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Customizing Aluminum Fencing for Your Home

No longer are dreams of white picket fences but instead dreams of low maintenance, durability, and curb appeal.  Homeowners can get this through the installation of aluminum fencing as it brings with it a more current feel than is found in other materials.  Another benefit found with the purchase and installation of aluminum fencing is the ability to design it yourself.  Each detail of your aluminum fence can be customized to compliment your home.

Aluminum fencing offers several benefits to homeowners.  Its durability can make a 20-year-old aluminum fence look like it was just installed; aluminum fences sleek designs ensure a look that will compliment every style home.   Literally every detailed from the color of the aluminum to the decorative style of your fence can be designed to meet your exact needs and show off your unique home.

Design Choices in Aluminum Fencing

  • Fence Heights: One of the most important jobs your homes fence has is to accomplish the purpose it is there to serve. From guarding the swimming pool’s perimeter to defining backyard boundaries if the fence doesn’t serve its purpose it is useless no matter how stunning it is.  This is one of the reasons the height of your aluminum fence is an important consideration as you begin planning for your new fence.
  • Fence Grades: When purchasing an aluminum fence, you have several options when it comes to the grade of fencing you choose. Residential and commercial aluminum fencing comes in 4 distinct grades including: classic (residential), resort (pool), premier (commercial), and ultimate (industrial).  The grade of the fence that you choose will depend on the strength and thickness of the fence desired, the picket size, and length of aluminum fence panels desired.
  • Fence Styles: There are eighteen different styles of fencing through online aluminum fence supplier iFenceUSA. For a more contemporary appeal you have the option of a three-rail design without pickets or a for a more exquisite look you can try something with Excelsior finial peaks which offer a timeless look; with iFenceUSA you have several ornamental aluminum fencing styles to choose from.
  • Fence Colors: Aluminum fencing comes in a variety of unique color options. Classic black is always a favorite but rest assured that if you are looking to add character and appeal with color, aluminum fencing has you covered.  Options include several matte and gloss varieties of white, bronze, green, beige, sandstone, and black.
  • Fence Options: Some of the most popular options in aluminum fence relate to the spacing of the aluminum pickets, the addition of bottom railings, special post caps, and more.  The options that you choose will depend on your unique goals.  For home owners with small dogs, puppy pickets may be ideal whereas people with small children may choose extreme pickets that feature pickets that are closer together to prevent easy climbing.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

Medicare Mistakes That Can Cost You

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans are devised to aid people to pay for their additional health care expenses. These policies are blessings to those who are suffering from certain medical ailments. However, for some people, a Medicare Supplement Plan can prove to be costly because of common mistakes they make. Wondering what these mistakes are? You will find your answer in this post. Continue reading!

Not Choosing the Right Policy

One of the biggest mistake people make when buying Medicare Supplement Plans is that they choose the wrong policy. Thus, not all medical expenses are covered. As a result, they must pay for them and the plan isn’t as effective for them as they had thought of.  It is important to thoroughly compare different Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, know their details and make the decision accordingly.

Not Signing Up at the Right Time

This is another common mistake made by people that cost them in the long run. People who have already received social security are automatically signed up for Medicare. However, for those who haven’t, it is important to sign up at the right time to avoid facing premium penalties.

Not Signing Up for Part D

Some people believe that buying Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Part D is a mere waste of money if they don’t use prescribed drugs. However, this is a mistake that can cost them a fortune. This is because no one can predict the injuries or diseases they may suffer from in the future for which they require the use of prescribed drugs that can burn a hole in their pockets. Therefore, it is advised to sign up for part D so to avoid late penalties and get expensive drugs easily in case of emergency.

Not Paying Attention to Annual Notice of Change

All those people who have signed up for Medicare Advantage Plan or Part D, they receive notice of change in September every year. This notice contains vital information about changes in premiums and coverages. It is important to carefully read this notice of change and compare the premium price and coverage details of the current year with the next year. This will help you to decide whether you need to change your plan or stick to the current one. However, many people tend to ignore this notice of change and end up paying more for their Medicare policy.

There you go! These are some of the common mistakes that the owners of Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans make and end up paying a lot more than they should. It is firmly recommended to avoid making any of these mistakes with regards to your Medicare policies so that you can avail the maximum benefits out of them without disturbing your budget a great deal.

Learn more about Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at  Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medicare coverage toll free 877-202-9248 today!

Does Medigap Cover Issues with Mental Health

As people get older and become eligible for Medicare, they may be concerned about which parts of their health care costs will be covered and which parts they will be completely responsible for.  This is especially true when it comes to coverage for mental health, as those visits can become quite expensive over time.

Medicare Part A does cover mental health care, but each inpatient service will require the patient to pay their deductible.  There is also a coinsurance charge for any days of hospitalization past sixty, and no one will receive benefits for over one hundred and ninety days of mental health hospitalization in their lifetime.

Medicare Part B will cover outpatient mental health services, but there is a deductible that everyone is required to meet as well as copays.  However, one mental health screening is allowed each year at no cost to the patient.

At this point, many seniors will be wondering how they will be able to afford to pay for their medical bills, but that is where Medigap insurance can be a huge help.

Inpatient hospitalizations are still the same with Medigap as they are with Medicare Part A as to how many days are covered.  However, there is a chance that extended visits will be approved through a person’s Medigap coverage.  Medigap will cover all of Medicare Part A’s coinsurance and copays, and most of the Medigap plans will cover the deductible as well.

The exceptions to the inpatient deductible being paid out by Medigap are that Medigap Plan A will not cover it at all, and Plan K requires the patient to pay fifty percent while Plan L requires a person to pay twenty-five percent.

Almost every Medigap plan will cover the copays and coinsurance that a person is responsible for from their Medicare Part B coverage, but only Medigap Plans C and F will cover the deductible portion of Medicare Part B.  Medigap Plan N will require the patient to pay a copay for each of their doctor’s visits, while Plan K requires the patient to pay fifty percent, while Plan L requires a payment of twenty-five percent from the patient.

As for all the excess charges that a person receives, mainly from a doctor that doesn’t accept Medicare assignments, those are only covered by Medigap Plans F and G.

This shows how important it is for seniors to purchase the proper Medigap insurance as soon as they are eligible for it.  Everyone will want to do their research to see which option will benefit them the most, so that they do not find themselves drowning in medical debt due to purchasing the wrong type of Medigap insurance plan.

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at  Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!

Finding Parts and Services for Medical Equipment Repair

Healthcare businesses will often find that while their oncology equipment is in excellent shape, there comes a time when something will breakdown or break all together.  When that happens, there is usually a ruckus, because then someone needs to find out who sells parts or services their linear accelerator or other oncology equipment.  While this may seem easy, it is not as easy as it appears, especially because the company that is hired must excel in the work that they do and the oncology equipment parts that they provide.

There are numerous linear accelerator parts and oncology equipment parts that are needed when things go wrong, and Radparts has more than sixty-five thousand parts in our warehouse.  That means that whatever you and your patients need, we have it in stock and ready to use.

Whether your linear accelerator needs a new MLC motor, console keyboard, or a new pump, you will not need to spend days waiting for a replacement.  Instead of shuffling patients around, and trying to fulfill their needs, you can have your oncology equipment repaired quickly and be ready for your next patient right away.

Knowing where to find parts for your oncology equipment and knowing who can service them all is key to keeping your patients safe and healthy during their treatments.  You never want to take a risk and use a linear accelerator or any other oncology equipment that has a broken or missing part, as that can put your patients in danger.

Instead, you will want to inspect your linear accelerator and other oncology equipment every day and have routine maintenance and outside inspections completed too.  The sooner you notice an issue, the easier it will be to have everything fixed and up and running again.  After all, no oncology unit will be able to function properly without this equipment and patients can suffer significantly from a broken-down machine as well.

Whether you have a brand-new linear accelerator or a completely refurbished one, you will want to have someone on hand for service and parts right away.  While you may hope that you do not need their services for a long time, you will quickly find that things do not always work out the way that you plan.  Therefore, a little pro-action will go a long way when the inevitable does happen and you need linear accelerator parts or other oncology equipment parts and services.

Learn more about Radparts and the variety of services and parts they offer to repair medical equipment including: linear accelerators parts, CT scanners parts, linac parts, and radiation oncology equipment at  To contact one of our medical equipment repair specialists for parts or service call toll free 877.704.3838 for 24/7/365 support.

How is My Debt Dealt with When I Pass Away?

We are all eventually going to pass away at some point in time.  While we would all love to avoid it for as long as possible, we should be prepared for it in more ways than one.  The first thing that you are going to want to do is create an estate plan and establish a will that lists who oversees your estate.  This is the person that you trust the most to follow your wishes after you pass away and is essential during the estate planning process.

When the time comes, your executor, the person you put in charge of your final wishes, will take care of your estate.  They will use any money that you had left to pay off your debts and if there is any debt left, they can also sell your property or other items to cover it all.  That is all completed before heirs receive the money that you left to them, so there is a chance that they may not receive anything, depending on how much debt you had.

If you do not have enough money to pay off all your debts, your spouse or co-signers on the loans are going to be responsible for paying that debt off.  This can include your mortgage and home equity loans, plus credit cards.  If your executor does not pay off your car loan, your vehicle can be repossessed.  Debt collectors are going to do all that they can to collect on your debts, but legally they are not supposed to lie or mislead a person into thinking that they are responsible for repaying that debt.

If you are currently in debt and want to ensure that your heirs receive some money from you when you die, you will want to purchase a term life insurance policy.  The money from those policies are protected from creditors but can be used by a spouse or another person who is responsible for paying off your debts once you pass away.  It is important to keep your beneficiaries up to date on your life insurance policies though, because if they are no longer living, the money will automatically go into your estate to be used to pay off your debts.

Oftentimes, creditors cannot take any money from your retirement accounts either, which means that the beneficiaries that you have on those will receive that money as well.  Depending on how old they are, they may be able to start withdrawing that money to live or they can keep it as a retirement plan to use when they get of retirement age.

The last thing that your family needs is to be hassled by creditors when you pass away, but if you take the proper precautions ahead of time by creating an estate plan, the entire process will be quite simple for everyone.

Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at  To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols, call 734.386.0224 today.

3 Things You Should Know About Well Water in Your Home

Does your home have a well?  Here are some things you may want to consider when it comes to the quality of the water that is flowing throughout your home.

What is the difference between a well check vs comprehensive water testing?

Many homeowners are under a misconception that having their private wells checked will expose issues with the quality of the water as well.  This however is not the way it works.  There are major differences between what testing is required by mortgage companies in order to obtain a home loan verse the actual health aspect of the water.  Most mortgage providers are only looking to ensure that the well water system to the home isn’t faulty not the content of the actual water.  In a comprehensive water test the actual water from the well is tested for chemicals such as lead, arsenic, chromium 6, mercury, and VOCs.  As a homeowner it is up to you to have a comprehensive water analysis done on your homes water as well as the waters source.  Many companies that sell water treatment systems, such as Reynolds Water Conditioning, offer free water analysis before recommending a solution for treating your homes well water.

Where does well water contamination come from? 

It is often news to homeowners to find out that contamination from water is often from natural sources verse human contamination.  Owners of homes with private wells often are shocked to find out that their water has become contaminated.  Most often there are no obvious signs of sources that could contaminate the water nearby, so homeowners do not suspect anything.  The truth of the matter is that many contaminants within water such as arsenic occur naturally in groundwater at levels that are not safe for drinking.

Why does well water often contain more lead? 

Well water is corrosive.  Corrosive water often leak lead from pipes, soldered joints and plumbing fixtures.  Many homeowners are unaware of this fact.  If a homes plumbing predates 2014, which is when lead-free standards in home plumbing components were put in place, the potential exists that lead will seep into the tap water within the home.

It is important that homeowners with private wells understand that their water source is not regulated by the EPA or State Regulators.  Homeowners are responsible for the quality of their water.  It is important that proper water treatment systems are put in place to ensure that their homes have high quality water running throughout the home.  For a more comprehensive look at your homes water it is important to have a comprehensive water test done.  The next crucial step after the results of water testing are done is to put a system, or a number of systems, in place to ensure that the water your family is ingesting and using on a regular basis is free of harmful bacteria and containments.

At Reynolds Water Conditioning Company, we are here to help make sure our clients don’t buy water treatment systems that they don’t need.  We are here to make sure you find a water softening system that gives you the results you are looking for, whether it is to remove iron or odor from you water; we have a solution that will help!  For more information contact our experts at 800.572.9575 or at our website

Available Options in Pool Plaster

If you are one of the people that has managed to install a swimming pool in your backyard, you are living the dream of thousands upon thousands of people everywhere.  After all, who doesn’t love jumping into the water of a pool on a hot and sunny day?

While your pool may currently be in excellent shape, there will be a day when you need to do some pool renovations, especially with the pool plastering.  There are many options available to you when it comes to the pool plaster that can be installed during a pool renovation and you can choose the one that fits your needs the best.

Here are your available options in pool plaster:

Classic White

Classic white pool plaster is basically a mixture of cement, water, and white marble aggregate, and it is going to be your cheapest pool plastering option.  That cheaper price though is due to the fact that this pool plastering will deteriorate quicker from all the chemicals and means that you will need to have it replaced again sooner than later.

Include a Silicone Shield

You may want to have a silicone shield added to your pool plaster, as it creates a barrier between your pool plaster and the chemicals that you use.  That will make your pool plastering more durable and extend the time in between replacements.

Colored Quartz

Any concrete plaster mix can have colored ceramic coated sand added to it, and this colored quartz will not only increase the life expectancy of your pool, but make it look even nicer as well.  This option is more expensive than the classic white option as well as the option with the silicone shield, but the length of time in between pool plastering replacements can make the higher price tag worthwhile.


A pebbled pool plaster has had little pieces of round polished aggregates added to the plaster mix, and since those little pieces of aggregate is available in numerous colors, your color choices are greatly increased with this option.  This is one of the most durable pool plasters available on the market, and if you choose to have this pool plastering completed, it should be quite some time before you need to have it replaced.

No one really enjoys having pool renovations completed on their pool, because it means that it cannot be in use during that time.  However, once your new pool plastering has been put in place, you will be so happy with how your pool looks as you are swimming in it or simply sitting next to it.

Learn more about Pound Pool Plastering and their numerous pool plastering options including: pool resurfacing, plaster surfacing, commercial pool plaster, residential pool plaster, plastering swimming pools, tiling swimming pools, coping swimming pools, and more at  To contact our pool plastering specialists call 248.476.4544 today.

Balancing Different Types of Trucking Services with Shippers Needs

All trucking companies work differently, but at the end of the day, they should all have one goal in mind.  That goal should be fulfilling the needs of the shippers that use their services.  Some shippers may only need to send small packages, while others need the assistance of freight shipping services to get their hauls from one end of the country to the other.

Those completely different needs of shippers require all trucking companies to create a balance between their types of trucking services, so that they always have what their customers want and need.  Of course, that balancing act is never an easy process, but trucking companies can create ways to make it work.

Since shippers like to know when their packages are being picked up and delivered, one of the best things that trucking companies can do is create a schedule that works for practically everyone.  By having specific drop-off and pick-up times and understanding what types of packages are going in and out every day, trucking companies will have an easier time balancing their trucking services.

Most trucking companies love to plan ahead, and create contingency plans as well, so that they are prepared for the unexpected.  That way, a broken-down truck, a late driver, or an additional package will not derail every aspect of the plan.  Instead, trucking companies can simply switch to a back-up plan that is already in place and keep everything on time and running smoothly.

After a while, trucking companies have an idea of the volume that they are dealing with every day and what types of packages that volume is broken down into.  Of course, that volume will change throughout the course of the year, with the holiday season being busier than say the month of February, but successful trucking companies will know their volume for every season.

By knowing the predicted volume, trucking companies can plan on which trucks they need in what areas when.  That will alleviate any issues of not having the trucking service that is needed, because that trucking service is halfway across another state.  Instead, trucking companies will always be prepared to move any type of package to where it needs to go in a timely manner, which will keep all their shippers happy.

Successful trucking companies will also work closely with the shippers that utilize their services, so that they can be informed of an upcoming shipping need that is out of the ordinary.  That will ensure that the trucking company will have the services in place in time and the shipper will not need to wait to send their items out.  Balance is key for almost anything nowadays, but never more so than in the world of trucking companies, where every minute counts.

Learn more about Matrix Transportation and the transportation services they offer including: dedicated truckloads, JIT truckloads, less than truckload (LTL), same day expedited FTL and LTL, full truckload, warehousing, cross-docking, and trailer rentals at  To contact one of our trucking experts call toll free 888.896.2405 today.

Understanding Cataracts and How They Affect Your Vision

There are several illnesses that creep up on us as we age, cataracts being one of them.  There are misconceptions surrounding cataracts and their treatment.  In this installment on laser vision correction surgery we will investigate cataracts and what can be done to treat them.

When the lens inside of your eye begins to cloud that is known as a cataract.  This can cause a loss in vision that is unable to be corrected with contact lens, glasses, or normal corneal refractive surgeries like LASIK.  This may sound frightening however, modern surgery for cataracts can often restore vision and ease dependency on eyeglasses.

Most often cataracts are associated with the aging process.  Recent studies have shown that upwards of 68% of Americans over 80 years old have been affected by cataracts.  This statistic is expected to continue to grow especially as the population continues to age.  Thankfully, surgery for cataracts is one of the safest, most effective laser vision correction surgeries available.

When surgery for cataracts is performed, the cloudy lens is removed and then replaced with a lens that is artificial, known as intraocular, to restore clear vision. The surgery is an outpatient surgery that is often performed at an eye care center and does not require an overnight stay.  Cataract procedures involve a high-frequency ultrasound device that is used to break up a cloudy lens into small pieces, which are removed with suction.

This procedure is known as phaco and can be performed with tinier incisions than previous techniques.  This helps to promote healing and reduce complications.  When the fragments are completely removed the eye surgeon inserts a clear lens putting it securely behind the iris and pupil in the same location that your natural lens had sat.   Once the cataract is removed and the IOL is inserted and the procedure is completed with your incision being closed. A protective shield is placed over your eye to keep it safe while recovery occurs.

If you suspect your vision is starting to turn gray and cloudy, get into have an eye exam sooner than later.  Cataracts that are caught early are more receptive to treatment which can lead to better outcomes.  Each patient will recover at their own pace however in most cases you will see an improvement in your vision.  Some patients report a glare or halo around bright lights which often disappear within a month.  This is a very rare complication.

If you are looking to reduce or even get rid of your eye glasses and/or contacts let us at Rohr Eye & Laser Center help you! We offer several types of LASIK eye surgery including PRK, AK, CK, Cataracts surgery and more. We perform all these eye laser treatments with state-of-the-art equipment. We are a leader in laser vision correction, and our goal is to help you achieve superior vision. Contact us today or view our website to schedule an appointment.

Preventing Roof Damage from Heat and Humidity

Your homes roof is under constant attach from several fronts.  If you are not careful you can end up with costly repairs that could have been avoided.  You may be surprised to know that wind and hail, normal weather elements that we associate with roof damage are not the biggest threats to your homes roof.  In fact, the two factors that can do far more extensive damage are heat and humidity.

It is wise to hire a roofing contractor to perform a yearly inspection on your homes roof.  This will help homeowners catch potential dangers in the homes attic and rafters before it becomes overwhelming and costly to repair.  Roofing contractors are experienced in seeking out damage that is caused from excessive heat and moisture build up.  If they find you are dealing with potential roof damage they can remedy the situation before you as a homeowner ends up with a costly repair.

Hidden Damage Caused by Heat

While roof vents are installed to help prevent damage caused by the buildup of excessive heat if the vents do not work properly you could end up with the rafters, decking material, and roof joists damage caused by expansion due to the heat. The sun can also cause damage to the flashing whether it is made or metal or plastic, this could lead to moisture getting in. The heat can also cause the shingles on your house to shrink and this could lead to the nails to pop and this will allow more moisture to get.

Hidden Damage Caused by Excessive Moisture

Moisture that can penetrate your roof and getting into the attic space can end up doing a surprising amount of damage to your home. Unless you are someone who goes up into the attic frequently, it may be quite some time before you are able to discover the problem. There are two major issues that can be caused by excessive moisture: mold and condensation.

Mold Damage

When moisture gets into your attic space from under your roof the damage could remain hidden for many years. The excessive moisture can easily cause mold to begin growing on the all the wood and sheetrock where ever it can get in. Depending on how long it takes to find the damage it could end up causing extensive damage to your home before you have any idea.

Excessive Condensation

Damage caused by condensation is generally is thought to come from bathroom vents that have allowed the warm, moist air to get into the attic area. It can also come from leaking dryer venting system that allows the warm air to also enter the attic. If you have noticed any mold growth you would want to eliminate the mold and then add additional insulation.

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.