Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 175

Choosing a Medigap Plan In Michigan

The only two new Medicare Supplemental Plans to be added to the list of Medigap Insurance Plans this year boasted lower premiums than some plans that were already on the market.  Medigap Plans M and N keep premiums low by requiring you to pay a portion of Medicare’s charges.

Plans M and Plans N

Medicare Supplement Plan M only covers 50% of the Medicare Part A’s $1, 100 deductible which needs to be met before Medicare starts to pick up your hospital bills.  If hospitalization is unlikely this policy might make sense for you.  Plan N reduces premiums by requiring you to pay for part of your Medicare’s Part B co-insurance amounts for doctor’s services.  This plan could work well if you typically spend little on Medicare Part B co-insurance.

Beyond these new low-cost plans one of the biggest names in health insurance has actually proposed cutting Medicare Supplement Premiums where the need is the greatest.  A name you don’t often think of as being a leader in low-cost health insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield, wants to offer larger discounts on Medicare Supplement Plans to Michigan seniors with the lowest incomes.

How Does The Blue Cross Plan Lower Medicare Supplemental Insurance Premiums?

As the largest insurer in Michigan, Blue Cross already uses 1% of what it collects in premiums to help lower the price for people with Medigap Insurance to supplement their Medicare coverage.  Blue Cross representatives say that this translates into a 39% discount which is currently being evenly distributed to those with Michigan Medigap Policies.  Blue Cross is requesting to skew that distribution in order to make the largest discounts available those who need the most help.

All seniors would still benefit from discounts of at least 25% but those with the greatest need in Michigan would get extra assistance.  For example, the Blue Cross plan would mean that a senior with an income of $16,245 would need to pay only half of the $191 monthly premium.

If this change is approved by the state Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation more than 200,000 Michigan seniors could see a change in their Blue Cross Medicare Supplement Premiums.  If you have an income above $32,600 you would see an increase but all others would get a reduction in their premiums.  Is it possible this idea will spread to other states beyond Michigan?

How Can Participants Reduce Their Medicare Insurance Premiums?

No matter what state you live in there is a simple way to keep your premiums low.  One of the easiest ways to be sure you are getting the best Medicare Supplement value is to request an annual review where independent agents compare your needs to other Medigap Policies.

If your health makes it simple to change policies you may find a lower priced plan that works better for you.  It is a good idea to request such a free policy review once a year so you don’t miss out as new plans become available.  If your needs change, of course, anytime is the right time to see if a different Medicare Supplement can save you money.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

Finding the Right Medicare Supplemental Insurance Coverage In Texas

In Texas finding the best Medicare Supplemental Insurance for your health care and budget needs can take some time and patience.  There was a time not too many years ago when Medicare Supplemental Policies were the only choice for recipients of Medicare.  Choosing a good Medicare Supplement would give policy holders the widest coverage nationwide.  Participants could go to any doctor or health care facility in the United States that accepts Medicare.  This is helpful to snowbirds and those who travel extensively for months at a time.

Monthly Premiums

Unlike Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplemental Policies come with a monthly premium.  Many insurance companies offer a “teaser” premium to start that is used to attract new enrollees that are about to or have recently turned sixty-five.  The cost of Medicare will vary between insurance companies however the coverage will be exactly the same no matter where is being purchased.

With all difference options with in Medicare what exactly should recipients be looking for?   Seniors should be looking for companies with:

  • A track record of verifiable financial stability
  • Excellent customer and bill paying services
  • A history of consistent premium cost free of huge increases

Where To Start your Research

This important information is not readily available to enrollees.  That is why consulting with an independent Medicare Insurance Broker is a good starting point in finding the best Texas Medicare Supplement Policy.

Of the ten standardized Supplemental Plans only two should be considered by most Medicare recipients Medicare Plan F and Medicare Plan G.  Plan F is the most popular supplement plan as it guarantees to cover an enrollee up to the maximum allowed by Medicare for any Medicare approved service.

This leaves little to chance and a policy holder will know that they should never receive a bill unless they have had a non-Medicare approved service or procedure.  An example would be a face lift.  Supplemental Insurance Plan G is a little different in that it will not pay for excess charges allowed by Medicare.  A person with Medicare Plan G must be vigilant that their health care providers will accept Medicare assignment.

Getting The Best Insurance Agent

Finding the best Texas Medicare Supplement is not easy.  It is about as easy as finding a dependable independent insurance agent to get real insight into different insurance companies that you are considering.  A good independent insurance agent will lay out the facts and enable enrollees to make educated decisions.

Learn more about Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates, plans, and more at  Our Texas Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Texas.  To talk to an expert in Texas Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!

Supplying Medicare Supplemental Insurance to Michigan Enrollees

 Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans cover coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses that Medicare doesn’t pay for.  Benefits for skilled nursing care, emergency foreign travel, and blood work are a few of the plan features.  Supplements are standardized.  They offer a comprehensive overview of all supplemental plans and benefits offered in the state of Michigan.

Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

In order to have a supplement plan you must have Medicare Parts A and B, Original Medicare, and be 65 years old.  These plans do not include prescription drug coverage.  In order to have prescription drug coverage you will need to enroll in Medicare Part D which provides prescription drug coverage since supplemental insurance plans do not.  Also, it is important to note that supplemental plans are not available when participants are enrolled in Medicare Advantage Plans.  You will want to be sure that you compare all of the different Medicare Plans to ensure you’ve taken advantage of all that is available to you.

It is common for a Medicare beneficiary to have 3 different plans in order to maximize their coverage:

  • Original Medicare Part A and Part B
  • Prescription Drug Coverage, Plan D
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

The total number of Medicare beneficiaries in 2015 was just under 2 million in the state of Michigan that is 19% of the state’s total population.  In 2016, an average of 19% was disabled and the other 81% had reached the age of 65.  The total amount of Medicare beneficiaries that were disabled with ESRD was just under 7,700 and the total amount of beneficiaries that were not disabled, but reached age 65, was just under 7,900.

 Can you get denied coverage?

You can be denied coverage for Michigan Medigap plans if you are fewer than 65 and don’t have a qualifying illness or disability.  You can also be denied coverage if you have a pre-existing condition and are enrolling outside your Open Enrollment period.  This period lasts for the six months and starts the first day of the month you are enrolled in Medicare Part B and are 65 or over.  You cannot be denied coverage for any reason if you are enrolling during this six month time frame, if you don’t enroll during this period you can be denied coverage, your benefits may be delayed, or you could be charged a higher rate because you must meet the underwriting requirements.

Plans Available for Medicare Recipients Under 65 Years Old

Not all states offer supplemental insurance to those under 65.  There are some available Michigan Medicare Supplement health insurance options if you are under 65.  They offer Medicare Part A and Medicare Plan C but keep in mind that the rates will not be the same compared to the rates for recipients over 65.

Can the insurance company cancel my policy if my health changes?

The insurance company cannot cancel your policy if your health changes as long as you continue to pay your premium and enrolled during your Open Enrollment Period.

What carriers offer plans in Michigan?

There are dozens of carriers that offer supplemental plans in Michigan.  Since all plans are standardized each carrier must offer the same benefits for each letter plan.  This means that regardless of the carrier, the letter plan you choose will have the same benefits.  The only difference is the cost of each letter plan; each carrier can charge their own amount.  That is why it is important to consult with a senior Medicare agent to compare rates with all the top carriers.

Michigan Medicare Supplement Subsidy

Beginning in January of 2017, the Michigan Health Endowment Fund administered the Michigan Medicare Supplement Subsidy program.  The program will directly pay your insurance provider and is based off your total household annual income.

Learn more about Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates, plans, and more at  Our Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Michigan.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!




Shopping For Medicare Plans in Arizona

Many Arizona seniors approaching their sixty fifth birthdays that are enrolling in Medicare are searching for the best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans.  In today’s crowded Arizona Medicare market, enrollees have many choices when it comes to supplemental plans and insurance companies to purchase coverage from.  The correct choice is different for each person depending on their health objectives and economic realities.

Know Your Options In Medicare

Looking at the big picture seniors have a few options in Medicare.  The first is to enroll in Original Medicare and purchase one of ten standardized Medicare Supplemental Policies.  The second is to enroll in a good Medicare Advantage Plan.  Either choice can be a sound choice depending upon your personal health care needs.  For now let’s look at some important factors to consider when shopping for Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans in Arizona.

Before you can begin shopping for affordable supplemental health insurance in Arizona you should understand the process and plans that are available.  Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans are purchased by private insurance companies that the government has chosen to sell the standardized plans.  These private insurance companies can choose to offer these plans at a rate that they specify however each plan is the exact same.  This is why it is important for enrollees to shop and compare Medicare Supplement Insurance before settling on a plan and company to purchase it from.

Insurance Companies Have The Choice

Insurance companies decide which policies they will sell.  Companies that do decide to sell Medicare Supplemental Policies:

  • Don’t have to offer every plan
  • Must offer Medicare Part A if they are going to sell Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans
  • If they offer any plans they must also offer Medicare Plan C or Plan F

When You are Enrolled In Medicare

Enrollees in Medicare and a supplemental plan can go to any doctor or provider in Arizona that accepts Medicare.  Here is some essential information to know when enrolling in government sponsored health insurance plans:

  • Enrollees need to be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B in order to purchase a Supplemental Plan
  • Enrollees in a Medicare Advantage Plan can apply for Supplemental Insurance however you must leave the Advantage Plan before the Supplemental Plan begins
  • Private insurers are paid a monthly premium for the Supplemental Plan in addition to the premium they pay for Medicare Part B
  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance only covers one participant. If a married couple has Medicare Insurance they must both have separate coverage
  • Supplemental Insurance can be purchase from any insurance company that is licensed to sell insurance in Arizona


Learn more about Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates, plans, and more at  Our Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Arizona.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!

The ABC’s of Cataracts

When Shakespeare’s King Lear calls on “cataracts” to spout during his “blow winds, and crack your cheeks!” speech, he’s not asking for cloudy vision.  In Shakespeare’s day, a “cataract” also means a huge waterfall.  This is fitting because the clouds of white foam arising from a waterfall are metaphorically like the cloudy vision caused by a cataract.  Roughly half of everyone who lives to age 80 will eventually get cataracts in one or both eyes.

What exactly is a cataract?  To answer that question, let’s begin by looking at the eye in more detail.  A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens.  The lens of the eye is right behind the pupil.  Light enters the eye through the pupil.  As the picture shows, the lens focuses light onto the retina, which is a layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye.

The lens must be clear to focus light onto the retina.  If the lens has become cloudy with a cataract the image that is seen will be blurry.  People say that having a cataract is like looking through a dirt car windshield.

How Do Cataracts Form

The eye’s lens is composed of two substances: the first is water and the second is protein.  As we age some of the protein that constitutes the eye’s lens, along with water, can clump together, causing the clouding of the lens.  Although most cataracts are simply a product of aging there are other causes of cataracts, too.

Diabetics can develop cataracts and so can steroid users.  Cataracts can develop after an eye injury sometimes years later.  They can often develop after exposure to radiation.  Babies can sometimes be born with cataracts as well.  Other factors that could cause cataracts include smoking and drinking.  Here are the symptoms of cataracts, in case you think you are developing one.

  • Cloudy or blurry vision
  • Faded colors
  • Headlight, lamps, or sunlight glare
  • Halos surrounding lights
  • Double visions
  • Multiple images in one eye

Frequent changes in your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses could also be a sign of cataracts.  If you notice any of these symptoms, or if you are age 60 or older, ask your eye doctor to check your eyes for cataracts, as well as for age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, or any other vision issues during your next eye exam.

What To Do When You Have Cataracts

If you do have a cataract and it is interfering with your normal everyday activities, such as driving, reading, or watching TV, your cloudy lens can be removed in surgery and replaced with a clear artificial lens.  If you need cataract surgery in both eyes, usually the doctor will do each eye a month or two apart.

However, surgery should be avoided unless it’s absolutely necessary for your vision or if a cataract interferes with getting another eye issue treated, such as age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.  Nevertheless cataract removal is one of the most common operations performed in the United States and about 90% of people who have cataracts removed have improved vision.


Now if you don’t have cataracts and you want to forestall getting them, there are some precautions you can take, according to research done by staffers of the Mayo Clinic.  Get regular eye exams, at least once every two years or more frequently if you notice changes in your vision quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Wear sunglasses and clear glasses with 100% Ultraviolet (UV) protection.  Maintain a healthy weight and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Quit smoking, decrease or eliminate drinking alcohol, decrease or eliminate eating meat, increase eating fruits and vegetables and you might live long enough to have your first cataract as a 95th birthday present – among other goodies.

Many people who need cataract surgery will get a temporary pair of eyeglasses to use that corrects the vision of both eyes, the eye that has the cataract and the eye that does not.  Then when they have had the cataract surgery in both eyes they get a new pair of glasses.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


The Significance of Harvesting Fetal Bovine Serum in Animal Biologicals

FBS, otherwise known as, Fetal Bovine Serum is fetal serum from a calf and is blood that is fractioned and remains once the blood is naturally coagulated and separated from the red blood cells by centrifugation. Fetal bovine serum is a product that is utilized in laboratories for research purposes. It is a blood product which surpasses cell culture testing standards and, therefore, is extensively used to promote growth medium.

First Step in Process

FBS is a dairy industry by-product. Just like the majority of other animal serum utilized in cell culture, Fetal Bovine Serum, is created from blood collected from commercial slaughterhouses. The first step of FBS production is the harvesting of blood from a bovine fetus with the help of a closed and isolated selection system. A cardiac puncture is performed on a calf’s fetus during slaughter and the blood is drawn from the bovine fetus after the fetus is removed from cow that has been killed. The blood is refrigerated so that it will clot.

Step 2- Filtration

A process known as centrifuge is then utilized to remove the fibrin clot and the remaining blood cells from the clear yellow (straw) colored serum and, finally, the clear serum is separated from the slotted blood cells. The second step involves filtration which employs a filtration chain with triple sterile 0.1 micrometer membrane filters. After being processed, the sterilized fetal bovine serum is subjected to strict quality control testing by a reputable commercial serum supplier. If the serum clears the quality control testing, it is supplied with a detailed Certificate of Analysis.

Significance of Fetal Bovine Serum

FBS is the most commonly used serum-supplement for the in-vitro cell culture of multi-cell organisms. The reason behind its extensive use is the serum’s low level of antibodies and its high content of embryonic growth promoting factors, which helps the serum to develop versatility in various cell culture applications. There are so many fields in which the cell culture medium growth is considered of great importance, like biotechnology, vaccine production, cloning and in-vitro fertilization. FBS when used in proper concentrations can satisfy specific metabolic requirements for the culture of cells and help it grow because of its high content of hormones, carrier proteins and macromolecular proteins. The embryonic stem cells are transferred, by FBS, into the culture medium which leads to growth of the cells.

Moreover, many vaccines available in the market today are produced using FBS for cell culture growth medium. For instance vaccines that protect against viruses utilize fetal bovine serum. Recently, several experiments are being conducted in an attempt to clone animal tissues and within the field of biotechnology; FBS is often employed in these experiments.

You will find that FBS is offered by several manufacturers in the market, and since cell growth in in-vitro is highly sensitive, customers prefer to check specific batches to ascertain for aptness for their specific cell culture under research. Here, at Innovative Research, we make sure that we provide you with only the highest quality fetal bovine serum and other products that you may need for research purposes. We ensure that we price our products affordably, without compromising on quality.

Learn more about Innovative Research and our high quality research materials including human, plant, and animal biological, ELISA & Assay Kits, proteins, antibodies, cell cultures, blood, serum, plasma, and more.  More information can be found at or by calling 248.896.0145.

Design Ideas Using Aluminum in Residential Pool Fencing

A beautiful sparkling swimming pool is the crown of a yard that has been landscaped very well.  It can also be extremely dangerous if not fenced properly. Fencing is often a struggle designer because pool fences are not notorious for their attractiveness. This safety element is especially of great importance in a home with children and pets. In a community that only consists of adult’s community, there can be conflicts over the necessity of a fence but according to local, state and federal law they are required.

There are many materials that can be used for fencing however the most suitable one by far is aluminum. Residential aluminum fences are usually a designer’s first recommendation since they are affordable and high on durability.

A skilled landscape designer, after assessing your site and your lifestyle, should be able to determine the best way to provide swimming pool safety fence; most often including aluminum fencing.

There are three basic strategies:

Perimeter Aluminum Fencing

If can be ordered in proper B.O.C.A. requirements for height and gates set by their safety code.  Aluminum perimeter fence around the yard can serve as an extra barrier and additional pool safety fence itself. Aluminum pool fences make great sense for the perimeter of the pool and backyard.

Interior Aluminum Fence

Aluminum fencing that is used only to enclose the pool area and leaves the rest of the yard open for general use is also common.  Most residential aluminum fences are used in this way since it allows a better usage of the rest of the yard.


There are some typical regulations regarding metal pool fencing in aluminum that should be complied with when choosing your aluminum fence according to the Building Officials and Code Administrators (B.O.C.A.).

These regulations apply to swimming pools, hot tubs, and non-portable spas.  Regulations may vary by the state and local regulations.  This should be verified with local building department regulations regarding the construction of a fence.

  • The top of the aluminum fence must be at least 48 inches above the landscape grade. There should be no more than a four inch gap between the finish grade and the bottom of the fence.
  • The openings in the aluminum fence pickets should not allow passage of a four inch diameter sphere.
  • There should not be indentions or protrusions in the fence surrounding the swimming pool.
  • The spacing between the aluminum vertical pickets should not exceed four inches.
  • Aluminum gates should open outwardly away from the swimming pool and should be self-closing and self-latching.
  • Aluminum fences, around swimming pools, must be clear of all other structures that could be used to climb over.

Learn more about iFence USA and their vast line of custom aluminum fencing options with various grades of aluminum fence to choose from including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing at  To contact one of our aluminum fence experts call toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

In Depth Look Into LINAC Systems

A linear accelerator (LINAC) is a device, which functions by customizing high energy x-rays or electrons, so as to conform to a tumor’s shape, destroy cancer cells and spare surrounding normal tissue. This improvement incorporates a lot of built-in safety measures to ascertain that higher dose than prescribed will not be delivered. Besides, there are routine checks that are usually carried out on this equipment by a certified medical physicist to confirm its proper working.

When a patient is scheduled for radiation therapy via LINAC, a radiation oncologist will work in conjunction with both a radiation dosimetrist and a medical physicist to get a treatment plan develop for him or her. This treatment plan is usually double checked by a doctor prior to treatment in order to sustain quality assurance procedures.

What is a LINAC used for?

A linear accelerator (LINAC) is a device which is often used for the treatment of external beam radiation for cancer patients. All parts or organs of the body is indicated with the LINAC as it delivers high energy x-rays or electrons to the location of the tumor in the patient’s body. LINAC ensures treatment by destroying the cancer cells and spares the surrounding normal tissue. All body sites can be treated via LINAC, using conventional techniques and other therapies like Stereotactic Body Radio Therapy (SBRT), Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT), Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and Stereotactic

How LINAC systems work?

A linear accelerator employs micro wave technology for accelerating electrons in the wave guide a part of the accelerator. It achieves this by allowing collusion between these electrons and a heavy metal. The target is to produce high energy x-rays.

As the x-rays exit from the linear accelerator, they are made to conform to the shape of the patient’s tumor. The customized beam, which is incorporated into the head of the machine, is then directed to the tumor.

At this point, the patient is positioned on a moveable treatment couch while the beam diffuses from the gantry (a part of the linear accelerator) and it is being made to rotate round the patient. From any angle, the tumor can receive radiation when the gantry is rotated and the treatment couch is moved.

LINAC and Safety

There are several ways of ensuring a patient’s safety while using this equipment.  Prior to treating a patient, the radiation oncologist in conjunction with the radiation dosimetrist and medical physicist develop and approve a treatment plan.

Having double checked this treatment plan, treatments and quality assurance procedures are carried out to ensure that the treatment will be delivered as planned. It is highly essential to ensure quality assurance of the accelerator. It contains several built-in systems which ensure that it does not deliver a higher dose than the one prescribed.

As a safety measure, the radiation therapist inspects the machine every morning and ensures uniform radiation intensity across the beam. Besides, a more detailed and annual checks of the linear accelerator are carried out by the medical physicist.  The modern linear accelerators also have some internal checking systems which prevent the machine from being turned on until all prescribed treatment requirements are met.

As treatment continues, the patient is continuously observed by the radiation therapist via a closed- circuit television monitor. The patient will also be able to speak with the therapist if the need arises. In addition, pot films and cone beams are regularly inspected to prevent variation of the beam position from the original plan.

It is also crucial to ensure the safety of the staff that operates the linear accelerator. The linear accelerator is placed in a room reinforced with lead and concrete walls to shield the high-energy x-rays and ensures that the accelerator is turned on from outside the treatment room. In this case, accidental exposure risks are drastically low.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Exploring the Flexible Packaging Industry

Packaging is a means of protecting, storing, transporting and prolonging the life of the product contained within. The next level is the flexible packaging, which is aimed at reducing energy consumption, using less overall materials and generating less CO2 emissions. All these result in less waste.

Flexible packaging has several benefits over rigid packaging because:

  • Flexible packaging utilizes less materials and energy.
  • It creates less weight via source reduction that utilizes the least amount of materials for product packaging.
  • Flexible packaging represents two percent of municipal waste.

Flexible packaging is among the fastest growing segment of the packaging industry, which combines the best quality of aluminum foil, plastic paper and film, to deliver a variety of protective properties with the least possible materials.

Flexible packaging is any package or any part of a package which takes the shape of a pouch, bag, overwrap or liner and whose shape can be readily changed. Apart from their being utilized for institutional and consumer products, flexible packaging is also desired in industrial applications for marketing, protection and distributing a fast array of products.

Flexible packaging, which is a leader in packaging innovation, helps to add value and marketability to both food and non-food products. It goes beyond ensuring food safety as it extends shelf life; provide barrier protection and aids even heating. Besides, it is easy to use and re-sealable. With its superb printability, the packaging industry continues to thrive and advance in an unprecedented rate.

Advantages of Flexible Packaging

  • Flexible packaging is light in weight, easily opened, carried, stored, and re-sealed.
  • With flexible packaging, the shelf life of many products, for instance, food is prolonged.
  • Less energy is required for transportation, manufacturing and generating smaller quantities of greenhouse gases.
  • With flexible packaging, less consumer wastes which are being sent to landfills are generated.
  • It is an innovative process.
  • Flexible packaging widely extends into varieties of product categories.
  • It indicates and maintains freshness as well as offers consumer conveniences.
  • It provides re-closure and diverse dispensing options.
  • Ease of transportation and storage, enables visibility of contents and provides efficient product.
  • Flexible packaging creates lesser emissions and uses less energy.

Many years ago, the only clear film that is used for packaging is cellophane. However, technology and innovations have made the development of printable substrates possible. This has helped in revolutionizing lighter weight packaging, which brings shelf appeal, seal-ability, product protection and strength.

Examples of innovations in product packaging are in the preservation of meat, drug packaging, and more. In fact, thousands of products are now made convenient, safer and enjoyable to consumers via flexible packaging. These and many more are possible as a result of advanced technology, innovation and sustainability, which is its hallmark.

Flexible packaging is manufactured from items like plastics, aluminum foils, paper, film or combination of these materials. It includes bags, liners, pouches, roll stock, labels and other flexible products.

Flexible Packaging Conclusion

Packaging is not only critical to safety and modern lifestyle, but it saves more resources than it consumes. Flexible packaging on its own ensures the reduction of landfill waste, protects products and preserves them until they are ready for consumption.

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at

Benefits of Age in Place Remodeling

Age in place remodeling is something everyone should consider. The term has many misconceptions about growing old. However, a good age in place contractor will help to create a space that you will always feel comfortable in. Rather than a home looking old, it continues to show your personality and offers the style you desire.

Here’s a look at the four benefits of age in place remodeling:

Your Home Becomes Your Forever Home

It’s common to look at a home as a stop-gap for the time being. Eventually you want to upsize to grow your family or you want something different in terms of living space, kitchen, or bathroom. You may even need to look at installing handicap ramps into your home.

Age in place remodeling makes it so your home is your forever home. It is designed for all your needs now and into the future. A good age in place contractor will help you consider the possibilities in the future of needing ramps and support while considering your current needs, ensuring that your space will always offer exactly what you need.

You Are Ready If Something Happens

You just don’t know exactly what the future holds. While you may feel in full physical health now, an accident can happen tomorrow or you may have an underlying health problem with no symptoms. This time next year, you may find you need to completely remodel your home just to be able to live comfortably.

Thinking about age in place remodeling will give you the chance to plan ahead. You look at the chances of an accident and look at the parts of your home that could become inaccessible. If something does happen, you can quickly add in the new needed items, rather than wait weeks to get a contractor in and then months for the total remodel to take place. You have peace of mind and security.

Make Your Home Comfortable

Harsh lighting can cause headaches, while a cluttered kitchen can make it difficult to work around. When you opt for age in place remodeling, you have the ability to create a comfortable home. Each room will have the specific purpose you need and you can choose lighting specifically to soften and create relaxing areas.

The bathroom gets the tub and suite that you’ve always dreamed of having, while the hallways can be lined with the right shelving to make storage easier. Getting rid of the clutter and creating a space you’re happy with will make you happier when you are at home.

Your Home Requires Less Maintenance

While you may enjoy a little gardening, you don’t necessarily want the whole garden and lawn to be covered in grass. An age in place contractor will look at the garden and help create one that requires less maintenance. You don’t have to worry about watering or mowing the lawn every week or so. There’s no need to worry about that will do it when you’re physically unable to.

That doesn’t mean all your flower beds will be removed. The contracts will consider ways to make it easier to get to your plants. You may have raised flower beds installed or handicap ramps around your lawn to make sure you can still get across the grass to your plants should something happen.

Consider age in place remodeling for your home. Thinking about it now will help you have peace of mind for the future so you can get your forever home.

Learn more about licensed and insured general contractor Glen Miller the Home Doctor and the variety of home improvement services he offers clients including: home maintenance plans, handyman services, kitchen remodels, bathroom renovations, handicap ramp installations, age in place modifications, basements transformations, and hardwood flooring installation and refinishing at  To contact Glen Miller the Home Doctor call 734.255.9793 for a free estimate.