Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 160

Risks of Not Having an Estate Plan

Don’t have an estate plan for your estate? Are you under the impression that such plans only exist for those with large estates that are well off? If this is your assumption it is false and holds no merit. In fact, an estate plan is the best thing you can do, no matter how large or small your estate is, to ensure the safety of your property, and the well-being of your loved ones. An estate plan is the best way to protect your assets from probate laws. In fact, not having an estate plan subjects your property to several risks and hazards. The following are a few harmful risks of not having an estate plan:

Asset Distribution

The main aspect of a will, trust, or an estate plan is asset distribution. With your estate plan you can tell your family and the law just how you want your property to be divided. If you do not declare the method in which your property is supposed to be divided, the court simply passes on the property to your closest relatives, spouse, and children respectively. This can lead to a number of conflicts arising amongst your family, especially if you have been married more than once or if you are divorced. Thus, to ensure that your assets are properly distributed you need to make an estate plan.

End-of-Life Care

An estate plan is not just concerned with property and asset distribution, it can be utilized for dictating your healthcare during your final days or during illnesses. Often, many people are incapacitated by illnesses in their final days and cannot properly make their opinions and demands heard. Using an estate plan, those affected by illnesses such as Alzheimer’s can dictate their family and friends and let them know their wishes through power of attorney. An estate plan ensures that you are not helpless and that you dictate your life even at the very end.

Challenges caused by probate laws

Probate laws deal with the changing ownership of property and every single dealing that goes into the changing of owners. Without an estate plan, the probate courts will seize your property and subject them to probate laws while your heirs helplessly look on. With an estate plan you will be able to give a proper outline or blueprint about how your property is supposed to be handled. Wills and estate plans might not exempt your assets from estate laws but forming trusts can. The execution of a trust as part of an estate plan is a huge step in ensuring your heirs get what you want them to.

Don’t have an estate plan yet? If not, you should get one as quickly as possible. We never know where life might lead us, and it is better to be prepared for adverse occurrences beforehand. Create your estate plan immediately to make sure that your assets are handled the way you want them to. An estate plan helps you dictate your own life right to the very end.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols, call 734.386.0224 today.


What is Hyperopia and What Are the Correction Options?

Having the ability to see well is one of the essential requirements of living but few people actually have 20/20 vision. One of the most common problems is Hyperopia. Hyperopia is basically farsightedness. It’s one of the most common eye problems. It can not only affect your vision but also your overall well being and your quality of life, as your daily efficiency is decreased. Basically, you’ll be able to see objects well in the distance, while your vision will be blurrier closer up. This is also a problem that develops as you get older.


It may be time to visit an eye doctor to see how this problem can be corrected. Eye doctors will diagnose your Hyperopia. This condition can develop when the distance between your cornea and retina is too short. This basically displaces light rays instead of the image settling onto your retina; it will place it behind it. This creates vision problems. This condition can also be hereditary, so if your parents have farsightedness, most likely you do too. Usually people get this condition in their childhood.

Hyperopia Symptoms

If you are having any of the following issues, a trip to the eye doctors may be in order. Do you have a hard time reading books? Perhaps you have trouble when doing sewing, crafting, or cooking. You can have severe headaches and nausea when trying to complete these tasks. Yet you may still be able to see mountains in the distance. You may have no trouble driving, as you can see street signs, lights, and other vehicles easily.

Choosing LASIK

Eye doctors will test your eyes to diagnose your condition. You may be prescribed eye glasses or contact lenses for vision correction. One other solution, which is more permanent, is to have eye laser surgery. LASIK surgery is one option that can be done at the eye doctors’ clinic. It can not only correct Hyperopia but myopia and astigmatism too. Basically all of these conditions are caused by the shape of the eyes.


One thing that eye laser surgery still isn’t good at correcting is Presbyopia, which is caused by the hardening and thickening of the eye’s lenses.  Perhaps one of the best reasons for vision correction by eye laser surgery is so that you can read again without using glasses or contact lenses. You’ll also discover how your headaches and nausea will go away.


Modern LASIK surgery will correct reading problems. Some people have different vision problems in each eye, so each will be carefully evaluated. One eye may require different treatment than the other. Your eye doctors will advise you on the best course of treatment so you can regain your 20/20 vision.

Looking for the Right Solution

If you are suffering from Hyperopia and tired of not being able to see up close without reading glasses, or you are always feeling unwell, please book an appointment at our eye doctors today. Eye laser surgery will correct your vision so you can now focus on the world both sharply and clearly.


If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


The Benefits of Salt Free Water Softeners

People with fresh, high-quality water can be taken for granted in many parts of the world.  In others however water can be full of minerals, contaminants, and be extremely hard.  This can lead to nasty tasting water that is affected by high amounts of minerals in the water. One of the best solutions to hard water is to install a water treatment system in your home that can provide a softer, better tasting, higher quality water supply.

Treating Your Water At Home

Water softeners essentially work by adding other minerals to the water in order for the water to taste good. There are a number of ways this is done and one includes a salt process. Many people however, have concerns with adding extra salt to their bodies.  Some people have diseases and conditions where they need to limit the amount of sodium in their bodies so a traditional water softener that uses salt to soften the water may not be ideal.  Another alternative for treating the water in your home can come from a potassium water softener, water conditioning, or a water filtration/purification system.


People often consider water softeners and water conditioners as one of the same. A salt-free water softener can more accurately be called a water conditioner or de-scaler.  A traditional water softener using salt, works by removing magnesium and calcium from the water and replacing it with sodium. Another option that works on the same principal is replacing the salt with potassium, also known as a saltless or salt-free water system.

Difference Between Water Softeners

A salt-free water filtration system doesn’t work exactly the same way as the salted one. Instead of removing hard water minerals, it keeps them from sticking to the pipes. This is a special process where the hard water minerals are crystallized, so that they can no longer stick to surfaces, which includes your pipes or your dishes.


The unsalted system also helps by reducing the buildup of limescale. This is that chalky substance you see on dried hard water spots and can be filled with other minerals or chemicals. While it’s not harmful, it can be unsightly and embarrassing if you are serving guests, or are a food-based business that must have 100% clean dishes.


The salt free water filtration system works by altering the chemical structure of the water minerals through a special descaling process. This helps to prevent solids from being deposited into your pipes and other water-using fixtures.

Talk With an Expert

A salt free water purification system is as effective as a salt-based system and it may suit your needs if your city’s water isn’t as hard as others. It is best to speak to a water filtration specialist to fulfill the needs of your home.  When choosing salt-free water purification system it will also come with a filter. This helps to filter out the hard water minerals in your water, while providing water softener properties.  For assistance in finding the best water softener or water purification system for your house, contact us today.


At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


Fix or Forget It: Should you Repair That LINAC System or Buy New?

LINAC systems, the common name for linear accelerators, are very complicated and intricately built machines. They are formed by joining together several very small different parts, making it a highly fickle machine. Despite their extreme sensitivity, LINACs are very useful and powerful machines. They are a main component of many essential machines, such as the CT scanner.

Much like the CT scanner, linear accelerators can be used in several other machines related to the health industry. They are thus an integral part in fighting cancer with radiation therapy, while also being used in a large amount of research. However, because of their unbalanced structure, they are highly prone to many mechanical faults. Here is a look at the faults they may face and dealing with them.

Problems LINAC Systems Face

Used to hurl very small radiation particles at very high speeds at designated targets, linear accelerators are built by joining numerous small parts. Each part has its own function in the grand scheme of things and is often linked to adjacent parts. This makes the LINAC a very fickle machine since any faulty part can lead to the entire machine going out of order. Hence, the LINAC is an unsustainable machine that can require very intricate maintenance.

Everyone has heard about radiation equipment and how much intricate and complex it is. LINACs are a major component in radiation equipment. Parts for repairing radiation equipment are always very expensive, and this makes repairing LINACs a huge financial hassle, while also being exhausting. Therefore, the debate about whether to install spare parts or to change the machine entirely holds a lot of weight and is something that many professionals in the health industry constantly talk about.

Fix it or forget it?

Often the parts for repairing linear accelerators (LINAC) are so expensive that they come just in short of the actual amount for buying a new LINAC. This makes many people wonder if it is better to just buy a new machine altogether since the other parts of the LINAC might break down soon enough and need to be replaced as well. Although there is no definite answer to this query since it has do a lot with the personal beliefs of people, it is always better to use something to the maximum. Therefore, in our opinion, fixing radiation machines and LINACs is the better option.

Refurbishing/ Repairing

Parts for repairing linear accelerators might be highly expensive, but that is if you buy new parts. Instead, you can opt for the sensible option, which is refurbishing or repairing the broken parts. There are a number of firms in the market that offer refurbishing of parts for radiation equipment. The refurbished parts are often returned very quickly, and this efficient process saves you half the money you would spend on a new part. Therefore, it is best to find a good servicing company for your LINACs.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.


Switching from Medicare Advantage to a Medigap Plan

If you have Medicare Advantage, you know there can be many limitations. There can be many advantages to switching to a Medigap plan. By learning a bit more about this insurance coverage, you’ll better be able to determine if you should make the switch to Medigap.

Comparing Medigap and Medicare Advantage

Medigap is a bit different than Medicare Advantage. You’ll still need your basic plan. Medigap is basically extra help insurance that will cover the extra costs that are not covered by your original Medicare.


Medigap is sold by private insurance companies. The meaning of its name covers what it does, “covering gaps in your regular insurance plan”. Let’s cover some comparisons between the two types of insurances so you have a better understanding if you need Medigap.


Many Americans are facing escalating medical costs and have discovered that Medicare only covers some of them. Medigap covers the costs that aren’t covered by your other plan. Just some of the costs that Medigap covers include co-payments, deductibles, and healthcare coverage outside the USA.

What Medigap Doesn’t Cover

What doesn’t the Medigap insurance plan cover? They don’t cover long-term care, so that will need to be covered by your regular insurance provider, which is Medicare, in this instance.  Medigap also doesn’t cover dental care or vision care, or the related costs, such as eyeglasses, nor hearing aids. You also won’t get private duty nursing. Almost none of the Medigap insurance plans cover prescription drugs.


In order to sign up for Medigap, you will pay a monthly premium for one of the Medigap insurance plans.  Policies are only available to people who already have Medicare Part A or related type, which covers hospital services. Other plans may cover people who have Medicare Part B or similar. This covers doctor services.

Choose One Plan- Not Both

For people who have a Medicare Advantage Plan, they will not qualify for a Medigap plan at all. This means that you are going to have to decide which plan is right for you. In fact, it can be illegal for an insurance company to sell you both plans together.


Medigap will generally run at a higher monthly premium, but overall, your out-of-pocket expenses will be decreased, particularly if you have a disease or condition that requires extra clinic visits.  Medicare Advantage plan can be more affordable.  It can also cover more services. If you’re on a tight budget, this may be the plan for you, particularly if you’re pretty healthy.


You should also know that while regular Medicare and Medigap allow you to visit any facility that accepts these providers, with Medicare Advantage, you are limited to specific doctors or facilities within the plan. This type of plan doesn’t cover out-of-network care at all. This may be an issue if you live in the suburbs and aren’t near participating providers.


If you need assistance in deciding if you should switch from Medicare Advantage to Medigap, or with choosing the right Medigap plan to complement your Medicare, please contact us today.


Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!


Five Reasons to Enroll in a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan

Medicare may cover some of the costs of your healthcare, but it doesn’t cover everything. For some Americans, there can be a lot of out-of-pocket expenses that can make it harder to make ends meet. Some of this gap can be filled with Medicare supplemental insurance plans.


Let’s cover five good reasons why you need to enroll in a Medicare supplemental insurance plan to help you manage your health better.

  • You Travel Frequently

Various types of Medicare supplemental insurance will allow you to travel to other states or out of the country, but still be covered with health insurance. This means that you won’t have to constantly be buying supplemental insurance, and you’ll be able to save money over time.

  • You Want To Keep Your Network of Providers

If you have the Medicare Advantage Plan then you know that you must go to their providers, even if it means a long distance for you. You may also not like some of the providers, but there is little recourse for you to choose. But with other Medicare supplemental insurance plans, you can choose which healthcare network you want to go to, as long as they accept your specific insurance plan.

  • You Want To Choose Your Own Specialists

Some specialists require a referral from your doctor, which can lead to delays and perhaps not get you the best care you need if your other Medicare supplemental insurance plans don’t cover that expense. But with a good Medicare supplemental insurance you can have your choice of specialists, even without that referral, and most of the expenses can be covered.

  • Additional Costs Are Covered With Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

With a Medicare supplemental insurance you may get many additional costs covered, that are not covered by basic Medicare. These can include blood transfusions, extra hospital stays, nursing care, and hospice or respite care.

  • You Will Have Coverage For Life

Once you sign up for one of the Medicare supplemental insurance plans you’ll have coverage for life. You won’t be denied care because you’re too old, or because you get a specific disease or condition. This can be a comfort to many patients. You may want to note that rates can change as you get older though, but these costs adhere to a strict plan of fees that includes everyone in your state.


It’s of benefit for you to do a Medicare supplement comparison. Once you see the differences between plans, you can decide which may benefit your health. You may discover that Medicare Advantage may be too restrictive, so you’ll want to try Medigap or one of the other plans.


Even if one plan seems cheaper, it may not necessarily be right for you. Carefully read through the fine print to see exactly what is covered. You may wish to make your choice based on what your total coverage costs will be, plus out-of-pocket expenses, at the end of the year. One plan may be better for healthier people.  Once you decide on your Medicare supplement comparison, you’ll feel confident that you and your family will have the best coverage they need.


Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!


What Option in Freight Shipping is best for your Business

Many businesses require a freight service to carry and transport their goods. Since freight transport helps moving around materials in both large and small quantities, it is the preferred method of transportation for several different types of businesses. However, freight shipping itself is a very diverse method of transport. There are a few ways to handle freight shipping. Finding the best shipping service for you depends on several factors, including the dimensions and size of the transport, and its efficiency. You also need to be mindful of how quick the service is since no business wants its goods or supplies to be delayed. The following are the best freight shipping options for your business:

Full Truckload Shipping (FTL)

Full truckload shipping refers to the practice of loading huge cargo in freight trailers, to the extent that the entire semi-trailer is filled entirely. It really lives up to its name, with around 15,000 pounds of storage normally utilized in this freight shipping method. If your business requires moving huge amounts of cargo on a regular basis, full truckload shipping (FTL) is the way to go. Utilizing FTL will help you get better freight costs, better insurance, and greater protection, while moving huge amounts of cargo. FTL is the best shipping method for large manufacturers.

Less than Truckload freight shipping (LTL)

If your business entails moving goods more than an amount weighing 150 pounds and does not require and entire trailer, less than truckload shipping (LTL) is the best shipping method for you. LTL’s often carry a mix of different companies’ goods and travel at far greater speeds. Therefore, they are faster than FTLs and make sure that your goods are transported as quickly as possible with the least bit of hassle. LTLs also service a number of different businesses, from the very small to the very large. If you want your goods to be transported as quickly as possible and don’t need the entire truck, use less than truckload freight shipping (LTL).

Just in Time truckload freight shipping

Just in time truckload (JIT) is the best way of ensuring that your goods arrive at the right time as quick as possible. They are smaller than LTLs and FTLs and naturally carry less goods than both. However, with just in time truckload (JIT) shipping, you can ship appropriate items at a set time and be sure that the goods will be delivered on time. With its closed inventory and quick delivery service, JIT is the best freight shipping method for small businesses looking to reach their customers as quickly as possible.

The freight shipping method you choose depends on your own understanding of your business’ needs and then judging which shipping method suits you the best. It is essential to select the appropriate freight shipping method since the shipping plays a big part in your customer dealings and refilling stock.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.

Clever Kitchen and Bathroom Storage Ideas

Both kitchens and bathrooms are filled to the brim with a number of different accessories.  In fact, it would not be a stretch to call them the busiest rooms in the entire house because of how many valuable accessory objects that they hold. Therefore, it is essential to effectively utilize as much space as possible and use every single inch in a useful manner. It is imperative for you to know how to use your space while undertaking kitchen and bathroom remodel. A licensed contractor can bring the most out of the two rooms and their renovations.

Here are some very clever kitchen and bathroom storage ideas to use during kitchen and bathroom remodeling:

Kitchen Storage Options

The kitchen is the room where most of the hard work takes place. Therefore, it is important to make sure that there is less clutter all around it. A clean and tidy kitchen ensures greater productivity.

Following are some clever ideas to tell your licensed contractor for kitchen storage:

Plastic Bag Holder

Place this holder inside the door of a cabinet to make sure it is just as usable but does not interfere with anything. It saves a lot of space.

Racked for Cans

Placing cans all around the kitchen can cause a huge clutter and interfere in many kitchen tasks. Placing all the cans on a designated rack ensures less of a clutter and more organization.

Knife and Measuring Cups Hanger

Much like a plastic cup holder, you can make a holder for knives for measuring cups inside cabinet doors. This ensures usability while also saving a lot of space.

Wine Glass Molding

To save space while also not letting go of your glasses, you can always add a wine glass molding to your kitchen and hang all appropriate glasses from it.

Cookware Organizer

Instead of using standard cabinets for cookware and utensils, it is better to install cabinets that act as cookware organizers. This helps to organize your cookware while making it ready to use.

Bathroom Storage Options

Bathrooms are one of the most used rooms in the entire house. Having a number of accessories in them, such as towels, mats, lotions, body sprays, and such need a lot of care when organizing bathrooms. Here are some clever bathroom storage options:

Wall Cabinet

The most simple of them all, the wall cabinet helps you keep most of your bathroom accessories in the wall and not have them lying around. While making everything neat, it also makes the accessories more accessible.

Vintage Storage

Having small straw storage closets beneath your sink is a great way to keep your things at hand and secure.

Storage Tower

Storage towers are a great way of keeping your things right in the middle, while keeping them all in one place. This is a great way to store toilet paper, towel, and such.

Storage Ladder

Much like the storage tower, the storage ladder keeps your accessories in one place. Preferably the corner.  These ladders are also perfect for hanging towels.

Ask Your Contractor For More Ideas

Give your licensed contractor all these great ideas when you are having your kitchen or bathroom remodeled.  Most contractors will have some tricks of their own when it comes to extra storage in kitchen and bathroom renovations.

JFC Remodeling, out of Howell, Michigan, offers a variety of construction services for the home including: kitchen and bath remodeling, flooring renovations, and home remodeling.  You can find out more information at or by reaching out to our home renovation specialists at 810.923.1123.

Five Signs Your Siding Needs to Be Upgraded

Have you taken a look at the siding on your home recently? Over time it can breakdown and begin to look unsightly.  Since it is a gradual process you may not notice until it’s too late. A house’s siding has been designed to protect the interior structure from the harsh elements. Is it time for it to be upgraded? Check your siding for one of the following five signs.


  • Is it falling apart?


Is your house’s siding falling off at an alarming rate? Do you constantly have to hire a handyman to go onto the ladder to reset it in place? Perhaps you’ve had to buy new siding from the store and patch it up. Now it looks uneven, but you’re uncertain whether it’s worth painting. It may be time to do some exterior home improvements.


  • Is there excessive dampness within the home?


If your home is starting to feel damp inside and you can’t seem to get it warm enough, your siding may be failing. This can be causing dampness and moisture to get into the structure of your home. Over time, this can cause major problems, such as issues with the development of mold that can infest your entire home. And while you’re having your siding done, you may want to do some replacement windows too, that can help provide energy bill savings.


  • Are little critters finding their way into your home?


If your siding is falling apart, this can be an opening for little critters to get in. They love the warmth of a home. You may start seeing a lot more insects too. There may be cracks and gaps starting in your siding. It’s time to withdraw the invitation and get the siding contractors to install fresh new siding and do other exterior home improvements too.


  • Does your siding look like it is fighting the wind?


Even if the siding hasn’t completely fallen off yet, it may be loose. If you ever hear any exterior noise during a wind storm, it may be the siding banging against your house. It’s only a matter of time before it comes off, which can be a safety hazard for people walking past. This is a sign that you need to call the experts to do exterior home improvements.


  • Are you uncertain if your siding confirms to fire regulations?


When was the last time the siding contractors came by and fully replaced your siding? If you’re the new owner of a house, you may have no idea when it was last done. Did you know that siding contractors use fireproof and flame-retardant siding now? Not only will your home look brand-new if you hire siding contractors to tear off your old siding and install with new, but you’ll also be conforming to industry regulations that will keep your family safe.


You may experience many other signs that it’s time to upgrade your siding. This may also be the perfect time to get replacement windows or have the roof done too. Soon your home will look brand new, for only a fraction of the cost of buying a new house!


Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all of Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.



Different Types of Electrical Switches

We use electrical switches every single day in our lives. Whether they are used to turn on the light or if they are used indirectly while using computers and other appliances, switches are one of the most common electrical accessory around. There are a number of different electrical switches we can use, each having its own unique purpose and use. The type of electrical switch we need to use depends on what we need to use it for. It is a secondary accessory that is highly dependent on the primary accessory it supports. Out of all the switches available in the market, two are highly common and of great use: panel switches and line switches. Let’s have a more detailed look into the two most common types of electrical switches that are in use today.

Panel Switch

Panel switches were developed in the 1910s by Western Electric labs and introduced in the Bell System. Panel switches became used as early types of automatic telephone systems. Known for their huge panel like structure, panel switches are basically very tall strips of layered terminals that are separated by a fine layer of insulation between them. First installed in 1915, the panel switch became the go to method for phone terminals.

That is, however, just one type of panel switch. The second type is far more common and known to almost everyone. Common panel switches are the ones we see on our walls. Most of the switches in our homes are arranged in a panel arrangement. It is basically a plastic panel fitted in the wall with multiple switches embedded in it. This makes it easier for people to switch multiple appliances off or on since the switches are arranged together in the same place.

Line Switch

Much like common panel switches, line switches are very popular as well. In fact, they are perhaps the go to switches to attach to smaller electric appliances. Lamps especially almost always line switches. Line switches carry a relatively smaller load than panel switches and are used for electrical appliances you do not commonly use. An analogy can be drawn with toys that have their own specific switch for use whenever it needs to be used.

In that manner, line switches are commonly used for appliances that are rarely turned on. Lamps, decoration pieces, fountain lights, and disco lights are all common appliances that have line switches attached. Line switches are fairly simple and can be fixed or attached by anyone who has an idea about how to. However, panel switches are often very complex since they are attached to wires from all around a room, or even the entire house! This makes them too difficult for common people to understand, and they cannot find and fix faults on their own. Therefore, whenever there’s a fault with a panel switch it is important to hire a professional for repair or replacement.  You can purchase a new one or a refurbished switch, both will have gone through rigorous testing before making it to you the consumer.

Contact Us Today

Learn more about J & P Electrical Company and their vast line of new, surplus, and refurbished industrial electrical components including: circuit breakers, bus ducts, bus plugs, disconnects, fuses, panel switches, tap boxes, and transformers at  To contact one of our product reconditioning specialists, call 877.844.5514 today.