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Common Shingle Roof Maintenance Increases Your Roofs Health

In construction on of the single most expensive elements is the roof.  When a roofing contractor is hired they are aware that it is their duty to protect the homeowner’s investment with proper installation as well as educating them on the basics of regular maintenance.  One of the biggest misconceptions is that once a new roof is installed you can be hands off as a homeowner.  Hiring a professional roofing contractor to do a thorough roof inspection and maintenance upkeep on the roof is vital for the longevity of your roof, at least once a year.

Asphalt is the most commonly used material in residential roofing.  In fact, not only is it the most common material for Michigan roofs, studies suggest that one in five homeowners throughout the United States.  Not only do asphalt shingles look nice when installed, they are easy to install on a number of different house styles and are durable throughout many different weather elements.

Even though asphalt roofs are known to take quite a bit of abuse damage can still occur.

Common damage to the roof includes:

  • Weather elements: sun, wind, hail, rain, and snow
  • Biological elements: algae, mold, leaves, twigs
  • Improper installation or faulty repairs

Even though your roof may look like it is in tip top shape there may be damage that that is unseen to the untrained eye.  Upkeep on the homes roof ensures that it is in proper condition to protect your home and family.  Inexpensive maintenance investments may keep expensive repairs down the road.  Once a year, twice preferred, it is important to have the shingle roof inspected and repaired as needed by a professional roofer.

Maintenance Of Your Roof

The first step in regular maintenance that needs to be done is general housekeeping, just as we would with the interior of our home.  Housekeeping on a roof includes cleaning the debris, leaves, and algae from the shingles.  As this process is done roofing contractors will pay special attention to the roofs skylights, vents, chimney flashing, ventilation, and more.  During this process it will be important to ensure that the debris is deposited appropriately and not left to enter the homes gutters.  Gutters must stay clear and free of debris to allow proper water flow away from the homes foundation.

After the roof has been cleared of debris it is time for the roofer to perform a detailed inspection of the roof.  They will be looking for issues that could spell trouble down the road.  Finding a roofer that will work with you year after year is important because they are familiar with your roof and will be able to catch differences faster than if switching contractors often.

Minor Repairs To Roof To Extend Life

After the roof has been cleaned and inspected it is time to repair any and all issues that have been found.  Common repairs include: replacing or repairing shingles, flashing, gutters, and downspouts.  The repairs done to keep up on your roof will help the longevity of your roof.  The money spent on roofing repairs is well spent.  Roof repairs are inexpensive in comparison to the installation of a new roof.

Last but not least is record keeping.  Homeowners and roofing professionals need to keep an updated log on maintenance and repairs on the roof.  These logs should include updated images of the roof in case there are questions during previous inspections.  It will be simpler to determine the amount of actual wear.

Learn more about Home Pro Roofing and their vast line of custom roofing options installed by professional roofing contractors including: asphalt shingle roofing, metal roofing, roof repair, and new roof installation at  Our roofing contractors offer services throughout Michigan including: Kalamazoo, Brighton, Lansing, and the surrounding areas.

Getting Your Financial Future in Order with Bankruptcy

Although we don’t intentionally do it, sometimes we make ill-advised financial moves that lead to bankruptcy. While filing for bankruptcy can provide a reprieve for those who are unable to repay their debts, there are consequences which may affect your future, for instance:

  • Bankruptcy may place some restrictions on your employment or running a business
  • It doesn’t necessarily release from all debts, and your trustee may sell all your assets
  • Your name may permanently appear on the National Personal Insolvency Index (NPII)
  • You must inform a credit provider of your bankruptcy when trying to obtain future credit
  • While bankruptcy lasts for three years and a day, your trustee can lodge an objection to extend the bankruptcy for up to eight years

Do not be discouraged because there is life after bankruptcy. First, a good bankruptcy attorney can help you in initializing a debt management plan and ensure that you attend credit counseling sessions where you can receive free advice on important steps to take in the future to help you abate the damaging impact of insolvency.

There is no denying that bankruptcy can be a daunting and very emotional decision, however, having a bankruptcy lawyer by your side, he or she can help you find various debt relief options that may be available to you and most importantly, he or she can stop creditors from harassing you. It is also your bankruptcy attorney’s duty to help you negotiate, review and sign any reaffirmation agreements on secured property that you want to keep. Your bankruptcy attorney may appear in further court required appearances on your behalf to satisfy the bankruptcy court’s administrative requirements. While that is happening, consider the following ways of getting your financial future in order after filing for bankruptcy:

  • Stick to a budget

If living beyond your means is what may have got you in a bankruptcy pickle, creating and sticking to a realistic budget will help you become extra vigilant about your finances and prevent you from incurring unnecessary debts.

  • Set up automatic bill payments

One of the single, most important things you can do to restore your finances and your credit is making it a priority to pay all your current bills on time and offset any existing bills that you may have accrued in the past.

  • Get a secured credit card

By obtaining a secured credit card, you start depositing a prearranged amount of money into a bank account, which becomes your credit limit. Charging small amounts each month and repaying your debts as agreed is yet another strategy to rebuild your credit rating after bankruptcy.

  • Save

Now that you’re free from most of the debt, it’s up to you to manage your money. Start by building an emergency fund. Also look for financial coaching offered by various financial advisers to help you in managing and keeping your finances in check.

Bohikian Law Group specializes in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcies in Michigan. Contact us today to find a bankruptcy attorney that will help you in debt relief at today.

3 Common Computer Glitches: Is it Software or Hardware Related?

The world we live in is run on advances in technology.  From the timing of the stop lights to the programs we work with daily, our everyday lives are made simpler with technology.  What happens though when the technology that is so intertwined within our daily lives fails?  With personal computers these problems are inevitable; from user error to complex hardware issues, pc troubleshooting basics are a must for everyday users.

Slow Computer Speed

Many common complaints regarding user’s PC’s surround the speed of the systems.  One day our computers are running without issue and the next they are crawling along at a snail’s pace.  A slow computer could occur for a number of software or hardware related issue.  When a computer is slow from software related issues it could be from a virus or malware infection, too many open windows, or even from an accumulation of temporary files being uploaded.  Slow computer issues can also come from the systems hardware.  If you have ruled out software issues have the systems hard drive checked out for failure, not enough RAM, or an older CPU that needs to be replaced.

Constant Restarting of Your PC

Sometimes it seems as if your PC might be possessed; computers that keep restarting on their own can cause a great deal of headaches for users.  When your computer keeps restarting without the users request it can signal issues with either the computers software or hardware systems.  When a system begins to reset on its own first check the software for any automatic OS update errors.  Another issue could come from a virus or malware infection.  This is easily remedied by taking your computer in for service at a local computer repair company for virus removal scans.  If software isn’t to blame, then it’s time to look into the computers hardware.  Check the computers graphics card, motherboard and network card drivers, all which could be to blame for the computer restarting on its own.

External Computer Component Failure

Another common computer issues have to do with the keyboard, mouse, or printer not functioning as they should. Again, this can have something to do with either software or hardware.  Check the computers drivers, update them and verify if this was the issue or if it still remains.  If the keyboard, mouse, or printer are still not working as they should check the systems hardware.  Look to make sure the computers ports or peripheral components are working properly.  If not, this could be the issue at hand.

Using Your Local Computer Repair Source

These are just three common issues that affect everyday computer users.  The best solution anytime your computer is not functioning as it should be take it in for troubleshooting and diagnosis at your local computer repair source.  Most computer issues can easily be diagnosis and fixed relatively quickly as computer consultants understand just how important computer technology is to your everyday life.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Pre-Planning Goes a Long Way In Product Labeling

Designing a label for your products is a big endeavor for your company.  It requires companies to consider many different aspects of the product and the end user.  Information is gathered and then given to graphic artists who use the collected data to create an end design.  This complex process is not something that business’s can ignore.  A label designed without consideration of the product and users will ultimately fail. In this installment on label and packaging design we will discuss what goes into the pre-planning process.

Pre-Planning for Custom Label Design

There is a lot to consider even before taking pen to paper or mouse to screen when label design is involved.  Companies need to take time to research their competitors, their target market and demographics, the products packaging material, the shape of the package, and label material options.  Once this is accomplished, the information is passed on to the graphic designer and from there they will be able to more effectively create a label for your product’s needs.

Designing a product label for your ideal customer means that you have established who your ideal customer is.  Consumers respond differently to visual cues like text font, images, and colors.  It is important to find out how hold your target market it, gender, values, education level, and familiarity of the brand.  Once this has been established you can take this one step further and create a visual aide of the person or people you want the designer to consider when designing the new product label.

Knowing Your Competitors

Examine your competitors and analyze what they are doing.  This will allow you to differentiate your self from them.  Everything about their product label should be carefully identified.  Take note of the colors used within the label, the font style, images, and ratio of label to package.  Similar products often are targeted towards the same demographics.  These people are your direct competition.  It is important to know everything about their label attributes and do it better.

Flexible Packaging And Shrink Sleeve Options

There are a number of options available to choose from when it comes to packaging and labeling.  One popular option is a package and label all in one in the form of flexible packaging.  Another is shrink sleeves where the label is shrunk using heat on to packages of any size and shape.  One of the benefits of both of these options is that they offer label designers the ability to design a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree space.

Your products label has the opportunity to make or break your product line.  Up to 75% of shoppers make buying decisions while in the store.  This is what makes the task of designing a products label so crucial.  The label must be well-designed, demand attention, and influence consumers into making a buying decision.

Learn more about Anchor Printing and their vast line of custom product label & packaging options including: Shrink Sleeve Labels, Flexible Packaging, Roll-Fed Labeling, Pressure Sensitive and Cut & Stack Labels at  To contact one of our label specialists, call toll free at 800.748.0209 or via email at

Importance of Quality Service, Repair, and Maintenance on Medical Equipment

Equipment used in medical facilities is critical for healthcare professionals and patients alike.  Medical equipment such as linear accelerators and CT scanners are needed to allow care givers to precisely monitor and treat patients.  If medical devices fail, patient care declines and outcomes can be affected.  Patient care is of the utmost importance thus why quality service, repair, and maintenance on medical equipment is an absolute necessity; it is in fact vital to the overall health of the people you are treating.  Quality patient treatment is crucial for patient outcome as well as the growth of your practice.

Properly Cared for Medical Equipment Is Safer

Medical equipment that is services, repaired, and maintained on a regular basis is safer for both patients and hospital personnel.  With regular inspection and maintenance issues that could potentially arise can be caught and taken care of immediately rather than waiting until patient care is affected and devices malfunction or stop working all together.

Working Smarter Not Harder

Performing maintenance on a routine basis is a more efficient way to operate.  Taking a proactive approach allows facilities to plan when medical equipment will be taken out of rotation.  It allows facilities to schedule maintenance around patient care thus never compromising either.

Prevention Saves Money

What medical facility isn’t looking to save money?  Using a preventative maintenance schedule saves facilities money for a number of reasons.   One of the main reasons for this is that complete replacement of medical equipment like linear accelerators and CT scanners is costly.  Emergency repairs are also very expensive.  Ensuring the equipment is maintained and always working at its peak performance levels medical facilities can assure that they are operating at optimal level thus lasting longer.  When you are able to maintain equipment for a longer period of time you will have a greater return on your initial investment which decreases expenses and is ideal for growing medical practices.

It’s Not Too Late To Call

Don’t fret if you have not been keeping up on your routine medical equipment maintenance.  It is never to late to get started making sure you are on the right track.  Call local service, repair, and maintenance medical equipment repair company, such as Acceletronics, today to get your equipment on a regular schedule to get the benefits of regular safeguarding.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

What Happens If You Pass Away Without A Plan in Place?

No one likes to consider their mortality which often leads to the issue of individuals passing away without putting into place an estate plan, will, trust, or other legal documentation to distribute their assets.  Many times, people assume that they are too young to need an estate plan in place, that their assets are not worth the creation of a plan, or that getting this documentation in place is expensive.  These assumptions are in fact not true.  Obviously, the best time to document a plan to follow upon your death is far before the need to use it arises.  These plans encompass far more than just distributing your assets and tax avoidance.

Estate plans are put in place not only to be your voice upon your passing but also so that if you become incapacitated and are no longer able to make decisions for yourself that you can appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf.  If you have not appointed an individual to make choices on your behalf, then the state will step in.  If this occurs, your desires are left unknown and the state will step in to take over the process which is known as intestacy.

Intestacy rules vary from state to state.  In general, however, the distribution of assets by intestacy requires a probate proceeding.  Most families hope to avoid probate when a family member passes as it is costly, time consuming, and open to the public.  It is also frowned upon as there is no way for the state to know what your desires would have been so your assets are distributed as they see fit.

If you do not have proper documentation in place and become incapacitated a judge will decide for you who will be in charge of you and your assets.  This process is known as guardianship and conservatorship.  It can be quite an expensive for your family even if there isn’t a disagreement on your care or asset distribution.  It can often cost more than what would have been paid to have in place a proper estate plan.

In order to avoid this situation, it is crucial to take the appropriate steps which can include an all-inclusive estate plan with a living trust and power of attorney in place.  This ensures that if you become disabled or pass away the division of your assets along with your desired wished-for care are known by your family and easily executed without burdening your family.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols, call 734.386.0224 today.

Water Treatment Systems Improve Homeowners Drinking Water Quality

There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home.  To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality.  Professional water analysis can be done on your homes water to provide you with a more accurate look into the actual issues plaguing your water supply, from rust to arsenic, your drinking water could be affected.

Using the right system to purify the water in your home can help to keep your family healthy.  It is common knowledge that we need eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain personal health; purer, cleaner water dispensed from the faucets in your home help to increase the water that is consumed by your family daily.

There is a major difference between water softeners, conditioners, filtration systems and purification.  It is important to understand that water purification solutions leave valuable minerals in your water supply while eliminating harmful elements that may not be seen or smelt.  Hard water and smelly water issues are not solved with the installation of a purification system however common contaminants such as chlorine, cryptosporidium spores, giardia cysts, viruses, and pharmaceuticals are eliminated.

Not all water needs to be purified so it is crucial to understand the issues with your homes water before purchasing a water treatment system.  Water purification systems go a long way in removing common contaminates that may alter your health.  They can be installed so that they treat the entire supply of water throughout your home or specific areas where water is supplied.

Water softeners unlike water purification systems bring homeowners high quality drinking water by removing iron, rust, odor, sediment, and smells.  Softeners remove the minerals that make the water hard.  Some of the symptoms that your home could benefit from the use of a water softener is dry skins, smelly water, staining, and clogged plumbing.  Water softeners are installed treating the homes entire water supply.  Water softeners can use salt or potassium chloride using a process of ion exchange. 

The water treatment option that is used to bring you quality water will be determined by your water analysis.  There are times when a homes water supply will need more than one treatment solution to bring families quality water.  Hard water can contain contaminants that a water softener will not remove thus a water purification or filtration system needs to be installed either at the point of entry (whole house) or point of use (faucet).

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Analyzing Linear Accelerators and Their Major Components

Linear accelerators are widely used for the treatment of cancer using high radio-frequency electromagnetic waves to speed up electrons to increased energy in a linear path inside of an accelerator waveguide.  The frequency is medical LINACs is around 3 billion Hertz.  As the most common form of external beam radiation treatment after a cancer diagnosis it is crucial for end users to have a basic understanding of what a LINAC is.  As well as how the major components within LINAC systems work in conjunction with one another to produce radiation treatment.

Consider how a microwave oven works.  This is in the most basic sense how a linear accelerator operates.  A LINAC uses microwave technology to accelerate charged particles within a waveguide, tube like structure.  These electrons then strike a metal target producing photons. It is these photons that are focused on the cancerous tumor.  This radiation is delivered in the shape of the tumor to avoid contact with healthy tissues with the use of a variety of positioning devices.   Now that we have a general understanding of the linear accelerator lets take a look into the major components that allow LINAC systems to operate as we know them to as of today.

Drive Stand:

A drive stand is a rather large cabinet, usually rectangular in shape, that secures the LINAC machine to the floor of the treatment room that houses the gantry.


The gantry is a moveable frame of the LINAC that is located in the drive stand and rotates on a horizontal axis.  It helps direct the photon beams directly into the patient’s tumor.  The gantry rotates 360 degrees on its axis.  There are three components that are found within the gantry: the electron gun, accelerator structure, and treatment head.


The klystron is a major component that is located within the drive stand that delivers the microwave energy that is used to accelerate the electrons through amplified RF electromagnetic waves.

Accelerator Guide:

The energy from the klystron moves to the accelerator structure to speed up electrons.

Treatment Head:

The treatment head of a LINAC encases the components that shape the radiation to the specific size of the cancerous tumor.  This can include: bending magnets, primary collimator, beam flattening filter, wedges, blocks, and compensators.

Cooling System:

The water cooling system in a linear accelerator is located within the drive stand and gantry to regulate the temperature in the space.

In our next installment we will look in greater detail to the treatment head of a LINAC system and the variety of components housed within that help shape radiation beams into the shape of different cancerous tumors.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support

Can Surgery Fix an Astigmatism?

During the last few decades a variety of methods to treat an astigmatism have grown widely accepted.  An astigmatism is a defect in your eye or in the lens that is caused by an abnormality on the spherical shape of your eye which distorts images. When a patient has an astigmatism, the light rays entering the eye are prevented from meeting to come to a common focus point.  The most common treatment has been to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses and more recently laser surgery correction. Although all three treatment options are acceptable in treating an astigmatism it is important to understand the options to make an informed decision regarding treatment based on your lifestyle.

Whether you are near sighted, far sighted, have blurry vision, or other sight issues, then you most likely have an astigmatism.  A diagnosis is a simple eye exam with an optometrist where they can tell you if you are suffering from an astigmatism or another eye deficiency.  There are three main forms of astigmatism including:

  • Myopic Astigmatism: Otherwise known as nearsightedness means that either one or both of your eyes are myopic, shortsighted, in varying degrees.
  • Hyperopic Astigmatism: Otherwise known as farsightedness means that either one or both of your eyes are hyperopic in varying degrees.
  • Mixed Astigmatism: This occurs when both types of astigmatisms are present, myopic astigmatism in one eye and hyperopic in the other.

Astigmatisms can be either regular or irregular.  With a regular astigmatism the principal meridians are perpendicular to one another, ninety degrees apart. With an irregular astigmatism the principal meridians are not perpendicular.  The most common is a regular corneal astigmatism meaning that the front of the eyes surface is oval in shape.

LASIK surgery is one of the ways that an astigmatism can be fixed.  Laser vision surgery corrects the asymmetrical shape of the front surface of the eye, the cornea.  Lasik takes the cornea of the eye from the shape of a football, the astigmatism, back to the shape of a baseball.  The lasers reshape the cornea and in turn correct the astigmatism.

Laser surgery correction to treat an astigmatism is usually done in under fifteen minutes and can be completed without anesthesia.  The reshaping of the cornea in the eye often takes under a minute per eye.  LASIK surgery is done with the advanced technology of an eye tracker that works by monitoring your eyes position and adjusting the laser as needed throughout the surgery.

Astigmatisms are easily corrected with glasses and contacts but if you lead a more active lifestyle or want added convenience in your life consider LASIK vision correction.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state of the art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website to schedule an appointment.

Comparing Medigap Plans in Michigan

Medigap is a health insurance policy that is sold by private insurance companies to fill the “gaps” in Original Medicare. There are various Medigap plans available in Michigan.  It is a good idea to understand what Michigan Medigap insurance plans cover to choose a plan that best fits your individual health and budget needs.

When it comes to Medigap it is important to note that it is a supplement to Original Medicare Part A and B in Michigan and is not meant to replace this coverage.  In fact, you must remain enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B for hospital and medical coverage and be current on your premiums to participate in Medigap.  In addition, be aware that Medigap plans in Michigan do not offer prescription drug coverage.  To receive prescription coverage, you must purchase the stand alone Medigap Plan D, prescription drug plan.

Standard Medigap Plans

In the state of Michigan, private insurance companies offer ten standard Medigap plans that participants can choose to enroll in.  Each Medigap plan covers the same benefits no matter who it is purchased through.  Medigap Plan A is the same through Blue Cross Blue Shield as it is through Aetna.  No matter what insurer the plan is purchased through or the premium that is paid the coverage benefits are the exact same.

How Michigan Medigap Works

As previously mentioned, Medigap plans in Michigan are designed to help Medicare beneficiaries pay for costs associated with Medicare Part and Part B.  This can include copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.  Medigap plans cannot be used in conjunction with Medicare Advantage.  There are ten standardized Medicare supplemental insurance plans available in Michigan.  Each is identified by one of ten letters: A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N.

Enrolling During Open Enrollment

The Medigap open enrollment period is the best time to enroll in a plan.  Open enrollment for Medigap is the same as Medicare Part A and Part B enrollment starting the first day of the month you turn 65 and lasts for six months, remember that to enroll in Medigap you must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B.

During the Medigap open enrollment period you have a guaranteed right to enroll in any Medigap plan that is available within your service area.  You cannot be denied coverage because of your health status or medical underwriting.  Although if you enroll in or switch plans after the open enrollment period you can be denied coverage, be charged higher premiums, and penalized for pre-existing conditions.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!