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What Makes For a Powerful Shrink Sleeve Message and Design

Shrink sleeves are perfect for beverage packaging, food packaging, home, and personal care packaging as well as certain industrial products.  In fact shrink sleeves are a great packaging option for most products that are packaged in containers such as bottles.

Bringing together all of the elements in shrink sleeve design and manufacturing require careful thought.  In some cases a customer can simply move from a traditional self adhesive label to a shrink sleeve without the need to change the container type.   This is made possible by the properties of shrink sleeves and the ability to fit containers of all shapes and sizes with ease.

This design often means a shift in the design process to ensure that all of the space on a sleeve is utilized effectively and shrink sleeves can certainly help you achieve this goal via the ability to decorate the full 360 degrees of your product.

When starting a new packaging project a shrink sleeve opens up many other possibilities in terms of the type of containers that can be used meaning that you really have a blank canvas.  This means that your packaging designer is able to be as creative as they like when considering the overall package.

With products needing to compete more and more for prime retail space on the supermarket shelves, the need to develop more eye-catching, innovative packaging approaches is greater than ever.  Consumers can’t ignore a dramatically differentiated product with enhanced shelf presence, regardless of brand.

Shrink Sleeve Design

Shrink sleeve designs are handy and versatile.  They can be made of PC or polyolefin materials. These materials are incredibly strong and abrasion resistance. Both PVC and polyolefin are recyclable. The sleeves can wrap an entire bottle or just the neck.  Shrink wrap can also come in tube form or bags. They can be stretched or wrapped to the packaging container.

Shrink Sleeves Labels

Shrink sleeve labels have captured the labels market. It offers quite a range of benefits from security enhancement to cost advantages. The top benefits of shrink sleeve labels are the 360 degree coverage of the product or container.

Shrink Labeling Benefits

  • Branding – Full display graphics marketing on all sides of the package.
  • Unique packaging change – They catch consumer’s attention with bright colors and 360 degrees of marketing.
  • Shelf impact – Shrink sleeves offer a large body of advertising and are engaging for shoppers.
  • Adaptable – Label that fits all different sizes and shapes of product packaging.
  • Printing – Printing of shrink sleeve labels does not need to be printed directly on the container.
  • Transparent – Labels can be printed on transparent material allowing the contents to be visible.
  • Eco-Friendly – Recyclable and able to leave less of a carbon foot print that other products and packaging materials and use less energy and resources to create them.

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at

Tips for Purchasing Refurbished Linear Accelerators

Servicing a LINAC system requires a lot of carefully planned procedures.  This is because servicing a linear accelerator incorrectly would have effects on the LINAC machine itself.  LINAC systems are very complex and sophisticated piece of medical equipment, hence one must be experienced to repair medical equipment of such complexity.

Refurbished VS New

A linear accelerator is a device commonly used for treating cancerous tumors.  Because of this singular reason, it is very difficult to really choose if getting new parts or repairing the machine is going to be feasible or if purchasing a new or refurbished linear accelerator is a better choice for your need.


Refurbished linear accelerators and refurbished parts are suited for both repairs and maintenance.  They are suitable for startup medical companies, research companies, and companies that are looking to purchase additional pieces.  The cost of purchasing a refurbished linear accelerator and accelerators parts are low in comparison to buying a new one.


Buying a refurbished linear accelerator is advantageous in growing a medical practice and managing expenses at the same time. There are important things to note when buying a refurbished linear accelerator.  It is imperative to plan.

Factors To Consider When Planning A Purchase

Plan for a new piece of medical equipment by defining your clinical goals and what technology would bring your desired results before setting out to purchase the refurbished linear accelerator.  In planning, their important things you need to consider.


  • SITE – Room dimension, power, water supply, local permits, room dimension, and future technology are very important considerations to be made when installing a radiation equipment such as a linear accelerator.
  • BUDGET – The technology, manufacturer, and age of your acquired equipment is a function of your budget. This is one of the reasons why purchasing a refurbished linear accelerator is advised for startups – it affords them the chance to carry out another essential part of their practice.
  • TIMING – It is vital for achieving milestone such as equipment acceptance testing date, installation date, and going live with the linear accelerator. It is cool to be flexible with the timing.

Using the Professionals

Since the process is handled by different experts, it is imperative for them to form a cohesive team. The equipment provider, the physics support team, IT integration team, and the clinical implementation team must all work in agreement for the successful implementation of the linear accelerator.


A professional should handle the installation of the linear accelerator. A linear accelerator should only be installed by a specialist in his field and must possess a wealth of experience and expertise. Doing a thorough background check on linear accelerator equipment providers is important for credibility, accountability and reliability purpose.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.



An Estate Plan Is Needed Even If You Do Not Have Children

Individuals with children usually create an estate plan as the result of advice from financial advisor and estate attorney.  This is due to a sense of urgency and need to ensure there is a laid down plan to cater for the needs of their children in the event of an untimely demise. On the other hand, those without children tend to ignore the importance of having an estate plan, either because they feel it is not necessary or because they feel there is still a lot of time. Whatever the case, it is still importance to create an estate plan that will ensure the protection of your valued assets before and after your death.

You Determine Where Your Assets Go

When you are married with children, it is easy to solve the puzzle of who controls your assets even if that must be settled in court. However, if you fail to create an estate plan, you would be allowing the government to decide what to do with your assets when you pass away. The state courts will determine what happens to your assets in this case dying intestate. Even if you may not have children, you may want to share some of your valued assets with a charitable organization, religious body, a local support group, a foundation you create to award deserving students with scholarships, and other incentives. This will only be possible when you create an estate plan.

Crucial Medical Decisions

In the event of a car accident or a sudden illness that leaves you in an unstable condition, unable to decide the best medical procedure you prefer, you would want someone that can stand in. If you have an immediate family member or children, this responsibility easily falls their way. However, in the absence of an immediate family and without any healthcare directives or information regarding your willingness to accept certain procedures such as donation of organs, specialists are required to carry out only the typical medical care to sustain life. This procedure may involve keeping you on life-saving machines which could massively affect your hard-earned assets. You can never tell tomorrow’s possibilities, so it is important to create an estate plan as it can prevent a catastrophic situation in future.

Although it is possible to create an estate plan without the help of a legal source, it might be ideal and in your best interest to work with an estate planning attorney to ensure the security and legality of the document and to avoid any issues in future. Even if you do not have children, an estate plan is an invaluable asset to make sure your desires are known.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols, call 734.386.0224 today.


What is Myopia and What are the Correction Options?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the most common refractive error of the eye a situation where the eye does not refract light or bend properly to a single focus to view images clearly. In this case, close or near objects look clear while there is poor distance vision which causes distant objects to appear blurry. However, myopia is not an eye disease, but an eye focusing disorder.

Although myopia has a genetic link, its effect is usually more driven by environmental stress associated with near work such as computer use, reading, hand games, and a lack of quality outdoor time. In fact, an increasing cause of myopia is because of the adaptation of the eyes to prolonged periods of near work. Therefore, myopia is referred to as a “nearsighted” disorder one that impacts between 25-40 percent of the total U.S. population today.

Myopia – Correction Options

Myopia is a major health concern today with increasing prevalence over time. The main correction or treatment options include the use of glasses, contact lenses, and LASIK surgery.


The use of glasses is the most common correction option for myopia especially with children. Correction glasses correct the angle through which light hits the retina. An eye doctor, ophthalmologist or optometrist, is best placed to examine your eye, testing your vision with the use of focus exercises and eye charts to arrive at the exact prescription for the disorder.

Contact Lenses

Eye examinations and vision tests are also used to determine the exact lens prescription for a patient just as they do for glasses. The mechanism of operation of contact lenses is like that of glasses they change the direction through which light enters the eye. However, contact lenses are immensely thinner than glasses due to their proximity to the cornea. There are two different types of contact lenses, soft lenses, and rigid gas-permeable lenses.

Soft Lenses

Soft lenses are designed with flexible soft plastic that allows it to adhere to the eye surface easily. Soft lenses cover a large portion of the eye including the iris, pupil, and even extending to the white. While some soft contact lenses are designed to be worn for a specified period before they are disposed, others can be taken out after use, cleaned, and stored properly overnight for use again.

Rigid gas-permeable Contact Lenses

In comparison to soft lenses, rigid lenses are a lot smaller covering the pupil and slightly extending into the iris. Rigid lenses are made of a thin rigid plastic and they float on the eye tears like soft lenses, while oxygen passes through the lens to the eye surface. It may become necessary to clean the lenses when an eyelash or dust particle gets between the eye and the contact lens.

LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) Surgery

Although contact lenses and eye glasses are myopia correction options, they are only temporary. Distant objects would still appear blurry if you are not using them. Laser surgery on the other hand, is a permanent myopia correction option which does not require any daily cleaning or corrections. It is the most common refractive error treatment option which adjusts the shape of the cornea to allow passage of light through it, while light hits the retina just at the right angle.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.


Say Goodbye to Rust in Your Home’s Water

High concentration of certain minerals such as iron in your water is an indication of either a plumbing problem or an issue causing leakage of sediments from the pipes to the tap. Rust is a common term which refers to the presence of compounds such as iron and oxygen in water and it is usually formed when there is an exposure of free iron to water and oxygen in the air. There are different ways rust sediment can be eliminated. Two of the major water purification methods include the use of a water softener and water filter.

Water Softener

You may have tried different rust elimination options but still cannot get rid of rust stains on your sinks or shower. This is a common problem today and one that people battle with regularly. However, water softeners are just an ideal solution as they do not just reduce the rust stains from the water, they eliminate rust altogether.

An ion exchange water softener contains minerals such as sodium which combines chemically with iron to remove rust. When connected to your water supply, water softeners remove a wide variety of mineral compounds that make water “hard” and difficult to use. However, experts recommend that a water softener should only be used for drinking water with iron concentration below 2ppm.

Water Filtration

Water filtration for the elimination of rust is especially ideal if the iron concentration in your municipal water supply or well water is high. The best water filters are particularly designed to eliminate iron and any other contaminants such as manganese that often accompany it. Although water softening devices may be able to remove iron and even prevent staining, the resin bed can gradually become fouled with iron over time leading to decreased iron elimination efficiency. A better solution would be to install a water filter for iron elimination before water reaches the water softener. You could also install a special water filter to the main water supply line of your home if you prefer not to use a water softener.

Contact The Experts

It is best to avoid wasting money on trying out different iron elimination methods for water purification if you have any ongoing problems. It would be ideal to contact your local water filtration or water softener expert, so they can find the most suitable iron filter according to the water analysis of your home. Getting the right fit will save you costs in the long run as water purification systems that are too big or too small for your water contamination or water usage level will only cause energy wastage. With the best decisions for your home water, you can say goodbye to rust and welcome only clean, fresh water.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website


The Average Lifespan of Linear Accelerator Parts

A linear accelerator, often referred to as a LINAC, is a type of particle accelerator that customizes electrons or high energy x-rays to conform to the shape of a tumor to destroy cancer cells while sparing the life of normal surrounding tissue. It has a variety of built-in features that are designed to ensure a patient receives only the prescribed dose as directed by a physician. However, linear accelerators are made up parts components that could age over time. What is the average lifespan of these parts?

Lifespan Of A Linear Accelerator

Two major determinants of the lifespan of a linear accelerator and indeed any equipment, are usage and maintenance. Although it is reasonable to expect a usage of between 5 to 10 years, maintenance of the accelerator will be critical to just how much you enjoy the equipment. Here we look at the parts of a linear accelerator and their average lifespan depending on usage.

Parts such as Magnetron and iView detector last for about two years with high use, and between 4-6 years with low and moderate use. An x-ray tube lasts for about 18 months upon high use, 3 years when the system is moderately used, and above 4 years when the usage is low. An XVI detector lasts for about 5 years upon high usage, about 7 years when used moderately, and over 10 years when the accelerator usage is low. On the other hand, a Thryratron tube can last up to 3 years when the usage is high and 5 years and above upon low to moderate usage of the accelerator.

Age Vs. Usage

Basically, the average lifespan of each linear accelerator part largely depends on the part and amount of usage. Other parts such as the electron gun would need a replacement after one year on high use, while it can last even above 6 years upon low usage. Environmental factors can also affect the ion chamber of a linear accelerator, high humidity can cause a reduced lifespan. While an average ion chamber will only need a replacement after four years, one in an environment with high humidity will need a replacement after a year.

Replacing Aging Parts

Changing aging parts over time is ideal to avoid causing the equipment any damages. Some companies tend to consider the price of the equipment and the costs involved in changing the parts over time. However, this is never a good yardstick to even maximize profits in the long run as a breakdown of significant parts of the system may be disastrous for the equipment.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

Making the Right Choice In Medigap

Medigap is an extra medical insurance plan that you purchase from a private company to pay for costs not originally covered by Original Medicare such as deductibles, copayments, and medical care when you travel outside the United States. However, Medigap policies do not cover long term medical care, hearing aids, dental care, eyeglasses, vision care, private duty nursing, and most plans do not also cover prescription drug benefits. If you are a regular user of the healthcare system, it would be ideal to buy a Medigap plan as it would save you costs in the long run.

Be Educated On All Medigap Plans

Before choosing the right Medigap plan, you must be well informed about your choices. 10 Medigap benefits (A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N) have been designed by the government with each varying slightly in their coverage. You can make Medigap comparisons using There you would find all the details you need in a single chart. Your choice of Medigap policy should not be affected by the alphabet designations as government regulations ensure there is a standard design for any plan despite the insurer covering it.

Items To Look For In Medigap Coverage

So what are the differences among the Medigap Policies? How do they compare? While some cover more costs, others are high deductible, and still others demand higher cost sharing. To decide on the best Medigap policy for you, you must weigh your options so you can look out for the plan that best fits your needs and one that you can reasonably afford. It would be ideal to focus on a plan that covers more big-ticket items. These items include:

  • Covering the coinsurance of your hospital stays or stays in a specialized nursing facility after a hospital stay
  • 20% of your share of doctor visit costs
  • 20% of your share of costs involved in lab tests
  • The deductible involved any time you are admitted into a hospital.

There are other items covered under the different plans you must consider before making your choice. Medigap Plan F is more popular today as it is considered the most comprehensive plan. However, Plan F has two plans – with one having a high deductible. So it is important to consider each option carefully before making a decision.

Pricing System Of A Medigap Plan

Remember that prescription drug benefits are not covered under Medigap policies. Also worthy of note is the pricing system. There are three pricing systems which determining the cost of a Medigap plan. They include:

Issue-age Rated – This plan is based on the age of the individual when the first plan is bought. The younger the individual is, the lower the initial premium. Any increment in premium charges in future will not be as a result of advancing age.

Community Rated – This pricing system does not consider the age of an individual.

Attained-age Rated – Although this premium is initially based on an individual’s age, it could increase as the person gets older.

Finally, before you sign any agreements with a company and agent selling a Medigap policy, ensure you contact the local insurance department of your state to ensure the company is licensed and they have a clean complaint record. Also note that changing a Medigap policy can be a really daunting task. Consider your options very carefully and ensure it does not only cover your current needs, but even your potential future needs.

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!


When Can You Sign Up for Medicare Supplement Plans?

Medicare supplement plans are designed to cover out-of-pocket costs which include deductibles, coinsurance, co payments, and costs that are not covered by Medicare part A and B. The best time to sign up for a Medicare Supplement plan is typically during the Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment period. During this period, you would not be subjected to any form of medical underwriting, a situation where an insurance company uses an already existing medical condition as a reason to deny you medical coverage or charge you for such coverage.

Enrollment Periods and Terms

The open enrollment period usually lasts for a period of 6 months beginning on the first day of the month when you are 65 or older or when you enrolled in Medicare part B. In some states, there are Medicare Open Enrollment Periods for individuals under the age of 65. You could seize such opportunity if you fall in such category.

When the Medicare Open Enrollment Period expires, signing up for a supplement plan may not be as easy if you are trying for the first time. If you have already signed up for a Medicare Supplement plan, you may not be able to switch plans with guaranteed issue. In the absence of guarantee issue rights, insurance companies may subject you to underwriting that would ensure you are charged a premium fee for medical coverage based on your health condition.

Guarantee Issue Rights

On the other hand, there are situations where you may have guarantee issue rights even after the Open Enrollment Period. These situations could include, but are not limited to:

  • When your Medicare Supplement plan ends through no fault of yours
  • When you were misled by your insurance company
  • When you move out of an area where you enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan or the plan leaves the Medicare program
  • When you are enrolled in an employer-sponsored Original Medicare plan and the coverage of your employer ends.

Medicare Part D

It is important to note that Medicare Supplement plans do not include benefits of prescription drugs (Medicare Part D). Although some plans in the past included this coverage that is not the case today. If you already have a Medicare Part D, prescription drug coverage, ensure it is creditable so you avoid paying a penalty for late enrollment if you decide to sign up for the Part D plan soon. Medicare Supplement plans are easy to understand and if you follow the laid down directions for signing up, you can rest assured of a friendly medical coverage devoid of any penalties.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!

The Difference Between Less Than Truckload and Full Truckload Shipping

Truckload shipping is the movement of large amounts of homogeneous cargo, generally the amount necessary to fill an entire semi-trailer or intermodal container. A truckload carrier is a trucking company that generally contracts an entire trailer-load to a single customer. This is as opposed to a less-than truckload (LTL) company that generally mixes freight from several customers in each trailer. One advantage Full Truckload (FTL) carriers have over Less than Truckload carriers is that the freight is never handled en route, whereas an LTL shipment will typically be transported on several different trailers.

Understanding the differences between full truckload shipping and less-than-truckload shipping is important for businesses looking to improve their bottom line. Knowing when to use each type of shipping method is beneficial for both cost savings and improved shipping efficiencies.

What is the Difference Between Full Truckload and Less Than Truckload Shipping?

Simply put, full truckload shipping is primarily used when companies have enough goods to fill an entire truck whereas less-than-truckload shipping is used when companies do not have enough items to fill a truck. There are some exceptions to this. Larger companies will sometimes prefer to use a dedicated truck even though they may not have enough items to fill it. With dedicated trucks, the shipped items remain in the truck from the point of origin to the point of destination which is beneficial for both security and safety measures. Unlike full truckload shipments that move goods on a dedicated truck, less-than-truckload shipments consolidate shipments from multiple companies.

When Should Less Than Truckload Shipping Be Used?

Less-than-truckload shipping is ideal for smaller businesses that are not shipping enough items to fill an entire truckload. By using a partner network, goods can be consolidated with shipments from other companies to reduce overall costs. Although less-than-truckload shipping is not as fast as full truckload shipping, the cost savings usually outweigh the expedited transit times.

When Should Full Truckload Shipping Be Used?

Companies should use full truckload shipping when the shipment is large enough to fill the entire truck or when the cost of the items being shipped is far greater than the cost of using a dedicated truck. Full truckload shipping is usually faster and should be used for companies that require expedited shipping or are under strict time constraints. In addition to full truck truckload shipping being significantly faster, there is also less risk involved when using a dedicated shipment truck.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.

Four Reasons To Plan Exterior Home Remodeling During The Winter

Many homeowners do not consider the winter season as a good time for home improvement projects and repairs – and this is understandable. Although several factors could determine the ideal time for your exterior home improvement project, the winter presents a perfect time for several reasons. Here are four big factors.

Contractor Availability

The spring and summer season months are usually the busiest seasons for building contractors. Engaging in an exterior home improvement project during this period can be difficult as well as frustrating. On the other hand, contractors are usually more available during winter as most people prefer not to invest in major home remodeling projects during the winter. This makes it convenient for you to schedule a timeline that suits both parties – you and the contractor, for the completion of your project.

Another big advantage of the winter season is that building contractors usually give more attention to little details. Although it is normal that every experienced and reputable contractor will go to any length to satisfy a client, there is more time to focus on your project during the winter.

Accelerated Permit Approval Process

Depending on the scope of your home remodeling project, you may require some sort of permission from local government agencies or homeowner associations. During the summer seasons, these agencies and offices receive a lot of requests and this could delay your approval. However, you can rest assured of an expedited process when you send your request during winter as government agencies receive fewer home improvement/addition requests.

Cost Effective

Summer months are usually peak seasons for building manufacturers. As more homeowners renovate or remodel homes during this period, the prices of certain building products and materials will increase. However, during the winter off-season, these manufacturers offer product specials and promotions. This will save you lots of money on items such as windows, doors, flooring, and tile. Scheduling your home improvement project during the winter will allow you take advantage of the available opportunities and save lots of money in the long run.


People often seize the opportunity that the winter season presents to travel to warmer climates. Planning your home remodeling project during this season allows you take off for your much-needed vacation as you have little to nothing to do once you have everything well planned out with your contractor. The vacation also helps to limit your exposure to the noise pollution and demolition hazards.

It is very important that you plan your exterior home improvement project well on time, so you can have your home ready during the winter, ahead of the summer when you can invite friends and family to the house.

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all of Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.