Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 188

Tips on Hiring a Custom Label & Packaging Company

Your product may be exquisite but if your package and labeling isn’t that appealing or of high quality, then it might affect the sales of your product. People are attracted to an informative label that is presented in an eye catching manner.  We often hear from people that they choose one product over another based solely on aesthetics.  In this article we will provide you a brief overview on custom label and packaging including what it is, who provides them, and the benefits they provide.

Product Labeling

A products label includes is printed and located on the outside of a product package to offer a product description including insight on the features and qualities of the actual product.  A product label comes in a number of forms from shrink sleeves to flexible pouches and everything in between.  A variety of materials are used in creating product labels as well.

Custom product label printing allows organizations of all sizes to get their unique business information placed on the outside of their product in an eye catching, informative manner.   Customizing a product label allows manufacturers to grab the attention of their unique customers.

Product Packaging

The manner in which a product is packaged is an active component in the recipe of success for your product whether newly introduced or a classic favorite.  Custom packaging as well as labeling requires you to work alongside a reliable manufacturer.  They must know and understand your product in order to educate you on the best options for your success.  This is the key element in launching a product.

Hiring a Package and Label Manufacturing Company

Before you choose to work with a label designer and package manufacture compile a design synopsis including key elements that you desire to be included. It should be based on your research and idea of the product.  Provide the company with the details of the color, feel, scope and the aim. Be clear about your objective but remain open to the ideas of your designer. Ask for the portfolios of the designer, look at their experiences and be honest.

Considerations While Selecting the Company

The company that you choose should offer a wide variety of options to choose from in label and packaging.  The manufacturer you choose should prioritize you as a customer and your needs efficiently.  For the best results choose a company that offers solid communication and customer service.

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at


LASIK is a fascinating subject of discussion, and for some time now you’ve probably carried a lot of investigations to understand the entire process of correcting your vision through laser eye surgery. If you are still contemplating on whether to invest in LASIK and you’re still probably coming up with different excuses why not too – like fear or finance. Instead of focusing on these endless excuses, what you need to concentrate on is the benefits you would derive from your investment.

I believe that this article will give you the push you have always needed. Below are the top five reasons why you should invest in LASIK.

It Is Cost-Effective

The primary reason why you may not have to opt in for LASIK eye surgery is the finance. To be honest with you, with the advancement of technology, the cost is steadily decreasing – LASIK saves your money in the long run if compared to the cost of purchasing other glasses and contact lenses. If you have a flex savings account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) through your company, you may not have to pay a dime, or even if you have to pay, it will be very little because LASIK is one of FSA or HAS approved expenses.  There are also flexible payment options for you.

Rapid Recovery

Recovery from LASIK is speedy. Regardless of what is at the top of your list of priorities, you don’t have to save a bunch of time before going in for LASIK. Although the healing process varies from person to person, nonetheless, for the first couple of hours after a successful completion of the surgery, you may feel a little eye irritation, dryness, and blurriness, but you will notice some improvement the following day, and you can return to your office or business (usually the next day).

Healthy and Sporty Lifestyle

Investing in Lasik means you’ll never have to worry about the serious eye infections, or the effects of the weather on your corrective lenses. Swimming isn’t fun with glasses or contacts – not being able to see under water without huge investment of prescription goggles. Playing volleyball on a windy day can result in sand behind the contact. But with LASIK, you’ll live an athletic lifestyle and enjoy the life you have always wanted.

Safe Surgical Process

People become fearful when they hear about surgery – who will blame them anyway? There are risks attached with certain surgical procedures but not with LASIK. LASIK started its journey more than 25 years ago, and successful surgeries have been carried out on millions of people around the world. With more than 25 years of advancement, there has been a lot of improvement in the surgical process which reduces the risks involved.

With laser eye surgery, potential complications are at the minimal level. Eye irritation and dryness are so far the most common complications experienced by patients.

Boost Your Self Confidence

Wearing glasses can be inconvenient for almost everybody. Who likes wearing glasses? – expect for fashion purposes. The simple truth is that, if you’ve have been wearing glasses because of eye defects, investing in LASIK eye surgery will give a whole new look – and you’ll love yourself.

Ask yourself right now, why are you still holding back? LASIK is the one and only way to achieve perfect vision beside great genetics.

At Rohr Eye & Laser Center we offer the most advanced technology available to suit your lifestyle and visual needs. As leader in laser vision correction and cataract surgery, our goal is to help you achieve the best vision possible without glasses or contact lenses. If you are interested in learning more information please view our website at or call us at 877-579-0202

The Use of Radiation Equipment in Treating Cancer

Each year around 14 million cases of cancer spring up globally. It is estimated that radiation therapy heals 3.5 million people and provides palliative relief for another 3.5 million people. These approximations have been made based on the fact that radiation therapy has benefitted over 50 percent of all cancer patients.

What Is Radiation Therapy?

Radiation therapy employs the high-energy particles or waves, such as X-rays, gamma rays, electron beams, or protons to kill the cancer cells. The radiation is delivered by the linear accelerators which customize the high-energy x-rays or protons to adhere to the tumor’s shape and eliminate cancer cells but being mindful of the surrounding normal tissue. The radiation might be delivered from outside the body or a radioactive material placed inside the body near the cancer cells. This is called internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy.

The systematic radiation therapy makes use of radioactive substances that travel in the blood killing the cancer cells. One such element is the radioactive iodine.

Almost all the cancer patients use radiation during their treatment period. These radiations deploy oncology equipment to operate the patients.

How Does Radiation Therapy Kill Cancer Cells?

The rays from the linear accelerator destroy the DNA of the cells. Either it destroys the DNA itself or creates charged particles within the cells to do the damaging. The ruined DNA is unable to repair itself or divide. The linear accelerator uses electricity forming a stream of fast moving particles.

The linear accelerator or LINAC is cures cancers of all types. Patients lie on an adjustable and movable couch. With the help of spatially calibrated lasers and X-ray imaging panels the beam in maneuvered. The couch too can be adjusted with sub-millimeter accuracy.

The several other oncology equipment employed are:

  • 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT)

Many sophisticated machines and software target the affected region by this method.

  • Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

Several tiny radiation beam-shaping devices, called collimators, deliver a single dose of radiation. These devices might be stationary or move in order to control the intensity. IMRT is planned in reverse, which means the oncologist picks the radiation dose to different areas of the tumor and surrounding tissue. After this, a high-powered computer program calculates the required number of beams for the treatment.

  • Image-Guided Radiation Therapy

Iterative image scans are performed which are then processed by computers to identify the size and location of the tumor. The treatment and dosage is then done accordingly. This method increases the accuracy of the treatment.

These are just a few of the many forms of the oncology equipment the doctor’s use. The doctors though have to be careful about the dosage, one dose of the total dosage given. That is twice a day. Doctors have to be careful since

  • The damage to the normal tissues should be minimized.
  • To ensure that the likelihood of the radiation hitting the DNA of the cancer cell are on the point where damage would be maximum.

Patients receive radiation before, during or after the surgery. After the treatment the patients receive a follow-up by their oncologist to monitor their health.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Tips to Follow When Hiring a Lawyer That Specializes in Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a legal method that allows an individual to declare their in ability to pay their debt.  A person usually opts to declare bankruptcy when all other debt relief options have not worked.  Bankruptcy is considered to be the last resort for an individual who has no other possibilities left to pay off debts that are owed.

Bankruptcy is not a form of punishment for not being able to pay your bills.  It can be a time where individuals feel embarrassed as they are berated by “predator creditors” that call daily and demand payment.  Let’s be honest, if individuals had the money to cover their bills they would but if you don’t have it you can’t just make it appear because it is due.

What people imagine bankruptcy to be is actually quite different than what it actually is.  Most people that find they seek bankruptcy advice from an attorney have tried everything before they have gotten to this point.  Many times individuals are seeking bankruptcy relief because of an unexpected job loss or something else beyond their control; life’s circumstances over personal behavior are to blame for a high percentage of all bankruptcy’s that are filed.

The benefit of filing bankruptcy is that it allows you a fresh start.  The best way to clear the field is to work with a bankruptcy attorney and the best way to start again is to meet with a financial advisor.  We do not treat ourselves when we are sick so don’t treat your damaged or broken finances alone either.

Although bankruptcy allows individuals to have a fresh start and begin again financially it is easier said than done.  Changes in bankruptcy laws have made it harder and more complicated than ever to file.  It is incredibly important to work with an attorney to ensure that paperwork is filed correctly and that nothing is missed.  Consult with a bankruptcy attorney, a professional will ensure that that the ins and outs of bankruptcy rules are followed.

Filing for bankruptcy is a onetime life event.  It allows you to clean out your financial closet however it is crucial that you do not go it alone.  New bankruptcy laws were enacted in 2005 that made it much more complicated for debtors to file bankruptcy.  With careful planning and a good lawyer it can be done.  A good attorney and careful planning will get you the results that you desire.  A good bankruptcy lawyer knows the ins and outs of the new laws and will get you the results that you deserve.  When looking for a bankruptcy attorney and before you hire one be sure that they have the capacity and expertise to get you what you need.

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at today.

Tips on Closing Gunite Swimming Pools

Gunite is a preferred material for homeowners to use when having a backyard pool installed.  Gunite, is very versatile and is suited to build a swimming pool in the shape and size desired.  Top pool installers are partial to Gunite and are happy to accommodate to homeowners with their plans for a pool.  Knowing that a homeowner is using plaster to mold their pool it gives pool installers more freedom with the pool design, deck additions, and more.

Gunite pools are also popular amongst American homeowners.  Installing an in-ground pool involves excavation and construction involving setting up of the pools frame, a grid of rebar rods coated by Gunite.  Gunite is a mixture between sand and cement.  It is the substance that is sprayed in around the rods.  This is then allowed to cure for about a week and then the Gunite is smoothed and then the surface is finished with plaster.  A Gunite pool covered by plaster is far more durable than a fiberglass pool.  Just another advantage when it comes to installing a Gunite swimming pool

There are many different kinds of things that can be designed with Gunite swimming pools.  Builders are able to create basically any shape you desire.  They are also able to install colored tiles, small pebbles and colored plaster to enhance the aesthetics of the entire pool areas and to complement landscaping.  Your pool is unique to your home so create a design that doesn’t overwhelm your property but instead enhances all of its best features.

The process of installing a Gunite, concrete, pool begins with a construction crew digging a large hole, putting plumbing in place, and assembling a grid structure that is created from rebar.  Once this is complete the rebar is secured with wire and the crew can being to spray in the heavy coating of Gunite, the mixture of cement and sand that is the main structural element of the pool.

The sprayer unit combines the dry Gunite with water and this produces the mixture that is the structural element for the pool.   The crew then trowels the Gunite smooth and allows it to cure for a week or two before applying the smooth plaster finish.  Plaster is the combination of cements and marble sand.  Gunite pools are highly durable and a number of different plaster finishes, pebbles or tile can be applied to enhance the look of your pool area.

Learn more about Pound Pool Plastering and their numerous pool plastering options including: pool resurfacing, plaster surfacing, commercial pool plaster, residential pool plaster, plastering swimming pools, tiling swimming pools, coping swimming pools, and more at  To contact our pool plastering specialists call 248.476.4544 today.

Information on Texas Medigap Program


There are a number of benefits that come along with turning 65; one being the availability to healthcare insurance known as Medicare.  As with most programs that are sponsored by the government there are various aspects to understand.  It is important to note that once participants are enrolled in Medicare Part B of the Original Medicare program, you can enroll in a Medigap plan to fill in the gaps within the coverage.

Original Medicare Coverage:

  • Medicare Part A – 80% of in-hospital costs – More information
  • Medicare Part B – Expense for the physicians, outpatient treatments, and medical supplies – More information
  • Medicare Part C – Otherwise known as Medicare Advantage, this plan cannot be used in combination with Medigap plans – More information
  • Medicare Part D – This covers prescription medication coverage – More information
  • Texas Medigap Insurance Plans – More information on Medigap
  • There are ten Medigap plans labeled with the letters of the alphabet.  The benefits that come with these plans range depending on the plan that participants select.  Possible coverage includes:
  • The first three pint of blood that is needed in a medical procedure
  • Skilled nursing care
  • The Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage

Insurance company rates vary a lot when it comes to Medigap premiums.  The one thing that does not however is the coverage of each plan.  No matter where you purchase Medigap Plan F the coverage is the exact same.  This is true of all ten Medigap plans.

The most popular option in Texas is Medigap Plan F.  This Medigap plan is the most popular since it offers the most benefits in comparison to other plan alternatives.

Texas Medicare and Medigap Plans are available for participants under 65 who qualify for coverage due to a disability.  Coverage options vary because each state is allowed to choose which Medigap supplemental plans to offer to Medicare beneficiaries younger than 65 that qualify.  In Texas Plan A is offered.  The rate that is charge is not the same to those under 65 in comparison to those over 65.

13% of the population in Texas receives Medicare benefits.  In 2015 that was almost 3.7 million recipients, participants with ESRD make up 1.3% of them.  In 2013 the distribution of participants was 16% being disabled and the remaining 84% of beneficiaries had reached the age of 65.

Texas Medigap Plan F Coverage

  • Part A hospital co-insurance costs for up to an additional of 365 days after your Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part B co-insurance, co-payments for outpatient services, supplies, physicians services, treatment, and other items
  • First three units of blood for approved medical procedures
  • Part A hospice care co-payment
  • Skilled nursing facility co-insurance
  • Medicare Part B deductible for hospitalization
  • Medicare Part B deductible for outpatient services
  • Medicare Part B excess charges – this is the difference between a providers charge and the Medicare  limit for the service
  • Foreign travel emergency expenses up to the plan limits
  • Medicare preventative care Part B coinsurance

Medigap plan G is similar to plan F except that it does not cover the deductible of Medicare Part B.  There may be other Texas Medigap insurance costs which could include monthly premiums, annual deductibles, co-payments, co-insurances payments.  These costs vary between insurance companies; however, insurance companies must notify enrollees in advance of premium increases.  As mentioned before, Medigap rates vary between insurance companies, where you live, your age, your gender, and health.

For a guide on Texas Medigap rates and comparison of Medigap plans contact a licensed Texas Medigap advisor.  They will help you with the options and offer you details to the coverage advantages and drawbacks.  There are many great options to choose from in Texas when it comes to Medigap options.  Be sure to choose the best fit for your lifestyle, budget, and healthcare needs.

Michigan Medigap Information

Information Covering Medigap In Michigan

Most people realize that they are eligible to enroll in Medicare when they turn 65.  When enrolling for Medicare, many people choose to purchase a Michigan Medigap insurance plan to cover the additional expenses that exceed Medicare’s basic benefits.  There are ten different Medigap policies that are available to participants in Michigan.  While the cost of Medigap policies is important there are a number of other factors to consider when purchasing a Medigap policy in Michigan.


Michigan Medicare Basics 101

Medicare is a traditional fee for service insurance plan that is offered to all US residents once they turn 65 years of age.  Medicare consists of two parts: Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.  Medicare Part A is considered hospital coverage and inpatient care.  Medicare Part B covers other routine medical care such as office visits to the doctor, physical and occupational therapy.  Medicare Part B is subject to a monthly premium paid out of pocket by the Medicare participant.

Many Medicare beneficiaries opt to buy a Medigap policy to cover copayments and other costs that exceed their original Medicare benefits.  Medicare Part C, otherwise known as the Medicare Advantage Plan, is not Medigap.  It is a plan that is offered by insurers and includes traditional fee for service coverage through PPOs and HMOs.  These plans may also include prescription drug coverage often referred to as Medigap Part D coverage.

Michigan Medigap Plans

All MI Medigap insurance plans are identified by letters and contain the minimum benefits that are set aside by the federal government.  For example Medigap Plan G has the exact same benefits whether you buy it from insurance company A or B, the only difference may be the cost.  The same is true state to state.  Michigan Medigap Plan G is the exact same coverage that Texas Medigap Plan G participants will be offered.

Unlike employer sponsored coverage which most of us are familiar with, Michigan Medicare and Medigap policies only offer coverage for one individual. Spouses must obtain their own coverage under a separate policy.  You and your spouse are not required to purchase the same type of policy.

Many plans offer in network and out of network benefits.  Benefits, coverage, will be higher when you choose to use services provided by in network providers.  If you are purchasing a plan, no matter the carrier, it is important to verify that your physician and preferred hospital are part of the network.

If you are looking to avoid limitations that accompany pre-existing conditions than it is critical you enroll in a plan during your open enrollment period.  Participants’ can enroll in Michigan Medigap plans anytime during the year but if enrolled outside of the open enrollment period you are not guaranteed coverage as you are during open enrollment.  Michigan Medigap insurance companies cannot deny you coverage for any reason, during the period, as long as you meet the requirements.

Basic Medigap Coverage Can Include:

  • Medicare approved inpatient expenses up to an additional 365 days after the maximum benefit under Medicare expenses have been paid
  • You are covered for your approved expenses under Medicare Part B depending on the coverage outlined in your Medigap policy. Some Medigap policies will cover your Medicare Part B deductibles so that you have minimal out of pocket expenses.
  • If you are in need of a blood transfusion the first three pints each year are covered.
  • Outpatient prescriptions and inpatient respite care coinsurance under Medicare hospice payments

Some plans offer more generous benefits than others.  The more benefits the policy has the higher the cost to participants.

These extra benefits can include:
  • Emergency health care when traveling outside the United States
  • Coverage for skilled nursing care after Medicare benefits cease
  • Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B deductibles at a full or partial level
  • Prescription drug coverage, Medigap Part D can be incorporated. Be sure you thoroughly review the benefits prior to adding this provision to your Medigap policy.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  The Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers at e Medigap Plans will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

How Medigap Will Benefit You

Medigap, also known as Supplemental Insurance for Medicare offers a variety of plans that help fill in missing Medicare coverage. They are supplemental insurance policies for Medicare beneficiaries that they can use to cover the rest of the expenses that Medicare cannot cover. Medigap Insurance works as a specialist insurance in a specific area and is related to Medicare, which means that one is linked to the other. The expenses generated by one can be covered by the other and vice versa.

Medigap insurance begins once you have verified that Medicare paid your share. Then the Medigap policy pays its share of Medicare and so on.

Each Medigap policy must be fully legal and meet the requirements required by state and federal laws to better protect the client. Medigap can only be paid through the person who made the contract and requires payment of a monthly premium.

Medigap is actually supplemental insurance; it means that Medigap supplements Medicare and that one cannot work without one. There are several things you should know when you have or purchase Medigap insurance. All standardized policies have a constant renewal service as long as you keep paying the premium. It is important to know that a person cannot sell you a Medigap policy if you already have a Medicare action plan.

The supplemental Medigap does not cover long-term general expenses, dentistry or ophthalmology, expenses incurred by hearing aids, eyeglasses or private nursing services. Medigap has a variety of plans that fit any type of person.

There are several things that you should consider when purchasing a Medigap insurance policy. It is important to know the limits and coverage that will have the necessary tools. Know the price of premiums, know if the price is related to the coverage and know if it is really worth paying the money for the services offered.

In case the person wants to move away from Medigap insurance and Medigap supplements should be absolutely sure to do so as it is a fairly large help for all people who could buy at some point. If you just want to change your policy for another you can also do it. Or you could decide to purchase and maintain a Medicare Advantage plan that has drug coverage.

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888.404.5049 today!

Introduction to Medicare Supplement Insurance in New York

If for one reason or another, you end up without access to group insurance coverage through an employer, all is not lost. You have the option to purchase an individual health policy from a private insurance company. Although individual medical insurance may be expensive, it’s worth investigating the options.

Coverage availability and premiums will vary from state to state. It may depend on whether or not your particular state has enacted laws that prohibit the rate modification based on your medical condition.

For instance, the state of New York, health insurers that offer individual health coverage may not turn down a candidate because of poor health. Nor can they base their premiums on factors such as gender, occupation, age or health status. New York enjoys what is called community rating. Premiums are based on how many individuals in the family and in what part of the state you live.

Choosing a new health plan isn’t easy. There is no one plan that fits everyone. The best health plan for you may not be the best for someone else. In order to find a health insurance plan that fits you and your budget, you can access instant quotes and health plans online.

New York Health Insurance Plans

Are you looking for just the basics or a more comprehensive health plan? A basic plan covers you for hospitalization and surgery in case of major accident or sickness. These plans typically have a lower price tag than those with more comprehensive coverage.

Many basic plans can be customized by adding on extra benefits such as preventative care, doctor visits, prescription drugs, maternity, small accident or injury, and routine office visits.

By comparing several health insurance plans you can get a good idea of what’s available to you. If you don’t require much medical care, an (HDHP) High Deductible Health Plan may be a good choice for you. These plans allow you to choose a deductible from $500 to over $5000. A higher deductible will get you a lower monthly premium for medical coverage.

New York Free Instant Health Insurance Quotes

Learn more about New York Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at Our New York Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in New York.  To talk to an expert in New York Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!

What Makes Medicare Supplemental Insurance in Tennessee So Great

Whenever you retire from active service, you will face many important personal decisions. That is why the State of Tennessee and POMCO are working together to help make one of those decisions (the Medicare supplemental insurance) easier for you. As a retiree, you may be eligible for The Tennessee Plan.

This plan is designed specifically for teachers, retired state employees, and local government employees and their eligible dependents and spouses. The Tennessee insurance plan helps fill the Medicare coverage gap when one has obtained Medicare coverage, one needs The Tennessee Plan to help cover most of the expenses that Medicare insurance does not cover.

If one is eligible, they can enroll in the Tennessee Plan coverage, mostly known as Medigap Coverage. Tennessee Plan is a standard Medicare supplemental insurance policy that is designed to fill in the coverage gaps in the Medicare Part A & B coverage.

The Tennessee department of commerce and Insurance has made it easy for you to save money and get discount health insurance. In Tennessee, there are eight basic kinds of health coverage:

  1. Major medical: Covers most health care services


  1. Short term major medical: Covers everything included with major medical except pre-existing health conditions; short term major medical usually lasts for six months


  1. Hospital and Surgical: Covers inpatient and some outpatient hospital and surgical care; doesn’t include prescription medication coverage


  1. Hospital Indemnity: Covers a predetermined amount of the daily cost of a hospital stay


  1. Hospital, medical, and surgical indemnity: Offers a mixture of what hospital and surgical indemnity policies cover; doesn’t cover major medical emergencies


  1. Cancer, heart attack, and stroke: Covers only those three conditions and shouldn’t be used as your only medical policy


  1. Accident: Covers accidental injuries and shouldn’t be used as your only health insurance policy


  1. Supplement: Supplement policies act to cover everything that isn’t covered by your major medical or hospital coverage, as well as Medicare

How does having this information benefit you? Well, it’s much easier to obtain Tennessee affordable health insurance premiums if you first know what kind of policy you need. For example, if you’ve just lost your medical benefits due to being laid off from work, you might want to search for cheap health insurance quotes in Tennessee for short term major medical policies. If you can’t yet afford a major medical plan but want protection against the unexpected, you may want to try to save money and get discount health insurance in Tennessee for accident coverage.

In Tennessee, affordable health insurance premiums are just around the corner when you already know what medical coverage you want. Armed with this knowledge, you can begin your search for cheap health insurance quotes in Tennessee with a clear picture of what you want, and what you’re willing to pay.

Learn more about Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at Our Tennessee Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Tennessee.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medicare coverage toll free 888.404.5049 today!