Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 189

The History of Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Arizona

There are several types of Medicare insurance plans in Arizona, and choosing the right one for you should not be difficult. For you not to make mistakes and to make the very best decision, you need to know the basics of health insurance and the important considerations you should take when selecting an Arizona health insurance provider. Here are some pointers.

First, you should understand what Medicare insurance is. Medicare insurance is a must for everyone and for a very good reason: it blankets you against the high costs of treatment and hospitalization. When you have Medicare insurance, your health insurance provider (also called the insurer) pays the medical costs you may incur when you become sick or injured. Surveys show that about 85% of Americans are covered by health insurance, which is provided by their employers, themselves, or government agencies.

You should also understand the different types of Arizona health insurance. Just like in most other states, health insurance in Arizona generally comes in three categories.

Individual and family coverage is a type of plan that insures a principal and his or her dependents. A father or mother of a household, for example, can act as the principal, and his or her children are considered dependents. A medical insurer will assess the medical history of the principal and all dependents before agreeing to provide insurance.

There are also small business health plans in Arizona, available to small companies with two to fifty employees. Unlike individual and family coverage, small business health insurance is not medically underwritten. Employees of the business need not be subjected to medical exams before insurance is granted, provided that the company complies with certain requirements.

Finally, there is the Medicare supplement available to individuals with Medicare. There are certain times when Medicare offers guaranteed issue opportunities, and you should take advantage of such opportunities if you don’t want to have to go through medical evaluation in order to get coverage.

Preliminary procedures for each plan vary, but as a general rule, you will be asked to fill out a comprehensive medical history form and write down all the ailments you have ever been treated for; identify your family’s history of diseases; declare if you smoke and if you are over- or underweight; and respond to many other health-related questions. Also, remember that different insurance plans vary in terms of coverage and cost. Consult a licensed health insurance agent or do thorough research before signing up for any plan.

At eMedicare Supplemental Insurance we specialize in selling supplemental plans. We understand choosing the right plan can be tedious. That’s why we have a number of different ways to access information. You can read more about supplemental plans and even get a free quote at or call and talk with a licensed agent at 888-404-5049. We hope to help you soon!

Tennessee Medigap Can Ease Your Pain

Tennessee Medigap plans are available for those eligible for Social Security benefits, have turned the age of 65 and have enrolled in Original Medicare.  Medicare is insurance that is provided by the United States federal government to those who qualify.  Although Medicare pays a large portion of medical expenses, this medical insurance doesn’t pay 100% of the costs of medical services and supplies.


The remaining out of pocket costs left over is the responsibility of the insured.  This is known as a gap in coverage; the portion of medical expenses that Medicare does not pay.  Many of those who receive Social Security benefits and Medicare benefits may be on a fixed income so the reaming costs left over after Medicare pays what it allots can be a financial burden.  Private medical insurance providers recognized a need for a product that would benefit those enrolled in Medicare.

Tennessee Medigap Plans

Tennessee Medigap supplemental insurance plans provide some coverage for those out of pocket costs that Medicare doesn’t pay for including deductibles, co-payments, and coinsurance.  Medigap does not pay Medicare Part B premiums that are required by Medicare.  Many participants may elect to have this premium deducted from their monthly Social Security benefits.  Private insurance companies must follow Federal and State laws for Medigap coverage.

The government has established certain criteria that these insurance companies must meet.  Every Medigap plans in the U.S. must cover certain basic expenses.  This legislation provides protection to Medicare recipients.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services have created ten letter plans of coverage that standardizes Medigap.  Each of these categories may offer a different combination of coverage’s but private insurance companies must adhere to the basic guidelines.

Tennessee Medigap Policies – Eligibility and Enrollment

To enroll in one of the Tennessee Medigap policies you must already be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.  Open enrollment is defined as the 6 month period of time that starts the first day of the month when a participant turns 65 and is enrolled in Medicare Part B.  During this time frame, those that apply for Medigap coverage cannot be denied due to previous health conditions and the costs for those with health problems cannot be inflated.  It is important to understand that Medigap is an individual policy meaning that married couples must each have their own individual plan.

Tennessee Medigap Insurance Rates

There are ten different lettered plans that a person can choose, Tennessee Medigap insurance rates from person to person can vary greatly. The rates will depend on the plan and company chosen to provide insurance provider.  Those who elect to have one of the TN Medigap policies will be billed directly from the private insurance company.  Those who elect to have one of the TN Medigap policies will be billed directly by the private insurance company.  This payment will go to the insurance company of choice not to the government.  Medigap is not a government sponsored coverage although it is regulated by the government.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Tennessee at  The Tennessee Medigap Insurance brokers at eMedigap Plans will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Tennessee today.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

Arizona Medigap Information

Arizona Medigap insurance plans offer additional assistance for seniors who need extra help funding their medical expenses.  Senior Medigap agents licensed in Arizona are available to help find the right plan for your individual health care and budgeting needs.  They want to make sure Medicare eligible recipients know what options are available to them regarding their health care.  Below are the well-reviewed basics, the ten standardized plans utilized throughout the country, eligibility and enrollment information, available carriers within the state, and some Medicare state facts you should know.


Arizona Medigap Plans

Arizona Medigap plans are available to many people ages 65 and over who are also enrolled in Medicare Parts A and Parts B.  Some plans offer 100% coverage for medical visits, including visits urgent care facilities and specialists as well as hospice care.  No referrals are necessary for a doctor.  Arizona Medigap plans to support the health care and financial needs of seniors. It must be stressed that the Medigap plans are supplements; they are not intended to replace the Original Medicare.  As the name implies, their purposes is to complete the gaps in the Original Medicare allowing individuals to have complete coverage.

Medigap Options, Eligibility, and Enrollment

There are ten Medigap plan options available nationwide labeled A through N.  Some carriers offer all letter plans and some only offer a few.  The carriers in your state will determine what letter plans are available to choose from.

To be eligible for an Arizona Medigap insurance policy you must be:

  • An Arizona resident
  • Enrolled in Medicare Part A and B of Original Medicare
  • At least 65 or older (some plans are available to those under 65 with certain disabilities)

The best time to enroll is during your open enrollment period (OEP).  Your open enrollment period begins the first day you turn 65 and are also enrolled in Medicare Part B of traditional Medicare; once this period begins you will have 6 months to apply for Medigap coverage. If you apply during this time you will qualify for guaranteed issue.  Guaranteed issue means that regardless of your medical history, a carrier cannot deny you coverage or increase your rates.  You can still apply outside your OEP but you won’t be given guaranteed issue.  A carrier may require medical underwriting prior to approving your application or increase your premium rates due to your medical history.

Arizona Medigap plans and costs depend on many factors such as age, gender, location, and the provider you choose to go with.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Arizona at  Our Arizona Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Arizona today.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medigap coverage call toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Medicare Supplement Insurance – What, Why and Who?

The main idea behind Medicare supplement insurance was to offer extra coverage above and beyond regular Medical care parts A & B for qualified people aged 65 and above or folks on disability under the age of 65.

Medicare Parts A & B are really good coverage on their own.

Part A helps pay for medical services while confined in a hospital setting and covers 80% of those services after a deductible is met ($1132 in 2011). The deductible is a “per benefit period” deductible which in most cases means you’ll have to meet the deductible each time you have a hospital stay.

Medicare Part B helps pay for your outpatient medical services. This would include things like primary care and specialist physicians and lab work, x-rays, outpatient surgeries, emergency room visits, and most other medical services in which you don’t have to spend the night in a facility. This works like Part A in that you have a deductible ($162 in 2011) and then Medicare pays 80% of most services. The part B deductible, however, is an annual deductible and only needs to be met once per calendar year. Medicare also has something called excess charges which allow a doctor to charge up to 15% over Medicare’s rates.

What is Medicare Supplement Insurance? This insurance is private coverage that picks up those gaps in coverage left by Medicare and is therefore often called “Medigap” or “Gap insurance”. So, these plans can cover all, or some, of the deductible, coinsurance, and excess charge gaps in regular Medicare.

Why should I buy Medicare supplement insurance? Although it’s not necessary to buy this type of insurance, it can be a very valuable policy in helping protect your assets and also lends a significant amount of “peace of mind” that you won’t be hit with major medical bills. It has been noted that about half of all bankruptcy is related to a person’s inability to pay for medical services received. Medicare supplement insurance can help you avoid that situation.

Who should I buy Medicare supplement insurance from? The great thing about Medicare Supplement Insurance is that they are standardized. So, once you identify which plan is best for you, you can shop the market to see who can offer the best rates.

You can pretty much feel comfortable going with whoever is offering the best rate for the plan you feel most comfortable with. You might use the services of a Medicare supplement insurance agency to identify the rates from several companies and maybe get some experienced details on which companies might be better for the long term.

Shopping for Medicare supplemental insurance can be tough, that’s why we have made a ton of information available to you. Our main website is a good place to start with not too much information that won’t overwhelm you. After that you can move on to our blog that has a ton of information like general Medicare information to state specific supplemental information. If you are still wondering or just would like to talk to some one you can call us directly at 888-404-5049.

How Will Cross Docking Logistic Service Benefit Me?

Before getting to why you should use it, let’s have some history of cross docking. It started from the year 1930. This method was then adopted by the military of the United States in the year 1950. Then, in the year 1980, Wal-Mart adopted this approach.

Cross docking is a great way to deliver the product in a very short amount of time without using a lot of man power. It is simply the transfer of the manufactured product from the factory or the production house directly to the buyers. Apart from reducing the use of man power, it helps to reduce the space and time required to hold the product till it reaches its customers.

The product mostly involved in cross docking is either already sold which needs to be delivered to its rightful owner or an order by a company that is to be sent from a warehouse.

Cross Docking enables you to optimize the supply chain industry. Things move faster and more effectively. The Cross Docking operation works 24/7, so, the customers get their products mostly on time.

Why Cross Docking Is Good For You?

Here’re some of the most impressive reasons you should be doing cross docking.

  • It Provides Flexibility

It is great if you have a small start-up business. It does not require any warehouse. Hence, you can start just right off. The most important tip is to get as much clients as you can get. This makes the business run better and with a lot of profit if your customer base is loyal enough.

  • It Provides Good Quality Work

Cross docking does not require any storage facility; hence, the work is mostly done quite efficiently. The logistic experts take care of the business that goes on in the warehouse itself. Plus, the staff is equipped and have all the required information.

  • Reduction in the Cost

When the business is run by several companies at a time, the cost is minimal as it tends to distribute the overall cost. For example, when you are going to take some space from the warehouse, you only get to pay the space you took and not of the whole warehouse.

Plus, when there are multiple companies running, there is less labor cost; money is saved this way as well.

If there is any special delivery that requires a certain tool or any kind of equipment, the cost is usually taken up by the customer or your client, hence, you do not need to worry about it either.

Types of Docking

  • Manufacturing Cross Docking:

In this type, the raw materials which are used in manufacturing process are received and then moved to various plants directly.

  • Distributor Cross Docking

This involves purchasing different products from a variety of different vendors and then sending it to the customers.

  • Transportation Cross Docking

This is the most important type as it combines shipments from various carriers to save costs.

In short, cross docking is the best solution for the supply chain. Business to do things faster, save time and money.

We are Matrix Transpiration an industry leader in freight transport services! We have been in business since 2009, focusing on customer service. Our main headquarters is located in Brighton, Mi, but we cover Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky and Ohio. We offer other services such as freight management including shipping, warehousing and cross docking services. Call us today toll free 888.896.2405 or visit our website

Three Things to Check If Your Computer Is Not Working

Many times we have looked online for different solutions to fix our computer problems without having the appropriate knowledge. Sometimes we get lucky and fix the issue, other times we make the issues worse. Most of the time, it’s better to have a computer repair specialist look at your PC. However, we are here to help! Please remember if you are not comfortable with any of this you can bring us your computer and we will take care of you!

Here are three basic things you can check before taking your computer in to get serviced.

If your computer is not turning on check the main power cable going to the computer. This is usually located on the back of the computer ether up top or on the bottom. If it is plugged into a surge protector, make sure the surge protector is on and working. You can make sure it’s working by plugging in a fan or light and turning that device on. Try turning on the computer again, if it is still not working head to step 2.

Usually when diagnosing a computer problem we like to only have the essential devices plugged in. For example if you have an external hard drive or a usb stick plugged in, unplug them. You should only have your monitor, Keyboard and mouse hooked up. The reason is sometimes if you have a USB / external hard drive plugged in, Windows might try to boot from it. This will cause unwanted issues.

If you are still having computer issues and feel comfortable looking inside your computer. The 1st step would be to unplug the computer from the wall. You never want to work on a computer when it is plugged in. You can damage your computer, or worse get shocked! Once the main power is unplugged you can take the side panel off and look over your internal connections. This would include your hard drive data cable + power cable, Motherboard and CPU power plugs. Make sure they are seated all the way and plugged in.

If you are still having computer problems and these basic tips did not help you. You more than likely need a professional. We know some times its hard to fix a problem when reading information online, that’s why we are here to help. You can bring your Laptop, or desktop in to our Brighton, Michigan location. We are Creative Programs and Systems!

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Learning About Lasik Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery has been giving solutions to thousands of people around the world healing and curing eye diseases and improving the vision of countless people. For many, it has been a great solution to their vision, health and even appearance problems, since not everyone likes to wear glasses. Laser eye surgery can greatly improve the vision of many people through a fairly fast, effective and outpatient process.

LASIK or Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis is an ultraviolet laser that is responsible for extracting a light layer of tissue from the cornea to ensure that the sun’s rays and external lights do not reflect directly in people’s eyes.

This eye operation is most often performed on people between the ages of thirty and forty who wear permanent glasses; there are also groups of young people with vision problems who are performing the operation to avoid major consequences in the future.

Although many people want to do corrective eye surgery precisely to correct the visual problems they present some entities in the United States have set certain standards and parameters for people who want to perform the operation.

People who want to undergo the operation should be 20y.o or older since the vision won’t be fully developed until 18 years old.

In the world, there are millions of people who have been doing LASIK eye surgery thanks to their excellent and recognized results. Many doctors have written articles recommending eye surgery for many people with vision problems. Although it has its risks many consider it safe, effective and fast. Some risks that may occur in the operation are corneal infection, dry eyes, sensitivity to light, night halos, and irritation. All risks can be avoided by carefully following all instructions at the time of your eye surgery.

People who have performed this operation are extremely satisfied with the results and ensure that their eye sight improves with a very high percentage. Another thing to consider is you can have only one eye corrected but most people do both eyes. Having both eyes done on the same day is the most common method.

At Rohr Eye & Laser Center we offer the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs. As leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses. If you are interested in learning more information please view our website at or call us at 877-579-0202

Research Performed Using Animal Serum

Serum is the fluid segment of the blood that is not clotted containing the red and white cells and platelets. It’s the coagulation that makes the difference between serum and plasma.

Animal serum are regularly utilized as a part of cell culture research, serum provide proteins, nutrients, attachment factors, trace element, growth factors, and hormones which helps in the development of the cells. In spite of the fact that FBS (fetal bovine serum) is the most regularly utilized serum, numerous serums are also accessible. Serum has been in use for quite a long time in cell culture since it gives a close representative of what cells would obtain in the body. The major component of serum for health and growth include albumin, transferring, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and different other nutritive and protective factors.

Cell culture is a strategy by which cell behavior can be studied independent of the whole organism. In biological research cells are taken from a plant or animal and grown under controlled conditions. The process of cell culture involves removing a cell from a plant or animal and their subsequent growth in a serum. The cell might be removed from the tissue directly and disaggregated by an enzyme or mechanical means before development in a serum.

Cell culture can be comprehensively classified into three distinct categories: Primary cell culture which includes the extraction of cells from the tissue and processed to establish under culture conditions in a serum. Secondary cell culture which result from the Sub-culture of primary cells while cell line is produced from a solitary cell and has a uniform generic composition. The cell line can be either finite or continuous cell line.

Cell culture has been used as a major tool in biological research by giving excellent model system for studying the biochemistry and physiology of cells, the impacts of drugs and toxic compounds on the cells and so on. It is also used in drug screening and the development of biological compounds on a large scale. Other uses of animal serum for cell culture include the following:

Cancer Research: cells can be exposed to radiation, chemicals and viruses to make them cancerous. However, the mechanism and cause for cancer and the altered pathways can be studied with the aid of animal serum. It can likewise be used for determination of effective drugs for cancerous cells. The side effect of cancer treatments (chemotherapy and irradiation) on normal cells can be studied in this context as well.

Virology: Isolation, growth and development cycles and the detection of viruses can be studied. Cells cultures are also essential when studying the mode of infection.

Toxicity Testing and drug screening: Cell cultures are used in the study of cytotoxicity of new drugs (to study the effect and safe dosage) as well as drug carriers (nanoparticles). It is helpful for the synthesis or production of different biomolecules at an industrial scale. This is especially helpful in the pharmaceutical industry. Different research projects on cell-based therapeutic products, using cell culture are being developed. Animal cell culture is used in place of animal models to test the effects of new drugs, cosmetics and chemicals. They are also used to determine the permissible dosage of new drugs.

Vaccine Production: In the production of viruses, cell cultures are mainly used, the viruses are then used to produce vaccines for diseases such as (polio, rabies, chicken pox, measles and hepatitis).

Genetic Engineering Proteins: Genetically important proteins such as monoclonal antibodies, hormones, insulin and many more are produced commercially with the aid of cell culture.

Prenatal diagnosis: Amniotic fluid from pregnant women is extracted and the cells are cultured for the study of chromosomes abnormalities, genes using karyotyping, and used in the early detection of fetal disorders.

Learn more about Innovative Research and our high quality research materials including human, plant, and animal biological, ELISA & Assay Kits, proteins, antibodies, cell cultures, blood, serum, plasma, and more.  More information can be found at or by calling 248.896.0145.

Standards of Human and Animal Biologicals

When carrying out research about humans and animals, you will discover that they both operate within procedures and established standards. However, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research reports that the human research environment can be inefficient, operate with an imperfect process and even abuse some of their human subjects during research. No similar, principled and comprehensive effort has addressed the use of animals in research.

Because of this, almost every researcher holds on to an ethical code of conduct for performing their hunt for the results. There are a few ethical considerations to be followed for successful completion of experimental analysis on lab suppliers and human and animal biological materials.

  1. Confidentiality

The researcher should preserve the data gathered from the study subjects. The report should not contain any personal details about the subjects, and the researcher should not communicate with others regarding the personal subject information. Unless there are some sorts of permission for sharing the information, you should not share the data.

  1. Commitments

Since the sponsoring company will provide financial support for developing the analysis, they will be committed to the users, society, study subjects and professionals. Hence, the researcher must not reject any data which may lead to adverse conclusions and because of that interpretations will go wrong for the sponsoring company.

  1. Recording must be monitored

Use of hidden cameras, microphones, tape-recorders or observers during the research without the subjects’ permission is strictly prohibited. In the same way, the researcher must not have any personal communication with the subjects, except in the situations of animal research.

  1. The study subjects must be aware of all the procedures

The researcher must explain the experimental procedures and the risk involved thoroughly to the volunteer. It is also necessary to inform the subjects about the need for the research. If the research requires the use of children or animals, the researcher must get the informed consent from parents or the correct animal organization.

  1. Giving credits

The researcher must also give credits for those who have helped with tool construction, data collection, data analysis or preparation of the research report.

Thus, make sure that you follow ethics of research while doing your research on lab suppliers and human and animal biological materials.

Learn more about Innovative Research and our high quality research materials including human, plant, and animal biological, ELISA & Assay Kits, proteins, antibodies, cell cultures, blood, serum, plasma, and more.  More information can be found at or by calling 248.896.0145.

Choosing an Aluminum Fencing System for Your Pool

The fun and excitement that can attract people can always be found when the installation of an in-ground swimming pool.  With all of the fun and excitement that comes with playtime in the pool homeowners need to be cautious to avoid accidents around the water.  Backyard pools require a perimeter fence and locking gate to be installed.  Regardless of whether it is ground level or in ground an appropriate fence is a must to prevent the occurrence of unnecessary accidents.

There are number of different options to consider when it comes to pool fencing.  When choosing an aluminum pool fence and aluminum locking pool gate it is important that it fits your financial plan, the style, color, strength, and meets B.O.C.A. standards.

There are some distinct issues to consider when you are adding a fence to your pool.  To begin with homeowners need to check into local rules and regulations that are in place locally and with their H.O.A.’s. Fencing is best affixed to a hard surface to ensure that it is able to be maintained and is rigid for a solid length of time.  Fencing is not only able to help to maintain safety but also for cleanliness surrounding the pool area.

Aluminum fencing adds elegance and beauty to the environment surrounding the pool area.   Although there are a variety of fencing materials to choose from aluminum fencing has proved time and time again that it is the best option to use around the perimeter of a swimming pool.

One of the reasons for this is the fact that aluminum pool fencing is readily available and maintenance is easy.  Aluminum provides lasting rigidity and strength than other options in pool fencing.  It also adds beauty and style to the pool environment.  Aluminum pool fencing is also powder coated with chemicals that prevent rusting and damage due to moisture and environmental changes.

Aluminum pool fence is so durable to the point that most manufacturers are willing to stand by their product by offering a lifetime guarantee against wear and tear. This guarantee is astounding for the average individual that is short on cash and does not have any desire to worry about when they will need to put more cash into their pool fence. It also enables you to make a single investment of money and nothing more.

There is one final stunning advantage to aluminum fencing when compared with other alternative. You can choose from basically any color under the sun. The powder coating can be put on in any color imaginable. This is incredible for the producer since they can offer additional products with no additional effort or cost to them. The producer does not need to stock numerous colors. The coating process is so quick and simple that it can be uniquely designed for each job. This is also great for the buyer since it enables you to purchase contemporary aluminum fencing product in any color to match every pool design.

Learn more about iFence USA and their vast line of custom aluminum fencing options with various grades of aluminum fence to choose from including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing at  To contact one of our aluminum fence experts call toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at