Author: Creative Programs and Systems - page 136

What is the Difference Between Premiums, Deductibles, and Coinsurance?

Everyone needs to pay something for their health insurance, but the amount is different depending on the type of plan that a person has.  Once a person reaches retirement age, they are eligible for Medicare, which may or may not have a charge for premiums but does require everyone to pay a deductible and coinsurance each year.  Medigap supplement insurance plans are a great way to save on the deductible and coinsurance of Medicare, but there is often a premium for them.

If you are unsure of the difference between premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance when it comes to Medicare and Medigap plans, it is fairly easy to figure out.  A premium is the money that you pay for your medical policy.  You may not have to pay a monthly premium for your Medicare insurance, but every Medigap supplement insurance plan has a premium.  The amount of that premium is determined by the plan that you choose.

A deductible is the amount of money that you will need to pay before your insurance will pay out anything.  Your deductible can be quite high with Medicare, but your Medigap plan will allow you to pay less money, as that plan normally covers most of the amount that you would owe.

Once you have fulfilled your deductible, you are almost always required to pay a coinsurance for any other services that you receive.  The coinsurance is normally a percentage of what Medicare or Medigap pays, but it could also be a specified dollar amount.  While a coinsurance is guaranteed with a Medicare plan, you may not need to pay the coinsurance in full if you have a Medigap supplement insurance plan that will cover some of it.

You may not think that it is worthwhile to purchase a Medigap supplement insurance plan when you become eligible for Medicare, because it would be one more premium that you would need to pay every month.  However, you may find that the amount of the premium is negligible compared to the amount of money that you are saving in deductible and coinsurance payments.

The savings might not be significant in the beginning when you are healthy, but one long-term illness or multiple short-term illnesses will allow you to see the savings more clearly.  Don’t lose out on saving money in the future from not understanding the importance of Medigap insurance, because your health could depend on it.

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!

When Can I Change Medigap Plans?

You will become eligible to purchase a Medigap plan as soon as you turn sixty-five years of age and enroll in Medicare Part B.  This eligibility lasts for six months and during that time, you will not be turned down due to pre-existing conditions.  Once that six-month time frame has ended, you will not be guaranteed coverage for any Medicare supplemental insurance plans

Once you have one of the Medicare supplement plans, you will not be able to change to another plan easily and you will not be guaranteed an approval from any other Medigap company.  However, there are a few exceptions to this rule and it is during those times that you will thankfully be guaranteed to receive approval for one of the Medicare supplemental insurance plans.

Here are 5 exceptions that will allow you to purchase one of the Medicare supplement plans outside of your open enrollment period:

  1. The insurance company that you use for your Medicare supplemental insurance plan has left your service area.
  2. You have Medicare and coverage through your employer, but your employer coverage is now ending.
  3. The insurance company that you use for your Medigap plan is now bankrupt.
  4. You move outside the coverage area for the insurance company that your Medicare supplement plan is for.
  5. The insurance company that you use has misled you in some way or they have not been compliant with the current law.

As you can see, there are not too many instances that will allow you to easily change Medigap plans and guarantee coverage.  However, if you do manage to get approval for another Medicare supplemental insurance plan, you will want to keep in mind that you may have a waiting period before you receive coverage, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.  The length of time that you will need to wait is normally six months, although some insurance companies may allow you to start receiving benefits a little sooner.

One other exception that is worth noting is switching to and from a Medicare Advantage plan.  If you need to switch to a Medicare Advantage plan, you will not receive any benefits from your Medigap plan, but you can switch back to your original plan with no restrictions as long as you do it within a year.  If your old Medicare supplemental insurance plan is no longer available when you go to switch back, you can then enroll in any Medigap Plan A, B, C, F, K, or L without worrying about needing to wait six months for coverage or being turned down.

It is necessary to be careful when you first enroll in Medicare supplement plans, so that you choose the one that will work best for you.  That doesn’t mean that you are stuck with what you choose though, especially if the service goes downhill a couple of years after you purchase the insurance.  Instead of suffering with that you have at that point, you will want to take your chances and see if there is another Medicare supplemental insurance plan that will approve your coverage.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!



Selecting the Best Fence for Your Home

Choosing the material for the fence around your home can be slightly difficult, because there are so many choices available.  However, each material has its pros and cons and you will want to pick the one that will work best for you, your family, your yard, and your budget.

Here are 4 tips that will help you decide which fence is best for your home:

  1. Determine Why You Need a Fence

Everyone needs a fence for different reasons, which is why your fence may not look the same as the fence that your neighbor installs.  After all, your neighbor might want a wooden privacy fence, so that they will have the ultimate privacy, while you only need an aluminum fence to keep your dog from running away at any time of the day or night.

  1. Consider the Time for Maintenance

Not every fencing material is equal, especially when it comes to the time that is needed to maintain it.   Wood will need to be painted and stained every couple of years, while aluminum fences require very little upkeep at all.

  1. Consider Your Style

There are many different styles of fences available, and while you can choose from any of them, certain styles may only be available when you use one material or another.  For example, a privacy fence is usually constructed from wood, because that is the easiest material to use to prevent people from looking in.  However, a picket fence can be made from wood or aluminum, and the material that you choose should reflect the amount of time that you have available to maintain it.

  1. Consider Your Budget

You may think that it will be more economical to choose the cheapest material possible when installing your new fence, but once you add in all those maintenance and repair costs it could be the wrong decision.  We urge you to factor in all the costs for the material that you are choosing for your new fence, as it will give you a clearer picture of which material is cheaper for you in the long term.

Choosing wholesale aluminum fencing for your home may be your best choice, as it will increase the value of your home without you needing to do any major preventative maintenance on it for many years.  This will allow you to fall in love with your new fence and wonder why you didn’t put one up sooner.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at


Preventative Maintenance Helps Ward Off Unplanned LINAC Repairs

LINAC’s is short for linear accelerator, which are used in radiation treatments for people with cancer.  These machines should receive preventative maintenance so that they stay in working order for as long as possible.  Any preventative maintenance that isn’t completed within a timely manner can create issues and cause unplanned equipment failure.  Those LINAC repair services can cause long downtimes, which can wreak havoc on every patient’s treatment plan.

Preventative maintenance will not only keep LINAC machines in working order, it will also ensure that the machines are delivering proper treatments that are appropriate for each patient.  Part of the preventative maintenance is performing safety checks, which may not always cause an unplanned LINAC repair, but they may cause additional preventative maintenance to be completed to recalibrate certain settings.

Certain forms of preventative maintenance are completed every day, while others may be completed weekly, monthly, or annually.  Of course, whenever a person believes that the LINAC system is performing differently, or something seems wrong, preventative maintenance should be done to find the cause of the issue.  Sometimes, a tweak here or there can save thousands of dollars in the future when it comes to expensive LINAC repair services.

During preventative maintenance, certain linear accelerator parts may be replaced around the time that they were known to wear out on other machines.  By being proactive with these replacements, LINAC users will ensure that their machine will be in service when they are needed instead of being down for maintenance.  It normally costs less to perform this type of linear accelerator repair before it is needed, because it can be scheduled in advance.  That means that less money will be spent paying for the labor of the person doing the work.

However, if preventative maintenance is not completed, and a person does not know that a specific part should be replaced sooner than later, the cost could be quite a bit more when the machine stops working.  The reason for that is because a person would need to be called in immediately, which can cost more after hours or on weekends.  Plus, it can take longer to do the work, since other things could be wrong at the same time, which means that the LINAC machine can be out of order for a couple of days or longer.

Cancer patients rely on LINAC machines to safely deliver their treatments, so that they have an excellent chance of surviving.  Downtime for these situations are unacceptable and unnecessary, especially when most issues can be spotted and resolved during scheduled preventative maintenance.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.

Improving Your Home’s Exterior with Outdoor Masonry

Adding masonry to the exterior of your home will make it look one hundred percent better and it will increase your home’s value as well.  Hiring masonry contractors is the best way to get amazing results with masonry services, because they have the skills that are needed to do quality work quickly and efficiently.

One of the easiest ways to improve the exterior of your home with masonry is by replacing a basic concrete walkway with one constructed of stones or bricks.  A new walkway can be enhanced by adding stacked stone risers at the beginning or end, as it will define where a person needs to go when they want to enter your home.

Incorporating the stones or bricks from your walkway to your backyard is as easy as constructing a new patio.  The patio can be near your backdoor or a little further out in your yard.  The options are endless when it comes to patios, and you can still construct one even if you already have a deck off the back of your house.  A masonry patio will give you an additional sitting area while creating a new focal point in your yard.

Masonry companies can also create a phenomenal fire pit or fireplace for you out in your backyard.  A fire pit does not take that long to construct, and the price is cheaper than a fireplace.  However, a fireplace will create more of a focal point in your yard, while immensely improving the exterior of your home.

If you want to utilize your fireplace for cooking, you might want to consider having your masonry contractors construct a wood-fired oven instead.  That way, you can enjoy the warmth of the fire when it is cooler out, but you can cook delectable meals that include wood-fired pizzas and even cobblers for dessert.

To really make a lasting impression with your home, you may want to consider having your masonry contractors install stones or bricks on the exterior of your home.  This type of masonry will stand out much more than vinyl siding and it will create a luxurious look.  While real stone or bricks are fantastic options, you may want to consider faux stone if the type that you want is not available in your area.

There are quite a few masonry services options available to you and masonry companies will be able to assist you will choosing the ones that will complement your home the most.

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all of Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.

How Does Custom Website Design Affect Search Engine Rankings?

Many people do not think that having a custom website design is going to improve their search engine rankings.  However, with all the changes that Google has made in recent years, there are many things that factor into the search engine placement of any website, and custom web design is one of the major ones.

A website that has not been designed properly may prevent a person from staying on the site for any length of time, and once a person goes back to their search results, it will mark the first website as being not helpful.  Any website that continuously gets marked as unhelpful will automatically have their ranking level dropped.

A few mistakes that every website owner will not want to make include having too many pop-ups, text that is difficult to read (whether it is the size of the text or the font that is being used), images that are too large, and videos that automatically play as soon as the website opens.  All those things create a poor experience for readers, especially those who are visiting the website for the first time, and they can make a person continue onto the next website they found much faster.

Website Mobile Friendly

Every website should also look amazing on all types of platforms, which means that the custom web design that a person chooses should work well on both mobile and desktop platforms.  After all, in this day and age, more and more people are browsing the internet on their mobile devices or smaller tablets.  If a website is not easy to use on those platforms, a person is not going to want to stay on the site for too long.  Not being mobile friendly can affect the search engine rankings of any website even more than a website that isn’t user friendly on a desktop platform.

The Correct Amount Of Information On Home Page

A custom web design is also necessary to ensure that a person has the proper amount of content on their first page, so that it ranks accordingly for search engine placement.  A website that has a photograph and a few words is going to rank a lot lower than a custom designed website that has enough pertinent information available to get it higher in the search engine rankings.

Custom Website For SEO Benefits

The bottom line is that search engine rankings incorporate a lot of the smaller details and it is easier to place all those small details on a custom web design than on a website that is ready for a person to fill in the blanks with their own information.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Avoid the Pitfalls of DIY Roofing by Hiring a Roofing Contractor

If you are one of the people that thinks that tearing down your old roof and replacing it is going to be a piece of cake, you are going to be one of the many that are wrong!  Tackling a roof is a major undertaking, because the work is strenuous, and it is going to take you much longer than you think that it will.

Roofing contractors replace roofs all the time, after all, that is their job and they can do quality work quickly.  Therefore, the roofing contractor that you hire will ensure that your roof is installed properly and will keep the elements out throughout the next fifteen or twenty years.

Here are 4 pitfalls that you will see if you choose the DIY roofing route instead of hiring a roofing contractor:

  1. Spend Extra Money

You may think that you are going to save money if you replace your roof on your own, but since you are not an expert like a roofing contractor, you may miss out on noticing damage that needs to be repaired.  If you do not make necessary repairs now, you will end up paying more money later on, either when you are finally doing the repairs, or you need to hire a roofing contractor to do the work for you.

  1. No Warranty

Most manufacturers will not honor a warranty on their materials unless a roofing contractor has installed the product.  By replacing your roof on your own, you are not going to have a warranty on any of the work that you have completed.  This will also make it possible that you may end up paying more in the long-term.

  1. Length of Project Will Be Longer

Roofing contractors can easily put a new roof on in a day or two, because they can bring in multiple workers to do the job.  If you replace your roof on your own, you may be looking at it taking a week or even longer before you have laid your last shingle.

  1. Dangerous

Roofs are high off the ground, and some are higher than others.  If you are not used to walking around on a roof, let alone bending over to nail shingles down and dragging piles of shingles up from the ground, there is a good chance that you can fall.  A little slip is one thing, but that little slip can easily end up with you on the ground seriously injured.

Replacing your roof on your own always sounds good at first, but once you really consider the consequences, you will see that a roofing contractor is your best option.  So, get all those DIY thoughts out of your head, call your roofing contractor, and sit back and relax as they do all the work for you.

Learn more about Home Pro Roofing and their vast line of custom roofing options installed by professional roofing contractors including: asphalt shingle roofing, metal roofing, roof repair, and new roof installation at  Our roofing contractors offer services throughout Michigan including: Kalamazoo, Brighton, Lansing, and the surrounding areas.


When Is It Time To Replace Your Homes Siding?

While the purpose of your home’s exterior siding is mainly to protect your structure against exposure to the elements, prevent heat loss, and for aesthetic purposes, some siding materials are more susceptible to deterioration over time. There are several different types of siding.  Most of which seem to be made from imitative material which after some time, fall into a state of disrepair and it’s important to know when to replace your siding when the time comes.

Moldy Siding

Mold is a fungus that produces harmful spores and grows and spreads rapidly especially in humid conditions. Skilled exterior contractors will tell you that your home’s exterior siding is the perfect breeding ground for mold and the best way to tell that you have this problem is through a musty smell including black or gray dirt-like spores on your siding. While some homeowners will opt for a professional power wash, hiring an experienced exterior contractor to replace your siding will ensure the mold is completely killed and your family’s risk of getting mold-related health concerns such as asthma is reduced.  It also means that you can consider hardier vinyl siding such as what you see from CertainTeed or fiber-cement from James Hardie.

Soaring Energy Bills

An unexplainable spike in your energy bills is a sure-fire sign of an exterior siding issue that needs to be addressed, window seals leaking, or installation issue.  Some older homes have very little insulation in their walls and heat loss could be attributed to the lack of insulation. Your siding can become worn due to excessive exposure to temperature fluctuations which can contribute to a loss in heat or air conditioning. This is when you will want to consult with exterior contractors who can help you determine whether your heat loss is as a result of lack of insulation or it’s your HVAC system that’s working double time to maintain adequate temperature levels in your home.

An exterior home improvement project can be a costly affair, however, if you’re an energy conscious homeowner, hiring a professional team of exterior contractors to replace your siding can be a crucial line of defense against keeping your home energy low and cost-efficient.

Physical Damage

Warping boards, rust, discoloration, cracking, splitting, are all clear visual signs of siding wear and tear. If you find that you need to repaint your exterior siding often to keep it looking fresh, it could mean that this is a sign of structural damage that needs an assessment from professional exterior contractors.  Thus resulting in an overall exterior siding replacement just to be on the safe side.

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all of Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.

Website Trends For 2018

Search engine optimization was, still is, and will continue to unequivocally be one of the most effective ways that a business can use to ensure that their online marketing initiative and presence remains relevant. Search engine marketing is a growing practice that gives organic channels the proper attention that all businesses can’t afford to ignore as far as using Google or other search engines to push quality over quantity for users.

With an emphasis on a more experience-centric web, businesses are more aware of user behavior trends, which has forced them to create novel experiences through various product and content innovation. Therefore, for your website to do what you intended it for and for it to be functional, but most importantly, convert visitors, the following are website design trends that may help you accomplish this goal:

Mobile-Friendly Website Design

Mobile browsing has become more popular than desktop, therefore, minimizing the menu to fit mobile screens as well as using responsive designs, as well as including a viewport meta tag and condensing your font and button sizes will make your website more mobile-friendly.

Using Animated or Particle Backgrounds

Using eye-catching animation or movement as part of your background as opposed to the traditional photos or videos is huge this year, particle animation being the most popular choices in website design. It livens up your dull site and often static background to give it a 3D feel that provides users with an exciting experience while on your website.

Bold Typography

Your typography of choice can be an effective tool to use that will both garner attention and pull visitors in. The oversized, interactive, and visible text is the first thing that users see, and it is a simple website design that will not only provide a clear message, but also an easy navigation that leads your visitors exactly where you want them to be and see.

Bold Color Schemes

Bold colors are known to communicate with a region of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which has a direct influence on our mood, emotion, behavior, and user interaction. Utilizing brighter tones in web design is more likely to entice users to interact with content and respond to calls to action (CTA).

Grid-Based Web Design

Utilizing a grid-based website design allows for a clean, well-organized design and user-friendly navigation, which basically portrays balance and symmetrical layout that users are likely to interact longer with.

Learn more about Creative Programs and Systems, CPS, and the IT solutions they provide including IT consulting, computer consulting, network consulting, networking, server installation, IT disaster recovery, computer repair, virus removal, malware removal, computer tune ups, data backup systems, computer troubleshooting, structured cabling, low voltage wiring, website design, graphic design, logo design, website hosting, search engine placement, iphone app programming, android app programming, and custom programming at  To contact one of our IT experts, call 810.224.5252 today or via email at

Using LINAC Systems In The Treatment Of Cancer

Cancer is a serious disease, irrespective of the type, where it is in the body, how large or far-gone the tumor is. It is more likely to treat any form of cancer that’s diagnosed early before it has had a chance to get bigger or spread uncontrollably. Unfortunately, most patients are privy to the fact they have a cancer diagnosis until last minute, through an emergency admission, which, consequently, lowers the chances of catching it early. Low awareness of cancer signs and symptoms can mean that people don’t seek prompt medical attention and some people also delay early screening out of sheer fear of what the doctor might find.

Early detection of cancer through education, to promote early diagnosis and screening greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. There are many types of cancer treatments.  The one your doctor elects will depend on the type of cancer you have and how advanced it is. Radiation therapy, using radiation oncology systems is a type of cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells, shrink tumors, ease cancer symptoms and prevent it from returning, stop or slow its growth or ideally, ultimately cure it.

Using oncology medical equipment may shrink tumors to treat pain and other problems caused by the tumor, such as cancer-related pain that has spread to the bones, loss of bowel and bladder control as well as trouble breathing. Radiation oncology systems are used to treat various forms of cancers such as head and neck, breast, cervix, prostate, eye, as well as thyroid cancer. External beam radiation therapy using oncology medical equipment such as a linear accelerator is used to treat a specific part of the body and can be combined with other forms of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery or immunotherapy to improve the chances of a successful treatment.

There are limits as to the amount of radiation an area of your body can safely receive over the course of your treatment, your doctor will determine which combination will be best for you. While it’s ideal to have the tumor shrunk before considering other forms of treatment, it is important to know that using radiation oncology systems will kill or even slow down the growth of cancer cells, but it may also affect nearby healthy cells, and in some cases, damage to healthy cells may also cause side effects.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.