Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 155

The Basics of Michigan Estate Planning

When you are alive and happily leading your life, you don’t have any concerns about what might happen to your assets if you are not there to own them. This isn’t carelessness, this is an oversight that can be avoided. Estate planning is what mitigates all the feuds between your beneficiaries and everything bad that is going to happen if you’re incapable of owning your assets. To efficiently carry it out, there are estate planning attorneys that can help you in devising documents and can carry you through the whole process without letting you delve into many complexities.

A probate lawyer is all you need if you’re finally thinking about naming your beneficiaries. However, before hiring any of them, make sure he or she doesn’t only focus on the documentation after your death, but also during your life.

There are six basic estate planning documents that any attorney or lawyer would carry you through.

  1. Last Will and Testament

While others might tell you that proper planning contains only trusts (explained below), we stress the importance of the last will and testament in guiding the process of asset ownership. Your will is the most basic document that decides whether your assets would do in the direction of the trust or not after they experience probate. Therefore, making it a part of your plan is necessary.

  1. Trusts

This category of documents includes two types:

Revocable living trust:

It is a document that can allow a family to avoid any kind of probate and directly be the head figures of control over the property left by you.

Castle Trust:

Besides immunity against probate and control of the assets, the castle trust also gives protection to the assets of the person who creates it; thus, protecting him or her against lawsuits.

  1. Power of Attorney (POA)

The above-stated two types of documents are mainly used for after-death decisions. However, when it comes to regulating or appointing someone as your replacement during your ailment, Financial Power of Attorney can enable you that. It is a document that gives the power of making financial decisions, paying bills, and manage other assets to the one that has been appointed instead of you.

However, upon the death of the owner, the scope of this document diminishes completely. Only then, your will and the trust would come into play.

4) Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA)

Also called a patient advocate designation, the medical power of attorney is a document that grants someone the power of taking medical decisions instead of you.

The life-span of this document is just like the one explained above, it finishes with the death of the owner.

5) Personal Care Plan

Having POA, or MPOA are two necessary things when you are ailing or are near to death. However, it is paramount for you to first draft out a personal care plan that includes instructions based on your intentions to guide how the two documents would work.

6) House Deed

Lastly, there is house deed. It is a document that legally proves the ownership of your house. Although they are in the public land records, they offer complete guidance on the fate of your property after you are no more.

As you can see, estate planning overall is fairly complex.  You should know that even a single mistake in the overall process can prove unhealthy for your beneficiaries. Therefore, if you want the future of your assets to be secured, all you’d have to do is hire an estate planning attorney or a probate lawyer in Michigan.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols, call 734.386.0224 today.

When Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Is Better Than Chapter 7

If you’ve reached the point where you’re swimming in debt and can’t pay your bills, you may be wondering which type of bankruptcy is best. You may need a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney. There are differences between each type.

Bankruptcy is never a simple process in the United States. Each type depends on your current income, assets, debts, and future financial goals.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a type of liquidation bankruptcy that will clear out any unsecured debts you may have, including medical bills, and credit card balances. To declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must currently have no income or little income. If you make over a certain amount of money, you’ll automatically have to claim for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of reorganization bankruptcy. You must have a regular income and be able to pay back a portion of your debts through a repayment plan. There can be many benefits for filing for this type of bankruptcy than Chapter 7.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy will allow you to catch up on your missed mortgage payments. It may also allow you to clear unsecured liens on your house. This means that you will be able to keep your house, unlike filing for Chapter 7 where you can lose your property. You may also keep your nonexempt assets. How it works it that you pay back all or a portion of your debts through a repayment plan. This plan is based on your current income against expenses, and what types of debt you may have. Therefore, it’s commonly referred to as “reorganization bankruptcy”.

Another benefit is that Chapter 13 will allow you to get caught up with car loans without losing your car, and to pay off other non-dischargeable debts including alimony or child support arrears. In order to hire a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, you must be an individual and not a business. For Chapter 13, you must not have more than $394,7255 of unsecured debt or $1,184,200 of secured debt. While the discharge is a lot longer with Chapter 13 than Chapter 7, 3-5 years versus 3-5 months, you’ll receive a full discharge.

It’s important to note that if you own property, Chapter 13 is a lot better than Chapter 7, as debtors will be able to keep all their property, whereas the trustee in Chapter 7 will sell your property to pay off your creditors. Your liens will also be stripped in Chapter 13, whereas in Chapter 7 they are not, leaving you with future debt loads to pay off in the future.

Before deciding which type of bankruptcy is right for you, you should talk to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer, or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, to get the best advice that pertains to your financial situation. You may just discover that you do qualify for Chapter 13 and will be able to keep your house and car!

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptciesin Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at today.


Gunite swimming pool uses a rebar framework installed underground. It is then sprayed over with a concrete and sand mixture that renders it 100% waterproof. Often this method is preferred over your traditional poured concrete pool that has a wooden framework to hold the basin.

Gunite is generally chosen over concrete as it’s much more durable and built to last. However, Gunite won’t last forever. It can also be subject to shoddy installation that can cause cracks or chips, so there are challenges in plastering Gunite swimming pools. If your pool needs repairs, don’t attempt them yourself. Hire a fully qualified pool plastering company to tackle your pool issues.

Your pool’s interior finish is essential for not only the beauty of your pool but to keep the exterior from leaking moisture that can cause heavy damage to your home or garden if not detected early. Gunite is one of the best plaster coatings as it keeps water from penetrating the concrete or other building materials of your pool.

Pool plaster comes in many forms to fit the aesthetics of the pool owner. It can be pure white or different colors. It may have quartz or pebbles blended in or have tiled surfaces. It’s the plaster that makes your pool visually appealing and is the first thing people will notice about your pool. It can also affect the appearance of your water, by making it appear bluer, and even how the water can glisten in the sunlight.

You should have your pool inspected at least once a year by a pool plastering company. It’s important to do this before you open your pool for the summer. Even a well-maintained pool will eventually show signs of aging and degradation. It’s a normal part of the outdoor weathering process. Generally, the average lifespan of a Gunite pool is about 7 to 10 years. If your Gunite pool also has a quartz aggregate blend, your pool may have another five years of lifespan.

Plastering Gunite swimming pools needs to be applied in the proper manner. Often complications can arise only a few months later if it’s not done right. You may see some issues such as stains, streaks, pits, erosion, cracks, and more. Another challenge in plastering Gunite pools is that if it’s not done properly it can also cause improper pool-water chemistry. This may occur from the first point when a pool is filled after having Gunite plastering done.

There may also be external factors that can impact your Gunite swimming pool that have nothing to do with how it was installed. Foreign objects can enter the pool and cause rusty spots. Garden hoses, children’s toys, and garden tools can cause rust erosion. Algae can also take hold within chips and cracks.

If you’re seeking plastering Gunite swimming pool services, contact a fully qualified pool plastering company so it’s done right. The last thing you need is a damaged or cracked Gunite pool before you’ve even had a chance to hop in and enjoy a swim.

Learn more about Pound Pool Plastering and their numerous pool plastering options including: pool resurfacing, plaster surfacing, commercial pool plaster, residential pool plaster, plastering swimming pools, tiling swimming pools, coping swimming pools, and more at  To contact our pool plastering specialists call 248.476.4544 today.

4 Things to Consider Before Remodeling to Age in Place

As we get older our needs around the house change.  Often something that you take for granted when younger may simpler not work for you when you’re over the age of 45 years old. There is a new term you may not be familiar with that is called “aging in place”. This means that you’re able to remodel your home so that you can stay where you are, even when you get older and may not be as mobile as you used to be. The goal of age in place construction and remodeling is to assist the senior person in staying in their home for a lifetime, rather than having to move into a care home.

In order to make a home safe for seniors there are four things to consider as you begin the process of remodeling to age in place.

Consider Location: Have you considered where you will live when you age?  If the answer is that you will be staying right where you are, it may be worth obtaining a quote to do age in place remodeling.  Your home may simply need a few upgrades or may need to consider an age in place construction of your entire home.

Safety First:  Your home should enable the senior to live safely.  This means that you need to eliminate the dangerous regions within the home.  Some ways in which this can be done is by improving the lighting throughout the home, grab bars installed besides tubs and toilets.  Age in place remodeling improvements will ensure the safety of the senior occupants of a home.

Independence: Seniors living on their own should be able to maintain their independence.  This involves cooking, taking care of their own personal hygiene, getting around, and so much more.  This may mean changing countertop heights, raising toilets, removing throw rugs, changing out door fixtures, and more.

Comfort:  Seniors aging in place should be able to live comfortable in their own home even when age in place remodeling construction has been completed.  The home should still resemble a home not a hospital.  When mobility issues are present ramps should be installed including outdoor handicap ramps to allow seniors to move about the property without trouble.

Each of these 4 factors should be taken into consideration when choosing age in place renovations to your home.  Age in place construction is predicted to increase as the number of seniors in the population over the next decade will require these types of modifications on their houses or condominiums.

Learn more about licensed and insured general contractor Glen Miller the Home Doctor and the variety of home improvement services he offers clients including: home maintenance plans, handyman services, kitchen remodels, bathroom renovations, handicap ramp installations, age in place modifications, basements transformations, and hardwood flooring installation and refinishing at  To contact Glen Miller the Home Doctor call 734.255.9793 for a free estimate.

How Can You Fully Utilize Your Medigap Insurance Plans?

You may have regular Medicare insurance through federal government, but it is important to remember that this coverage is not an all-inclusive healthcare plan. There are gaps left in Medicare Part A and PartB coverage that can be covered with the purchase of additional supplemental insurance. You may have heard about friends or colleagues who have chosen to enroll in Medigap. Medigap is a form of health insurance that you purchase from a private company. It covers certain healthcare costs that are not covered by regular Medicare. Before you enroll in Medigap you need some basic information about choosing a Medigap plan.

Medigap can cover additional costs, such as co-payments, deductibles, and out-of-country health coverage.  When choosing a Medigap plan it’s important to note that there are certain items that are not covered in all Medigap plans. These include long-term care or private-duty nursing, dental care, vision care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, or prescription drugs.

After you enroll in Medigap you will pay a monthly premium.  It’s important to note that choosing a Medigap plan is affected by where you live and what plans are available in your area.

Medigap insurance is available for people who already have Medicare Part A. This is the portion of the insurance that covers hospital services. You’ll also need to have Medicare Part B. Part B is for people who have coverage for doctor services. If you have the Medicare Advantage plan you will not be eligible for a Medigap plan.

If you wish to learn more about how to enroll in a Medigap plan you can head to the online Medicare Personal Plan Finder or call your state’s department of insurance. Within Medigap there are multiple labeled plans. These are labeled from A to N. Each offers different types of coverage. It’s important to note that for Plans E, H, and I, that they are no longer available to new subscribers.

You may discover that premiums can vary between insurance companies, even though the Medigap plan coverage will be the same. It’s important to price around to obtain the best quote. But you can be assured that if you get the Medigap Plan C policy that the benefits will be the same no matter which company you get it from.

It’s also important to buy your Medigap coverage before the age of 65 otherwise you may be turned down for coverage. Ensure you buy your coverage six months before your 65th birthday and you will pay the same price that a person in good health pays. After 65, you may be turned down for coverage, or may have to pay significantly higher even if you’re in good health.

After choosing a Medigap plan you will pay a monthly fee to the insurance company. The cost of your policy will be determined by which labeled plan you bought. It can also be affected by the insurance company your choose to buy it from, your location or state, and your age.

If you have enrolled in Medigap and you pay your premiums on time, the Medigap policy is guaranteed renewable. It will provide you with piece of mind knowing that you can now fully utilize your Medigap insurance plans to your advantage.

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!

Improve Your Medicare Coverage with a Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan

Medicare covers the basic healthcare needs of seniors in America.  However, a Medicare supplemental insurance plan can be purchased as additional protection to avoid financial ruin if you should become injured or sick.  Medicare supplemental insurance plans are also known as Medigap.

Supplemental insurance plans provide additional coverage that pays costs that Medicare doesn’t.

These costs may include copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. It may also cover insurance for travel outside of the USA. If you wish to enroll in a Medicare supplemental insurance plan it’s important to know that you are obtaining insurance coverage from a private company.

Enrollees are often curious as to how Medigap insurance works when they are already enrolled in Original Medicare. Medicare will first pay its share of the Medicare-approved amount of your healthcare costs and then whatever it not covered, depending on the supplemental plan you choose, a portion or all will be paid by your Medigap policy.

It’s important to know that your Medigap policy is different from the Medicare Advantage Plan. The MAP provides Medicare benefits, while Medigap basically supplements your original Medicare benefits. If you wish to improve your Medicare coverage and enroll in a Medicare supplemental insurance plan, you must first have Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.

But if you have the Medicare Advantage Plan you will not be able to get Medigap. However, you can choose to leave the Medicare Advantage Plan and then enroll in Medigap, but you must do it before your Medigap policy starts. You will not qualify for a Medigap plan if you already have a Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plan either.

After you choose a Medicare supplemental insurance plan you must pay a private insurance company a monthly premium to enroll in the program. You must pay it every month to stay in good standing, and it’s in addition to your regular Medicare premiums.  A Medigap policy from a private insurance company will only cover one person. If you need your spouse or children covered, you’ll also need to purchase separate policies.

You should also know that you need to purchase from a private insurance provider who has been licensed to sell in your state. One great benefit of the Medigap policy is that you’ll always be covered, and that it’s guaranteed renewable, even if you have health problems. If you pay the premium, the insurance company won’t be able to cancel the policy.

After January 2006, Medigap policies haven’t been able to include prescription drug coverage. If that’s something you’re interested in, you can search for information on Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D).

Before choosing a Medicare supplemental insurance plan you should know that the Medigap policies don’t cover everything. Some of these items may be long-term care, private duty nursing, dental care, eyeglasses, vision care, or hearing aids. Don’t mix up Medicare supplement insurance plans with other types of medical insurance plans. Before you enroll in a Medicare supplemental insurance plan, carefully review your options and make the right choice of plan for you and your family.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!


Four Common Types of Laser Eye Surgery

Eyeglasses and contact lenses are not the only ways to correct vision issues. Laser eye surgery can correct vision problems, bring back 20/20 vision and reduce or in most cases eliminate the need for contact lenses or glasses. Eye surgery is not for everyone, but you are considered a likely candidate for laser vision correction if you are over 21 years and your prescription hasn’t changed over the past three years. You are also a good candidate if you have astigmatism, which is an oddly shaped cornea, or you are short or long-sighted.

Thanks to modern technology, approaches to the different laser eye surgery range from reshaping the curvature of the eye’s clear front surface, known as the cornea in procedures such as LASIK and PRK to the surgical insertion of artificial lenses to refocus light rays to sharpen vision and correct a patient’s eyesight. You need a laser-specific eye exam to determine which of the following laser eye surgeries are ideal for your specific needs:

  • LASIK or Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis for nearsightedness is the most common outpatient laser eye surgery that takes about 15 minutes per eye under local anesthesia. It involves creating a super-thin flap in the thin outer layer of the eye known as the epithelium then floating it away from the eye’s surface with alcohol so that the laser reshaping of the eye can occur. Recovery from this procedure is fast with only minor irritations such as dry eyes.
  • PRK or Photorefractive Keratectomy laser vision correction surgery uses a laser to treat vision problems caused by refractive errors, which is when your eye does not refract or bend light properly. Over 21-year olds with the dry-eye syndrome, thin corneas, myopias, astigmatism, including those who are near and farsighted and can benefit from this laser eye surgery in which the ophthalmologist changes the shape of the cornea to improve how light rays are focused on the retina. Healing after this surgery takes about five days where a patient “may” end up with a 20/40 vision without glasses or contact lenses.
  • LASEK or Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis eye surgery is used to treat patients with thin corneas, including those with astigmatism, nearsightedness, or farsightedness. During surgery, a surgeon creates a thick flap using a mechanical device under which the cornea sculpting is done. The entire laser eye surgery process takes approximately two hours during which patients remain awake and made comfortable using anesthetic eye drops. Individuals who undergo this procedure notice a distinct improvement and regain a level of clarity and sharpness without the need for glasses or contacts.
  • Epi-LASIK or Epithelial Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis laser vision correction procedure is like LASIK surgery, except the flap created on the cornea is thinner than a LASIK flap and its created with surgical a tool that has a sharp blade known as an epithelial separator. Many patients do report a 20/40 or a 20/20 vision a few days after surgery.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website  to schedule an appointment.

Benefits of Hiring IT Consulting Services

An IT consultant can help transform your business. Consultants are experts that provide guidance to others when an outside perspective is desired.  An outsider often can get a better view of what a company needs as they are not blinded by “the way things have always worked before”.   A fresh perspective is often needed to jumpstart business growth.  IT consultants save companies time and money while increasing your competitiveness within the market as well as your professional presence. Information Technology consultants guide companies in a number of ways that we discuss below.

    • IT Consultants Allow Clients to Focus on Their Original Tasks: It does not matter what type of industry you work in as it is the same within all of them; employee’s performance is best when they can concentrate on their primary task. Let’s be clear office staff, lawyers, doctors and more are all more productive when left to do what they do instead of trying to perform IT tasks.  When employees are busy with jobs that they are not specialized in there is a great opportunity cost seen.  Hiring an IT service to take care of the technology challenges within your company so that your employees can focus on their jobs increases the bottom line.
    • Specialized Service: Experience IT consultants offer a wide range of services and specialties. It is not just about installing printers; they offer additional services that help to increase your company’s on-site efficiency, operation expenses, company security, and more.
    • Change of Perspective: We often get stuck in the same cycle because it is the way things have always been done and if it “works” why change it. However, in business this is not the right frame of thinking.  Company’s often need an outside perspective to ensure that they aren’t sweeping outdated ways of thinking under the rug instead of looking for a new outlook.
    • Access to A Wider Range of Knowledge: IT consultants can offer their clients only the best in service with the quality personnel they are able to hire. Having multiple experts on staff allows them to share knowledge and distribute their expertise to multiple accounts.  The benefit of hiring experts in IT as needed allows companies of all sizes to benefit.  IT consultants are often hired on a per project basis therefore projects are weighed on what needs to be done instantly verse what should be done over time.

Managed IT services are something that all companies can benefit from, big or small.  With the ever changing landscape of technology it is important to keep your company up to date with advice from the experts on the front line.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Improving Your Homes Value with Exterior Improvements

When it comes to home improvements  all homeowners know that it is best to invest money into a home where the return on investment is the highest.  Exterior home improvements are one of the most sought-after services that contractors in Southeast Michigan are hired for.  A homes curb appeal not only boosts the resale value of your home when it comes time to sell but also helps homeowners sell faster.  In this installment we will discuss several exterior home improvementsthat not only improve the look of your homes outside but also efficiency on the inside.

New Windows

Not only do new windows look amazing they help to protect a homeowners biggest financial investment. By replacing your homes windows, you improve the appeal of your home as well as improving security and energy efficiency.  Homeowners now have many choices of styles to choose from when picking new windows including: double-hung, casement, awning, picture, transom, slider, stationary, and bat windows.  Newly installed windows are a popular exterior home improvement because of the beautiful way they finish off the look of your home while adding efficiency to the home that keeps a home warm in the winter and cool in the summer while reducing energy expenses.

Updated Siding

Another exterior improvement that many homeowners are choosing to pursue is new siding.  There are two main types of siding that professional contractors recommend: vinyl siding and fiber-cement siding.  Vinyl siding is incredibly versatile as it comes in a wide range of colors, textures, and styles.  Contractors recommend vinyl for homeowners looking for economical, durable, and virtually maintenance-free option for the homes exterior.  Fiber-cement sidingis another siding option that is attractive and resilient to various climates.  The benefits of fiber-cement siding include: a variety of colors that can be updated to choose from, weather resistant, fireproof, rot, swell, insect, salt-spray resistant, and are installed in a manner that the seams do not overlap which prevents mildew and mold growth.

Front Door Replacement

The front door to your home is as important as the smile is to your face; it is the element that welcomes friends and family into your home and speaks volumes about home on a whole.  There are so many benefits of a new front door including:

  • A 10% decrease on your energy bills with the installation of an energy efficient front door
  • Added levels of security to the home
  • A1 00% return on investment upon resale
  • Appeal to future buyers

DIY Cheap and Effective Exterior Home Improvements

Not all exterior home improvements projects require a huge budget to improve the curb appeal of your home.  Pressure washing your home, driveway, deck and walkway can give your home an update appearance.  Fresh mulch along with a weed free landscape are another boost to the homes curb appeal that cost almost nothing.  A freshly cut lawn and debris free lawn really can transform a homes exterior.  Whether you have a large or small budget you can update your homes exterior that allows the outside to match the inside.

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all of Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.

Picking A Suitable Well Water Iron Filter

Using a water softener system has been shown to extend the life expectancy of plumbing because it eliminates scale build-up in pipes and fittings. Not only does hard water clog your plumbing but it also reduces the efficiency of your water heater and other household appliances.

You know that the water you are using is hard if soaps and detergent do not dissolve or lather easily and you have probably noticed that your once shiny silverware now appear dull and do not have that sparkle after washing them. Hard water is also known to dry the skin and hair and leave white mineral deposits on your surfaces.

Some homeowners don’t mind using hard water, aside from the annoying scale buildup in the plumbing system. However, if increasing the efficiency of your appliances, plumbing, and heating is your goal installing a whole house water softener with a special filter for iron will get the job done.

The whole house water softener with a special iron filter, is a chemical and maintenance-free process designed to remove water hardness including iron that causes the red staining and rust in your toilet bowls, sinks, and appliances. The system eliminates that iron-tasting and rotten egg odor which originates from well and city water that has high amounts of iron and manganese.

water softener with an iron water filter unit is economical, it requires much less space and it’s easy to operate because it replenishes itself on demand in a process that washes the stored iron out of the filter bed and down the drain. Every home needs something unique to their water needs and therefore only after a water analysis is performed should a water treatment system be purchased.

A reverse osmosis water softener is a home water filtration system that uses pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane that allows it to pass through while blocking up to 99% of impurities and contaminants.  In addition to producing safe, clean, and the purest quality of water, the reverse osmosis water softener is convenient to use.  It is easy to clean and only requires a periodic replacement of disposable filters.

A reputable water conditioning company will be able to assess your family’s needs and install a water treatment solution that is designed specifically for your water and usage.  Quality drinking water is a need for all homes.  A proper water softener can not only improve your homes water quality.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website