are required to offer at least the same amount of coverage as original Medicare Part A and Part B with only the exception of hospice care. Additional benefits may be included in most part C plans like, Prescription drug coverage and routine dental care, vision hearing, and wellness programs. Any one that enrolled in a Medicare Part C plan will still continue paying a monthly premium for part B.

Prescription Drug Coverage

Medicare Part D Prescription drug plans are available only through private Medicare approved insurance providers. This part D plan offers stand alone prescription coverage and can be added to your Medicare Part A & B insurance. Therefore, any Tennessee residents that enroll in a Medicare advantage prescription drug plan will get all Medicare coverage in a single plan, with continuous monthly payment of part B premium.

Applying for Medicare in Tennessee works the same as it does in any other state. To be eligible, you must be a United States citizen or legal permanent resident of at least five continuous years. Any resident that is 65 or older is eligible, persons under 65 with certain disabilities and those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are also qualified.

If you are looking for more information on the topic please call one of our US based agents at 877-202-9248. Our agents are happy to help and can answer all your questions.

What Is a Medigap Plan?

A Medigap plan covers costs associated with Original Medicare including copayments, deductibles, and other out of pocket expenses.  These plans are designed to work in combination with Original Medicare and cannot be used as stand-alone health coverage.  Medigap plans do not include prescription drug coverage but participants can choose to have prescription drug coverage by enrolling in Medigap Plan D, prescription drug coverage.

Medicare nurse

As of today there are ten different standardized Medigap plans to choose from.  Each plan is denoted by a letter of the alphabet starting with Plan A.  Medigap Plan A provides the most basic set of core benefits.  All of the other Medigap Plans include the benefits that are offered in Medicare Plan A along with additional coverage options.

The Medicare program is currently divided into four specific parts including: Medicare Part A, hospital coverage, Medicare Part B, physician’s coverage, Medicare Advantage Program, HMOs and PPOs, and Medigap Plan D, prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Part A: Hospital Insurance

  • Services related to inpatient centers such as:
  • The hospital
  • Nursing facilities
  • Hospice
  • Home care

Medicare Part B: Medical Insurance

  • Service related to physician’s care such as:
  • Doctor’s visits
  • Outpatient care
  • Preventative treatments

Medicare Advantage Program: HMOs and PPOs

  • Private insurance companies for you to choose from if you do not want Medicare

Medigap Plan D: Prescription Drug Coverage

  • Provides coverage for prescription drug coverage
Medigap Standardized Plans
  • Medigap Plan A – Basic core benefits
  • Medigap Plan B – Basic core benefits and the Medicare Part A deductible
  • Medigap Plan C – Basic core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care, the Medicare Part B deductible, and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country
  • Medigap Plan D – Basic core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care, and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country
  • Medigap Plan F – Basic core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care, Medicare Part B deductible, 100% Medicare Part B excess charges, and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country
  • Medigap Plan F Prime – Offers a high deductible option, increase every year and premiums are typically lower than other Medigap, deductible must meet the deductible before the policy covers your health claims
  • Medigap Plan G – Basic core benefits, the Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care, 100% Medicare Part B excess charges, and medically necessary emergency
  • Medigap Plan K – Basic core benefits, provides 50% of the cost sharing for Medicare Part A covered hospice expenses, first three pints of blood, pays 50% of the Part B coinsurance after meeting annual deductible, after meeting your annual out of pocket spending limit Medicare Plan K will pay 100% of all Medicare Parts A and Medicare Part B deductible, copayments, and coinsurance
  • Medigap Plan L – Basic core benefits, provides 75% of the cost sharing for Medicare Part A covered hospice expenses, first three pints of blood, pays 75% of the Part B coinsurance after meeting annual deductible, after meeting your annual out of pocket spending limit Medicare Plan K will pay 100% of all Medicare Parts A and Medicare Part B deductible, copayments, and coinsurance
  • Medigap Plan M – Basic core benefits, Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country
  • Medigap Plan N – Basic core benefits, Medicare Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility care, and medically necessary emergency care in a foreign country

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

Using a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Broker to Choose a Plan

Using a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Broker to Choose a Plan

The Medigap or Medicare supplemental insurance plans cover most of the cost aspects that the original Medicare plan doesn’t fulfill. The original Medicare plans don’t cover the coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles. At this point, the Medigap comes into play and contributes its share. This plan can be bought from the insurance company or you can settle with an insurance broker to set the deal for you.

Medical supplemental insurance broker:

A medical supplemental insurance broker will provide you with the details regarding each plan, the advantages, disadvantages, and the plan, which is best, suited for you. They will help you find all the data and cost, so you won’t have to go through a laborious process of choosing the best for yourself. In many states, the Medigap brokers aren’t allowed to charge extra money from the customers. They are paid from the insurance companies. So you don’t need to worry about the charges of the insurance broker.

The Insurance broker vs. the insurance agent:

The Medicare supplemental insurance broker most of the times is confused with the Medigap agent. The Medicare supplemental agent is the one who acts in the representation of insurance companies. Whereas, the Medigap insurance broker is the one who helps any insurance customer. The agent is allowed to sell the policies of a single insurance company. The insurance broker, on the other hand, can sell the policies from various insurance companies. Both of these terms can be used interchangeably sometimes, depending upon the different insurance department’s definition of these terms.

The Medigap insurance broker:

The services of the Medigap agent and the Medigap broker are different from each other. The Medicare supplemental insurance brokers help the customers with the provision of services from the different insurance options. The reason is that they aren’t specifically linked to any single company. This is one of the advantages of brokers because the different insurance companies provide the different rates regarding the plans. So, the insurance brokers will tell you about the rates comparison and other details, without adopting a biased approach. Some of the companies are better formulated keeping in view the old people’s health needs and other may be better for the young people health needs. The insurance brokers can give you a vast knowledge about the various companies, their rates and the benefits associated with those companies.

The Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans:

The prices of the insurance plans may differ slightly in various states but the description set out in Medicare supplemental plans do not change. They are present in similar forms in all the states, except the three states Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, where these services aren’t the same. It implies that the benefits in each of the Medigap plan are going to stay the same, irrespective of what insurance company is providing these plans.

To explain a little over here as what are the Medicare supplemental plans that your Medigap broker will discuss with you. These are the extra beneficial plans that are not covered by the original Medicare. These are ten plans and each is presented with an alphabet. So the alphabets represent the plans like A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. The plans structures remain the same in all of the 47 states where they are provided. Though, the various insurance companies can charge a little different, regarding the buying of the same plan, through different insurance companies.

Things to consider before buying:

The important thing while choosing any plan is to consider your health needs. All the plans are different from each other along with the costs. So your Medicare supplemental insurance broker will explain you the details of the packages and cost of each of the plans. When you will be comparing the plans, there are certain keynote points to look into. The deductibles, they are different for some plans, so you will have to observe closely the comparison charts, the monthly premiums for each of the ten plans, the calculated costs of healthcare or hospital services that you are using, the doctors and pharmacies restrictions and rules in your state, and the cost of medicines that you need for your commonly faced ailments.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

LTL vs FTL Shipping

Whеn you’re uѕing аn Atlаntа delivery company tо move large еnоugh ѕhiрmеntѕ of frеight thаt уоu’vе moved uр from uѕing dеlivеrу vаnѕ tо using full size truсkѕ, уоu’rе gоing tо ѕtаrt bеing presented with nеw options fоr service frоm thаt company. The larger уоur ѕhiрmеntѕ grоw, the mоrе diffiсult thiѕ decision саn bе tо mаkе, ѕо it’s important to undеrѕtаnd thе key differences between the twо рrimаrу fоrmѕ оf truсking, which аrе LTL аnd FTL shipping.

LTL аnd FTL stand for lеѕѕ than truсk load аnd full truсk lоаd respectively. These аrе the twо main wауѕ that trucking соmраniеѕ use thеir trucks. Thе essence оf it iѕ thаt an LTL truсk will mоvе саrgо which belongs to ѕеvеrаl diffеrеnt сliеntѕ. An FTL truсk will instead оnlу mоvе саrgо which bеlоngѕ tо оnе сuѕtоmеr.

Whеn уоu’rе ѕhiррing уоur cargo оn аn LTL truсklоаd, thе entire truсk iѕ going tо bе full, but you will only be using аѕ much оf the truсk аѕ you require for уоur gооdѕ. The оthеr аvаilаblе space on thе vеhiсlе will bе givеn tо оthеr clients оf thе соuriеr company thаt need to mоvе thеir gооdѕ in thе same gеnеrаl dirесtiоn. This means thаt most LTL vehicles run full, аnd it also means thаt mаnу оf the costs оf thаt ѕhiрmеnt аrе thеn ѕhаrеd bеtwееn a fеw diffеrеnt parties.

Thаt соѕt saving fеаturе iѕ thе primary reason whу many people dесidе to uѕе LTL shipping. Anуthing which iѕ over 100lbѕ аррrоасhеѕ bеing too hеаvу fоr shipping in a regular courier vеhiсlе, аnd nееdѕ tо be truсkеd instead. Hоwеvеr, until уоu аррrоасh 10,000lbѕ оf cargo, it iѕ gеnеrаllу imрrасtiсаl tо uѕе FTL ѕhiррing. Evеrуthing in bеtwееn these weights gеnеrаllу ships LTL, whiсh is whу thiѕ ѕhiррing орtiоn is ѕо popular.

There iѕ оnlу really one dоwnѕidе to LTL shipping, and thаt iѕ thе timе thаt it might take уоur ѕhiрmеnt tо bе delivered. This iѕ оnlу going to be a соnсеrn if you’re starting tо аррrоасh the upper limit оf LTL shipping wеightѕ; оthеrwiѕе thе price differential for mоving tо FTL is too grеаt. Hоwеvеr, if you’re nеаr the borderline оf the wеight сlаѕѕеѕ, ѕоmе сliеntѕ рrеfеr tо mоvе to FTL because thеir ѕhiрmеntѕ will be delivered quicker. Thаt is because during аn LTL ѕhiрmеnt the truсk may bе delayed ѕеvеrаl times during the dеlivеrу whilе thе оrdеrѕ bеlоnging tо оthеr сliеntѕ аrе being dropped off. Thiѕ will dереnd оf соurѕе оn where уоur deliveries are ѕсhеdulеd аmidѕt the оthеr clients.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.

How to Prepare For Lasik Eye Surgery

If you are preparing for your LASIK eye surgery, there are a few things to keep in mind to have the best experience possible. Although nothing can replace the consultation of your eye surgeon, listed below are some items that can help you before and after your operation. The Lasik procedure is extremely precise, and it removes a small amount of corneal tissue to help provide you with the best vision possible.

Knowing both of the surgery’s advantages and disadvantages and getting a comprehensive evaluation, it is also necessary to know some details of the surgery itself. Getting ready for any surgery is a tedious process and preparing for LASIK is no different. One must ensure that everything is ready and that you look good. While preparing for laser eye surgery isn’t as difficult as with some other surgeries, there are still a few things you need to take care of before you go in for eye surgery.

However, if you are toying with the idea of getting this surgery done, then here are a couple of things you need to know.

  1. Stop using contacts

Abstain from wearing your contacts: For at least three days before the LASIK surgery, you should not wear your contacts. Depending on the types of lenses you wear, however, the period could be longer. It is best to ask your doctor what he feels is an ample amount of time.

  1. Do not eat too much

Usually, before bodily operations, you are required to refrain from eating for about one day (a full 24 hours). However, before this procedure, it is recommended to have a light meal before coming into the office, as well as any prescribed medications that you may be taking. Again, ask your eye doctor what he/she recommends.

  1. No more makeup

Yes, you will need to stop using perfume or makeup or even cream bases the day before LASIK surgery. With these products, debris can cause inflammation, which can lead to haze or scarring. It is best not to wear any mascara, foundation, or any other make-up that may descend into the eyes or obstruct the doctor’s movements.

  1. Avoid caffeine.

Another thing you should take note before going for your Lasik is to stop drinking/taking soda or caffeine instead try and drink water. Taking caffeine will make your eyes feel dry, and this will make it hard for you to fully relax after receiving your LASIK surgery. Caffeine also makes some people jittery; we want you to be fully relaxed during the eye surgery.

  1. Come with a responsible driver.

Overall, you will feel normal after your LASIK procedure is complete. However, you will not be able to drive yourself home. Before LASIK, ask a responsible friend or family member to be your post-op chauffeur and help you to bed after getting home.

These are the five steps that will surely assist you with preparing for your corrective eye surgery. Preparation is necessary to have a successful operation. Always remember that those who are well prepared will have a better possibility of success.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

Comparing Medigap Plans in Tennessee

With a per capita income of $19,993 and an average cost of $20,000 for Medicare plans that unfortunately do not have a wide enough coverage for all circumstances, the average Tennessee resident is clearly not getting a good deal for his money. That’s why we have Medigap in the picture.

Medigap is an alternative health policy offered by private companies to cover for the lapses of the government established Medicare. Basically, what Medigap does is to cover for those things that Medicare does not cater for, such as co-payments, deductibles, and health expenses incurred outside the USA.

To apply for Medigap coverage, you must be covered by Medicare Plan A or B. The Medigap is sold by underwriters licensed to do so. A Medigap policy covers just one person; no group packages. It also does not cover some aspects of healthcare such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, dental care, private duty nursing and long term care. Medigap is available to persons above 65, young persons who have been eligible for social security for at least 2 years, and persons suffering from terminal renal disease.

Borrowing from Medicare’s lingo, Medigap has 10 plans, namely, A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. Each plan comes with unique offers to fit the needs of different persons. The offers range thus:

  • Medicare Part A Coinsurance
  • Medicare Part B Coinsurance
  • Medicare Part A Deductible
  • Medicare Part B Deductible
  • Skilled Nursing Care Coinsurance
  • Copayment
  • Charges for the First 3 pints of blood
  • Medicare Part B excess charges
  • Foreign Travel Exchange

For instance, if you subscribe for Medigap Plan B in Tennessee, you get coinsurance for Medicare Part A and B for up to a year after Medicare benefits are finished, skilled nursing facility care coinsurance, and first 3 pints of blood, amongst other things. Other plans also vary in what they offer, thus ensuring that you the subscriber, gets a package that is exactly what you need, nothing more, nothing less. But it should be noted that the Plans are universal across all states, since they are still regulated by federal and state laws. However, we offer the best prices on Medigap insurance policies.

As a Tennessee resident, you are eligible for Medigap if you are registered for Medicare Part A and B, and also 65 and above. Medigap plans are available in over 99 counties of Tennessee namely Van Buren, Jackson, Coffee, Bedford, Sumner, Houston, Rutherford, and Cheatham, just to name a few.

Already, there are over a 160,000 Tennessee residents enrolled for Medigap, and joining their swelling ranks is a piece of cake. The best time to apply is before you turn 65. This way you have guaranteed pick from the 10 available Medigap plans. The application process is also much easier. Anything later than this might result in fewer options and you might be stuck with a plan that doesn’t exactly suit you.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Tennessee at  Our Tennessee Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Tennessee today.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medigap coverage call toll free 888.404.5049 today!